Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Gorgeous picture of George and the countryside JACKIE! I think labour day in Canada means close the cottage and batten down the hatches! Sort of a work around the garden day, a last fling before school starts with fireworks at night to say goodbye to the summer holidays.
    I gather you in the UK are expecting the patter of tiny royal feet again! Always good news, new life!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    edited September 2017
    Happy Monday! Happy Labor Day!! I did get to the pool yesterday to refresh my tan and might try for a couple of hours today before going to sit with the boys so the parents can play tennis. Robby starts preschool tomorrow so that should be exciting and sad at the same time.

    Buzz. I too, searched for speech to text but I don't have a microphone. It doesn't recognize my monitor that I use for video calls so I can understand your problem. Your neighbor sounds mysterious but glad she is recovering from that stroke. Maybe you should take some jazz classes from her to get to know her!!

    Lin, glad you took time for yourself and enjoyed your day!

    Patsy, my son and his wife said you are expecting temps in the 100's for the next few days. That is hotter than here since we are in the 80's. We had two Old English Sheepdogs before Daisy who when left alone as puppies destroyed the house. They ate the kitchen cabinets, tore down the drapes in the living room and even pulled up wall to wall carpeting. Babe and I were not married then but I was so happy to be able to remodel his 60's house, the pups actually did us a favor. lol

    Jackie, what a beautiful picture of George! I bet you can't wait for that cruise, it sounds wonderful. We have a fest going on in our area for the end of summer, last night the fireworks were very loud and very long. I will admit watching them from my window they were beautiful!! Isn't it exciting that Prince William and Kate are expecting again?

    Anne, Mark and Mary Jo's plans for Christmas sound wonderful. I think Jilly would be fine for a few hours so her mom could enjoy her holiday. It makes me so happy your boys are so good to you, you are a lucky lady.

    Time to eat some breakfast and decide if I am going to pool for a couple of hours.

    Enjoy your holiday or your Monday, whichever applies to you!!

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Hello Sneakers, the day has flown away again.

    I did finally get all of my various checks written but cannot do my last money transfer as the baking site is down for maintenance until tomorrow morning at 9am. Close!!

    I did watch some U.S. Open Tennis, read some books, ran up and down the stairs doing photocopies and printing off some interesting materials.

    My friend who had been in the hospital for so long is back in the hospital again. Yesterday I heard she was running a high fever again and the visiting nurse had been out yesterday morning. Things progressed and they have found she has leakage from her surgery that continues to provoke infections. She will now not be allowed any solid food for the foreseeable future as they hope everything will heal if food does not travel through what is left of her digestive system. So I do not understand the text, a picc line but not a feeding tube right now?

    Upsetting and information is difficult to come by. Both of her daughters are here now which is also worrisome. They had been taking turns as they are both trying to keep their jobs. They only did this once before which was for the original surgery. Hoping for the best.

    I think I am ready to get back to a more normal schedule. How about you?

    Meanwhile--Love, love, love the photo of George! <3<3<3 what a doll.

    I hope everyone had a nice day. We had overcast weather today and it has cooled off now with temperatures in the mid-70's. It has been quiet in my neighborhood this weekend. I think everyone was out of town or out camping somewhere. Fine with me.

    I do have to say I am hopeless with those coin-operated air machines at the gas station. They are usually sort of broken and you cannot read the dial. I have lots of trouble trying to get the proper amount of air in each tire. The front tires have a different pressure requirement than the rear tires. The dealership also sets the pressure different in the summer than in the winter. The tire shop has a dealie where you set the level of required pressure, attach the hose, and it shuts off when it reaches that level. Now that is cool! They do not charge me for that, at least so far. Neither does the auto dealership but it is very difficult to get up there due to road construction. But I am horrible at filling the tires. :s

    Buzz, I am sorry Dragon did not work for you. I don't think I have a dictation program on all my devices. I know I can "say" my texts on my phone but I will tell you it is often not what I had in mind.

    Anne, what nice plans with your family and I hope the air conditioner is now out of the window. We always had to find a crew to remove the air conditioner from my grandmother's window. It was always a timing issue as we did not want to leave her without cooling too early in the season.

    Sandy, did you get to the pool today? I hope if you did that the weather was warmer than ours.

    And I was happy to hear officially that another royal baby is on the way. I had heard so many unofficial reports that she was very unwell again and had been back in the hospital with all speculation that it was morning sickness again.

    Hugs. Tomorrow it is back to errands, Mah Jongg, and finally the last of the online banking (I hope).

