Senior Golden Sneakers



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Buzz! I hear you so loud and clear! I hear my activist family, in the past, sitting around their dinner table talking politics and philosophy. I do know that important change requires courage and speaking out. I have studied great lessons from the past. Protests do have an impact. Some very important changes happened with young idealist voices, like in the French Revolution all the way to the hippy "make love not war" movement. Different messages but I think we have been in this place before. I wonder if we can learn from the past? Can we stand up tall, with strong unwavering conviction, can we say out loud, "This is not right!"
    Okay! I will admit, I get frightened. Sorry if I sound hysterical. From where I stand, if I am reading the signs, it looks like Betty Davis was right..."buckle up, we are in for a bumpy ride!"
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited August 2017
    Thank you BUZZ for saying what we feel. One worries about rocking the boat on our little panel but know; I for one; am with you all the way. I will never forget the horror of seeing those newspaper pictures taken when the allies entered the camps. I would have been ten years old. Today WILL pass, as it does for all intelligent idiots, but what happens BEFORE tomorrow dawns?. Thank you for reminding us to be vigilant and to open our mouths in protest. Martin Niennolier forgot the gypsies didn't he. Everyone forgets the Romas.

    The Quebec March wasn't too bad I gather from this mornings radio news, a little chair and bottle throwing from the usual skinhead louts and riff raff.

    Thanks for the photo and a reminder of my favourite Canadian province, JERI. A keeper for my album of a place I once visited. Say hi to SHIRLEY if you talk again.

    Let's hope for a brighter day, except ......... we've got an eclipse in the offing!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2017
    Our tropical weather has arrived, steamy fog and now steamy sunshine but after one of my early visits to an Aldi store to stock up on fruit and veggies George and I took a 2 mile stroll on the moors. It seemed busy where normally we don't see a soul, a single individual then couples and finally a group that included a cameraman and what was obviously a director, clipboard in hand. An actress with heavy makeup on her face made to look like very bruised cheeks and eyes stopped to chat to George who by then was wet and muddy but seemed to feel sorry for the pain he thought she was suffering so he let her stroke his mucky head!! Last night in the middle of a BBC film Far From the Madding Crowd (worth a watch if it pops up on your screens), I received a text message from a friend to let me know someone locally appeared to be looking on Facebook for Patches. It's not their cat but they were feeding it because its owner didn't bother as it is unfriendly so my message has gone back telling where he is because I know the shelter won't let him return under those circumstances and anyway he's booked in for neutering this week!!

    Miraculously my back has lost the sickening pain I felt over the weekend and the 2 mile walk has also helped set it right so today I am going to start my serious hunt for a garden room supplier and since my favourite on the internet is just 10 miles away will visit this afternoon.

    Buzz ~ I too hear your message and completely understand the abject fear some in your country must feel because we all know how things escalated once Hitler was elected Chancellor and it seems America is at the moment being split asunder by the resurgence of right wing hate but to my mind the vast majority of your citizens are caring, principled and intelligent enough to stand up and shout loudly against these numbskulls. During a recent tv debate on the subject a participant pointed out that art always outlives politics and as long as we continue to educate our students and guide them in the direction of creative but truthful visual and performing arts then these are what will shape the next generation not politicians with their personal views on the world...... twitter, twitter!!

    Lunch for me then out and about.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited August 2017
    Alas, I think some people are just born a certain way and no amount of education or art or creativity will change that. After all, Mrs Hitler's little boy enjoyed painting pictures in his spare time and Nero played his fiddle while Rome burned I believe? It's a combination of background, timing and luck, a certain frame of mind, arrogance, the conviction that it's their destiny to choose the destiny of others and often the acquiring of money that throws up these tyrants. History is full of them! Today's world is full of them!
    I think, to truly understand the horrors of living through a war, a person has to be born prior to, say the Second World War. To read the newspapers daily as a child, to watch your mother shaking in fear, and your dad wondering what would happen if the enemy took over your country. The flower children, a generation after me, were lovely, but they could only imagine, and the people who truly remember that war are slowly fading into history themselves. As the song says "when will they ever learn". Well, let's HOPE we ARE learning at long last.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Unbelievable, I've finally got a zucchini from the one plant in the cage!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,144 Member
    Hello, I won't comment on recent events today. I am in a mood where you would not want to see my opinion.

    Meanwhile, rain, lightning, thunder, totally overcast. One traffic accident in the area where the viewing party is scheduled and they say they are not calling it off. I of course am staying put. Just doing chores today including cleaning and chopping up some zucchini. I will try to get on a live feed later to see pictures of the eclipse.

