Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Buzz ~ From Google search.... this isn't something I've tried but sounds feasible!!

    Step 1: Scrape off any excess tomatoes from the fabric, being careful not to spread the stain more.

    Step 2: Run the fabric under cold running water (not warmer water), letting the water run over the back of the stain so it does not spread it further or cause the stain to travel through the garment.

    Step 3: Pretreat the stain with liquid laundry detergent, barely rubbing it in, but more like just coating the stain, and then let it sit for several minutes.

    Step 4: Rinse well.

    Step 5: Use a white cloth to sponge white vinegar onto the spot, and then rinse thoroughly.

    Step 6: Repeat steps 3-5 until you have removed as much of the spot as possible.

    Hint: The sooner you do this after the stain occurs, the easier it will be.

    Step 7: Pretreat with a laundry stain remover and wash as normal.

    Step 8: Make sure before you place the item in the dryer that the stain is completely removed. If it is not then do not place in the dryer, as it will set it.

    Step 9: If step number 7 did not get out the spot again coat the stained area with liquid laundry detergent and let it soak in warm water for around half an hour. Then, launder again, using either oxygen bleach or chlorine bleach if safe for the fabric.

    I was taught to hang any stained item in the sun which bleaches it out so that's an option if all else fails. At least you're not short of sunshine!!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    LINDA, is your project to hang things on? Well inspired by JACKIES feathery friends and also the colour, how about flowers, grasses, and fluffy yellow chicks, and Easter Blessings or Welcome Spring to make a sort of fun door wreath? Turn upside down for hanging purposes.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited June 2017
    Happy Birthday Diane


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    BUZZ. Interesting stain removing tip from Jackie. I was told by a dry cleaner to simply pour undiluted liquid Tide onto stains and let sit for a few minutes. Then wash as normal. He told me to do this after I took a beige raincoat in one day after paying for professional cleaning and getting car oil on it again. Said it was a shame to charge me twice for what they would do! It worked and I've used this method ever since. I've found organic cleaner left sitting on a stain for a while works as well.
    This will tell you I am a messy person who now wears a pinny (apron).
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    Happy Monday! :) I have a cleaning dentist appointment early this afternoon, which I really hate but must be done. Too bad medicare doesn't pay for dental.
    I went to feed and let Daisy out yesterday and took her for a short walk so she would do her business. We played ball for a little while so I think she was happy to see me.

    Lin, if nothing else I like the color of your project, I just don't understand what it is. lol I am so sorry about yet another friend who is in need of hospice. This must be so hard losing so many friends so close together. Prayers for all of you.

    Anne, your "few" broken bones seems to be a lot. I haven't had any broken bones that I remember. The finger I caught in my hand mixer might be broken but I haven't been to a doctor and don't plan on going. (I think they would re break it to fix it) I also have another crooked finger which makes me think I broke it when I was a kid. I have had lots of surgeries however, including 4 C Sections, 2 back surgeries and 2 knee replacements. I hope I am done with surgery.

    Buzz, I also got a free gift from Edible Arrangements for my birthday. I brought 12 mixed chocolate covered fruits to my meeting to share and they loved them. I know little about stains except if in a restaurant if I spill something I ask for soda water to help remove. I used to carry a tide stick but must have run out and never replaced. A broken ankle the night before your wedding, you were a trooper! Was your father a doctor that he had access to anesthesia?

    Marie, so glad you checked in and let us know all is well! We love you!! <3

    Jackie, poor George, when does he go back to the vet?

    Have a great day!! It is so noisy here with them trimming the bushes!!

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Hi, sitting at the car dealership waiting for service. Transfer case fluid I think. Anyway, the icky project was to be a frame with chicken wire on the back--and they did not get chicken wire as they found out it was too expensive. And they didn't specify the width of the wood on the frame. Mine was too narrow. And it was to hang then ong way rather than the short way but again my frame had a metal hanger embedded in it that would have ruined the frame if we tried to remove it. So, you are to hang earrings on the wire, or use those tiny little clothes pins to hang notes or photos. The dowel at the bottom is not attached. It is on cup hooks so you lift it and put necklaces or bracelets or little scarves on it. That's the theory but the horrendously sharp wire renders it pretty much useless. You would ruin your wall if you tried to hang it. Trying to pad it is hopeless. I am thinking of trying duct tape on it as what do I have to lose. The chalk paint was fun though. And the idea was to not cover it entirely-it is supposed to look distressed. Yep, well that worked. :D And I liked painting the wire as well.

