Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    edited May 2017
    Esiotrot!! Wonderful suggestion Jackie. I found a YouTube video as there is not a DVD compatible with players here. Granted I have an old player. I have heard that Region may no longer be an issue with a new player. Anyway thank you so much.

    I am afraid I have to join the majority and go for the "people's choice" garden. I think it is lovely. And a good time was had by all! I cannot believe you are on to another project already. Astounding!

    And Sandy is home but not AT HOME today. What a wonderful time you are having with family and friends.

    Buzz and Anne, thank you for all the background and history! Hummm, yes, one big country? Maybe too big? Justin is quite attractive and doesn't Tweet all the time, I would be good with that.

    I do remember Harry and the Snowman. Quite touching. I am not associated with Boston but really have no desire to watch that movie. I am sorry you are a bit blue after the Memorial Day mural Buzz. What a handsome fellow he was.

    Take care everyone. Back to the routine tomorrow with Mah Jongg in the morning.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    my weekend did not go as i plan. mt feet and legs all swollen with blisters on them so had to keep my legs and feet prop up all weekend.But seems better now

    I am so sorry Marie. I hope it is better and stays that way.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    We are into a rather sultry, steamy weather system so although it looks like it might pour with rain any time none is forecast so my washing machine is on the go with fingers crossed. Our usual walk was pleasant but on the way home I dropped in to see my housebound neighbour but was disappointed to discover she's not there so I'll have to pop in when her son is home to find out what's happened. With all the work going on here and then my visit to London I hadn't been in for a couple of weeks. Oh well, she'll be in the best place I'm sure even if it's hospital for some reason.

    Sandy ~ You living happily in Chicago must mean you enjoy the sight of tall, upright structures so I can certainly see you would like the judges choice as well as the pretty blooms in the English garden. :D A cookout.... is that what I know as a barbecue? I'm sure you will have had a wonderful time, especially seeing the boys again, My kitchen is small so no great task and even the ceiling is low so being tall I can stretch up without climbing and won't overdo things.

    Anne ~ Yes I saw the Royal Bank of Canada stand and everyone on there was typically Canadian friendly and having a good laugh with a few drinks, not with the public though!! Another stand I thought you'd like so took a photo was a depiction of the Yorkshire coast which was so clever in its confined space
    That Canadian Prime Minister who enjoyed a drink to make himself more pleasant sounds like Churchill although not sure his brandy made him any more likeable!! Courgettes (zucchini) plants do have large leaves and you'll need room for them to trail across your garden but it's quite acceptable to cut off any leaves that get too big.... be strict!

    Marie ~ You did the right thing to put your feet up and relax rather than go out and about. Hopefully today the swelling is down. <3

    Buzz ~ Your holiday meals always sound amazing and irresistible so I'm sure I'd have the same quandary to deal with... to eat or not!! While we were away my friend and I found ourselves hooked on Costa Coffee's carrot cake and even purchased a large slice each to enjoy on the homeward journey and luckily there were just 2 left in the display cabinet although the girl who served us nearly accidentally dropped one on the floor, then when we left the hotel foyer where we'd been we heard the girl calling "Mrs Carrot Cake, please ma'am!!" because she'd forgotten to give us plastic forks to eat with. She apologised that her English wasn't so good but we had a good laugh with her about it. We're now Mrs Carrot Cakes! Have you seen the movie "Secretariat" which is another stunning movie about horses? I'm not particularly into horses but that true story has everything going for it including the era when women were expected to be nothing more than housewives!

    Lin ~ Sorry, I didn't think about DVD's and their regions but assumed it would be available to you. Perhaps that's why you haven't come across it before. As for my kitchen project, my plan is to finish it in the next 2 days and since I'm now living in such a mess with so much removed and scattered in my dining room it will be done!! After that, back to my ever growing garden although I've seen a small ad in a local paper about a lady who's just moved into the area who does gardening jobs for people so since my man hasn't returned this year I'll see what she can do to help.

    My coffee is finished so no excuses, I'll go to my kitchen with paintbrush in hand!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne ~ How about this structure on your front lawn? It was in the public area in front of the Canadian stand.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited May 2017
    LOVE THE YORKSHIRE GARDEN JACKIE, so pretty! The Canadian geese are pretty nifty as well! I think the display would take up ALL of my front lawn! But I don't need it really because the real thing often waddles over! COURGETTES!!!!! NOW I know what zucchinis are, lol. Why the two names I wonder! I shall bamboozle all our friends here talking about courgettes from now on just for fun. I guess courgettes might be French?
    Just taking shorty for a walk, but first, must transfer the Yorkshire coastal garden to my album of favourite things. Big thank you.
    Must add, when Churchill was asked how he had managed to live so long considering the booze, he replied "I've kept fit by being a standard bearer at all my dead friends funerals". Now there's a thought, CHEERS!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Whoops, just got back from our walk as the heavens opened just in time for the little ones going to school. No wonder my COURGETTES are taking off, lol. No towel drying for once! I'm getting faster on my feet.....maybe.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    edited May 2017
    Ha, sorry I used our word for those summer squash. Didn't occur to me to type courgette/zucchini. I usually get some from my CSA each year and they branched out a bit last year and found some odd type of zucchini that is not green but they swear it is not yellow squash as we know it here. My first box delivery is this Thursday. Wahoo!

