Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited April 2019
    Interesting that we all seem to be having computer problems whatever devices we use. I know it's putting me off posting.

    I thought I saw a bit of snow on the ground this morning. It's possible because it's still only 34F. I don't blame Betty one bit for using her pee pad JACKIE! Here rough winds do shake the darling buds of May and Jilly is all for pee pads rather than having the north wind blow up her bum, lol!

    Michael did indeed show up yesterday and I did get the cupboards stocked up but he shouldn't have come because he was suffering badly from putting his back out overnight. He drives three quarters of a hour to get here, and then again back home. I had back ache as well, and of course it appears to be a permanent thing with Mark. What a bunch eh. Fortunately mines now back to normal and Mike is on the mend but not poor Mark. Michael only stayed to do the shop, no lunch with us for once. I think Jilly knew he was in pain because she usually gives him a hard time when he goes down the steps to the back door. She runs back and forth barking at him. This time she just stood on the top step wagging her tail, and once his car drove away climbed into her bed and promptly fell asleep.

    Lovely picture of you and Ed JERI. You look so pretty and well.

    So between the weather and bad backs not much to report I'm afraid JACKIE. PATSY does indeed seem to lead a much more exciting life than yours truly, and so does SANDY and LIN wielding her swords and hunting dragons. BUZZ of course has culinary adventures daily.

    I'm still trying to restrict myself as far as diet goes. 4th day today. Great hopes. The first five days are the worst and I was very good grocery shopping in only buying healthy stuff. No biccys etc.

    This post is jumping all over the place. Weird symbols showing. Methinks I'd better bounce off!

    Hi to LAURA

    Anne. Phew think I've made it this far!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,499 Member
    Good day. I am off to World Tai Chi Day. This app is still acting unstable so will just post this and hope later I will be able to write something longer and be able to post it.

    Hugs everyone.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,403 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) MFP seems to working fine for me, knock on wood. Fun times with friends at the fish fry although I had boneless skinless chicken breast. I ate a baked potato which I never eat potatoes and lots of other junk type food. And then I wonder why I can't lose weight. :p Our snow is scheduled to start around 2:00pm today and ending tonight with accumulations of 3 to 8 inches. Looks like I will be going to Mass tomorrow morning instead of my 4:30 time today.

    Lin, World Tai Chi Day sounds interesting, are you performing? I know you will enjoy it even if you are just watching.

    Anne, glad you got your old mother hubbard cupboards filled, but poor Mike.

    Jackie, do you think there will be a day when we all have warm comfortable weather without worrying about snow or storms? I am glad I got my errands done for my trip so I don't have to leave the house except for church.

    Buzz, so sorry you lost another post, that is so frustrating.

    Jeri, you look amazing and so happy. I think Ed looks fine, you make a great couple. Praying for no mutations so you can rest easy. My niece also had it done and all was good.

    Patsy, good for you for volunteering. I baby sit too much to get involved but I did share a post to sign a petition about the little boy who was killed by his parents and was failed by DCFS. They failed him and my heart as well as millions of others is broken.

    Have a good day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    What a waste of an afternoon! A couple of hours attaching a new door opener on the hen house and tidying up the wiring to find when I switched on it wasn't working. So then, bit by bit, I worked my way back through the system to discover the original section that sits outside and pulls the door up or down with a pully has a disconnected wire and no obvious place for it to go so I'm guessing it should be soldered somewhere. All this while dodging heavy showers and sheltering in my greenhouse with Betty and George. It's gone 5.30pm so I'm in to email the company that sells it to see if they can advise but am guessing I will have to buy a new part. Oh well, at least when I do dismantle and put back with new motor I should be quicker because I know exactly what goes where!!

    Topsy turvy weather from now on I think Sandy having watched a David Attenborough programme last week entitled Climate Change, The Facts! Scary events to come and in our lifetimes too!

