Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Quickie before beddy byes. Jilly is not a picky eater! She eats without fail three homemade meals a day, (the size of a small cat, I feed her the same amount I would feed my past kitties) plus anything else she can scrounge in between. I worry about her putting on weight, but she is so active I don't think she will at the moment. Maybe as she ages, but she is still very much a puppy.

    We've really cooled down. A rainy morning and tremendous winds this afternoon.
    Nighty night,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    My gracious, what a terrific group you are! And thoughtful and expressive! Before I get the Brazilian menu from last night, I will share that October 1, Sunday, would have been our 40th anniversary, and I must admit I'm finding it kind of, not depressing, since we had many more wonderful years than I ever expected, but slightly ...I don't know, my nose fills up and a sudden sadness sweeps over me, and I realize October is no longer the most beautiful month of the year, at least for me right now! I'll watch to see if my "atomic" clock shows its signal again, as it did after he passed! It had been without that tower signal for years!
    I couldn't play volley ball today because all this rain has affected my carpal tunnel hand, and I was not anxious to make it worse! OK...BRAZIL MENU
    Suco deMaracuja (Passion fruit juice)
    Soup Caseira - fabulously delicious, a vegetable soup unlike anything I ever tasted, RICH!
    Salada de Palmito - hearts of palm salad
    Frango Assado - Roasted marinated chicken unlike anything I've eaten before
    Cabrito - Roast leg of lamb, marinated and yummy
    Arroz and Feijao Preto -rice and black beans (I love them)
    Couve - collard greens (Made with garlic, of course)
    Banana da terra - Plantains (deliciously browned and roasted
    Pudim de Coco - Coconut Flan
    and of course coffee or Tea!
    The room was decorated in Brazilian flags strung diagonally and was very decorative!
    Everything was tasty and delicious. Ne't we'll visit Denmark! <3
    <3 Buzz
    .....................Always Believe something wonderful is about to happen!....................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Oh wow BUZZ, not a piranha fish and chips in sight. The Brazilian menu sounds SO delicious and I wish I'd been there with you to enjoy it!
    I wonder what the Danish meal will produce? Haven't a clue what our friends the Danes "mop" up, maybe cheesy things?

    Dear BUZZ, October the 1st IS your 40th wedding anniversary. It will always be your very special day because you loved and still love.
    Don't give up on dear old October. Despite the past, September remains my very favourite month along with the first half of October. After the 19th the weather here ALWAYS takes a downward plunge. Let's see if earth warming puts a stop to that!

    I've woken up full of anticipation! Why? Dunno. Maybe pleasant dreams lurking in the old subconscious? I love to wake up feeling joyous.

    Well it's time for my Devon muesli, apple juice and the inevitable cuppa,
    See ya,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited September 2017
    As someone who avoids so-called social media like the proverbial plague I love, love, love this group with everyone so diverse and yet similar! Your posts have me giggling, laughing out loud, crying or often feeling plain proud of you.

    Our weather doesn't quite know what to do with itself at the moment so I may well get a few jobs done outside before any rain arrives. First thing a charming young man visited as arranged yesterday to look at the hedge bordering my property with my nice neighbours to work out a quote to cut it all down to eye level. This will mean more being removed than staying and will make a big difference in opening up the garden. We've waited until now so any birds nesting will have moved on. He will email me this afternoon and I'm hoping it won't cost a fortune!

    My visit to the tip was as expected when I opened up the back of my car and a member of staff appeared, pulled out an old microwave and threw it over the top of a skip then stood and watched me carry the rest up the steps! When I picked out a small electric stove and went to take it to the electrical items area he told me rather sternly that I should be placing it where the metals sign was, where he had thrown the microwave and my cheery comment that they've changed things since my last visit met a grumpy stare.... oh well, I will forgive him and his absent colleagues because they have adopted the most gorgeous ginger cat someone left behind one day that now looks well fed and totally content with its lot!!

    Buzz ~ Those feelings of heartache you describe are the most difficult to deal with because there are no solutions to such grief and anniversaries have to be the more poignant dates don't they. Forty wonderful years I'm sure and so many memories to hang on to so I'll be thinking of you tomorrow hoping it's not too painful a day. <3 Danish food is another favourite of mine and I remember many, many years ago visiting a Dane somewhere outside of Toronto whose business was selling the smoked mackerel he hung over burning logs and herbs in an old metal container. That man had the bluest eyes I've ever come upon and hair as white as Patsy's titanium but best of all was his glorious smoked fish!

