Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hello! Well this has certainly been a week of firsts. First of course the high temperatures which have never hit Toronto before and then secondly a first for me! I awoke at 5 am and was so grubby feeling that I had a 5 am shower. Thus refreshed I went back to bed and awoke at 8. My cousin in an Australian winter wrote that our temperatures exactly matched because they are unseasonably warm as well. 33 and 38 degrees being the highest for both Sidney and Toronto. However the Australians had a dry heat compared to the humidity here. Never mind, only 28 today and it all comes to an end overnight and I'll have something else to whine about! As BUZZ wrote "no climate change, huh!" No rain for the next 14 days apparently. It's skirting past us but we could really do with it. It's a shrivelled world from my window!

    I was full of aches and pains, but miraculously everything's eased off a bit today.

    The wasps are out in full force here PATSY but no stings as far as I know. Did you get stung? Here they are too busy buzzing around the fallen apples to sting us humans. I know I've a nest close by, probably in a nook behind the ivy. We've found them there before.

    So, the good news is we are emerging from summer hibernation. It was far too hot to walk far, and there's been no sign of Janice and dog Amy.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Got up early today so that I can be at Lisa's by 10:30 to sit for boys. She is taking her car to mechanic to have it checked out before she leaves for Iowa on Friday, or is it Ohio, I forgot. Will try to get back later but if not have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time

    P.S. The weather is perfect with temps in the 70's.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited September 2017
    We've reached 87 right now, low 30s. This is so weird.

    Terrible news for Bombardier! Thousands and thousands of workers could be out of work in Ontario, Quebec and Ireland! Just about to watch the news.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    It was so hot here, people are reporting corn popping in bird feeders.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Anne, corn popping in bird feeders? Hummmmmmm. And I haven't heard anything about whatever political wrangling is causing problems for Bombardier. Can anyone get along these days? Everything is contentious and confrontations are the norm.

    Patsy, I am sorry for the loss of your friend. And also sorry that you are frustrated in your efforts to help that one little girl. It seems so unfair that you are not able to funnel funds to someone who would be allowed to get what she needs. Rules, rules, rules.

    Sandy, up early and off to help out. Good for you.

    Buzz, I am glad you decided on a phone and was able to get things settled. I had found a wonderful deal on some nice hooded sweatshirts for the upcoming cold weather. I ordered them and now, after the end of the sale, they told me they do not have the stock available and are giving me a refund. I am not pleased. They gave me a $10 off coupon but with the sale prices gone and all the shipping costs, I doubt I will find anything. I am not pleased. I guess the do not have a real time inventory system.

    I was off to Tai Chi this morning, then to coloring only to discover that none of my friends we're going to be there so I ran a couple of errands. Had a quick lunch and was off to make cards this afternoon and a stop at the post office to mail some cards. Now I am home trying to make some thank you cards and some get well soon cards. If I get a couple finished by tomorrow that will get me through.

    I cannot believe how cool it was all day here. It never reached 70 degrees F I don't believe. But temperatures will go up again next week. We are on a roller coaster.

    I have a very confusing letter from Social Security. I thought I understood what was going on with my new benefit but this pages long letter is just a total mess of seeming contradictions. It reminds me of a very old make a letter system we had at work over 25 years ago where everything is pre-formatted and bits of personalized information are inserted. It is a disaster. Again, I am annoyed. Bottom line, no deposit today. I have to wait another month which makes no sense to me at all after they returned my. Medicare Part B premium.

    Anyway, minor matters in the overall scheme of things. Nice weather, silly squirrels running all over the place, and many things that make me happy.

    Hugs dear Sneakers, you make me happy.

    Lin <3
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited September 2017
    The USA has put a 220% tariff on Bombardier imports thus virtually putting them out of business if the USA is successful. Bombardier has said they will fight the "absurd ruling" instigated by rival Boeing. It's not only Bombardier employees who will lose their jobs, include all the people who supply parts and engines like my old firm. So, Canada and the UK are in for a fight. I don't explain very well, you'll find it on BBC news.
    The video about corn popping in bird feeders is on the weather channel. The feeders are the glass sided box ones.

    Meanwhile, the cold front has started bringing blessed relief. I've opened all the windows and there's a lovely breeze rushing in and freshening us up. We are down to 20 degrees.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Goodness, the news here is just packed with news about Puerto Rico, income tax reform and various political messes.

