Senior Golden Sneakers
Hello again.
Sandy, I write checks to the IRS and I do quarterly estimates, both Federal and State so a few checks a year. I also pay all of my insurance companies by check. I can file for a bit of reimbursement from my former employer for my supplemental health insurance and they require both the premium notice and a copy of the check. Also to my church. Not as many as I did in past days, but still some.
The man who passed away was my dad’s first cousin. He and my dad were always close, just about the same age and same interests. After my dad passed away, I have kept in touch with him by sending cards and notes, he sent me a card as well from time to time. Just like my dad, he could hear next to nothing and could not hear on the phone. This is the last tie to any keeping in touch with more distant relatives. If my leg wasn’t killing me, I might try to drive. But life is what it is. A niece (by marriage) who I have spoken to a few times called me and we talked for a while. The end.
Okay, now on to another topic, you folks know so much more than I do, does anyone know about cut glass/crystal? This bowl is very heavy and quite lovely. I see inside the bowl on the bottom there is an elaborate mark that looks like a flying bird or something. Very difficult to see. Any ideas?
A photo of the bottom of the bowl. Not the mark. It is pretty.
Back to sorting photos.
P.S. Must watch more antique appraisal shows. Could not find an answer online.
0 -
High clouds again. Maybe a shower at some point. Very chilly. I can’t believe this weather. We had a deer just napping on our front lawn and when John went out to his shop, the deer just stayed curled up in the grass. It was sort of alarming. Sick? Having a baby? What’s going on? Finally it slowly wondered off.
I also had a horrible night. I know today will be busy and I will have to make an effort not to be cranky. But I can do it. Missing sleep is part of my life. I can’t remember a time in my life when that wasn’t a concern.
Anne: I did check out that artist you told me about. Wow she is a powerful artist. I was fascinated by the painting of the rabbits, called War. You have the same opinion I have about her work. It is powerful and has a lot to say. It isn’t just a decor for the dining room. Interesting person to read about.
Buzz: oh my! Sweetheart, I am so sorry you have all those bruises and bumps. I know you must be sore and feeling rather beat up. I hope you can rest and pamper yourself. Call for food delivery and listen to lovely music as you lie in your special chair. You were so lucky not to have any broken bones. But could you have suffered a concussion? Let’s be over cautious and have the doctor take a look at your bruises etc.
Sandy: my personal opinion is this group of women, here on sneakers, are all kind and loving women. We all deal with our own issues and try to be supportive to friends and family. The family includes our dear furry and feathered loved ones. You are indeed a caring person. Your sitting with your grandchildren is amazing. I would love it but I am not physically capable. Anne does the same. Is it sexist to say we are loving caring women? I love you all, my friends.
Patsy0 -
Hello friends
Back from my visit to my sister. We had a lot of fun but the long drive was very hard on me. My sister looks good but I can see a deterioration I am afraid. Darn cancer.
We’ve done a couple great walks taking pictures of spring flowers. Weather has been a bit iffy and I have more places to go on my list.
My calendar for the next month is completely full. Two sets of company and hopefully a camping trip.
Hugs to all,
2 -
Lin: I have heard my mom and her sisters talk about this, so maybe you can get more info. There are important differences in cut glass depending on depth and number of cuts in the glass. It should have a certain % lead in the Crystal also. I know this info is on google etc. I did sell a huge punch bowl for $300 and it wasn’t considered top quality. Not nearly as nice as the picture you showed. Hope this might lead you to a good buyer.
Patsy1 -
I present me in all my backward-falling :
This took courage to add on here. All the swelling and abstract color is not very attractive! But it's how I look now! I guess I could have fixed my hair, huh?
I started off this post by telling LIN I'm proud of her reaction to a charity with no Address, phone number or other means of communication! Who knows who they really are? (That post got messed up. I would like to delete the one with 4 or 5 copies, but cannot find the way to do so! Sorry about that (I need SANDY by my side!)Buzz
.......................I just cannot say it!.......................1 -
Oh no Buzz sweetheart, how awful for you and painful. You've hit your head with a lot of force to cause such bruising and I must ask, was the back of your head x-rayed because sometimes a skull fracture can cause such symptoms? Please, please spend your time resting and recuperating and have the nurse check you regularly. Sending you love and hugs. 😍😘
Yet another cold and wet morning so I'm slow to get myself going. Also hardly slept a wink due to aches and pains and ended up at 5am curling up on the sofa with a warm throw and the furries.
