Senior Golden Sneakers



  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    You ladies are all so nice.

    I'm going to try to check in but it will depend on internet coverage in the evening.

    Marie what is a veggie bullet?

    Have a great day everyone.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just lost a large post re: PATSY's music group meeting making me reminisce about the 1st Newport Jazz Festival, and taking a carriage with my 3 little kids in it! To this day, hey all play instruments and love both classical and jazz but don't care for the cacophony called music today! Wish I could hide in PATSY's bags and sneak along!
    Lin, wonderful that your tai Chi/QiGong teacher is into the brain thing. So is ours and I sure hope it helps!
    I'm off to bed now, having finished several belated cards with designer envelopes. One envelope I made like a jigsaw puzzle and used several sketches like this around the name, as the person is an avid fan.
    I'm also starting to run out of ink. so goodnight, y'all!
    <3 Buzz

    ............................always believe something wonderful is about to happen...............................

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    PATSY, I'd love to hide somewhere in your baggage so I could hear what sounds like a fabulous super jam session! And I adore the idea of classical musicians being capable of playing jazz; the concept is so different! Having attended the very 1st Newport Jazz Festival with all 3 kids still in a carriage, I recall thinking we had found heaven on earth. My kids still play instruments and love most kinds of music except the present cacophony!
    LIN, good for you, finding a Tai Chi/Qigong teacher who challenges the brain. Our instructor is so enthused about blending the two! I hope it work lol!
    I'm off to bed now, having finished several cards and envelopes (which I decorate almost as highly as the cards themselves). I made one of the envelopes appear to be a jigsaw puzzle, as she is an avid fan!
    <3 Buzz, I think
    ............................always believe something wonderful is about to happen...............................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited August 2017
    Not much happening here so far. Well we did meet a grey haired lady and two teenage children who seemed a bit cautious of the exuberant Miss Jilly. I said, "don't worry, she's harmless and just wants to say hello" whereupon the grey haired lady said in a Liverpool accent, "now there's a nice northern accent". Visitors from Great Britain off to have "a big Canadian breakfast". So my writing might be somewhat Canadian but the rest of me remains the same!

    I wonder, should Jilly ever get a new owner if she will understand commands and does she bark with a Yorkshire dialect?
    There's always something to ponder, lol.

    Amy understands Jilly anyway. Janice said she couldn't believe Jill could hear them from half a street away and us in the back garden. Amy responded to Jill's excited yapping by pulling on her leash and dragging Janice at great speed to our house and down our drive, whereupon the doggie friends received doggie treats from sucker here who will never be rich in this lifetime.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) My grilled shrimp at the fish fry was good and since I rode the bike in the afternoon I actually lost the weight I gained from the night before. All is good again. Today possibly a pool day before church and a visit with Babe and Daisy.

    Anne, I think I must be getting old, you have confused me with the Amy and Janice story. I bet it was wonderful to hear someone from back home with the same accent.

    Buzz, love your little puzzle for the envelope, very talented.

    Jeri, don't worry about us, just have a wonderful time.

    Marie, when is the big move to Alice's house?

    Patsy, you sound like a wonderful cook making different types of meals. Enjoy the concert, I hate to admit I am not a big jazz fan but did enjoy my nieces son perform on jazz guitar.

    Lin, glad you had fun at Tai Chi/Qigong and accepted the new challenge. Nice to see that you are making new friends even if you are the quiet one.

    Jackie, where are you?

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    SANDY: Mmm, not sure how else to put it. Here goes.
    Jill and I are in the back garden.
    Jill has wonderful hearing.
    She heard or smelt Janice and Amy when they were out of sight and
    half the street away. Quite a distance,
    Jill starts barking.
    Amy the dog hears Jill from that distance.
    She pulls Janice holding the leash at great speed to our house.
    Amy refuses to walk past our drive.
    She Rushes down the drive to say hello to Jill.

    Janice was just surprised that Jill could recognize Amy, out of sight, and so far away.

