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Senior Golden Sneakers
Got up nice and early and got the bed made so I would be ready for the X-Ray technician and as he was running late, thought about making my delicious Irish steel-Cut oatmeal, which I often defer to some quicker breakfast. I made enough for a week! My X-Ray seemed to show strong bones with a well shaped joint, but it's bone on bone. No cartilage left at all. My WiFi is very skittish tonight; Mine is "unavailable" so I am on the Open House, which keeps going blue and disappearing. So I may not need surgery, which they hate to do on people of my advanced age. However, having been disturbed over my constant weight gain, I called my pharmacist and asked about this gabapentin. Not the culprit, he said. We finally figured out that due to arthritic pain. I've been taking 2 Aleve morning and evening, and it's affecting my kidney function! I won't continue! I cannot continue online, as it keeps breaking up and I've lost this post twice! Aloha, SANDY, and all you wonderful friends!
1 -
Good morning. Oh dear, our poor bones, or rather cartilages. Evolution didn't figure this one out did it.
Something weird happened to me in the middle of the night, I woke up as is my wont about 2 am and it was as if a curtain had lifted and past problems suddenly became crystal clear. No dear girls I won't bore you with the details but just wondered if any of you had suddenly realized the how's and why's of things buried away in the dusty depths of the old brain for decades. I think the ancients called it enlightenment? Michael had earlier text me a photo he'd found from 40 odd years ago and maybe that caused the nocturnal cogs and wheels to turn! Not much I can do with this new knowledge today but sort of comforting.
Down to earth we are faced with a few days of cold and the odd snow flurry the experts say, and then
"Spring, spring, the flowers that bloom in the spring". I had better start getting serious about losing a pound or two so I can get into my lighter spring pants, but also to take a bit of weight off my no doubt equally crumbling cartilages!
Ideas for lunch LIN? Your veggie dishes really appeal to me.
Happy SUNday.
Anne.0 -
Aches and pains abound it seems as our latest storm comes crashing in off the Atlantic bearing what is to me a rather incongruous name Freya. My joints seem well aware of her imminent arrival although it could also be to do with my restless night on the sofa. Decision made, I will try my proper bed tonight because according to medical advice I can now lie on the unoperated side which will be bliss if I get a decent night's sleep. The dogs have been walked between heavy showers so are taking a nap as I cook a batch of food for George.
Anne, perhaps you had a dream about the past that then hung in your consciousness enough to give you the feeling you woke with. Amazing how the brain works and no doubt that photo jarred a few memories so if it cleared away old concerns and cobwebs then brilliant.
Buzz, would ibuprofen gells help with your arthritic pain and avoid affecting kidney function? I really don't know but it might be worth looking into.
Patsy, it seems Katie and George have similar habits and conversations with the local wildlife. George gets very cross with a pair of pigeons that sit on a neighbour's shed roof and tease him and magpies get short shrift too. Currently it's the builder next door who feels the need to shout into his phone as if the recipient will hear him across the open country. As for old clothes, I call mine gardening gear as if that's an excuse!
Jeri, that's brilliant support and informative too. Althouth there are times ignorance is bliss, I feel cancer is best beaten when every bit of information is gathered and used as ammunition... no room left for doubts either.
George's food is cooked so a couple of phone calls to make. Hello to Lin... happy Sunday. I'm assuming Sandy is now in Hawaii sleeping off her flight!
Jackie0 -
Looks like Freya is the aftermath of all that wind and snow we had dumped on us a week ago JACKIE. Take heart yesterday's snow was nowhere near as bad! Interesting though, apparently we had more snow dumped on us in February than the full amount of a normal winter. This I can well believe!
Good wishes for your sleep tonight in your proper bed. How about a practice nap this afternoon?
Anne.0 -
Anne, I'm currently sitting with feet up waiting for a pasty to heat in the oven. No wonder I'm squeezing into my clothes! While I just chatted on the phone the tv was on with volume turned down so I took in Freya's predicted course but more interesting was a swirling white mass behind the presenters back and definitely in your vicinity. Hang on to the thought if we had no winter, the spring wouldn't be so pleasant!! Someone else said that... probably didn't live in Canada though!!
Jackie0 -
Good morning. Snow missed us yesterday and today. We are just frozen solid. I am going to stay indoors again today. I have just a bit left to finish on my St.Patrick’s Day cards. Then loads of paperwork, sorting and shredding is stacked up. A literal mountain!