    Anne ~ I see your snow scene has returned to your profile picture so I'm wondering if you felt the need to cool yourself off looking at it! I'm sure Jilly is fine on the quantities of food you give her and anyway being so small she will soon show signs of any love handles should you need to cut back!! A friend with 2 Jack Russells joined our walk this morning and one of them has been overweight for some time so at a visit to her vet to get her micro-chipped this week they popped her on the scales and advised she lose a kilo. Unfortunately the little dog will eat grass, poo, anything if regular meals are cut back so it's going to be a struggle!!

    Sandy ~ No, not much help at the local tip but at the moment after my yoga class on Tuesday when my back made the loudest "crack" sound as I lay with legs in the air, all pain has gone apart from a few muscles complaining when I do too much. Something must have become out of alignment at some stage but at least if it happens again I know how to create that "crack" again. You are so caring about Babe and his needs and I'm sure he appreciates all you do for him but boy, he must miss you!

    Patsy ~ The Gaelic temperament, their mythology and storytelling is a thing of joy even when dark or morose so if you even have a hint of Irish in you I can see where your writing abilities have sprung from as well as those wonderfully expressive paintings.

    Lin ~ I imagine that book club author won't be getting a great review from you!! Today I discovered a couple of smaller packages crammed into my new mailbox designed for letters only so imagine our postman doesn't want to go back to the days of dealing with grumpy George on the other side of the door! It was a struggle to fit the key into the lock because it was so tightly packed! It seems your service is no better although at least your message about using the locker for parcels has sunk in! In the past no one working for our mail service would have dreamed of stealing money or packages but it seems such loyalty has disappeared..... so sad. I see Amazon has now adjusted the expected delivery of my garden shears yet again and they should arrive by the 9th. The irony is that when I ordered new gardening gloves at the same time Amazon split the order to ensure I got the shears quickly but one of the packages jammed into my mailbox was those gloves sent via ordinary mail.... so much for courier service!!

    Oops, now it's lunchtime so I'll eat before making plans for the afternoon.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited September 2017
    Picture change JACKIE? Just me scurrying into hiding after a dubious message from a male involving my looks. I'll be back once I get over the shock. Lol. Message and male deleted by the way! Friendship rejected! Now! Blue eyes! Things are not always what they seem. I had a boss once with the most beautiful periwinkle blue eyes. Couldn't stop staring at them. Then one day he came in wearing glasses and the eyes peering out shortsightedly were the same colour as mine. A sort of bluish grey. Contact lenses! Lol. What a let down!

    Jilly's first owner said she was a gal who regulated her own food intake, and this she appears to do. Maybe that's what Katie and George do. So far, she lets me know if she still feels peckish. Everything is eaten, but she takes her time doing it. A nibble at breakfast, the remainder around my coffee time, then fresh at lunch and so on.

    Yes, I agree. I love our little group as well. I've learnt so much that I could probably survive on a desert island! How to keep bees, cherish spiders, wasps and ants, make red currant and rum Christmas drinks, Brazilian eating habits, books to read, music to listen to, pool survival in heatwaves, golly the list is endless! What a dull life I led before I met you all! You all come up in conversation all the time. Lovely long distance friends.

    Now, I'm a bit of a stiff upper lip sort of person so I'll go back to the dusting.

    P.S. They've found life existed 3.95 BILLION years ago in Labrador, Canada. Wow! This planet gets older and older!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) I got up earlier than usual to get Babe on his computer remotely from my computer so he could watch his granddaughter play softball. They lost the first game and are losing the second last I checked. I didn't go back to sleep as planned so will be tired all day.

    Anne, is this man named JohnCalvinfields by any chance? He has been sending me messages as well and asked for a friend request, I declined as well.

    Jackie, yes, I am sure Babe misses me, but there is no way I would go back to live in that house. I am glad you were able to get your back in shape with your yoga class, saves money at the doctor's.

    Buzz, of course your going to feel some deep emotions tomorrow and that is a good thing.
    You were together a long time and made some wonderful memories, always treasure them.

    Lin, preparing for the holidays early, good for you. What about that class that you have to instruct on making cards, did you come up with a good plan?