Back later!
Jackie0 -
BUZZ, just horrified at the sight of your injuries. I join Jackie in hoping you had a head scan. Please Buzz, rest as much as possible and make sure someone keeps an eye on you.
This is turning into some awful accident filled year.
I too ended up for a while on the sofa JACKIE with my little furry.
It's damp and chilly here. We are all sort of giving up on summer.
0 -
Buzz, you dear, the bruises look so painful. Please, please rest and I do hope the medical personnel are keeping a close eye on you. Hugs.
And no worries about the charity. It is for abused women who have escaped their tormentors. No outsiders are allowed to know the locations of their safe houses or for this recently opened warehouse. They have expanded to try to have furniture and household goods available at all times. I missed an opportunity earlier this year, they had a moving van in the parking lot of a local mall and you could drop off donations there for a few hours. It was just a thought. We will see. I support their work though.
It was a stormy late afternoon and evening with loads of wind, driving rain, and a strange color to the sky. Foggy this morning with temperatures in the low 60s F.
I cannot believe how strange the weather is. Hang in there Anne and Jackie. Hopefully summer will emerge.
Time to get ready for church. Much love and hugs dear Sneakers.
Jeri, welcome home and sorry your sister’s health is declining. Another busy time coming up for you. What a wonderful life.
Patsy, thanks for the tips. I am clueless about glass/crystal. I read a lot yesterday and searched for makers marks. I may ask one of my Mah Jongg friends. She and her husband have an extensive background in buying and selling vintage items.
Sandy, hope your foot is feeling better.
Okay, really must run.
Lin0 -
The weather tricked me again by showing a flash of sunshine to encourage me out with the dogs then, as soon as we arrived in the woods cloud, drizzle and a cool breeze blew over us. Just to prove my brain is not in gear, I had put £25 in my pocket to pay for a stock up of pet food when usually I carry a bank card. Into the pet store I went, filled my basket up to capacity then, just in time, remembered before going through the till that I had spent my money plus a lot more so most went back on the shelf!! I'll have to reorganise myself and return to the store in the morning.
Anne, sorry you are still suffering and lacking sleep but hooray for furry friends keeping us company. This weather is depressing and to think the summer solstice is next Friday! It was more my fault that I ended up in pain as I tried to sleep because I sat and watched the whole series of The Thornbirds yesterday, 12 hours of it, that I remembered from the early 80's when it was followed by everyone in the office I worked in and discussed in length over morning coffee. Betty has decided to become a lap dog so I had the added burdon of a 10+ kilo dog on my knees and on more than one occasion tried to shift my sitting position ending up pulling my rear up but leaving my legs behind under her weight thus pulling the muscles in my groin!! It feels a bit better after this morning's walk so hopefully short term damage.
Lin, am I the only person who sees a shrimp at the bottom of your bowl?
I have had a quick look at crystal glass markings online and will continue to browse.
Patsy, happy fathers' day to John and I know you will both have a great day together with or without the kids!
I will now bore you with a family saga that is about to become a nightmare, well to me anyway as I see trouble and strife ahead. When my father died he left his property that had been in his name only to myself and 2 brothers at the same time allowing our stepmother to remain living there until she died. This morning I have heard from my older brother that a stepbrother phoned him last night to tell him she passed away "earlier this month" which goes to show the lack of communication amongst us. The funeral will be held early July with a procession starting at the property and then a gathering back at the house without it seems any attempt to check if we mind. Of course I don't and doubt my brothers do either but since we don't even hold a key I'm wondering what then happens? To make matters worse, my brother that lives in Spain is executor, my older brother who lives the closest recently had a knee replacement and me the new hip so we're all a bit decrepit!! I won't be attending the funeral, not just because I'm still on crutches but during the last conversation with stepmother she accused me of only ever visiting my father in 30 years because I wanted to "get my grubby hands on the property" when my intentions were only ever to maintain a difficult relationship with a man suffering with depression and with Jekyll and Hyde personality. Enough already you will be saying and I agree but may well revisit this topic over the next few months!
