Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited August 2017
    I don't trust much anymore either JACKIE. There's been a spate of dog napping here. Just the very tiny ones. Can you imagine the poor little things snatched from familiarity, toys, family to be resold and in some cases used for breeding in a puppy farm.

    You are a saint saving these poor cats, apparently they rarely survive here for 2 years in the wild.

    My cousin in Australia says THEY are first in the firing line of the little Asian boy and the old age pensioner playing at politics. The Australians, says my cousin, shrug it off, remark what the hell and go and have another beer. Not into booze personally it seems like a good attitude to have!

    Hey SANDY what are you doing sleeping at 8:30 am! You've missed the best part of the day when alls peaceful. Lovely in summer, out in ones dressing gown in the garden with Jilly and the birds and sipping ones morning cup of tea!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hello, an interesting day once again.

    Lovely Tai Chi/Qigong and then off to the library. I had taken along birthday cards for two of the otherwise-abled ladies who attend coloring every week with their carer. It was between their birthdays, one had just had her birthday and the other is coming up soon. So I brought several bags of mini-chocolates Ghiradelli I think. It was a surprise and they enjoyed it. So that was pleasant. I sat at their table as they had a space and we colored and talked.

    Then off to the grocery store for the discount day, home for the webinar and then back out to drop off a book at another library, mailed a sympathy card at the post office and shopped in several stores. Tomorrow, a friend has her birthday and she plans to attend our game/card making for just a little while as she has special plans with her hubby later. So I have a handmade card, a Mylar ballon (she is allergic to latex) and a few of those little Kleenex packets (a little joke as we both have year round sinus issues) and I am going to pick up a tiny plant for her in the morning (no food due to multiple food allergies). Should be fun, I hope!!

    I signed up today for a special get together in a local park to view the eclipse on the 21st. They will provide appropriate eye wear and will have a knowledgeable person there to describe what's going on I guess.

    Oh and a group of ladies meets once a month to do crafts at one of the local libraries. I just found out about them so I am going this Saturday to check it out. I am nervous of course. I have a difficult time walking into an event alone when I will be expected to do something. I am okay with sitting and listening but this is hands on. The lady I spoke to said they don't want me to just lurk in the corner and watch (although that would make me happier at my first attendance).

    No further update about my friend. I hope no news is good news.

    And I do NOT trust many people these days. The other day we were wrapping up our plarn (plastic yarn) making and I was getting out the vacuum to clean the room, most people had left and several people were carrying things out to their cars. I was in the meeting room with one little girl that came with her grandmother. She was busy working on a drawing and suddenly a man walked in and was staring at the little girl. He didn't see me as I was at the side of the room out of his view. I asked what he wanted and he said he was just walking around. I was immediately suspicious that he would enter a room where he saw only a small child. I kept myself between the guy and the child. He finally left. Later I saw him walking in another part of the library. It was the children's area. No trust whatsoever on my part.

    Anne, watch the Bean. If someone has no evil intent, then who cares if you stare at them or are very protective of your dog. Better safe than sorry.

    Sandy, yes, up early. Wahoo. Once in a while I sleep late but usually not. I know you have some problems getting to sleep from time to time though. That makes a lot of difference.

    And although I am up, I do not care to hear the whir of any type of equipment until later. I like to hear the birds talking to me.

    Well, I guess I will try to continue to sleep at night because there is nothing I can do to change a thing.

    Time to think about making a potato.

    Hugs to all.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Well I had a very productive day as well! First the lawns cut and shipshape. Then Jill and I trotted off to the mailbox to find a parcel. What a surprise! A friend had sent me a lovely gift and letter! Then over to Marie the dressmaker to pick up my shortened trench coat. She's done a superb job and said she hadn't seen a coat of that quality for years. It's a very old but in mint condition London Fog. Made in England which tells you how old it is, I shall feel like Marlene Dietrich walking down the street! Then next door to visit Marie the hairdresser who has shorn my hair again which grows like a weed. Back home and letting Jill into the garden after supper Janice showed up with Jill's friend Amy. Lovely natter for two hours! Especially so because I hadn't seen her for ages because she was quite ill, but alls back to normal. She swears by garlic pills if you have the Norwalk virus. Hope you know what I mean because I haven't a clue how to spell it.

