Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited June 2017
    Hi SANDY, heavens, I don't think of you as a "mature in years lady" sweetie. I'm thinking of over eighties like me who would just LOVE to wear strappy feminine sandals but daren't because of wobbly ankles. Actually in all honesty I do have a couple of pairs of fairly strappy sandals which are fine for short distances, but not for long hauls with my massive hound! Not after Saturdays tumble! It seems such a shame that we can't risk wearing fragile shoes because of our bodies when our brains haven't really changed, we are still girls under the skin!!
    I'm not very good at clarifying thoughts that's for sure!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Took our bus shopping for groceries and spent over $73 despite the fact that I do NOT cook! Bought more stuff than I could carry (like Wholly Guacamole!!!) and dropped a semi-open container of salad dressing all over my kitchen floor and refrigerator, so wasted precious time mopping and cleaning my mess! Then it stared to truly come down in buckets, so I was grateful I returned before the deluge! Washing the darn floor exhausted me, so I may possibly have a short nap before sitting down to produce at least 4 greeting cards for dear friends whose birthdays are past!
    Just wanted to mention I cannot wear a closed shoe due to narrow feet with wide toes, so I had to find a supportive sandal and I found Mephisto's Helen a few years ago after giving up my beloved Birkenstocks! The footbed is completely molded so they really hug and I never trip. In fact I took only 1 pair last time I went last time we went to Europe for 3 weeks, and they worked triple time as shoes, slippers and even for hiking! I'll try to picture them for you. I even wear them to weddings as they come in metallics and every other type leather!ps7l1oyweg3p.jpg

    I own about 7 pair now that I finally got them in a white patent leather, too! They are thongs, but are the most comfortable shoes I've ever owned. I have Goldish, Silvery (more pewter), beige and a black in suede, black patent, white, and bronze. Falling is not an option at my age, because bones don't heal quickly, so this shoe is my standby! My eyes will not stay open so excuse me, please.
    <3 Buzz
    ..........................always believe something wonderful is about to happen..........................

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I've got something very similar BUZZ and they are comfortable and nice, but sometimes I wish I dare wear these again without breaking my ankle! They are cluttering up my closet at the moment.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Just a small hint Anne. When attaching a picture us the icon that says attach image not the one that says attach a file. Just an FYI.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited June 2017
    Oh, thank you Sandy for the hint. I'll give it a try if you'll bear with me, Anne.
    No, I'm just not clever enough, but I will keep trying!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    My what great shoes you have Buzz and Anne. I have lots of shoes but hardly ever wear anything but my Brooks walkers, Ugg boots and my house slippers. Once in a while I will venture out in other types of shoes but there are no heels or strapy shoes in the house. Happy feet are worth a lot to me. B)

    Today I also have been doing laundry, cleaning out the refrigerator and cleaning vegetables. I made a nice salad for lunch with all the odds and ends. Now that I have munched all of that, I need to clean some celery and carrots and I will go to the store for some Persian cucumbers or zucchini and some tomatoes tomorrow.

    I just heard from my Mah Jongg partners and once again tomorrow they are cancelling our game. Unless they get back to me later. Okay. Fine. I am making plans that do not include them. There's something called Mind Games tomorrow afternoon at the library and I am going to that. I might go early and play Mah Jongg with the library group if they have a seat available.

    Buzz, sorry you had to clean the floor. Darn. I hate when I drop things and make a mess! I hope you are getting some rest. Yes, I think you should just have a couple of birthday weeks my friend. In fact, we should probably be celebrating and enjoying each day.

    Anne, did you get little Jilly all brushed and sleek? I think that visiting with people who have dogs should lead to the expectation that you may receive a bit of dog hair as a gift. :)

    Sandy, it is nice weather here as well. Several times it looked like it was ready to pour rain but then it just cleared up again and we have a very sunny day now. I hope your afternoon at the pool is enjoyable.

    Some very good news last evening. My friend's husband, finally, after years, received a heart transplant yesterday. He was doing well last evening and I hope he continues to improve daily. Yes!!

