Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    SANDY, before you go - and have a great trip - heavens no! No panties! She wouldn't keep them on anyway! Jilly is like all dogs in the past, she keeps herself surprisingly clean. The only thing I will have to wash is her own blanket in her bed. It's pretty clean as well so far. Maybe she wakes up at night for a clean up. Probably when I make my own nocturnal trip to the bathroom.!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,358 Member
    edited September 2017
    Hello Sneakers

    Back from church and dived into another book!! It is amazing how time flies when you are absorbed in a book you enjoy.

    Sandy, enjoy your trip. Won't you have withdrawal from WiFi? I think I would.

    Jackie, poor Scruff. Having to stay clean is so undoglike. Haaaa. It seems they have found many shows to attend. We have a dog show this weekend but there are only a couple a year. At least I only hear about several a year. My goodness, what a week you have coming up!! Best wishes to you as you take your friend to lunch tomorrow. I hope you can relive some happy times.

    Anne, I hope your day is a pleasant one with Jilly being entertained by Michael. You can be our Pippi Longstockings. We won't even insist on braids. Regardless of color I am still a bit envious of the amount of hair you have. Mine is quite incredibly wimpy.

    Speaking of Wimpy, I just streamed the movie "Diary of a Wimpy Kid." It was cute. Has anyone watched that?

    Buzz, thinking of you. I have acquaintances in the Tampa area, Sarasota, and Ft. Myers. I hope everyone is safe where they are sheltering.



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,358 Member
    Off to Walmart....


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Getting ready to leave but want you to know my daughter is okay. They lost power at bedtime and heard the rain and wind but at least there is no severe damage.
    She is bored with no internet or cell phone service but she was able to get one text to me and then we talked on the phone. Now I hope Buzz is okay.
    Will try to check in if possible!

    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Afternoon. I've just seen on the midday news that van loads of dogs have arrived here from Houston. Their owners can't take care of them and after being checked over, they will be up for adoption here in 14 days. Most owners very upset at having to let their pets go. Very sad, I can't imagine waving goodbye to The Bean.

    It was a relief to see on the TV that Florida didn't suffer the same devastation as the Caribbean islands. I guess Buzz is without power. Glad your daughter is safe SANDY.

    We are having our usual Monday wash and iron day. The Bean is snoozing and seems resigned to her fate of being house and garden bound for the next few days although Michael took her for long walks yesterday and I grabbed the opportunity to mow the lawns and gather in the last of the carrots. Only onions left now. Mike would have mowed the lawns but I figure he does enough for me and he and Jilly were gone for quite a while so I sort of made hay while the sun shone. There is a definite nip in the air early morning and my heat is still coming on at that time. you can see, a very quiet Monday for....
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hi and howdy, life continues...I am doing my exercises, getting this mess (that I call my hair,) chopped off and restyled. Right now I have that disheveled look. No way to comb it or style it.

    I would take in another storm caused orphan doggie. It would need to be a smaller or mid-sized dog and potty trained and friendly. John is not as open to the idea. Katie would love a little friend to romp with. I have talked about change being very difficult for John. Actually, it isn't really easy for me either.

    I did one of my semi-annual purge of drawings, studies, and unfinished paintings. I usually burn them in the wood stove. I will need to wait a couple of months to do that. I always have a rush of memories and oddly sad feelings as I get rid of paintings and drawings. It feels like I am burning photos. There is not enough room on the planet to keep badly done paintings and poorly executed drawings.

    I contacted the "evil" gallery owner about a show this winter or early spring. I need the aggravation of a schedule to stay on task. Hopefully the puppy stories, that Anne and I enjoy writing so much, will get back on track. My little sciatica episode stopped all the important creative efforts. That is unexceptable!

    I did have a brief message from Buzz right before the storm hit. She wanted everyone to know she felt all efforts were being made to keep her safe. She said she loved us all and was thinking of us. The loss of power would keep her silent for a while.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi gals, and thank you, PATSY, for delivering my message!
    We never lost electricity! But lost phones, internet and TV.. Just got my internet back, but nothing else! This place was unbelievable and we can never thank the staff enough for sleeping here and working day and night (yes, nights) to keep us cared for! Even the wonderful Chaplain was serving breakfast every day since lasyt Thursday, because they didn't want us to buy food in case electicity went down! We were mostly category 1 hurricane but gusts to 140 sounded awful in the middle of the night. And the Sheriff's office kept waking us up at night to warn us of tornado threats, lol! . Now, I must shower and get ready to eat...again! MFP gave me back my log-ins, I think, maybe short a day, but who's counting? I will try to catch up on all the posts, and SANDY, if you are going away, have a great trip! Glad your daughter is OK.. We were very lucking with this one!
    <3 Buzz

    .....................Always believe something WONDERFUL is about to happen <3 ................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Something wonderful DID happen BUZZ. Wonderful to hear from you for a start!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,358 Member
    Wonderful indeed. Welcome back Buzz!!!!! <3<3

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    So glad to hear from Buzz and to hear everything went well.

