Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
    Hello. At the event already. Raining. Great day to carry paper creations to the car. Haaaa.

    Wishing everyone a good day.


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Happy birthday eve, Anne! Got on the iPad to check weather and just had to get the birthday greetings started. If you had stayed in England...would we have have had a chance to get to know you? Maybe! Things have a rhythm and a reason. As much as you miss England and the wonderful memories and culture, I believe you have a rich life in Canada. We would be the poorer for not enjoying you humor and history lessons.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Dear PATSY, you are so right. I am so blessed living in this beautiful country. I was also so blessed being born in the north of England. Double blessings are indeed heaped on me. How come I became so lucky? Most of my uk family are alas gone, but this country has given me cherished friends and wonderful pets, and I still have my own little family. I hope your weekend is as enjoyable as mine with the visit of your son. Another Libra? Enjoy the birthday cake and may the champagne flow. Happy birthday Damon! Have fun, Patsy, Damon, John and Katie.
    Anne ❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
    Dear friends, I am home but in such monumental pain, I am going to crawl off to my bed and a heating pad.

    A bit early for dear Anne!



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited October 2017
    LIN! What a lovely poo bear and a happy buzzy bee! Perfect! Oh and a lady bug I think. Thank you so much LIN!
    I'm so sorry you are in pain! I pray the heating pad will work and you get a good nights rest! Even in pain you thought of me! Again, a big thank you!
    Hugs from me, Anne.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited October 2017

    <3<3<3 Buzz

    ............................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!........................

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    LIN, what's the matter, Luv? So sorry you are in pain and hope you will be OK and feel better quickly! Where does it hurt?

    :'(<3 Buzz
    ............................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!........................

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oooooooooh dear Anne! I still can't operate those amazing graphic programs to with you a happy birthday.
    Know that I wish you a happy birthday and happy every day! You are still young, you are still beautiful, you are still Anne! We are so glad you are a sneaker.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    What a wonderful wake up from a group of very special ladies I am so fortunate to have met and have a peep into their lives! Thank you girls so very much, you have no idea how much I appreciate you all.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
    Good morning—it is Anne’s birthday!!! Enjoy every moment.

    Off to church and feeling more like a human being today. Two days of walking about on concrete floors, schlepping multiple tote bags and wearing a crossbody bag, sitting on horrible plastic molded chairs totally did me in. So I am ready to do church duty this morning.

    Buzz, thanks for the pain scale. It was a bad night. And I am sorry for the scam attempt. We always need to be on guard these days.

    Patsy, I don’t know many sites for finding graphic images but I think we are all pleased to receive a kind word and a remembrance. By the way, does Katie get ill each time she chomps on something not intended for a doffie’s stomache?

    Sandy, welcome home.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    After the party was over!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited October 2017
    It was so nice to see SANDY's kitty wishing ANNE a happy day! And Jilly is really so tiny!!! And precious! Glad LIN has revived; do you find weather affects your painful areas? I've had a lazy day, and our brunch today included a choice of scramble eggs with onions and lox (smoked salmon) ,a toasted bagel, tomato, a delicious sweet potato soup, nice chopped salad, and carrot cake for dessert. I ate the bagel instead of cake, which was probably not good for my weight, either! At least I did not order the ice creams! Now my nice neighbor called to let me know he bought me 5 boxes of blueberries at Costco this afternoon. It's one of my few indulgences! Now I will make some sort of grilled cheese for my supper and hope 60 minutes has something as interesting as the story about the Hubble Space Telescope a couple of weeks ago. My goodness, my mind cannot begin to comprehend the vastness of the universes (the ones we know about now!). So I'm back to wondering if there are other beings out there wondering the same thing! Have a lovely evening , everybody...
    <3 Buzz

    ..............................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!...........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited October 2017
    Hello sneakers. While Ireland north and south gets blown about by hurricane strength winds we in Cornwall are being buffeted by the edge of their storm so it was hard work walking across the moors first thing while dogs and humans leaned into the storm and did out best not to get knocked off our feet! It's still very windy outside so the gardener booked to begin cutting hedges has put off for 24 hours for safety reasons and I can't blame him.