    I might go to an Octoberfest in the area this afternoon, depending how tired I feel, because right now I feel exhausted. lol

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Spot on, SANDY.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I looked him up SANDY. One or two think he's trolling.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello all! Excuse me if I must say, I love that some guy took a look at our pretty red-haired Anne and became instantly twitterpated. It just shows what we have been saying all along. You are a pretty lass with a lovely little pup! The scary thing is this...where do these guys get our names and are able to contact us?
    Months ago I had a strange couple of friend requests. They were so creepy, they were obviously trolling but it was alarming to me. Sign of the times, I fear.

    Finally have everything done that can be done for the memorial for my dear friend. I had to go through my photos and other things for a small private service. It has been agonizing. Her family consisted of only a single son, a gallery -owner, an art collector, an ex-husband and me. For such a funny, beautiful independent woman, she didn't have many players in her ball court, as she would have said. We always said we would help raise each other's children if we died when the kids were little. Her son is career military. Wow, not sure how that happened. She was even more of an old hippy than I am.

    Buzz: I still celebrate my parents birthday and their anniversary. Most of the time it is some little thing like a dinner that was their favorite, a toast at the end of the meal and remembering some funny or sweet thing about them. Of course, you revisit your grief and sense of loss even more during the days before your anniversary. I would. And to that I would say we hold you dearly in our thoughts espically during this emotional time.

    Jackie: great news about your back. Both John and I are dealing with our sciatica. Mainly with a list of exercises provided by the doctor and a determined grrrrrrr as we grunt and groan through the routine. I hope you all can't hear the unpleasant noises as we stretch and bend. John knows cuss words I have never heard before!!!! By the way, what does tip mean? Is this the same as our recycle or dump area? Don't you love that we all speak English but the words often mean something else?

    Anne: Katie, the spoiled juvenile delinquent, would like to live on treats. It is the equavilent of a kid who wants to live on candy and ice cream. Not a good idea!

    Sunny and cool today. I feel okay and will try to be productive and positive. Enough of this sadness and being stalled in unproductive sitting around.

    MovIng on, moving through, moving around,

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Well the A/C is removed and gone for this year. (The heating came on early this morning!) I'd just finished mowing the grass when Mark and grandson Derek rolled up to perform this feat. Sadly, too late for Derek to cut the grass!! Bad timing on my part but as usual I didn't know they where stopping by! Apparently it's our thanksgiving a week on Monday. Am I free they asked. You bet I'm free if there's a free dinner in the future and not cooked by me!

    PATSY, dear one, I'm not a red head any more! I'm a rapidly going grey mouse. For some reason the camera does pick up red tones, but really it's mouse. All I can say about the guy who trolled me is he must be hard up seeing my age is listed, and if he's after my money he'd have a hard job finding any, lol. Word meaning now coming up: Tip - across the pond as in let's tip the rubbish, dump - on this side as in let's dump the rubbish. Language is the very devil isn't it. I once got into deep doo dah for calling a woman "bonny". To me bonny is pretty, to her it meant plump. Went off me for ages and I don't think she ever believed I was complimenting her.

    Well, away I go, poor misunderstood
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    edited September 2017
    My post just disappeared so I will say hello, and I am happy to read your posts. I am home and happy with a supply of wonderful product to keep my feet from cracking. I have been purchasing it for years and the vendor comes to a show once a year. This was it!

    I could not escape without a lovely mug from a Missouri potter. She does everything including digging her own clay for goodness sakes. I picked the mug up and it felt right in my hand and as a bonus, it can go in the microwave oven! The flash washes out the color but really, it is lovely.


    Oh, I did forget to mention that I thought I was free from communion duty for the month of October. Well of course I am now totally responsible for the month of October as the couple assigned to the task cannot do it. Sigh. Oh, and I am on the regular calendar for November. It is starting to be mine altogether too often.

    After church I am leaving as soon as possible to attend a film festival at the Art Center no matter what!

    Anne, the air conditioner is removed and you have a lovely family time coming up soon. Great. I never worry much about electronic trolls as I give out little personal information and have no problem removing anyone or not accepting requests. That happens to me more on Facebook. If I don't know them or their friends, I don't accept. Good that you deleted the request.

    Patsy, a sad time for you. Perhaps you could paint something in her honor? Or would that be too much pressure for you? Live with the good memories. <3

    Jackie, I am glad your back is back in place. That is great. And great that you know now what to do to set it right if it happens again. I hate that people do not help each other these days. Certainly that gentleman (term used loosely) could have given you a hand at the tip.

    Sandy, busy woman! Really, you are on the run so much lately. I hope you get a bit of time to relax.