    Sitting on the bed at the airport hotel. We leave tomorrow morning for Calgary. Back to the real world. We've had so much fun and visited with lots of friends and relatives. Looking forward to seeing our family though.


    Keep well

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited September 2017
    Wonderful to see a post from Buzz and know all is well in her camp! I'm between the vet visit with Brady for his booster shot where he managed to jump from the examination table up onto shelves and do his best to knock everything off while I explained to the vet that this is what he likes to do!! She is a lovely Scottish lass that we saw this time as my vet recently retired and sold his business to this group that covers many areas of Cornwall so they seem to circulate their vets. Brady is apparently in perfect health and did manage to sit relatively unperturbed in the cat basket this time. Yesterday's lunch was delicious and we both went for the locally caught fish followed by an orange and chocolate brownie with whiskey ice cream and we talked lots about our happy memories of my friend's ex before walking home with George in tow!

    Anne ~ Such sad stories about these pets always pull at heartstrings so I'm sure they will all find good homes in Canada. Tragic for their owners though. Another dog is something I always said I wouldn't add to my menagerie until last week I saw on the tv a story about a group of beautiful dogs arriving in the UK after being rescued from meat markets in S.Korea by a charity. I know we can't save every creature looking for a home but those little faces really had me thinking!! One good piece of news out of it was that the Korean President has recently adopted a dog rescued from similar circumstances so they hope he will soon ban such a trade.

    Lin ~ Scruff's mum discovered doggy fly ball at the last show and she did particularly well at it so now they've joined a competitive group.... there will be no stopping them soon and dear George will be left to sniff the moors on his own, not that he minds!!

    Just look at the beautiful calm in Jeri's photos. It just goes to prove waters have many moods when comparing with what we've all witnessed on the news this past week.

    Sandy ~ If I haven't missed you have a wonderful time away.

    Lots to do before my yoga class at 5pm because we are seeing the sun for the first time in days but another front with heavy rain is on its way for tonight so I'd better get on.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I know what you mean about adopting another dog JACKIE. I would love to. Jilly is such a friendly little thing I think she would welcome a companion with open paws. Age stops me, and also because Mike says he could only cope with one Jilly if and when he becomes her owner, what with working etc. Expense has to be considered as well, especially as our furry friends age. Poor little Amy, Janice's little rescued dog from Asia continues with her incontinence due apparently to spaying. She can't help it and Janice says it happens a lot whilst she sleeps. The vet has put her on hormone replacement pills! I gather 1 in 5 dogs develop incontinence after spaying, so, inconvenient as it is for Jill confined to barracks and for me washing her blanket we will continue on this course. After all, it's only twice a year for a few days. Mary Jo said laughingly "I bet you thought all this was behind you". Well yes, at my advanced age!

    Your photos JERI are making me want to visit Nova Scotia again. I felt at home in Nova Scotia!

    So, another peaceful day in Ontario. I think I might weed today. The weather is warming up again, no humidity, just very pleasant.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,358 Member
    Good morning!

    Spectacular photos Jeri. Lovely scenery and photos from a talented photographer. Homeward bound and I am sure you will be happy to see your family again and they will be so pleased that you are back home.

    Jackie, the pull of taking in a dog never ends does it? I have no one to take a dog if my toes turn up or if I happen to be ill or injured or otherwise unable to look after a dog. My best friend had said he would find a home for any dog I might have but he died last Christmas.

    Anne, and you are right, you have a plan if Jilly would happen to need a new home but there is also expense involved. Vet bills are quite substantial these days.

    I love dogs though.

    Time to scoot along. TJ's, home to out things away, off for Mah Jongg, quick lunch at home, off to the once a month coloring/nattering time at my library, home to make something to eat once again and then back to the library for book club.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited September 2017
    For JACKIE:
    just noticed. The first storm of the season with gale force winds for the British isles. It's the first time they've named these storms and number one is Aileen.

    Winds 75 mph. Hang on to your hat and George's leash JACKIE.

    Storm Aileen set to bring strong winds to parts of the UK
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Just a quick check in. Checking to make sure Buzz was okay glad to hear everything went well without any major problems Buzz. Sandy glad to hear that your daughter made it through the storm without any problems.

    I too would love to have a dog but as Jackie States the added expense and not having anyone to care for it when I have medical issues and land in the hospital or cannot care for it is a concern. I do miss my little haha Keisha, Keisha was a Saint Bernard Akita Husky mix and was my best friend and companion for years. I'm glad to see that many people are opening their hearts to these poor lost souls.

