Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    well, somewhere between yesterday and today, my post disappeared. Knowing how I tend to doze off, could I have neglected to click on post? Oh dear! I do recall answering PATSY that I cannot add Gabapentin to my medications since I am already on Mirapex, which sends me off to sleep without notification! Adding the Gab would have me sleeping all day.! I've had a busy day with early meetings, exercise class, looking for lost things (!) and trying to figure out my finances (heaven help me...please!). Now it's time to shower and dress again for dinner. And tomorrow is cleaning day and where do I stick all the paper piles I should examine? Perhaps I'll return later to read your posts!
    <3 Buzz

    ..............Always believe something wonderful is about to happen................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
    I had a lovely Mah Jongg morning (and by that you can assume then lion's share of wins came to me), I did my errands, made several less than fun phone calls, looked at the spreadsheet again and now it is time to pack up for the book club social.

    Tomorrow I plan to go to Qigong/Tai Chi, a quick drop in on the coloring group and then downtown to visit my friend in the hospital. She has had popsicles, scrambled eggs and mashed potatoes now. The return of food is reportedly making her happy. I don't plan to stay long but you never know how long it can take I guess.

    Buzz, I seem to have problems digging through all of my papers as well. If I ever get the online access to the FSA data for my farm I will be relieved. If no one can get my access worked out I will just call them and ask to have copies sent to me for certified planted acres etc. Right now ther are files and stacks of paper related to this project taking up quite a bit of space!!

    Hugs to everyone. It was a learning day for me so thank you Jackie and Anne. B)


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
    Buzz, I hope you did not experience any flooding. Saw the photos from Miami this morning.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2017
    A horrid day, windy, wet and cool so rather than risk life and limb walking the woods or moors George and I took a gentle stroll round the village before dropping in on my housebound neighbour. The dear lady is becoming more and more fed up as things keep going wrong health-wise but I hope I can give her a little cheer as I regale the stories of the feral cat trap that caught the wrong cat yesterday so we let him go hoping he's learned a lesson! I'm checking regularly today to make sure we haven't captured a squirrel or hedgehog and no doubt meanwhile Mr Feral is snoozing in a warm barn somewhere!

    Anne ~ Never posh coming from south London, just different to a Yorkshire dialect!! LOL Look out for a small item from Yorkshire wending its way through the skies to you! ;) It'll give you a laugh!
    Ah yes, the Flying Scotsman.... I probably saw the same documentary and was so impressed and proud that another iconic treasure has been saved.

    Sandy ~ We can all learn so much from each other as I find out so much about life in Chicago and love it but then ER was always one of my favourite drama series!

    Microsoft has me questioning my English spelling with the letter "u" popping up in so many words but I refuse to give in!!

    Lin ~ My lifetime mortgage has me buried in papers so yesterday I spent several hours sorting, completing questionnaires and visiting a solicitor to finalize everything but still I seem to have a pile of papers on the table. I'm wondering if I threw them on the fire would I ever miss them??

    Buzz ~ While you look for lost things keep an eye out for my set of keys please because they seem to have traveled far, far away! :)

    Tonight my friends and I planned a trip to our open theatre having missed the last one due to bad weather but I'm not sure we'll get there tonight either unless the wind drops drastically.

    A cup of tea awaits so I'll wish you all an enjoyable day.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Now you've got me wondering JACKIE? It's hot, hot, hot here, and I'm saying b....r it, I'm wearing my shorts anyway. In the garden, I still wouldn't venture into the road in them. I've "mopped up" - Yorkshire for eaten - all the good size beetroot and boy were they ever good! Hope I'm fit enough next year to grow even more. The potatoes, beets and onions well worth the effort and I've oodles of carrots on the way. Forget the zucchini, absolute dead loss with numerous bunnies I presume everywhere. It was a bit of a scramble with the red currants as well. The American Robin who's actually a thrush beating me to it with quite a lot of berries. I'll miss the red currant liquor this year JACKIE. The apples are green and coming along nicely after last years rest up.

    The problem with feral cats they become very wiley at avoiding predators and Jackie chasing them.