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi, y'all (best Southern drawl, of course!) Another Labor day come and gone and pleasant except I'm finding I prefer sitting down to eat rather than navigating all the buffet centers ...I'm always getting the same thing anyways and pretty much stick to brunch; waffles, omelet, OJ, muffin and coffee. I watch others eating fish, BARB-B-Q ribs or chicken,
    all manner of casseroles, vegetables, breads, rolls and desserts, and I feel full just looking! I was not planning to attend the Sing-Along afterwards, but there was an excellent piano player hired and he had printed up words to so many songs from my era, and I found myself croaking along, humming the tunes and bouncing in my walker seat! My non-existent singing voice is about 2 octaves lower than anyone else's, and I hate to let anyone hear it! In fact, the microphone for that speech program I'm returning kept warning, " voice too low!"
    And yes, JACKIE, I think I will invest in a decent headset/microphone, and use the built in program. Although through Amazon, I didn't pay the full $174, the manufacturer states in the download consent form we must sign, that they are not responsible if the download/installation disk does not work with all computers, and promise not to try getting credited if we are not happy with the installation ( or lack of it!). Fortunately, Amazon does not feel the same way, and they are crediting me in full, even the return posting is free! Dragon says in very fine print that theirs works with UP TO Windows 8.1!!! And yes, I will simply buy a decent headset and use the one built in. Sandy, in the Control Panel, click on Ease of Access and scroll down and you'll find it. Since I just lost my 1st reply when MFP decided to add today's posts and start a new page as I was posting, which added all your new posts, I'm afraid to go to Control Panel....OK I copied and pasted...Go to ease of Action, scroll to "Use computer without keyboard or mouse"! My mike is not strong enough, so back to research before ordering! At least I learned about the different types for attaching, like ones with USB ports, ones with two points or ones with only one...I suspect the keyboard is fine
    OOPs!b 2 pages of XXXXXXXXXXXXXX !!! NEED SLEEP!!!
    dum-dum Buzz
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Good morning. Well I didn't get the A/C out after all. Round about the time Mark and Derek where due, a tremendous wind blew in, Harvey? Then it poured with rain, and it thundered, and the lightning struck, and then it decided to hail. The A/C is very big, and heavy, and effective, and it requires one person to lift and shove from the outside and one person to lift and pull on the inside. I don't think Mark fancied being outside as the tempest raged! Maybe next weekend. I don't think it will snow in the meantime. No fireworks from the neighbours last night! Just nature!

    I've come to the conclusion that if everyone ignored the Korean chaps swaggering and boasting everything would go flat. He must get quite a kick out of worrying the world to death just like a naughty little boy in the playground.

    Well, we went out before the children trudge to school in their brand new clothes. I didn't want Jilly muddying them when they bent to pat her.

    It should be a peaceful Tuesday before the rain starts again this afternoon.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) This is happening today!


    This made me tear up, he is growing up so fast. Spent time with them yesterday and they wore me out as I slept in again today. I have some errands to run and Bryanna is coming for dinner with her little sister and her boyfriend. She loves the way I make chicken wings on the grill and hasn't had them for ages so since we both were free for dinner I will accommodate. I still have to go to the grocery store for a few things and maybe if I have time I will run to Kohl's.

    I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!! Enjoy today, it is the first day of the rest of your life!!

    One Day at a Time

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    An early and soggy dog walk this morning just around the local roads because a surveyor visited at 9.30 to measure the area for my new garden room and check that what is planned will actually work. A cheerful chappy but George felt the need to bark for the 2 hour visit which was very annoying as I tried everything from treats to firm direction into his bed. The surveyor did admit he has a Bull Mastiff dog so I wondered if George could smell his hound!!

    I'm undoubtedly the wrong person to enthuse about royal babies because I'm a grumpy old woman when it comes to our archaic system of placing a family in a palace that then gets brought out on special occasions..... see what I mean? I wish them well of course as I would any family bringing new life into the world and they do need fresh blood after centuries of inbreeding so good luck to them! :p:p

    Anne ~ North Korea is definitely best ignored by the rest of us because there is absolutely nothing we can do about what could happen. Just enjoy each day and hopefully no one will make a silly mistake along the way because kim jong un is not stupid so knows his country would be obliterated if it came to a nuclear war and I'm sure is just pushing Donald's buttons to make himself look a great leader at home!!

    Buzz ~ That's good you got your money back from Amazon and I'm sure a headset, even a good, reliable one won't cost as much. When I have the time I'm going to sit and test my system just for the fun of it although as a touch typist I hardly know my fingers are moving across the keys so no pain for me..... yet!

