Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited October 2017
    I've just found out, the elderly couple and long time neighbours behind me both had a stroke this summer. Makes one shudder in ones boots. We both need a biccy and in my case, a coffee, to recover from this news. Here's Jilly:
    Check today's top stories - BBC "Americas gun culture in 8 charts".
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Had fun with the boys last night and today is bingo. We had a little rain during the night (I didn't hear it) so it is a cooler day today.

    Anne, congratulations on getting JIlly's picture posted, could she be any cuter???? And what in the world is a biccy? Do you plan on chickens if approved in your area?

    Jackie, I did laugh out loud with what you said about Phil, funny I didn't think of that to say to Babe, it was the perfect line!!! Did you open the box the wine came in to make sure there was no card inside? If it did come from your travel agent, I would book all my trips with her.
    Glad you finally got your shears and will need a picture of the new table.

    Lin, I was told a knee replacement is worse than a hip replacement but when up in years and with a heart problem I can see why your friend is hesitant. The baby who had the liver transplant daddy had back surgery yesterday. It was supposed to be an easy surgery but they nicked his artery and he was bleeding so much they had to give him blood and kept him in ICU overnight. That poor family just can't catch a break.

    Now hopefully to put a smile on your face, here's a picture of me and the boys. lol

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    SANDY, lovely little boys. Hi kids! What is a biccy? A biccy is short for biscuit or cookie. Dog biscuit in Jilly's case. I would LOVE to keep 4 chickens if it's approved here. Jilly would love 4 chickens. Michael will take Jilly if I can't care for her, but I don't think his condo board would like him to keep chickens in his bedroom as well. So no, I can't see any chickens in my future, alas.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good morning! A cold morning but it looks clear and sunny. I did get a couple of windows washed yesterday but as my mom would have said, "there is more to do but I am just not feeling it."

    The news is so alarming I have to just take a quick glance to make sure we are still not at war, then off to more uplifting activities. John mowed and trimmed some blackberry vines as well as low hanging tree limbs yesterday. He has declared a low key day today. Very little tasks to be undertaken today. I wonder if he will stick to that? I am betting NOT.

    Sandy: your grandsons are so adorable. That Robby is a very handsome little boy. The baby is so cute. One must look like dad and the other looks like mom. They look so different and yet such beautiful children.

    Jackie: isn't it odd? Running errands and going various places is often more exhausting than working hard at home? After a trip into town just doing tiny errands can expend all my available energy. Katie and chickens, it would be a guess what would cause disaster first. Katie or raccoons or other neighborhood dogs or cougars.

    Anne: oh my! Jilly is a grown up lady now. She looks very pretty and well behaved. Katie looks and is a juvenile delinquent! She is our joy but make no mistake about it, Katie is well behaved about 1/4 of the time. We are aiming for a slight improvement. We bought a dog whistle. She runs galloping to us when she hears it. Yea!

    Buzz: there is a new movie with Robert Redford and Jane Fonda. Saw the trailer and it looked interesting. I loved seeing two older stars, still georgous, in a romance movie. Redford is wonderfully wrinkled but sexy and handsome. Jane was the same although it looked obvious that she had gone through some face lifts. Still amazingly beautiful. Both in their 80s. I can't remember the movie title however.

    Lin: in my opinion, one can never have too much supplies. I have never turned down a sale on art supplies. John has the same opinion about tools and car stuff. These supplies are necessary for you to continue doing your creative activities. Money well spent, my friend!


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited October 2017
    My table arrived and I was left to carry it along a rambling footpath, into my garden and then into my cottage but hey ho, such is life today!! Here it is laden with the mystery bottles of wine.
    I may have mentioned before that the flower design is also carved into the backs of the chairs and both are 19th century.

    Lin ~ I forgot to mention the garden room plans are with our local authority and I've been told by the company that will construct it the process could take up to 8 weeks. Today a letter from the planning department arrived in the post addressed to a J. Anderson and it wouldn't surprise me if that was a typing error on their part being an Atherden but I wrote on the envelope 'not known at this address' and popped it back into a mailbox.... I can see why it could take so long!!

