Senior Golden Sneakers



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Rainy Monday here. That's okay. I have quite a few tasks that require my attention inside. John is rewiring an antique floor lamp, so he will be busy today. He also wants to polish and shine the brass fittings on the lamp. Now, of course, begins a search for a replacement lamp shade and glass globe. That will be a search through the special catalogs and measuring again and again! Quite a project.

    Feeling the cool dampness in my knees and shoulders today. While I will be doing the exercises inside, I was laughing at all the popping and cracking. I sounded like a popcorn machine. Sad but funny and true.

    Jackie your trips sound wonderful. I remember when John and I went on a delightful cruise to Alaska. It was magical. John loved the trip but he is so hyperactive, he felt trapped from time to time, even on the large cruise ship. I however, loved it and never felt claustrophobic. Just want to say that I was always grateful and amazed at the tender loving care you gave little Squeak. A lot of people do not understand the intellect of chickens. As I grew up my chickens and ducks were all pets.

    I have begun my paintings for the spring gallery show. WildWater is my message. I am getting in my creative mode. Katie even brought her chew bone into the dungeon to listen to me paint. I have constant music to keep me going.

    Anne a new furnace will be a huge blessing on a frigid winter day. It will keep you warm as toast and cozy.

    Buzz, my friend, we are alll grateful that you are safe and relatively comfortable.
    We have lightening and thunder now. Katie is NOT amused!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    JACKIE, you will miss little Squeak I'm sure, but while here, she was one of the luckiest chicks alive! Your future plans sound wonderful; I was ready to move to Scandinavia when I went in 1973 with my dear Mom, who felt I needed a break from the heavy divorce scene I was going through. It was breathtakingingly awesome! Mike and I enjoyed our time in Bat, and I agree it's a charming city. ...And yes, that incident with the 8 deaths nearby was a horror story. I consider being where I am such a fortunate choice!
    PATSY, your plans for the youngsters sound exciting and I'm glad to hear your enthusiasm again! The lamp plans will also keep you both busy into the future!
    ANNE, I think you could fill many books, dear, with your enchanting stories!
    JERI, nice to be home, and nice to be sitting again, and also nice to look forward to peace and quiet!
    I am now straightening out all the insurance mess from Humana from before the hurricane when I was told I did not need a referral for dermatology, and now they said I should have gotten a referral for the treatment he gave me! GRRrrrrrr $416 error! I'm beginning to believe Bernie is right and we should have Medicare for all! One payer system so the insurance companies can stop driving us crazy!
    Time to grab lipstick and go down to dinner. I hope the vendors finally got here. It's been touch and go on so many items!
    <3 Buzz
    .............................always believe something wonderful is about to happen!...................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
    edited September 2017
    Jackie, I am so sorry that Squeak has passed on. We all enjoyed your stories of your little darling chick. But my goodness, what a lot of excitement you have planned! Theater, B&B trip, a cruise. And shopping trips. Wow, wow, and wow! Amazing.

    I won't mention all the tasks crossed off my task list but suffice it to say my most exciting item was the purchase of a set of new tires for my car which will be installed in October. Now to schedule a front end alignment after the tires are on the car.

    Anne, I hope they get something worked out and the new furnace installed in a timely manner! Fall is just around the corner. Saturday is the day and I heard some guy is predicting the day to be some type of apocalypse with the earth colliding with some secret planet? Anyone heard the details?

    Patsy, working and now with a friend in the room. Good for you Katie. An encourager for certain.

    Buzz, there is no end to sorting things out it seems. I still have no word on my social security application. I checked online and it is apparently now moved from our local office to Kansas City for processing. I am not certain if that is a good thing or not. I have my doubts about receiving my first payment in September.

    I will be away all day tomorrow.

    Be safe. Hugs.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    My day began with an early shop at our local Aldi store where I stocked up on lots of fruit then a lovely as ever stroll across the moors with Scruff and her mum. My plan was to begin painting the back of my cottage at least to a height I can reach without ladders but of course some rather ominous clouds are now drifting in our direction.

    Little Squeak is greatly missed already and not only by me but Daisy the banty she raised from an egg is struggling to cope without her. When I first found Squeak on the floor I popped her in my greenhouse close to the chicken run while I went to look for a biodegradable bag and spade and little Daisy flew on top of their shelter and did her best to look where her mum had been placed. When I came back down the garden with spade in hand she was pressed against the netting of the run still doing her best to see Squeak so I buried her close to their run and planted a Lady's Mantle on top.... that's how silly I am!!

