Senior Golden Sneakers



  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 181 Member
    Back to the origin of our names.....Diane was usually what I was called though I have been known to be called Di, odd and OhDD. My best friends dad started calling me odd, but his creative mind had me as one dimple Diane. Laugh now because I actually have 2. Middle name "Elizabeth" was my grandmothers name and I am sure Queen Elizabeth may have had something to do with it because of my strong british heritage. Now there is a Charlotte Elizabeth Diana I believe in the royal family. I voted for that one and yes I was a Diana fan. And for your info sisters name was Barbara. Oh yes our dd is Catherine Anne....more british names for you. My grandmothers british influence rubbed off on us very early in life; we had our demitasse cups of tea with sugar and milk starting early in life on Sunday and if we were lucky we got some petit fours to go with them. Sorry got carried away...this is more than you really wanted to know....

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    This business of needing an APP to open my Humana website is driving me crazy. I go to The Store, click for an app and it tells me there is no result for this filtering! Whatever that means. So I went back to EDGE as my default browser, went through all kinds of help and diagnoses and I still get the same messages! I think I give up! At least Edge now allows add-ons, thank goodness.
    :s Buzz

    ..............Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!!!..................???
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another beautiful day so after our usual walk across the moors and a catch up with photos of my neighbours' weekend away at a family wedding I'm now going to see if I can get my lawns cut despite the heat, muck out the hens and strim the pathway that leads to our communal parking area. After that I will be ready for a cup of tea!! This is our August Bank Holiday so the roads and tourist areas are heaving and no point considering a visit. Yesterday lunchtime I went to a friend's smallholding to let their dogs out for a natural break as they were out for the day and driving past the normally frequented car park for our morning walk was amazed to see it packed out with cars and campers.... so happy we got there nice and early!

    Weighed myself on Saturday and horrified to see the scales showing an increase of 2 lbs. I'm putting it down to fluid retention but will have to behave myself this week anyway!!

    Enjoy your Monday everyone.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Ponies resting in the heat, except baby foal who preferred to sunbath!! B)

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Brady meanwhile knows when to stay out of the sun and rest on George's bed!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,096 Member
    Happy Monday! Laundry day and Joe called and wants to go for lunch to which I agreed although I am exhausted from Santa's Village. My cleaning girl comes today so it gives me an excuse to get out of the house. It was drizzling when we arrived at Santa's Village but by noon it cleared and turned out to be a beautiful day. Robby had the time of his life and was not afraid of any rides which amazed me. We will definitely go back since we had so much fun.

    Jackie, what great pictures, Brady looks like he is in seventh heaven, so cute!! And the horses, what can I say, I love horses, and the baby, oh my goodness!! Those tourists have a lot of nerve parking where you walk! B)

    Buzz, I would like to help you but I am confused on what you are trying to do. Can't you just go to and sign in to see your insurance information? When you say App Store do you mean Windows App store? Need a little more information please.

    Diane, it sounds like you had a great childhood with some English flare. How is your thumb doing?

    Lin, I hope you had a great Sunday and found your friend not to ill. Did you relax and watch some of your shows?

    Patsy, good luck with the foam replacement, sounds like a tough job.

    I know all of our hearts go out to Texas. So devastating, it is hard to see some of the pictures and videos. All I can do is pray and hope they can recover from this terrible storm.

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Fascinating background on Names, DIANE; never too much info! It's how we know each other!
    JACKIE, I know[/i][/i] the animals are delightful, your photography magnificent, ...but I cannot begin to imagine what it would be like to live near those historical buildings. I get goosebumps just seeing them in the background!
    SANDY, I just get so frustrated with all the "new-fangled" things that have changed my comfortable dealings with my old Windows 7, I guess. I certainly admire 10, and have been amazed to discover it even has a Voice to text program installed under Control Panel>Ease of Access>Speech Recognition!!! But when I get an email, and it says "log In" and I click on it and get a stupid message telling me I need a new APP to open it, so I click on that, then on OK and another Gray window opens and says "There is no (something) for this filtering" I go nuts! You are right, I can just open the browser and open bookmarks, but why does it happen in the first place? I guess I'm just too rigid! Anyway, I will now try to learn about Edge, as it is now my default, and having printed 14 pages of "commands" for voice program, I'll go to the Tutorial, if I can find it again!
    Speaking of Texas, it's just inconceivable for me to imagine what is going on (having lived through 21 days of no electricity, phone, A/C and water after Hurricane Wilma) with all that flooding! I'm so impressed with all the volunteers, and we are having a collection here to help somewhat! I doubt the homes will be inhabitable, and the water looks so brackish!
    Oh, my, where did today go?
    <3 Buzz
    ..............Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!!!..................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Sorry, I goofed on the italics!!!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I don't have much to say, I'm just horrified at the photos appearing of Houston. Those poor people. There are collections up here in Canada, but honestly the images of those poor elderly ladies sitting waist deep in water amongst others are just too distressing for words.

