Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Out of the blue winds have arrived that belong in another season, certainly not summer! Crash, there goes something so will take a look...... just a plastic bucket caught by the wind.
    This morning after our doggy walk we visited our housebound neighbour before coming home to a phone call from the solicitor dealing with my lifetime mortgage letting me know the money will be in my account tomorrow. Now I can safely start serious talks with suppliers of garden rooms! :) I too have the caller ID on my phone but sometimes just can't resist picking up to see who it is especially with "number unavailable" which is normally from overseas then I can at least waste their time for a minute or two! My hair gets cut tomorrow and I'll then visit my friend that not too long ago was on life support in intensive care but is now home and already frustrated at what she considers slow progress!

    Anne ~ Didn't Mercury go everywhere via his winged ankles and hat? No, maybe that was the Greek Hermes.... whichever one, I'm thinking of donning some myself and flying in the wind to the post office in order to send a 70th birthday card to a brother who lives in Spain. I can't believe he is that age because I'm just 18 months behind him then remind myself as ever that the alternative is worse!!

    Jeri ~ A lovely photo and don't you look wonderfully relaxed.

    Hello to everyone I've missed. Oh yes, and here is a photo my neighbour took of a proud George when he came home on Sunday with his rosette!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    What a lovely proud George! Re my post JACKIE, go check tomorrow! I tell you, so many mishaps this week I'm paranoid. Saw the new aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth sailing into Portsmouth. Impressive to say the least.
    JERI, you ARE a Bonnie lass and I should have said so earlier, but being so busy looking up Greek and roman gods and planets got waylaid, another miscommunication. Eeeek!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,096 Member
    edited August 2017
    Happy Wednesday! :) Weather permitting I will be going to bingo tonight. Our dinner last night was chaotic due to a mistake the waiter made on our bill. The food was mostly fried and needless to say I did not have a very good time. Babe is in depression due to his son's financial problems and it has not been a good week so far. Maybe things will turn around at bingo and I will win some money. :D

    Jackie, darling picture of George and his ribbon. Once again I need clarification on your garden room. Is it for gardening or a sitting room?

    Anne, I don't think it is the horoscope gods, I think it just us elderly people. lol

    Lin, my daughter loves Hobby Lobby for all her crafts. My updates must happen during the night when I am sleeping because I have had no problems. If it updates it shuts my computer down and I just restart it in the morning.

    Jeri, you do indeed look relaxed and you look amazing at your goal weight!!

    Patsy, I got my Comcast bill down from $180 to $142 so I am happy. I prefer Comcast to any other provider but hate that I have to haggle with them. Verizon is a phone carrier, what do you use for your computer? The elk sound amazing, see if you can take a picture please.

    Buzz, not sure what is going on with your computer and the updates, it shouldn't be that complicated. I leave my computer on all the time except for when I travel. When I get updates as I shared with Lin, it is the middle of the night my computer handles it all and shuts itself down until I restart it in the morning.

    I did not sleep well again so I hope I can get a nap in before bingo.
    Have a great day,
    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited August 2017
    JACKIE, to me a garden room is a sort of conservatory with glass wall to wall windows. A place to put pretty wicker chairs and sofas with beautiful flowery cushions, a place to sit and view the outside garden on hot summery days, but also in winter because it's a sort of added on room. Am I right? I think both Mercury and Hermes were one and the same really weren't they? Buzzing off everywhere delivering good news and bad. A bit like the internet when you think about it.
    SANDY, I think your waiter was having technical problems as well, lol. Was he a pensioner? Please win at bingo! to allay my fears. Lol. Hope nobody steals the prizes before they are handed out.
    All this is said tongue in cheek, I have a funny sense of humour in case nobody's guessed.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    There is a deer family that must live in our little forest. There is a mom and twin yawns that love the blackberries and flowers near our house. The funny thing is how they react to Katie. She sets up a big dustup and fuss when she sees the deer. They look up from their munching with a curious glance, then back to the berries or what is left of my lovely red roses. The mother deer doesn't warn the babies away. They calmly eat their fill. Then slowly amble away. The mfp will not let me correct...that is fawns, not yawns!!!

    Anne in our experience, the older waiters are better than the young inexperienced waiters. They can't add and have no interest in making sure you are getting what you ordered. Just a weird abservation, that is often wrong...

    As to the computer service, we use EarthLink. It is a smaller internet provider. It isn't fast enough for our son business, so he has to use Comcast. Like the rest of you, he has monthly discussions with their customer service.