    Hope everyone has a better afternoon. Kettle on for me and decisions on chicken curry or mackerel salad. A good job there's no wine in the house!!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I went through a wall last night misjudging a piece of furniture as I was trying to wheel out of my apartment for dinner! And I thought I was a good driver!!! I haven't time now to really post, but wanted to say hello, and commiserate about weather and computers! By the way, JACKIE, didn't Al Gore make s couple of documentaries a number of years ago concerning CLIMATE CHANGE? No one wanted to believe him!
    Updating that herbal pill, my gout and arthritis seem to be ever so much better, since starting it, but the bone on bone hip has not improved. I'm grateful for the areas that seem so much better!The knees, especially. Oh, and the swelling in the ankles, toes and legs is way down, almost gone!
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!......... ..:.........................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,499 Member
    Good evening. The Tai Chi morning was ok. I enjoyed a number of the demonstrations. Yes, I did the double fan with my group but is was very disorganized and I was plopped at the end of a row and nearly moved into the crowd with the sideways movements and my teacher seemed irritated that I didn’t find another place to go. Out the door occurred to me. Haaaaa.

    The buyer for the bobble heads cancelled our meeting on Friday as she had to go to PT kind of suddenly. Unfortunately when I got home today and tried to contact her, no answer. I will send another message to see if we can meet tomorrow afternoon. She said she had nothing to do this weekend. Hummmm.

    Now I have been messaging with a friend who is having more severe health issues. She was in so much pain last night that she went to the ER. She was told it may be months before this gets better and she is quite depressed. I can understand that.

    Sandy, snow!!!!!!! Eeeck. Florida here she comes. Visions of pools in her eyes.

    Buzz, ooooh! You hit a wall but hopefully you weren’t injured. Hugs.

    Jackie, the hen house door sounds well beyond my capacity to cope. You are tenacious. Hello yo Betty and George.

    Patsy, wow, a book of your work. You must be ecstatic! I am excited at the news.

    Anne, provisions obtained. Well done. Glad you and the Bean will not go without. Are you expecting snow? If you, doubly happy you have a supply of food at hand.

    Jeri, you and Ed are a gorgeous couple. Thanks for sharing the photo. And praying all goes well with every test.

    Laura, what are you working on this weekend?

    For anyone I have missed, sorry. Still nervous I will lose this post.



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just a pop in for now. I'm having Arctic char for lunch. Rather hope Mike comes and joins me because it's his favourite and most expensive fish I might add. Felt like a treat after 5 days of diet and a depleted cupboard!
    I thought Tai Chi is to make one feel all calm and at one with the planet LIN? Sounds as if your irritated teacher should be joining the class rather than teaching it lol. I'm afraid I would have got the giggles and would definitely be shown the door! At which point I would have handed her my fan and told her what to do with it. Now then girls, I mean fan her fevered brow of course.
    Anyway, I'm in a frivolous mood today so I'll be back later when I'm facing the washing up and I'm thus less frivolous.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,499 Member
    Hello, off to church in a bit. Frivolous sounds fine to me. Having a cup of coffee as it is very chilly here this morning. Have not found any breakfast. Hot cereal sounds good but I don’t know if I have time to cook and eat it.

    Anne, I have never heard of Arctic char. Hummmmm. Must be my huge lack of knowledge when it comes to fish. Can you call and invite Mike with the hint of the lovely lunch? Or call and have Jilly bark into the phone. Haaaaa.

    Must get moving.

    Hugs all.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Alas, Mike has been invited to see his friend's brand new baby grandson way up north LIN. Arctic char is a type of salmon. Organic in this case so expensive. I have two fillets so more for me another day! Just got back from a long walk and the church goers where just going in. I know a few of them and they said "we are still open, come and join us", tempted but I don't think The Bean would be welcome! Back home, I find my hyacinths are in full bloom. The daffy and tulips with buds. Springs definitely just around the corner.
    Lovely if chilly day.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,403 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) I think we ended up with 3 or 4 inches of snow but today is very sunny and expected to be 50 degrees. I am glad it snowed yesterday and not Tuesday since so many flights were cancelled. I will be going to Mass later this morning and then coming home to wash clothes and have a video call with my kids.

    Anne, I love salmon, so enjoy your wonderful treat. Sorry Mike can't join you but maybe sneak Jilly a very small piece.

    Lin, sometimes when people are out of mood there might be something going on in their life that is upsetting them. Just pray for her and hope she gets in a better mood soon.

    Buzz, when you say you went through a wall do you mean literally? Is there a hole in the wall?

    Jackie, you must be having a nice day and are out and about.

    Patsy, is the sun shining?

