Senior Golden Sneakers



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Here is the old oil painting that has me obsessed with the artist and what it meant.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Very interesting painting Patsy. Workers, books, a nun(?). Unique.

    We have severe storms moving into our area and my email is off line so I think I will hide for a while....

    I hope you enjoyed your day Sandy. And Javkie I am impressed with the results with the yoga. Outstanding!! I hope you garner a new hive of bees this summer.


  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Anne – Nice to hear your 'bin' garden seems to be working, already have potato shoots. B) :-) Rutabagas grow well in deep containers, also sweet peppers, eggplant, and broccoli. I wish the hyacinths would flourish here as well as dandelions...LOL! …. Our kids will always be our kids and we Moms will always worry and be concerned.

    Marie –Sorry to hear about your sore ribs. I hope your ribs are healing and you have found some comfortable positions.

    Lin –Broccoli slaw sounds delicious. ...My son has been waiting for the release of the 'Guardians of the Galaxy2' ...That was a short time (relatively) for your friend. It can be difficult on the survivors not giving them much time to go through the stages of grieving. Hospice should be there to support her and the family through this difficult time. I am sorry for your loss. Prayers for you, your friend and family.

    Sandy – Glad you found your earring. It was very nice of Babe to give you the $$$ for your trip. … I agree it is nice to see the days to show how long you/we have been on this site/journey vs how many days actually logged in a row without a break. I would have my good jewelry checked for loose stones 1-2x/yr as a safety. It might be cheaper to stick with costume jewelry and only wear the real pieces for special occasions :) ….. Thank you for the encouragement. Yes, biopsy showed moderate dysplasia/precancerous cells. I have an appointment with surgeon on May 25th. It looks like I will have a lumpectomy and not need any further treatment, only every 6 month mammograms for next 3 yrs then annually. Good News!

    Buzz – Nice that your cousins popped in for a quick visit. Glad you are changing out your mattress and decreasing your chance off falling out of bed. You should get a more restful sleep on the new mattress. Mike will always be in your heart, you are not shutting him out. Glad you had a nice long video chat with your son and that he will be with you to celebrate your birthday! <3

    Jackie -So George is all set for the warmer weather! It must feel good to have the bedroom work behind you, now relax and enjoy it. I love the blue color scheme. You did a great job. :) Nice pic of George and friends.

    Patsy – Yes, it is nice to see some sunshine and get out side and enjoy. Sounds like you have enough to keep you busy even indoors, with painting,writing, sewing etc. Hope there will be no mud slides for you and no flooding for Anne. We finally have some reprieve from the rain, it went from 37*F one day to 77 *F the next and 80's today. You will enjoy having a dedicated space for sewing. Good luck with the 'bread cleaning'. Let us know how it went.

    Well ordered a swimsuit on line (horrors!) to use at my sister's pool this summer. I found last summer exercising in the pool was much easier than on dry land. Hope this will help get some stamina back. We finally have sunshine! Yeah! It got up to 81 F today and I took advantage since I was having a good day. I sat on the ground, leaned over the raised bed, hand tilled the soil, and planted some: lettuce, Swiss chard, kale,and broccoli, all from starts and 2 types of peas and wax beans from seed. I also plopped in a couple Marigolds to deter cabbage flies. It took me 2 ½ hrs. to do just that.
    The Fence repairman came today and finalized the estimate. I am so glad it came in less than originally stated, so I signed the contract and they should have it done by the 1st week in June. … I am paying my nephew to do odd jobs for me, he got 4 raised beds totally dug out and I have fresh mix in 2 of them (one being the one I planted today). Now that warmer/dryer weather is here he will finish pressure washing the fence and deck. Later he will stain them both. Hope to have a good day tomorrow and will go plant starts/seeds in the Community Pantry garden.
    Called the repairman, yet again, for the foundation repair trying to get it scheduled. Doing repairs that have needed to be done and will need to be finished if I have to sell.
    Well a bit tired going to call it a night. Good Night/Day Sneakers. B) MAE