    Patsy ~ I've always found concrete cities and shop floors exhausting as they seem to draw all energy out through my legs! George and chickens is a bad combination too so when he spends time with the dog carer while I'm on the cruise next year I just know I'm going to come home to a dog with a pecked nose because he showed far too much interest in their grey parrot that apparently calls to any dog with a "come here doggie" before doing its best to peck it through the cage bars!

    Jilly is looking as gorgeous as ever as are those scrumptious boys!

    Time to cook my evening meal..... salad and something as yet undecided.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    On my way to dress for dinner, but have to mention how mahvelous, dahling SANDY, as gorgeous as those boys are, who is that beauty who looks like their mother???lol !
    <3 Buzz

    ....................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!..........................
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi friends . sorry to be so long away but trying to master this new cinoumputer. not much luck.tho.
    ps And easy to used wrap th hospital gave me at one time. Now I have skinny ankles and feet So I feel pretty good. Plus some weight I lost.Making this short/ Lin thank you for th october cards so sweet of yo very prettyAnd Thank you all for being so kind.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Wow!! What a collection of wonderful posts and photos!

    First, hello Marie. I hope we see you more often as you work to become familiar with your new computer. Sending hugs and best wishes (as usual). It is your season—football season! I hope you are enjoying it.

    Buzz, good evening. I admire how you dress for dinner without protest. I would not be fed in your community as I live in t-shirts, sweatshirts, sport pants and comfortable white orthopedic Brooks walker shoes with Velcro closures. I have upgraded to very comfortable bamboo mix fiber socks which unfortunately have to be washed by hand.

    Jackie, I love the new table. Marvelous. I would love to have one similar. Good you to get it in the house. Oh gosh, I am thinking of poor George with a much wounded nose from the devilish parrot. I am glad your shears finally arrived and I hope they are wonderful. I hope we do not get permission for chickens since neighbors cannot keep track of their dogs and cats and we now have dogs and puppies barking nearly all the time, I am not certain a little plot of lawn chemical infused grass would be at all good for a chicken. Plus you would need an excellent coop or house for the poor things when the temperatures here drop very low. And like Anne, I wouldn’t have anyone to take a chicken or chickens should I pop my clogs. Oh yes, the planning approval, well, it will likely be a while to get all that sorted out. Silly me to forget that.

    Patsy, I agree, errands can just drain all the energy from a person. Definitely walking around on the concrete is tiring but I also find it stressful to be in crowds and in crowded parking lots. Some of the actual looking at things is enjoyable but the rest, not so much. And I was looking over the required supply list for that weekend event mid-October and I believe I am good to go for that. Wahoo! But now I am hankering after a sepia pen. Does it ever end? I know the answer to that (for me at least).

    Sandy, what a wonderful photo. You are all gorgeous and Robby is growing up too quickly. It is wonderful that you are able to spend time with them. And you have such a good time with them. I hope Bingo is enjoyable.

    Anne, wonderful picture of photogenic Jilly Bean. I am sorry to hear of the health problems of your neighbors. They are still living in their home though correct? And Jilly looks fine to me by the way.

    A number of our schools are now being harassed. Parents are receiving threatening texts saying their children will be killed at school etc. Terrifying for all involved. One school district was closed yesterday. They started late today. Other communities are now receiving similar messages. And one school was closed today as a woman killed herself on the school grounds this morning. Insanity is set loose.

    Another busy day but again, accomplished everything on the list (the list kept in my head :D ). I am so happy to have my mantle clock back again. It seems to be keeping time but in all honesty I am not certain it is chiming each quarter hour although I may be preoccupied.

    Tomorrow the car has to go back to have the lug nuts retorqued. They have called to remind me to come in. So will do that and get gas for the car. In the afternoon I am going to the paper craft store to make a couple of Halloween cards. And I am looking forward to spending Saturday at the library with the paper craft crowd! But I do need to sort out what I want to accomplish.

    Today we started a pendoodle project to make a mask with little paper feathers and beads hanging on one side of it and a stick glued to it as if to hold it up in front of your face. Truthfully, I did not get lots accomplished as I go so slow. I was not the only person taking home the bits and pieces to be continued.

