Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Good afternoon. Home from church to no Internet access. Everything is reset and I am back!!!! :)

    Jackie, what an adventure with the cattle. I think I would want to avoid any pasture with a bull on the loose! Although cows with a young calf can be aggressive as well. I was charged by a momma cow one time on the farm. My brave cattle dog hid behind me. Haaaaaa. :D

    Anne, Planet of the Crazies these days. A friend typed something on Facebook about how the Nazis were eliminated in the past century. I did not respond to him but friends, hate never dies, it always finds places to burrow in and proliferate. Doesn't matter what label you put on it. So we are fortunate to have our group of kind and loving online friends. I feel grateful.

    Sandy, I hope you are enjoying the visit to the farm. And that it is not raining on you. Very cloudy here with scattered raindrops. We could use lots more of them. One of these days, I hope.

    Buzz, I wish your DD well and praying for safety. It is certainly not a given is it. I heard that some white supremacist warned Trump about his reactions to this latest incident as it was White People who elected him. I was shocked. But then why would I be when I reflect on it.

    Well, things to do and I really want to read more of the Lee Child book "No Middle Name: The Complete Collected Jack Reacher Short Stories." Enjoying it so far.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Lost my post and hand burning too painfully to repeat it! So Hi and goodnight!
    <3 Buzz
    ...........................always believe something wonderful is about to happen...............................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Well I'm up and I've walked the Bean but I'm terribly sluggish this morning. Restless night. I think it's a form of mental stress after dealing with the Internet and TV provider who want to sell and add promotional packages for free for now, but guess what happens in 2 months. When they first call they lull you into a false sense of security because you think it's about service problems, but as they fast talk you become ensnared in a spiders web if you aren't careful. It takes me all my time to watch my basic TV and as for extra GB (what does that stand for?) I don't know enough people ON the internet to use the extra. Sigh. Anyway I can't afford all the extra stuff on an income that never changes except for the odd dollar on the old age. I Wish they'd leave an oldie like me alone unless I call THEM.
    Anyway another day and I've just had another email from them stating a customer service person will phone today to explain more clearly what I could be the lucky recipient of, The first rep had an East Indian accent, talked rapidly and I could barely understand him. I think MY accent is clearer.
    So this is to let you know I just might tell them to stuff their service where monkeys stuff their nuts. But I think finding another provider will be just as stressful, sigh.
    If I'm back, all is resolved,
    Annie the fed up granny,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Good morning, I got caught up in doing little things around the house so am just sitting down with some tea now before a couple of errands. It is cloudy and I am hoping for some rain. We will see.

    Buzz, I am so sorry you lost your post. That is so irritating! I am glad you let us know you were here. Feel better.

    Anne, it takes a lot of energy these days to keep those vendors from talking you into something. And it takes far too much time. Hate it. I do miss the days of just buying a service and keeping it for decades with only small price increases. I know, dream on!!!!

    I finished the Jack Reacher stories. I enjoyed them once. It seemed odd to be reading stories instead of the usual long novel but I could get accustomed to it.

    Time to get out of this chair. It feels a bit too comfortable.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Well, I wrote a very polite return email letter to customer support explaining that at my age and limited income I only need their basic services and is it possible that they put on my profile a sort of "leave this aged client alone or we may lose the basic stuff she pays for to another supplier". I explained it's not fair to harass long time loyal customers who may suffer from hearing loss and not totally understand what their salesman is bleating about.
    Wonder if I'll hear from them! Life is definitely not dull when one retires!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Well I did get a reply from the supplier as I typed the above. My email did not go through because it's a notification address only. Grrrrrrr. I have to phone them if I want to complain etc.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Laundry is started, now trying to catch up on computer. Had a wonderful time at the farm, Robby loved every minute and didn't want to go home. He fell asleep 12 minutes after we left, which was about 6:15 and sleep through the night except for getting up once to go potty. I think we overstayed our welcome but my friend was fine. I am going to sit with boys while the parents play tennis although I am exhausted.

    Lin, have you seen the Jack Reacher movies with Tom Cruise? I think there are three but can't remember if I saw all of them.

    Anne, I just checked my Comcast Bill on line and saw that it went up $40 so will be arguing with them on the phone today. I checked because Babe's bill went up and in checking his I decided to check my own. I hate paying for TV but not much choice and I do like a better Internet connection.

    Buzz, sorry you lost you post, a slip of the wrist and poof it is gone! Did you ask the doctor about a brace?

    Jackie, at the farm they have cattle and a big old bull. My friend's little granddaughter who is nine pointed him out to me saying he is the one with the mean look on his face. He sure was a big bull if you know what I mean. lol

    Well I guess I better get ready to fight with Comcast to lower both Babe's bill and mine. Wish me luck.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good morning sneakers! All this talk of the evils Comcast and the internet is unfortunately a conversation that gets repeated again and again. But here is my thoughts on that. We use the internet in so many ways now, we really would be lost without it. As we age we need it more and more. It is our newspaper, magazines, phone and TV and encycopeadia. To me it is the most important method of commication we have. I guess I would budget elsewhere just to keep the service. I need to be in the now and new of today. I am not going to get a tattoo or a staple in my head, but I want to know all about them. So my urging is to try to afford however much you can to stay connected to today's world. Anyway...that is just a bit my crazy life philosophy. It not for everyone, I know, but I really would be lost without HuffPo!