    Buzz, very interesting menu for Brazilian night. I must say most items held no attraction for me. Except black beans and rice!!

    Time to run along. Hugs.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Tonight I attended the very special Break the Fast Dinner held in our dining room and it was fun to see how many different faiths and backgrounds came to enjoy all the wonderful offerings; of course, different types of herrings (I love in cream sauce, and there was also in wine sauce), loads of beautiful fruits, chopped liver, bagels, lox (smoked salmon), cream cheese, blintzes, and on and on! The several European residents were thrilled because the foods reminded them of Hungary Czechoslovakia, Poland, etc., and they miss those foods so much! I kind of stuck to 1/2 a toasted bagel and 1/4 piece of lox!
    PATSY,I wonder how many of us would refer to our past as Hippie days! I guess I qualify, as I usually felt I marched to a "different drummer. Today...I don't know, since many of us follow that "different" beckoning! Oops dearies,/ I must have fallen asleep and just wakened in confusion. Forgive me, I guess I MUST Sleep1

    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited October 2017
    Low cloud and drizzle has drifted in, there again it probably never drifted away last night after a miserable Saturday but we managed a good walk around the woods again joined by another friend with her 2 Jack Russells. Even young Brady has decided the sofa is a better place to be than chasing mice in the fields! This morning I will be making parsnip soup with produce from our allotment and then spend time on my knees sticking a plastic trim round the bottom of the kitchen walls to protect them from my steam floor cleaner that has been removing pieces of wall liner. It's a job I've been putting off for weeks while the plastic unfurled across the dining room floor from a tight ring but it should now be pliable enough to stay on the walls once glued.

    Anne ~ The way the internet opens up our lives to people we don't know can be unsettling but over time I've learned to be firm when it comes to either ignoring or blocking people I don't know. A couple of months ago just like Patsy, I had requests from 2 people I didn't know so checked their profiles but they had no information so I looked at their friends and one had 75 so I thought she could do without adding me to that long list!! Wow, 3.95 billion years since wiggly life forms appeared on our planet and this is as advanced as we've got.... doesn't bear thinking about does it!!

    Sandy ~ Octoberfest was something I loved to go to when I lived in Canada and although our little pubs have local beer festivals we don't quite get into linking arms and singing loudly unless there's a lock in!! Your Irish heritage will have told you all about those!! ;)

    Patsy ~ Anne explained the tip element of our rubbish collection well, it's because the depots used to have a huge landfill hole in the ground where everything got tipped in but now they collect in those huge skip containers and remove it to a hole that's been dug as far from ever expanding towns and villages as possible.... not far enough in our small country though!!

    Buzz ~ Those words bagels, lox and cream cheese had my mouth watering as did the Brazilian menu that seemed to be all about marinades. No wonder you struggle to keep the pounds off!! I hope you enjoy happy memories of your life with Mike on this special day. <3<3

    Lin ~ What a stunning blue mug you purchased that looks big enough to satisfy any coffee drinker! Hmm, a shame the couple who now can't do the communion duty this month couldn't swap and take over November!!

    I gather from today's news the people of Catalan are being turned away from polling stations by riot police smashing schools up and an airbus lost part of an engine over the Atlantic so as the world continues it's mad spin I will prepare scrambled eggs for lunch and hum loudly to myself!!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hmm. Yes JACKIE, lovely world ain't it in the broader sense. Our little worlds are okay though. All peaceful as I stood in my dressing gown in the back garden at 6:30 while Jilly did her biggest pee of the day. We're just having brekky, well I am, Jill's having a snooze in. It was only 6 deg so despite a/c removal from then draughty window the heat came on.

    Happy memories of you and Mike today BUZZ. The meal DID sound good, said she slurping up her Dorset muesli! Chicken for us today because Michael is coming over. I'll be hearing gory details from Roy as well over in England and recovering from his bladder stone surgery last Tuesday.

    You are right JACKIE, photo returned to site after I've done this. Don't know which is best though, my rendering of late cousin Eileen's cottage in Barton or my less than perfect features grinning at you all! It was the initial shock and wording that stunned normally gabby me.

    Don't work too hard at church LIN, Jackie is right, swap with couple for November! The jug or mug? is stunning! Clever lady!