Good grief, the day is nearly gone so I must at least put the vacuum cleaner about the cottage. Hello Sandy and Jeri.... anyone else I've missed of course.
1 -
Here we are on Father’s Day. I do hope the kids call John. He says things like he is pleased with my special dinner plans etc. but I know he would like to hear from the kids. Isn’t it crazy how so many of us oldies feel so isolated. It seems a common issue. Except for dear Anne and her boys! And lovely Sandy.
Buzz: please take this seriously! Bruises heal slowly and a bottle of makeup can hide a lot But if one of us had come up with something like know you would be very firm about us keeping an eye on any possibilities of concussion etc. this is a bit more than stubbing your toe or bumping your head. We are concerned because we love you, dearest Buzz!
I held my nose at the price of saffron threads and just bought it for John’s Father’s Day paella. These tiny little flower parts are so costly! I hope they aren’t rare or endangered, just time consuming in harvesting.
It is dreary and chilly today. What ever happened to spring etc? Feels like autumn and we haven’t had summer yet. I do hate the heat however. I must be careful what I wish for. We are not prepared for a heat wave.
Patsy1 -
Happy Sunday!
It is also a dreary day here and I agree with what happened to Spring? I was hoping for a pool day but oh well more rest for my foot. Lisa's mom phoned me and invited me to come celebrate Father's Day with Lisa, Rob and kiddos along with her brother, wife and their 3 kiddos and them of course. They are having pizza, so do I want to add more pounds and be with 6 kids under the age of 5 or just stay home and relax?
Patsy, happy Father's Day to John and I know you will make it special.
Jackie, don't anticipate problems that might not happen, take it one day at a time. Is the house in England? If it is all written in a will there should be no problems. Maybe the family will just want to buy it from you and your brothers. Sorry about your aches and pains if only the sun would come out, I think we would all feel better.
Lin, I love the charity you are thinking of giving things, maybe your Church or your town hall knows where to accept donations. I know my Church helps families in need and accepts donations. The crystal bowl is beautiful, please do ask your friend about it's value.
Buzz, you poor dear, you really did a number on yourself. As all the rest have written, please make sure the nurse comes to check on you. If I remember right they did check for a concussion did they not? Rest is the answer so take as much time as needed.
Anne, cold and damp here as well. Are you still in pain? Is it your back? I forget which son is the father but Happy Father's Day to him. Do they celebrate this in Canada?
Jeri, good to hear from you but sorry about your sister. How are you feeling? Busy months seem to be in all our lives lately especially those of us with grandchildren. Rest when you can.
Have a good day everyone and keep warm.
One Day at a Time1 -
Added just now.
SANDY, you beat me to it in posting! Yes we do celebrate Father's Day, and both my sons are Dads although Devin, Mike's boy doesn't live locally. I'm sure Derek will be barbecuing for Mark.
JACKIE, so sorry you are in for a tottering time in the future. Perhaps a consultation with a solicitor might be a good idea. I suppose we have a similar situation here. The boys dad is fairly well off but neither of my sons really expect to inherit when he decides to leave this mortal coil. His wife got land in her divorce settlement and my ex sunk a huge portion of his cash building a house on it. So, if he snuffs it first I guess she and her offspring from her first marriage will inherit the whole lot. However, if she takes off first things could get interesting. Her kids will want the land and you can't remove a big house off it. Fortunately neither of my sons expect anything but I hope I'm still around to see what the outcome is being naturally nosy.
Sounds a bit like the Forsyth Saga doesn't it. I'm sort of glad these days I didn't remarry and complicate things further!
Anyway do keep us up to date because you know you have all our support.
Again I have your problem with a loving little dog. She doesn't climb on my lap but snuggles up as close as possible leaving me in fear of crushing her, then feeling a bit stiff I guess, she decides to plant her paws on my leg and stretch and shove away from me. For such a wee thing this can be quite painful.
Happy Fathers Day PATSY's John, and also to JERI's lovely lad.