    We had a wonderful trip to London where the only hiccup was being given upper circle seats at the theatre having specifically requested and paid extra to stay out of the gods! Luckily when we went to the box office and asked for an upgrade we managed to get 2 very good seats in the stalls, at a cost of course, so now I'm in the process of making a complaint to the company who arranged the package and insisting on a refund of their upgrade that wasn't. Yesterday we spent a few hours on Oxford Street shopping and taking in the sights and sounds before driving out of the city and home to the west country. Oh yes, another down side, we didn't find the carrot cake at Costa Coffee so had to buy Marks and Spencer's instead that was almost although not quite as good!

    Anne ~ It's obvious from that photo of Jilly that she had a wonderful time on your birthday and I'm sure you too were pampered and spoiled rotten!

    Buzz ~ The "Moderate" pain face on your chart looks similar to my expression most days.... more bemused/confused than anything too painful!!

    George is still exhausted after a weekend with my neighbours and taking trips to the moors of Dartmoor where he watched mad humans swimming in ravines then a local beach for more swimming, this time in the sea. I gather he declined to go in the water himself!

    Tomorrow I am driving to Plymouth to have lunch with a friend so won't be home much but after that my week is so far panning out to be quiet..... we'll see!

    Happy Monday everyone.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
    edited October 2017
    Good morning, we are not blowing away today and the Sun is out. Those who ran the local marathon yesterday would have been happier without all the wind they had to fight yesterday. Poor souls.

    I have a service contract for my heating/cooling system and they just left after checking out my furnace, cleaning things out, changing the filter on the humidifier and changing the electronic air filter. Of course the contact does not cover supplies. It is done, everything seemed to be okay. Yippee. Just cleaning up a bit after them and working on my laundry.

    My first project is to make a card for my friend who has spent so much time in the hospital. She has been home for about two weeks this time. She has been quite ill once again and some new hope of growth has appeared. They did a biopsy last week and she was to find out the results on Tuesday. Unfortunately over the weekend she developed fever, chills and profound fatigue so they are taking her to the doctor today and they may have the biopsy results. I try to send her a card each week but want to get one in the mail this afternoon (or tomorrow morning at the latest). I am worried about her.

    Buzz, what a wonderful surprise you received. Blueberries! They are so delicious. I have no idea what was on 60 Minutes last night as I had PBS on most of the evening and I had my head buried in a book. Another John Dunning book. I am hooked on the Bookman series.

    Jackie, a very nice weekend with the exceptions of the lack of success in finding the carrot cake and being sort of cheated when it came to your seating. I do hope the company provides you a refund since you did not receive what you paid for and then were charged again to change seating. On my weekend event I paid for a package which included an evening of nibbles (not described in the literature), a light breakfast and lunch. I was asked for dietary restrictions and I responded gluten free vegan. Friday evening there was nothing I could have (and it was just a dessert bar) and the dispenser of iced tea was empty before I could get to it. Breakfast the next morning again was nothing but different little breakfast pastries and donuts but at least I got a small cup of coffee. I was looking forward to lunch thinking I might get some plain salad and some fruit. I finally went to the table with my printed card and they just looked at me. They had nothing and there was no tea or coffee. It was pouring rain so I did not get to my car. Luckily I had packed a couple of things in my purse and had a bottle of water. Later one of the organizers apologized and since I had paid for all the food and received nothing they gave me a voucher to spend in their store during the event. So I got something. The voucher expired when the event was over so if I had not had time to do the shopping I would have just been out of luck. I wonder if I decide to register for next year if they will let me pay less and have no meals? Haaaaa.

    Anne, tell us all about your birthday. A tired out Jilly for certain. I saw a photo on Facebook of a gentleman’s birthday (a middle aged adult) and he had a table full of wrapped gifts. That was sweet! Not only did his family do that but he actually posted the photo on Facebook. Not his wife or other family members, he really must have been pleased.

    Sandy, home? Or still on the go?

    Speaking of which, I had better get moving again.