    Happy Sunday,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) I did not go to the Octoberfest yesterday, I decided to go to Mass instead. By the way Jackie, I am 100% Polish, no Irish in this girl. I still think there is some Italian in our family but I don't think it has been proven. I got up to put the game on for Babe then went back to sleep, so I am human today. I hope to just stay in and do nothing today but will see what happens. I had a Facetime call with Lisa and the boys, Robby was all wound up from too many cookies. lol They come home tomorrow..

    Anne, I too, was a little shocked when he sent a message saying hi beautiful and a second requesting to be my friend. I did not answer either and did not accept request. He may be reading our posts so if so know that you are a little creepy.

    Buzz, thinking of you today and hope your wonderful memories fill you with happiness and not sadness.

    Lin, love your new cup, especially the color. I think you might have a problem saying no, but as long as people are not taking advantage of you and it is something you don't mind doing, I guess that is good. I have the same problem but working on it.

    Patsy, I am sure that you have put together something wonderful for your friend. You are an old soul with a great heart.

    Enjoy your day!
    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good morning dear sneakers. I must confess to being somewhat flummoxed by the recent political crazies, hurricane disasters, our sciatica, the passing of my friend and sister in spirit and now Katie has come UNtrained. she pees and poos in the middle of the night. Oh well, I guess in the big scheme of things this is pretty much that mountain that was made into a mole hill. Off for a stroll around the yard and back to finish a through cleanup. Yuck!

    Rather cool and rainy today. Good day for soup and nice music. I will try again to spend more time in the dungeon. Why does life keep conspiring to keep me out of my creative space? Like in the Nike commercial of a few years ago...Just do it!

    I treasure our collection of dvds. Honestly tv has become a total wasteland. Books have become more and more important, almost like they used to be. Alas! The lovely book stores are no more. There is a bookstore in Denver, Colorado that really does make my heart sing. A huge rickety building with rooms and rooms of books. Big sturdy coffeee tables and comfy chairs you are invited to sit and browse. It was a valuable sales technique really. There were librarians strolling around returning books to their proper place, they would review new books for you, advise on available books. No one got out of that store without buying an arm load of books. It is called The Tattered Cover Bookstore. We have a really good bookstore here in Portland, Oregon. It is called Powell Bookstore. It is very good but not in the same league as Tattered Cover.

    Now to make that soup...

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Gotcha SANDY, re. Creepy guy reading our posts. The good news, we both have great big sons ready to come swinging to their mamas defence, lol. Mine would for sure!

    Mike came over and I bought a new duvet cover in about 5 minutes and then I spent about 30 minutes trying to put the duvet into the darn thing. Shorty pants was no help. "Hey, new game mom, sort of thing".

    I place a pee pad near the back door in case Jill is taken short in the wee small hours PATSY but it's rarely used. More for my peace of mind than hers. It's me who's usually prowling the halls at 2 in the morning! NOT to use the pee pad I hasten to add!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Good evening Sneakers

    After church I got to the Art Center and found a good seat for the film festival. It was the 20th Annual Manhattan Short Film Festival. The ten finalist entries were screened and we voted for top film and top actor. The films are being screened across six continents Sept 28 - October 8. Entries were from New Zealand. Spain, USA, UK, Latvia, Syria, Italy, Switzerland and Georgia. No intermissions, just film after film. Most were quite compelling. A good way to spend the afternoon BUT I think I will stop scheduling so many activities. Today there was a lot of coughing and I am not planning on a flu shot.

    So, tomorrow is the day for the installation of the new tires. And if that is finished early enough, I may meet a friend who wants to go to a movie. I will NOT see “It” under any circumstances. The short horror film today was bad enough. Eeeck.

    No Ocktober Fests in my future. :D I actually have never liked them.

    The gentleman who is searching for friends hit my account too. Declined.

    Be safe dear Sneakers.



