Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Funny old day today, but at the same time LOTS of fun. Just housework this morning, taking the Bean out for walks, communicating and getting down to some serious writing. You can say what you like about our later years, but they sure aren't boring!
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend,
    ❤️Anne and Jilly❤️
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »

    MARIE, dear "li'l Sis", we miss you and love you, too And I know we all wish you to feel well!
    <3 Buzz

    ..........................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!............................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Good morning Sneakers. I made a vow to myself this morning, for the first time ever I'm going to buy a weekly lottery ticket. IF, a very big IF, some of SANDYS luck rubs off on me and I actually win
    a sizeable amount, I shall pack my battered old suitcase, tuck Jilly under my arm, and head for the dales of home. Even if I have to go into a retirement home in Harrogate or at a pinch in Beverley, or Hornsea my parents home towns and despite hurricane force winds. You just need a pair of wellies and a waterproof and lined jacket in the dales. Although - the snow has kept people trapped indoors in the high country. Between JACKIES video and the Dalesman magazine desperate measures are called for, and at the moment the lottery seems to be my best shot, lol. Ha, dream on Annsie Baby.

    Enjoy Sunday gals and may all YOUR dreams come true!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,168 Member
    Good morning, time for church but hey Anne, I am in, I will buy a ticket as well. Some day someone I know will win something! :D

    Marie, hello my friend. Love seeing you. <3

    We had storms last night so I shut off my computer and printer. You would think I might have concentrated more on my tasks at hand but of course, I didn’t as I am reading “The Bookman’s Wake” and I keep picking it up to read just a few pages.

    I watched my favorite Saturday evening programs which include “Last of the Summer Wine”. Another export from your area right Anne? I love the old re-runs and have tried to purchase some DVDs but they are not generally available. And not generally at a price I am comfortable paying.

    Well, chilly days ahead. Off to church but first I need to try to scrub the ink off my fingers. Yes, I have already been fussing with cards this morning.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    LOVE "The last of the summer wine" LIN. I'm surprised you can watch it. We can here in Canada. It was my Moms favourite program as well! If I win my million you can come over with me and I'll show you all my old haunts. We can do a pub crawl! AND we can catch the train and land on JACKIEs doorstep down in Cornwall for a quick cuppa and a meal at HER pub, you won't be the same gal IF you return home, lol.
    Think, WIN, WIN, WIN.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    What a walk across the moors we had this morning. A gale, driving rain that soaked us and falling temperatures that storm Brian seems to have left behind him! It brightened outside once home so I have managed to muck out the hen house and collect one lowly egg!

    Anne and Lin ~ The day you land at an airport anywhere near the Yorkshires north, east, south and west I'll be waiting "op thar" to greet thee and join in the fun. Once in Cornwall though it won't be for a quick cuppa so make sure you book plenty of time between flights!!

    Patsy ~ Only because someone had the sense to designate our moorlands as areas of outstanding natural beauty and therefore national parks do the developers get chased off for now. As I travel round our islands I am always amazed just how much green and pleasant land does still exist thanks to such restrictions and would hope your beautiful part of America is appreciated for its diverse eco system. Last night I watched a documentary called Wild China and was delighted to see just how much effort is being put into conserving wildlife teetering on the edge of extinction in that vast country . There is still a glimmer of hope out there!!

    Sandy ~ That sounded like pool weather yesterday although I think it's closed now.... what a shame!

    Buzz ~ A google search for your biali guided me to this quote: Like the Lowland gorilla, the cassette tape and Madagascar forest coconuts, the bialy is rapidly becoming extinct. Didn't that make me laugh!! Where I'd find them in little ol' Cornwall I can't imagine so might just have to make a batch!

    A special hello to Marie... it's always wonderful to see our leader popping in. <3

    I'm in after an hour or two weeding and pruning, have enjoyed a cuppa and after a quick review of an auction catalogue for this coming week when I might bid on an Edwardian inlaid table to go in my garden room whenever that gets built, or maybe a plant stand..... perhaps both, must think about cooking something for my supper so will wish everyone a peaceful Sunday.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Rainy day here and I had to go to Mass today since we stayed at the pumpkin farm for 6 hours yesterday. The kids had a ball and grandma was wind blown and tired when she got home.

    Count me in on that trip to England Anne, make sure you win enough for all of us. I have seen a lot of places but never have been to England or Italy, could you arrange both?

    Jackie, it was a warm day but very windy so I don't think I would have enjoyed the pool as much as I did the kids. I don't know how you walk in driving rain, I couldn't handle it!!