    I'm beginning to be glad I rent this house judging by all the paperwork you gals are enduring. Of course I could get chucked out but Mark and Mary Jo seem happy enough having me here. Mark was twittering on about another bannister but I don't need it, especially now Jilly isn't scared of going down the stairs anymore since she acquired big dog status and height of 10". I had to carry her before.

    Think I'll join Jackie in a cup of tea in the garden with The Bean who likes to toss little fallen green apples in the air. Oh to have her energy!
    PS it might be hot, hot, hot but I refuse to whine about it, it will soon be beautiful fall and then...........old man winter!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Volleyball playoffs tonight so another night of sitting. Lisa asked if I could come tomorrow so she could clean her house for Robby's party on Saturday, so I told her I would come after my meeting. They are predicting storms so will play that by ear.

    Anne, I too am glad I rent instead of own. I also have the danger of getting booted out but my landlady did ask me if I was going to renew my lease so I am good for another year. I did love the house and the privacy but I just can't afford a mortgage payment. Yesterday I tried sitting on my balcony to have a glass of wine but the man downstairs was smoking pot and I can't stand the smell so I went inside. I had my patio doors open so later he did it again so I got my fan and had it blow it back down towards him. Not sure it worked but it did keep it out of my house. I am too chicken to just put the fan on the balcony and blow it straight down, after all I do have to live with them in the same building.

    Jackie, your weather sounds horrible lately, is this your rainy season? Smart little cookie that feral cat, he knows when to stay away. Lisa posted pictures on Facebook last night of Rob trying to coach a little raccoon out of his garage. He was blaming Robby for finger prints on his car until they discovered the little critter who was so squeamish. Rob finally got him out and I do hope he found his mother, poor thing.

    Lin, enjoy your Qigong/Tai Chi time and I hope you find your friend in good spirits.

    Buzz, I don't think you need anymore medicine to make you sleepy, maybe just a pillow on your keyboard. lol

    I have some errands to do before sitting, so have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    A very "hot " good morning sneakers! We are very toasty here in Oregon these days. I need to adopt Anne's great attitude about this heat. I am whining and confess...I just hate this heat! But attitude adjustment is in process.

    This talk of feral cats reminds me of a family story. Our son was just out of film school and living in a studio with the "girlfriend of the moment." They heard a sad mewing from a trash dumpster out in back, in the alley. They found two new born kittens. A vet friend Told them that most likely they would die but gave them some special milk and a feeding bottle. He taught them to massage their tummies to stimulate their bowels etc. they fed the sad little kittens every two hours for weeks. Our son kept the kittens in a shoe box lined with an old sweater, in his desk drawer close at hand. The cats lived. They lived to the ripe old age of 22. They were the worst pets anyone could have. They peed constantly in the wrong places...fireplace, corner of the living room on the carpet. They scratched furniture, tore curtains, and did not like to be petted. Our son bought them scratching posts, toys and those cat condo things to sit in front of windows for them to look outside, many litter boxes, special food, they really never acted domesticated. Huge efforts went into providing for these sad (and very unattractive) cats. They had a good life, even if they didn't appreciate their good fortune. True story!

    Have had lots of summertime visitors, that has been fun but a lot of work and extra laundry and cooking. My eyes will require more shots it appears. Swollen and red and blurry. I do feel like an old car that keeps breaking down. First this part breaks,then that part breaks. Some old friends are in worse shape than I am, some a lot better! Attitude is everything!!!!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oooooooops! I did sign but it got lost when I posted my daily drivel!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hey, I'm going down to dinner with a great big smile after reading your posts today! And SANDY, I'll hunt down my keyboard size pillow, which I seem to recall seeing when I cleaned out the car trunk! No, we didn't flood here. But then, I didn't go outside, either. The dining room ceiling sprung a leak though !
    Got a few really nice cards finished, and think I'm getting my groove back! I love designing the envelopes.
    My weight is slowly climbing again, and I think I'll stop carbs for a bit! I'm too swollen, fingers, toes and all. I turned my wrist peculiarly yesterday as I was picking up something and I heard several crackles and felt movement toward my palm and believe it or not, the burning has softened quite a bit! Maybe it's carpal tunnel? Things come an go, lol! XOXOXO!
    <3 Buzz