    I love the Yorkshire coast garden. Astounding variety in that space. Lovely. Meanwhile, we see too many Canada geese everyday so pass on the art! Haaaaa.

    Best wishes in wrapping up the kitchen project. I live in chaos most of the time as I putter from project to project. I do seem to know where things are though. So far at least.

    Anne, good for you staying dry and Jackie I hope your laundry dried properly. Carrot cake. Oh my, one of my old favorite things although anything sweet is just dandy with me. Oh my, what if she would have dropped that piece? Quelle horreur.

    Need to move along. Lovely morning here. If I go and clean my glasses I suspect I will enjoy it even more.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :) Since yesterday was a holiday, today is laundry day and playing catch-up on my computer. I will probably have to go grocery shopping but as much as I hate it, I will see. Our cook out or barbecue was delicious and I was good on my choices. The men and the moms took Robby and his cousin fishing while the two grandma's (Lisa's mom) watched the three four month old babies, two of which are twin girls. It wasn't easy as the girls are much more fussy than Max who is really good as long as he is being held. lol I felt sorry for Lisa's mom who will be watching the twins and their older 3 year old brother two or three times a week. She spent a lot of time on her knees on the floor because it is too hard to get up and down. The babies lay on a blanket on the floor with lots of toys but I really think it is too much for her. I am really happy that Lisa is a stay at home mom because I don't think I could handle two kids, although I agreed to sit for them once a week because my son and Lisa joined a volley ball league. :p

    Lin, you made me laugh with your eye glass remark! I had some great zucchini at Olive Garden for Zack's graduation dinner. It was made with cheese and went well with my chicken dinner.

    Anne, glad you made it home before the heavens opened up on you. How is your son doing with his kidney stones?

    Jackie, although I live in suburb of Chicago we still do have tall buildings but I love the pictures of England and their gardens. The geese not so much.

    Marie, you made my day with your welcome back on Facebook, thank you. I do hope your legs are better today but keep them up and take care of yourself. We all love you!!

    It seems I have so much to do with so little time or am I just lazy? Have a great day!

    One Day at a Time

    I love this picture of Max!!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    What a happy little babe SANDY! Like you I feel sorry for the grandma looking after two babies and a three year old. What really worries me is the fact she has trouble standing up. If the three year old gets into trouble how can she move quickly enough to avoid an accident, and especially if she is changing one of the two 3 month olds as well. I think it is too much for us once we reach our seventies. I mentioned the other day Marks friend who has damaged his spine badly falling down the stairs. It turns out he went into a coma, hence the fall, and he's only 55. I know I shouldn't poke my nose into someone I don't even know life, but please ask her to think twice. Rather than the mother going out to work, could grandma contribute a little cash instead for her to stay home and look after her own little ones? Once a week for a couple of hours is great though in your own case and more fun than hard work.
    Marks still hanging into his kidney stone we THINK. No pain at the moment so is it stuck somewhere or actually dissolved? He has an ultrasound this week when all should hopefully be revealed.
    Sorry to be an interfering old bat, but I worry about the children!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Wow, such an interesting forum today with so many posts I've run out of time for comments as dinner approaches! ANNE, now I must go back to the WAR of 1812 since except for the music, I forgot everything. That Overture is all I recall and I figured it was another attack on one of our neighbors to the south! Wouldn't life be great without greed and men/boys getting to use all those hormones dreaming of new conquests? I really don't know the answers any more! MARIE, if those blisters continue, make sure your doctor takes a look. Cellulitis can resemble blisters, bur requires care. JACKIE, hope your missing neighbor is OK! SANDY, what a sweetheart Max is! LIN, you have really learned to use your time well, and have become interested in so many things! Yet you remember all sorts of details!
    I spent too long today relearning techniques for solving Sudoku puzzles, and changing approaches is not that easy for me to unlearn and relearn! And about the wonderful mural, I loved looking at all the service people along with Mike who had gone off to save the world, and what fun it was trying to match the pictures with the people we knew or know now. One of the women was a gorgeous Army nurse and we had several female Marines!!! And thank you, yes, Mike's picture was a very handsome young Air Corps member. It became the Air Force after WW2!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Well, if this is the best day of the week according to our weather forecasters I'm not confident about us seeing the sun by Friday. Dismal is the best description! Dear George has an upset tummy after his stay with friends in spite of me asking them not to give him extras so not only have I showered but he's had a thorough bottom wash and trim!!

