Senior Golden Sneakers



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good morning sneakers. Finally a bit cooler today. During the really hot weather, we could hardly move. I also get very cranky when I am too hot. Look out! Here comes Patsy with a red face and a bad attitude!

    As far adjusting one's home to our changing needs, central heating is a blessing. We are thinking about adding air conditioning. Our summers are getting hotter and hotter for longer and longer. We have decided to try to make our home more comfortable to "age in place." We try to see little additions here and there to make life easier and safer. Hand rails, rug grippers, grab bars in the shower and bathroom. It is sort of upsetting but John calls them spa decor. It is all in the PR. Like a facelift is called a personal refresher now. We had so much fun laughing at this i have been giggling all morning. I don't believe I will ever get a perlsonal refresher. I am sure it is expensive and I feel sure it would be painful!

    It does feel sort of like fall. The leaves are starting to turn. Football camps have started. Mothers of kids who played in sports might remember the uniforms, sports equipment, practices, and the games! Sitting on hard benches in the cold watching football but uncomfortable.
    Stay cool,

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited August 2017
    Oh yes, I even remember watching the look of horror on my 6 year old grandsons face when he saw the opposing soccer team thundering towards him as he stood in goal! I think it was even worse for us girls in the 1940s, standing shivering in our navy blue elastic legged knickers as the opposing team thundered towards us with raised field hockey sticks. Glad those days are over! Cricket wasn't much better and forget rounders which I think is called baseball over here, lol.

    We could have bought Jill a pink collar because the store was out of tiny red ones. No matter, we have a red one on order simply because Mike prefers red. I quite liked the pink SANDY. Wonderful news for the parents of the little one.

    I'm so glad everyone is thinking "home comforts". And why not, we deserve spoiling after all these years! I'm off to look for a rug for my winter bedroom on Sunday. My summer bedroom is the posh big one with fitted carpet, but I'm out of there come winter because it has its own heating vent, but just outside the door near the headboard is another one. That - plus it's over the basement water heater and furnace making for a rather warm room, and add to that the noise from the furnace coming on. The smaller room has a bare wooden floor, so a pretty bedside rug will be nice on a frosty morning. Perfect and noiseless for sleeping.

    Well it's still horribly humid here despite a few showers.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,177 Member
    Good afternoon. It was a lovely shopping day for what is usually busy busy Friday! It is tax free weekend for clothing purchases (most anyway) under $100 per item excluding some sports items apparently such as cleats, although I would imagine those are all over one hundred dollars.

    So I got my haircut, then made a relatively quick trip to Walmart and snagged some great deals on a few more pairs of undies and cheapie pullover elastic bras. There were several packages of undies where if you purchased two, you got a lower price. And wonderment, some of the bras were marked down to $1!!! Score!! I didn't even have to wait in line very long. Wahoo!!!

    Then off to Costco to pick up giant boxes of folded individual paper hand towels for the rest rooms at church. I think we are stocked again. I looked around a bit and brought home a giant bottle of white vingear which I use for many things, although not for salad. Haaaaaa.

    So the new undies are all washed and hung in the basement to dry. I have made copies of invoices for the towels and communion crackers to turn in to the church office and now it is time to think seriously about what I will take to the library tomorrow. I made a list of the cards I think I would like to send out this month. Goodness, after reviewing it, well, I do believe quite a number of birthday cards will be electronic this month.

    Yes, I am using a tiny paper punch to make little butterflies. It would be easy but I am not using it the conventional way. I have turned it over and am holding it up in the air as I position the paper exactly where I want it and then punch so I have no leverage . I get lots of butterflies and they are not missing any parts. If I can't see exactly where I am placing the punch not all sections of the butterfly may have paper so I have partial butterflies which is not what I want. After they are punched out, I am adding a glittery substance to them to try to get sparkle. I have applied two coats on some of them. Tedious, very tedious. This grand idea of mine may not work out, if that is the case I will have many, many little butterflies to use on other projects. :D:D

    With the harsh Midwest weather, central heat and air conditioning is normal. This really hasn't been radiator territory for a very long time so central air conditioning is easier than in other parts of the country. Thank goodness!!

