Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,196 Member
    edited May 2017
    Off to meet my friend to chatter. The air conditioner is serviced (and running full speed). My friend's husband died early this morning. Most everything is planned for the funeral except the date/time.

    Hugs. Enjoy the day to the best of your ability, I will.

    Lin <3
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Happy Monday!! :) Pushing laundry day to Friday this week so everything will be clean when I pack for my trip. I too, have a service man coming to check the A/C for summer. My landlady does it twice a year once for summer and once for winter. So I swear I am jinxed when it comes to diamonds. I noticed when I was at the boys house yesterday that I am missing one of my small diamonds on my wedding ring, can you believe that? I will be calling the jeweler today to find out how much he will give me to buy back the earring and then will tell him I have another repair for a lost diamond. It shouldn't be much, it is a small diamond. Maybe I shouldn't wear diamonds and stick to costume jewelry.

    Lin, I am so sorry about your friend's husband, prayers for all of you. Please do enjoy your day, you so deserve some happiness.

    Patsy, so happy you had a great Mother's Day and calories don't count on holidays!!

    Anne, I can't believe Mark still is suffering with his kidney stone, what are the doctors doing for him? There is a medicine that helps pass them but it is really expensive. Has he considered having them laser the stone to break it up and dissolve? Your boys are so good to you, you have done a wonderful job in raising them to be wonderful sons. See post to Patsy about calories, even if Mothers Day was celebrated in the states it still counts.

    Mae, with all that goes on in your life you have a wonderful attitude. I am so sorry about your son and grandson moving out and your sister in laws heart attack. So happy your nephew was there to help you and the bridal shower went well. If I am not prying did you get the results of your biopsy? You hang in the Mae some times when life gives you lemons you can make lemonade and enjoy.

    Buzz, so sorry you missed your Facetime call with your son but happy all the kids plus Mike's wished you a happy mothers day.

    Jackie, must be busy with her outside chores!!!

    Have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hello, me again with a quick reply to SANDY. Mark tells me he's been given no medication to remove stones here. Just told to drink lots of water to naturally remove. However if no results by next week he will see a specialist for the next step. He has a trip to Europe in July so I really hope they or it are a memory by then. 52 and here's me worrying the same as when he was 4 and had badly infected tonsils removed. Some things never change!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Sorry, fell asleep in my recliner and was oblivious of time. Now I Must get to bed (please forgive all my typos; I can't see straight!)
    Happy to see MAE back, Sorry about LIN's friend's husband's passing. "Nite all!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2017
    Oh dear, how I remember this sort of weather not so long ago.... soaking drizzle and low cloud or mist, what we call mizzle!! The morning walk was twice round the woods under the canopy but even so we all got very wet as huge droplets off the leaves hit us as we strolled and caught up on news because yesterday bright an early an electrician followed by plumber arrived to install a new shower so I took George out later just around the village. A fresh brew of coffee was waiting in my mother's 1970's percolator and although they had to almost climb over each other in my small shower room all was good humored. Unfortunately the electrician didn't have the right wall switch so had to order one but will hopefully be back today to finish the wiring. In Cornwall everything is "manana"!!

    Buzz ~ My new reclining chair and sofa arrive in about a month's time so I shall be falling asleep all the time!! It does sound as if your internet system needs updating if an event like Mothering Sunday grinds everything to a halt as I remember the days when I couldn't get online if my next door neighbour was on the internet. Thank goodness things have moved on.

    Mae ~ From my experience I've found some events that have crept up without me seeing them and so disrupted what I felt was a contented lifestyle have usually, in retrospect, been for the good so although I completely understand how you're feeling right now about the changes occurring I'm hoping you too will look back in a while and feel it was for the best. As Anne says, absence really does make the heart grow fonder and you are going to be missed unless regular visits take place. Meanwhile your nephew is a star to be so supportive as he obviously helps out with chores so no rush to head for a retirement facility!

    Sandy ~ Diamonds are for wearing, not stashing away and accidents happen so let's hope that missing stone will suddenly appear in the middle of your carpet one day soon!! No outdoor chores in the mizzle even though when I let George out late last night to chase off a cat that had Hebe running through the catflap like the devil was after her I noticed in the torchlight an army of garden snails on the move looking to destroy any young plants so there's plenty to be done out there to remove their hiding places!!