    Laura, how are things going?

    Jeri, are you feeling okay?

    Time to run.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Happy Sunday! After watching the first few minutes of the start of the London marathon I drove the dogs to the woods where I decided to walk the reverse route high up through the bluebells. The path is very steep that way and I'm sure my heavy breathing must have been heard a mile away but I was delighted I managed to walk to the top!!
    When we got home I checked the hens were ok having gone out to them just after 7am to open their door manually. Then my neighbour popped round to help with the mechanical problem and no idea how she did it but with a small screwdriver and some patience solved the problem... what a star!

    Buzz, I'm not sure any drug will help bone on bone pain. My hips were the same so I can't wait for the 2nd replacement to get rid of the discomfort. So pleased to read though that the herbal pill is offering relief. Yes Al Gore did his best to warn us all about climate change but generally a wall of silence is covering up all sorts of scientific facts.

    Oh dear Lin, your performance experience left me giggling and reminded me of my short experience of line dancing. Some were very serious about small errors while the rest of us collapsed in laughter!

    Sandy, so you did get snow but at least it should melt quickly and won't affect your travel plans. Not long now! 😎

    Anne, Spring finally round the corner and Mother Nature doing her thing. It's turned horribly cold here so I've already forgotten what our Easter heatwave felt like.

    I did manage to find my old Skype account and caught up with my friend who had a stroke last year. Microsoft is confusing everything so I'm having to choose a new password regularly then get blocked for doing so! Never mind, times like this get me sorting through what I can live without!!

    Time to prepare a chicken curry, something I was going to cook yesterday but ended up making sweet potato chips with ham and eggs!

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I got thrown out of a line dancing class after only one go. Completely uncoordinated and guilty of giggling. Can you remember the bluebell girls I think they were called JACKIE? (No I didn't audition.). Years ago and I wonder how their knee joints are today. I believe the girls were British but line danced in Paris.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    When you mentioned knees Anne I thought you might be referring to the Roly Polys
    but yes, I do remember the Bluebell Girls and think they might have danced in Paris.
    I blamed being lefthanded for my turns in the wrong direction and once ruined a line dance routine when the woman next to me saw me turn in the wrong direction and go hurtling in her direction and let out a blood curdling scream. I could never take any of it seriously after that!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited April 2019
    Lol. Well at least the Roly Polys got to dance for her majesty which is more than I ever did or will ! I'm right handed but that didn't help.
    Happy memories ! Anne.
    P.S. I'm watching the opera Samson and Delilah. Singing is great, but I love the colours and costume designs. Jill's bored. She's asleep.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Entire post disappeared again, but at least I saved some! GGgrrrrr!!!
    I loved the Roly Polys and actually, they were pretty good! Thanks for the entertainment, JACKIE............oh dear, my post is disappearing already, but Ctrl/Z worked this time!
    Yes, SANDY, I seem to have gone slightly into my Bar Table which is one of those stand-alone cabinets with a dropdown leaf on each side. The table started to move diagonally and my wheelchair got stuck between the counter and the now extended table leaf and a corner of the leaf went right through the dry-wall, leaving a gash about 1 inch wide and maybe 3 inches diagonally long! So embarrassing!
    ANNE, I didn't know char is salmon; that's one of our "Mystery fish"every couple of weeks. There are so many fish in Florida we never heard of, some good, some not, but everyone loved Char.
    Did JERI ever get my question about the 2 organs? In the picture, there are 2 organs behind you, and they do not seem to be identical, so that leaves out a wall mirror. That was the day my entire fascinating post disappeared leaving me screaming in the wind!
    LIN, I cannot imagine you messing up Tai Chi so the teacher must have been at fault.
    GGgggrrrrr. LOST MY POST AGAIN! But fooled them and saved most!
    Had a super buffet at noon today and could not resist the fudge walnut brownies. I always love the omelettes, and today had a small piece of perfectly medium rare prime rib, excellent chopped chicken liver,ans though I didn't need it, a toasted cream cheesed bialy! Strange combinations, but so tasty. I must say the culinary department has become anything but institutional here! Just delicious. There goes my weight again. I have no resistance!
    <3 Buzz
    .......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.................................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It seems I was attacked in the night either by Brady trying to get under the duvet, Betty finding a comfy spot or me hitting myself!! I've a scratch on my nose and bruise and skin removed from my cheek. I'm aware of strange looks as I chat to people but no one mentions it!!
    An early visit to the vet for George's boosters went well but he has to return next week for teeth cleaning under anaesthetic because of tartar build up. We then walked in the woods and now home under brighter skies than first thing so I'm going to tidy the pile of timber created when the old hen house was broken up. The mechanical door opener worked but I'll have to keep checking for now just in case.
    Yesterday was cold and only got to 8c but so far feels more comfortable today. What a lovely lady Miriam Margaloye's is. Watched the last episode of her documentary on dying last night when she was so sensitive but still funny and brought a tear to my eye on more than one occasion.