    I hear the Yorkshire accent daily. Mike and Mark both have retained it although more diluted than mine. It's a very hard accent to get rid of!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2017
    A fun day at the dog show for us where Scruff wowed everyone with her agility and speed and dear George came away with a rosette for 2nd best rescue dog. He's not at all impressed with it because it tickles and makes him scratch but I'm very proud! The top rescue was from Romania where few people care about the plight of dumped or neglected dogs but a charity is doing its best to rescue, rehabilitate and bring them to the UK for rehoming. The last event we stayed to watch was Britain's Got Talent dog tricks and it was amazing how many people teach their pooches to dance, roll over and do high fives with their paws. An 8 year old girl with a tiny chihuahua had her dancing through hoops and won a night at a luxury hotel for 2 so I hope she gets to go with one of her parents!
    We have a similar hairstyle as you can see!! :):)

    Sandy ~ Have no fear, I would never leave George in the car unless I knew he was safe and yesterday it was never going to get too hot, in fact we had the heating on when we first drove to the moors for our walk and I made sure when I parked at the supermarket both windows were open in spite of the rain so he had plenty of fresh air plus because I hate supermarket shopping I'm in and out in about 15 minutes! On sunny days I drop him home first and then continue to the shop but when I go into smaller places in town he comes with me on his lead. Oh yes and unfortunately we have to call the police to smash any window to let an overheating dog out but not everyone waits for them to arrive!!

    Lin ~ The bracken at the moment is very green so bounces back when stepped on by humans and sheep but there's just enough of a gap to tiptoe along one foot in front of the other!

    Anne ~ You know what they say, it takes one to know one and certainly most English accents are immediately recognisable but lucky you to keep your Yorkshire one because when I lived in Canada mine became that awful mid Atlantic twang that sounds more South African than anything. Yummy to the big Canadian breakfast since I'm sure it would include pancakes with maple syrup although I could never understand bacon, a sausage or ham being added to the mix! I'd like to think Neanderthal man is extinct but as each news bulletin becomes more bizarre I have my doubts. Just a thought, do you ever wonder what the North Korean people think of the ever expanding waistline of their wonderous leader while they starve?

    Buzz ~ I adore your jigsaw envelope but can't imagine how you designed it. No wonder you don't get to sleep at night!

    Jeri ~ Have a wonderful trip away and don't let that wristband take over your life too much!!

    Time to cook something that will include my delicious home grown spuds!!
    Enjoy the rest of your Saturday.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hello, home again and pretty well unpacked. Chomping on my chunky soup and reflecting on the morning and the people I met. Very friendly but of course, they have known each other for years as the newest person there has been attending for five years. They are very talented and experienced. There is apparently disagreement among the members on several issues. One is that each person needs to take responsibility for some of the activities and projects. Now that made my blood run cold. Would I have anything to share with these women who have been making cards and stamping for 15 to 30 years? And who have blue ribbon entries in the State Fair? And who recently made 150 cards to donate to Hospice and the Blood Center? I have been assigned the month of October in their 2018 calendar project. You have to come up with an apparently tiny original design and then make 12 more originals of that design. The calendars for the upcoming year are then assembled in December. Okay, sounded doable until a lady showed me the fantastic work from last year. One woman cannot understand why people wouldn't be excited for the challenge. And why there would be any hesitancy about leading a class.

    Well, therein lies the difference between someone who has not been at this for a long time and someone who has been doing this since she was a child and has taken classes with top name designers. Ha. So we will see. They want more members and the lady said they don't know how they can make themselves attractive to all the different levels of card making expertise.

    Meanwhile, I am happy to be back here with you!

    Buzz, I too love your jigsaw design. Wonderful! Your friend will love it. <3 You must spend a lot of time designing each card.

    Anne, I have no idea what would be included in a Canadian breakfast! While I have visited in the long distance past, I believe we stayed in a fishing cabin where you made your own meals. I think we ate cereal for breakfast. Quick, few dishes, off to go fishing! And yes, dogs can smell much more than we can imagine and their hearing is exceptional. You are a treat pushover!!! Lucky pups.

    Sandy, I hope you are enjoying pool time. The weather is totally lovely! There are many conversations where I can be pretty much 100% quiet as I find a goodly proportion of people are just interested in what they have to say and/or need to have their opinion heard. Haaaa. True!

    Jackie, congratulations to Scruff on a job well done!! Now George may not be impressed with the beautiful rosette but I am!! Gorgeous photo as well. Excellent! I don't think you really have similar hair styles but you do not clash! :D Thanks for the explanation, now I understand why the path is not more visible. Don't get lost out there with the sheep. Haaaa.

    Well, time to move along once again. I should wash another load of clothes. I cannot believe I dribbled toothpaste on my shirt once again. Good grief!