    I unfortunately woke last night and couldn't get back to sleep and landed on the Vietnam War series just in time to relive the killings at Kent State. That brought back so many memories. So many unhappy and unpleasant memories.

    Thanks for getting me caught up Anne. :)

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oh my ! This administration can not help but make one big mess after another. This airplane parts and engineering corp. tariff will have huge reprocussions. Holy cow! When will this end? This is such a monumental bad idea, I see so many unintended unfortunate consequences. It defies reason.

    My late friend's family is now calling me about last wishes etc. I feel so bad about loosing her that I can hardly breathe at times. She left me a lot of her drawings and paintings. That means part of her DNA will be talking to me. She and I went to art school together. We each had a baby within months of each other. I have exchanged letters. Phone calls, emails, skype talks and many visits through the years. It was mainly weekly contact at the very least. I have to leave all the stuff boxed and crated up when it comes. I cannot deal with the emotional overload and great sense of loss. Here is the weird thing...I feel very oddly guilty. I am here and she is not! Okay...if you ever doubted that I was somewhat off kilter, this shows you where I truly am.

    Very warm here today. It is to be much cooler tomorrow. Hope to chat with our son tomorrow. It is so endearing to hear John and our son talk. They talk tools, movies, boats, cars, and politics. Guy talk. I will take a deep breath and head into the dungeon for a while tonight. My friends passing put my activities on hold. She would have made some really funny rude comment and told me to get moving!

    To Gwen and her ever present tube of titanium white!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    LIN, hugs, tears and hold my hand! If it was the Ken Burns version of Vietnam, it is a whopper of sickening memories of our country, as well as Vietnam, being torn apart. And it appears to be repeating itself now! While I might hate to see our flag disrespected, I will defend to the death your right to do it, as guaranteed by our Constitution to keep powerful unruly leaders from closing off all opposition. True Democracy is not easy, but worth working toward if we want to try to keep the USA a free country! ANNE, I believe that tariff of 220% should be examined by a high court, though I feel like Alice looking through a crazy Looking Glass! I wish I understood this "Wonderland". Isn't it amazing how the old literary classics remain so relevant even today? PATSY, true emotion over a loss is NEVER "off Kilter" ! It is one of the most painful traumas you will ever experience
    SANDY, did you enjoy the little fellas watching you watching them? So lovely...and suddenly, you will turn around and they will have become adults!
    <3 Buzz

    .....................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen.....................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I'm losing the plot because I was convinced I had posted yesterday but it seems not! It rained all day so apart from a morning walk in the woods and afternoon visit to a home from home dog carer that George and Scruff will stay with when we travel to Norway next year not an awful lot else happened. Oh yes, there was another incident with the family that insists on parking across my garage and has done for the past 14+ years but I kept a dignified distance from them when I finally had a knock on the door because I'd blocked them in!! Today the mist has been rolling round but I see the sun now beginning to burn it off so I should be able to do some gardening although the ground is very wet.

    Patsy ~ My heart goes out to you in your grief but off kilter you certainly are not because what you feel is real and yes, impossible to deal with right now. You'll hang on to those wonderful memories of your friendship for the rest of your life so of course she will always be with you. How lovely that your son and John can talk about anything and everything when so many men struggle to and I can see it gives you a warm feeling.

    Anne ~ Phew, that's some heat you've been suffering but hooray, the breeze is now wafting in your windows. No one can say Mr T didn't warn us about his protectionism plans to wreck companies like Bombardier if he felt he could swing advantages towards American companies so while he continues to play his reality tv life I'm afraid this is what we'll have to cope with.... only slightly less dangerous than exchanging childish insults with Kim!!

    Lin ~ That series covering the Vietnam war has just begun airing on the BBC but I felt the need to record it with a plan to watch when I can deal with the horrors of it all which could be sometime never! Although I don't understand how your social security system works in comparison to ours I do sympathize because I know just how difficult it can be to get a straight answer from the establishment, mostly due to their policy of blinding with nonsensical information in the hopes we will go away!!

    Buzz ~ Your comment about literary classics reminded me of a current comedy on the BBC depicting Shakespeare's life and the amazing irony of where we've got to 400 years on. Here's a snippet from a trailer... we could all do with a good laugh!!

    Sandy ~ You used to tell me I wear you out but I think it's your turn to do the same to me because you are always on the go! I love that you see so much of those gorgeous boys and long may it last.

