Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello all, busy as ever much like the bees that are still out for my blood! We've had some glorious weather so I'm doing my best to get on with gardening and have in fact finally reached the jungle that covers the bottom 20' depth where yesterday I discovered a sad hydrangea cutting that had lacked light for so long it looked pale and insignificant. Overnight it has sat up as if to say thank you and I'm hoping I'll come upon more plants to be rescued as I continue to clear.

    This reminds me Anne that Lin is correct about the colour of Hydrangeas should be all about the soil they sit in. Mine is acidic so they are usually blue in this area but you will see from my before and after photos that over 28 years of living here this plant has recently had a change of heart and decided pink is best!!
    A few blue heads this year
    but mostly VERY pink!

    Patsy ~ I can hear your spiders screaming from here so PLEASE open the window and let them out!!

    Lin ~ I do hope you have good news about your friend because my goodness, what a procedure she had to go through.

    A beautiful photo of the Bean Anne and her coat looks so glossy it must be down to the home cooked meals.

    Sandy ~ It seems those storms of yours have cleared the air which is always pleasant this time of year. All of my windows are wide open too but then we are expecting an unsettled few days from tomorrow so I'm making the most of the warm sunshine.

    Buzz ~ I'm with you..... the colour of any laptop or phone is by far the most important issue. The rest can sail over my head!! B)

    I feel I'm being buried alive in paperwork arriving in the post from solicitors, mortage lender and brokers all wanting me to read and sign every page to do with the Lifetime mortgage I plan to take out. It's certainly keeping me on my toes watching out for silly mistakes on their part.... what ever happened to efficiency?

    My gardener lady was here for a couple of hours this morning before going home happy with a few cuttings of my white Buddleia and I'm now going to head for the jungle before cutting the grass. Then it's out this evening for a meal with Scruff's mum and her family that are visiting from Machester.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited July 2017
    Well, I was just sitting here on the back room old sofa recovering from mowing the lawns and busy writing a scintillating piece on how wise spiders are when it comes to the disposal of unwanted spouses, they eat them, and thus save on divorce settlements and the cutting in half of the family web when poof, in a puff of smoke all my thoughtful writing disappeared. Surely I wasn't censored for that! It has to be my on the way out old, by today's standards, iPad.
    Anyway PATSY, mail your spiders to me! I will cherish them and put them in the ivy which divides me and Harry's fish pond and the mosquitoes.

    Michael on his way to work text me to make sure I was still alive, and when I said I had just mowed the lawns said "now I know from which side of our family I've inherited the crazies." Wouldn't you have thought he should have said "well done industrious parent for saving $30".

    Your hydrangeas are gorgeous JACKIE. I wonder what's in my soil, it grows everything I plant except palm trees! Probably will grow those soon with earth warming.

    Well I'm in a nutty frame of mind I think. The bread is baked, so must away to clean grass off the mower blades, with faithful chicken fed hound in tow. She IS super shiny Jackie and I think it's home cooked meals. People remark on her white, white teeth as well.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) It was a long night of sitting but I do enjoy being with the boys. My plan was to take Robby to the park for some one on one time but Lisa wanted to go to Kohl's to possibly try on dresses for a wedding they are going to on Friday. She said she would take Max but I thought that would be too hard so I pushed him in his stroller. It didn't make for one on one time as I had to spend a lot of time keeping Max in the shade. Perhaps when I go tomorrow I will try again. I will be glad when volleyball is done because the games are on my bingo night and although I am saving money I do miss my friends. Last night's game and tomorrow's game start at 8:30 so getting Robby to bed is not easy with Max who decides to get cranky at that time. The good thing is I get to go home to peace and quiet. <3

    Anne, do you have experience with spiders eating ex husbands? Am I missing something?
    I do hope you are being careful when mowing the lawn and not pushing yourself too hard.
    I agree that Jilly's coat is really shiny, she is lucky to have you as a mom and get home cooked meals.

    Jackie, your Hydrangeas are just beautiful, one of my favorite flowers. I don't think they do so good in our climate but when in Oregon I admire them. Yes, so far the humidity is bearable and the windows are open again today. I hope you haven't gotten stung by those bees who are after your blood!!!