It's an egg and chips sort of day here. So I'll away,
Hugs to all sufferers which we all seem to be just lately,
Anne.1 -
Lin, I've had a good search for your "shrimp" but nothing showing. Hmm, probably not a Rene Lalique though... wouldn't that have been something.
You probably know this already but found this advice:
How can you tell if Crystal is good?
Get a glass and hold it up to a light source. You can tell that it is crystal if it creates a rainbow prism effect. If it doesn't, then you are holding just a plain glass. If you tap the glass and you hear a musical ring with a little bit of echo, then it is crystal.
Anne, yes a solicitor will be the only way forward I'm sure since I doubt my brother Bernie will return from Spain to deal with this matter. It's going to be a protracted business for sure so we'll have to ensure the property is insured and secure... don't want squatters moving in!! Your boys have an even more complicated situation to deal with unless their father has made provisions for them. Let's hope he has! My stepmother split the house she owned with her ex after she moved in with dad and gave the money to her sons so I don't think they can or do expect anything from his property and I know Bernie has done his best to keep civil lines of communication open so think I'll just duck in the hope I don't have to get involved! Yup, definitely a saga!! Baked beans on a jacket potato with a couple of farm shop sausages for me!
Sandy, dad's property is in London and both step brothers are in their 50's or 60's so I can't imagine they will want to buy it. Possibly couldn't afford to anyway what with house prices in that city. My older brother usually goes in both feet and a rather large mouth upsetting everyone in his way so I'm hoping his knee replacement operation will keep him away and quiet!! You're right, I'm anticipating angst because of past experiences with that family which might not happen now their mother has passed away.
Patsy, I think saffron is expensive because of the delicate handling required to harvest them rather than rarity so don't feel bad just enjoy the paella.
My neighbours just called round to take George and Betty for a walk round the block in the rain so towels at the ready by the door for when they return!
Jackie0 -
delraybuzz wrote: »I present me in all my backward-falling :
This took courage to add on here. ..................
Big hugs my good friend.
0 -
Hello, home from church. So many people off doing other things today. Meanwhile, there was evidence that someone tried to jimmy their way into the church and now one of the locks is damaged. I spent most of the service dealing with the failed internet/phone/cable TV service. The repair person arrived and unfortunately the maintenance people will have to come out tomorrow to replace something on the pole (no underground wiring there).
Jackie, I cannot get a good picture of that mark. It is not a shrimp although I can see by my bad photos how that would be your conclusion. It is actually two wings, one facing left and one facing right, in the center there are upright marks like a something sprouting from a bird’s head. But honest, a creature, but not a shrimp, a winged something or other. No initials at all. I run my finger over it and it is very lightly stamped or etched so I can just feel it. Yes, well it would be lovely if it was worth a fortune but highly unlikely. My mom purchased a few nicer things but nothing really pricey. My grandma pretty much had dime store items.
Happy day everyone. It is warming up here and the sun was out for a while. Summer-like you might say.
Hugs again.
Lin0 -
Just in case of a crash, I posted. I want to wish you the best Jackie. Dealing with family, particularly where money or property is involved definitely can be a trial. May you come through unscathed.0
JACKIE, how did you come by your beautiful character and personality with the family background you have described? All the love you have got transferred to your late Canadian partner and Mother Nature's creatures? How amazing! Even your "cottage" appears filled with warmth and love!!! Well, I must say, money was never a prime factor in my life, so I never paid much attention to what I was "entitled" to, and mostly, things somehow worked out with saving and a bit of frugality, which came naturally! I recalled as a very little girl, my tiny Mom on her hands and knees, scrubbing the floors in my Aunts' Millinery shop, to earn money to help my Dad through Podiatry school (depression period with 2 little daughters). They eventually had a decent income, but were always very careful with money. And always devoted their lives to bettering conditions for others!
I'm glad to hear some sun is gradually peaking through for several of you. In mid July, you will probably be longing for some cooler weather! Here, it is warm but raining daily. Crashing thunder has toppled us off our chairs several times, and actually the lightning killed 2 giraffes at one of our huge zoos last week!
JERI, I know it is so difficult to watch a sibling deteriorate, but perhaps looking together at past photo albums will bring some of the joy back? I know your wonderful family brings much pleasure!