    Time for me to move my bottom off this chair and get going. A new pair of garden sheers are being delivered today via Amazon which will speed up my cutting down of died back perennials and I've noted reviews that warn they are very sharp!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Just me. Your posts dear friends this morning have me teary eyed. I know I will bounce back, but meanwhile I shall take Jilly for a walk and ponder your comments. My heart bleeds for you Patsy.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    JACKIE: The more things change, the more they are the same! ( Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose!)). So true!
    Spent 1/2 a day on health insurance errors, hopefully fixed. Also too long on errors in shipping me 2 phones instead of canceling the first! WHat a waste of time. Now must dress for "dinner in Brazil", our monthly Dine Around the World special. Always a delightful evening. Attended our support group and had an unexpected subject from a fairly new widower: who am I now that I am no longer 1/2 of a couple? What do I do with the rest of my life? I think many of us have had to face that question and it turned out to be extremely thought provoking! Not a particularly easy question to answer, either! I DO things, but am not certain why, so I must give it some thought! Have you all figured out your reason for being?
    <3 Buzz
    .....................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen.....................
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Buzz: this question that you brought up is so much a constant part of my life. I am still part of a couple but in my case, it is this...the power belongs to John. He isn't over-powering but he is the kind of person that fills a room. He commands attention in a respectful friendly way. He is stronger than I am but he needs me to prop him up regularly. Being needed is such a nourishing and intoxicating emotion. When suddenly it is gone, I have friends that just physically and mentally shrink. Working on my creative projects helps me stay ME. Otherwise I am just the lesser part of a couple. These feelings are mine. I am not being pushed into submission, by the way. Thanks for bringing up thought provoking subjects.

    Warm day today again. Katie is on hunger strike. She has always been a picky eater. There are days when she just decides to diet. She leaves her food untouched. Next day she wolfs down everything. Our vet says that she is so spoiled he is surprised she doesn't have temper tantrums. But she is a happy funny spoiled little jokester.

    Our son has been to The Virgin Islands, etc many times. He loves to sail in the tropics. He has many friends in that part of the world. No word from any of them he says. If they could get a little bit of help, that part of the tropics would spring back almost instantly. Things grow instantly in the warm humidity. Today's people need electricity, internet and transportation, Sewer and water. We aren't equipped to handle "back to nature" living anymore.

    Take good care of are loved dearly!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Good late afternoon dear Sneakers

    So many things race through my mind as I read these posts. Unfortunately I find myself tongue-tied when it comes to writing what I feel. I do want you to know how my heart hurts for your losses. There are so many things that happen in life that leave us trying to find our way to get through the day, to find a direction in life, to find peace. It all seems to work a bit better with support of some kind. With that I will move along here with a lump in my throat. Hugs <3<3

    Now for the mundane, I was hoping to see a friend today who was ill yesterday but again today she said she was feeling poorly and planned to go back to the doctor again. Twice in a week! Well, I zipped to the post office and put a card in the mail to her, hoping that by the time she receives it, she will be feeling much better.

    I did some laundry this afternoon, dealt with the last vegetable box of the year and ran after the post office delivery person. Yes, I actually ran a block to catch up to where she was filling mailboxes. Had to literally tear a package apart and tug and pull to get my order out of that tiny locked mailbox. She has no problem inserting the package as the entire back of the set of boxes opens but on my side of the world, the door and sides of the box are smaller and I cannot get things out. I had to bend and crunch an 8 X 8 paper pad, storage envelopes etc in order to get them out of that darned box. She saw all the parts and pieces and said she would put these things in the large parcel locker in the future. If the vendor would put the order in a corrugated box it would help but the postage would be higher than the envelopes. Sigh.

    Anyway, call me a witch but I am tired of paying full retail for supplies and ending up with damaged goods. Although I doubt with the variety of mail carriers that I will have gained ground on the problem. Speaking of which, I never have received the replacement items from the package that was delivered empty. The small annoyances of life take too much energy. Perhaps the trick is to order nothing and ignore anything else that disturbs your peace and calm.

    Time to try to get some pages read in the book club book. I am making little ground with that one.

    Please be well.