    I am looking and contemplating of buying a mobile home or double-wide to downsize so I will not have stairs and a basement to have to bother with, but what an undertaking I have so much here to purge and my energy is waning. But this would be a good option as it would keep me from having to refinance if I could sell my current house at enough profit to pay off the balance and then purchase outright without a further loan. I have found two local options that I fallen in love with but I fear I would not be able to get my place cleaned out and on the market sold in time before these places will be gone. I do not have much in regards to help it would be all on my shoulders as my son is still not very agreeable. He is actually coming tomorrow he states to move the double bed upstairs to the main floor and take his son's twin bed down as I am supposed to be having company next week, but I feel lucky to even have him do that I'm not sure I could give him to help to do much more in regards to helping me Purge and move. My funds are declining but I fear I will have to hire someone to help me muck out and keep me on task and then pack up and move.

    Well, I made it to the community garden yesterday finished off broccoli there and pulled the plant, pulled some beautiful carrots, had a ton of sun gold Tomatoes , they were falling off the plant, that I had to harvest, made my own version of tomato sauce with them and some of my basil. I also pulled the peas and wax beans that I had going to seed and we'll sell them out tonight. Hopefully by the weekend I will get to my garden here at the house and see what needs to be harvested there I am currently watching a cucumber and zucchini that aren't quite ready and have a handful of green paste tomatoes coming. I am anxious for the tomatoes as anything at the community garden other than the tiny Sun Golds got blight. There is a bit of Swiss chard and kale that also needs to be harvested. The red cabbage were also ready and I pulled two will have to do something with them soon. This is always an issue when everything comes all at once and have a lot of work to keep the vegetables from spoiling but I do so love my veggies. I'm in hopes of getting my big deep freeze cleaned out within a week to 10 days where I lost the power on it and not sure whether things are good I'd rather be safe than sorry. I am hoping that I may be able to downsize enough to not use the big freezer especially since I'm looking at buying a smaller place I need to downsize.

    Well, got to go I have a Workman coming finally to review what he did not finish earlier in the season. I also have large dishes that do not fit in the dishwasher to do and hopefully will Purge through my pots and pans while I'm doing this. Unfortunately, I have a bit of a hoarding habit when it comes to Kitchen things, craft stuff, and clothes... chuckle. In downsizing hopefully it will keep me under control.

    Sandy have a good trip.Jeri have a safe trip home and thank you for the pictures of Nova Scotia. I used to love to go across the border and see the reversing falls in the beautiful places but since we now have to have a passport to just go that short distance I do not Venture there anymore. If I had thought I had a time I could have got a passport and possibly met new in Nova Scotia it would have been nice to meet a new friend.

    Well friends got to go we'll check in later be safe be happy.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Greetings ladies,
    We have a cloudy and somewhat cool morning. That makes me stiff and creaky. I am sure that living here in humid cool PNW makes all our joints rust! I wish there was WD-40 oil for human knees and hips. As we all know, there really is nothing that can't be fixed with a squirt of WD-40 and duct tape. John laughed that we would need to add hot melt glue as well! I am headed for the Physical therapy center...aaaaaaaggggh!

    Age and reason keeps me from adopting another doggie. John said he would accept a hamster or canary, but Katie would comment murder, I am sure. Actually Katie's personality is huge enough to fill this house and accupy all family members. So...moving on. Our son is half owner of Katie. Or as know Katie is half owner of our son, Damon. Pets are such a huge responsibility and enormous source of joy.

    I am still stunned at the damage of the recent storms. I am further stunned at our president and his devotion to fossil fuels are even now, walking back a partial acceptance of global warming. I saw a news report on the extraordinary damage. I found it just so frightening and alarming. It really is a miracle that Buzz is safe. I am so grateful also that Sandy's daughter rode out the storm. We have several friends and family that were not so,lucky. They lost their boat and their condo was flooded. Another family member is still unaccounted for. No word from them. They recently moved to Florida, not sure where.