Yesterday was a lovely day of visiting with kind people, a bit of work on my cards, and a surprise from a friend. She is clearing out all of her supplies. She doesn’t have room to keep things in her little apartment and she has decided to just stay with her paints and water color pencils. All of her card making supplies are going. It is difficult for her as I can well imagine. Anyway, yesterday she brought me her 3-ring binder of accumulated project ideas and associated clippings from expensive card making magazines collected over several years. It is very interesting and even if there is nothing I want to pursue I appreciate that she shared it with me. I have looked at a bit of it and wow, the products have changed over the last few years.
Jackie, back to your own bed sounds like real progress! I hope that it brings you more rest. Ah George, keeping everyone informed of any movements in the neighborhood. And if you did not want to know, too bad. How’s Betty getting along now? I hope her stomach is settled.
Anne, what can I say? Winter = Bad. I believe they said we had a record amount of snow in February as well. They said this morning that normally we should see highs in the 40’s F. Pipe dream this year. It is below zero, actual temperature this morning. More snow and cold expected later in the week and of course, more snow. I wonder if I will ever get back to church. How’s your little watch dog? Did you get out to shop on Friday? And I do not know what I will make today. I thought a batch of vegetable soup but I am not sure. I am hankering for a pot of gluten free spaghetti with red sauce and lots of cooked vegetables.
Buzz, steel cut oats are very good. I almost made some the other day but decided to cook quinoa instead. Cold quinoa, fresh blueberries and almond yogurt are delicious. So a cartilage issue. Would injections help with that? Or has that been tried?
Patsy, dear barking Katie. She does her best to control her world doesn’t she. I think you might need earplugs. Well, old sloppy clothes? Just my ticket. I am glad we are friends but equally as glad you cannot see me. Old Big Dogs t-shirt with a flannel shirt over it and a pair of black sports pants. That’s my attire for today. And most days. I even have a favorite old sweatshirt and felt itchy so I turned it inside out and wear it that way.
Jeri, your meeting sounds wonderful and I am so glad Ed went with you. Information, support and a feeling of purpose and control. Wahoo. I am so so glad you found this organization. Pamper away my friend.
I have my new iPad now and spent time trying to set it up and get adapted to it last evening. 2-factor authentication meant receiving and entering a lot of codes with many of the logins. I do believe the world is moving at a faster pace than I am these days. I feel like I am turning over lots of information to Apple!
Sandy, Happy warm days ahead for you. Enjoy!
Hello Marie, Diane, Karen and all the rest of our lovely Sneakers.
Lin0 -
Can I have a bit of a grouch. SANDY calls herself an enabler, well meet another one. I said earlier that I'd had enlightenment from the past and that's maybe why this worm is finally yelling enough!!
It all started when I first came to live here. The basement is finished and a friend's son wanted a place to live temporarily. Well, that 6 months or so turned into years and years of inconvenience mainly because the washer and dryer are down there. We finally had to literally turf him out.
Then Mikes marriage ended and he moved in with all his junk. Only for three years though, BUT he left the basement covered in storage boxes and old computers. He IS talking of removing stuff after me struggling for eight years to navigate it.
I've just had my younger son phone to let me know his and Mary Jos best friends are divorcing and the lady friend needs a basement or garage to store all her stuff in until she gets a place of her own. She's moving in with her sister at present. She doesn't get on with sister. Red flag for me!
"You and Mary Jo live in a huge house with 3 spare bedrooms, plus a huge finished basement and a whopping garage so why can't she store stuff with you", I ask. Lots of excuses as you can imagine. The usual, you don't have a car, you don't use the basement except for washing, we are renovating etc.
Am I mean not wanting to store yet someone else's junk again. By the way, I do pay rent and the bills etc even if the house does belong to my son.
My biggest concern is that these "temporary arrangements" turn into years and years and I would like to spend my final time here with only my own junk. Is this reasonable?
Would love to read your views on this. Am I being a mean old thing or not? Divorced friend rolling up in 2 hours to view basement along with Mark and DIL.
Anne the aggrieved.1 -
Would love to read your views on this. Am I being a mean old thing or not? Divorced friend rolling up in 2 hours to view basement along with Mark and DIL.