    Comfort, I vote comfort for all of us. Good heating and cooling systems, rugs, comfy furniture, and all spa-like additions for all!!


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    What am I doing wrong to get everything so mixed up here? First, my posts disappeared and I lost my daily cont..,back to Day 1!! It seems everything I touch has actually, completely turned upside down, and I don't know yet whether or not I posted regarding that I think it possible the burning on my hands could perhaps be related to carpal-tunnel syndrome? After a strange occurrence with crackling sounds accompanied by weird pulling happening in the center of my right hand, a couple of nights ago, my right hand seemed almost clear of the burning pain! It returned 2 days later, but was enough to begin research leading to the conclusion carpal tunnel made more sense relating to my hands than the neuropathy the Doctor considered. Any thoughts?
    My days have been reset; I plan to spend less time at the computer keyboard, I will find time to reread the past couple of days so they make sense to me,
    <3 Buzz
    ...........................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen.............................

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    We've actually woken up chilly. I'm wearing my dressing gown for the first time in months! I feel alert for the first time in days and days!
    That's all for now, I'm off to cook my hot oatmeal and make a cup of tea.
    Just to say it does sound as if you've got carpal tunnel syndrome Buzz.
    Happiness is 62 degrees F.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Robby's 3rd Birthday Party is this afternoon and the weather is perfect!
    The little baby getting the new liver is almost done except for attaching the bile ducts. According to the mom, the liver looks good and they are all praying for good results including me!!

    Anne, I love your English expressions, dressing gown I presume means a robe here in the states? Or as my mother used to call them a house coat! lol Enjoy your cool day!!

    Buzz, the consensus is that you can possibly have carpal tunnel syndrome, I would suggest it to the doctor so you can see a hand specialist. Sorry you lost your days, you must have forgotten to check in one day, I got a reminder on my smart phone that I almost forgot one day.

    Lin, your butterflies sound very cute and will be even cuter with glitter. Score on the sale items at Walmart, wish I would have looked there before buying my favorite Coobie Bra which are on the pricey side. When you say elastic pullover bras does that mean no hardware? That is the kind I like which is why I buy Coobie. Do they have support pads of any kind? Just curious.

    Patsy, glad your weather is cooling down a bit as I am sure my son does. I know people who have had "personal refreshers" but I am not one of them. I prefer to grow old gracefully and I am lucky enough to have good genes.

    Have a wonderful day!
    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Yes, it does mean a robe in the states, SANDY. I think what you call a robe is probably to me something the queen wore when she got crowned. Definitely not something she would sit on a throne with her slippers and a cuppa, lol, whilst they placed a ruddy big crown on her head! Ah language, so many different terms for me to learn and I haven't got the time. I shall continue puzzling shop girls, "where are the dressing gowns, dear" sort of thing. I never did find "suet" to make Christmas puddings when we lived in Quebec.
    Now, I really AM interested in the bras you girls are talking about and can one buy them in Canada? I think it's time to chuck (throw) my wonder bra away and it's sticking in underwires.
    JACKIE, housecoats are for doing the housework in aren't they, or am I thinking of dust coats!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Heading home today as we have been at my sisters since Sunday. Sorry to leave. We have had so much fun.

    It has been so smoky here from the wildfires. Hard on allergies.

    Val is leaving today as well, going to a Lady Gaga concert with some friends. I'm glad of that. It's always lonely for her after we leave. She's had a good summer. Mel and her large family for about a week, then Ed and I, and now off to a concert. Later on she's going to Arizona for a few days. So glad to see her having fun.

    We are stopping to visit Ed's cousin on our way to Kamloops tonight. It's a long weekend in Alberta and lot's of Albertan's go to BC so we were restricted in where we wanted to stay tonight. Oh well.

    Home For a bit and then off to Nova Scotia on August 15th.