    We lost our cable TV signal yesterday so no hope of watching Endeavor or anything else. As it turns out, if we would have had cable, our PBS station was airing State Fair highlights all evening. I hope they will put it on streaming later.

    Jackie, I am happy to hear your back has been put right! Let us know how the garden room supplier hunt goes. I hope the supplier close to you works out. I always think it is good to have someone you can stop by to visit.

    Anne, wahoo, a zucchini!! I trust it will be very tasty!!

    Sandy, did you get worn out at the pool party? So nice that you have it available and that it is not packed full of lots of people.

    Buzz, I hope you are getting rest these days. You came to mind today as I am still trying to get two cards ready to send. I need to get on the computer to send a few electronic cards as well.

    Patsy, I love the concept of your dungeon. I am a person who can live quite well in disorder and clutter. I have your room pictured in my mind and I am certain it is entirely wrong.

    Best wishes. I need to scuttle around here a bit more.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    JERI, my Dad made an oil painting of your beautiful picture, except he painted it at least 50 years ago! what a lovely memory you provided!
    ANNE, I shall add the Romas when I rephrase Niemoller's statement!
    LIN, can't say I blame you!
    JACKIE, I hate to mention our schools have cut the arts to below basic programs! And let go most of our creative teachers!!! I hope you are right, love!
    PATSY, funny how I , too, recall that old Bette Davis saying! wasn't she something?
    SANDY, miss you, but it's early. I'm about to get ready for our eclipse party by the pool!
    MARIE, did you need more information regarding my boots? How're you doing? Any plans yet for your future? Don't put it off too long, li'l Sis!
    <3 Buzz
    ..........................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen........................
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Wow! We just came in from the deck after the eclipse viewing. We were rewarded with a clear sky. It wasn't 100% eclipse but the crazy ethereal atmosphere was there. Our birds were not confused and Katie barks at everything...anytime and any place! The dramatic temperature change and the shadows coming at a different angle and place had a strange feeling. It reminded us of our first year in Anchorage, AK with the University of Alaska. Other "worldly!" Exciting and unsettling!

    The lovely thing about the eclipse viewing crowd was how orderly and respectful they seemed. The traffic slooooooowly moved afterwards. People smiling and remembering this interesting cosmic event. Our neighbors were out enjoying the event and we could hear everyone oooooh and aaaaaahing as things got darker and darker.

    Feeling very sparky and ready for adventure today.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Our eclipse didn't darken at all, but it was still amazing to see only a sliver shaped like a banana lightening up the world here in Florida! We still needed those glasses they handed out. Now down to our pre-dinner cocktail (no alcohol) to open our Around the World week in Thailand! Someone gave me a brace for carpal tunnel and I'm making too many mistakes typing!
    <3 Buzz
    ..........................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen........................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,097 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Still doing laundry as I was watching the eclipse on TV until I thought it was time for my area. I didn't have glasses but I sort of did a selfie with my phone and did not look at the sun. It was cloudy here so I didn't get the full effect like my son in Portland.
    I took Babe to his dermatologist this afternoon and now it is almost dinner time. I seem to have lost a whole day.

    Enjoy what is left of this day!
    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Buzz I have not found your post to read it/ i have been looking for it Marie
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I noticed nothing really during the eclipse, maybe a slight dimming of the sunshine but hardly noticeable. There again I didn't look at the sun having no glasses etc. It certainly didn't cool us down! In the nineties.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,144 Member
    Nothing much here either Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,144 Member
    Hello. Changed my mind once again. I was going to jump on my task treadmill early this morning with a trip to the store for a few things but decided I will wait until Thursday. So I am having a bit of coffee and thought I would catch up. Haaaa. I am caught up.

    So this morning, post office, and Mah Jongg, making cards at the library this afternoon. That is about it for me today.