    Yummy buffet Buzz. I wouldn't be able to resist either! 😉

    Ok, moving outside.
    Happy Monday.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,403 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Sheets are in the dryer, I checked in for my flight so all that is left to do is pack. I will be leaving very early in the morning so will try to check in when I can but tomorrow might be a busy day.

    Jackie, I don't mean to laugh at your injuries but the visual is funny. :p The Roly Polys are funny but good. Is the last one a man?

    Buzz, the good thing was you didn't get hurt but can you have someone fix your wall?

    Anne, I think you should be a stand up comedian for the queen. You sure make us laugh!

    To all the other sneakers, have a great day.

    One Day at a Time

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I think everyone here would like to squeeze on the plane with you. It is ruddy cold here to say the least. I nearly froze my drawers off as the furry one sniffed every blade of grass this morning. At least we aren't up to our waists in water like certain parts of Ontario and Quebec.

    Our cold weather consolation prize - we shared Michael's piece of Arctic Char for lunch. Well in all honesty I had the biggest piece. I might never meet the queen but I tell you this wee dog eats like royalty or as Mike puts it, better than the rest of us. I believe Char is superior to all other salmon BUZZ so if you get it at your place, WOW. The Bean is all set to join you if Anne can't cope any more!

    Not much happening here except the weeds are growing like......weeds, and too cold to do much about it.

    Now JACKIE, whilst I'm concerned about your scratches and bruises are you sure you haven't upset Violet the ghost by digging up her brambles? If George and Betty are staring at......nothing, could be! When I was a revolting child our dog Judy did that. Stood staring at a dark spot on the landing where the staircase turned with her fur on end. Old house and that landing terrified me. I used to gallop past the dark corner faster than Lightning Bolt the runner. Pleaded with my parents to stand at the bottom of the stairs when I went to bed. Of course they didn't me being a big girl of seven or so. One awful Halloween someone made a paper skull which looked remarkably lifelike in the gaslight. I didn't notice it until I got close being short sighted. Took me years to get over that, I think I had PTSD before "shell shock" was renamed.

    Here I go waffling on again. Sorry ladies!
    Anne, about to do some ironing it being washday in this old homestead. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👻👻
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,499 Member
    edited April 2019
    Good afternoon. I got up late this morning and mulled over whether I wanted to go to Tai Chi this morning. A guy started sending me messages on Facebook Messenger about 11pm last evening about something I have for sale. I would of course like to sell everything I list out there so after about an hour we set up a time/place to meet this afternoon. So then I could not go back to sleep for oh so long and did not want to get up this morning. I am so undisciplined.

    Did class this morning and stayed low, saying little. That worked out much better but biting my tongue is not my style. Haaaaa. Then I zipped for home and received a phone call on my way here. The air conditioning service guy was on his way to my house, more than an hour early.

    Service is complete and a capacitor did have to be replaced and I guess all is well for now.

    Just had lunch and paid some online bills. Will crush some boxes and make sure the trash cart is full. There is plenty to throw out in here. Then will hopefully meet the person buying my Travelocity Travel Gnome. The person who did not show up to purchase the Bobbleheads after changing the meeting time has not responded to any messages. She may have a health issue or she just may no longer be interested. I sent a message to the first of several people who said they would be interested if the items became available. I think these things have momentum. A guy wanted a pair of mountain bike shoes I listed yesterday. I mean right away! We met within an hour and the shoes went home with him. I think he felt they were a too good to be true deal and plans to resell them. He didn’t even care what size they were. Fine with me. The shoes are new but he doesn’t know they stayed in my basement in the box for over 12 years.