    The other day I watched a very old movie that I had forgotten was a four hour movie—Cleopatra. Quite stunning. I started to watch The Godfather yesterday but abandoned it after first marveling at how young the actors were at the time.

    I am reading “A Legacy of Spies” right now. I am not sure why. Just the legacy of George Smiley I suppose.

    Well, all best wishes and of course HUGS.


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Another lovely morning here! We washed living room windows yesterday and now the world seems brighter. On to the rest of the windows as the week end brings the last of the stuff from my late friends home. I have just found a home for her dog. I was thinking I would need to adopt him but fate intervened. He was an injured bomb sniffing dog in the army. He had an eye injury and so had only one eye. His trainer and partner called and offered him a forever home. The dog was a husky mix named Gunner (of course) so his personality is very serious and not very affectionate. A beautiful dog but not a good fit in our home. He seems delighted to be with his old trainer and friend. My friends son is stationed in Guam! Oh dear God! I am in a constant terror about his safety.
    Now I think the time has come to get back to my own life and tasks and challenges.

    Jackie: oh my! That table is a real treasure! I love the look of your dining room. All the wood tones and lovely table and chairs. You were very lucky to find this table. It is just the right size and such beautiful carving.

    Lin: I love your dedication to your crafts. I have often thought there should be more design shows featuring craft projects. As far as back yard chickens, we live out in the country. Of course all the neighbors have chickens. There is always clucking and several demented roosters in the neighborhood. One crows all night long it seems to me. I don't mind the sound, I tune it out most of the time.
    Another cup of coffee then ...who knows what silliness I could get into.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    We've just had a long long walk with Janice and Amy. Gorgeous day crunching through the leaves. Amy and Jilly are great friends.

    The table really IS beautiful JACKIE. What a find! I was watching a program yesterday about the North Yorkshire moors and houses up for sale there. The moors are timeless in their beauty and Whitby was shown. One of my old haunts, oh and quaint little Robin Hoods bay. The sky was blue and even the North Sea was blue and beautiful and calm. Some things don't change!

    It's a lovely, quiet, mellow day today on the Sneakers.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Had my meeting then met a friend and after did some errands and here it is 7:00 PM. The trailer I stayed in Wisconsin has been sold, it must have been the clean windows. lol I am going back with them Monday for 5 days to help them pack everything and their son is coming Friday with a truck to bring it back to Illinois. The furniture stays with the sale so it is just emptying all the drawers and cabinets. Our last hoorah in Wisconsin, it is bittersweet for them but her husband is 85 and I think the six hour drive is getting too much.

    Will be back in the morning.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Good evening, another busy day. No monumental news except I think I am finished with the saga of the new tires. Wahoo! It was also a day of drizzle and cooler weather.

    Tomorrow may be a downright wetter than heck day. I may just stay home. See, hibernation is trying to take over!

    So I now have tires with nitrogen rather than air. I don’t know if that is a good thing or not. I didn’t get a choice. I guess time will tell.

    Got a message from a friend this evening that her sister and husband had an attempted fraud directly on their bank accounts. Thieves tried to move money out of their accounts. Apparently the bank caught it and shut down the transfer and contacted them. They have changed account numbers, passwords and have frozen their credit. Spooky!! Now my friend is spooked and she and her husband are changing all of their financial passwords and froze their credit with Equifax. I told her to freeze all three of them. I had heard an expert say that you need to keep a close eye on your accounts for the next three to four years. Guess I am glad my credit has been frozen for a long time.

    Made Halloween cards this afternoon and started to organize some things into three containers. One for everyday cards, one for Halloween, Fall, Thanksgiving, and the last one for Winter, Christmas, New Years.

    I don’t know why I am so tired once again. Too much thinking perhaps? I am reading “The Bookman’s Promise” by John Dunning. This is the third book in the series. I read the first book but the library does not have the second book in its collection. I am losing a bit of continuity but it isn’t insurmountable.