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Wow, PATSY, what a find! I cannot believe the talent these WPA artists used on murals, buildings and paintings and if yours is an original, I would not be surprised if it's worth quite a bit! Beautiful design---that intricate staircase in the right rear, the balance within the figures, ....was it signed? So glad you rescued it!
    Facetimed with DS again tonight and he and DW have started planning their visit in June. I hope I can be doing more walking using just a cane by then. Tonight I was taken to dinner at one of my community's partners and I hated to drag a walker, so I used one of my canes. Had to stop to breathe a couple of times, but I did it, and no one hade to stow a walker in a trunk for me! YAY!!! Enjoyed a shrimp Caesar salad and a navy bean soup. I think I have to start losing another 10 to 15 pounds including.....( I think I fell asleep at this point!)....can't remember my trend of thought..... mistake after mistake so I'm off to bed!
    <3 Buzz
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Well it's already 70f here and yesterday it reached the high 80s. We spent the day in the garden. Lawns cut and Darren dug up a load of dandelions. Today I must start thinning the beets and carrots which have shot up overnight.

    I was interested in the comments about Patsys find. Different strokes for different folks again. I guess I'm a philistine because I didn't like it at all. I found the figures all of a sameness. What are all the books about? Are they being dug up, studied or buried as the horrified nun seems to suggest. Why the mother and child? I found it disturbing personally which means it's a jolly good thing we are all not the same. However, I am glad you found it PATSY, are enjoying it, and it will be fun restoring it.

    Well, must get showered and dressed,
    Anne, the art critic, lol.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited May 2017
    P.S. I'd never heard of WPA. Just looked it up. Street artist?
    By the way, my server suggested us affected 2 million change our passwords. Have done.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    edited May 2017
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting day, then stopping by Babe for money for my trip and then getting color and a haircut. I love that the girl comes to my house, it makes it so convenient.
    Had a wonderful time with the boys yesterday, they do melt my heart. No win at bingo so that was a bummer. It is still beautiful weather here and although the storm that came through last night was scary with the high winds, today the sun is shining. Life is good.

    Anne, I am glad you changed your passwords and didn't leave us, you are well loved.

    Buzz, how wonderful you have a visit with your son to look forward. Please be careful with that cane, we do not want to hear of any mishaps.

    Mae, I hope all goes well with the lumpectomy and that you will not need further treatment. My niece just did the same and all is well with her.

    Lin, those storms were scary, I was really worried one of the trees in back was going to snap because of the wind. I hope all is okay in your area.

    Patsy, I agree with Anne, it is sort of a creepy painting representing what? Of course I am not an art critic so you certainly know a good painting more than I.

    Jackie, actually if I really admit it our lunch was a little boring, nothing really to chat about except her daughter's gymnastics and how long can you talk about that? She is a really nice girl though and it was great seeing her. No gossip as she hasn't seen Phil's wife in a long time.

    Have a great day everyone!
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another busy day coming to an end. After our walk, this time in sunshine, I decided I must put those wax frames together today before the bees take me by surprise and swarm because yesterday was interrupted by the electrician returning to plug my new shower in and he then volunteered to help move my wardrobe ebay purchase from the garage to my bedroom and between us we carried it up the stairs with him doing most of the work!! After a light lunch I've collected all the rubbish I've been storing in my garage over the past few weeks and headed off to the local tip with George. On the way home I needed to drop a letter off to someone to do with the allotments and saw a friend sitting outside her property enjoying the sunshine so stopped off for coffee, donut and a good catch up. Patsy that painting is fascinating and reminds me of a wall mural in my local town depicting the mining community working to establish a prosperous area. I can't imagine what they're up to with all those books in your painting but then that's the mystery to be discovered!!