    Sandy, safe travels my friend. I hope the weather in Florida is wonderful.

    Anne, you take each day and turn it into something special. Your stories are delightful. And yes, the Bean is indeed Royalty.

    Jackie, that is very odd. Good grief, your poor face. I certainly hope your ghostly presence is not on the warpath although I don’t want your furry friends to claw and bruise you as you try to rest. Hummmm. What a puzzle.

    Buzz, actually no error was made, there just was no space to actually perform the routine. In fact, lots of things were less than optimal. Giving me a hairy eyeball didn’t help a bit though. Haaa. Ooooh, fudge brownies. Yummmmm.

    Well, must move along. Hugs all round.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Went to doctor for yearly physical. Poked, prodded, tested, examinated...done and done! Hated every minuted but it is done for the year.

    Sunny warm day here. We have geraniums hanging on back deck and fuchsias hanging on front deck. Yea! We are ready for spring/summer. Now for further clean up and planting of deck pots.

    Ordered more grooming supplies for Katie as well as a new giggle ball and huge pillow bone she will use as a pillow. It is a large fuzzy bone shaped pillow. She has one but needs one for her other bed. This girl has lots of “furniture.”

    Plowing through my painting photos and trying to find most of my artists statements. Funny about reading what I thought about year to year. This painting collections book is more work than the original paintings. What was I thinking?
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Ooooooops! That was me up there. Forgot to sign.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    JACKIE, I'm embarrassed to ask, but what is fareheit for 8c? Sorry about your injuries,,,and the puzzlement over them!
    Yes, SANDY, the hole is already fixed ! Have a wonderful trip, Too bad it's so far from me ...
    ANNE, old top, perhaps we can figure out some way to surprise her!

    LAURA, LIN and PATSY, I'm so scared of losing this every time I nod off (too often)
    The computer isn't helping, as it keeps freezing and won't budge! So much for investing in a
    new computer!!!

    <3 Buzz
    .......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.................................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited April 2019
    Morning all.
    Well BUZZ it's 4C here, which is 39 Fahrenheit. Does that help? My machine shows both C and F. 8C is 46.4 Fahrenheit.Either way it is darn chilly for the last day of April. Sorry to poke my nose in when you asked JACKIE, but I'd just checked our temperature so I'd know if I had to dig my winter parka out again. Traditionalły the heating is turned off in apartments and condos today. I'm glad I don't live in an apartment or condo!
    Now I have a mystery to solve, why after a week of famine and deprivation, why do I weigh exactly the same as I did a week ago? Admittedly my toe nails need cutting and my hair is longer, wilder, and bushier than ever, but to weigh exactly the same as when I gobble up all put before me! This is most unfair! Jilly hasn't got her paw on the scale behind me, she is still under her blankie fast asleep.
    Sweet mystery of life, I've yet to find you.
    Off to eat my porridge. I refuse to give my porridge up but maybe the raisins and 2 teaspoons of sugar in it?
    Decided to leave my washed for summer parka in the cupboard. Dug out my heavy duty fisherman knit sweater instead. Yes, it's that chilly!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,499 Member
    Sitting in my car waiting for Trader Joe’s to open. Very drizzly and cold today. I have on many layers!! Spring, come back!

    I must have been born under a bad sign or something. The buyer I was meeting didn’t show, didn’t respond on messenger and just as I was leaving almost two hours later he did respond and say oh so sorry, I overslept. Apparently works nights and worked extra the night before. We are going to try on Thursday in the evening. I will not be staying extra this time. Growl.

    It is Mah Jongg morning. Looking forward to that. The week has several little treats. This is one of them.

    Anne, horrible, they turn off the heat!?!?! Cruel given the weather is so fickle. I am happy to be in a house with heat whenever I want it. I think the lack of progress is indeed the hair. You have more than most!