Oh, I finally learned how to eliminate an unwanted post,which happened when by accident, my post last night, repeated that "mug" 5 times! Click on "flag" at the bottom and on the drop down, I think click on report and follow obvious instructions. Once you submit it, your request is at the mercy of MFP staff as to whether or not it will be deleted! I think when they saw 5 copies of the "Abstract art" and realized you would be subjected to FIVE copies, they agreed to the delete! And yes, CT Scans were taken at the hospital, along with xrays of my left shoulder and back. Of course 2 days later all the black, blue, red and purple appeared on the RIGHT shoulder and back! And while the huge hematoma shrunk on the back of my head, all the bleeding is appearing under jaws, lips, eyes (I keep telling people I cannot squeal on the neighbor who gave me the black eyes). I will see my doctor tomorrow morning and will bring the benign hospital report down with me! Friends have introduced me to wonderful new cold/hot packs containing tiny blue beads that mold beautifully to eye areas. And everyone offers to be helpful, which is so kind. I did resume going down for dinner and certainly enjoyed the rack of lamb we could choose today! The back of my skull still is pretty lumpy and tender, but she'll examine it in the morning. Ice packs help, but leave me chilly.
I'm needing to get some sleep, so everyone---SANDY, LIN,PATSY, ANNE, JACKIE,JERI, and all your 4 legged babies, and everyone I may have left out, you are so dear to me, and encouraging and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!1 -
Good morning, showered, dressed, washing chugging away. Will leave a bit later for a few errands and to meet a gal who is interested in some old drinking glasses, only 8 Oz. That is tiny these days. Haaa.
Buzz, what a wonderful post. And good for you to figure out how to get multiple posts removed. Well done. I am glad you are seeing your doctor today. Your poor head......ouch.
Wishing everyone happiness and health.
Lin0 -
Finally a brighter, dry day. I drove into town first thing to stock up on groceries then home to find Sue the gardener working to clear the never ending jungle growth. She also dug the lawnmower out from my garden shed and cut the grass so I can once again look out without fear of catching sight of tigers and gorillas!
George and Betty are waiting to be walked so I'll take them for a gentle walk in the woods then rest as both hips are already telling me to stop.
Buzz, of course you've had great care and support so I'll try not to worry so much! The bruising does make sense when you've explained the haematoma and probably best it didn't remain as a huge lump on the back of your head. Rack of lamb sounds like the best medicine but I'm with you where ice packs are concerned; mine gives me shivers.
Funnily, when it comes to my approach to life I do see an awful lot of my father in me from a love of all creatures to doing my best to accept what life throws at me or just being philosophical about life's rich tapestry. For all that he did struggle with a darker side which is something I hope I never develop. Money is something I've never had much of and you can't miss what you don't know about so as you say it's the simple things that give me the most pleasure. That and the best friends I could wish for including you and all my lovely sneakers.
Lin, unless I've misinterpreted your description that etching sounds like a Phoenix. I know, keep guessing!!
My coal order has just been delivered so I must get the pooches out and also post condolence cards to my stepbrothers, start the way I mean to carry on.
Happy Monday everyone.
Jackie0 -
Happy Monday!
The sun is trying to peek out but the temp is still in the 60's. I am sitting later but Lisa is making it easy on me asking me to come at 6:00 and she will put Charlie to bed while the two boys can watch a TV show while she goes swim at her gym. She will put boys to bed when she returns and then she and Rob will play volleyball in their league. Easy peasy which I am glad of because this shoe is annoying me already and it hasn't even been a week.
Jackie, please don't overdo those hips, slow and easy is the safest way. You live your life the same way I live mine taking it one day at a time and taking care of me first.
Lin, good luck with the glasses, every little bit helps.
Buzz, an easy way to edit is too close out of MFP and come back in. The little edit button doesn't appear unless you do that and it has to be within the hour of your post.
Glad you are going to doctor tomorrow and do hope you aren't in pain.
Hello to everyone else, have some bills to pay and things to catch up.
Have a great day.
One Day at a Time0 -
Good morning and happy Monday. Right now we have high clouds and mild temps. Who knows what the day will bring? Sun? Rain? Wind? All of the above?
