Senior Golden Sneakers



  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    Hello All,

    I am recovering very well. Some days I do too much and play myself out but usually I’m pretty good.

    Sounds like everyone had a good Easter.

    Sandy thank you for asking about me. I loved your pictures. What a great bunch of cute kids.

    We had a very nice Easter dinner at our daughter’s place. I was worried that Melanie might play herself out as she has had some medical issues too but we had a very simple dinner with all of us contributing. Ham, mashed potatoes, carrots and asparagus with sorbet for dessert. Really nice. We ate supper by 4:30 which left lots of time to visit and play games and still go home by 8 PM. It was perfect for me.

    Still no appointment with an oncologist yet, wish that would happen but I have an appointment with a geneticist this week.

    I am working so hard to lose weight and keep myself fit. I’m back up to my old 10,000+ steps a day with usually 1 hour of walking. I manage to usually have a nap everyday and that helps a lot.

    Hugs to everyone

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    A Happy belated anniversary, Dear PATSY
    So sorry , I fell sleep and lost my clever, adorable, smashing post , and dreamed SANDY tapped my shoulder, and I can't remember a thing! I do want to repeat how gorgeous JACKIE's shots are, and SANDY's grand-kids are priceless ( how young Grandmothers have become!)
    ANNE, sounds like a perfect get[together to me!
    And LIN, love, your day sounds very typically a LIN Day!
    If my brain isn't functioning, age has nothing to do with it! My day was eventful less except for watching how wonderfully Terro attracts the stupid tiny ants in my bathroom, as I stay over them, hypnotized! Entitled - "My Day"!
    And yes SANDY, we are supposed to eat only unleavened bread.
    And I had better end this before making dreadful errors! Hi JERI. Hope Easter went well for you!
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!...................................
  • lesutherl
    lesutherl Posts: 76 Member
    I hope everyone had a great Easter and Passover. I went to my Nephews house for Easter Sue is a great cook so I enjoyed the meal that I did not have to cook. Lin, what kind of jewelry were you making? would love to see a picture. The photos of the woods were great would love to be able to walk in them. I have a park across the street but it is only 2 blocks long one of which (in front of my apt.) is a dog park. The weather here is mostly in the 60's typical for The Bay Area. (Ca.) I am trying to get myself to start walking I sure don't have to go far. I have recovered from my flue and fall and am still waiting for the insurance to replace my car window. Frustration !! Still battling the weight it isn't budging right now.
    have a lovely week
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    That's an awful lot of bunnies SANDY ! How on earth did you get them all to sit still for a photo.

    HAPPY ST GEORGES DAY TO ALL WHO CELEBRATE IT, which is probably me and JACKIE, AND if it's the 23rd. Just got up so haven't checked.

    It's going up to 61 Fahrenheit this afternoon so i will probably wilt from heat stroke. Flooding, but not here, us living above the lake a bit and the local stream running through the ravine. We, the Bean and I, had a quiet day yesterday, both recovering from good food and wine and her from playing with the giant puss Hobbes. I ended up with two chocolate bunnies so might as well give up on the old diet until we are into summer lettuce nibbling. Jilly shut up! She's barking at some poor old dog passing by our front window.

    And that's all for now. Hope nobody encounters a dragon on their morning stroll unless St George (and his lance) is around of course.
    Mmm must check Jilly isn't barking at, horrors, a Dragon!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,128 Member
    edited April 2019
    Good morning, Mah Jongg morning. Wahoo! I actually did Maj once on this newly issued card. The annual update is always anticipated and keeps us on our toes for quite a while with the changes!

    I am once again scooping bits and bobs out of here and ran across a zipped up paper protector. What a surprise! The original newspapers from my parents city of the moon landing. I am having a bit of fun looking at both issues. Old days <3

    Patsy, yes, a VERY LOVELY ANNIVERSARY celebration. I am still here smiling at my images of the dancing and festivities. I trust the cleaning if close to complete now.