    See you all later.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Okay I've found a store in my town who sells coobie bras. Will have to go and take a look now I'm into comfort.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I've just finished fixing a mailbox to the wall outside my kitchen door that has the letter opening because after three and a half years I've come to the conclusion George will never stop attacking whatever is being pushed through the door including the postman's fingers! It was a bit of a palaver trying to drill holes into a granite stone wall then line up the screws exactly so a few choice words! It's a pleasant day so I've spent a few hours at the allotment with my neighbours to plant leeks and more carrot seeds before coming home with beetroot, carrots, peas, patty pans, beans, rhubarb and mangetout. The beetroot will be picked this evening! Chatted to my friend who is now home from hospital and doing well although it turns out a nerve in her leg was "accidentally" severed during the 2nd emergency operation so the doctors aren't sure she will ever be able to use it again, not that such a diagnosis will stop her trying.

    Anne ~ Yes, a housecoat was something our mothers wore when doing the dusting and cleaning, that and a scarf wrapped round their hair rollers! Dust coats are used to cover furniture when decorating.... I think!

    Lin ~ Once my multi fuel stove is lit and the heat worked its way upstairs I can't imagine turning on central heating as well because I can't sleep comfortably in a hot bedroom. It's what we get used to of course but then my winters aren't as cold as yours, well rarely anyway. When I was receiving radiotherapy treatment and was advised not to wear a bra I felt so uncomfortable with outer clothing rubbing the area I purchased a pack of those pull over the head bras and found them to be brilliant so have never gone back to a conventional style. They are so comfortable and yet offer enough support not to feel too free and bouncy!!

    Sandy ~ For the odd hot day I can't really justify air conditioning and also with my cottage being built with granite stone and walls 18" thick, it stays cool in the summer and warm in the winter.... those Victorian builders knew what they were doing! My car has air conditioning but the only time I ever use it is on a wet day when George and I get soaked during a walk so we steam in the car and the windows get covered in condensation. Two minutes of air conditioning clears the air and windows! Wonderful news about the baby and new liver. Isn't it amazing what can be done today for such little ones.

    Tomorrow I'm going to a local town fayre where they have crafts and homemade goodies as well as a dog show which Scruff will no doubt enter and be her usual exuberant self. Talking about it on our walk on the moors this morning seemed to trigger George into rolling in a cake of cow poo just to let me know he didn't want to be entered as best well turned out pooch, never mind cutest dog so had to be put under the shower when we got home. He's smelling delightful at the moment so I'll have to watch him carefully during tomorrow's stroll in case he tries that trick again. :o

    Time for a cuppa and then plan an evening meal. Happy weekend!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    OK, I think it really is carpal tunnel, and repetitive use sucks! So for awhile, I'll keep it light. I just got several front closing really comfortable Bali bras (comfy underwires, since I'm too well endowed!) online at Bare Necessities (barenecessities,com) which often runs excellent sales. Underpants by Chantelle, seamless and so comfortable and they simply stretch to whatever size you need! Really!!! One size fits all. Got a haircut yesterday and decided to shorten quite a bit, though eventually I'll go much shorter! JACKIE, you have more patience with puppies rolling in poo! I don't think I'd have handled it as well! Sorry, both burniing hands and restless legs and I cannot sit anymore, so I will return over the weekend. GRRrrrrr!
    <3 Buzz

    ...........................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen.............................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,177 Member
    Good evening

    I had a lovely day at the library. I got quite a bit accomplished and had a very good time visiting with other card makers and scrapbookers.

    I received an order from Amazon that arrived in a HUGE box. I had ordered some under the bed plastic storage boxes and honestly, I don't think the box could have been larger. Just a horror! I wrestled them out and the boxes are quite badly cracked and broken. I have been conversing with customer service. If I want boxes, I will purchase them locally. They require that I return them for a refund. I am just taking this as a loss. Honestly that shipping box won't fit in my car. Something to keep in mind in the future. I have taped the boxes up as best I could and the lids are not a bit damaged and overall I think they will work.

