Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Happy happy birthday dear Buzz. Perhaps a kind of weird day yesterday but in the company of your son who is enjoying treating you a bit. So please let him! Enjoy the rest of the weekend!! Hugs.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Since it is Buzz's 90th Birthday it is going to be a great day for all of us!! My plans are the pool and Church nothing more nothing less. My daughter and Sil will be here next Friday and now her daughter, my granddaughter asked if she and her boyfriend can stay here also instead of at her cousins. Of course I said yes and even though we will be a little crowded it should be fun.

    Anne, try clicking on this site:
    scroll down to where it says all categories.
    type it what you would like such as happy birthday.
    click on the little black icon next to what you are looking.
    click on the design you like.
    scroll down to where it says: To post on and forums, use this BB code:
    click on the code and it should turn blue, then right click and hit copy.
    (if using your Ipad hold down on code until it a bar that comes up says select all, hit select all and then copy.)
    then in the reply box hold finger in box until it says paste.
    And there you have it! Clear as Mud! lol

    Have a great day, enjoy it like we are celebrating with Buzz!!

    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    SANDY, I had a go but I'm just not that clever! Mind you my mind could be addled because I've just come in for a break from cutting the back lawn. About to go out to do the front. After all the rain we've had the grass is and was more than ankle deep. Jilly could have got lost in it, and being short legged it must be difficult to pee as well. This will tell you that I am definitely on the mend! Darren who cuts my grass has taken advantage of one sunny day in the middle of the monsoon, loaded his car with camping equipment and loaded the family. I usually pay him $30 per cut and he didn't do it rainy last week which means I am richer by $60! Oh happy day! So (maybe) sacking poor Darren ends my days as an employer! Short-lived!
    Thinking of BUZZ having a wonderful lunch and hopefully being thoroughly spoilt on her special day, and doesn't she deserve it!

    Back to the grindstone here!
    Anne, mowing her meadow!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I did it! And wouldn't you guess Darren and family drove up as I finished! Never assume!!! Recovering with a cup of iced tea.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Good grief Anne!!! Mowing. What did Jilly think? Glad you are still okay. I think I heard you are recovering from a fall. <3:DB) But you did save some money!!


  • lesutherl
    lesutherl Posts: 76 Member
    Happy Birthday Buzz

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Thank you everyone.What a busy day. Thought I had posted but must have run off before clicking Post Reply! My day has been hectic and I'm aching to get some sleep.
    Otherwise I'm fine, we're all fine and if not, take 2 aspirin and cal me in the morning.
    Awful pictures posted on Facebook, but we were enjoying the entire day and dinner was awesome! Restaurant was Trattoria Romana in Boca Raton. OMG! Not the kind of place I dare to approach, but I felt like queen for the day! My dear D-in-L kept saying "but Mom, you're only 90 once in a lifetime!" And I now have another new gadget, A Samsung Android notebook, to learn how to use! My wiz grandson downloaded my entire Windows program onto it, thinking it would be familiar to me????? But he also added Netflix and some other goodies, so I will try to figure out what i'm doing! Falling asleep.....
    <3 Buzz
    ............................always believe something wonderful is about to happen..........................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Good morning BUZZ,...........always believe something wonderful is about to happen............ AND IT DID! So glad you had a wonderful day.

    Michael, after work, drove half hour just to take the wonder dog for a long walk! Not for dinner or anything, but just to take Jilly out and then play with her! I took advantage of this to finish off the weeding in the front garden and one of my young neighbours aged 65 came over to say 'we can't believe you mowed the grass yourself". "Why ever not" say I, "after all I'm only 81", not letting on of course that I'd had an iced tea and an anvil to recover, lol! Or that Darren will be back mowing next week! She also said "AND you've cut your hair off", no enthusiasm at all, so I guess I suit long better!

    The zucchini have big yellow flowers on them. With everything in the veggie garden taking off, I suspect I'll be harvesting at the end of next month.

    Well having done all the vacuuming, floor washing and mowing yesterday and looking like "The Wreck of the Hesperus" I think today calls for a-wearing of posher apparel just to show the neighbours I CAN smarten up! Of course they will have all disappeared on outings!

    Have a wonderful day, girls, just doing what you all like doing best,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    edited June 2017
    Happy Sunday! :) I have been invited and uninvited to a picnic. lol My son asked if I wanted to go to an AA picnic to help watch the kids while they played volleyball but then changed his mind since they didn't know how long they would be staying. In the meantime Babe asked if I could go let Daisy out later and feed her. He is going to a double header softball game for his granddaughter and will be too far away to come home in between games. So I will either chill out or go to the pool for a couple of hours before taking care of Daisy. It is only going to be in the low 70's so hopefully the sun is warm if I decide to go to pool.

    Anne, I agree that although you are able it is best to have Darren do the mowing. My daughter's father in law who is 80 was cutting his grass and fell off the curb. He shattered his femur and had to have surgery. He was doing well and went through all the therapy but suddenly he was limping and in pain. After getting a brace and other forms of therapy his wife insisted they give him an MRI only to find out he has a torn minuscules in his knee and will need more surgery. He finally admitted he fell again in his yard doing yard work and he didn't tell anyone. He has been in pain for a couple of months and his family is furious. They own a big home with lots of stairs and my son in law has been trying to convince them to downsize to a senior complex but they are very stubborn. Long story to tell you to be careful, leave that yard work for the youngsters!! lol

    Buzz, I am so happy you had a wonderful birthday!! The pictures on Facebook were great, you looked so happy. You have a wonderful family and I am so glad they came to celebrate with you.

    Lin, busy day today?