    I shall now put the vacuum cleaner round to finally get my little cottage back to normal and call it a day.... a sunny and enjoyable one when I managed to get a load of washing out to dry in spite of some crazy storms drifting across the area. Bone dry here!!

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Only a vague resemblance!!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Much more cheerful! And the folks aren't all clones of an original person. I wouldn't mind viewing that JACKIE as I munch on my cornflakes, lol.

    The nun in Patsys find reminds me of Munch's famous "The Scream" and the blue overalled workers are like the murals the soviets once plastered all over the place. The background - renaissance? Sort of a mixture of styles. Some of the murals painted on buildings in small towns around here are very good and life size and much more uplifting! Anyway PATSY the good news is you've given us all something to ponder on!

    We have been warned of high winds and a severe thunderstorm. Just moving everything to safer ground and my little cedar table is back in the garage. At the moment the windows are all open and the smell of the lilacs drifting in, heavenly.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    We are going to have sun and warm weather! Yea! I will now finish washing some more windows. Maybe drag down some of the curtains and wash them as well.
    More on the interesting painting...a really good friend who taught art history at a university in Washington is helping me with the search for information. She had access to some WPA web sites and we have been madly poking around hunting for the artist and/or the project. The closest we can come up with is that this is a study for a library mural. Some of the murals had content or philosophical requirements. There are some artists statements still in existence. You can not easily see from my very poor photo that one side of the painting has war and despair. Through knowledge and learning (books) a better life on the other side shows religion, love, a way out of grinding hard work showing an idealist world on the other side of the painting. There was also a request for a mural in a medical library that might fit. You can see how much fun this is! How I wish we still had the WPA. We still have a few places with "1% for the Arts" policies.

    I did study art history but only as required for my degree in fine art, certainly only scratching the surface. John says he is going to put his foot down on my interest in EgyptIan art. No buying mummies or sarcophagus or pyramids. Hummmmmmm! Don't you think they would make interesting coffee tables? Oh well...
    Patsy, finder of lost art projects
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oh! I forgot to mention that we are having lunch with our musician friend tomorrow. His wife says he is having a good week. I will take along a good photo of the old painting for him to examine. He will examine every detail and make assements and judgements! Mental stimulation is very important for him. His wife seems unable to deal with all of the demands of her dear husband as his dementia progresses. We love these two old friends and suffer with them as they go through this phase of life.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Hi, I have burned my palm on my heat gun. Stupid girl!! Wasn't watching how I picked it up.

    Might not be typing much for a little while. Otherwise, I am fine.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    That's real bad news LIN. So sorry. Anne.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I think that painting is a fine example of the era America was trying to exit, the great depression back in the 1930s. Most of you are too young, but I recall people standing in lines just hoping to be handed an apple to assuage their hunger. Franklin Roosevelt promoted The New Deal, of which one program was named The Works Progress Administration . The WPA was the largest and most ambitious American New Deal agency, employing millions of people (mostly unskilled men) and encouraging artists to display in murals the efforts of retraining a huge starving population to various efforts enabling them to earn a living eventually! Perhaps many of your parents suffered through that period and eventually the country prospered and our generations were among the most prosperous ever! Of course, World War 2 contributed both huge numbers of deaths, and tremendous prosperity, and I was recently made aware that our schools no longer focus on history or civics, which is pitiful since future generations will never learn from past errors!
    Celebrated the 85th birthday of one of our residents who mentioned at her birthday dinner tonight that she and her husband moved to Edgewater Pointe because of Mike and me! A lovely party, and fond memories of life in our former community. But here I am, barely able to remain awake again! I must be getting..... what is that word? Or condition?
    Yes, I agree that JACKIE's mural is much brighter and appears more cheerful. I find both bring back strong memories!
    Hope you are all safe in those storms you are mentioning.
    <3 Buzz
  • qwander
    qwander Posts: 21 Member
    It has been a good day, I am getting much more exercise lately and it feels good. I had a lot of medical tests as I just knew something was wrong because I get so out of breath and just not feeling good . They all came back ok so I figured out it was a bit of depression and extra weight. I am thankful all is ok but still couldn't understand being so tired and sore all of the time. I have changed my eating habits to healthier food and getting more exercise. I do feel somewhat better so think I've found what may work. now that wasn't a very positive sentence. Let's try again. I have found something that works so will continue it .. Life is good and I am blessed.
    Scatter Kindness
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Thanks for the insight BUZZ. I know my parents had a hard time in the depression when I was a small child. I love these lively discussions we have occasionally so thank you PATSY. My father ended up repairing bicycles in those years, in fact until he died. He was quite a talented artist and I have four squares of some hard material, no idea what, on which he painted scenes of our village with paint used on bicycles. Thick stuff but remarkably done when you consider the materials at hand. Grandson Derek has inherited great grand dad's talent.

