Senior Golden Sneakers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited May 2017
    Thank you Lin. no I have nit got my log in days back yet. Cook enougt for me too. hoevedr tese Mels on eels re pretty good.. Sure beat a back ache from stndin on my feet.hugs marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited May 2017
    Alice lome a strager one off Jerryerry flamingo for a birthday party. in returning the bird bough us a big hunk o cake.
    Alice I ate your half / Was very good.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Alice lome a strager one off Jerryerry flamingo for a birthday party. in returning the bird bough us a big hunk o cake.
    Alice I ate your half / Was very good.

    Cute cake!!!!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited May 2017
    Early morning here, and still drizzling. Rained all day yesterday and when me and poor Jilly finally crawled out of our cosy house we had a peer in the veggie containers and my zucchini are through after only 6 days. The potatoes like little Topsy "just grew and grew" and the only things still thinking about it are the onions.

    Mark and Mary Jo waded and hobbled over. Mark no longer thinking about his kidney stone which has gone dormant for the moment with no pain, but to compensate for this and so he doesn't get too complacent he put his back out at the gym lifting weights. Mary Jo had twisted something practising yoga. Hence the hobbling. Their friend is in real trouble, and I mean real trouble, because he was carrying a fridge or something downstairs and he and the something both tumbled down together. I bet there are more casualties in ERs during long weekends than at any other time.

    All this makes me at 81, and the only elder left of the whole bunch, the fittest of all my known 40 and 50 year olds (touch wood) because neighbour Darren was complaining of back pain after all the gardening, boulder moving and dandelion pulling.

    Michael the eldest of this group at 55 and who's been through all this earlier wisely said the problem in your fifties is you think you are still young and haven't accepted a changing body which is probably true for me as well for in those years I broke a wrist falling down stairs and an ankle later leaping girlishly over rocks.

    The moral of all this is as long as we can remain upright old age isn't so bad after all!

    Have an accident free day all you young 'uns!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Here I am, not feeling 100% but doing my best to ignore the discomfort! A friend told me yesterday she had a similar bug not too long ago and it stayed with her for 3 weeks, something I'd have preferred not to hear!! It appears we're heading for a mini heatwave in England so on our usual stroll through woods and across the open fields my friend and I made new wardrobe plans for our trip to London and the Chelsea Flower Show on Friday because it will be around 30c in the city. Very light slacks and tops have been dug out from a drawer and thrown in the wash to freshen them and that's all I'm going to worry about because we travel back on Saturday via a wonderful Royal Horticultural garden called Wisley and the last time I visited it was 108f although that was about 20 years ago!!

    Buzz ~ Thank you for your concern and I must say that feeling blah meant not going near the internet yesterday but at least spending a little time in the sunshine doing no more than potter. Often I check in here before I go to bed but late last night I found myself watching the movie The Homesman with Tommy Lee Jones and Hilary Swank which is a Western about a woman who agrees to travel across Nebraska to collect 3 other women who have been driven insane by their harsh existence and deliver them to some sort of sanctuary. To call it depressing would be an understatement but I was sticking with it in the hope Tommy Lee Jones' character would suddenly become comical or the 3 women would declare they weren't actually insane but just wanted to get away from their not too pleasant husbands. By midnight and with still an hour to go I decided to hit the record button and go to bed so I will perhaps finish viewing it one rainy afternoon. This is not a movie I'd recommend to anyone and wonder why it was ever made but can only hope the ending is upbeat.... I have my doubts!!

    Anne ~ So sorry your chicken turned out to be a bit of a monster and hope you're feeling a lot better. In the UK we've been warned many times to avoid store cooked birds because of the high risk of contamination, something to do with the way they're intensively bred, but I can see the temptation to save time and effort. A couple of weeks ago a charity collecting clothes for refugees found £1000 wrapped in an old sock that was probably thrown out in a house clearance and after doing their best to find the owner were told by authorities they could keep the money. I will now be visiting jumble sales and unrolling all the pairs of socks just in case!! :D:D

    Marie ~ Wow, what a cheerful cake and I can see why you'd enjoy it!

    Lin ~ I noticed last night a new Grantchester series is on which I know you enjoy and have to say from the few snippets I've seen I wish I'd watched from the beginning. Now I'll have to buy a box set! I'm also loving the 2nd series of Versailles which is all about King Louis XIV of France and the claustrophobic environment he created in his palace causing many in his court to turn on each other. It's fascinating because true and now I'll have to search out Series One!!

    Sandy ~ Bon voyage!! Hopefully it won't rain on you in DC but at least you should have good weather in Florida..... I'm sure Buzz can arrange something. B)

    Nearly lunchtime and then I'm going to visit the allotment to plant runner beans mostly because next door has a builder working on removing render from the outside walls of their cottage and he's using a cutting grinder machine that's been screaming at us since before 8 o'clock. Poor George is woofing and grumbling so it's a shame I can't take him with me.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member

    Will be in touch!!

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Have a few minutes before workman arrives for some maintenance, so quick comments.
    SANDY, rain or not, have a great trip Celebrations are so important and best to ignore the weather!
    ANNE, I will keep your observations in mind, except my achilles tendon today is reminding me it is almost 90!!! Yesterday, it was something else, but I can't remember what!!!
    JACKIE, I saw that movie some time ago, and recall it really angered me at the way women were treated then! I forgot the title though My cursor is suddenly jumping all over the place Glad you can get to flower show...Feel better!
    <3 Buzz (Lost control )
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Good evening, cooking all done, trip to the Post Office, email cleaned out a bit, established a patient portal account with my doctor's practice and got all the results from my recent tests. Finished reading a book and started another one. Oh, and I did a bit of playing with the powdered water colors. Yep, made another mess! Haaa

    Marie, that was a cute cake. I hope it was as tasty as it was colorful!