    Buzz ~ Insurance companies have their own agenda I feel and I'm currently trying to arrange travel insurance for the coming year but because of my surgery and treatment 2 years ago have to declare it, well, I would if the pre-cancerous cells existed in their lists of medical conditions so after two of three attempts I stopped and got on with chores but of course I'm now getting constant calls on my mobile from these companies. Wouldn't it be wonderful if they gave as much time and effort in contacting those of us who have a claim!!

    Lin ~ New tyres are so important so I'm glad you purchased yours before any truly bad weather arrives in your area. (I see we even spell those rubber rings differently!! :) )

    Patsy ~ Those who say chickens or ducks have no brains have never spent time with them and observed their wonderful ways including attachment to each other. I'm leaning towards obtaining a couple of rescued hens from battery farms next that have no feathers or experience of the real world and I'll probably cry when I first see them but then do my best to give them a couple of natural years. Alaska may well be added to my bucket list depending on how much we enjoy our cruise of the fjords. Such ships used to be my idea of a nightmare holiday but this one is relatively small AND we have a free upgrade for free drinks, soft and alcoholic so I'm sure any side of it I don't like will soon be forgotten!! ;)

    Anne ~ That new furnace will be a Godsend and take away any worries you might have in cold weather of having to return to the ghost of Portugal's bed!! You have the best landlord when it comes to replacements don't you!

    Yoga this evening, plus now a phone call back from one insurance company and delivery of a metal file safe coming from Germany and no doubt they will all clash!!

    Enjoy your day.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited September 2017
    Nothing silly JACKIE! I still remember our Monica Mary from the second war years. She and her pals lived into old age because we couldn't even think of eating them despite shortages. All living beings have emotions! I do hope you get the battery chickens! You might have to separate them from your present birds at first because of the lack of feathers. I seem to recall reading once that they could be pecked at? Could be wrong on this.

    LIN if your soothsayer is correct about planets colliding on Saturday I guess Mark won't need to fork out for a new furnace, AND you can save on those winter tyres/tires. (It's hard being bilingual, lol!) I've just got the first of my new year monthly gas bills for said furnace. An extra $15. Can you imagine the celebrations if things actually went DOWN.

    Jill and I ventured to the mail box and the tidy summer world is looking remarkably dusty and untidy with leaves and twigs everywhere. It seemed odd walking in heat in a short sleeved shirt etc and seeing an autumn world. It's predicted to remain above season temps here until the end of the month with little if any rain, and yet I read that the west is getting snow. All to do with the hurricanes pushing balmy temperatures east and north I believe.

    Well, I need to dust and sweep the furnace room downstairs so the gas man who cometh won't see what a tardy old woman I am, or Mark for that matter, I don't want to be shipped off JUST yet!

    Enjoy today and don't forget the sun lotion easterners!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I'm sitting here at noon in an ancient housedress staring at the huge number of plastic storage food containers I neglected to disburse when I moved. Knowing I would no longer cook much, whatever was I thinking? They are these beautiful Lock & Lock containers, but I need only a very few small ones to hold 3 days worth of my delicious oatmeal (steel cut, but seldom made!), perhaps something left over from too generous entrees at last night's dinner, or maybe a smidgen of something a neighbor has shared. So I must figure out who would like some gorgeous containers and dump them! And then the picking up before the (non) cleaning lady comes tomorrow. Few house cleaning people in Florida follow the cleaning standards of other states I have lived in. Here it'd called "light cleaning", and I'm beginning to learn to just stop watching! My gal is really such a NICE person I don't think I could ever fire her! And no one is any better!
    LIN, I trust these predictors of an apocalypse are no more accurate than any of the others who pop up from time to time! Just continue with your plans for tires/tyres and other sensible plans and feel comfortable with your own sensible choices!
    JACKIE, I must admit I am so impressed with the knowledge you have of all living things! I am one who never realized chickens have feelings of connectedness or emotions! How can I ever again feel comfortable eating one of these poor things? Poor Daisy, missing her Mom! I hope you are able to get full insurance coverage for your travels. I have learned from experience it's one thing about which we should not be frugal! And read it carefully so things are not excluded like flights to your choice of hospitals in your own area should it ever be necessary, Heaven forbid!
    ANNE, referring to yourself as an old woman makes me think you must be kidding! You actually seem to view the world in a very youthful alert manner and I think of OLD as someone no longer interested in things other than their own ills or problems! Is there anyone in our Sneakers who fills that description? (I admit I sometimes do!) This is a vibrant fascinating "family" of which you are a terrific member! ...And Jilly too, of course! Living in a Continuing Care facility, as I do, I truly believe age has become almost meaningless! I see several residents here in their 100s as vibrant as can be (with more "marbles" than I will ever have!) perhaps a slight impairment of hearing but interested in so many things! I think it's next week we are holding an Active Aging week with all kinds of activities planned. I should go down to our activity counter and sign up for something! Observers are needed, too, lol!
    I'd better get moving before I need treatment for computer addiction!
    <3 Buzz

    .............................always believe something wonderful is about to happen!...................