    Broken bones, for me a toe and a green stick fracture of my arm. I am mostly a sprain kind of gal. :D

    Gosh this place is crowded today. Almost every chair in the customer waiting area is full.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited June 2017
    Hi, everyone, I'm plumb worn out from all the delightful things and company and so forth. Just hung up on bank, after trying to find out my new charge card number, the older one having been hacked somehow! Son and DIL took me out for our 3rd and final breakfast at First Watch, which they absolutely love! I will be careful for the next year or more, sticking to my blueberries and...!!!
    Thanks so much, JACKIE! The only things I haven't tried are vinegar and sunshine! Will try again! Much lighter stain now, but still there!
    You have all been dears and understanding about my Facebook stupidity, but I see there are messages from most of you and haven't the vaguest idea how or what I'm supposed to do there! I had quit Facebook a long time ago because I found it too confusing and a tiny bit scary since I don't know the trappings and how to avoid problems. My generation didn't have to learn about internet and security, and it just gets more complicated for me!


    SANDY, yes, Dad was, and he saved my wedding day! I never regretted the marriage because I adore my 3 kids, but that ankle was a sort of warning that life would be rocky. He had PTSD, but who knew about that way back then? I have had an interesting life, and no regrets except that I feel I really didn't want to understand how ill Mike was! It may be called denial, but I would have changed certain things had I realized! I do miss that man!
    Anyway, back on schedule so I must get ready for dinner. Hugs to each and everyone of you and hope to make time to read and digest all the past few days here!
    <3 Buzz

    ........................always believe something wonderful is about to happen........................

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Lin ~ I'm desperately trying to think what use my hens could make of your latest craft because it looks like it belongs in their chicken run matching the newly painted house! A detachable perch too so they'd be in 7th heaven and perhaps pieces of fruit or green veggies pegged to the wire?

    Off to bed!!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited June 2017
    My thoughts exactly JACKIE, regarding LINS chicken coop door! I had thought earlier of suggesting Lin that you should purchase a few chickens like our Jackie. The only problem really that although they could run around outside all summer, they would have to be housed in your garage in an Iowa winter just like Mary Jo's dad did here with his chickens. When he departed with said chickens to the fruit farm he bought, leaving me and Mark and Mary Jo to purchase this house, it took about 3 years to get rid of a chickeny smell in the garage. The odd feather still appears occasionally from behind the old wood pile in the corner! Of course if you follow through on this helpful suggestion of a chicken house door, you will have to purchase more wood and wire netting to construct a chicken house around it.

    All this said with tongue in cheek dear Lin, because I know the very last thing you will want to do is become a chicken farmer!
    Love from Anne ❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Haaaaaaa. Dearest Anne, my suburb would throw me in jail and then throw away the key if I would dare to have any type of livestock on this lot. Give me an address and I will gladly ship my horror of a project to someone. I doubt the girls would want it if they saw it in person. :D The one redeeming quality is that it is blue!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Doing some laundry in preparation of my house guests. Had my teeth cleaned which I hate, but good for another four months. I have an eye appointment tomorrow, my meeting on Thursday and picking up my daughter and SIL from the airport during rush hour on Friday. :# I hope to get to pool today to keep up with my tan, the weather is a little warmer than the last couple of days. I will be watching the boys tomorrow for volleyball and to wish Lisa and the boys a good trip since they leave Friday. They are going to Virginia Beach with Lisa's parents to meet up with a lot of the family so they should have a fun week. My son is not going as he said work is too busy and admits he doesn't like crowds. (he is bipolar)
    At least he will see his sister and niece as his aunt has a BBQ planned. I also have to get to the store after my meeting on Thursday to get lots of food and drinks. I am trying a new store which has fresh veggies and organic meat which my daughter prefers. I have a blow up twin bed for one of the younger people and my couch for the other young person. Since they are not married we adults prefer separate sleeping while with us. lol

    Have a good day and enjoy life!!
    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Can anyone guess what it is doing weatherwise? You are right, we are dodging thundershowers again. I haven't had to water the veggies for ages and so long as we don't get hit by a thunderbolt the Bean and I are quite happy dodging the showers.

    Why would the authorities throw you in jail LIN for keeping a few pet chickens? My hairdresser was telling me that her 85 year old father in law has a flock in his back garden. I guess it's a European thing. A back yard full of veggies which he also enjoys and a dozen or so chickens. I'm surprised my next door neighbour hasn't any, but then it would be too much work mucking them out!

    My dad kept them of course during the war and rationing. We never ate them when the girls stopped laying eggs and the average age for Monica Mary and the other Rhode Island reds was about 9 years old.

    You can tell from the above it's a quiet day here in the suburbs. I have to go looking for new dusters this week because the Bean grabs them off me when I dust low enough. Usually the cross wood between chair legs. This means my present bunch have holes in them from sharp little teeth.
    Bye, Anne.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Cool and partly cloudy today. Not too bad really. We have yet another lunch with our dear musician friend. It is his birthday. John bought him the strangest thing as a gift. He got him a little kid's basketball and a little basketball hoop that fits on a trash can. Our friend loves to watch basketball on tv. He is of course a Blazer fan. We will meet at a Thai place on Thursday. It will be a hard day for us all, I know.