    Sandy, off on another adventure. Good for you. May Florida be sunny and warm.

    Jackie, some travel coming up soon for you as well. I trust you will be 100% by then.

    Buzz, I hope the maintenance visit was successful and all was completed.

    Anne, we are back to rain tonight or tomorrow they say. Wahoo. Not we need it at all. Several roads are closed due to flooding. Argh!!

    Time to gather up trash since tomorrow is pick-up day.

    Wishing every one much happiness.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    JACKIE, I just saw the attack on the stadium in Manchester, and I think you live quite a distance from it, but I'm nevertheless nervous about your well-being. Just nod if good and cross your fingers if you are nearby!
    Dell took care of my touchpad problem and reminded me that Microsoft had just downloaded a new update, and it dawned on me that I should have expected trouble, 'cause it always arrives following a dratted UPDATE !!! Sure enough, that's what happened this morning when my cursor started flying off the texts! That, and a letter from Social Security saying they are withholding part of my August income because MY check bounced! Yes, the check I sent them last November, when they said they overpaid me (so I returned it), and then they took it out anyway in September (but never cashed my check) so in March I called and they told me to void it and stop payment, since it must have gotten lost. I did just that, and today I got a letter saying since my check bounced, they will withhold part of my August check! Half a year late and they said void it, and now they are withholding it! They're insane! Count to 10, Barbara, and hold your breath before throwing a tantrum!!!
    ANNE, I wanted to comment on something you said, but everytime I go back, I lose this page!
    So forgive, but I forget what it was!!!
    Oh, well, they tell me I don't have Alzheimers so whatever it is, my memory did not return as it used to be, so I'l say Goodnight. Ah yes, I'm here because of that darn terrorist attack in the UK, where our dear JACKIE resides! What is going on ?????
    :'(<3 Buzz

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Is anyone else having problems with posting tonight? This is the only website where my cursor jumps all over ! I think I would never leave willingly, but this website is badgering me!
    : <3
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Buzz ~ Thank you for thinking of me when you heard of that insane attack at a kids music concert in Manchester last night which although many miles from me doesn't lessen my heartache at such a brutal and evil act. I like to think I'm informed and sometimes sympathetic when it comes to causes around the world but find it incomprehensible that someone would stand amongst laughing, excited young children and pick a moment to look in their faces and murder them in such a vicious way. I suppose I'd have to be psychotic with murder in my heart to begin to understand so accept I never will.
    Automatic updates on my computer are something I hate to see happening because they always bring problems with them so apart from restarting my laptop I'm generally at a loss! Gosh, I think you'd need to count to 100 rather than a miserly 10 before contacting your social services about their latest *kitten* up (I'm betting Microsoft will take that term as a rude one when it's an historical naval one!!). Good luck with it although even I would be shouting by now!!

    The page has turned and like Buzz I can't remember exactly what was posted on the other side so will go back to dealing with Brady and his latest trophy.... another poor mouse, George trying to steal it off him now in the garden which is better than under the sofa where it was first thing and then get myself out to the shops for a few items. Our heatwave in Cornwall is holding off as the mist drifted in from the sea but at least it's warm and my garden is practically steaming. Here's a photo taken in between chasing Brady!!

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    "kitten" up!!!! Nothing like the word used but at least it gave me my first smile of the day!!!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited May 2017
    Heartbroken about the attack in Manchester. I know Manchester pretty well because that's the airport I use when I travel to Yorkshire and also the close by railway station and hotels I've used when flight departures and arrivals not compatible with train etc schedules. Heartbroken. More later,
    Love Anne.
    Just want to add the Manchester people I've known and met are warm, and caring, and humorous and welcoming.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Beautiful garden picture Jackie. And all trophies from your darling ones should be left outdoors. Haaaa. Under the sofa! Oh, is the blooming plant in the front left an azalea? Rhododendron? Something else altogether? I love the color.

    Buzz, I missed the news last night so got some rest before hearing of the horrid event. Crazy people are everywhere and seemingly more evil ones each day.

    I was going to say that I am watching "The Yorkshire Vet" on Acorn TV and am enjoying it although each episode shows a poor animal in distress. It is a bit gruesome and sometimes they do not save the animal but the vets are so skilled and compassionate that watching is worthwhile.

    Mah Jongg this morning so must move along.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited May 2017
    Jackie the most beautiful garden anywhere. Just lovely I feel like our friends have been attack Thanks god you are safe Hugs sweetie such a dear friend to all of us.- Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I still can't get my days back. If anyonw knowa what i am doin wrong let me know.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    MARIE, I don't know if this still works, but I have used it and it worked.

    Try copying it and then paste it in an email, maybe?
    <3 Buzz

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    JACKIE, your garden is magnificent! Your remarks on the latest outrage by hooligans are head on perfect! Why would anyone sympathize with these "losers" (with an unexpected bow to you know who!). Something surely went wrong somewhere in their lives! we all weep for the poor victims :'(
    <3 Buzz
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member

    click on this and the correct number of days should be in the box

    Then click on the word "submit" right under the box