    Sandy, you think of such great things. The kids were adorable. Good for you!! I hope you get rested up a bit. Now when do you leave for Florida? Two weeks out? Staying long?

    Laura, I didn’t go to the jewelry making as I just did not have a bit of energy. They were making earrings. I was going just to be with some good people. I don’t have pierced ears any longer and am a klutz at bending and wrapping.

    Buzz, I totally agree, Terro is apparently the ultimate ant opioid. They just fight to get to the stuff!

    Jeri, wonderful to hear from you and happy to hear of your very pleasant Easter. And you are already back up to your regular 10,000 steps??!! Wow. I pray you get all your needed appointments lined up quickly. Hugs.

    I am waiting to hear if my Tai Chi teacher will fit in a lesson for me today. Once again Thursday is unavailable. If I do have a lesson Anne I will fear no dragon as I will be carrying my sword! Haaaaaaa.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just a quick comment! After I posted and buzzed off I came in again because I had trouble typing so wondered if I was still on MFP and lo and behold, BUZZ, JERI, and LAURA in front of me! Hi everybody!
    Hi LIN, fearless dragon huntress !!
    Off for a shower, but have I missed JACKIE in all the jumble.
  • lesutherl
    lesutherl Posts: 76 Member
    Lin, they make several types of earing clip ons and posts for those who don't have pierced ears so I hope you will try it next time. You might get hooked on the craft. happy all of others Laura
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,081 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Sitting for the kiddos today but have my morning free. The weather was beautiful yesterday until the rain hit at dinner time. I got some sun on my balcony so it was a good day. Today is cooler and cloudy but hope to be able to take kiddos outside to play in yard. My cleaning girl comes today so I will come home to a nice clean house.

    Anne, Jilly is protecting you from danger especially if a dragon is near. The kids actually listened when I told them to sit on the stoop so not always terrors. lol

    Lin, enjoy your class. I leave a week from today and will be gone a week arriving home the following Tuesday. Looking forward to being with my daughter and sil and warm Florida weather.

    Laura, good to hear from you. I am not a walker and I am happy if I get 5000 steps a day.
    I make up for it by riding my recumbent bike but not everyday. I thought of going for an actual bike ride yesterday but I am a little fearful of falling off the bike. lol

    Buzz, I am not such a young grandmother but Lisa's parents are ten years younger than me.

    Enjoy your day.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hi Sneakers. Fun and games with my desktop computer after I did my best to clean out old files and speed things up only to discover the good old days of disc defragging are no more! The only thing that seemed to come close was to optimise things by "Refreshing" but oh dear, everything ever downloaded disappeared so at first I thought it must have gone back to factory settings... nothing like what I would assume to be a refresh!! That was yesterday afternoon and apart from downloading Mozilla Firefox so I can at least get online I'm still working through what has gone including MFP. At least the computer has speeded up so perhaps that should tell me something!
    This evening I'll have another sort through but at the moment am recovering after a busy morning, first walking bright and early without seeing another soul then Sue my wonderful gardener arrived and I asked if she could help to clear brambles at the very bottom of the garden. This was because last night when I went to the henhouse to shut their door I saw a movement in a corner of the run! Brady and George had accompanied me and saw it too so in a flash Brady ran round to the back and crouched waiting for the intruder to leave and when a rat made a run for it he grabbed it, threw it in the air then immediately lost sight of it!! George decided he would sit on guard until it reappeared while Brady, already bored, strolled back up the garden, over the gate and disappeared!! I had to return to my little soldier George in the dark to put a lead on him and guide him back because otherwise I'm sure he would have sat out there all night. We cut methodically bit at a time and as we uncovered the ground George began to dig somewhere in the middle of the area still to be pruned. We were there for 2 hours and made great inroads but by the end we could just about see George's backside sticking up in the air as the hole he created got bigger and bigger. We left him to it after the 2 hours and just after Sue left he came into the cottage with black soil and mud coated on his face and front legs... I should have taken a photo but instead marched him straight into the shower!
    My new hip is holding up well but the worn one is giving me a lot of jip so I do rest each time I've been on my feet for some time.