    I've had the weirdest day, encounters with bad tempered dog walkers etc, but at least my stove top got repaired with warnings that if it breaks again that will be it. The repairman is most impressed with it saying nothing is made like it anymore. Apparently the problem with modern appliances is that before assembly all the bits and pieces come from all over the eastern world. My good old "Modern Maid" was manufactured solely in the USA.

    AND the iPad has just told me (breaking news) that the Korean lad has launched another missile towards Japan.

    Think I'll go to bed early like Brady and forget today.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Something to give you a smile.... a President with style and a rescue dog!!

    Bedtime for me.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Yes, I saw that on BBC news JACKIE. Nice to have a smile before bedtime! Thanks,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,143 Member
    Thanks for the smile Jackie. Lovely. :)

    Busy day. I finally got started on some spreadsheets I needed to tackle. Made a lot of progress today. Wahoo! Otherwise, things are too crazy to comprehend.

    A friend's father is terminally ill and lives in Houston with his girlfriend. He is recovering at home from a very serious surgery. They are trapped and are waiting for rescue. People are worried.

    After 5+ weeks, my friend was able to leave the hospital this afternoon. Her daughters are taking turns coming here from out of state to stay to look after her. Wonderful kids.

    Also checking in on my friend who did not show up at church. She finally got to the grocery store today. That's some progress. She hadn't gone in a long time and wouldn't accept a ride.

    Well, best get moving I guess. It is going to be a very busy week. Hopefully no new disasters of any type.



  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 181 Member
    As for thumb progress it has been very slow. Two meds for pain made me very sick and I didn't really want to be on them anyway. Finally yesterday that subsided to the point I can deal with the little bit of pain I still have. It is the side effects that I am dealing with now. Temps back in the 100 + this week all week long. Great pool weather and I have a pool to use and I haven't been able to get into it this whole summer due to thumb issues. Grrr Be careful when you all are out in the heat working in your yards. I worry about you Pet peeve.....neighbor blows his leaves out of his yd picking up some but blowing the rest into the street. He lives right across the street from me. So much for my clean yard. Time for breakfast. Have a good day.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,096 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) I am sitting tonight for tennis although it looks like rain so not sure. Maybe they will want to do something else together indoors. Babe passed his driver's test so he is happy he has his license, Phil on the other hand has to start from scratch since he hasn't had a license for two years. All he had to do two years ago was take the eye test and he never did so his license expired. He drove anyway because that is how he is with everything. Now he will have to take the eye, written and driving test and who knows when he will do that. He is in such financial disaster Babe is so depressed and worried about him and his family, they could lose everything. I know Babe and he will do anything he can to help them even sell his own house to help them. Sorry just ranting a little to clear my head.

    Love the video of the President with his rescue dog, what a great man!!

    Have a good day!
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi everyone. Just unbelievable seeing pictures of Houston! Love the pet rescues in all that mess! I didn't see the rescue dog, but I probably missed lots of scenes, it's just so overwhelming. I hope it doesn't turn into another Noah!!! have a happy weekend, dear friends.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Our weather is gradually changing and becoming cooler so I'm guessing summer is drifting towards Autumn now and before I know it I'll be lighting fires again! This morning I shopped and then walked George with our friend and Scruff across a rather misty moor then this afternoon my neighbours and I spent time at the allotment taking apart and then rebuilding our composting area.... sounds boring but we were really delighted with what we achieved. So long as it's not raining on Friday morning we will finish and if I remember I'll take my camera to take some photos.

    Buzz ~ When we come upon the remains of those old mining engine houses on our walks I always think what amazing engineers and architects the Victorians were.... talk about built to last rather than today's little boxes made of ticky-tac!! Is this the rescue dog you missed.... French President Macron.....

