Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    After such a lovely warm and sunny day yesterday it was an unpleasant surprise to pull back my bedroom curtains this morning to discover I couldn't see the bottom of my garden because the fog was so thick! Then, as we arrived at the local woods the rain started so we didn't walk far, just twice round the main drag!

    Would you believe after our posts concerning phone batteries mine decided to die on me but I've managed to find a compatible one on ebay , at least that's the promise, but little choice available generally.

    Sandy ~ When it comes to weighing I really don't mind which day.... when Friday moved to Monday I just went along with the general consensus and to be honest only use the scales when I think of it. This morning I was down a couple more pounds so will probably use that tomorrow! Back in the store this morning where I purchased my wellies I see they now have them in the colour purple but hmmm, not sure like them whereas I love my blue!

    Lin ~ That's some car so shiny and classic, thanks for posting the photos.

    Patsy ~ Those poor wasps have worked so hard through the summer keeping their queen happy, all they are doing now is having a bit of fun before they die in a few weeks!! I know.... you heard this from me before!! I'm learning lots about the mind of a dog through the stories my friend tells of Scruff performing at Doggy fun days. Yesterday she won top prize for her tricks which included a bow at the end of the routine that even surprised my friend. Experts say she's a thinking dog but I'm convinced all dogs think, it's just what they do with the information!!

    Anne ~ I remember such heat the last time I was in Canada this time of year.... stifling to say the least. Someone was watching over you when that air conditioner refused to come out!! Our weather is about to go a bit haywire because apparently the hurricanes in the Caribbean have been sending out waves of currents in our direction so the jet stream is once again unstable!

    I can hear the rain falling again and George doing his best to bury a stone under the doormat so I'll put the kettle on and find a way of entertaining him.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited September 2017
    It's an unbelievable 38 degrees here! 100.4 Fahrenheit! I've just had a heat and air pollution warning on the iPad for my town. Mike was over for lunch but he's scuttled home and The Bean is fast asleep. Thank the Lord for window a/conditioners! The warning is for babies and old folk like me! I've never known temperatures so high before JACKIE! The hurricanes are at fault in bringing this steamy stuff northwards. I don't envy the poor folk enduring hurricanes in this heat! This goes on until Thursday when we drop to our normal Fall 18-20 deg.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,359 Member
    Hello Sneakers. We are under 90 degrees F right now with relief on the horizon. Rain is expected Monday and Tuesday with lower temperatures coming along with the rain. I was pleased today at church, I didn't fill in to prepare communion (someone else stepped in) and I left after church as I watched someone else start to clean up. I am not scheduled for anything connected with communion during the month of October. Ahhhhhh, a vacation. :)

    I spent the afternoon at yet another library supposedly making fake succulents out of felt. Not really there was some felt but there was a pipe cleaner and then there was FELTING which I have already found I pretty much detest. I did what I could with the bits of felt and excused myself while signing up for next month's activity. Not really any description but I am usually game to try something. I also found out they are having a separate day with a little seminar on card making. I called to sign up but was told I should assume I am in unless I receive a call before the scheduled date saying I didn't get a spot. Apparently they are only allowing 10 people to attend. That is a really small group. Wow!!

    Anne, I hope your area will get this rain and will cool off soon. That is just too hot for man (woman) or beast (pooch). No more discussion of removing the air conditioner for another couple of weeks?

    Jackie, so odd and wacky weather for you too. George, please stop hiding stones under rugs. Someone could hurt an ankle or worse. I hope tomorrow is a better day.

    Sandy, did you roast in the park this afternoon? There couldn't have been enough shade! So many of our little church kids were playing soccer or baseball today. I was told they drink a lot of water. Hope you are home safely. Meanwhile, sorry you need help to move the desk. I hear you. I need help more often than in the past but sometimes I think it is because I don't want to risk injury. In the past, I wouldn't have considered it. I would just have pushed and shoved and grunted until things moved.

    Tomorrow I have a few errands to do and then I am spending the afternoon and evening at the Senior Center where I go for Tai Chi, Pendoodle, etc. they have a special program and I am participating. I hope it is fun.

    Well, I think after doing the dishes I will read some of "Glass House" and maybe watch something from the Internet. Nothing I want to see on PBS tonight.

    Wishing everyone well. Enjoy the good times Patsy. Good advice for all of us.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh dear, when it comes to that kind of heat, I simply remain indoors with A/C as low as I can take it! Had a lovely brunch of multigrain pancakes and the attended a welcome to this week's Healthy Active Aging ( or some such name) program. I actually decided that I must sign up for something, so I'll play shuffleboard and seated volley ball, and attend all the parties with cold drinks! Yesterday, we watched a Disney movie (not animated) abour snow leopards, monkeys and panda families that I found absolutely delightful! Name: Born in China, and is way up high on a plateau far from civilization. I assume you will all love watching this, though one man walked out in the middle. I didn't want to leave until the lights were on!
    AS far as my phone, I have no more choice so will sign up with either of SANDY's excellent suggestions. My company will have a different selection---all smart phones! Oops, past quick-dinner time and I end up forgetting to have food Sunday nights. I look forward to
    playing in the games (and dare not call it "competing") and hope I don't make a total fool of myself!
    <3 Buzz
    .....................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen.....................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member

    Have a wonderful day!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited September 2017
    Sorry, messed this one up !!!