    Laura, I am very lucky to have the areas surrounding me for such delightful walks and believe me, if I lived in a city or town I wouldn't be going so far daily. Like Sandy, I've got an exercise bike but don't use it much, in fact not at all now until both hips are sorted. I think you've done really well already with the weight you've lost so don't despair.

    Sandy, I loved your cute little bunnies and good they take notice. You must have a voice of authority!!

    Anne, Poor St George would be very confused because this year his celebration is all over the place. As far as I know it is St George's day today but apparently the Anglican church has put it off until the 29th and Catholics 30th. Some folk were celebrating yesterday, perhaps because it was a Bank holiday so they weren't working!

    Jeri, I've noticed how well you are doing logging your exercise and "dog walk" and initially was worried you might be doing too much but no, you know exactly what you are capable of and are doing an amazing job of staying healthy. Let's hope you soon get your Oncology appointment to get it out of the way and move on. <3

    Lin, that's amazing... newspaper cuttings of the moon landing, so long ago and yet could have happened recently as memories are so clear. I'd be enthralled too!

    Well, a definite change in our weather because this morning I gardened in a short sleeved t-shirt but but 4pm I'd put an extra layer of warm hoody on because it has not only turned cold but begun to rain. The garden is desperate for it so I can't complain.

    I can hear in the background 6 o'clock news has started so I'd better feed the gang and then think about what I might eat too. BIG hugs for Buzz and anyone missed.


    PS Could be spelling mistakes but not stopping to check!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Dear JACKIE, not only do we no longer defrag, but Microsoft changes everything each time there is an update so I don't know where anything is anymore! And it does not ask for permission to eliminate :'( !
    I love the Tuesday paper as I just breeze through the Word Jumble and the Sudoku! By Friday I'm tearing my hair out trying to figure out the answers. I don't do too much moving around as that left hip (original one) is really getting painful. Since the Dr does not feel I'm a good surgery candidate (neither do I, at my age), I don't want to abuse it. How come they never learned to duplicate cartilage although they can clone animals?
    You have all posted such interesting articles and adventures it has kept me enthralled. ANNE mentioned MFP problems, or was it JACKIE? Pages keep jumping around for me and it gets very frustrating, especially when my "replies" disappear! I must disappear myself now, as I must shower and dress for dinner. We have been very spoiled with the holiday meals, but I'm surprised I did not gain an ounce! I must cut out desserts and ROLLS!!! I will feel better once I weigh less.
    Big hugs to everybody...
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!...................................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,128 Member
    Good morning, it is Tai Chi day with both morning and afternoon classes. The sunrise was beautiful this morning and I am ready to go. As I was brushing my teeth about an hour and a half ago I received several ‘dings’ meaning new messages on Facebook Messenger. It was an excited and happy gent in Nottingham who unexpectedly had a delivery early on. Yes! The bike arrived today rather than the May 2nd estimate. He already had it all unpacked, the original stem and handlebars in place. I have a photo and it looks lovely. Had never seen it without the front soft ride shock. No damage, the paint is even better than he had anticipated and the bike Jersey is his size. He is happy, I am relieved the package arrived with no damage. Bike Flights had told me to keep my fingers crossed as sometimes buyers will allege damage and then you must go through a settlement process. Yes, I am breathing normally now.

    Anne, nary a dragon came near yesterday as I toted my sword. Haaaa.

    Jackie, I haven’t tried to clean up my laptop for a long time. I just install the required updates and hope for the best. Thanks for the tip on the demise of defrag. I had no idea. These gardening projects are getting serious. I am in awe of what you and your gardener accomplish. Well done.

    Sandy, aha, the trip is coming up soon. Alas, only a week but it will be a wonderful week! I hope you have perfect pool weather.

    Laura, I only go to jewelry making maybe once a year and the materials are provided so no options. You do the project as instructed. You only have the materials for the one item. I don’t have any of the little pliers, twisters, nippers, in other words no equipment. I will try to go next time.