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    LIN, dear, when a vendor sends me goods that arrive damaged due to poor packaging, I call to let them know I am phoning my bank to stop payment and I want a label to mail it back to them. Invariably, they apologize, tell me to discard the damaged package and they send a well-wrapped replacement! Of course I end up with too much scrap paper or envelopes, but at least I then get what I paid for. When you order through Amazon, generally there is no problem with getting things replaced without any hassle! I don't think I've had to mail back anything! Unfortunately, sloppy is the order of the day nowadays!
    PATSY, several of the women said almost exactly the same thing you feel! Do we CHOOSE this type of role, or is that what we are taught from the tiny daughter stage to the wedding day? I'm sure we all believe ourselves to feel totally emancipated....but deep down, are we really? Are any of us challenged by truly independent women? Do any of us keep busy, busy, busy so we do NOT have to think about our feelings? Interesting areas to drive me nuts thinking about them! Our Brazilian dinner tonight was one of the best meals we've had,...but I think we say that each country dinner we have Not that there are NO complainers, because there are always 1 or 2 people who always find fault.
    Perhaps I can actually get in a few hours sleep tonight!***
    <3 buzz
    .....................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen.....................

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited September 2017
    Today, finally, I'm loading the car with bags of collected items for the tip. George and I will then take a ride before the next downpour.... I gather a depleted Hurricane Maria is on her way!!

    Lin ~ It's obvious you speak from the heart and although you may feel tongue-tied your words are to me profound and echo what I don't always like to recognise in myself, a struggle to deal with each day and whatever gets chucked at me.... not always easy whoever we are and what our situation. It's exhausting at times and so the mundane becomes a refuge, even like yesterday's experience with my Amazon order for new garden shears that I tracked on line into the hands of a courier and minutes away from being delivered before whoosh, back went the tracking indicator to the start of the process and I'm now told if they haven't arrived by October 12th to follow it up!! Really?

    Buzz ~ That quote is certainly true. I think it was one of your Presidents who stated there's nothing new in the world except history we don't know about! Human nature would have us all pairing up and living happily ever after but of course life has more than a few curve balls to throw at us so some of us find ourselves on our own. Not easy to even begin to think 'I' instead of 'we' never mind the day to day watching out for the one we love. I think you'd find even truly independent women, as I think I've become since my partner died so many years ago, do still at least occasionally hanker after the alternative. It's the price we pay for these human brains that include reasoning cells! So now I'd love to know, what was on that Brazilian menu?

    Patsy ~ George too is a picky eater, in fact yesterday he turned his nose up at all food until the cats settled to their evening meals but I've come to the conclusion most dogs know their own digestive systems best so there's always a good reason not to be eating. Certainly our modern communications become useless once power is knocked out so we should never lose sight of alternative forms, even racing pigeons!

    So now it's the excitement of our local tip where I love to observe if anyone working there is inclined to help this lady carry heavy items up steep steps to the top of the huge skips or more likely hiding in a portacabin watching a kettle boil for the hundredth time today!!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited September 2017
    One thing is for sure, each and every one of us has endured a painful loss. Alas it is the way it is. How to describe the lump in the throat, the very real heart ache, the churning stomach, the tears suddenly coming unbidden to fall in rivulets of grief. And yet, one miraculous day we wake up to sunshine and we know the memory of the beloved will remain with us always. The loss will never leave us, but something will make us smile in memory, and we are so glad that we had the fortune to know a beautiful soul once upon a time.

    It's hard at first, coping alone. We are chopped in half, bereft. Slowly we come alive and life goes on. Differently, but life goes on.

    And that means taking one demanding little dog for a walk. Tabitha Daisy! I miss my independent tabby cat! Lol.

    PS. Brazilian menu? Succulent snake steaks? Alligator alfresco? Or maybe just local fish with chips? Okay, just kidding, BUZZ, but ants are becoming very popular for protein with the odd grasshopper.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    edited September 2017
    Happy Friday! :) Another busy day after yesterday's meeting then going to Babe's to work on his computer that I ended up taking home and finally got it right. Today I am going to lunch with "Joe" since he misses me and then back to Babe's to set up his computer for his granddaughter's softball game in the morning and to Target to get him some needed things. Lisa and the boys are on the road to Ohio and I am praying for a safe uneventful trip.

    It is always hard losing those we love whether through death, divorce or separation. It is best to take time to grieve and then to take care of ourselves. As Abraham Lincoln said " Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be" Life is too short we might as well make the best of what we can. For someone who has never lived alone in her life, I didn't know how I would cope but I love it and am actually grateful for my situation.

    Jackie, Daisy also is a picky eater and on hot days doesn't like to eat at all. Babe worries but I said she will eat when hungry. I did the same with kids, if they didn't want to eat I didn't force them, they ate when hungry. I hope those guys help you with the heavy items, I wouldn't want your back to go out again.