    Anne ~ We've done the same at the allotment only because I forgot to plant onions last Autumn and with your weather being so much warmer I'm sure you can get seeds up and running very quickly whereas I went with sets. Great news that Mike may have found someone and hopefully she'll appreciate what she's got and treat him better than the last lady in his life! For all that tell him mother knows best so you'll need to meet her soon!! ;) Mentioning mothers, my understanding of Mothering Sunday is the same as yours, it was a religious event during Lent when people returned to the church they were baptised as they considered it a sort of mother church and this then extended to appreciating their true mothers with flowers and homemade cards. Like all religious events it got hijacked by commercial businesses.

    Lin ~ How sad that you've lost another friend to cancer and in such a short space of time after his diagnosis but perhaps a happy release for him. I send loads of hugs to you as you find yourself once again supporting a friend in need. <3

    Patsy ~ What a treat for you and John that your daughter visited on Sunday when you hadn't thought it would happen and I can tell from your post you're feeling more upbeat. George is tiny compared to your Katie and I know how much time I spend grooming his coat when it's longer so can only imagine how much work goes into a curly Lab!! Even with our wet weather George is so much happier and bouncy in his summer coat, it's as if a dead weight has been lifted off his back and that was only 2 months growth!

    Marie ~ Dear Missy, what a cute dog she is and I'm so glad she's finally settling in with you. How are you doing with those ribs?

    Brr, I'm getting chilly sitting here so will get the ironing board out to get my 2nd hand ebay curtains ready for hanging. Yoga this evening but nothing else planned.... what a treat!

    Everyone have a peaceful and contented day.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited May 2017
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hello girls. Isn't it lovely! I've been notified by email and warned by my "server" Bell, that they have been hacked and over one million accounts have had their information and addresses illegally assessed. That includes me. I'm not sure this will really have much affect on me but it's made me wary so I've decided to disappear for a week on both this site and emailing my friends. My server warns don't press any web sites that are unknown. This is an anonymous hacker, not the recent global little charmers.
    SANDY, you are the expert, any comments?
    Hugs to all,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne, that happened to a friend of mine last year with her server Talk Talk but she was told the hackers will be after bank details if not trying to hold the server to ransom so don't be too concerned because you're probably like me and don't bank online. Also watch out for a phone call from anyone purporting to be from Bell after this and needing to get into your computer.... another con my friend came very close to falling for!!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Thanks for responding JACKIE. To be honest it would be like getting blood out of a stone as far as cash and definitely not worth anyone's time. Whilst on the subject, the "police" are phoning and threatening me again about tax papers. You would think they would give up this year after all the publicity last year! I also received 4 calls yesterday about having my ducts cleaned! All from men with strong Indian accents and named John, Bill etc. Didn't know western names were so popular in the east!
    All this criminal activity! Thank goodness we Sneakers get pleasure from simple things like watching our seedlings grow!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    edited May 2017
    Happy Tuesday! :) I am meeting a friend for lunch, one that used to live next door to Babe and I. She remains friends with Phil's wife so it should be an interesting lunch. I haven't seen her in over a year, but she was always a sweetheart before she moved to a different area.

    As far as the hacking Anne, I would change my passwords to your email and the one to your server. I just saw on the news about the global hackers holding sites for ransom. It did say most of the sites being hacked were using old versions of Windows or pirated versions which don't have the support to protect against such hackers. Just listen to Jackie and if anyone calls you don't give any information. I think you are safe especially if you don't use online banking like I do. Changing you email password is a must so you don't send any virus on to anyone else. If you have a virus protector and a malware protector run both of those as well. And don't forget to restart your device.
    Hope that helps.

    I have call waiting and I don't answer any number I don't recognize, if it is important they will leave a message for me to call back.

    Enjoy your day!!
    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hi ho gang! Well! This is a fine thing...hacking the senior sneakers! There are times when I feel like the bad people are just waiting around every corner waiting for us. I am sure that there are ways to deal with this apart from just going away. I use apple computers but John uses a PC. It appears that each of us have things we have to deal with.