    Days when everything goes right are so special aren't they.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited August 2017

    WHEE! Much good luck, MARIE, Jerry, Alice and everyone. We'll all breathe easier!
    Signed up for a pool party to celebrate the ECLIPSE. Ate out tonight since since I WAS INVITED (oops) to eat at The Ale House for their lobster special (1 1/4 lb)
    Couldn't figure out how to get on this site on my iPAD! searched for the
    internet but could only retrieve some mail. Also couldn't see where a microphone lurked
    How come none of us has a kid who's a doctor? still researching what to take for "the burn" and coming up with NOTHING!
    ]I think my computer just went crazy! This post is aligning so peculiarly!
    The cursor is sitting on the right and ...oh darn.Sorry about this
    I think this time I've really lost it! I'll paste the deleted post and then I'll go to bed and hide under the covers!
    <3 Buzz[/left]
    ...........Always believe something wonderful is about to happen.........................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    It appears while I was trying to post, Windows was downloading the latest update and you would not believe the way my post appeared as I typed it! It was aligning Right, but also kept changing so I literally could not read it!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A beautiful day, ideal for gardening so coffee to be sipped outside while I make a plan.

    Buzz ~ GO TO BED!!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited August 2017
    Humid on our morning walk. We've watered the flowers and the veggie boxes. Beets for lunch today. I shall be sad to see them gone! I feel like nipping over and quietly watering Harry's and Joyce's urns next door. Every year Joyce buys beautiful baskets of flowers to plonk in them and then never waters, and they are under a roofed bit so get little in the way of rain. I so long to rescue the poor dying things but I guess it would be an invasion of privacy if caught watering them? It must be something in our national genes JACKIE wanting to save plants, kitties and the odd spider! AND punch potential dog nappers on the nose. Janice last night thought the chap in the car was up to no good as well.

    Are you still asleep BUZZ! Hope so.

    The humidity is affecting my shorn locks and I look like a demented dandelion seed head.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    edited August 2017
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting day!! They won their volleyball game again which means another game tonight but I have dinner plans so Lisa's mom is going to watch them. I feel guilty about it and told them I would cancel my plans but Lisa told me absolutely not!!

    Anne, I would be just like you and want to water your neighbors flowers. How well do you know them? Would they be offended if you did? I will agree to saving, plants, kitties, puppies but draw the line on spiders, they have to go!

    Jackie, enjoy your beautiful day!!

    Buzz, if your time stamp is correct you were up all night! Jackie is right go to bed!!

    Lin, I saw the video of the mats that you make from plastic bags and was very impressed. I too, hope no news is good news in regard to your friend. Our little trouper with the new liver is fighting hard, she is still on a ventilator. Too clarify, I do try to stay positive and trusting but if someone or something is suspicious I do keep my guard up,, especially involving children or animals.

    I might stop at the zoo Lisa is at with the boys before my meeting since it is only 10 minutes away so I better get moving. Enjoy your day!