    Anne, having Jilly and your attentive boys has to bring you happiness. Not only is Jilly good for your health but she is fabulous company.

    Buzz, I agree about Amazon, I never had a problem receiving or returning items. I love being a prime member with two day delivery and free shipping. I know after so many years with Mike that you are lonely, but I am so glad you are with peers of your own age with similar experiences. Enjoy your life to the best of your ability.

    Lin, I would be frustrated also if things were stuffed into a mailbox and broken. Maybe you should notify the post office general to tell him or her to tell the carriers to be more careful and thoughtful. With all you went through with your dad, I know you know what heartache can do to someone. I am so happy you are doing things for yourself but continue to make others happy with your presence. You are indeed a great person.

    Patsy, sometimes in marriage one partner is the more domineering but as long as you are happy that is all that matters. There are still men out there who think like the 50's, my dad was one of those. Dinner had to be on the table at a certain time and his demands were first, my poor mother. You and John seem to compliment each other and you each have your own hobbies to escape for a short time.

    Another beautiful day and the windows are open. Enjoy!!

    One Day at a Time

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello remarkable sneakers! How fortunate I am to have discovered a group of truly positive people. I admit to being a sad sack from time to time. Thanks for shaking me up and turning on the light. John says it must be that Irish thing in me...I wallow in misery and dark thoughts. He loves to read Irish poets and says one must take these in small doses. I fear he is right.

    Very wet day today. It is trash day as well! John had to drag the waste bin out and down our very long drive to the main road. If it were me, I'd let them come down our drive but the huge truck does break down the sides of our little drive.

    Katie, the spoiled little kid, gobbeled her dinner last night but turned her nose up at the little morning treats I normally give her. That is okay. She took her vitamin as requested. Good advise, Sandy. She really doesn't seem to be starving at all.

    We are great amazon users. We love it. They have been very good about any returns. There really have not been very many. We worry that they are getting so big that their service will suffer. Way back in the day, we loved Sears and JCPenney. Our beloved Meiman Markus! I can't even remember how to spell it! Their Christmas catalog was the highlight of Christmas shopping. However shopping is a different animal these days. We sit with the iPad in hand and cup of coffee and hope for a good delivery. I am curious about the new Walmart expansion. "Times. They are a changing."

    You are strong remarkable women. Each different leading different lives.

    My new order of art supplies will be coming soon. I ordered a huge tube of titanium white. I am trying pre-stretched canvas. I will probably hate them. For no good reason other than they are not stretched by me. Hahaha

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    edited September 2017
    Good evening, I have been hacking away at tiny little chores and errands today with times of just sitting and reading the book for book club. It worked! Made it through a number of chores AND I finished the book. Wahoo! I thought it would never end. Haaaaa.

    I received several packages today--one was in a corrugated box and the other was in an envelope but too large to much into the tiny box! Yes!! They put both items in a parcel locker. Yippee, safely delivered. Some background info here. There have been many mail delivery problems in the metro area over the past year. The post office says it is due to continual fast growth and their inability to hire enough staff. Couple that with long term employees taking lots of vacations and substitutes trying to find their way around and there have been nothing but complaints. The postmaster said it would all be straightened out but hey, she was just fired after a massive money order theft. Yep, there are problems. And structurally, these groups of mailboxes have only two parcel lockers per block. I am not sure how many little boxes that serves. Maybe 15? People are ordering so much more online these days that package volume around here is way up. They don't want to have to stop and put things on everyone's porch so they try like heck to get everything in the little boxes.

    Enough of that!

    I have sorted out some things to make Thanksgiving cards. Not starting them yet but must planning a bit. I am going to a local shop to make actual Halloween cards next week and then a week from tomorrow, I plan to go to a paper crafting day at the library so I may start the Thanksgiving cards then or maybe a few more Fall seasonal cards. But I need to go and restock my tape runner supply.

    I am spending Friday and Saturday (Oct 13 - 14) at a paper crafting convention. And the 20th I am going to an evening of card making and finally the last Saturday of the month I plan to go to a short card making event. So, I had better purchase lots of tape!!

    I wish I was as picky in my eating as all your darling fur kids. I seem to be able to eat no matter what. That is not a particularly great attribute.

    Time to do the dishes and back to reading my preferred Louise Penny book.

    Tomorrow I plan to attend the Art and Craft show. So will be away from home most of the day.