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited September 2017
    Thanks BUZZ! I have been accused of not acting my age at times (in the nicest possible way). I view you yourself in the same description you've kindly given me. I ALWAYS enjoy your wonderful wisdom and knowledge and I think you are a shining example of agelessness if that is a word, well you know what I mean!

    Very sadly and with some guilt, Jilly and I consumed the very last of our own homegrown carrots for lunch. The guilt because apparently some biologists are beginning to think plants have feelings as well!!! Talk about a guilt trip and I guess when you think about it cabbages DO have hearts!

    To take my mind off such ponderings I watched Mr. Trump instead talking about "rocket man" in Korea and what would happen to rocket man and his ilk if he attacks the USA and her allies. It might be a good idea for rocket man to lie low for a while if he has any sense. Don't you all feel sorry for the mothers of these midget dictators with their chubby cheeks or little moustaches. When Adolf was rocked in his cradle could mama have foreseen his future? Did she live long enough to see his future? And Mrs Kim, did she encourage her baby boy to play with toy missiles when a teddy bear could have made all the difference in preserving life rather than dreams of destroying it. We will never know.

    Well Jilly is almost back to her old self, just a few more days. She was a little subdued but today the old yappy, happy pup is back!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Howdy! We had rain and a tornado warning! US, here on the Oregon coast...a tornado warning! I don't think anything ever came of it but it was quite a surprise. I have seen a very scary water spout before. It is like a tornado of water, also very dangerous.

    We got our copy of the National Geographic and GASP! Right on the cover an article on Jane Goodall. There is also a new movie coming out on her. I heard her speak in Aspen at a conservation conference. She was riveting. Naturally graceful, elegant and a real beauty. Her passion was infectious. Interesting article in the magazine as well.

    Watched the big T give his speech to the UN. Can we escape WWIII? Must stop watching the news.

    We have several very large cascara trees on our property. There is a huge flock of crows that are obcessed by the little ripe berries on these trees. These are the trees that they make laxative out of the bark. This is a secret...shhhhhh...there is a lot of chanterelles mushrooms in our forest. I want a mushroom expert from the state extension office to positively Identify them before we harvest and eat any. You never know.....

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
    Good evening, a long day but much fun and avoided all speeches and news broadcasts.

    Off early tomorrow morning for Tai Chi and meeting friends at the library for coloring and celebrating a birthday. Should be home earlier tomorrow.

    Patsy, wow, a secret cache of mushrooms. Lucky you!!

    Anne, please do not think you cannot eat your carrots. Seriously, what would remain for us to crunch on? I have no guilt as I pop yet another cherry tomato into my chompers. Yummmmm.

    Buzz, I do not believe in such predictions but just wondered if the same news was spreading everywhere or if it was just my local station that picked up on it.

    Jackie, I hope yoga was enjoyable this evening. And that you have the insurance situation straightened out.

    You are all very interesting people with so many interests, it is a pleasure to know you.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    I am back, read all the posts and will be back in the morning!

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    We were nearly blown away on our walk this morning so cut our route shorter by at least half! I'm now sipping a coffee in an effort to warm myself up before heading out to lunch at our local pub with a couple of friends, the same pub I visited last week when we walked George there but I'm thinking it will be a short car journey this time! A decision has been made on my travel insurance because the medical question is "have you in the past 24 months......" so if I wait until the end of October I can honestly say NO just so long as last week's hospital check comes back ok so it's all on hold!

    Buzz ~ Half the time it isn't until things go wrong as we travel that we discover if our insurance cover is adequate or not and I see from checking online reviews that an awful lot fall short of expectations so thank you, I will proceed with care! This week a wonderful 103 year old local lady finally received an honorary degree from her university she spent time at in the 1930's and when asked by a reporter what was next, perhaps a BA she replied with a twinkle in her eye "more likely RIP"!! Bright as a button and looking beautiful so age really is just a number for her and you're right, it's all to do with how we approach those higher numbers!