    Total change of topic. I love the dried beets from Trader Joe's but have always detested fresh beets. I know, odd. Anyway, I had a few beets in my CSA box this week and I am cooking them now and need to check on them. Need to run along.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited June 2017
    Is this what you meant SANDY? But how do you reduce the size? The last thing everyone wants is a huge picture of my unused, these days, shoes! Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Size doesn't matter only in some other
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Sandydur wrote: »
    Size doesn't matter only in some other

    Snort :D:D:D
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    i war a diabetic shoe with a insert. saying since the subject came up
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    So good to hear from you Marie!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited June 2017
    The difference in my sandals is the sole, which is actually shaped to come up around the foot and cradle everything, including the heel. it is similar to an arch support and the material actually shapes to your foot. I have never "walked out" of them , as they are like a cradle!
    Is this picture of the one I'm wearing any better at showing where your foot rests?6all77nwhmhh.jpg
    My red toaster oven arrived today and besides looking terrific, it will be much easier to clean out crumbs! slot toasters are almost impossible to really remove every crumb. Oh my, 3:18 AM!!!
    'Nite all.
    <3 Buzz
    ..........................always believe something wonderful is about to happen..........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Seem to remember I was wondering whatever happened to flaming June, well it's arrived and we are currently enjoying 30c which is around 86f. I use the word enjoying but really it's too hot to do much outside although we had a lovely walk in the woods we used to go in last year and the dogs splashed in the river for an age. George is now flat out on the floor. Yesterday I managed to finish cleaning the outside of the hen house and painting with Cuprinol preserver so they now have a blue (Iris) colour home. Yoga at 5pm so I must get a couple of things done and do my best to keep cool.

    Sketchers are my favourite comfy shoes because I don't know I've got them on!

    Must get on.... enjoy your day.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Good morning, well not so good because the sky is black and we've just dodged the showers.

    I've finally worn out a pair of The Shoes you are showing BUZZ and yes they do cradle the foot and you can't walk out of them. Expensive, but well worth the money and last for ages. Must get another pair! I hope your toaster oven gives you a long life! My Hamilton is in use almost every day and is at least 6 years old. Very pleased with it! Makes a change these days doesn't it!

    Well, 4 days later I'm on the mend. Ankle, knee, elbow and ribs have a slight itch which usually means things are mending. Miss Jilly will be pleased. We usually have half hour or so play on the floor round about teatime. I'm alright sliding to the floor, but not so good at getting up again and she's too tiny to help! She has a beloved rubber purple bone and I'm supposed to pass it backwards and forwards over my sitting legs. She leaps over my legs backwards and forwards after it like a flea. We usually play as I watch the 6 o'clock news out of the corner of my eye because it can get boring, but not for Jilly of course! Then comes the spectacle of crawling upright again! So far managed! Must tell you, she loves this battered rubber bone so much, she takes it to bed with her. Michael's managed to find a replica to replace it when it finally wears out!

    Well Sneakers, have yourselves a wonderful day, rain or shine and as Buzz says,
    ..............always believe something wonderful is about to happen..........
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    We had such a good couple of days. Father's Day with Melissa. JAck and the boys at an amusement park. Then one of our other grandkids had his first communion followed by a supper with all. Yesterday a walk in Griffith Woods. Lots of beautiful flowers.


    Now off to take MaryJo to kindergarten. Tomorrow we pick up our trailer.

    Busy but fun.

    I wish I could find some good shoes too. I have a small but wide foot. Hard to find shoes that fit.

    Have a great day.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Beautiful day here right now but showers are in the forecast. Nothing planned until tomorrow night when I sit for the boys. On the subject of sandals my daughter convinced me to get Teva Women's Tirra Slide Sandal because she is a walker/hiker and said these shoes were so comfortable. I bought a pair in black and a pair in white and admit they are very comfortable because of the arch. She walked ten miles in hers, I am just happy to have them on for the day without my feet hurting.

    Jeri, you are indeed a busy person but as long as you are enjoying what you do that is all that matters. Can't wait to see a picture of the camper inside and out! Flowers are beautiful!!

    Anne, glad you are feeling better but not as happy as Jilly!! What a good furry mom you are getting on the floor and playing with your baby!! We had a rescue dog who was in love with his orange ball, we also bought a second in case the first got destroyed or lost. When he died we buried him with his ball. :'(

    Jackie, saw this on Facebook:
    UK weather: Health warning issued as rising temperatures could see Britain bask in hottest June day since 1976. Stay cool and hydrate. More pictures not only of new couches but now of the hen house. You sure are on a remodeling kick!!

    Buzz, I think the secret in good sandals is the support. I was worried my toes would hang out from my new sandals but because of the support they don't move. What are you doing up at 3:00 AM? Didn't we talk about this?