    Sad thing here! I had made a cd of my favorite tunes
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Ooooooops, I had an overactive finger today and clicked too soon. Anyway, about my cd. It had most of my favorite tunes to do housework and exercise while listening. The darn thing got scratched while I was putting it away. No good anymore now. Well back to hunting up all my original faves.
    Did you know there are 1001 shades of green in Ireland AND Oregon? Just to let you know....
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,096 Member
    oystereyes wrote: »

    Anne in our experience, the older waiters are better than the young inexperienced waiters. They can't add and have no interest in making sure you are getting what you ordered. Just a weird abservation, that is often wrong...

    Our waiter was young I think his first week on the you are correct!!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited August 2017
    And I lost my house keys! Panic stations! The good news I found them again. Relief. I tell you this is one weird week! Who did the counting PATSY? Shades of green I mean. I went a shade of green when I thought I'd left my house keys in the street mailbox, and galloping back to it they weren't there! Earlier I'd changed into my mow the back lawn pants and somehow they had dropped out of my posher pants pocket when I changed and landed under the bed skirt.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Sandy ~ A garden room although mine won't be brick and hopefully more stylish but you get the gist! Somewhere to sit in the dry while feeling I'm out in the garden. Mine will probably have more side windows to bring in as much of the garden and light as possible.

    Anne ~ I'm afraid my one thought when I saw HMS Queen Elizabeth was that's a nice big target for an enemy to find in the ocean and hit!! Of course the second thought was wouldn't all those millions or even billions of pounds have been better spent on social care and the NHS.... grumpy old woman or what?

    Nearly midnight and my little Hebe cat is purring away next to me at the thought of curling up on a warm bed so I must away.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,143 Member
    edited August 2017
    Good evening, another lovely day at Tai Chi. Our instructor keeps everything changing each week. Our right brains are stretched. Haaaaa. Nice time coloring with friends. Then did a few errands and got soaked! Yes, we had some rain which was coming down particularly hard as I made my walk from the library out to the parking lot. Finished my errands and came home to shed the damp duds.

    I am watching a few things in Netflix before my subscription runs out. I love the old movie "Laura" with Gene Tierney. I cannot say how many times I have watched it but yes of course I had to watch it again since it is on Netflix. Maybe I will finally get my fill of it. Maybe.

    Sandy, Windows it set to update when there's been no activity for a period of time. The last update did not install properly on my laptop. It never finished but left the laptop without a functioning Windows OS.

    Jackie, a garden room will be wonderful. I hope construction goes well.

    Anne, glad you found your keys and with all the issues this week, perhaps just keep to yourself for a couple of days?

    Patsy, lovely that the deer are chewing up all your plants and they have no fear of your Katie. That is not right!!

    Going to watch a bit more video and read for a while.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Trying out my alternate keyboard to see if having my hands lower will feel better. I'm not a typist anyway, so I will be even slower than usual Love JERI's picture and reading all your posts. Curious about what kind of studio PATSY's son has.Is he also an artist?
    Metamucil time and then to bed. Oh well, I hit the wrong button on the new mouse and it brought somewhere unrecognizable and I can't recall what I was doing there, but obviously did not get to bed! I typed something I can't find , but since it's now after midnight, I'll try again. JACKIE's garden room is great!
    <3 Buzz

    ............................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen..........................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited August 2017
    Just a quick note from me to say good morning. Today the chap comes to try and fix my old, old stove top with old, old parts as that would be easier than tearing the kitchen apart, re counter tops and cupboards under them AND cheaper. After a week of mishaps what will happen today! I've just cooked Jilly's dog food at 7:30 in case I end up with no stove top at all! It all reminds me of the song ''twas on a Monday morning the gas man came to call".

    Yesterday of course, frantic search for lost keys. We've still got to get through the plumber coming to call. Lol. Oh and the furnace is on the blink. Joys of living in a 100 year old house.! All this potential ripping out will leave me in the end with a clean house having all the dust and rubble to clean up. There's always a silver lining!

    My back room is a sort of garden room JACKIE being added on and it's chillier in winter because the heating doesn't QUITE reach, but good for painting in, especially in summer.

    Must fly before the stove man comes to call,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,096 Member
    edited August 2017
    Happy Thursday!! :) Good News!! I won at bingo so hopefully that is good for all of us!! Today is my meeting day and finally a night at home to relax.

    Anne, I hope that the repairman can fix your stove so you don't have to do all that remodeling. By the way did you mention who owns the house you rent? Is it one of your boys?

    Buzz, I am answering for Patsy, her son is a musician and has a studio. She can give you the details. I do hope you went to sleep and not stay up all night fixing some computer thing.