    Lin, we didn't get any big storms, just some rain. Hope you got the ink off before going to Church.

    Marie, it is always wonderful seeing you post here, try to make that a habit!! Love you!!

    I am having a video call with my kids shortly so I have to get my IPad set up and I am remotely on Babe's computer so he can watch his granddaughter's game.

    Oh, I forgot to tell you the day Bryanna borrowed my car and I used it the following day, a warning light came on for low tire pressure. I happened to bump into my neighbor and asked if he had a tire gauge and compressor so he was kind enough to fill my tires. In doing so this is what we found.
    Bryanna swears she didn't do it and if she didn't the only thing I can figure out is when I went to Walmart someone must have hit my car. I don't want to file an insurance claim so I am going to take it to a body shop tomorrow to see if they can fix it cheap. Will let you know.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Wish I could chaperone you all when ANNE wins that lottery, as I adore her area of the UK, and would love for us all to meet! I am finally accepting that my walking has really deteriorated since my Old/middle-age has set in, and I doubt I will renew my passport! The wild walks on the moors is a thing of the past, but my memories linger on! I promise to concentrate on the winning number for you, Anne and SANDY and maybe LIN, if she can take time off, lol! PATSY, I understand exactly what you describe about realtors, builders and their like! Florida is building into the precious Everglades as fast as they can break the rules against it (a schmear to politicians' pockets never hurts!). And when I read about our illustrious orange leader's willingness to sell off parts of our National Parks and Forests for climate killing businesses to buy and turn into oil fields and lumber mills, I fear ethics and love of our planet is Gone with the Wind! SANDY, I wonder if the body shop can tell you how that damage happened; it looks like it was ripped outward somehow. Sorry you have to deal with that now! You certainly do not look like the boys' grandmother in that darling picture! Whatever you are doing, keep it up, luv!
    I must go use my compression boots now, as I didn't get to them this morning, or I would have missed my Sunday morning news analyses, Heaven forbid. Have a super Sunday!
    <3 Buzz

    ..........................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!............................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I think we will have to hire a van to drive us all around the dales and around Cornwall. Who can drive on Englands left handed roads?
    Poor JACKIE, but we can't ask her because she will want to join us in the pub! Maybe Jill, JACKIEs friend! Think WIN.

    Mike rolled up for lunch and he was just about to leave when Mark rolled up to cut out the bad part of the poor apple tree. I have half an apple tree now at the back. The dead part was riddled with woodpecker holes! The rest will come down next spring and I've been promised a new baby tree for Mother's Day. However I won't be wanting it if I win big time and we all head "up north" to the dales and riotous living!

    Jill and I are absolutely exhausted, she with "helping us" with branch hauling, and me from tying the string around the bundles to place kerb side.
    So now everyone's departed we will both have a nap. Oh, she's already fast asleep under her blankie.

    SANDY, part of being from England is the enjoyment of walking in driving rain! It's a requisite to be an English woman. No home is without a pair of rubber boots or wellies as we call them! Love the windblown hair! It suits you!

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    A happy Sunday sneakers! All is well here. We had a fierce wind and rain last night. We received at least 2 inches or more of rain. There were flood and mudslide warnings but I haven't heard about any incidents as of yet. Hope all are safe and well.

    One of life's odd little measures of can't have it the fall here doesn't have the glorious colors that other places enjoy this time of year. There are the occasional bush or tree that shows color but mostly the leaves stay green and just drop off. But it is green all year long here, we rarely get really really cold weather. The summer temps are normally moderate. Rarely have snow, but there are times... there is a sort of golden/green light this time of year.

    Again all the apples on our apple tree disappeared in a couple of days. None on the ground either. Bears? A large herd of deer? Elk? Bigfoot?

    John is babying his ulcer again these days. I must cook very bland food for us. I think this is strangely seasonal. I found some notes about what foods he could eat without any problem and it was from the same time period last year. There is more to this than we know.

    Speaking of going home, I was born and raised on a cattle ranch in Texas. I remember the fields of bluebonnets and the flocks of beautiful Redbirds. We raised registered white faced Hereford cattle. I have this picture of a sort of idealic rural life. I pictured our rambling ranch house and my grandmothers flower beds and vegetable garden. I took a trip back a few years ago, and what a surprise. It looked pretty much like a Appalachian dump. It must have looked better back in the day! Since then I have been very cautious yearning for the olden times. My memory is colored by time.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Just me popping in over breakfast because Monday is always busy here in the autumn wonderland of Ontario. The trees are probably on the edge of their best right now, a riot of colour and the weather has been summer warm. I think we are about to change however. I've just about recovered from tying and dragging tree branches to the kerb grass. Not so Jilly who is still sleeping yesterday's excitement off in her warm round bed! Yesterday we worked in summer shirts and sandals, quite phenomenal for this time of year.