    Anne ~ We have visits from Canada geese that generally either herald the start of winter when they fly off or Spring on its way when they return so you can imagine we were a little perturbed yesterday in the woods when a small V-shaped group flew over squawking all the way but decided someone's dog must have disturbed them on the local lake. The knack with your courgettes will be to pick them before they hide under one of those large leaves and transmogrify into a torpedo. That's my new word learned today when I was checking spelling of transmute so now you have to see if you can include it in a sentence when chatting to family about your courgettes!! :D

    Lin ~ Last year I bought a pack of courgette seeds that produced a mix of green, striped, yellow and even round veggies so don't be put off, they really are what they say! In the end it did rain on my washing but the sun appeared around 5pm and was warm enough to take the worst of the dampness out before I hung it on an airer in my cottage. IF that carrot cake had hit the floor I'm sure we would still have indulged!!

    Sandy ~ Grandma will have to find a safe area off the floor when she's looking after babies rather than clamber up and down otherwise she might hurt herself so no sitting will be done! Max is looking as gorgeous as ever!

    Buzz ~ Something must have been in the air in 1812 because I think the music you know is probably the overture celebrating Russia defeating Napoleon's armies in that year. There again perhaps something was going on south of the States too!

    It's gone midday for me so I'd better get on with my paintbrush and finish the kitchen with a 2nd coat.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I looked up 1812 overture and came upon this explanation...

    For the past 30+ years, Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture has been performed during countless United States Independence Day celebrations, due largely in part to an exhilarating performance by the Boston Pops in 1974, conducted by Arthur Fiedler. (In an effort to increase ticket sales, Fiedler choreographed fireworks, cannons, and a steeple bell choir to the overture. Tchaikovsky himself called for the use of cannons in his score.) Since then, orchestras all over the USA quickly followed suit, and it became a tradition to perform the overture on Independence Day.

    Now, many American’s believe that Tchaikovsky’s overture represents the USA’s victory against the British Empire during the War of 1812, however, Tchaikovsky’s music actually tells the story of Napoleon’s retreat from Russia in 1812. In fact, Tchaikovsky even references the French national anthem La Marsillaise and Russia’s God Save the Tsar within the overture.

    Explains a lot!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Thank you Jackie! What interesting information on the Tchaikovsky piece. The music is so stirring that no matter the historical basis it will long be enjoyed but I appreciate knowing the original intent.

    Ugh, soggy weather and a sick pup. What a day! May your painting go well and I hope it dries nicely. The few times I painted I would set up a box fan to keep the air moving. Worthwhile? I do not know but it made me feel that I was doing something.

    Okay, I feel better knowing the world of zucchinis has expanded into a myriad of colors. I think tomorrow we are mostly getting greens which is fine.

    I hope everyone has gotten some rest. I received an email this morning reminding us that we need rest each day to recharge and replenish ourselves just as we need food and water. If not, we may not be as healthy as we might be and may in fact become ill. Just a nag note from me.

    Take care, off to Tai Chi/Qigong.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Oh boy, the pup full of leash tugging with her teeth and now zoomies round and round the homestead. Full of beans you might say. We've just done a bit of weed pulling and the courgettes are zooming upwards to match Jill's zoomies. They are supposed to be the green ones. We will see! The potatoes look as if they will sprout flowers soon. Onions, beets and carrots flourishing. I may yet have to have a "for sale"
    garden produce stall. Incredible. These high containers appear to be keeping the bunnies out. Michael is already talking of next year and expanding the plot, but of course he only supervises!
    Hope George is feeling much better. Jill also appears to only get sick when well meaning folk around. Twice in her short life.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    edited May 2017
    Happy Wednesday! :) Thinking of going to pool although the temp is under 70 but the sun is hot! Tonight is bingo and I really hope I win since I spent a lot on my trips.

    Not a lot to say so will check in tomorrow.

    Have a great day!!
    One Day at a Time

    Decided to stay in and watch Hidden Figures since I got a free movie from Comcast.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Well, I really grew up listening to our besotted conductor leading Boston Pops outdoors under the evening stars by the famous Shell every July 4th, and yes, I knew Tchaikovsky was not the one who added everything in addition to the cannons, but it was always such fun...who cared? And I bet I was not alone in my ignorance concerning which war of 1812 was being honored! We were busy munching away alongside the beautiful Charles River to really care. So I'm grateful to my dear friends JACKIE and ANNE for adding to my education!
    Just put in an order for those fantastic dark chocolate dipped strawberries for when my kids come at the end of June! These Edible Arrangements are beyond belief, and everyone I've gifted has been ecstatic in their reviews! Me, too. And they reward the buyer with a free box of 12 fruits after 3 orders ( Actually, they overcharge originally so you have to watch carefully when ordering!)
    Dinnertime again, and today I must get ready! Hugs to everybody...
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jerry father day gift. he relly needs it and he loves it maa5qrwd9m3ysc.jpg
    kes him fill like he has his ibdepent back.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Two people this week have asked if they can buy "your lovely, friendly little pup!"

    No way!

    But I'll have to keep an eye on the little munchkin.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Great clock Marie! <3

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited June 2017
    Oh my gosh, ANNE, never let that little love out of your sight!!!
    Super clock, MARIE. We all probably could use such a great reminder! How are your legs?
    LIN, super that you have Tai Chi/Qigong available. Totally serene!
    <3 Buzz