    I found a huge bunch of ripe and sweet blackberries. Not sure why the deer family have not gobbled them up. They must be working on some other area of the forest. Yea! Blackberries and cottage cheese for breakfast!

    Just a reminder, Lee Child has a new novel coming out Nov. 7th. Should be good! I will get John a copy as soon as humanly possible. He is a very devoted Lee Child fan.

    Now for my challenge of the day/week/month/year! I want to hire a gardening crew to clean up the overgrown bushes and trim the trees as well as prepare the the flowerbeds for winter. John will protest and fuss loudly. I am hoping for a peaceable conclusion. He simply cannot do it all. And not everything really needs to get done. One of life's important lessons.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh my gosh, are we ALL Comcast prisoners? I'm laughing through my tears! If only the service worked properly. P.S. my community pays for my basic TV, so it's just phone calls that keep getting dropped and internet where I've returned to using an ethernet cable as WiFi is so intermittent! PATSY, I fear you are correct about our reliance on things technical. Something I lost in yesterday's lost post was one of the 2 movies we had here yesterday: The Circle. Emma Watson and Tom Hanks, right? Can't miss! Tell me what you think after you see it! Also saw "A Quiet Passion" , very long introspection on Emily Dickinson, beautifully produced, insightful,...very long. Also, my family didn't speak that way; did yours?
    Just spent ages again looking up relief for my burning hands. Mayo Clinic, webMD's, Amazon, 1/2 dozen other places. NADA! So I'll go get something from the fridge to heat since I missed dinnertime! SANDY, when you dial COMCAST, go to the menu for leaving them! Usually works. My problem is the only alternative is AT&T, which is almost as bad!
    ANNE and LIN, you have my complete sympathy!
    Now I must go for more BioFreeze and then food! XOXOXO you all!
    <3 Buzz

    ...........................always believe something wonderful is about to happen...............................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2017
    I'm back home after one of our wonderful walks across the very top of the moors where we admired the constant changing of the light that picked out giant rocks and mounds before they disappeared into the shadows as clouds scudded across the sky. An instant later they were back to impress us! After a small bit of shopping in town I'm now going to finish my coffee and head for my garden to continue the clearance. It rained all day yesterday so because of being on my feet all day Sunday I placed myself on the sofa to ease my muscles.... all fine today, so far! I caught up with a BBC documentary I'd recorded about Kim Jong Un and family and all I can say is what a tragedy his older brother Kim Jong-chul, who's possibly in hiding after the assassination of their half brother, didn't get the top spot because he's up for reform in his country and appears bright and best of all an Eric Clapton fan!! Hey-ho, nothing going right in the world at the moment!

    Anne ~ I'm polite generally but when it comes to phone calls from a call centre about any product I don't let them finish the first sentence before stating a firm "no thank you" and hanging up. It took a while for me to not feel guilty about such rudeness but then they are rude to disturb me on MY phone that's here for MY use! If there is any truly remarkable offer out there, which is rare, I know I'll get to read or hear about it and I will then contact the supplier. Although we have different suppliers to you in Canada and others in the US I go with Buzz's conclusion that they all offer much the same service otherwise we'd all be with just one!

    Sandy ~ That's funny about the big old bull on the farm! :D Today the cattle were mostly on the side of the road so we felt safe enough although occasionally checked over our shoulders just in case!

    A few clouds appearing so I must get changed into old gardening clobber and make a start. Oops no, washing up first!

    Have a good Tuesday everyone.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hello everyone. Well I'm still here to brighten your day, lol, and you know JACKIE I'm normally like you, "no thank you" and the phone straight down, but this vendor of promotions had me completely fooled, he was one very clever lad. I truly believed at first that he was calling about impending maintenance work on the phone line etc, sort of advanced warning me about "better improvements for us all" and I'd already dealt that day with a chap who will finally come on Friday to look at repairing my out of date ancient stove, (photo taken etc to show him burner and model), that my guard was completely down.
    If the stove top is not repaired a new work top will have to be installed to accommodate a new modern stove with different width, yes it really is weird my kitchen, so I was for the very first time completely taken in......until I got an email of all the programs and Internet added to my service and not new maintenance wiring as it were.
    Immediate calls to the supplier has me back to basics, nothing new so far appearing. Phew.

    The internet is important but as all us single ladies living on one single pension know, eating, warmth and a roof over ones head takes precedence! I'm already budgeted out! There's always the old faithful radio still, and to be honest I often listen to interesting talks etc if I'm cooking or drawing. Anyway, fingers crossed I am now back on track and any future "customer support" guys will be dealt with swiftly from the start!