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Me, too!!! 2 hits by that creep! I didn't bother declining, simply deleted his request! Why would he be snooping around our Golden Sneakers, anyway! Maybe I should check with my SIL to see if he's playing tricks? He joined MFP a few months ago to start keeping track of his weight, and he knows my email name of course, but I doubt he'd kid around with anyone but me, if that! He's actually a handsome 60ish!
    My day was crazy, since I never went to bed last night until I saw my watch was showing about 6:52 (A.M.)! I didn't know whether to dress or go to bed, but I opted for a couple of hours sleep, which I perhaps got, finished several chores having to do with letters to Comcast regarding my dreadful quality on my phone. I heard from a V.P. and later his secretary and then from an area Regional Executive, and he promised this time, they will not stop til I'm un-garbled! I'll believe that when it happens!
    Anyway, after finishing breakfast at noon, I made up my mind to get out of my apartment and go see the Sunday afternoon movie in the auditorium. I was horrified when I came near to see refreshments being wheeled away, as it meant I had missed a memorial for a friend both Mike and I adored! How could I have not attended? I was so busy concentrating on myself, I guess. I hope when dear Herb meets darling Mike, they will laugh at my forgetfulness...maybe? I could not avoid thinking about Mike today; 40 years is nothing to sneeze at, is it? I came to realize that the husband I am missing today is not the man of his last few months; it is the Mike of those years before, when we mostly fitted together like a hand in a glove! He really hated those last few months, and I would not have wanted him to
    suffer the indignities and pain any longer, and the movie I saw brought it all home! It was called HERO, with Sam Elliot playing a wastrel in his 70s, who had been an actor who made one great cowboy movie about 4 decades ago, and was now living in a drug and weed haze every day, alienating family and most friends until somehow a great-looking woman, older than his daughter, decides to have a relationship with him. He's flattered, puzzled, and then discovers he has a virulent form of cancer . It is not a fast moving film. After initiating more than "a relationship" the new younger woman, who is a stand-up comedian, brings him a book of poetry by Edna St. Vincent Millay, and she reads aloud one pertaining to death and absence of those we love! I was unprepared, but perhaps something I needed to hear! It is a difficult poem, but has such depth and truth that in the long run, I think it actually helped me finish "our day", and accept the past is past but never forgotten! Thank you all, dear friends, for all your supportive words, and LIN, the lovely greeting! And reading of your Oktoberfest words, Mike's last evening was enjoying our Oktoberfest party here, surrounded by friends, and eating every kind of "wurst" he could chew! I think that's probably what did him in an hour later, but it was his happiest night in months! He had recently been put on a diet of sort of mashed foods! I think he'd had enough!!!
    We are going through a period of gloom and rain, too, though not cold. But there are times I look outside and think it looks like it might snow! That would do in al the iguanas, and they can be entertaining aside from destructive of anything that grows!
    ANNE, oh my gosh how I recall the duvet cover struggles! Our duvet was goose down and wiggled out of control when we handled it, so it was a 1/2 day affair changing covers! I gave it to my son, who may never bother changing covers! Just snuggle when cold!
    JACKIE, I am amazed, as usual, by your accomplishments in maintaining a home! Was it trial and error, or were you born with infinite knowledge?
    LIN, the movie festival sounds both exhilarating and exhausting! Did you see anything worth suggesting?
    PATSY, those old bookstores are such a great place to lose oneself. The kindles will never duplicate the feel of holding books and looking through bookshelves! As far as you special creative center, would it sound more inviting if you re-named it? I'm thinking DUNGEON sounds cold and forbidding! There's enough toxic stuff happening today everywhere without your own space sounding as if it were a prison! Secret Hideaway? Expression Center? Something you love to go to! As far as Katie Pee&Poo, might there be a sudden reason, like an infection or something, since she had been trained? My dear sister asked yesterday if I had heard the latest Orange One's gaffe and I practically screamed at her "No, and I don't want to hear it!" I am so embarrassed by this head of state representing whom? Not us!!! As for the sciatica, at least four of my friends here are suffering from it now, and I think healing is not a quick thing, so try to relax as often as you can and try short periods of those special positions like fetal and "cat in the cradle" as frequently as possible! Good luck!
    SANDY, isn't FaceTime the most wonderful invention? I admire you recognizing that you deserve SANDY time so you made up your sleep. There's so much to learn from you and eventually I'll get it! I hope your serenity is catching! Love the Old Soul designation you gave to PATSY! I had forgotten that phrase, but it's so descriptive!
    I just saw the length of this mess, and almost fell over. Hope they let me post it! Then, off to sleep!

    <3 Buzz
    ..........................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen....................
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Ooooh how can they resist us beautiful golden sneakers? All those trolls, I mean! I was telling John about all the troll attention you all have been getting. He laughed and said, "this guy better watch out. You sneakers are no bodies fool. He could wind up in jail faster than he ever thought possible." I am sure there must be hundreds of guys like that cruising MFP and the forums. We all need to stay alert!
    P.s. I have called my studio my art dungeon so long, I even forgot that it might actually be called something else. There is a painting on the door that did years and years ago. It is my totem.