Anne the aggrieved.
I think you made the right decision. I agree this could again turn into years and you deserve to use that space for yourself.
1 -
Anne, it would be best to not have more dumped on you BUT I would take stuff in a heartbeat rather than a person wanting to move in.
Best wishes.
Lin1 -
It seems to me Anne each of us in our little group has either been or still does enable in one way or another because we feel more comfortable giving than receiving. Not a bad thing at all but it can mean our lives get bogged down by the problems of others when we'd maybe prefer not to get involved. I know it's happened to me in the past then I've felt guilty about my feelings of relief when finally extricated. I'd like to suggest you put your point to Mark just as you've made it here and at least get your feelings out in the open but know I'd probably struggle if it were me so it's a difficult one. One thing for sure, you owe it to yourself not to get caught up in a stranger's problems.
No help at all, sorry!
Jackie1 -
Thanks girls. It's just actually been resolved although it's left me feeling a bit guilty.
I think because of the strange dream I had or whatever, I was for once pretty strong in my wording with Mark. I've just had a text from him stating "no problem, we will think of something else".
I have the strangest feeling that because I was so adamant in not really wanting this woman's stuff I've let Mark and Mary Jo off the hook as well!! I will never know for sure I guess. I have met the friend in the past and I would put her in the strong self-opinionated category in all truth.
I'm sure you all know I would never say no to family or any of my close friends.
Very grateful for your opinions, especially when everyone is coping with their own problems.
Anne.1 -
I am cleaning out paper bit by it. My dear friends, this looks like weeks worth of work to toss, shred, organize, make files etc. Anyway, I started thinking about all the huge totes full of records in my basement that my dad’s accountant told me I should keep forever. All corporation records, banking information, tax returns, etc. They would have been long gone if there were no relatives. Now I am thinking I should look into having the tons of stuff shredded. Harrumph.
May all turn out well Anne.
1 -
Sunny day here! Just lovely! I hope I can get outside a bit. It is chilly but sunny! Rather spring-like actually. Maybe buds will start showing up.
Hearing about Anne’s dilemma, John and I started remembering a crazy event from years ago. Our son had recently graduated from film school and he and his room mate were moving out of student housing. The roommate needed to store his belongings until he settled into his new job. Our son knew we had a great big house in Cheyenne, Wyoming so our son offered to store all his stuff in our basement to await the movers. All progressed and the movers were to come pick up the friends possessions from our basement. Then the drama began! The old couch of the friend was absolutely soaked with cat pee! The friend had a cat...we did not! We had never gone into the room containing the friends possessions. The movers refused to take the couch. Our son and friend chopped up the couch and hauled it to the dump in the back of his friends little Honda car. I believe that friendship suffered because of the infamous couch event. The cat remained a permanent part of the friends life. That was the good thing. However the cat also remained very untrustworthy about potty habits according to the friend.
I think I see daffodil sprouts..........
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Thanks for the tale of woe PATSY.! Made me feel a lot better. You never know what's going to move in with someones possessions do you! LOL.
Anne. 😾🐜🕷🐀👻0 -
Can I have a bit of a grouch. SANDY calls herself an enabler, well meet another one. I said earlier that I'd had enlightenment from the past and that's maybe why this worm is finally yelling enough!!
It all started when I first came to live here. The basement is finished and a friend's son wanted a place to live temporarily.
Then Mikes marriage ended and he moved in with all his junk.
needs a basement or garage to store all her stuff in until
turn into years and years and I would like to spend my final time here with only my own junk. Is this reasonable?
. Am I being a mean old thing or not?
Anne the aggrieved.
I buy JERI's " think you made the right decision. I agree this could again turn into years and you deserve to use that space for yourself." and recommend you try to get rid of any guilt feelings! 'Nuff said!
JACKIE dear, I think Ibuprofen is in a similar category of affecting kidney function. My DD mentioned pain patches. Tonight , my hip was not as painful as it was all day! Weather related? I'm getting things in order for physical therapy, will discuss injections into joint, and if all else fails, and Dr feels my system can tolerate it, I'm beginning to open up to another replacement without general anesthesia (spinal block instead?) .I won't rush that decision! I want to wish you no more aching joints, dear friend!
LIN, for some reason, I've never gotten used to my iPad and all the calls for passwords it keeps requesting! I know you'll learn to use it well, just as you have adjusted to everything else you 've learned!