    Anne ~ Over the years I've observed that most fowl are social creatures when mixing with their own sort but they can also be vicious so know any introduction has to be done carefully otherwise things can go badly wrong, especially for hens that have spent their lives crammed into a small space where it's survival of the fittest..... not unlike some humans!! It looked to me like Mr T thought he was on the campaign trail again but many in yesterday's audience were pretty unimpressed..... same old, same old!!

    Sandy ~ Welcome back to the fold and I do hope you had a wonderful time washing those windows!! ;)

    Lin ~ A new course of yoga that was certainly hard work but I thoroughly enjoyed it. We always have a good laugh when stretching core muscles because I'm convinced mine don't exist anymore but as always came home telling myself I must practice the stretches daily.... must try harder!! Enjoy your day, especially the birthday celebrations. Do you get cake? :o

    Patsy ~ What an amazing woman Dame Jane Goodall is, so strong willed which she had to be to achieve what she has and one of those rare human beings that can truly be at one with nature. I'm guessing the Pacific is warming up as dangerously as the Atlantic so you must expect some disturbances too from now on. Our UK weather has certainly altered in the past 20 years and not in a good way with mini hurricanes and yes, water spouts too!

    Time to get myself out of dog walking clothes and into casual pub-wear! Who was it that said 'look forward with hope, not backwards with regret'?


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited September 2017
    Morning ! I've just spent time on hands and knees under the square coffee table trying to see what Jill was showing me. Couldn't see a thing so spent more time trying to get up. Exercise over for the day!

    We have water spouts in the Great Lakes Patsy, oh and be careful with the fungi! There's many a murder mystery where the victim eats carefully prepared mushroom stew! I used to pick them with my Dad in the fields as a child. Dad would cook them and he and I ate them with relish without a care in the world. My mother didn't!

    Oscar Wilde:
    Life is not complex,
    We are complex.
    Life is simple,
    And the simple thing is the right thing.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I have to tell you friends what just happened. The Bean and I go for a walk and we'd just reached home when an elderly lady stops to pat Jilly. Despite osteoporosis she goes down on her knees to play with my very friendly dog. I had to help her up. At this point a Federal express van stops opposite us and the young woman driver leaps out and crosses the street to play with my friendly dog. Then the young lady asks permission and takes a photograph of Jilly with great difficulty because all Jill wants to do is lick her! Michael says he's had 5 photos taken with The Bean in the street so far. A star is born, but it sure ain't me, lol.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Ah, our wandering Sneaker has returned...sounding a bit tired and needing recovery time! O course we missed you, dear SANDY, and are anxious to hear all the details of your travels!
    Am having problems with typing and must get that voice to text thing installed. Our program director evidently has one as our last tri-weekly bulletin upon her return from Kansas (yes, she missed or hurricane!) stated how pleased she was to find her home "in tack"!!! So I will have to check all post very carefuly!
    I watched the UN speech as long as I could stand it, but embarrassment forced me to close down when I heard name-calling from our top guy concerning a threat that has been going on for 60 years without incident, because diplomats have been carefully in charge! Can we graduate kindergarten bullying please, Mr T? We didn't raise our kids to become cannon -fodder!
    You all sound in fine spirits. I'm in total confusion trying to make sense of cell phone companies offering much more service than I need or want....all because the battery on my 12 year old clam shell is wearing down and my company can't or won't replace it! I really don't want to carry a mini computer around, just for emergencies. What to do???
    Tonight is the first night of Rosh Hashanah, or the Jewish New Year. Despite my community being dedicated to following Christian principles, there will be a beautiful dining experience to celebrate this holiday of the start of the year 5777! Our staff is tremendously accommodating to many different backgrounds! So I must get dressed for the occasion.
    See you all tomorrow...
    <3 Buzz
    .............................always believe something wonderful is about to happen!...................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
    Buzz, Happy New Year. The year 5777!!! Wow!

    I watched nothing yesterday. It made for a much happier day. But not as happy as Jilly and Anne! Just a magnet for people and pictures. What a doggie gal! Will we see her in commercials soon perhaps?

    Jackie, having a good laugh along with your yoga is just the most enjoyable thing---we do Tai Chi in the same way. Lots of good humor and enjoyment. I think that makes the movements even more effective. Well, at least we think so. Excellent strategy to wait until the end of October to apply for the travel insurance. Telling the truth is always better.