    Katie has a new toy as well. It is a teddy bear that has a sweater. She continuously removes it and carries around the sweater and the little bear. Katie hasn't done very well with the frisbee catching. However, she is slowly chewing up the frisbee..

    I saw a pbs program on Hollywood idols. This was about Marilyn Monroe. Interesting! It made clear how desperate some of the actors are. There is an amazing need for attention.

    The only garden I have currently is an avocado seed growing in a glass jar in the kitchen window. So far my crops are decidedly low producing. Hope springs eternal.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Ooooooops! Forgot to sign my name. The above drivel is from me...
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Hello friends, errands this morning, then Mah Jongg, followed by an afternoon of phone calls and spreadsheets. Time for me to put together a budget. A fairly strict one for the next few years most likely. Time will tell but it is evident I will have to stop being so free with my funds. Ick. Hate this stuff.

    We have had sunshine today but storms are expected the next several days. Lots of plans for the next several days so will pull out the rain slicker and be ready to go.

    My friend has had further tests and her daughters are taking her for a second opinion in Kansas City tomorrow. The cancer has apparently not spread further than the first testing indicated so there is a chance that a very radical surgery may extend her life. That is at least an option rather than just going into hospice care.

    Time to get back to work.

    And yes Anne, keeping chickens would get me in lots of trouble here.

    Patsy, happy Katie with a favorite toy. I think it is amazing that she co it use to take the sweater off the bear.

    Sandy, to warm enough here today for a day at the pool. I hope the new store works out well. It sounds very good.

    All best wishes. Hugs.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Can't believe how busy we've been. Took Mary Jo, Melanie and Sammy with us today to a kindergarten field trip to Butterfield Acres, basically a farm kids tour. Lots of animals to pet and look at. Some walking, they milk a goat, etc., etc. a fun time. Lunch in a teepee, etc. etc.

    Then came home and we have been getting ready to go camping tomorrow in our new trailer.


    We are going to a campground outside of Banff National Park a little ways. It's our first trip in our new trailer. Wonder what we will forget?

    Good night all


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Wahoo Jeri!!!! Love the new trailer. Enjoy your trip and just purchase whatever you forget!!

    Safe travels.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Spent mucho time going through old papers etc. which I simply stashed into desk cabinet when I had to clear my desk for cleaning! And I didn't find the information I needed for the bank, so I must clear away elsewhere! Big day tomorrow, starting early morning with new internet portal for my community. Then afternoon appointment with Comcast. So sleepy now.
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen......................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Our morning walk in the woods was a soaking one and even my shoes gave in and ended up squelching halfway round! In the end we cut it short so I'm home for a mug of coffee before a hot shower then off to do a supermarket shop.... something I hate but then I have to eat!

    It's one year on Friday that we found a cold, wet and starving Brady on the moors with weather similar to today's so it does seem we are seeing a pattern form which is wet summers with the occasional hot days and a glorious November... we'll see about that!

    My plans today are to finish off the odd bits of painting indoors such as the areas Brady ripped with his claws that have now been stuck back and a door frame that was scraped when the new roll of carpet was dragged in then hooray, I can finally get rid of paint pots. Yesterday I took a bucket seat that has been replaced to a warehouse that gives out furniture to those who can't afford to buy what they need and have promised I'll drop off the microwave I no longer need and a lamp so the de-cluttering continues.

    Anne ~ Back to the subject of the housing developments popping up all over our village, on the outskirts a few years ago was one of those awful battery egg farms that closed when laws came in that gave the hens more room to turn round in their cruel cages and the owner wouldn't pay out for the improvements. It's sat empty for a few years now because developers have discovered the ground is contaminated with remains of dead birds by the thousands so I think it's great the chooks finally won because no one wants to clean up the mess and they can RIP!! Meanwhile my girls live a life of luxury and also help to recycle fruit and veggie leftovers. Rather than complain about me having hens and even noisy Charlie, my neighbours decided to join in the fun of keeping chickens but then we are in a rural area so not sure today's cramped housing estates would be appropriate.

    Lin ~ Last night I watched a BBC documentary about how our NHS deals with cancer treatments which confirmed my thought that quality of life is the most important thing. A friend of mine is currently struggling halfway through 12 weeks of chemo with no enjoyment of life right now so I know how difficult these decisions are and hope your friend finds a way to balance treatment with some quality.

    Patsy ~ These dogs of ours do constantly entertain us don't they! George's needs are simple.... a stone brought in from the footpath to push around the floor and under furniture or rugs while his box of many toys sits ignored! My mother always had an avocado seed growing in a glass jar and I remember we thought it very exotic!!

    Jeri ~ That camper looks extremely plush and posh!! Have a wonderful trip.

    Sandy ~ A busy time for you too, even if it's keeping your suntan going! I have to ask, do you ever worry about the risks that go with too much sun? You can tell me to mind my own business of course!! LOL

    I see through the windows it's still raining so I'll stick to plan A.