JERI, right on! You ARE a strong woman, in so many areas! Love you, Babe!
PATSY, yes yes yes! Ditch the raggedy stuff, the really disgusting sweats and shapeless jeans! Feel good about yourself, and John should do the same! Question: how does an artist keep clean nails??? Keep on producing your arts! You are so special!
I saw "Boy Erased" or something like that today. Definitely did not recognize Russell Crouse or Nicole Kidman, though the story left me so uncomfortable (once again), with the role religions may play in judgmental treatment of Gays, Lesbians, etc. This film shows the horrors of "conversion" schools. Hasn't anyone yet figured out we are ALL G-D's children? Just this past week, several denominations once again refused to recognize the validity of certain people. There is an unbecoming self-righteousness involved here, and this movie has tried to address it, though to me it falls short!
Yikes, 1:18 A.M. Good night all you dear friends .....Buzz
......................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!.........................1 -
Hello. Wind chill advisory today and Tai Chi class was officially cancelled. I am working on gathering and copying things for income tax appointment. Not very stimulating and can not compare with a morning of Tai Chi with very nice people.
I have a lovely hot mug of tea and will likely finish one of the books I have been reading. So a slow and calm day. In fact I haven’t even picked up my mail from Saturday. My nose has barely been poked outside. It will get better someday.
Buzz, years ago I was told Ibuprofen could cause liver damage. I was eating them like candy everyday at that point so I gave them up. I hope you find a solution for your hip pain. I am sorry.So there are options, may you find the best one for your situation.
Patsy, I am still laughing about the cat and the couch story. Thank you.
Well, should move soon. The tea is delightful but back to the paper shredder.
Hugs and hello waves to everyone.
0 -
If Freya did come my way I didn't hear her in the night and no damage as far as I could see. Lots of showers today and nasty hail storms but I did manage to walk both George and Betty without getting wet. George's groomer visited after lunch and we perched him on the table in my garden room rather than her truck so I could sit with him and he was very calm and well behaved .... now looking cute with a shaggy cut!
Anne, I'm pleased you were able to have a constructive discussion about your basement. Problem solved!
Lin, maybe a good incentive to make the most of the awful weather to sort paperwork although like you, I'd prefer to curl up with a good book.
Buzz, I was thinking of an ibuprofen gel that you rub Into a painful joint rather than swallowing pills might be worth looking into. Certainly long-term use of most of these painkillers can damage liver or kidneys. My hip replacement was carried out with an epidural (spinal) and sedative so recovery was quick... I'd recommend that option if you feel up to it.
Time to light my fire, make a cuppa and prepare toad in the hole for my evening meal.🐸
Happy Monday!
Jackie0 -
Good afternoon/evening sneakers. Today is very cold but no snow for once! I don't think any daffodil spears will be poking through under the pile of snow in the back garden PATSY, not here anyway. Do you remember last year when I decided to renew my shabby, out of date wardrobe, just keeping one or two things for gardening or clearing other people's junk out of my basement, lol. I slowly renewed everything from the knickers up, and I'm ever so glad I did. No fashion plate, but it's so nice to put on clothes I actually like rather than stuff I think I ought to wear to save the planet. Stuff I'm happy to answer the door in! To each her own of course but I wonder if a nice crisp shirt has helped this old backbone! Not a squeak out of the "boys" this morning apart from their usual texted "morning Mom" to make sure I didn't expire in the night. I shall try "no" more often now that we are all mutually grown up! Grown up kids are far more difficult to tackle than when they were small and Mom ruled the world.
You really are an amazing group. JACKIE and JERI bravely tackling today's medical problems, SANDY coping with an ex and his oddball son, not to mention taking care of three little grands, LIN courageously facing each day with its house, computer problems, taxes and not least by any means bossy church secretaries. BUZZ you are amazing, so knowledgable and managing each day with renewed curiosity. Then of course PATSY, loving her tinkering John, her children and the irascible Katie. Patsy and her dungeon, her art, and of course her renewed love of spiders?
Pat yourselves on your backs. You are all an absolute inspiration to this old girl.
Golly I feel all sentimental and watery eyed!
Anne, (her with the Viking crooked inwards little finger! Must remember that the next time I have to put my large foot down!.)