    Hard to explain the above, but it will have to do because Jill wants to know why we aren't off on our morning sniffle and shuffle.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I've just been told by someone in "the know" that these top company salesmen are actually pre trained in the asking of the double meaning questions they ask potential victims. Made me feel a little better about being a gullible old lady. Just checked TV and I'm still at basics.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :) Today is a Holy Day of Obligation in the Catholic Church so I will be going to noon mass as I am going to dinner tonight with friends. I did go to sit for them to play tennis but they were home after one set because Lisa was just too tired. The farm wore all of us out but it was worth it.

    I have caller ID on both my house and cell phone so when I don't recognize the number I just don't answer. If they call too many times then I just block the number. I hate sale calls and will be rude if necessary, most of the time it is a robotic call so it doesn't matter.

    I will continue to call Comcast to get mine and Babe's rate lowered because I really prefer Comcast for internet. Will let you know if succeed or not!!

    I have to eat and shower, so have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh heck, despite all my complaints, I've stuck with Comcast also! At least most of their staff are more pleasant to plead with than are the people at AT&T!!! And I usually get molified for a few months, at least! I am so tired today I am going to nap. ...Like right now, as I can't keep my head up! But it was a lovely way to start my day after breakfast reading all your posts and smiling at familiar thoughts, actions, and friends!
    <3 Buzz

    ..........................always believe something wonderful is about to happen...............................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just want to share this morning's experience with those of you on Windows 10, which received a huge update either last night or the night before! Ouch; I lost my WiFi access, my Ethernet access, and could no longer get onto the internet. My Modem was fine , as my iPad was working OK, so I called Comcast and of course they wanted to reset the modem, which I refused. I kept telling the machine "Agent" until I finally got connected to a patient sweetheart who worked with me and discovered nothing was responding to get me online, so I tried logging off, and the only way I could shut down was by holding the START button until it manually closed down! Waited 30 seconds, clicked Start button again, it took forever to open, but I waited patiently and once it opened, everything was there, including WiFi connection, plus some new programs called Windows Ink Workspace that have a pencil-like icon in the lower right section of the task bar that I hope will let me draw online! OK, my good deed for the day, as I have no feeling except burning now in my right hand! It really may be carpal tunnel damage, huh? I'll call my doctor! Just remember, microsoft users, it's the Windows Update, not your computer!
    <3:s Buzz

    ...........................always believe something wonderful is about to happen...............................
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Beautiful cool morning that we call a blackberry morning! The berries are huge and sweet this year. Everyone is out picking berries. The deer are just ignoring us as they munch. We also have a resident herd of elk. They are several hundred in number and they are a sight to see. They own the area and all forested Areas! They will often just show up on the beaches(?) they march right through gardens and through fences if they so desire. But they are majestic and a local treasure.

    Fussing with Comcast and AT&T is a common past time, it appears. We have Verizon and we like it but we don't have many features. We are old school in that regard. John still watches the bills like a hawk. He is funny. He will kick up a storm over 50 cents! It seems to be some sort of refusal to be robbed, even if it is just a small robbery. One of those"principal of the thing" moments. If it were all up to me, I would be using all the bells and whistles! I would be in trouble almost emmediately.

    Here in Oregon, there is a difference in the rhythm of nature. I see calves any time of the year. I see very young fawns right now! When we lived in Colorado and Wyoming, all calves were born in the spring. It shows how hard the winters are.

    We are just holding our breath about the current state of things here in the USA. There is talk of a protest in Portland. Hope that doesn't happen. Our son's studio is right downtown. Of course his house is across town in another suburb. Eeeeeek! Drama and trauma!

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Just got into Nova Scotia. Starting out with a nice haddock supper. Oh and a glass of wine Lol

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Looking beautiful and relaxed Jeri!! <3
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hello Sneakers, just a quick note. We had a wonderful time this morning playing Mah Jongg. I don't think I have laughed that much in months. But yes, we also played Mah Jongg and I won both games as we also took time to play Rumicube (?). Wahoo!!!

    Then I spent quite a bit of time hunting for a couple of specific things in Hobby Lobby and I thought I would do a quick walk-through of some of the rest of it. Oh my goodness, after an hour I still had not gotten through much of the store. Some day I will visit each aisle just to see what they have. :D

    Buzz, I went through that Windows 10 update a little while ago. So annoying. I was just glad when everything finally worked once again.

    I need to move along. Early morning tomorrow with Tai Chi/Qigong.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited August 2017
    Not believing in horoscopes etc one does wonder at times. Everyone seems to be losing or sending emails to wrong destinations, including me, having problems with internet suppliers, post office mail taking its time, etc etc, that I'm wondering if Mercury the winged God of lost and found communications is in the horoscopes this week. Anyone in the know? lol. Seeing he's an ancient mythological God maybe he's somewhat confused by modern technology as well!
    Laying low,
    PS. Oh boy I just looked it up, August 13 to September 5th, mercury retrograde will cause misunderstanding and confusion. Definitely laying low, because although still not a believer, why take chances.!!!!!! Watch out for Kim and Donald!