    Did you know that you have to wear special clothes during exercise so your body will know you mean business!!!!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    My internet and phone keep coming and going so this must be brief; MAE, after seeing the damage and losses associated with mobile homes, I would hesitate to even think about living in one full time! Entire mobile towns disappear every time there are gale winds! Even those "permanently" planted! Be wary, dear. SANDY, I've been watching the surge effects in Jacksonville and trust your daughter is not near any of the beautiful rivers or coastlines there! I am so thankful we never felt the dreadful effect of Irma that surrounded our community, but everywhere is a wreck! My biggest problem is when my phone rings, no one can hear me answer! My sister calls constantly, and my cell battery is not holding charges anymore! Believe it or not, I must dress somewhat now for Birthday Night Dinner! I cannot believe they are making it tonight for everyone with September birthdays! I'll keep it simple as I keep drifting off to nap! 2/3 of Florida is without electricity says our Governor. My love to you all, 2 or 4 footed pals, and I'm headed at least for the lipstick!!! Hugs to all!
    <3 Buzz
    .....................Always believe something WONDERFUL is about to happen .....................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    With all good intentions we set off on our walk on the moors this morning but within minutes huge black clouds full of COLD rain soaked us so as we trudged along our planned route got shorter and shorter. Of course back at the cars and saying our farewells the clouds disappeared and sun came out but too late!!!!! Yesterday evening's yoga class that was deemed by our teacher to be gentle was extremely hard work after our summer break so had me telling myself off for not doing enough during the summer months to maintain any strength in my legs. Therefore here I go again planning daily exercising.... we shall see but I know I'm the only one that can do it and only blame myself when my legs ache. I'm not planning much before driving to Plymouth for my annual mammogram and check with oncologist but will be glad when it's done so I can move my head on again to more cheerful things.

    Anne ~ Yes, I saw that storm warning and we certainly had a lot of wind blowing around last night but my only damage was a large vent in the roof of my greenhouse blowing out and breaking its frame so I've just spent 10 minutes sticking it all back together! I think it mostly headed north so we avoided the worst. It's a shame poor Amy was obviously spayed at the wrong time according to today's advice from vets but so long as you cope with Jilly being in heat I wouldn't add that worry.

    Lin ~ I know I'm very lucky that my nice neighbours would adopt my cats if I popped my clogs or continue to feed them in my home if it was a short term absence and of course I have an agreement with Scruff's mum that we will take in each others dog if necessary. If we hadn't found our hungry and dehydrated Brady on the moors I would never have considered taking on such a young cat but now he's here I feel I can at least give him a good life for now and the future will take care of itself.

    A friend of mine in his 90's adopted an injured parrot that his daughter who works for social care found abandoned in someone's home. The vet said it wouldn't live more than a few months but here he is 5 years on ruling the roost and my friend tells me he confides all his secrets to Johny the parrot before he goes to bed each night and I can tell the company it gives him is as good as any tonic!

    Mae ~ Last month I purchased a set of 3 new saucepans, small, medium and large and apart from one I always cook George's food in every old pan was relegated to the tip and I have to admit I don't miss any of them! Like all these things we collect and hoard thinking we can't live without them, the initial step of clearing out is the most difficult but for me, working my way through each room of the house and assigning nic-nacs to either charity shops or the tip has been so refreshing I have to now ensure I don't take it too far! It seems you are feeling at a crossroads deciding whether or where to move but I'm sure when the right place shows itself to you you'll know and hopefully you'll then feel comfortable about the clearing process. Considering your late start in growing veggies you have had a great summer and long may it last. I'm trying to get a few more leeks up and running to over winter as well as small turnips and the seeds have at least germinated so hopefully I will be able to plant out next month at the allotment.

    Buzz ~ So much for modern technology at times like this eh! Telegrams weren't such a bad idea after all!! I think it's great that you are all able to carry on with life as normal and certainly a birthday night is a good start! Such devastation everywhere but it seems warmer oceans and their consequences are becoming accepted as the norm!

    I'm going to push the vacuum cleaner about a bit and do some washing up so I don't dwell too much on my hospital visit.

    Enjoy your day everyone and stay safe.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited September 2017
    Good dreary morning everybody. I'm glad it's a dreary morning because if it rains Jill will be happy to stay indoors as will I! I've realized why time is hurtling past at a terrific speed. It's because we do so much the hours go by at an alarming rate. With jill and I being mainly stuck at home this week time has really slowed down.

    What a marvellous tale about the parrot JACKIE!! I chucked out all my old pans that I brought over, already old, from the UK a few years ago. Actually after emigrating and quickly divorcing three years later we started off life with only the essentials. Ive never really acquired that much since and it's a sort of freedom getting rid of all the clutter. I have two full book cases, and if I buy a new book, I chuck one of the least loved out to make room for the new. Same with clothing. I've a number of matching clothes hangers. Once they are used up and I buy a new garment then something I've outgrown or not worn for over a year, out it goes. The only one with clutter in this household is Jilly with her overflowing toy box!
    These celebrities with closets full of clothes! It must be an awful headache wondering what to wear!

    I just have my Toby jugs and one or two cherished items to dust.

    I think I would think twice about buying a mobile home MAE. Friends in the Kiwarthas lost theirs to a tornado a few years back. BUZZ made a good point.

    Well, time to shower,
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    We prder me a computor should be here
    Friday . My other one die on me.