    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Dear SANDY, I think you have a beautiful mind, and I'm so glad that despite your natural personality you are aware that today's world isn't the world we grew up in. I was once completely trusting as well but a couple of betrayals put me on the start of a journey of awareness. Just check BBC news to read about the world of today. One of today's stories was about "slavery affecting every city in the UK." What!! Mainly on the whole often British born Asian men of immigrant parents exploiting vulnerable young white girls and sometimes boys who at first think they are loved and wanted. Not just English girls but also young women from Eastern Europe smuggled into the country and exploited by their own native born men. One little girl of only 12 years was rescued after being sold by her father as only (hopefully but I doubt it) an unpaid domestic slave. The good news - the western world is now waking up to the fact that all this mass movement of folks of different beliefs and culture is and now hopefully was, eroding the destination country's own values and democracy.
    I want my descendants to grow up free in countries that it took centuries to mould into the democracy's of today. Not go back to the dark ages.
    Having now got off my soapbox and bending the ears of our group who I've grown to really like and respect I'll take off for lunch. Sorry girls, I fear for my grandsons who are just at the right age but not the right dispositions for becoming soldiers in this "modern" world.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Foggie day here in dear old Astoria. I am heading out for a few uninteresting errands...supermarket, Walgreens and post office. (Yawn). I also want to stop into TJMax to buy some scented soap for the guest bathroom. They have the best. Not too expensive, either.

    We too have been confronted by some horrible conditions and inhuman actions. It is beyond understanding how some people can treat animals and other people. Yet, I do believe there is good in most people. We all have traits that are less than wonderful. John operates on the the old "hope for the best, plan for the worst" when it comes to a life philosophy. I am the original loosey goosey. I trust and stumble into trouble all the time. John thinks it is because I have him to help me back up...he is right, of course.

    I also understand how Buzz can let the night slip away when involved with the computer etc. I am a night owl. John is somewhat of a night owl as well. We try to have lights out by 1:00am. But there are times when sleep evades my best efforts.

    I also know that Katie would be a total disaster if she got lost or was dog napped. She isn't well behaved and her training goes away all the time. She gets so excited, almost hysterical. Her exercise, ball playing etc helps. She is a sweet happy doggie but she isn't a calm little lady.

    Sandy: I am impressed with your babysitting. I love babies and kids. I read books to kindergarten kids one day a week. Keeping those wiggling kids entertained for 30 minutes almost puts me in the hospital. Seriously!

    Off to buy cucumbers and radishes and nice smelling soap!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    OK, so my middle kiddle just gave me an earful about my sleeping habits, neuropathy, carpal tunnel, and whatever else she could get in to admonish me for, so I really will get some sleep tonight! Never did last night, as I finally straightened out that ridiculous Windows' update around 6 AM, and wandered toward the bed, turned on the TV so I could fall asleep(6:30 AM!! I woke up at 8 and decided to rise and sort of shine and get ready for a meeting of the beta Portal website we are setting up for the ACTS communities. I figured I'd find time to use my compression boots but never did, and got down to dinner just on time! Now, I'm droopy as can be, and am about to get to bed and make up for last night!
    quick comment for everyone; yes, I thought and firmly held onto my faith in human beings being capable of improving the world as I knew it! I no longer know what to believe as things seem to escalate into heretofore unknown realms almost beyond belief! The casual use of life-changing drugs, enslaved children, atomic bombs casually threatened, (as if the entire atmosphere would be unaffected!!!)... Has the "virtual" unreality of TV encompassed our minds to the point that we don't even recognize our role in the demise of human decency? Thank goodness for our little group, with your basic decency, working at making a difference! Yawn, yes , my bed, here I come!
    <3 Buzz

    .............................always believe something wonderful is about to happen...............................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    edited August 2017
    Good for you Buzz!! Excellent words and thankfully you are off to get some rest tonight.

    The Windows update nearly did my laptop in overnight. I woke up to a plain grey screen. Just stuck. Couldn't even get it to shutdown the first three times I tried. Then on startup it went back to the plain grey screen and I thought the thing was toast when it finally came to an HP logo screen, then nothing once again. Ultimately it did slip to the Windows updating screen. I was so relieved. I found out later the same thing happened to another friend as I was describing the harrowing circumstances. Windows had fun with many of us last night apparently.

    Well, we had our little low key recognition of the birthday at the library this morning. She enjoyed it and it was quite nice. She was having a fine day with text messages, FaceTime, Skype, etc. with various children, grandchildren and siblings.