    More blackberry and apple jam was produced this morning using a granny recipe that threw the berries and chopped apples with core and skin into a pot to soften before pushing through a sieve and mixing sugar before boiling. Well the pectin in the seeds certainly worked and barely 5 minutes into the boil it was setting on the edges of the saucepan where it was cooler so into jars it went. I forgot to buy vodka for the damson liqueur yesterday and didn't have a chance today after a phone call from my housebound neighbour worried after a visit from a carer who used a hoist without a 2nd person which is a no-no so I popped up the track to see her and chat until she calmed down. She told me a lovely story about a young crow that one of her sons when still a child found out of its nest and took it home to mother to look after! They fed it on chopped worms and soaked bread in milk until it was an adult when it would then follow her children to school and wait in the trees for them to return home. It also used to dive bomb a man who wore a bright yellow helmet as he rode a small motorbike round the village but when she apologized to him he told her he didn't mind because he loved birds!

    On that note I will go and give my hens some corn for their supper and then think about what I'm eating..... oh yes, cold roasted chicken, oops!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi folks my lpc been on the. Blink so no posting
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I'm keeping an eye on IRMA! Oh my word, 185 mile an hour winds! Headed right this way. I stocked up on gallons of water, but better shop for canned goods, though I'm sure our culinary dept is preparing! 185MPH! Down to dinner after throwing out garbage and all other things I manage to accrue on a daily basis! Robby is gorgeous, as I knew he would be. My headset will arrive Thursday so I'll try again. Wish I were a touch typist. I use many random!
    <3 Buzz

    ..................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Buzz, I hope your community is well-prepared for any emergency. And I really hope the storm does not hit South Florida at all. I haven't heard exactly when there is a likelihood that the U.S. might be affected.

    Jackie, maybe George just was excited by the whole process? I do hope he does not bark his way through the entire construction project. So you need permits and approvals etc. from your local government in order to go ahead with the project? I believe if I would want to replace my deck that I would need a contractor well-versed in how to get the local construction permit. I think there is a book of regulations pertaining to materials, locations, set-backs, etc., etc. etc. This suburb is crazy!! Overly protective I guess. Protecting us from ourselves. :D I trust you do not have those hurdles.

    Anne, sorry about the air conditioner. Goodness, bad timing indeed. Darn. Otherwise how was the visit and all the cooking you did? Did you use all of your burners? :) We certainly are not experiencing the same type of weather that you are having. No rain, the temperatures have cooled considerably and today many people went to doctors and hospitals due to breathing problems. Apparently the odd color and haze in the sky yesterday was once again smoke and particulates from the forest fires. The sky was orange/yellow all day long.

    Marie, sorry you have been having computer problems. I hope all is straightened out soon. Good to hear from you.

    Sandy, what a grown up boy in that photo. He is a darling!!! And I hope dinner this evening was marvelous. Love it--I want to be a Spider-Man when I grow up. How cute!

    I have been trying to write this for a long time. My friend called a couple of times. She insists I called her and she she used a callback. But I didn't call her this evening. It was yesterday morning. It was a strange conversation. Well, I did my best.

    Time to move again. I have lots of things on my 'maybe' list for tomorrow. I am going to Tai Chi and then a monthly class I have never tried before called pendoodle. I guess it is something different each month and I have no idea what is planned for tomorrow. I may be sorry I signed up! There is also a anniversary/birthday party for a local company that I like and the public is invited to attend. I have never seen their design studio and it would be interesting to stop by for a little while.


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Ohhh boo! I have to go through a lot of scary tests to determine a course of action on my knee/hip/back problem. The sciatica is like a nasty condition that will not completely go away. I am not myself these days. Cranky and nasty. But we will persevere. If we know what's wrong...we can figure out how to fix it!

    Weather was better today, warm but still smoky. Oregon is on fire!
    There is something going on everywhere.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    My morning has been disrupted by another stray cat finding its way into our trap so this time I first took him to our local vet who checked for a microchip and to see if it was neutered. Of course no to both questions so the vet says I am entitled to take it to a shelter for rehoming and I'm now waiting for a call back from the one Patches was taken to. They are very busy so I'm just hoping they can fit him in and again I will pay for his neutering and care.

    Sandy ~ What a gorgeous photo of Robby but then they always are!! I do hope his first day went well and he came home full of wonderful stories about new friends and how much he enjoyed himself.

    Buzz ~ What a massive storm that Irma is and I'm wondering how people on the small Caribbean islands in its path can possibly take shelter from such a monster. I gather it will land in Florida at the weekend so you are certainly doing the right thing stocking up at least with water. Stay safe dear friend. <3

    Lin ~ This morning when I told my walking friend about George's behaviour as the surveyor climbed ladders and waved a measure about she immediately offered to keep him with her for the days the main ground works will be carried out which is a great relief. Any building or extension has to have what they call building regulation checks to ensure it will all be done in not only a safe way but also won't impinge on neighbours and that's my sweary individual but I'm sure an extension they built a few years ago was done with no checks so they can't really say anything against mine. The surveyor was confident anyway! One reason I chose this company was because they deal with every aspect and I don't want any comebacks years on!