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Well this just in about the eclipse viewing simply will not be visible except for a dark 3 minutes. I feel sad for all the people who paid extra for a hotel room here on the coast. They wanted to be able to see the event without obstruction. I fear we will be under thick cloud cover!

    I saw some yellow leaves tumbling down from our trees this morning. All the blackberries are being gobbled up by the deer family that lives in our little forested area. The Shasta daisies are all fading. Fall is coming. To make it more clear, pre-season football is on TV. John is happy to have something to watch instead of obsessing about our politics.

    Buzz: a fabulous creative design on the puzzle people. Really! You have a great sense of design. I know from experience that cannot be tought but awareness can be achieved through exposure. You have had a rich creative life, that's obvious. Your card making is your blank canvas. You are painting with pixels.

    Anne: our vet tells us often about the extra abilities animals possess. They understand and sense so much more than we are aware of. One of the things he does so often is get down on the floor and look them in the eyes and speaks softly to them. I have always been amazed at how he communicates with animals. He even takes care of a pot-bellied pig and a hedgehog. Of course Jilly would understand her friend Amy. Katie knows when our son is coming and hears his dogs barking miles down the road when he is approaching. They get messages in the air somehow.

    Sandy: I read about a lottery ticket being bought for over 300 million. I also read (hahahahahah) that in order to win in a lottery, you MUST first buy a ticket. Interesting concept! I have never bought a lottery ticket. But I am not lucky in gambeling ever. Trivia pursuit games, I might do pretty well. I collect useless information. Like the capitals of states...Austin, Texas, Salem, Oregon, Olympia, Washington etc.

    Must mop kitchen floor, Katie and John are tracking something in...mud and grass clippings!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hey JACKIE, I got my hair cut last Wednesday in the exact same style as you and George! Only mine sticks up more than yours and George's and it's a different shade! What a clever George winning the rosette! He's larger than I expected. I don't think the North Korean people are allowed to think anything except maybe private thoughts. Home grown onions, beets and teeny carrots in my salad tonight.
    PATSY do you like scrabble? I never gamble either and I've never bought a lottery ticket. I don't know what I'd do if I won all that money! Probably keel over with a heart attack and the sons and grands would be the ones to benefit. Nice funeral though!
    LIN what you've got that these women who have been making cards for years haven't got is a fresh, brand new approach. One can get in a rut you know, like writers block. My "Canadian" breakfast is usually a bowl of porridge, och aye. Never eaten pancakes, maple syrup and a sausage of dubious content all at once, yeuk! I have been known to eat a boiled egg with buttered "soldiers".
    That WAS clever BUZZ, the jigsaw envelope.
    I really enjoyed all the posts today!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    "George" hairstyle coming up. Ignore face.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Love the picture of Jackie and George, you look terrific Jackie!! Love you haircut Anne, it looks really good on you. Lin, if you need card ideas my daughter is a whiz, I can get suggestions from her.

    Gotta go!1
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    edited August 2017
    Thanks Sandy, I have loads of ideas for cards but Preparing and demonstrating a technique for card making is a bit different. This is a pretty bright and competent group. I have looked over their projects back to 2002. The only things I haven't seen so far is Gelli plate printing and Distress Oxide Inking. I don't think most of the members have the Distress Oxide Inks and I am not the master of the Gelli plate. We will see. Early days. :D

    Anne, you have so much gorgeous hair!!!!! :o Wow

    Patsy, we have maple teees turning already. My first thought was Fall but they tell us it is drought stress. Hummmm.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited August 2017
    I design the envelopes, (and cards) using a combination of clip arts since I haven't been able to figure out how to draw on my computer. Unfortunately, since each one is unique, they take lots of time, but it's really fun for me. That particular envelope had as a background a black on white jigsaw puzzle, with other designs superimposed over the background. I can't seem to paste it here, sorry to say. Wait, I may have figured it out!


    DD #2 moved from N Carolina due to living with all the prejudice in that state to ...TA DA...VIRGINIA, where a horrendous clash broke out today between a KKK group and their more tolerant brethren! So...will she up and move again?
    JACKIE, love, love, love that photo!!!
    ANNE, love the dog stories and George haircut!
    LIN, you are so creative!
    PATSY, let us know about that special musicians' party.
    SANDY, what cards does your DD make? Always hunting for new ideas!
    <3 .....Buzz

    ...........................always believe something wonderful is about to happen...............................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member