    Weather is lovely today. We had lots more rain yesterday afternoon and evening. I had emptied the rain gauge earlier and we had received about two and a half inches. I wonder how much more we received? Well, I will go check but this may be enough to get the grass to think about growing again.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I'm scurrying around before LINs and SANDYs rain and thunderstorms roll in. Forecast In about 1 hour but the sky already looks lowering. I've brought in onions and much to my surprise after deciding to thin them, 3 quite large carrots. I think I will have to start eating them earlier than anticipated. Only a few beetroot left to grow a little larger. The seeds and soil I bought back in April have more than paid for themselves, and I have seeds left over for next year. Starting with the potatoes early July I've been eating home grown stuff ever since, plus the herbs.
    I'd love to grow cabbage and Brussel sprouts in the actual garden soil, but judging by the hordes of butterflies and moths fluttering around probably not worth it.
    And that's about it in my quiet peaceful day. Just the ironing still to do.
    Hope you all have a happy peaceful day as well.
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Hello sneakers! Glad to be back on I've had a lot of computer issues. I just found how to text by voice on my phone, love it! I have perused past posts to try to catch up a lot has been going on. I have been busy with my Gardens both the one here at home and the community garden Pantry bed. Trying to raise funds for water installation at the pantry beds. I have had several yellow summer squash, a couple small batches of peas and small batches of beans both waxed and green. Now the sun gold tomatoes are in full swing been giving a bit of them away as they come so fast. My cucumbers and regular squash have not done well at the pantry bed they seem to have gotten a bug issue that's getting hard to control as we do not use chemicals. This being the first year at the pantry bed it was rather a trial and error situation. Planning the beds for next year. I think I'll do a bit more with the herbs next year as they appear to be doing well, basil both sweet and lime are prolific as is the dill and parsley. The chives didn't do well at first but it finally come back. The carrots are in desperate need of thinning, I have succession planted carrots spinach lettuce and other greens. At my home Garden my cucumbers and summer squashes are just beginning to show promise small plants with many buds, hopefully I'll get some results. I have another small picking of peas to do and then I'll probably pull the plants have left one area to go for seed peas next year. I did the same with my wax and green beans will pull those and shell those next week. I may try potatoes next year we'll see. I do so enjoy my Gardens. I splurge this week at the garden shop they had major markdowns for the end of the season and I picked up some perennials. My brother has promised some perennials when he splits his beds at clean up at the end of this season, so hoping we'll get some good return in my flower beds next year.
    Have a few medical tests and appointments this week, seems like a never-ending situation, but have to go with the flow, what else can I do ?!
    Buzz, hope you get your carpal tunnel under control. I had the surgery it was not bad, but found I still had the problem and now they're saying it is radiculopathy in my neck and shoulder causing the numbness in my hand. I do find moving my shoulder and neck around I can release/ relieve the pressure and regain feeling in my hand. For the neuropathy status post stroke in my left arm and hand I have found tylenol at bedtime helps me. I could not take the Gabapentin even at a minimum dose as I could not seem to wake up and get out of my own way. I seem to be sensitive too many drugs, and yet have to take more on other drugs, odd reactions. Dear Buzz is there a way that you can do voice to text so you do not have to type? I prefer it as typing is difficult for me.
    Looking into finishing up a few projects here at the house. I have found it quite difficult doing laundry going up and down basement stairs so I am debating putting in a small stackable in the closet behind the bathroom. I am bought doing this as I have minimal closet space as is and losing my linen closet will be difficult. I barely have a thousand square foot house and finding space for storage is one of my major problems, but haven't taken five falls down those basement stairs I feel I need to do this for safety. Now that my son has moved out I will probably take over part of the closet in my grandson's bedroom as a linen closet. I am also looking into having clothes lines put up Outdoors to save on electric costs of drying and besides I love the smell and feel of clothes dried Outdoors.
    This is my first time using my phone to dictate to type here and I'm not sure how much data or text it takes up off my time I will have to see if it is worth using or not. I do prefer voice over typing as I find typing difficult.
    Ann, glad to hear your experiment with the tubs for planting did well. Just a suggestion for next year try to remember what you planted in which tubs and rotate your crops. Glad to hear repair costs are not your burden. Owning a house is quite expensive. I'm still looking at my options as to whether I can afford to stay here or we'll have to sell and go into senior housing. If I have to sell I will miss having my Gardens both flower and vegetable, and just a little bit of space between me and my neighbors, but the general upkeep and cost thereof is a big concern.
    Sandy, nice to hear you are getting a lot of time with the grandkids. Congratulations on the Bingo win. I hope you get some more pool time in before the weather changes.
    Lin, you continue to amaze me with your schedule and all you get done. I envy your energy and creativity. I have a bit of sewing and paper crafting that I can do when I find time and endurance. It probably won't be till after Garden season.

    Well sneakers I've got to get moving and get some things done, I'll try to get back soon.
    Stay healthy and happy and we'll catch you all on the Fly, bye for now.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,097 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) It is a beautiful day here with lower temps so the windows are open and the fresh air is wonderful. The parents are playing tennis later so I will be sitting the boys. I have a wall clock that plays music on the hour and Robby just loves it, so I ordered one for his house, it will be delivered Friday.