    Lin, any word on your friend? I will be praying for good margins and hope the surgery was successful. Enjoy your day today and do the things that make you happy.

    Patsy, chocolate in moderation is probably good for you and like Lin said, they do make sugar free chocolate which is not too bad. I hope your brain let you get some sleep.

    Buzz, yes Bryanna has grown into a beautiful young lady, I just don't know where that time has gone. My daughter has those little lizards which when I first saw one almost had a heart attack. Now I think they are cute but the male looks weird when he sees a female and blows up his chin with a funny red glow. lol

    Would you believe the change oil light has come on in my car? Couldn't they have checked the oil when my car was there for two days? Now I will have another wasted hour at the car dealership.

    Enjoy your day!
    One Day at a Time

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Yes SANDY, you are missing something, re spiders! Lol. The females DO eat the males after the honeymoon.
    I was reading "someone who shall be nameless" tweets earlier and who quoted "that's what modern presidents do" and what sprang into my mind was the Gilbert and Sullivan's song "I am the very model of a modern major general". You can generally find a song to fit most situations can't you.
    I think I'm still in a nutty frame of mind. Better shut up and do something productive like the ironing or walking the dog.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    IRONING? What is that? I haven't ironed since John retired and I had to iron those horrid dress shirts! He would regularly use two a day if he had a evening board meeting or some evening speech at an organization. He gleefully retired neckties and he donated lots of dress suits and sports jackets. Years and years as a college administrator. He is at heart a car mechanic or a carpenter. He loves being out in his shop. I am not allowed inside unless invited. Like I ever really wanted to go in that sawdust and spider infested guy zone... anyway I don't iron John's tee shirts or jeans, his current daily uniform. I am designing a new Patsy style. Cheeky, strangely colorful, and more in keeping with my youthful hippy years. It feels right for me right now. I look a lot like one of those demented crazy old women you see feeding pidgens in the park.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hi PATSY, I don't mind ironing at all. It's sort of soothing watching the wrinkles disappear on the tea towels, napkins, shirts and dress pants that got ironed today. I tend to feed pigeons and Canadian geese when no-ones looking. We are not supposed to encourage them and I can see why after observing 5 Canadian geese flapping and perched on someone's bungalow roof. Yep, you can put me in the demented crazy group.
    When it comes to dress, I bet you look GORGEOUS, any chance of a photo of our colourful, interesting Patsy?
    Anne - it's strange I'm bursting with energy today and The Bean is having an afternoon nap!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    It will soon be the 26th so Phoebe if you ever stop by:

    Happy Birthday To You <3<3<3
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited July 2017
    Great reading , but too late. Glad I didn't miss John McCain's speech today upon his return to "the swamp" (cesspool, sewer?)...actually, D.C.! What a fine example of a dedicated decent human being, and I know we all wish him good luck! Wish his kind of patriotism could rub off onto other leaders!
    PATSY, I try to find most clothing sites that carry gauze tops and bottoms. Never need ironing and I love the feel and colors!
    PHOEBE, we miss you, dimples! Let us know how everything is with you!

    My DD loved her birthday card! I hope I can reproduce the second page here.

    Dare all your dreams,
    Always believe in yourself.
    Uncover hidden talents;
    Go on adventures.
    Have fun and be happy!
    Treasure tiny miracles.
    Embrace Life!

    Didn't work but the lines (starting with D.A.U.G.H.T.E.R) are as above. It was appropriate!

    Must get to bed now! Hugs to all!
    <3 Buzz

    .............................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen.....................

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Happy, happy Birthday Phoebe, I really miss you as well and your interesting tales, driving out on the roads of the USA.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Phoebe and my son share a birthday! He is my first born and is 54 today. Hard to believe I have a son that old!! While grilling my steak last night my propane tank went empty so I have to go get a refill sometime today before sitting with the boys. Debating on whether to go to pool but it is boring by myself so probably not. We will celebrate Robby's 3rd birthday tomorrow even though his actual birthday is Friday. His parents are going to a wedding and his mom like to make his birthday special. They are having a family party for him on August 5th so lots of celebrating for him.