    OK, THAT was a copy of the envelope I made yesterday. I gave Ellen the card as she was working on a puzzle in the lobby, and she loved it! Tra La
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    delraybuzz wrote: »
    OK, THAT was a copy of the envelope I made yesterday. I gave Ellen the card as she was working on a puzzle in the lobby, and she loved it! Tra La

    Wonderful Buzz. I love it. <3<3


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2017
    Happy Sunday.... it's a lovely one here in Cornwall so the plan is to muck out the hen house before continuing to cut back the jungle at the end of my garden. The lady who had been helping me keep the top half tidy hadn't been for a couple of weeks, put off by the rain so I've phoned and told her thanks for the help but I'll manage on my own for now because I'm finding I'm getting on with things rain or not! We've had a great walk on the moors with views that seemed to disappear into eternity so after my usual mug of coffee I should be raring to get on!

    Buzz ~ Oh dear, what horrible scenes in Virginia and a President who appeared to choke on his words of condemnation no doubt not wanting to lose any more support. Your DD #2 must be wondering where next to avoid such violent clashes. Your envelope is wonderfully creative and something to be framed.... no wonder the recipient was so delighted. :)

    Anne ~ George weighs about 8 kilos and Lhasas are quite long in the body although have stubby little legs! There's little we can do with thick mops of hair, right? I've an appointment on Thursday to get it cut so will probably ask for it to be shorter although if we chat as we normally do my hairdresser will do her own thing again! My style (if you can call it that) has been with me since the 60's Beatles' cuts because anything else tried has been a total disaster! What a lovely photo of someone who looks in her fifties! The allotment will be visited later this afternoon for fresh runner beans and no doubt more courgettes and patty pans and since there's only so much ratatouille I can eat I'll have to come up with an original recipe or two!

    Lin ~ You would have laughed today at our walk on the moors where first off George confronted a little white calf so as my friend, Scruff and I continued on our way he found himself scared to run to us in case it chased him. In the end a good 1/4 mile on I blew the whistle and called until he finally plucked up the courage to race to me, occasionally stopping to look over his shoulder. What we didn't realise was just a little way away amongst a group of cows was a huge bull who by now was scraping his feet in the ground and snorting in our direction so we had to hot foot it across an open area to a track until he stopped snorting and turned his back on us! Heading back to the car park on the same track we stopped by a large granite rock where the dogs hop up to receive a treat just as 3 cows with their calves wandered from the grassy area to the track in front of us and stood and stared so after the bull experience we were wary to move on so decided to cut across a wet, boggy area to side track them. Haha, as soon as we were off the track they wandered past the granite rock and continued towards the bull so we then realised they were as scared of us as we of them!! Our walks are never uneventful that's for sure! As for your project, I have to throw in my two pennies worth and point out you are incredibly talented with your card making and other crafts so mustn't be intimidated by people in this group that seem to be more confident about what they do. If they genuinely want fresh blood amongst them they should support all newcomers so just do what you do best and everyone will be impressed and delighted at the results. I for one can't wait to see what design you come up with! :)

    Hello to Sandy, Marie, Jeri and all others I might have left out. Enjoy your Sunday.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    In this age of fiddling on mobile phones, and staring at TV screens I think it's absolutely wonderful that our little group is comprised of such gifted folk! As long as we create there's hope for mankind whether it be music, painting, unique card making, rescuing abandoned animals, veggie growing, story telling and beautiful gardens to sit in (after weeding and mowing of course) etc etc the fanatics of this world will never win. I can imagine your daughter feeling most unsafe once again though BUZZ. Horrendous scenes, ah: Planet of the Humans, I don't think apes are quite so destructive and intolerant.

    Today is communication day with family and friends but seeing it is also the day of rest and inspired by you creative ones with just a hint of fall in the air I'm thinking of dragging out my easel again and ignoring the news channels. Between that and walking The Bean, let the rest of the world go by.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Just a PS to JACKIE who beat me to it! I should have met you years ago because this Beatle cut does seem to suit my fly away hair. Will stick to it from now on. By the way, you look so lovely and slim holding the beautiful George. Mind you I'm not surprised you are slim if you are frequently confronted by pawing bulls! Great incentive to jog!
    Just a PS to LIN, Jackie said it much better than I ever could re the "superior" (or so they think) card making group. You ARE very talented and just like Jackie, I too am looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) I have to jump in the shower and leave to pick Lisa and the boys up for a visit to my friends farm. They boys should love their animals and I am excited for my friends to meet Lisa and the boys. Will try to get back later but if not have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time