    Anne, there is no rain on our forecast for the next week, just lower temps in the 70's. Since the pool has limited hours and opens at 4:00, I am loving the cooler weather. Good job on your veggies, who would have known you would have had so much success?

    Lin, sometimes those errands can wait and having coffee and catching up in necessary. :) Have fun at Mah Jongg and making cards, both things you love to do. Our weather was too cloudy to really see the eclipse and I didn't notice it getting any darker. Oh well in seven years we can try again. lol

    Marie, I will find Buzz's post and send it to you in a message on Facebook.

    Buzz, at least you got to see the banana looking shape, all I could see what a clouded over sun that appeared to be glowing a little.

    Patsy, I did watch the eclipse on TV and the shots from Oregon were amazing. I do hope you had the glasses on so not to ruin your eyes.

    Jackie, here's hoping you found a great guy to do your sun room and he can start today!!

    Have a great day everyone!
    One Day at a Time

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Thanks for the tip MAE on plant rotation especially as two of the tubs are the same. I must put a sticker on them when I drag them into the garage for the winter. Have you tried parsnips? I have the seeds which I never used, so must try them next year. LOVE parsnips, almost as much as beets. The potatoes where a great success! 16 days supply from 3 tiny bits. Actually everything has been excellent except the zucchini but only because the bunny ate them when baby zucchini. I am a lot older than you but I'm going to try and stay in my little old house for as long as possible. Sometimes I like the solitude and love the grubbing in the soil despite the usual aches and pains. I can't imagine what I would do with myself all day in senior housing with less to do. Like you, and many of us, apart from old age income my income hasn't changed since I retired and I've become quite ingenious at cutting corners. Fortunately my rent never changes but the utilities do! I do hope you don't have to leave your beloved gardens just yet, and who knows what next year might bring. Life is full of surprises. Who would have thought I would have ended up with a lively puppy after Tabitha died!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello! All this talk of gardening makes me remember the enormous organic garden my dad maintained. It was a beauty. He provided free fresh veggies to the nursing home my grandmother was confined to. She had painful disfiguring arthritis. But it does seem like the time is right for another kind of situation for us all as our health and strength decline. I have written to my senator in the past about the problems of senior citizens. Of course now, the issues of concern are more global. There is much to be done around this social issue.

    We have our morning fog and it is a sweater kind of morning. Our John is already planning his next project in prep for fall and winter. He is a wonder!

    I will be the dungeon this afternoon. So I will put a chicken and veggies in the crock pot. Love the way we can just toss everything in at once with a bit of garlic and a splash of white wine, give it a wink and nod and that's it!

    Now I am involved with a creative writing project. It is a children's story book. Then next fun part will be to read it with some large drawings to the library story hour. The librarian really liked it but she is a very supportive person. The important thing is how do the kids like it? How do the kids parents like it? New things to learn about and new experiences. I think being older often makes us braver. we know that there really isn't any reason not to try something we are interested in. Why wait?

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2017
    Evening already and I'm waiting for a parcel containing 3 new and rather expensive saucepans to be delivered.... should have been here over an hour ago according to the tracking information. So I sit and munch on a small pack of "light" ready salted crisps (most of you call them something else I know!) and sipping a glass of red wine. For my late lunch I enjoyed a piece of local smoked mackerel with salad and coleslaw so will only snack this evening.
    Lin ~ The visit to the garden room company was almost a waste of time because their office was closed when I got there but since it was built with their materials I took a good look at it and decided it was poor quality and not to my taste so it was good to take them out of the equation after they looked so good on the website.
    Our tropical weather courtesy of storm Gert is giving us gorgeous temperatures which means delightful days and balmy nights.... finally! This afternoon, after a morning trip to our nearest city of Plymouth with friends for clothes shopping I've done a little gardening and pruned the Buddleia shrubs hoping they will produce more flowers ready for the late arrival of many butterflies because so far we've seen few. I've also dug up the last of my potatoes so have a good supply to use over the next few weeks. My favourite dish is to slice them halfway through, toss them in olive oil and garlic then roast until they open out.... yummy! The one item at the store I didn't try on turned out to be the wrong size so I wonder what I was thinking to pick up an XL top that floats around me. It would cost more in fuel to take it back so I'll have to either find a large friend or wear it during any hot weather! Great to see Mae amongst us again as I was beginning to worry!! Anne, if there is one root vegetable that survives winter weather and in fact tastes better for any cold frosts, it's parsnips so not too late to sow your seeds. You might even have enough to serve up with Christmas dinner!!

    Still no saucepans so I will create a snack and settle down for the evening.