    ..............Always believe something wonderful is about to happen................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
    edited August 2017
    I did visit my friend today and I happened to be there as she worked very hard to walk up and down the hall. She was drenched in sweat when she finished. Amazing determination. I didn't want to stay long but I was asked to do some little things to help her and then she asked me to sing. Oh my. It is a hospital but I am not too quiet so I just sang a chorus of the last song we sang at church on Sunday. Later this afternoon I received a text that her doctor has mandated that she needs more rest and they have restricted visiting hours hoping that she will rest more.

    Well, I got my laundry done this afternoon, filled the softener unit with salt, and worked on some cards. But I did not do any paperwork at all today other than resetting a password.

    Tomorrow I need a quick trip to Trader Joe's, my time at the library playing games and maybe making cards depending on what is available, back home to watch a webinar, my veggies should arrive and I suspect I should pay some bills and start to think about organizing what I want to take with me on Saturday for papercraft day. Friday I have a haircut scheduled and I need to pick up a few things for the church.

    I have been punching out tiny butterflies and adding sparkle to them but my hands have told me--enough for today.

    Time to think about putting things away for tonight.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Good morning Sneakers, I've a lot to do today mainly in the form of letter writing. One letter I have been putting off because it involves writing to a friend I have known since I was 5 years old and it involves writing about the death of her husband. I know she expects a long newsy letter but it will be hard to write about my frivolous life when she is grieving.
    Anyway, just wanted to wish you all a pleasant day. A hot one here.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2017
    A productive morning after an early visit to the local Aldi supermarket then out to meet Scruff and mum for our daily walk. It was trying to rain (again!) so we stayed round the woods and a quick trip to the river but now the skies do appear brighter so I've put some towels in the washing machine together with George's blanket that old cat Boris decided to pee on when he was confined while the cat trap was close by. Naughty boy but he is 19 so I think the kitty litter tray just confused him. We've moved the trap out to the parking area and check regularly so all our pets can go out again which is just as well because Brady was back to his old habits of climbing the walls to get out but this morning he's left 3 dead shrews by the door for me as a thank you for his freedom! A funny story Patsy and so typical of cats!

    Our outdoor theatre trip was cancelled again when we realised the rain wasn't going to stop pouring nor the wind howling so we didn't fancy freezing our backsides on hard seats for 2 hours while our joints seized up in the cold! Probably 20 years ago we would have chanced it, taken blankets and laughed at the experience but home comforts are now the order of the day!

    Lin ~ Did you think your friend's doctor heard you singing or is her determination to get going too much at the moment? Good for her I say so long as no harm is done and good for you for bursting into song; you probably cheered a few other patients too! Goodness I thought reading about you "punching out" little butterflies because as Anne would know, we have a "punching out someone's lights" term so I imagined you doing just that LOL The rest of your post explained all. :)

    Sandy ~ Our summers have changed beyond reason these past few years but then we were warned a long time ago that climate change would bring more wet and windy weather in our direction off the Atlantic as the seas warm. If things go as per normal we will enjoy a balmy November so watch this space!! Your landlady would be crazy to let you go since you must be the perfect tenant unlike matey below puffing on his joint!

    Anne ~ Now you've had the pleasure of enjoying your home grown veggies and the containers are all set up I'd hope you'll be able to do the same next year and who knows, Jilly might just be a teeny weenie bit calmer by then so you won't have to watch her every move in your garden! The blackbirds at the allotment eat our gooseberries before we had a chance to pick them and are now working through the blueberries and the cherries on the tree I planted next to the beehives to be pollinated were stolen overnight by more blackbirds so like you, I'm feeding wildlife I'd rather not although don't really resent them! My next task in my kitchen is to make a pot of ratatouille from a torpedo sized courgette that hid away under a leaf until it became to big to hide. I'll just toss in some onions, peppers garlic and tins of tomatoes and hope for the best!