    Wishing everyone a good day.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Just a quickie from me. Welcome home JACKIE, things never go quite right do they, and poor LIN!
    Just letting you know that my youngest is kidney stone free! However he has a huge list of what to avoid in the food intake line. Top of the list spinach! He ate an awful lot of spinach salads at lunchtime. Raspberries, rhubarb, Brussels Sprouts, baked potato skins, most beans and nuts etc because of the high oxalate content. If anybody suspects they might have a tendency towards kidney, bladder stones etc (I think I do because I sometimes get painful small stones in my saliva glands) I found a site Mark gave me very informative and interesting. It's:
    My birthday was most pleasant. Luncheon really and best of all Michael and Mark, but no Mary Jo who has a bad cold and didn't want to pass it on, gift wrapped?
    The weather was appalling though, very high winds which had the old trees around here creaking ominously. Chilly today, but calm.
    Washday and down to earth again.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    Happy Monday!! :) I am back!! Actually I got back Saturday but was too tired to post. I went to Church yesterday, stopped by Babe's and then for some groceries. Had a video call with my kids and other than wish Anne a happy birthday I was still too tired to post. I am good today, laundry is started, catching up on bills and other computer things.
    We worked really hard in Wisconsin but still had fun. I came home with some of my money so I consider that a win. We had some great dinners and spent some quality time together. The only mishap was that I took a fall in their trailer and my knee is all black and blue. I am not limping and it really doesn't hurt unless I touch it so I hope I didn't damage my bionic knee.
    I don't think I will call the doctor because since it is not painful I think I am fine.

    Anne, I hope you had a wonderful birthday and with your great kids I know you did. Dare we ask how young you are? Whatever the age you look marvelous darling!! BTW, love the picture of Jilly, she is certainly worn out!!

    Lin, sorry about your knee, maybe it was sympathy pain for me. B) I am sorry about your friend and also for the mix up with the food. I am glad to be home and back to a normal life.

    Jackie, sorry you have to complain about your refund, customer service these days is just horrible. You were looking so forward to the carrot cake so I hope the Marks and Spenser was a good substitute.

    Buzz, it is hard to imagine other life forms, but you never know. My pain level is number 2, just mild.

    Patsy, I think the internet is wonderful for staying in touch with those who are close to us.
    I just can't leave this site because the sneakers mean so much too me.

    Now to ask all of you a personal question. I am scheduled for a colonoscopy in November.
    For years I have taken pills rather than the liquid prep they recommend. This year they said I would need a blood test for my kidneys before they would give me the pills. She tried to convince me that the liquid prep is not that bad if taken with Gatorade. It is drinking a gallon of liquid along with two other kinds of prep. I am so afraid I will not keep it down but others I know have done it with no problem. Should I get the blood test and take the pills or should I be brave and try the liquid? Have any of you done it?? Or at my age (75) should I just not take the test? My mother died of colon cancer when she was 77 so should I be safe rather than sorry??

    On that note, I will say have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Isn't that odd, I was just posting about kidney stones and what foods to avoid and there was SANDY posting at the same time! I know nothing about colonoscopy so I can't help on that one I'm afraid Sandy. However you asked how old I have become! I'm now a whopping 82, but don't feel a day older than 81.
    Anne ❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
    edited October 2017
    You are so youthful Anne—I have difficulty believing you are over 80!

    Sandy, I have had two tests (second one was early as they were looking for reasons for anemia) and have drunk the liquid both times. Doctors here apparently don’t allow the pill option. I have not used Gatorade. Here they give you a ‘Flavor’ and you just mix it up and drink it. I find it a nasty experience. I might as well live in the bathroom and I never am able to finish all of it. BUT, I have never had any issue with throwing up, am always cleaned out well for their test, and all goes well. The second time I had the test I had severe pain afterwards so was kept longer than usual. I am not certain that in ten years I will do it again.

    Anyone else?

    Welcome home Sandy. I understand tired! I am sorry you hurt your knee.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Sandy ~ So good to see you back amongst us but sorry to read about your bruised knee. Was it that extra glass of wine in which case worth it? LOL On our theatre night in London we found a wonderful Italian restaurant that was buzzing with young people so with the most delicious order of Mozzarella and ham ravioli with garlic bread I also enjoyed 2 large glasses of red wine and had to pick my way carefully along the road to the theatre!!

    A gallon of any liquid seems ginormous when I equate it to feeding my tomatoes from a watering can!! Having said that we have a different checking system here (as ever!!) so every 3 years get a card in the mail with spatula that we use to take our own sample, place it in the middle of the card then into a foil lined envelope that is self addressed to an NHS laboratory, that way we only have a colonoscopy if something shows under the microscope. Apparently colon cancer numbers have decreased considerably because it's caught early. What I'm really trying to say Sandy is I've not had to have a colonoscopy so no experience of the clear out options but did once take a friend to a local hospital for one and remember her horror stories about drinking so much of the stuff and also seeing her dive off to the loo as soon as we got there! The tablets must have nasty side effects that can cause kidney damage so don't take any chances for one day's discomfort.... easy for me to say I know!! :D:D Definitely have the colonoscopy whatever.

    Time to cook my supper although not sure what yet!