We had a very nice Father’s Day for John. The paella is a lot of work preparing all the different ingredients. I am not sure the prep is worth it. I have other recipes that John would enjoy as well. So simple is best! I am just not good at thinking of simple first. Both of our kids called and our son chatted for at least a couple of hours. This pleased dear John. Our daughter has such health and emotional issues, we felt lucky to have a very pleasant chat with her. No drama or trauma.
I am so inspired by Lin’s determined clearing out of items in her home that is no longer useful for her. I will try to get going on that this week. It will be a years long process. I kept most of the things from long ago. Stacks and stacks of stuff! Sort of fun to go through it and remember my mom and grandmother. I suspect they never got rid of anything either. This is going to be a big job!
Jackie: do you have special exercises for your new hips? I have heard about different kinds of replacement material require different healing requirements. Your gardening helper sounds like a treasure! I have thought you have been extremely lucky when picking trades people. Your garden room looks so well done from what I see. Having someone help with the garden who is knowledgeable and just does the right things at the right time, Wonderful!!!
Laundry is calling and I will need to attend to the usual housecleaning chores before I can get back into the dungeon. I also need to brush dear Katie. She is standing in front of me with her yellow ball in her mouth, wagging her tail. A clear invitation for a ball game.
Patsy0 -
Well at least it isn't raining today. Bright sunshine if a little on the chilly side.
I had a can of black beans in the cupboard that needed eating up so I made Mexican black bean, onion, rice, various spices etc omitting the tomatoes (because I don't trust them for joint pain) and substituting frozen green peas instead. It was amazingly tasty with lots left over for tomorrow.🌵🌵🌵 This is part of Anne's fitness campaign to remove four pounds in weight off her legs which are still not happy particularly at night time. Goodbye sugar, crusty bread, lamb chops, fish and chips and hello beans and lots of veggies. I shall try and find a sombrero to jump on.
All this rain has the potatoes I planted a few days ago over a foot high with luxurious foliage. Truly amazing.
And there you have my exciting Monday life!
Maybe things will liven up as the Bean and I go off to the mailbox and an afternoon ramble and sniff.
Anne.0 -
Stopping in to say hi! Doc ordered new X Rays for right shoulder and arm, though I think they are simply bruised. Sleepy more than usual, and have 3 cards I must get done, so See you!!!
......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.............................0 -
Good morning, we have been promised rain today and this evening as well. Hasn’t started yet but I will take my umbrella today. Doing the short Tai Chi class again this morning followed immediately by Mah Jongg (won 2 of 3 hands last time—I was amazed). Then home for a bit of lunch and on to the library for an afternoon of brain puzzles. Should be fun.
Buzz, your Doctor is being very cautious which is much better than benign neglect. Or not being able to get in for an appointment.
Anne, rain for you today? Amazing growth of the spuds. What kind of fertilizer did you give them? Doesn’t it seem any time you start with a can of beans when you make a dish/concoction that you are guaranteed leftovers. That is always fine with me as I won’t have to cook the next day.
Patsy, you do make the most glorious recipes. I seem to have lost all desire to make much of anything that takes effort. Too many other thing to do? I cook veggies, clean fresh veggies and punt for the rest. Yesterday as I was doing other things, I let the Instant Pot prepare some quinoa and then some oatmeal while the countertop oven baked red sweet potatoes. I went all out and prepped some fresh veggies so now I am set for days of yummies as a I also purchased a peach, a few Rainer cherries, a piece of cut watermelon, and a few grapes. This is my maximum effort right now. So really I do envy your culinary creations. Wonderful!
Sandy, you are a trooper. Helping out with kids even when the duty is lighter than usual is so loving and kind. You are a very caring person.
Jackie, you and your gardener are creating quite an oasis of calm and beauty. I am so glad you found here. Hello to all of your dear creatures. And very considerate of you to post the condolence cards. Hoping things work out without drama.
Jeri, happy days to you. Busy days for certain.
Laura, are you okay? Haven’t heard from you in a while. Pop round and let us know you what you are up to.
I must move although it is pleasant to sip coffee and type.