    I do very little ironing since most of the clothes are wash and wear. Anne what is a tea towel?

    I hope everyone is having a great day, I better get moving with mine.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    A tea towel is the rectangular cloth one dries the hand washed dishes with SANDY. What do you call them? I can't think of another name at the moment. Maybe kitchen towels? They are made of linen or cotton and are often seen in souvenir shops with designs of the place they are bought from, but mine are just bright plaids bought from Target before they departed from Canada.

    Well after being so energetic yesterday the Bean and I are having a leisurely day. Jilly is fast asleep. Although once she wakes up we will go into the garden, play fetch the ball, and amble over to the mail boxes. I have a problem here. The Bean likes her afternoon nap but I don't nap at all. Therefore, by evening I want to wind down and watch something on TV or read, and Jilly is back full force thrusting balls, toy bunnies, squeaky fish and anything she can dig out of her toy box at me. It will pass and in truth I will miss my playful little girl when she becomes a staid old lady. Some people don't think she will change for years and years, in which case she will outlive me having worn me out!

    Happy swimming, writing, card making, digging out honey, whatever you are all up to on a lovely day here in Ontario.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Anne: I have wondered about tea towels also. I don't drink tea very often so...I am a coffee drinker.

    The day is cool and we have a marine layer keeping things cool today. I don't mind. I have a lot of things half done and should finish a couple before I head to my dungeon. Dinner tonight is chicken enchiladas and is ready for heating up later. Nice with very little cheese. I will add a bit of hot peppers to keep life interesting.

    I heard John McCain's speech! Inspiring! This is such a true American hero. It such a joy to hear someone who feels so patriotic and positive about our country. We will persevere, no matter if we are going through a rough spot currently..

    John is absolutely crazy excited about the new Lee Child book coming out this fall. Our daughter is excited about the two new Harry Potter books coming out. Our son is excited about any time he can spend on his boat. Me? I need to let myself get excited about my writing projects. Whatever we do to "follow our bliss" really is life affirming. I have a friend who is suffering with depression. She lives in Colorado so I don't see her very often. All communication seems devoid of fun, excitement, hope, or human contact. My point is, we all have things that make us feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It is very good for us to enjoy these special things/people/animals/ or all of the above!

    I know I am sort of blubbering today...sorry!

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Happy birthday, Phoebe! Happy trails and smooth highways!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    edited July 2017
    jacean2017 wrote: »
    A tea towel is the rectangular cloth one dries the hand washed dishes with SANDY. What do you call them? I can't think of another name at the moment. Maybe kitchen towels? They are made of linen or cotton and are often seen in souvenir shops with designs of the place they are bought from, but mine are just bright plaids bought from Target before they departed from Canada.

    We call them dish towels.....usually made from terry cloth to absorb moisture. B)
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    edited July 2017
    Sandydur wrote: »
    jacean2017 wrote: »
    A tea towel is the rectangular cloth one dries the hand washed dishes with SANDY. What do you call them? I can't think of another name at the moment. Maybe kitchen towels? They are made of linen or cotton and are often seen in souvenir shops with designs of the place they are bought from, but mine are just bright plaids bought from Target before they departed from Canada.

    We call them dish towels.....usually made from terry cloth to absorb moisture. B)

    My family has always called them tea towels. B)

    I have stacks of towels from way back when. Our towels were based on the old fashioned flour sack I think. Rectangular, kind of white or off white, good sized and we would embroider or paint or sew designs in one corner of the towel. I did a set of zodiac signs when I was young, and some flowers, etc. We would cover loaves of bread with one while it was raising. Very useful items!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited July 2017
    SANDY, Makes more sense really, dish towels. I wonder where tea towels came from, the term in the first place. Oh! just looked it up, a dish towel is indeed made from terry cloth whilst a tea towel is made of linen or cotton and was first used in the 18th century to dry and polish the precious china teacups and saucers when tea was first brought to the western world. I guess the term just continued in Britain and that's all I've ever known them as. We live and learn.