    Lovely to hear from Marie and know you are still with us!

    Must get on and at least do my washing up while I wait for the shelter to phone me back.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    BUZZ, just a quick note on my way out to take Jilly for a long walk. I pray Irma dodges your area, and you stay safe! Thoughts most definitely with you!
    Happy little Robby going to school. Lovely little child, and I'd love to be spider woman as well!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Chilly morning and I am exhausted. I could not fall asleep last night, the last time I looked at my clock it was near 4 AM. My mind just wouldn't shut down, I think Irma has me worried about my daughter although she should be fine in Jacksonville. The son of a friend is evacuating and coming to stay with her. It is a family of five, mom, dad, three kids under the age of 6 and a husky! However, if the storm looks like it is heading to Jacksonville they will all evacuate and go to another friend in Georgia! Scary stuff, no wonder I didn't sleep.

    Buzz, they are calling for evacuations in Southern Florida, are you safe to stay where you are? I am just worried about everyone I know in Florida.

    Have a good day!!
    One Day at a Time

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    At this mornings meeting, we were given lists of preparation items. There are generators for at least one elevator in each building, corridor lights, dining room, nursing floor, and several other places. All 3 meals daily will be provided, and all staff will live here during the storm, if it hits, to help those who require help. Oops, I hear shutters being put up outside! My only concern is the strength of the windows, which are nor shuttered in my apartment, but they have survived previous hurricanes, and if something happens, I'll figure it out after[ it happens! We lived through Hurricane Wilma 11 years ago, with no electricity water, phones, or flushing toilets for 21 days, while in our own home, so I will take it as it comes! Thank you all for your dear thoughts! I must go check out my battery supply, as my lanterns require many! JACKIE, are you going to end up with another cat? You are so kind-hearted toward these poor little strays!
    Wishing you all a lovely day, and must get going here...need to move everything away from under windows, just in case! My arthritis is already feeling an approaching storm, lol!
    <3 Buzz

    ..................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!...........
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Sorry about the italics, which were meant only for the word "after"!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Buzz, it sounds as if preparation is in place. That does not mean we will not worry. It is part of my DNA. A friend in Tampa has been searching for drinking water to purchase. She now has five gallons for herself and her cat. She is also moaning that she really only has cans of beans to eat if the power goes out. Something is better than nothing!

    Sandy, I hope you will be able to sleep tonight. It is only Wednesday and the storm has a lot of traveling ahead of it before it arrives on our coastline. You just cannot stay awake until the weekend. Find a boring book or a horrible TV show to lull you to sleep. Works for me, usually.

    Anne, I hope you and Jilly are only encountering nice folks out on your walks. It was cold in my house this morning. It never did get very warm today and temps are in the 60's already. Brrrrrr for tonight. Back to the eighties by week end.

    Jackie, another cat!!! And still not the one you have been hoping to find. Goodness, I hope you found a placement. And as you mentioned it, I am sure your neighbors didn't follow the rules. When I asked permission to have a fence installed I thought I would have no problems as so many fences in the area were just what I had in mind. Unfortunately, the planners denied me and when I sent in pictures of three fences within a block of me just like my proposal I was told, no, you cannot do that. I asked when they would contact these people and have them live up to code. Ha, they were grandfathered in. So better to go ahead and do what you want apparently and ask for forgiveness later if necessary.

    Patsy, oh oh no. Hate medical tests. I hope it will go better than you are anticipating. And sorry for the pain, I can understand feeling grumpy. :/

    I did not do everything on my list today but did get a few errands accomplished that were not on the list (in my head). I decided I didn't want to take a long drive even though the weather was quite nice so I stayed in the metro area and am satisfied with that.

    The pendoodle class is apparently like joining a cult. You are in, pens are issued to you and you are to return with them each month. How do I not know what I am getting into. So apparently the instructor covers a couple of different designs each month and then they do a project. Today was doodling on puzzle pieces and then all the bits were assembled into one large puzzle which was then coated with some preservative and will be put into a frame and hung in the entryway. I will include a photo.


    Time to move as I am enjoying sitting too much!