.1 -
Hiya dahlings. I'm ready for bed now after an interesting evening with a discussion on "Mental Hygiene" and how to achieve it! They discussed Loneliness, Self-Image, and I forget the third thing but I personally was surprised control was not brought up! To me, learning to give up the need to control anyone other than myself was one of my hardest and greatest achievements! I'm not even sure I'm at the goal yet!
Anne the Viking, you have me all watery-eyed, too, and I agree it is a very special group. I do feel I know you all in person! ........Took my diuretic about an hour ago, as I didn't want to take it before using my compression boots and then I forgot it! I'll be up all night. Seeing the dentist in the morning, so goodnight dear friends...Buzz
......................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!........................0 -
Great news! Our own Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley has announced he is running in 2020. He is running in a huge field of democratic contenders. He is young, has a beautiful family and has been on the front lines dealing with the separated families at the borders. He has almost forced his way into the camps of separated children. He has brought journalists and photographers and health providers to document the appalling conditions in these cages for children. He very responsive to his constituents. He is well spoken and is in general a centrist. I am very excited about his decision. And so it begins....
Patsy1 -
Aloha! Wedding was beautiful, weather is beautiful and being with family priceless! Went to Pearl Harbor today and played games tonight! Having a wonderful time.
Sandy2 -
HAPPY PANCAKE DAY. SHROVE TUESDAY. Took the BBC quiz and for the first time ever my score was 7 out of 7. Amazing.
Anne0 -
Mardi Gras!!! I have no purple or gold beads to wear and no parade or pancake breakfast but it will be a busy day. Mah Jongg this morning, discount day at the drug store, voting day for the local option sales tax and perhaps a stop at the credit union.
Yesterday I tried to talk to my friend who is having the memory issues. We were on the phone for two hours. If I say anything about what she was saying to her family I believe they would be upset with me and still do nothing for her. They don’t want to get involved. I feel so bad for her as she is truly upset and distressed. But as she talked and careened from one thing to another with continually differing stories she seems to sense if you are questioning anything she says. Frightening.
Enough rambling.
Sandy, glad the wedding was wonderful. And terrific weather and enjoyable times with family. Enjoy the rest of your time there.
Buzz, you have interesting events every day. Your activities folks are marvelous.
Patsy, I did not hear about Senator Merkley. The field is extremely crowded. I am a bit amazed at that.
Anne, what a thoughtful and heart warming post. You are a treasure.
Jackie, good day. I can just imagine how handsome George is after the visit from the groomer. Will Betty stand still to be brushed? I had to giggle at the toad in the hole with the little toadie emoticon. Darling.
We have a bit warmer temperature on the horizon today and some sunshine. Wahoo!
Must get moving. Hugs.
0 -
Oh my goodness, to celebrate Shrove Tuesday English style I've just had a late brekkie of English style pancakes sprinkled traditionally with caster sugar and lemon juice. Oh my goodness again. Why don't I do this more often! So GOOD. BUZZ do you think you'll get them for dessert tonight with your cook often offering various country cuisine?
Do we change the clocks this coming Saturday? It's bitterly cold but somehow one can smell spring in the air and the pancakes sure helped.
I finally got the tax forms completed and will mail at the end of the week when things hopefully warm up.
It's a shame about your friend LIN. My neighbours windows are all covered with sheets of plastic now that Tony is terrified of his reflection. I think Marie gets blinds installed this week. Tony is now home from the hospital after two weeks of assessment. There appears little the doctors can do. Poor Marie. Newly retired she should be enjoying life. Instead she is virtually a prisoner because Tony panics when she is out of his sight and wants no one else around, his children, family or friends. Terrible disease. Roy in England is at the start, wandering around looking for my cousin Val who's been dead for 22 years. Is dementia on the increase? Or are we all living longer, thus increasing the chance of succumbing to it?
Oh dear, let us all look forward to spring! Spring the sweet spring with its "darling buds of May".
Anne.0 -
Cold but sunny day today. We are looking at the beautiful weather but going outside is so freakishly chilling, it is shocking.
My list of things todo today is too long. I am tripping over dog toys and I feel this spring cleaning urge. It is a strange feeling. One I try to ignore but I fear I must attend to the dusty curtains and doggie smeared French doors to the deck. The doors are a regular chore. It is Katie’s main in and out door. Thus, the muddy paw smears and doggie slobber.