    Michael added to my birthday gift with a $50 card so I can receive a year's supply of the Dalesman. Funnily enough PATSY when I went "home" 8 years ago I would say things had improved rather than deteriorated. The wartime Victorian I was born in was looking quite posh having been "gentrified" and the last house or bungalow we had in Derbyshire had been enlarged with upstairs bedrooms and looked rather pretty in a different way. Sort of Swiss chalet style. Anyway, JACKIES video shows things exactly as I remember so I have great hopes. I read about the Everglades BUZZ and I so wish destructive man would leave things alone.

    Anyway, must stop dreaming or brooding and think washday, and walk the dog day, and all the other good stuff that Monday brings. Actually we need Mondays to bring us back to earth after special Sunday dinners and tree cutting "parties", or going to church and greeting friends don't we.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Up early this morning to do a supermarket shop and buy fuel for my car because the warning beeper was annoying me! Another grey, dismal day but at least the cold air has moved away and my plan is to stay home to do some serious tidying, file papers that have sat around too long and even wash the kitchen and shower room floor! We walked round the woods where it is a little more sheltered and I heard all about Scruff's Sunday afternoon trip to a dog fun day and just look how well she did.

    Sandy ~ Who's that young thing holding on to those gorgeous boys?? :) They must be storing so many wonderful memories of time with grandma. That damage to your car does look like it's been caught and dragged out by something and if not Bryanna then a supermarket car park does make sense as it's something I've had more than one experience of and of course people don't leave a note on the windscreen the way we used to!! Hopefully the repair won't cost too much although car bodywork is never cheap. How annoying! Anne is right that driving rain is a regular occurrence with so much weather coming in off the Atlantic so once covered in waterproofs and wellies it is often quite exhilarating to battle against the elements but of course your hair would always be windswept!!

    Anne ~ Just make sure you go for the top win of at least one million then a chauffeur can be hired along with the mini bus. A weekly lottery based on our postcodes is all I buy into each month but in the past year have only received 2 amounts back to cover the cost of that month's ticket so hope the big one is somewhere in the pipeline! Apple trees are often quite resilient to hard pruning but if the rest of it has to come down anyway a new youngster will be exciting. Don't plant it in the same place though just in case disease is in the ground (you probably know that already!)

    Buzz ~ A recipe for Brooklyn Bailys originating in Bailystock, Poland has now been bookmarked on my laptop so one Wintery afternoon I shall get baking and let you know the results. It might just be a case of Muhammad to the mountain if you can't join the moorland trek/pub crawl and we will swish round the Everglades first because a get together without our dear Buzz would not be right!

    Patsy ~ The mystery of the disappearing apples would make a great children's story although how they would solve the riddle I'm really not sure! You are quite right of course, it isn't always a good thing to travel back although it depends what we find. As children every stack of old wood, rotting tree or mucky river is a wonderful place to play and hide so it's a shame as we become adults we lose that innocence and re-label our once exciting hideaways. Coloured or not Patsy, cherish those memories!

    Lin ~ Last of the Summer Wine was one of my mother's favourite programmes and she died back in 1980 so just shows how long the series ran. Will you be inking your fingers again today or are there more pressing things to attend to?

    Goodness, now it's almost lunchtime so I will put a light lunch together, probably just an apple, some Edam cheese and a couple of crispbread then attack whatever housework was on my mind earlier..... now let me think!!

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Monday! Monday! Hope it is a funday! I have to do those lovely chores to keep hearth and home together.

    First my usual rant about climate change! further discussion about my trip back,to,the family ranch. That part of Texas has suffered greatly with many kinds of natural disasters. A few years ago there were terrible wildfires all over Texas but this area was devastated. All the lovely old oak trees and the pecan trees were burned. Then storms, tornados and torrential rains and floods. My family kept the ranch in tact. Several cousins still,own parcels of the ranch but it is just not the same. The little town where I went to school ( a catholic school) and went to the weekly movies...almost a ghost town now. Sad! All due to a change in climate conditions.