    Well, all tired out from too much fun so I think I will have a nice drink of water and head upstairs to brush my teeth and settle in with a book. I am guessing I will fall asleep pretty quickly.

    So, all best wishes to my Sneaker friends.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,177 Member
    Good morning, vehicle is packed up again. Call me beast of burden. Haaaaaa.

    Off to church. Amazon has decided to give me a refund for the damaged merchandise. I told them I would purchase these locally. :)

    See you later.



    P.S. Buzz, you may be in to something there. Rest your hands and see if the improvement continues. I hope you have solved it!

    Jackie, enjoy your day at the fair/faire. I would love to come along.

    Anne, family day. Wahoo.

    Sandy, I saw some posted photos of the birthday party. Sooooo cute.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    edited August 2017
    Happy Sunday! :) The party was a success and I am exhausted. Going to Mass today and will either rest up at pool or just stay in and do nothing. Another volleyball game tomorrow night so have to get my strength back.

    Lin, you make me even more tired with all the running you do. Good thing you are young and active!! Enjoy your day!!

    Buzz, they have a wrist brace for carpal tunnel to keep your wrist still. Maybe your doctor can get you one to help with the pain.

    Jackie, makes sense now that you explained it so A/C is probably not needed. As far as the furnace, I guess that would depend how cold you like your house. Good luck making your decision. It gets so humid here at times that A/C is needed in both house and car.

    Anne, the coobie bra is a little pricey so check other bras such as Jackie and Lin are talking about. I think the coobie is $20 online but they always have either a percentage off or buy three and get one free. I am going to look in Walmart to see if I can find the kind Lin is talking about. Jackie what is the brand you are talking about?

    Jeri, glad you had wonderful time with your sister and even happier to hear that she is enjoying life. How are you feeling and how was the root canal?

    Have a wonderful Sunday.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Just me popping in to say the weather is puuuuuuurr fect for the long weekend and the folks enjoying the Caribbean parade and festival in Toronto. No humidity, just 80 degrees this afternoon.

    Mikes bringing the meat he's cooked for our lunch, I'll supply the veggies and ice cream dessert. Then off we go to hopefully find a pretty bedside rug. I fancy something either Navajo Indian style or colourful Tibetan. Probably won't find either or too pricey!

    I think sitting in your armchair and browsing online to order goods must be very relaxing but I'm afraid I'll never do it unless I'm forced because of transport difficulties. I did order one or two things in the past, but was always disappointed really although I never sent anything back. I like to examine things before buying.

    Talking of examining things I pulled 3 carrots out of the soil to thin them and much to my surprise they were long enough to cut up in last nights salad. Delicious and more flavourful than the organic veg store! Can't wait for full maturity at the end of this month.

    Well must away to start the veggies.
    Hope today is delightful for everyone,
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited August 2017
    Well, I didn't get a Navajo rug after all. I found a very pretty bedroomy rug in exactly the same shades as my bedspread. Amazing really, it couldn't be a better match. Whites, and taupe, and pale browns and pale blues. Even the stylized flowers on the rug are similar to the ones on the bedspread.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited August 2017
    Whoops, mistake!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Yea Anne! A great purchase is super great! That only happens to me once or twice a decade.

    Hello everyone! I groomed Katie yesterday. We spent 2 hours grooming and 4 hours cleaning up after. This dog can grow amazing amounts of hair in 3 weeks. Of course, the weather has been miserably hot and humid. I think they call it "she blew her coat" meaning she matted up badly. In 3 weeks!!!!

    Feeling better, even if there was dog dander everywhere. Now about my hair...emergency stylist to the rescue. That means me with scissors and YouTube. How much damage can I do? Hummmmmm!
    More later on this drama,
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oh by the way...good advice on the bra, ladies! I ordered a couple of coobie bras. They were cheaper than what I normally buy and they are massively uncomfortable.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi, typing too painful, but otherwise OK. JERI, loved the area in Canada around Kamloops; in the Rockies, yes? Ouch, thanks, SANDY, I'll ask tomorrow about a brace!
    <3 Buzz

    ...........................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen.............................