    This entire Oregon coast dwellers are cranky and tired of the rain and cold. We here on this coast have had over 180 days of rain. Right now there is a drenching rainfall. It is upsetting on a very deep level. Will it ever stop? Will there be huge mud slides? I think I do get crazy at times. However we are all doing the same thing here while looking at the weather forecast and looking carefully at lakes and river levels.

    There is always something to worry about. There is also a lot of things to feel good about. John is making me a storage/work space for my sewing. I sew and mend on my painting table. The prep for shortening my jeans can be the reason I tend to roll up the hems. Not too classy!

    Oh by the way I bought a very old oil painting at auction. I think it was a study for a WPA project. Maybe for a library. It is dirty and damaged. Will need to find a restorer. I love the dreamy qua
    It's if the image. I will send photo as soon as I get it into better light.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,196 Member
    edited May 2017
    Hello Sneakers--

    I enjoyed Mah Jongg today and was thrilled to put together a rather difficult hand to win one round. Luck of the draw was with me! I also stopped by several delightful shops with unique items. Unfortunately both are going out of business with blame shifted to online shopping. I would never shop for many of the items in these stores as I did not know they exist!!! Yes, unique!! I purchased a birthday gift for a friend's August b'day. That is all. But it was fun.

    Sandy, I am like you. I do not pick up the phone if it is an unrecognized number. If it is legit someone will speak and I can pick it up or they will leave a message. I am receiving more and more calls on my mobile phone that are junk calls. It is difficult to avoid all the unwanted calls!

    Anne, I am sorry you are having issues but I tend to agree with Sandy. You are probably okay and if you change passwords, even better. Would you believe I have one email account that I @cannot@ change the password on my own? I have to contact the company, talk to a live representative and they will make a change. Yipes!

    Jackie, mizzle sounds very uncomfortable. I hope your manana really is just tomorrow and you will have your new switch soon. How do the new curtains look? Lovely I am sure.

    Sandy, sorry about the loss of another diamond. Maybe you need the prongs checked on all your jewelry? But I agree, jewelry is for wearing although I will admit I have a number of items that I do not wear since I wanted the diamonds set into a different necklace or ri f but am too cheap to spend the $$ needed for such a project.

    Patsy, I am glad you had an enjoyable Mother's Day. I have never looked into the background of this event. I have just accepted it is a Hallmark holiday like Grandparents' Day etc. A card for everything. But it is nice to remember special people.

    Wading into the onion issue. We always bypassed seed and planted onion plants each spring which grew into nice large bulbs during summer and the tops would start to die back. We would bend them over and then pull them and either leave them in the garden to dry or if it was wet we would spread them out over screens up on blocks so they were off the ground. Them we would bag them and put them in a cold basement. Darn good! Red onions, white onions and yellow onions. All delicious.

    Mae, I am sorry for the upset in your life. I hope you find ways to live where ever you want to live. Life is nothing if not surprising.

    Marie, love the puppy picture but am still concerned about you and your cracked ribs.

    Buzz, sorry you are having Internet problems. It is so frustrating. I have my fingers crossed that I will co it use to have relatively stable service this summer.

    So I need to add another errand to my list for tomorrow. Need to find pies for a donation to the funeral luncheon and need to take them to a specific location tomorrow evening as another person is going to wrangle all of the donations to the location where they will be served. I think the pies will be stale as they will not be served until Saturday morning but I am not in charge so I will do as told.

    Take care. Big hail risk for this evening. Please go around us storms!!