    Jackie, the new garden room will be lovely, I think we call them sun rooms in the states. Mostly all windows to see beautiful scenery outside. I can't wait for the finished project and my guess is the critters will love being in there with the warm sun.

    Lin, I am so happy you are enjoying life so much. You went through a lot some years ago and now that you can I am so glad you are so involved. <3

    Have a wonderful day everyone!!
    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    If the repairman shows up SANDY. Two and half hours later done loads of gardening, but no repairman! Jilly's enjoyed time in a decent temperature garden though. Hope she's now hoarse from barking at passing dogs and will leave the repairman alone (IF he shows up) from exhaustion. She's not alone, I'm exhausted myself from cutting back foliage. The house is a sort of family house and I pay rent and utilities but usually not the repairs.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited August 2017
    Repairman showed up at 1:05. He's Never seen such an old stove. However, it's just the switch for the one burner and he's managed to find and order the last one in the States! Should be fully back to normal functioning sometime next week. Relief. I LIKE my old solid wood cupboards and counter top. This house is actually older than me so she's holding up well with the odd replacement, lol. Actually the stoves in pretty good shape in appearance and is used an awful lot daily. I DID get a 10% discount on the repair because I'm old. Didn't even have to ask! Stove top on right, dishwasher under it. The actual oven part is to the left. Weird design.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello everyone! I am sort of barely here today. Bad night! I could not get the political crazies out of my brain. This national obsession will be one for the history books for years and years to come. I am working hard to get away from my current frame of mind. Positive thoughts! Life affirming activities!

    Buzz: I think Sandy is thinking of another sneaker lady from Georgia with the musician son and music studio. Our son has a studio that does special effects for movies and TV. He also does computer animation. He is also an avid sailor with his own beloved sail boat "Gitana" I am probably spelling it wrong. It is Spanish for gypsy. He has always been artistic, even as a little boy.

    Anne: your kitchen looks wonderful! Neat, clean, wonderful wood cabinets. It looks cozy, warm and perfect. The stove will be fixed because it is a classic and fits perfectly.

    The growth has been over the top this year because of the cool wet spring. We really do have a jungle that is threatening to overcome us. We can't seem to get ahead of it. Our neighbors have resorted to huge mowing machines from professional landscapers. I am thinking about renting herd of goats!

    When we don't get enough sleep we all feel less able to cope with any adversity, no matter how small it is. I am at that point. Dropping a bar of soap can feel like a monumental calamity. Silly me!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,143 Member
    edited August 2017
    Patsy, was that Marcella whose son had the music studio?

    Busy day. Just received a huge box load of vegetables and fruits. Clean, store, etc.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    PATSY, how interesting your son's work must be! I do remember his boat. For you, my empathy, sympathy, understanding, since I have the same reactions to this nightmare. Almost 100 years since this kind of anomaly took hold in another country; how can it be happening here? My heart bleeds for Heather's mother, family and friends!
    Am finding I cannot do much typing until my right hand recovers, so I read your posts and mostly just check in. But I appreciate you all so much!
    <3 Buzz

    ...........................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen..........................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,096 Member
    linder4866 wrote: »
    Patsy, was that Marcella whose son had the music studio?


    Yes, you are right Lin, sorry Patsy was giving you another son!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2017
    A bad start to my day as I've managed to irritate my back problem so am struggling to do much more than lean and touch my toes to relieve the aches. I'm convinced it was brought on by my sitting on the edge of the sofa seat eating my cereal as I watched the aftermath of last night's terrorist attacks in Spain, no doubt tensing up as I did. Either that or one of Anne's Roman gods having a stir!! Yesterday was a better one as I got my hair cut and tidied and then visited my friends, the wife being the one that only a few weeks ago was on life support. They now have all the disability aids they need in the home supplied for free by our local authority but best thing of all was seeing her pull herself up onto crutches and walk rather than drag the leg that suffered a severed nerve because as she said, she wasn't going to take the diagnosis lying down!! For some reason I can't view Anne's photo so instead have multiplied the page several times to get a look and it certainly does look like excellent quality cupboards so I can understand not wanting to change a thing. There is always someone out there with the out of time nut, bolt, switch or handle, it's just a matter of searching!

    George is barking at whoever is cutting down hedges next door so I'd better give him some attention and also not sit any longer but move to ease my back. I did manage to walk George across the moors this morning as we dodged showers so nothing too serious I'm sure. Thunder rumbling around that has the cattle in the field below my garden mooing so I'll switch everything off in case a nasty storm is on its way.

    Happy Friday everyone.