    Sandy ~ I can sense your frustration with the situation Babe continues to find himself in with Phil and since it doesn't seem things will ever change between them I'm glad you're out of it all, well as much as you can be anyway. I know you still love Babe so of course will worry but he seems incapable of extricating himself from his son's mess of a life and nothing you say or do will change things. Thankfully you have those gorgeous boys to concentrate on and wear you out too!!

    Diane ~ Ouch, that pain has gone on a long time hasn't it, poor you. Not quite leaf blowing but yesterday I spent time cutting and strimming the footpath from my cottage to the parking area only to discover this morning the hired help that had been taking down some trees on the next door driveway had left branches across the area that blocked my route so I had to lift and throw them back.... yes, that's what I did with them!! :D

    Lin ~ Wonderful news that your friend has been discharged from hospital. I always think the best way towards recovery is getting home to similar surroundings and loved ones.

    One more company rep to see tomorrow before deciding on who to use for my garden room. A fourth one was supposed to phone me today to make an appointment but since he hasn't he's now missed out as I will make my mind up on Thursday and at the moment will go with the first one.... isn't that often the way!

    Time for bed now as I've had a busy day so am ready to snuggle down for the night.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    I continue to be obsessed with that demon of a storm, Harvey. I have the TV turned to the weather channel all the time. Of course I am heart broken for the people who have lost everything. There is something about all the animals and little babies that has me in tears instantly. I sent my donation to the animal rescue and Catholic Charities. Let me say this...when I lived on the ranch with my grandparents, the biggest horror was dealing with storms (usually tornados, hail and lightening and thunder) and terrified horses. I know there are people in Texas who have been dealing with the same anxiety about their large animals. Nightmare on a epic level!

    My sciatica is better. The PT is a mean guy that loves to point fingers and blame. If I have done my exercises properly this would not have happened. I really wanted to hear that. But I am back at it!

    Friend from Alaska is dropping by. What a shock she is going to get. I haven't done much cleaning during my little nerve/back/leg problem. She will need to scrape a path through the house. Oh well! She is an Alaskan librarian. She has made book shelves and kept a wood stove going, while smoking salmon in the fish smoker, all while she checked books out to people in the bush communities. She is tough and nothing bothers her...thank goodness.

    Above all else...stay safe and stay in touch!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,143 Member
    Hello, the news from Houston is compelling. I am watching too much of it as well as pet rescue videos and pictures on Facebook.

    Diane, I am sorry it is taking so long to heal. It is just a slow process and nothing can speed it up unfortunately. Too bad you have been on the sidelines during the pool season. Nothing like trying to get along with the quirks of our neighbors.

    Buzz, so much suffering. It makes me ill. I am glad that local people stepped in to help. I still have not heard if my friend's father is safe.

    Sandy, I hope you are keeping up with the boys this evening. You are such a treasure! Lots of parents have no opportunity to spend time together away from the children. I am sorry for Babe's troubles.

    Jackie, all right! Time for a decision very soon. I am excited for your new project. What is George's opinion? Mining engine houses? I don't think I understand but I was amazed at the dimensions of the building. And the ponies certainly look to be comfortable there.

    Patsy, good news! Glad the sciatica is getting better. Your friend sounds quite amazing. I hope you have a great visit.

    Anne, did I miss your post today? Hope you are well.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,143 Member
    FYI, I may not stop by tomorrow. Early Tai Chi, coloring with friends, stops at post office and credit union, followed by an afternoon in the paper crafting store once again. Wahoo!!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    OK, finally saw the Prez with his classy black lab; how delightful!
    Happy for those of you feeling better; everything takes so much time! My brace may be helping some with the burnng.
    Did I mention ease of Access in Windows? I installed it but it still needs the mike and speaker to sound right...or is that "to hear right"?
    PATSY, don't worry about the condition of the house when dear friends visit!
    SANDY, I think the need for new APPS was Humana'website! They just redesigned it and I can log in! I hope JACKIE's words of wisdom made sense to you because I agree totally! You deserve better! And are smart enough to accept that!
    We've a new head chef and I think he's allowing too much salt. I went up 3 pounds overnight!
    LIN, he way you organize your time to fit in everything is still amazing!
    I think ANNE mentioned missing today, but I know we are all together in spirit hoping for things to turn around in Texas!
    Why ever did I wish you a happy weekend Monday night??? AM I losing it?
    <3 Buzz
    ..............Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!!!..................