    Here on their Oregon coast, we are enjoying our normal weather, some sun, some rain, some wind. I can deal with that! It is Katie grooming day and a good vacuuming follows. Little blonde Katie hairs travel in the air to every room and surface. I can't get over the fact that our vet thought a labradoodle was a perfect dog for an older couple. Their rambunctious nature, need for constant grooming is a challenge. But she is smart, amazingly affectionate and has an incredible memory. Our doc has one and we often compare notes. I never thought I could get attached to any dog like our OES. Now I realize, I am a dog person and only happy when we have furry family sharing our life.

    Our grounds are of the wild and natural design. John hates to cut down any tree. He is a tree-hugger from way back. Our bushes and trees are in need of a good trimming and pruning. John's idea of pruning is to remove a couple of small twigs. Our grounds are just shy of a total wild forest. Deer raccoons, owls, bears, coyotes and the occasional elk herd wonder in and about. I live in a sort of natural zoo.

    Enough of my dilly-dally! I have chores to do!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Monday!! :) Laundry is almost done, cleaning girl is here and I have spent wasted time on the phone trying to find out how much my penalty is going to be for never getting prescription coverage with medicare. I don't take any prescriptions and haven't since I joined medicare (ten years) so I imagine my penalties will be steep. I am being penalized for being healthy. As near as I can figure out the penalty should be around $50 or more a month on top of the premium for the insurance. I expect to pay somewhere around $100 a month for something I don't use. Oh well, now that I am old it is probably a good idea to have drug coverage, at least that is what the pharmacist from Walmart told me. I was on the phone forever with Humana (picked them cause they were cheap) and she couldn't answer so she finally told me to call Medicare which I am doing now but on hold for at least ten minutes. Hopefully, I can get some answers.

    I also want to take my car for an estimate to see if they can fix it without costing an arm and a leg. Need some groceries as well so I hope I get out of my house soon.

    Will talk later,
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited October 2017
    Oh dear, SANDY, is that wild? Being penalized for not needing medication!!! I have been with Humana's HMO for many years and find it to be a reasonable way to cope with outrageous medical costs these days! And my drug costs are very minimal! For those of you living where the deer and the antelope play, I cannot recall if I mentioned my daughter-in-law's dearest friend died last week in the hospital she went to with a tick bite. They decided to keep her overnight for observation after medicating her, but never used a heart monitor and when she had a severe reaction to the medication, the desk did not know she needed help! She was nor 60 yet. Watch out for ticks!!! What a shame about those disappeared apples, PATSY! We used to have that happen with cherry trees, but never apples, and always ended up with 1/2 a crop decaying on the ground until squirrels finished them off! Sorry to hear about John's ulcer. Mike had one for many years until we learned about a treatment for a particular virus that caused ulcers, and I wish I could remember the name, because after about 30 years of suffering, his disappeared after the 5 week treatment!
    JACKIE, along with everything else on your list of things to do, please note: the spelling is BIALY! Or you will never find a recipe! "Bialy is a flat bread roll that is made from gluten flour. Ingredients like chopped onions and poppy seeds form the top of Bialy. On the other hand, Bagel is a bread roll that contains malt. One difference that can be seen is that the malt in Bagel converts into sugar whereas it does not happen in Bialy." When you feel like experimenting and eating something I think is much better than a bagel, click on
    I think I had a slight case of food poisoning today, feeling queasy and exhausted, but I stayed upstairs and rested and think it's going away. I'll stay away from people until I'm sure I'm safe! I'll go have a bowl of soup and get back to resting.
    <3 Buzz

    ..........................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen..........................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited October 2017
    Oh dear, SANDY, is that wild? Being penalized for not needing medication!!! I have been with Humana's HMO for many years and find it to be a reasonable way to cope with outrageous medical costs these days! And my drug costs are very minimal! For those of you living where the deer and the antelope play, I cannot recall if I mentioned my daughter-in-law's dearest friend died last week in the hospital she went to with a tick bite. They decided to keep her overnight for observation after medicating her, but never used a heart monitor and when she had a severe reaction to the medication, the desk did not know she needed help! She was nor 60 yet. Watch out for ticks!!! What a shame about those disappeared apples, PATSY! We used to have that happen with cherry trees, but never apples, and always ended up with 1/2 a crop decaying on the ground until squirrels finished them off! Sorry to hear about John's ulcer. Mike had one for many years until we learned about a treatment for a particular virus that caused ulcers, and I wish I could remember the name, because after about 30 years of suffering, his disappeared after the 5 week treatment!
    JACKIE, along with everything else on your list of things to do, please note: the spelling is BIALY! Or you will never find a recipe! "Bialy is a flat bread roll that is made from gluten flour. Ingredients like chopped onions and poppy seeds form the top of Bialy. On the other hand, Bagel is a bread roll that contains malt. One difference that can be seen is that the malt in Bagel converts into sugar whereas it does not happen in Bialy." When you feel like experimenting and eating something I think is much better than a bagel, click on
    I think I had a slight case of food poisoning today, feeling queasy and exhausted, but I stayed upstairs and rested and think it's going away. I'll stay away from people until I'm sure I'm safe! I'll go have a bowl of soup and get back to resting.
    <3 Buzz