    Hugs Sneakers.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Good evening folks; nice to see MARIE here again, and so happy for her that her swollen legs are down and so is her weight! Congrats, love, and take good care of the two of you!
    JACKIE, your table is a real "find"! Enjoy it tremendously.PATSY, I will look forward to seeing Redforf and Jane together again. A couple of real pros! He must have had his face lifts smoothed out and probablY looks so much better than the last time I saw him! I met him many years ago and was surprised at how short he is .I was 5'6" them and I recall looking downward to lock eyes! Oh dear, I cannot see straight and my eyes keep closing so I think I need sleep. Your posts were all super tonight! Thank you...
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!..........................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Friday! :) It is a rainy, gloomy day but nothing going on today except for sitting with the boys later.

    Lin, I have never heard of tires with nitrogen, may I ask what kind of car you drive? Sorry about your friends and will you explain what you mean by freezing your accounts? Does that mean you can't use your own accounts?

    Jackie, absolutely love your table, it adds even more to the charm of your cottage.

    Enjoy your day today, trying to catch up on computer before leaving on Monday with no internet again.

    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good (but very chilly) morning! I was up early but not by choice. This is our trash day. We must get our trash container out to the side of a little road early. Our trash truck comes at such a strange disorganized time. Some weeks it is in the afternoon and some weeks it arrives at 7:30 am. We cannot leave it out the night before because of raccoons, dogs, and the occasional black bear. Life in rural Oregon...

    The plus side of such an early rising is that a load of wash is happily sloshing away, the dish washer is woshing and whirling with a load of dishes, coffee is made, Katie is fed and some very nice music is on our pbs radio station. The weekend is about to start and I am chugging around thinking of something interesting to do. John calls me the social director. I introduce options and he tells me which ones are interesting possibilities. I am going to get two big pumpkins for each side of our from deck and a big pot of colorful mums for the front deck as well. It is our Halloween/thanksgiving decor. Our sons birthday is coming up so it will be a colorful welcome when he comes.

    I wasn't organized enough to make birthday cards but I would love to do that especially for family cards. I am in the dungeon (sorry Buzz and Anne) all afternoon. John is fussing around with his car. He loves to do that even when I am sure the car works just fine. Then tomorrow to get pumpkins and mums. A low key weekend but nice. Homemade soup and a slice of the herb bread I picked up at the bakery.

    What is up for weekend plans for you all?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    edited October 2017
    Hello, rainy, gloomy, foggy here too. I am staying in today...I think. :D

    Sandy, you can freeze your credit with the three major credit bureaus. You still can use any of your accounts but you cannot open new accounts as a “hard” credit inquiry is not permitted. Companies you currently do business with can still do “soft” inquiries as they want to know about your general financial condition such as your credit score etc. it makes it more difficult for the bad guys to open new accounts with your information as Equifax and Transunion will not give out any information. I have had this in place for a long time and had to jump through hoops to get an online Social Security and Medicare access. I still cannot get The Farm Service Access site to work for me but luckily that’s not a big deal.

    But I had no intention of opening any accounts. That may change going forward if I change cell phone service. Verizon and the others have to check your credit so I would have to jump through more hoops to unfreeze my credit and then refreeze it when the account is established. In the State of Iowa it also costs $10 per agency for the freeze or unfreeze.

    And the type of car isn’t why I have nitrogen, it is the tire vendor. That is all they use. Here’s a quick summary:

    “First is that nitrogen is less likely to migrate through tire rubber than is oxygen, which means that your tire pressures will remain more stable over the long term. Racers figured out pretty quickly that tires filled with nitrogen rather than air also exhibit less pressure change with temperature swings.”

    I can go there for all tire-related issues, checks, low tire, etc. so I will just go with it. I considered it when I purchased tires for my SUV years ago but the dealer did not encourage it.

    Now what a lovely staying indoors morning. A couple of times a year I purchase specialty coffee from Camano Island Coffee Roasters. And yes, my order showed up the other day and finally today I opened it. Heavenly! Yummmmm. Just the lovely smell of freshly roasted coffee made me smile. Making the coffee which was roasted on October 2nd and served in my new mug was a wonderful treat.