    I did watch the two webinars I had signed up for today. Got my veggie box and everything is put away at least. I hope tomorrow afternoon to cook a few veggies and clean some nice raw ones as well.

    Tai Chi in the morning and then I am dropping off a mantle clock for repair. I spoke with them today and they will look it over and call me with an estimate for repair. I likely will have it fixed. I brought it home from my parents home and I never was clear if it belonged to them or if it was from my dad's family and given to him when his mother died. If they can tell me how old it is, it might help with that question.

    Okay, I will admit I was eager to read a book I picked up at the library. Loved it!!! I just finished it. "A Distant View of Everything" by Alexander McCall Smith. It is the latest offering in his Isabel Dalhousie series. I have read the series so it was like catching up with old friends. Anyone else read these? The setting is Scotland and the books ooze philosophy, ethics, all types of tidbits of knowledge of history and more.

    Time to move along I guess. I sat too long in order to finish the book and now I have chores left to finish.

    Bad me.


  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Hello All,

    A busy day with lots of running around.

    I was in a funny situation this morning. I've rejoined Weight Watchers, actually I do both WW and MFP as it helps me stay on track. I record using MFP and WW's online app. I rejoined WW because I am at my original goal weight and I am a Lifetime Member so it is free if I am within 2 lbs of my goal weight - + or - . As a lifetime member I am also eligible for a coupon for free online WW. This morning I planned to do my once a month weigh in as we'll soon be taking off for Nova Scotia. I stood on the scale at home and saw I was actually lower than I wanted. What a new predicament for me. Haha. So I went downstairs and had a bigger breakfast than normal and had 2 cups of tea. I dressed in a pair of heavier capris and off I went. I was okay, I had .1 lbs to spare. We'll be away for a month so I shouldn't have any problem in September.

    Then Ed wanted to go to another store in the shopping center. I wandered around looking for a new non stick Fry pan but decided to wait until they go on sale. Off we went to buy food for the fish pond.

    I was shocked when we got there as I had lost my fitness tracker. Panic city. I've worn one non stop since about 2011. I felt like I'd lost a child. Off we went back to the store and I found it sitting where I had been looking at fry pans.

    I realized that I needed a new one as the bracelet had broken and wouldn't stay on. Poor Ed after going to Best Buy, Walmart and Costco I found a new one. It doesn't have a battery that will last a year like my old one, but it has lots of new features. I love it.

    So it took me awhile to get all the settings the way I wanted and I still may have to play around with that but so far I am happy. Good thing this happened here, had it happened in Nova Scotia I wouldn't have been able to replace it so easily.

    I'm such a nerd. LOL

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Not too hot, not too cold yesterday so I managed to tidy areas of the garden and cut all the grass by 5.30. This morning we have drizzle again but did manage a different walk on the moors that took us along a trail that I imagine was created by sheep because we often found ourselves running out of track and having to pick our way through wet bracken..... good fun though. George snoozed in the car while I did an Aldi shop and after his brunch is now running round doing zoomies and squeaking his toys.

    Jeri ~ You've done a great job quietly getting on with losing weight which considering your busy lifestyle with family and trips can't have been easy so well done you. The trick now is to ease off and maintain.

    Lin ~ No, I don't know that author or her books and just wish I had more time to read as I do miss it. I've had a book on the go for weeks now and am enjoying it once I settle but that's not often enough!

    Anne ~ The appalling things that are going on in our UK towns and cities are at least finally being acknowledged rather than politically correct individuals hushing it all up for fear of offending certain communities and police have been shamed into doing something about it. Society in general is to blame for a lot of what's gone on by not protecting young kids in care and having last night watched a documentary about a group of mainly men left to fend for themselves in the wilds of Scotland for a year I'm convinced Neanderthal man is just under the surface ready to break out at the first opportunity as all civilized behaviour is forgotten! Buzz is right, humanity has lost its way but you sneakers are all like family to me and prove there's always hope!