    Hugs all. Store is opening.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Maybe a good sign LIN!! Just think how you would have felt if he'd turned up unshaved, uncombed, morning breath and clutching a cup of coffee.
    My youngest just phoned. He's off into Toronto for his back therapy and he's wearing his thick winter coat. I am not alone! We are having a cold wave, an Arctic cold wave to misquote beautiful Marilyn.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A busy day. Walking, overseeing the gardener who's doing a grand job, lots of housework and now awaiting my lovely pedicurist. I'm out of milk and fruit so will have to trip to the farm shop before it's tea drinking time!
    It's still cold for end April and my problem, of my own choosing I hasten to add, is that having cleaned out the stove and hearth I'm loath to light the fire! I do have electric heaters but not the same somehow so it's a case of extra layers. A load of washing was put outside to dry this morning but as I chatted to the gardener before she departed there was definitely a hint of rain in the air so it's now all in on an airer by the radiator.

    Lin, I suggest if matey doesn't show again don't bother with him. There are too many time wasters out there behaving like idiots for the fun of it!

    Anne, it might seriously be that you aren't eating enough so your body is holding on to reserves. When I first started to diet it was something I learned from others telling me not to be too controlled by calories because if overweight then eating sensibly should balance things out.


    Time for my pedicure!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    The more I think about it the more I worry LIN. If you do meet this man can you take a friend with you? Personally I'd tell him that you've changed your mind. Sorry to be a worry wart but I was once very trusting and learnt half a lifetime ago to be very careful who to trust. If you decide he's okay please still take a friend along. Hugs, Anne,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2019
    George's good deed of the day..... he took a drink from an outdoor bowl placed there for all pets and lifted his head to discover a drowning bumble bee had caught on to his whiskers! It seemed to be buzzing a loud thank you but poor George was rather spooked so I had to catch him by his collar and gently remove the offending bee with a poo bag, the only thing to hand at the time. Rescuer dog and bumble bee both doing well!!

    Feet feeling wonderful so I took the dogs to the woods since we only had a short walk first thing, and there met a man walking Mollie the Westie, 15 years old but very sprightly as she sniffed round the bluebells. He told me he'd already heard a cuckoo close to his home and that's always a good sign of warmer weather. Just back from a few months in Spain, divorced and ex insisted they split their 2 dogs so she got the Shitzu while he had Mollie... all this in a moment's pause while the dogs introduced themselves. I give nothing away and wonder if I'm not social enough as I stand and listen to other people's life history!

    Anne, taking a closer look at my facial war wounds Brady has to be out of the loop because they are more like lumps removed than scratches albeit small. Perhaps I do have to place Violet in the frame!! Bloomin' blood thinners taken after the hip replacement are obviously still affecting my blood so going to take a while to heal although tempted to smear a leaf of my Aloa Vera plant on the areas then see if the yellow/green sticky blobs get a response from anyone!

    Buzz, anything below 15c is cold by my reckoning and certainly single figures has me reaching for another layer of clothing.

    I wonder if Sandy has arrived in Florida and hopefully stepped out into warm sunshine.

    I've enjoyed a nice cuppa having purchased milk from the farm shop along with a sticky chewy bar but time for me to cook my evening meal and feed the pets.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    BRRRrrr! You gals are right to be shivering! C'mon down, the weather in Florida is warm and beautiful except for an occasional shower, which goes away quickly! SANDY will tell you all about it.
    My new bill for Xfinity or Comcast or whatever the name is this week came in online and the shock was immense! Up almost $30! So I called and got on the line with a sweet young thing who said call back May 9th when the deals change, lol!
    Our new Bistro is opening this evenig with a bang-up Bar-B-Que for 50f us. It holds 135 people. Since the polish on 3 of my nails came off in the shower, I think I'll go redo my nails. And perhaps take a nap. I'm so sleepy. Is this a fact of "mature: age?
    Thanks JACKIE and ANNE, for the Fahrenheit conversion. I should know it by now!
    <3 Buzz
    .......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!...........................
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    We have glorious sunshine! A sight we have been longing to see. John is set to begin the mowing. The grass is so long it will take a long time. He will be going over every thing at lest twice. Katie and I will be wiping off the patio furniture and sweeping the decks again. This is in preparation for hosing off later. Whew! We have a lot to do and reason tells me we will not get it all done.

    We have had one bumble bee episode this year. The blue flowering ground cover is alive with bumble bees. I carefully ease by this area. Katie has no fear and often noses around that area. Much to my distress! We also have an out door water bowl. The most interesting creatures drop in for a quick drink. Not all of them are friendly.