    Otherwise, laundry, bill pay, messing with paper (yes, my fingers have been inked!), reading, and packing for tomorrow. I know it will be horribly wet and nasty but I am going anyway. Come heck or high water. :D

    Sunday will be a day for testing my patience. Communion prep and clean-up, also asked to man the ticket table (for our upcoming turkey dinner) and also second person to count the day’s offering. I gave a little push back on this. All I know is my month off has become something less than what I had in mind. I am glad I did switch one activity to November. I would likely have exploded which is not particularly spiritual. Oops.

    I will steal Sandy’s word—Onward.

    Wishing everyone well.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    edited October 2017
    October 7th is World Card Making Day. :)
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    After an extremely busy day I'm now heading for an early night, something I rarely do. We had lovely sunshine all day, a stunning walk across the moors and then I picked up my new shears and headed for the garden to cut down the mounds of geraniums that have a habit of spreading across the lawns if not kept in check. Hidden under the greenery I found 3 tennis balls, 1 rubber ring, a purple spikey hedgehog and a fluffy mouse cat toy all dragged out there by George at some point in the summer! After lunch I visited the allotment to do some tidying up of cleared beds before coming home to cut the grass on 4 levels. My back is complaining but I've taken a couple of Ibuprofen and will take 2 more before bed.

    Patsy ~ A long trek to the pick up point for rubbish seems to be a rural district thing since I have to take mine about 300 meters so generally put the bags into the back of my car and drop them off on our way out for a morning walk. We too have problems with creatures tearing them open if left out overnight but mostly foxes and cats for us! My plans for the weekend revolve around a promised wet day tomorrow so jobs around the house including sorting through my wardrobes and casting out anything I no longer wear that can go to a charity shop. Sunday looks to be a brighter day so I'll take it as it comes!

    Lin ~ World card making day eh!! You'll be a busy girl tomorrow then. ;)

    Sandy ~ Well done, all that window cleaning definitely did the job so enjoy your next stay in Wisconsin with hopefully no windows left to be cleaned!

    A Twentieth Century Fox film production team has arrived in the area to shoot a movie called The Kid who would be king.... some sort of fantasy story based around King Arthur and already they've changed the frontage of the local store and are leveling off tracks laid by copper miners 150 years ago. The village name is Minions so of course we get lots of tourists arriving to look for those funny little yellow men with big eyes, so much so that a local wag has pasted a new village sign over the original showing a few Minions waving back. It amuses me but a few officials get quite cross because they feel their heritage is being undermined by yellow creatures speaking gobble-dee-gook!!

    Not so early to bed after all as the clock creeps towards midnight!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Friday is our pick up day as well PATSY and like you we are plagued by raccoons, coyotes, rodents and anything else that likes a nice ripe chicken carcass etc for its midnight snack if the garbage bins are taken out overnight. The town is forever testing new designs to keep the raccoons out, so far the raccoons are smarter than the designers. If one gets up early enough for a walk it's quite common to see residents hauling garbage out onto the road in their dressing gowns or robes.

    We had our usual grocery shop day. This Monday is our thanksgiving so the stores will be closed. I'm going to Marks place for the family dinner accompanied by my faithful hound.

    World card making day, wow! I wonder how many homemade cards will be manufactured tomorrow!

    We continue with warm, sunny days, 21C today. Warm enough to sit in the garden in the sun. I was interested in what our refugees are doing in some places in Toronto. Housed in high rises they had asked the city to allow them to seed and plant vegetables in the wasteland that is often near these buildings. Today on the news these new comers were shown harvesting their crops as they would in their Middle East home country and interviewed with interpreters because they are still struggling with English. I tell you, what with veggie plots and chicken keeping it does my heart good to see these concrete jungles becoming green! More good news, the proposed oil pipe line across Canada has been cancelled. It's not often the environmental folks win!
    Busy day today,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Hi, not a good photo but gosh darn it’s the pendoodle paper mask project is finally pretty much finished.

    Now I can go back to cards tomorrow without guilt.



    Very busy day Jackie and Anne. I cannot believe it will be Thanksgiving in Canada so soon. Wow!