    Buzz ~ In the groove again, that's just perfect. I did wonder about carpal tunnel when you described your tingling etc. Cracking joints is often a good thing to relieve pain.... my back is always doing the same at the start of my yoga class and I feel so much better for it although at the time it can be disturbing!

    The washing machine cycle has finished and still no rain so I'll get the towels and Georges' blanket out to dry..... hopefully!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hello, a quiet day on the Sneakers! I managed to get 4 letters written and I must say I've become terribly lazy with the coming of email. Also I was once quite proud of my hand writing but it's taking a downward sweep with lack of practice!

    I chickened out on writing to my widowed friend and phoned her instead and much to my surprise she was out but her sister answered the phone. She had just been widowed as well and had come over from Australia to be with Dawn. She was due to fly back in 2 weeks and said she could hardly wait for the day because she was absolutely chilled to the bone, frozen and had been ill most of the visit which she blamed on the cold! Yep, Yorkshire can be bleak at times but I tend to wear my rose coloured specs these days.

    Me, sweltering in the heat here and yes, still wearing my shorts could hardly believe this and had my romantic notions of a lovely warm sunny Yorkshire somewhat dashed, lol. You did right JACKIE settling in sunny warmer Cornwall!

    JACKIE I'm so pleased with the veggies I just have to hopefully grow more next year. The beets are soooooo good! Even this year so far with the 16 days worth of potatoes from 3 bits and now the beets I've saved well beyond the cost of the initial bags of earth. The containers are old storage plastic containers which Michael drilled drainage holes in the bottom. There are more still in the garage and it saves digging up the lawn. They don't look pretty but who cares. Here's a few:
    Happy harvesting,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
    Well, I was on track for accomplishing my day's tasks until this afternoon. Multiple texts and updates on my friend who is in the hospital. She is now quite ill, has a fever and now all visitors are excluded until further notice. Goodness sakes, what a change!!

    Now I am preoccupied. Drat.


    Distracted Lin
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    Happy Thursday Night! Went to my meeting and then straight to watch the boys so Lisa could clean house for the party. Got home about 8:00 PM so just trying to relax. Will be back in the morning!

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A great start to the day after a stroll across the top of the moors where of course a huge black cloud appeared from nowhere and rained on us. Using that old phrase "we aren't made of sugar" we carried on and the dogs had a great time chasing each other and having a good sniff around and in no time the sun appeared again. Good news for my friend who 3 weeks ago was on life support.... she's going home today once transport has been arranged. She certainly is a fighter so has declined a care home package knowing she will feel far happier at home with family and more importantly out of a hospital that has wonderful but terribly overworked staff. Her husband sounds back to his old self on the phone and I've guided him towards the local authority department that can offer assistance with handrails, commodes and other appropriate aids.
    Yesterday I finally finished sorting paperwork to send off to the solicitor for my Lifetime mortgage so now just sit back and wait for the cheque!! It will then be fun time working out what design of garden room I want to add to my cottage and question whether I need or want central heating..... I suppose as I get older it might be advisable but we'll see!

    Anne ~ The containers you use are perfect, not too big, not too small and I can see the beets are looking very healthy. I'm going to collect a few this afternoon from the allotment to be pickled in a spicy vinegar I've made all ready for winter! Seeing what central and southern Europe are experiencing with extremes in temperature at the moment I'm suddenly glad the jet stream has decided to dip below the UK at the moment and keep the hot weather at bay because 19c up to 22c that we anticipate over the next few days is perfect for me. It was probably the damp that got to your friend's sister as much as anything but of course we are used to the concept of putting on another layer rather than heating in the middle of summer.... far too frugal for our own good sometimes!!

    A buzzard is crying overhead, probably a youngster that's been sent out by mum to test its wings so I'm thinking I too need to get outside and stretch a bit.

    Enjoy your Friday everyone.... let's not be affected by this strange, strange world we're living in right now but keep smiling. <3

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hi everybody and it's already grocery shop day again.
    The veggies are a little more thinned out now since I took that photo and the onions are really taking off with thinning. I honestly didn't expect such good results from a few seeds and this has been a learning year as far as container growing is concerned so I'm almost wishing my life away in wishing the next season is spring!