    Have a wonderful day!
    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Thanks for the story SANDY and advice. I agree and I actually broke my ankle between two rocks a few years ago. The problem is I love gardening, mostly it's not a chore apart from grass cutting which Darren will take up again. I think my Mom was right when she said everyone is fine until the age of 80 and then the problems start kicking in. I'm sorry your gentleman is going through all this, but I understand how hard it is for him and his wife to give up their lifestyle. I can't afford a senior complex so I shall just have to behave myself, or be careful regarding shoes, snow shovelling etc.

    As mentioned earlier I AM wearing posher apparel today, but can't show the improved me off because it's thundering and raining. Never mind, at least I don't have to cart watering cans around much this year. Be careful in that pool SANDY, we don't want you struck by lightning! Our particular storm just came up from nowhere! Hasty retreat by Anne and Jilly! We had been sitting (me) and playing (her) in the garden.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Having just spent 2 hours Skyping with my brother in Spain I must now get something to eat so a short and sweet post. Buzz, your birthday sounds just perfect and I'm betting the Italian restaurant food would have been glorious.
    Today George is still struggling somewhat but the medication does keep him quiet so he's continuing to rest as advised by the vet. At lunchtime I went to the home of friends to let their dogs out for a run while they enjoy a trip to big gardens on the north coast but they'd forgotten to leave leads in view so with trepidation I let them run free round the yard but they were so excited to meet someone different they didn't go far! The property is in the middle of moorland so they could have gone miles if they'd wanted!!

    Anne ~ You might know already but the courgette plants produce male and female flowers and you have to pull off the males because they aren't useful and actually take energy from the plant. You'll recognise them because they are on long stalks whereas the females show signs of a courgette from the start.

    Must eat.......
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Home from church for a quick lunch and then off with that wood photo frame to see what can be made from it. They did send a photo of the project and honestly I am not that interested but I have the frame so I will go. I need a distraction. A friend at church had heard last week that her cancer has returned. She is scheduled for another test tomorrow to see where it may have spread. What I did. It k ow until this morning is that surgery is at best a very outside chance and they have advised hospice care. Her daughters are inserting themselves in this and are going with her to the test tomorrow, the doctor's appointment on Tuesday and are taking her to Kansas City for a second opinion. Rough trip from here for someone who is in a lot of pai.

    Sandy. Enjoy your time with Daisy! The weather is 100% lovely here.

    Anne, sorry you're in on your posh clothes and have to stay indoors. Many people do not have good health for as long as you've been blessed with it so please, take care. My grandmother was pretty spry and active but she starting breaking bones with her falls later in life. Earlier on she would bruise but not break. Eeeck. I try to be careful but an accident is an accident.

    Well on that happy note, must fly.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited June 2017
    Thanks for the tip JACKIE about the courgettes! Who'd have known. I wanted to turn my compost over today, drat the rain.

    I got thinking about broken bones and whilst not suffering anything major like a broken hip I've had a few in my time. To date moving upwards:

    Big toe
    Ankle (pretty bad glad I didn't rebreak it!)
    Wrist (right wrist, my writing and painting wrist. Bad break, all of the wrist bones, and set wrongly at the hospital with no surgery and pins, and still and always will be deformed. Advised after cast removed not to have it rebroken and reset because that would likely cause arthritis. The bones are 25% not aligned)
    First finger on right hand,
    Nose (had a straight nose originally but not taken to a doctor as a 12 year old kid, so I've had an "interesting" nose ever since. It was broken by a large boys fist in a mixed female and male game of basket ball, or netball at school)

    Nothing huge so far like a leg, but none the less, all a nuisance at the time, your warnings are heeded!
    PS: wow baby courgettes already forming! Just been to have a look!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jerry and I are doing fine and Misty too.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh my, ANNE's list of broken parts has me feeling so darn lucky. I broke an ankle the night before my first wedding, and my Dad pumped my foot and lower leg full of anesthesia so I was able to walk down the aisle, but in ballet slippers instead of my gorgeous Filene's Basement shoes from a very posh store in Dallas! My Mother-in-Law actually came to the house to make the hem and train shorter before the wedding! The anesthesia lasted almost through our honeymoon! I've had very few falls or breaks, maybe a toe or 2, but balance has always been very important for me, so I don't usually fall, even when I trip! Now I hope I didn't just put a hex on me!
    Yesterday I read a tip on Kim Komando's daily newsletter that Edible Arrangements gives a free birthday gift to members of their Rewards program, which I am, so I called and asked if I was eligible and they said to come over today for my gift. It was a box of a dozen dark chocolate dipped pineapple pieces. and delicious (though their dipped strawberry freaks me out!), and my D in L and son took me for brunch to the Parkland Country Club, where they surprised me when the staff came in at the end with chocolate birthday cake! Anyway, tomorrow I watch my weight for the coming months, as I broke every rule this birthday! I wish I ate to live, rather than the other way around, but I must admit I love good food!
    Does anyone have a good method for taking out tomato sauce stains from white cotton? None of my spot removers even touch it! I finally even resorted to Clorox, but it didn't touch it! And it was the first time I wore these new white pants!
    Well I'd better start putting away the mess, since I think everyone's gone. Papers, wrappings and instructions are all over the place, and if I don't start I will never finish!
    Don't anyone fall, get struck by lightening, or allow other disasters to befall, as we want good news from here on!
    <3 Buzz

    ....................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen....................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Today's frame project. I will not make another thank you.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Good morning
    sending Happy Birthday wishes to Diane!! <3<3


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    To Diane ~~ Have a lovely day!

    <3 Jackie
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited June 2017