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited May 2017
    I lost my days do you think I sould bing it back up to date which I have no ideal how many days it was
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Bed time for me
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,196 Member
    Good nite Marie. <3
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    l, after hours of messing with my iPad in hopes of figuring out how to get Facetime on WiFi so my son might be able to call
    WHOOSH! It appeared including his name, number, and all the necessary items to talk to him (don't ask me why, because I have no idea how come it suddenly worked!) so I clicked on the video icon, heard his phone ring and there he was, lying in bed, sort of hacking away but denying he has pneumonia any more! So I asked what he meant by "any more" and he admitted that last month, when he was sent to San Antonio, he was quite ill with pneumonia! Never told ME about it! Anyway, we spoke over an hour and a half, and it was indeed wonderful. And he informed me he and his darling wife will be here next month for my birthday! I guess I should figure out what to do once my kids are here!
    I have enjoyed everybody's posts tonight, and wish I could comment on all, but my eyes are refusing to remain open! Sounds like everyone's Mothers' Day was pleasant to wonderful, and all the onions will be planted!!! I have my iPad charging, and I'm off to la-la land! And MARIE, go for it! You might explain you were ill!
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Marie when I click on your name it says your first visit wax December 2008! What does it say on your home page?
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another soaking walk this morning but still enjoyable as we met so many people doing the same in the woods, in fact there were more dogs than people and all getting on. One couple walked in with 5 dogs wearing amazing coats in pink, yellow, red, black and blue and George looked a little jealous because now he has his coat cut short I didn't bother to put his on! Last night's yoga class was interesting as we worked on self awareness and exercises to encourage our inner self to take more care of everything and here's the funny thing, our teacher told us if we found ourselves going to the loo too often especially at night, this will help and blow me this morning my usual 6.30 trip wasn't necessary even after a large glass of water before I went to bed! No joint pain anywhere either when normally this damp weather has me hobbling at times so yoga is certainly working for me!! As I've typed I've received my first "number withheld" phone call of the day and what I tend to do is answer, put on loudspeaker and then ignore them and get on with whatever I'm doing. This one was a recording but I couldn't tell you what about because I mentally tuned it out and left the line open for about 5 minutes which should stop them calling anyone else during that time.
    Anne, if you don't have a phone that shows you who's calling try doing the same, don't speak but walk out of the room and leave them to it for 5 minutes.... you'll be surprised how satisfying it can be!! I'm so pleased you've found the right onions to grow and can't wait to see how you get on with them... plenty of watering needed but that's about all.

    Buzz ~ What a treat to be able to Facetime your boy and have a proper catch up and certainly get to know what's really going on with his health.... he obviously didn't want to worry you about his pneumonia. Something to look forward to for your birthday too. :)

    Lin ~ My local town seems to be closing down shop by shop too and it's so sad to see but I suppose we have to accept internet shopping is now a way of life for so many of us. No doubt a future generation will come along and think what a wonderful idea to fill a street with a variety of shops that we can walk around in to see and feel products before buying. Won't that be a novelty for them!! I'm delighted with my curtains for summertime but will look out for a warmer, thicker pair for winter use.

    Patsy ~ Your latest art purchase sounds fascinating so I can't wait to see a photo although with the weather you're experiencing it could be some time before you find the right light to place it in!

    Sandy ~ Did you enjoy your lunch outing and get lots of inside information? Just kidding, I'm sure whatever you chatted about it was lovely to meet up again.

    A few projects in mind today, one is making up eleven frames with wax foundation for a 2nd beehive so it's set up for any wandering swarm that might fly in my direction. They come flat-packed and have to be put together with small pins hammered in.... quite a therapeutic little job. No sign of the electrician of course but with my self awareness and deep breathing I'm coping with the annoyance, sort of!!! :D


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Lisa is picking me up in about an hour to have some fun with the boys.
    Later I will bring my ring to jeweler to replace the diamond I lost and then on to bingo.
    In case I don't get back here, have a great day!!

    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Greetings sneakers! We are to have sun today...haven't seen it yet. Mainly fog and overcast. However, it is not raining. So that's good. Taking care of a few errands this afternoon. Katie is going along. She loves riding in the car. She unfortunately drools a lot when she smells any food items that I buy. Yuck!

    I saw a YouTube video that suggests taking soft white bread to clean paintings. I might do that just to get a better view of this old painting. It will still need to be restored. I would also love to learn more about the artist. This project has been fun. It is like a mystery. It obvious that this is a study for a larger art project.

    I am fearless about the big hacking thing. If everyone is hacked...then no one is really hacked. Change the password and change names and off we go! Should we do that here as well? Not sure. Any thoughts on that?