    We had our little birthday get together with birthday cards and the birthday girl. Ring the center of attention. No cake! I took her a bag of little manadarins. She is taking care of her diet. If she doesn't keep her A1C down she will be on insulin so this is safer. We had a nice time with lots of laughs.

    Tomorrow, a haircut, then time with the ladies, back for a webinar, my vegetable box should arrive and then a program on coffee in the evening.

    Welcome back Sandy!!

    Hugs everyone. My stomach is churning so I am going to sign off for now.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited September 2017
    I'm back from our morning walk, this time twice round the local woods because it did look like rain but of course as soon as we arrived the sun appeared! Oh dear, the Autumn leaves are most definitely falling and there was a hint of the changing seasons in the air although it was still quite dense in places. Here's a little ditty that came to mind:

    These woods are lovely, dark and deep
    but I have promises to keep
    and miles to go before I sleep..... can't remember the rest!!

    My new wellies were worn and felt very snug and comfortable so much so that when I got home I couldn't pull the right foot off and that's the side my hip restricts movement. Just for a moment I imagined wearing it all day except I'm now off to my hairdresser so not really suitable attire! Thankfully lots of huffing, puffing and muttering got the wellie removed and in future I must remember to wear thinner socks!

    George doesn't want his recently defrosted brunch (I don't blame him!) so I must find something more appealing before driving to our local town of Bodmin and hope the 18 months of roadworks creating a cycle route has finally cleared.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Just a quick pop in! Lovely happy comments from LIN and JACKIE. Yesterday appears to have been a good day for all of us! I'm at the hairdresser stage as well, but I'm tempted to leave well alone for a bit longer. No pun intended! The hairdresser gave me a very modern cut, but I don't think I'm a very modern gal to be honest. I wasn't really very comfortable with it. Mary Jo says get it cut again, but I'll wait a little longer...... it grows very quickly. I'm a hairdressers dream when it comes to frequent visits for maintaining a short cut!

    Men CAN be useful can't they when it comes to pulling ones wellies off! With winter boots sitting on the stairs help. I sort of hook the heel under the edge of two steps below the step I'm sitting on and pull my heel and foot upwards until at least the heel frees. This is probably less than useful help. You are just going to have to find a stalwart young man who George likes JACKIE.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) I didn't get the chance to write a post yesterday, busy day with doing laundry, catching up on computer and then bringing Babe something to eat and doing some errands for him.

    We had a wonderful time in Wisconsin, lots of casinos, great restaurants and good company.
    We got the windows done which took us two days but my friend was very grateful for my help and said she couldn't have done it without me. I had a very big win at the casino the first night so I was able to play on that money and come home with what I brought. I was glad to get home to sleep in my own bed and back in touch with the internet.

    I am going to my meeting today and running more errands so no individual replies today.
    I am happy to be back with my MFP friends.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Beautiful fall day here...we are into regular Oregon weather now. Rain, some sun and cool temps. Sweater weather.

    Jackie: that is also one of my favorite poems..."Stoping by woods on a snowy morn." Robert Frost! I dabble in a bit of poetry but I lean toward the modern verse without rhyme. But I love it all!

    Lin: After a doctor visit for both John and I, we were given an exercise sheet with several exercises to be done on the floor. These are for a recent flare up of sciatica for BOTH of us. The doctor suggested we get a yoga mat. Oh my gosh! The ones I looked at on line were crazy expensive. Why? They just seem to be a roll of foam rubber. It's there anything special we should know about various mats and support material?

    Buzz: Happy new year, my dear friend! I understand your feelings about watching the big T give his speech at the UN. I stayed with it but almost had to take an anti-acid afterward. I had to hold my nose on that one as well. Mr. Mueller! speed up your investigations and get IT done.

    Anne: well! It appears your sweet little Jilly is a super star. Our Katie isn't as friendly to strangers. She doesn't growl at them but avoids them. She will not take treats from them and stays away from being petted by strangers. She sits quietly on our feet and listens when we have guests. It is very interesting. As a tiny puppy she was the same way. When we were picking out a new puppy from the litter, Katie was very shy and wary of contact with us. Of course, all the advice about picking the perfect puppy was ignored. We were drawn to this little shy girl. Yesterday was Katie grooming day. The poodle part in her linage can really produce an amazing amount of hair! Also massive vacuuming afterward. It is exhausting.

    Sandy: welcome home! We missed you.

    Keep on and keep in touch!