    <3 Buzz

    .....................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen.....................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    To our multi talented loving friend, LIN


    and many many more!

    <3 Buzz

    .....................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen.....................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Still haven't got the hang of it SANDY. Better luck next time! Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Big wet kisses from George xxx
    and hugs from Jackie <3

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,359 Member
    Oh my!! What a wonderful start to the day. Thank you for the birthday wishes. What considerate and caring friends. And even a wish from George!

    I am moving slow this morning. I guess that is a birthday treat to myself. Haaaa.



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oh dear Lin! A very happy birthday my friend. You have been that special Golden Sneaker that intrigues us with your creative crafts and devotion to church and friends. I have always felt there are those people who teach us by showing us a life lived in service and caring. You are that kind of teacher. On your birthday I hope you get a clear idea of how you impact the lives of so many people. Happy birthday. We are grateful you share your busy life with us.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Happy Birthday dear lin. Love YA
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hope LIN's birthday was as special as she is! PATSY put it in perfect words!
    My day was so frustrating; spent hours trying to get a validating number from Social Security, but my email seeme to be stuck! So I attempted to call them but after hanging on the wait line more than 45 minutes, my dinner hour was approaching so I figured to heck with it, and bye! At which point the validating email showed up---actually 4 came through, and I realized good old Comcast did it again! Either my service had slowed badly, or was non-functional. Am too! sleepy to do it correctly,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited September 2017
    A wonderful start to the day with Autumnal mist drifting in the valleys so when we arrived at our usual car park for a moorland walk we couldn't see much at all. Halfway up the first track we take the sun came out and luckily we turned round to check where the dogs were and saw this amazing scene

    I've just spent an hour with my housebound neighbour as we compared making jam in a microwave to stove hob and did laugh at our respective experiences of boiled over sticky jam!

    Lin ~ Hopefully your birthday was as wonderful as you deserve and perhaps your temperatures are falling just a tad! It's perfect here.... warm enough for short sleeved tops but cool enough not to feel the need to avoid the sunshine.

    As I gardened yesterday I spent a fair amount of time restringing my strimmer as its cord kept snapping but it was a good excuse to sit in the sun and fiddle with the awkward contraption that must have been designed by a non-gardener! A letter finally arrived from the Oncology department giving me the all clear for another year after tests and I did kiss it before dropping it into the recycling bin because I had felt rather unsettled during the visit although no reason to!
    It's nearly 1pm already so I will make a small tuna salad before continuing the garden tidy.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Happy congratulations on your all clear for another year JACKIE. So very happy for you! Thanks also for the beautiful photo!

    Our hot weather continues today but a cool front starts drifting over tomorrow. It was the hottest day ever recorded on Sunday. Even Michael complained, it reached 100 deg Fahrenheit plus the humidity factor on top of that. I've never experienced 100 deg before and hope I never do again. Today will only be a mild 31C or 88F. It will be odd plunging down to a normal 61F on Thursday.

    LIN, I hope your birthday was most joyous! I join everyone's sentiments in saying you truly deserve the best birthday ever.

    Well, must get my little one out before the heat arrives again. She spent most of Sunday with her tongue hanging out, even inside, and as the photo showed.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,359 Member
    Good morning Sneakers

    I was humbled by all the considerate birthday greetings. Electronic cards, messages, cards arrived in the mail and a friend even came out in the rain on her bad ankle to provide support to this nervous one as I had a little art display in the senior art show in a nearby suburb. I couldn't imagine a better day.

    Jackie, what a gorgeous photo. And what wonderful news arrived in the mail. Hugs. So happy for you. And my gosh, I remember when microwaves were a new thing and everyone wanted to make everything in The Microwave. Yipes. I tried jam and decided I preferred the old traditional method thank you very much. I also remember the first cake mixes that were designed for the microwave with a little plastic pan. Good Lord, I was so thrilled with those. Do they still make them?

    Buzz, your provider was definitely to blame. Social Security gets those codes out immediately! How annoying. Trying to call them guarantees a wait of at least an hour. I hope today you are able to get through the maze.

    Anne, it poured here yesterday. Really poured last night with flooded streets. I was so happy zi had decided to drive my SUV yesterday as flooded streets in the dark are bad but would have been worse in a little toy car. Anyway, the temperatures have really moderated and right now it is in the mid-60's. A relief! I hope you cool down soon as well.