    On that cheery note I'll make myself a ham sandwich then soak my feet before a pedicure. Happy Friday!!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited August 2017
    Love Friday and seeing Mike, loathe the grocery shopping! One of my neighbours popped in last evening for a chat which changed into really a session of confiding in the old lady. It lasted 3 hours. She's a sweet lady in her sixties and a cancer survivor. She HAS got a whole heap of problems but worrying gets you nowhere. The only advice I could give was she must stop worrying or she will become ill again. If one just sits back and says, to hell with this, I can no longer handle it and let fate or God take over, things have a remarkable way of falling into place I find. Her worries are nothing to do with her health, the moment!

    JERI, I threw my fitness tracker in the garbage not so long ago. I didn't really need it. I mean taking Miss Jilly out for walks a few times a day really says it all as far as tracking goes for me! I'm back to wearing my watch instead! I noticed on the home page you have been losing weight steadily so big congratulations at reaching the level you wanted to achieve. At the moment Sandy and Jackie are maintaining weight on the pound a week site, but not me, I just maintain 4 lbs heavier than I want. Never mind, those extra pounds might come in useful if I have to sock a bag snatcher! An old lady here of my age was robbed as she withdrew $450 from a bank machine this week. A big burly fellow caught on camera, knocked her to the floor after she gamely fought back. On local TV she was shown with badly bruised face and ribs, but she and I are happy to report the thug has been caught. Cowardly thug actually! He wouldn't tackle a young guy of course.

    Watch out for Neanderthals JACKIE on your moorland treks, but didn't Homo sapiens wipe them out? So watch out for lurking Homo sapiens instead, lol.

    Well Miss Jilly is looking at me hopefully, so off we go, through sleet and snow, except it's humidity right now.
    God bless,
    Be in the world, but not of it.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Dinner was excellent but with having the coconut shrimp I of course gained some salt weight. Not much 0.8 pounds but have to be careful so it doesn't keep going up instead of down. When I got home last night I went to put my car in the garage only to find a car in my driveway. I had told the neighbor downstairs I didn't mind if they parked in my driveway but I did mean if I was home for the night. I parked in the street where she could have and told her this morning please check in my garage to see if I am home before parking in my driveway. Tonight I am meeting friends for a fish fry except I won't have fried fish but grilled shrimp. Will probably still bring a gain, but oh well.
    The parents lost their volleyball game last night so they are done. I felt bad because they were winning with me sitting, think I am a little superstitious? I told them I would sit once a week for them to play tennis together just not on Wednesdays so I can return to bingo.

    Anne, I'm with you, I hate grocery shopping, in fact I hate any kind of shopping which is why I try to buy most things online. (not food) That was very nice of you to listen to your neighbor, sometimes one needs to just talk things out with someone else to help clear their heads.

    Jackie, now I know you are a big animal lover and would never hurt a flea but I do have to ask if George was okay being left in the car while you shopped. Here in the states we are allowed to break car windows if a child or pet are left in a car. Please don't be offended but I still have to ask.

    Jeri, bad news about your tracker but good news about getting a new one. I thought I lost my fitbit the day of Robby's party and three of us searched my car. When I left to go home it was on top of a plastic bag in the front seat. Mysterious things do happen. Enjoy your trip, will you be able to check in with us?

    Lin, my automatic updates restart my computer on their own so no problems here. Good luck with mantle clock, it sounds like it has special memories for you.

    Buzz, I am glad you are listening to your middle child and will get more sleep. It amazes me how you can stay up all night and function the next day.

    Have a wonderful day and keep smiling.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Good day. Lovely weather here!! Much fun at Tai Chi/Qigong today as our instructor changed the orientation of the routine which made the old right brain work hard. She did that on purpose to challenge the mind as well as the body. Then I had coffee with a few ladies afterwards. I mostly listened to them talk but it was nice. Then I dropped off my clock at the repair shop in the way home. They will call sometime next week with the repair estimate.