0 -
Home after a walk in the woods with George and Betty. Of course it began to rain as we got out of the car but it did remain gentle and under the tree canopy we stayed pretty well dry. It is supposed to be a dry afternoon so I will get out into the garden because I need to plant some drawf French bean plants in a tub and also an outdoor bush tomato that my neighbour gave me. Apart from that nothing much planned. Tennis available to watch on the tv if I wish!
Patsy, my exercises are gentle and I do them a couple of times a day, usually when I'm in the kitchen waiting for the kettle to boil. Combined with my increased walking they do ease the stiffness and any aches. A few more than shown on this video but you get the idea!
No harm in double checking for injuries Buzz then listen to your body telling you to rest.
Time for lunch so I'll wish everyone, Sandy, Lin, Anne, Jeri and any other sneakers looking in a happy Tuesday.
Jackie1 -
Happy Tuesday!
As it turns out I did not sit yesterday, Lisa's mom's plans changed so she was able to go. I am going to go today and see how it works out. The kids might watch more TV than they are normally allowed but we will see. I am tired of staying in and wearing this boot but I have no choice. I might go to pool for a couple of hours before sitting if I get the energy. Sorry, I might sound a little cranky because I am.
Jackie, my exercises for my knee replacements was very similar, all good for motion.
Riding my recumbent bike was another and I will never forget the first time I pushed the pedal all the way around and let out a scream. My friend Jen was outside and my door was open so she yelled up and said don't be a baby.
Lin, not sure I am a trooper but I miss seeing the kids so I am going to give it the old college try. Enjoy your class and game, I know how much you love them.
Buzz, let us know what the X Rays revealed. Listen to Jackie and listen to your body it needs rest.
Anne, June showers bring July flowers? Just a couple of months late but now it is time for warmth and sunshine.
Patsy, I knew you would make Father's Day special for John, you are such a good wife. I am glad you got to talk to the kids and your day was wonderful.
Have a great day.
One Day at a Time1 -
Just lost an enormously long post full of pearls of wisdom. Haven't the heart to repeat, and the Bean needs her mid day trot. Boo Hoo !!! 😢
Anne.1 -
So much for promises of a dry afternoon. Not only has it been pouring but the tennis was off too because of the weather so no tv viewing! 🤨
Grocery shopping yesterday I discovered a variety of sustainable fish caught in British waters now available. The political angst surrounding European countries taking our fish is complex so I won't go there but being brave I bought Gurnard and am now google searching how to prepare and cook it! Haha, I think I'll have to save that meal for tomorrow, give myself more time to research.
Sandy I'm not allowed to get on my bike for a couple of months and will be very wary when I do... expect a scream or 2 from me too! 😁
So my Plan B evening meal will be a spiced sweet potato burger and yet more salad!
Jackie0 -
Another somewhat cloudy day. Might have a shower later but not so far. Mild temps, thank goodness. Heat just puts me in almost a coma. All I can do is sit and try to breathe. You can plainly see we are not desert people. No going to Arizona EVER! Although Sedona sounds interesting.
My cooking is because John enjoys it so much. If I cooked just for me, it would be very simple. John enjoys an evening meal, no TV, he is supportive and helps clear the table after the meal. It is how he grew up. My mom was like the Julia Child of her family. Big pot luck picnics with very delicious food from mom and her sisters. We don’t eat out much any more because John doesn’t like fast food or fried food. He avoids cocoanut oils etc. he is very particular about food. I am Like a goat, I eat any and everything!
My search for shoes and insoles continue. If I ever find something that is just right, I will quickly order a lifetime supply before they quit making them.
I watch YouTube comedy shows to keep me in a good mood. Some of them are very funny...some are uncomfortably rude. Why? I also look at dog grooming and training shows. Not that Katie would cooperate in any way. She looks at me quizzically as if to say, “I am not in the mood to do tricks or anything you find amusing. I play ball.” And that’s how it goes!
We are also having veggie burgers tonight. Topped with guacamole and black bean chips. Pretty easy to prepare.
Be brave and wear bright red lipstick.
Patsy0 -
Our rainy weather seems to be bringing out the worst in my aches, and today the hips started hurting. I had to have landed on them when I hit the ground. The purple is also covering both jaws. I feel like digging in somewhere! I am NOT cleaning up for my cleaning lady coming tomorrow.Goodnight, lovely friends....oops, frozen screen.