    Hello Patsy, Jeri, Diane, Marie, Barb, Barbie and all our dear Sneakers.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    So pleased for you LIN. Maybe you've even found yourself a genuine pen pal.
    JACKIE, do you suppose St George's day was cancelled because Brexit is imminent and it would add to celebrations if held the day GB is out of the noose around its neck?
    I'm about to take the pooch out for a sniff and sniffle so I'll away for now,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Fabulous news, LIN! So happy it turned out well. ...Just asking but do you know how old he is?????
    It's late but I must go have my breakfast. Today is ribbon-cutting ceremony for our new lobby, entrance and Bistro, with music, speeches, and appetizers. I cannot get over how different this place now looks! Have a great day, everybody...
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!...................................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hooray, our needed rain arrived in the night and although it seemed more like our gentle mizzle I noticed a bucket left out had a good inch of water in the bottom. Walking the dogs I decided to return to the bluebell canopy along the top of the woods so had a wonderful stroll while the dogs sniffed everything. Not much sleep last night due to my old hip complaining about yesterday's gardening so spent a couple of hours after lunch watching old Homes in the Country programmes before doing my best to fix a perch in the new hen house although I'm thinking the piece of wood might need to be thicker otherwise the chooks could end up bouncing on it! The sun returned late afternoon so I've just finished pottering in the garden with the aim to at least do a couple of small jobs each day.

    Lin, that's a great relief your bike arrived safely in Nottingham and sounds like it's new home will be with a cycling enthusiast who could easily ride to the castle or forest in search of Robin Hood!! My recommendation is to not try to clean up your computer because when I tried there was no warning everything would get deleted and it's a pain to build up the programmes I used all over again. My AVG Security has also gone and that's a download I paid for and trying to enter my AVG account isn't easy because only once has it recognised me, the rest of the attempts I'm advised I'm giving wrong information. Retrieving everything is not something to attempt when finding the whole process frustrating beyond belief!

    Buzz, I'm with you when it comes to Microsoft taking over our computers without permission... a sign of the times I do not agree with! I would be happier if a choice was offered to either let them do their worst or me do mine then there's no one to blame but myself! Have fun at the grand opening... champagne on offer I trust?

    Anne, if I felt Brexit was imminent I'd be a happy bunny but nothing is changing and the insanity continues with us now heading for European elections next month because although our MP's were advised to use the extention time wisely they all took off for an Easter break!! Nigel Farage isn't my favourite person but it could be he will win a majority of seats if it goes ahead and I will add my cross to his Brexit party candidate in this area. Perhaps we'll end up like Ukraine with a comedian leading the country!!

    Chicken nearly ready in the oven so I'll prepare salad and coleslaw while the kettle goes on for a cup of tea.

    Hugs to Jeri, Sandy, Laura and Patsy.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,081 Member
    edited April 2019
    Happy Wednesday!! :) Good Afternoon, I didn't get a chance to post this morning as I made an appointment at my dermatologist because I found a rash and was concerned because Robby has ringworm on his back. Although Lisa is very careful with keeping it covered and did take him to the doctor for medicine I wanted to be sure I didn't get it. Good news I don't but he gave me some free samples for psoriasis and said it should be gone by the weekend.
    When I was young with two young children, one my baby daughter, I got a little miniature poodle from a farm. She had a rash I was always digging in to try and heal but it ended up that I got ringworm on my arm and when I was cradling my baby she got it in her head. Once I knew what "Gidget" had we cured her and all of us. So I was a little concerned that since Ewok was a rescue dog who was found under a porch from a lady who hoarded dogs I thought I was getting an instant replay. So happy all is well and Robby by the way is almost cured. BTW, I loved Gidget so much she was just the sweetest thing ever except for Daisy. I wish dogs could live as long as people it is so hard to lose them.