    We nearly got blown away yesterday but no rain or thunder. It remained further north half hour away in Michael's vicinity. Today much more pleasant after the heat and the sun is just climbing out of bed. It's our long weekend coming up when we all celebrate Queen Victoria.

    Hi NOLA, good news for you and I am very happy for you. But poor LIN. I keep thinking of your burnt hand and the pain! Hope it's a little less painful today!
    Today is Jill's happy day when Michael hopefully turns up. She loves car riding as well PATSY. Head turning this way and that!
    Anne. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Just want to add, Buzz's and Patsy's explanation for the painting allowed me to see it in a different light, although if I'm honest I still wouldn't hang it on my wall, but yes, in a school maybe. The point is what one sees at first glance isn't always what it seems, and I hope I'm not too set in my ways, or too ancient to change my perception and live and learn. Thanks girls,

    Ever a school girl, Annie.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    edited May 2017
    Happy Friday! :) Doing laundry before I go for my mani/pedi and then later to sit with boys.
    Crazy weather, yesterday A/C today the heat. Lots of rain expected with cooler temps so I am glad to be heading some place warm on Monday.

    I think that Patsy's painting reminded me of the movie Fahrenheit 451.

    Anne, were you on a debate team in school? You have such good points!

    Nola, so glad to see you post. Good news with your tests and now you can move forward.

    Buzz, I was born in 1942, so I really don't remember much from the 40's. Why would they take history and/or civics out of schools? I know my granddaughter loves to hear about history and of all things older, it would be a shame to take history away from the young.

    Lin, omg I hope you are okay! When working with a heat gun I got the hot wax on my fingers and that was painful enough. I hope you didn't blister and feel better today.

    Jackie is under the weather today, so I hope you feel better soon.

    Marie, how are you?

    Have a wonderful day!
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Hello, freezing cold and overcast today. I am staying in but may go to visitation later this evening. Not certain yet. Not feeling great tummywise. Luckily my hand is not badly burned and all the remedies I used last night must have helped. I will be more careful in the future.

    Sandy, super busy time for you my friend. Countdown to another trip!! Wahoo.

    Anne, hello, I hope you had a good visit (and car ride) with your son. Lots to purchase this week?

    Nola, good to hear from you. I am sorry you haven't been feeling well. I am glad you have found things that help you feel better.

    Buzz, thanks for the detail you provided. My parents always remembered hard times. My mom worked hard to out it all behind her and her family did have food, clothes and a home. My dad did as well but had very little food and little in the way of extra clothes or warm boots and clothing. He never forgot it but it seemed to shape this life as it always lurked in his thoughts and decision-making.

    Patsy, I hope lunch was a good experience today. Please let us know if you solve any more of the mystery of the painting.

    Jackie, I hope by now you are feeling better.

    Mae, how are you getting along now? Getting a bit more accomplished outside? It looks like the high te,perature today may be around 50 or 51 F. Definitely not the norm and not particularly great for new seedlings.

    Take care everyone.