    Have great day, if it hot stay cool, if it is raining stay dry, if it perfect, enjoy!!

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    edited June 2017
    Good morning, I have been bargain shopping this morning. Beating the heat! Off to the library a bit later.

    Jeri, beautiful photos. Thank you. Time to pick up your trailer tomorrow. Wow, this past week has flown by. I hope you enjoy it and are able to go camping soon.

    Jackie, oh the heat!! We have portions of the U.S. simply sweltering. I am feeling fortunate to live in an area where we seldom see the high 90s. That is enough for me. Enjoy yoga this evening.

    Anne, what a lovely game to play with Jilly. One eye on the news is enough! I am pleased you continue to heal nicely.

    Buzz, lovely shoes indeed. I tried several pair over the years but never purchased any as they did not fit my feet properly for some reason. Like Marie, I have inserts in my shoes and seldom go without them. Enjoy that red toaster oven. I imagine it is a nice pop of color for your kitchen.

    I just found another series to watch on Acorn TV and I do mean watch. It is not something I just want to listen to. It is "Walks With My Dog" and features fairly well known folks walking their dogs in various parts of the U.K. It makes me wish for a larger TV screen!! If you can find it anywhere, I recommend it.

    Time to move along.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another sweltering day and for sure Sandy I'm following all the advice about drinking plenty of fluids, sitting in the shade and generally doing very little.... I could enjoy this lifestyle!! When I popped in to our local farm shop for some salad items yesterday I spied a bottle of Robinsons lemon barley water concentrate and have to say it's been the nicest and coolest drink mixed with soda water I've enjoyed in years. We might have storms tomorrow to break the hot spell so best to make the most of it today!

    Anne ~ It seems to me you were more damaged by that fall than you let on at the time and of course the shock is always something to deal with too. Please do take care of yourself and let your boys pamper you for a while if they want to!

    Lin ~ The Walking with my dog series is a favourite of mine too and I'm always amazed not only at the choice of dog some of these celebrities own but sometimes how untrained they are.... the dog not the celebrity!! :D

    A few photos as requested by Sandy :D

    then there's a huge chair that makes me feel like Alice in Wonderland when she fell into a room and shrank so everything looked enormous. Very comfy though!!

    The "Iris Blue" chicken house that the chooks are obviously delighted with because they're already sitting on top and messing!!

    ....and here's little Hebe also following advice and sitting in the shade already at 7.30 this morning!!

    Jeri ~ Beautiful photos. Is that an orchid, the yellow flower?

    Must get on and perhaps do some shopping while everyone is at the beach, hopefully!!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Great minds think alike JACKIE! Your leather huge chair looks just like mine, in style, only mines suede. And Jilly says to tell you George's doggy bed is exactly like hers. There the similarity ends because no chickens alas any more! There once was chickens in the garage when Mary Jos dad lived here! They slept in the garage which was probably a good thing considering the winters here.
    Anyway you are looking very posh and you will be very comfy come winter.

    It's funny but I didn't think I'd hurt myself that badly when I first tottered home, more like pride hurt. The ankle was the worst and I guess I was concentrating on that and not really noticing the other bits and pieces. However, all things come to an end sooner or later, and I shall endeavour to remain upright from now on in my sensible anchor shoes. I can't bring myself to take my in good condition straps to the thrift store just yet. Like a miser and his money I shall view them for a little longer. "Vanity, thy name is woman" as some twit once said!

    Today the weather is supposed to be a cool 24C. A good day to test the new sensible shoes and take my little canine for a walk, or at least a longer walk than the last few days.

    Enjoy today everybody and please take care and remain upright unless otherwise planned!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    edited June 2017
    Good day, a stormy start to the day. Lots of rumbling and periods of heavy rain. The outdoor Tai Chi class looks like a no-go. Haaaa.

    Jackie, LOVE the furniture. Comfy indeed. I don't know if I would endeavor to keep moving as much with those lovely seating options waiting for me. And I do love the blue of the chicken house. I don't think I have ever seen such a nice color. Around here chicken houses are pretty much white or if on an older farm they are red. As to the TV show, I can only view one season of the show with 8 episodes but LOVE it and hope Acorn adds more later as I assume there is more to see!

    Anne, just continue to take it slow and easy as your body recovers from that unexpected tumble. You didn't land on anything soft after all. Jilly is lucky that you have continued to take her out for walks.

    Well, time to readjust my plans for the day.