Must try for more sleep. I seem to be stuck on 5 hours. Not enough!
Back later, my crock pot of veggie stew is demanding attention. The light is blinking for some reason.
0 -
Anne, Spring Forward this weekend, 2am Sunday morning..........1
A compressed nerve in my thigh is driving me mad as a thousand bees sting when I least expect and set me yelping so I'm sitting with an ice pack on the area and warm throw over knees to combat the chill feeling it's giving me!
After I walked George first thing while Betty snoozed I got my car out of the garage and drove about 12 miles to the town where my hairdresser works for a much needed appointment. On the way home I stopped at a supermarket to stock up then drove through rain and hail.
Sandy, you sound so happy which is wonderful. Continue to enjoy everything and everyone... you deserve them.
Lin, what a tragic situation your friend has found herself in and how sad her family aren't showing concern or even interest. Such a ghastly illness I wouldn't wish on a worst enemy. Such patience you have to talk for so long and I'm sure it would have given comfort to your friend just to hear your voice. The groomer showed me how to scratch out handfuls of Betty's lose undercoat once I'm allowed to bend properly because although she loves the feel of a brush running through her coat it doesn't remove much. She also loved collecting George's cut locks and running round with them and looked very funny with a fluffy moustache!
Anne, yummy, I love thin pancakes and lemon juice and will make a playful for my tea. We are living longer but I also think environmental damage has a lot to do with many health issues we are faced with. Think of all that lead paint being spread everywhere when we were growing up too... there but for the grace of God!!
Patsy, 2 dogs and a couple of cats leave muddy smears in amazing places so I sympathise with your never ending clean ups.
I read yesterday our parliament is voting to abandon our 2 annual clock changes in 2021... hooray!
Time for a cuppa.
Jackie2 -
Back home. I was running about doing errands and then on my way to meet the Mah Jongg players when I received a phone call. Other players were on their way (they ride together). The driver had to return home to jump her husband’s vehicle. It wouldn’t start and he had a doctor’s appointment. So off she went saying they would be late. So I stopped for another errand and was about ready to leave, another phone call. Her husband decided to take her more reliable car and her wings were clipped. No Mah Jongg. Finished my errands at that end of town and came home.
Trying to login to my credit union’s new web site with new online banking. It is a no go. I may have to drop off a check tomorrow if bill pay doesn’t appear again soon. It’s been shut off since the evening of February 27th. Seems like forever. I am dependent on the electronic method of doing business.
Anne, I don’t know how to sort out what is going on. Maybe a combination of living longer, dirtier environment, depleted soils, chemicals in everything we touch and ingest. I agree, more people seem to have brain issues. Your neighbor is a prisoner. I am so sad for her. My friend has no one she trusts. I am afraid for her and her situation.
Back to pancakes. I ran into a guy from my Tai Chi fan classes, he was buying spatulas. He will be flipping pancakes at his church pancake dinner tonight. He says all the guys bring their own spatulas. I thought it odd at first but then I thought that is brilliant, buy a couple of very cheap spatulas ($2 total) and you need not worry if they are misplaced. You can walk away. I think he’s done this before.
Lin1 -
Hello dear ones, back after a few minor chores attended to. This will be one of my many coffee breaks. Bwahahah! One must take this cleaning slowly!
I also wonder about all the dementia these days. But in truth, when I was growing up, there seemed to be a few dear folks who we all knew just didn’t “paddle with their oars in the water.” They were tolerated and there were kind folks who sort of looked after them in a informal way. Maybe not the best situation but better than institutionalization. Now a days it is called main-sreaming. We have a family member with a Down syndrome son. He will always be about 3 to 5 years old mentally. He really could never live independently. He is now 26 years old. This young man is like a huge likable puppy. It is supposed to be caused by an extra chromosome. Why? Lots of ideas, but no real definitive reason for these mental-wiring tangles. Until we figure it out, we help when we can and do what we can for the care-providers. Thank goodness for Caring sweet neighbors like Anne who offers the gift of friendship and a sympathetic ear.
Coffee break over and curtains washed. Now to rehang the blasted things.
0 -
Quiet day in Hawaii. Most went hiking in the mountains so 4 of us seniors are staying home. I hope the sun comes out soon so I can work on my tan. Enjoy your day!