    Soup is in the pot cooking, I am having lunch and then I have more cooking, bill paying, material organizing for tomorrow and I see the check engine light is on again. I reset it again last week. Maybe I will let it ride for a while. :)

    I do not like to shop as I once did. I would wander through the shopping center and look in the Windows of all the stores. I would do that often. But now, once in a while I want to look through a specific store, I prefer to order things online and save the hunting for things. I do several grocery stores regularly , and on occasion one locally run hardware store, the small shops in our historical area (sometimes) and the big box stores maybe once a month. Craft stores, well that is another category altogether!!! So overall I guess I am much more a shopper than I thought I was.

    Jackie, a sheep path. Now that is interesting. I thought it would be pretty well broken down and marked due to the little sheep hooves and their wide bodies. I will say you and George are very adventuresome. I picture George doing zoomies around your house. It makes me smile. Now for your weekend, I hope it is very pleasant.

    Anne, I hope you made it through your shopping chore. Hopefully being with your son makes it more bearable. Very nice of you to let your neighbor unload her problems. You are a kind person and I doubt you would ever turn anyone away. A bit of moaning is therapeutic I think but you're right, it solves nothing. Did Jilly like the conversation?

    Sandy, many people are superstitious when it comes to replicating a win! Wearing the same clothing or socks or shoes, eating the same dinner but I hadn't thought of having the same babysitter! Maybe you were their lucky charm.

    Jeri, glad you got your tracker replaced and clever of you to pack on some extras to get just the weight you wanted. I would never have thought of it. But then I would normally be sitting in a sweat box trying to get down as low as possible! So crown on Monday and then off for a month. Please stop by if you have a connection. And of course, always eager to see your photos.

    Time to get back to my chores.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Losing my mind about birthday dates and discovered I've totally missed a few dear friends living here. My face will be red tonight at dinner! Kudos to JERI for sticking to her goals ad please have a fabulous trip across your gorgeous country. I adore the destination area, too, and my Dad's painting of it is in my den! SANDY, somehow staying up late doesn't affect me, I think, though DD doesn't agree! She tells me my burning hands are a result! Glad your fitbit tuned up! LIN, your description of the Alexander McCall Smith series sounds right up my alley! I don't seem to find much time lately for reading, though. I used to love it! JACKIE, I also picked up what SANDY said about snoozing George in the car. It is against the law in Florida, as well! ANNE, dreadful attack on that woman! I used to know how I would handle something like that, but in truth, now I don't think I'd be able to lift my knee to anyone's groin! Golden years, lol!
    <3 Buzz

    ............................always believe something wonderful is about to happen...............................
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello sneakers! Enjoyed reading about the latest adventures here. I am getting ready to fix Johns favorite dinner tonight...salmon! It makes such a mess in the kitchen. I am going to try to find one of those doodads that make spiral noodles out of squash. I think John will like that.

    Big summer party for symphony musicians and friends coming up. It is potluck but not just anything will do. It must be special. These are major "foodie" people. They bring and expect others to bring food that you have to fuss with! I am bringing Greek stuffed grape leaves. I would like to stay home except the musicians all bring their instruments they play in small groups all night long. Jazz mainly but amazing! It is an event!

    I belong to an artists internet group and it is very interesting to hear (read) about friends that have left the states for adventures elsewhere. Let me say this...these are NOT young people. I am amazed that they are just picking up at almost 80 and trucking off to various parts of the world. Tropics, South America,etc. I keep wanting to just hole up here, and be as safe and secure as possible. Sound boring? Kate, John and I are going for a beach walk then have our salmon dinner. That's about as adventurous as I can manage. I am going to clear another area of the dungeon. Old drawings and studies from at least 10 to 15 years ago. Great for firewood! The paper is that handmade stuff from France. It is like cardboard.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Patsy I love my veggie bullet. Had veggies, for lunch. I found I eat a lot more veggies with my veggie bullet..