    Ooh go for it JACKIE and get central heating! You and the pets will be as snug as Bugs when the wind howls around the old cottage walls! Do you remember storage heaters? We had those in the Derbyshire house and they were marvellous for warming the boys mitts and socks on before plodding to school. Do they still manufacture them? Heat stored at night when the electricity was cheap. AND a garden room, perfect for you who loves plants and a little less weeding on the garden space it takes up. The kits will love looking out the windows at the rain. Absolutely thrilled for you, what fun planning! My containers are outside my "cold" downstairs room where I keep winter veggies. Phone ringing at 7:30 am!

    Whoops, Dawn rang from England and we've just got off the phone. She's the widowed friend and I'm now full of news!
    Bye, must get ready before Mike shows up, yikes,

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
    Good morning, just grabbing a cup of hot coffee this morning before leaving for the day's errands. It is only 55 degrees F here this morning which is pleasant but this weather has people talking of fall already. Some friends who are camping made stew last night and sat around a bonfire. They thought they would be trying to escape the heat of August so a very pleasant surprise for them. It is still August so I think we will have more heat to come. Still very little rain here and just enough yesterday to give the weeds a drink.

    Jackie, I of course, would vote for the central heating and cannot imagine living without it. Newly married, way back when, we lived in several houses that although heated, had no heat upstairs. You would leave the stairway door open, and there were several holes cut in the floor and covered by grates to let the heat rise. Nice theory but it was colder than heck. This girl wore layers and layers and finally purchased an electric blanket!

    Anne, happy shopping day to you. So nice to have a news filled phone call. Your container gardening really has turned out well. Good you!! You will have the winter to decide what you want to try next year.

    Sandy, busy day for you. Hope you got some rest last night.

    I might think about punching out some more butterflies. And yes Jackie, it means the same thing here although lately I notice people are saying things like: I wanted to punch him in the throat. That has taken over from punching someone's lights out. Just listening, not participating.



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hanging about now waiting for Michael, and the rains stopped. I hope your cool weather drifts on over here LIN. Another hot day ahead but a cold front is predicted on its way. CAN'T WAIT! My best temperature is 20C which is rare here,

    Talking to Dawn earlier, I have apparently saved a small fortune on funeral flowers. She comes from a family of nine, 6 girls, husbands all gone and her twin gone as well. 1 brother gone, 1 seriously ill, and 1 well, 2 sisters very very sick with dementia. Sometimes it's not so bad being an only child. I think I will treat our Jilly to a new red collar today, just for the joy of being alive!

    Dawn said the uk weather is lovely and perfect, but sister Dulcie can't scurry back to Australia quickly enough as she's chilled to the bone and not well. I guess ones blood thins after years in a hot climate?
    Bye, this time ......... really, really bye
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Trying to catch up on my computer since I was gone all day yesterday. Today I am going for a mani/pedi, going to Babe's to get a cooler and then stopping at Walmart. It is also very cool here at 58 degrees but tomorrow is supposed to be in the upper 70's which I hope will be warm enough for the kiddies to use Robby's pool and for the guests to be outside.

    The parents of the baby who needs a liver got the call and with the grace of God she should get her liver around 8:00 PM tonight. I hope nothing goes wrong and it is a perfect match so she can live a normal life.

    Anne, your friend certainly has had her share of loss and sadness, it makes one grateful for what they have. Have fun shopping and why not a pink collar for Jilly? lol

    Lin, we again have the same weather and I am not ready for fall so I sure hope summer returns. Have fun with the butterflies although I am confused when you say punch them out.
    Do you mean using a punch hole or punching them out from wood?

    Jackie, a garden room sounds wonderful but do you mean a place to sit or a place to grow a garden? I agree with getting central heating maybe even including air conditioning. Why not make have your remodel with the comforts of home?

    Again time is getting away from me, mostly because it took forever to balance my check book.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time