    I think that's the answer to almost all depression, PATSY, re your friend. We should just keep learning and try not to become introverted and self absorbed. That can be difficult if we are very ill though. Under normal circumstances there's such a lot to learn. How. Why. What and When. My one regret in life is: I'll never know what happens next! Unless there's reincarnation of course.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Rats. I lost my post. Darn.

    We've had a slow week as we haven't booked anything because we thought we'd be camping. Instead my darn tooth caused us to stay here. I do have a root canal scheduled for tomorrow. Shudder. Wish me luck.

    As for the dish towels, we called them tea towels too.

    It was so relaxing this week with no commitments and Mel and her family in Washington visiting my sister Val. They come home today and we go Saturday or Sunday. It takes us 2 days as we always stay overnight along the way.

    It was so nice to hear how much fun they all had. Val said the little girls 'adopted her' and wanted to sit next to her all the time. Sammy also asked Val if she got lonely staying in that big house all by herself. My nephew Doug said he overheard Sam talking about her and worrying about her. What a sweetheart. Funny as well, they went out for supper. After her second glass of wine, Sam asked why she drank so much. Hahaha. Val said Mary was 6 going on 30 and boy is that right.

    Sandy - I can't believe Robby is that old. Boy time flys by.

    Phoebe - Happy Birthday.

    I just made some Saskatoon muffins from the berries Ed picked off our tree. Yummy. That's a treat for me.

    Got to run going out for supper. My favorite restaurant for chicken, Swiss Chalet. Wish you had them in the US when we are down there.

    Have a great time everyone.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    JERI, I remember Swiss Chalet when we first moved to Florida; haven't seen them in years now. Good luck with that root canal, and we will all be thinking of you, dear!
    Everybody, I'm with the dish towel group. I have linen, terry, and a very absorbent cotton mix. I also have too darn many, even though I no longer have a dish washer! Mostly, I use mine to wipe my dishwater-drenched hands and let my dishes air dry on a small rack! I prefer sparkly glasses with no lint!
    SANDY, a very happy special day for Robby. Wow, time flies!
    I was hoping Phoebe would poke her nose in here! We all miss her so much!
    PATSY, I was so happy I heard John McCain yesterday. Yes, he is what is known as a real mensch; "someone to admire and emulate, someone of noble character. The key to being 'a real mensch' is nothing less than character, rectitude, dignity, a sense of what is right, responsible, decorous." His politics are not as important as his ultra human quality and I think most people of all political persuasions revere him and wish him good luck with his latest problem! A true patriot!
    LIN, I might have guessed you were creative since you were a child! Makes sense now that I now that about you!
    ANNE, I suspect it's the Bean's nature to remain playful and her "Mother"! :D
    Another day I did not feel like going down for dinner! In fact I will get ti bed ASAP, as my eyes are very blurred. Not getting enough sleep I think!
    <3 Buzz

    ....................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Phoebe hasn't logged in for 7 months so I'm thinking she might not see our happy birthday wishes but perhaps she'll feel them anyway! BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY PHOEBE. <3

    Yesterday flew by in a haze of activity and today I'm back from George's walk and now taking him to see the husband with seriously ill wife in hospital. I'll drop off a get well card to take when he visits her later today as it seems he sees some improvement and a physio is already working on getting her to take a few steps now she's off life support. He meanwhile has already installed a stair lift so positive thoughts all round!

    Buzz ~ Did your John McCain stand for President and if so what on earth were voters thinking? Dignity alone is always a good start!!

    Anne ~ Obviously tea towels at my end although I have a habit these days of letting the few dishes I use drip dry!

    Lin ~ I think it was you that mentioned smoking the bees as you thought it would scare them away but in fact it's the opposite as they rush into the hive and eat honey because they think their house is on fire and they are going to have to leave so fill their tummies while the beekeeper has a quiet look around..... that's the theory anyway but not my bees! Reminds me of the old ditty

    Ladybird, ladybird fly away home,
    your house is on fire and your children all gone
    All except one and her name is Anne
    and she hid under the baking pan

    Must get going. Enjoy your day everyone.