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    After a doggy walk through the woods and round a field or two I made a quick visit to our local store for fresh fruit and veggies and am now home making up my mind whether it's housework or garden. Our animal sanctuary agreed to take in the ginger Tom yesterday so most of my day was taken up with getting him to and from Plymouth. He was well behaved so again the thought is he's been a domesticated pet that either became lost or was dumped, probably because he hadn't been neutered. My neighbours and I again paid for the neuturing and have now put the trap away as we think the problem of our cats being regularly beaten up is solved.

    Buzz ~ If truth be told I'm still adjusting to Brady, last year's addition to the household, causing havoc and destruction around the home so certainly won't be taking in another! The shelter I took this cat and the Tom we caught a month ago to has a wonderful ethos when it comes to animals in need so I know both cats will be will cared for and homes sought once they settle. This is off their website
    Before agreeing to take a pet in, we don’t use their age or health problems as a barrier.
    Neither do we determine its stay in a set number of days. We will however, prioritise intakes if they are un-spayed *kitten*, or those especially vulnerable and assessed to be at risk. Once registered with us, we are prepared, if necessary, to care for that animal for the rest of its life.:

    I missed the news this morning so must catch up to see if there's more news on the trajectory of Irma although wherever it lands some poor souls are going to have to deal with her. We are just selfish Buzz and want to know you are safe so we can keep you to ourselves!

    Lin ~ It seems it's the same the world over with planning applications or in some incidents, the lack of them and I sometimes think it's more a case of who you know, not what you know! Good for you following up on those fences but I can imagine your frustration if they still stand today. That multi doodle is such a clever idea and beautiful but whoa, make sure you keep those pens safe! :D Did you watch a BBC drama about 2 years ago called Doctor Foster? If so a 2nd series has just begun and the first episode already has us all on the edge of our seats as one minute we love her and the next wonder just how unstable she is! There are at least 2 more mystery series starting this week so I have to decide what gets recorded and which one watched now. I'll let you know if they are worth a search for you.

    Sandy ~ It must be a terrible worry for you knowing people in that area but hopefully with the amount of notice given before the storm arrives they can make themselves safe.

    Last night George kept me awake after Brady brought something into the conservatory to chase about and he wanted to join in. At one point he even squeezed himself through the catflap to join in and no amount of my telling him to go to bed worked so I left him out there until he woke me around 1.30 barking, I thought wanting to get back into the cottage but no, he'd heard someone's car alarm in the village about a mile away!! We are both a bit jaded this morning and he's keeping his distance because he knows how cross I was with him!!

    Time for lunch
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Jill woke me up last night, yipping and whining. I thought she wanted the "bathroom", but when I checked she was actually fast asleep dreaming! We finally got out for our proper walk. Not bathroom duty, back garden, but the proper walk, and one of our neighbours across the road was taking his rescue beagle to the vets. Apparently he'd put a bag of trash outside the backdoor prior to putting it inside the garage and dustbin. Then he let his dog out whilst he went back inside for breakfast. The dog tore the trash bag to bits and whoopee, pet paradise, she found a juicy pork rib bone. This resulted in a bone splinter and a trip to the vets. She got over that but developed an infection, hence this was hopefully a last vet visit if the antibiotics had cleared the infection. You have to watch dogs all the time! Jill would be a great scavenger if she got the chance! I sympathize when it comes to Brady JACKIE, Tabitha Daisy, my last cat was a rescue shelter cat and the wildest of all my previous cats. Great mouser as well until she matured a bit.

    The damage in the islands is incredible! God bless, BUZZ, all our prayers are with you.
    Did anyone see the northern lights last night? Apparently, the sighting reached the northern States. Mother Nature was very active with solar flares, waterspouts in the Great Lakes, and a fire ball meteor which I gather broke up before reaching earth.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Buzz hope everything goes well for you. My prayers are with you.

    Checking in from Nova Scotia. Just back from Newfoundland today and we finally have wifi again. So much fun.

    We were staying with friends right on the coast. Not sure if this picture looks right but it's the view from the kitchen the day of the wild storm we had.

    I tried to do a post earlier but as usual, I lost it. Darn.

    What I was saying was that our friends didn't tell us that Betty's Parkinson disease has progressed quite a bit. We probably wouldn't have come and that's why they didn't tell us as they really wanted us to come. I glad we did tho as I was able to help out a lot and Betty pre planned all the meals. Betty drives her husband crazy as she is always trying to do things and falls so easily as her balance is off. Just having me there helped Gordon out a lot and he was very appreciative. Boy does Gordon understand that a Woman's work is Never done.

    Ed's favorite meal was a side dish at lunch one day. The fries were covered with turkey dressing and gravy. Ed is already planning to have it at home this Christmas using up leftovers. 'Some Good" as the Newfies say. LOL

    Bye for now. We leave for home on Tuesday. Great vacation.