    I am going to bingo tonight in hopes of winning some vacation money so wish me luck.
    Nothing else exciting except sitting yesterday was easier because the kids could be outside in the yard. The trouble maker is Ewok, it is like having four kids. lol As much as I love animals it is hard to get angry with him even when he steals their toys.

    Enjoy the rest of your day.
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    So glad I didn't shrug off the Ribbon -Cutting Party, as some of my friends did. All the big-wigs were here from Pennsylvania to make their speeches, and some of them were formerly staff here in Boca Raton, and it was great to see them. Also, Decorators must have snuck in somehow with all the paintings and smashing wall decorations, lamps and other table decorations, and the "snacks"!!! Lobster tails, shrimp, Turkey, corned beef, Tongue (!),all kinds of desserts, drinks (alcohol free), and we finally sat in our new and gorgeous Bistro (casual clothing acceptable, meaning shorts and blue jeans). I wish I knew how to add pictures of the new "us" to this post. There was so much to choose that I skipped dinner before attending our current events group. There we discussed the Mueller Report with the very savvy leader. No one in the audience was belligerent tonight but one couple came in late and she coughed all the time while he feigned sleeping (in the front row!) Next on the agenda will be electibility in 2020 ! I've spent the evening sleeping in my wonderful lounge chair, legs way up, in front of the TV, and am now off to bed. The swelling on my legs seems much less tonight!
    JACKIE, I'm as confused as ever by Brexit, but I gather it is something you approve, right? The World is in such turmoil!
    SANDY, your ringworm experience sounds horrible, but your acceptance of the sweet little Gidget is so endearing it warmed my heart! Ewok sounds hysterical!
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!...................................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,081 Member
    Meeting today, will be back later.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,128 Member
    At the library. See you later.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2019
    A day of shopping, first groceries then this afternoon to a DIY store for a few items. The grocery shopping was done after the usual dog walk and I was immediately reminded why I normally go first thing... busy people in my way!! 😖 A typical April showers day so a few chores around the cottage.

    Buzz, your current affairs discussions must be interesting even if one individual slept! Not many do understand our Brexit and even I'm losing interest!

    Sandy, Ewok sounds like Betty who steals everything off George and even tries to stop me petting him so she can have all the attention! I'm guessing you don't know much history on his whereabouts before his now forever home but goodness, he's fallen on his feet!😁

    Everyone out and about busy but 8pm here so kettle on and feet up!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,128 Member
    Hello again. A drizzly afternoon and I am hoping for it to end. I am off a bit later for several hours of fan practice with another group that does both single and double fan. We all have the same instructor so hopefully we will have the same moves! They do the more complex double fan form while in a circle—we do it while in straight lines. The movements where you have direction shifts like N-S-E-W or at angles are totally unknown to me. It is quite simple in straight lines. So, we will see, if the decision is to perform on Saturday in a circle and I do not really get it, I will pass on it and just attend. That will be fun as well.

    Well, last Friday. Sold my Yonanas machine, tomorrow I am meeting a lady to sell a little collection of Bobbleheads, 4 Big Bang Theory figures and Mr. Spock. I really am trying to clean out a bit and anything I can sell, fine, it is a plus. It isn’t easy. I find you must have something that is popular. And something I would normally keep. Haaaaa.

    I am posting a photo. It is a glass Art Deco style horse, about 11 inches tall. I received it used in the mid1960’s as I was horse crazy and we were moving to an acreage. The lady who was leaving decided to give it to me rather than move it. A quality piece that looks just like it from the 1920’s is around $150. Thoughts? $25? Lower?


    Jackie, how do days get so busy? Feet up and a cup of tea sounds terrific.

    Buzz, your day yesterday is very interesting. We discussed the decline of the Social Security trust fund as well as medicare funding today. Very frightening to think as they sit on their hands cuts will be necessary. We do not know how we will survive. Yikes! The figure mentioned on the news yesterday was 25% in 2035 I believe.

    Sandy, the puppy is very cute. They are like little kids, whirlwind chomping and sometimes destroying little kids. Haaaaaa.

    Hugs everyone. Must keep moving.