    Wishing everyone a happy day. Off to Mah Jongg and then going to have tea with a friend at a local book store. I haven't seen her for months so I would imagine there will be a lot of chatter.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    edited September 2017
    Happy Tuesday! :) We have one more day of 90's before it starts to cool. I am so sick of A/C and believe it or not, hot weather. I am sitting for the boys tonight but hope to get my nails done this afternoon. I was so busy yesterday I didn't have time to post. I did laundry, then went grocery shopping for Babe, set up a remote on his computer so that I could remotely get on his computer from mine. This way when his granddaughter plays softball I will be able to get the game on his computer/TV for him to watch. Then back to Walmart for my own grocery shopping. The TV on my desk came unplugged so I took it upon myself to move the heavy desk enough to get it plugged in and also loosened the wires that were stuck for my keyboard and mouse. Cooked myself a pork chop on the grill and settled down to watch the new season of shows including The Good Doctor which was excellent. He is an Autistic doctor and plays the part perfect, check it out if you can. It is on ABC.

    Lin, you certainly have many friends who wished you a great birthday that you deserved. We are so happy you are part of our little group. I bet the cool weather feels wonderful after that terrible heat wave. I am glad you were in a SUV with flooding streets, I would love a SUV.

    Anne, I am like Michael, I normally love hot weather but enough is enough. I think I finally realized I am living in the right area with four seasons, although I could do without winter.

    Jackie, beautiful picture! Congratulations on a clean bill of health. Now you can get that insurance with no problem. I have no idea what a strimmer is but I hope you got it fixed.
    What is going on with the garden room?

    Buzz, sorry you had to waste 45 minutes on the phone with SS. Today is a new day and hopefully you can sort out all that you are trying to do. I am waiting for the donut hole to apply for prescription insurance even though I don't take any prescriptions. I didn't realize I am going to be penalized for not taking it when I applied for SS, but it didn't make sense to pay for something I didn't need. I am just going to get the cheapest from Walmart since my penalty will probably be around $25 a month extra. Seniors just don't get a break.

    Marie, so love seeing you post here, we miss you and love you.

    Patsy, has it cooled down in Portland? How are the fires?

    Have a wonderful day everyone!

    One Day at a Time

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Glorious sunny mild day here. Katie and I did our morning exercises out on the deck. It was a lovely morning. I cleaned out three kitchen drawers and picked out things to add to the goodwill box. John keeps going through the box taking things back out! It is crazy, really. He never uses any of the things he decided we needed to keep. Each of us has our own little odd obsession. It is always the other persons oddity that is SO MUCH worse!

    Still running from wasps and when I do, I always tell them that Jackie and Anne say you are not dangerous or mean but it is without conviction. There must be a hive nearby.

    Watched a part of the Vietnam series on PBS. Very well done but so heartbreaking.

    My WildWater paintings are cranking along. The writing is also cranking along. My kitchen clean out is gobbeling up more time than I would like.

    An old friend died and to tell you the truth, I am having a huge problem with it. She had so much pain and reoccurring depression. Memories keep coming back of the times we spent in college classes. Fun and so totally unaware of how much this friendship would mean as the years flew by. My reading to the kindergartens has taken a strange turn. As volunteers we are told that we cannot intrude into the lives of the little children. No gifts and no special treats after school. One little girl really needs help for things as elemental as clothing and a backpack for her supplies and lunch. I understand the reasons but I did offer a bit of assistance to the teacher, if she wanted to use the cash to purchase a backpack for the little girl. The kids are a delight. So much wiggly energy in those tiny bodies.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I can sit still just long enough to say how happy I know we all are for JACKIE and her good health news! HOORAY! SANDY, so sorry about that penalty; you should have been told about it by medicare! Just stay healthy! PATSY, bless your heart for being a reading volunteer. It means so much to those tiny ones. The attention is more valuable than any material stuff you might give! Sad news about your friend; we lost a dear one today. If I can just pass on without the depression and whatever, I will hope for that! CONNIE, miss you dear li'l sis. Please let us know how you are doing? LIN, thinking back a couple of years, I hear almost a new, much more happy and contented you! I can SEE the smiles! What a lovely free you to watch! ANNE, I hope for you AND the baby, the weather will cool! No climate change, lol? My Restless Legs are really jumping because I forgot to take my medication on time, since I didn't bother going down to dinner, being embroiled in purchasing and unpurchasing what I thought was an iPhone too good to be true! I thought all my rolled-over money with my cell phone company would buy a small iPhone, but after making the purchase and seeing it appear on my Visa, I called and learned no one told me it applied only to android phones, not Apple, so don't ask what that undoing entailed! But it's all fixed and I ordered one of those Jitterbug flips (in red, of course), and have decided to stop worrying about the cost of living, since I really can't control very much anyway!!! I also got a Samsung Galaxy J7 Perx, whatever that is, and I'll hold onto it maybe for future use, but better than losing my $295 in monthly rollover credits. Meanwhile, I'll switch my number over to Jitterbug, where I'll probably not use it any more than my present dying flip from 12 years ago! OK, now that I've thoroughly confused you, I'll grab my Metamucil and get to bed so I can function at our Active Aging week volley ball (seated!) game...or maybe it's shuffleboard? Who ever thought I would be doing these things?
    <3 Buzz
    .....................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen.....................