    ..........................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen..........................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,168 Member
    Good evening, busy day and I still haven’t taken out the trash.

    I love the photo of Scruff and my what an award. Excellent! George will be jealous if this continues. All kidding aside, how great. And are you going to bid on any items in the upcoming sale? Any update on the planning permission?

    Sandy, sorry about the penalty. They want you to sign up and pay premium from the onset of eligibility so that later on if you want to join in it is more likely that you either need expensive prescriptions now or soon will and they have collected no premium from you. I think they use to call it selection bias or selecting against the plan. The problem is they make you pay the penalty for the rest of your life. Your insurance agent should have explained this to you when you purchased a Medicare supplement plan or if Part D wasn’t available at that point, they should have told you what was up when it did become available. So I blame someone for not informing you. My dad did not sign up for Part D initially but when he needed more expensive prescriptions he did want to sign up. Luckily he had creditable coverage by having VA prescription access so I was able to fight the penalty and have it removed. I think it is all crazy nonetheless.

    Anne, I have purchased my lottery ticket now to keep my fingers crossed for a few days!! I did say fingers crossed, I am not holding my breath as my track record with these things isn’t too good.

    Buzz, the virus that causes ulcers is Helicobacter pylori or H pylori. I think they can normally treat that and it helps some people with the ulcer condition.

    Patsy, I hope all the loose hair/fur is cleaned up now. You are brave people to take on such a live wire of a doggy. Well done.

    I spent a good portion of the day taking care of something for my church. I was asked to order some items needed for the upcoming fund raising dinner. I said okay but had no idea. I had to establish an account with the company (which allowed them to store my credit card info). Placed the order. Okay, today I got a notice that the items had shipped and should arrive tomorrow BUT I would be required to be home to sign for them. Ack. This company sells primarily to businesses so having someone around is not a problem. So I had to open an account with FedEx, set up preferences, chat with some automated attendant to find out maybe I could but maybe I couldn’t get alternative options on delivery. Anyway, finally I received the upcoming delivery notice and I was able to login, set some preferences once again and was able to download a signature form for this order. I have printed it, filled it out and signed it. I am to attach it to the door tomorrow and they should leave the package. Then all I have to do is check the items, copy the invoice, drag it all to church on Sunday and I should get a reimbursement in a week or so. Stay tuned, ha, will order communion supplies in November. :D

    I did get inky fingers today. Lots of stamping. Nothing finished, just stamping with archival ink. I also played with the dry water colors and a huge leaf I picked up yesterday on my way out of church. Amazing leaf. I also ordered some markers and ink for the projects I just stamped. The company that held that weekend event gave each person a discount coupon which will expire soon. The percent discount was higher than at the event, every item was available while only limited items were at the event, even sale items were included on the coupon discount and unlike the weekend, they credited shopper reward points. Oh, and free shipping. They also provided a link to Tommy Art for a 25% Discount off an order for those who had taken a particular class with an instructor who works for Copic or Imaginarium or whatever they are called these days. I took advantage of that as well. I feel I took full advantage of everything that was provided from the event. Done.

    I too got to a bit of laundry, got some cards mailed and purchased stamps at the post office and made a trip to Trader Joe’s. I cleaned some old stuff out of the refrigerator and also did a bit of cooking. I am ready for my first Door to Door Organics mini box tomorrow. I have high hopes for this service.

    Mah Jongg tomorrow and as I drive across town I will see the check engine light again. I may wait a while to reset it. Maybe I can wait until it really annoys me. Or maybe until the next time I take it to the gas station. Once it is on though, my eyes are always drawn to it.

    Still slowly reading the John Dunning book.

    Getting colder here each day. Oh my. The poor beautiful leaves are blowing off the trees.

    Time to move along. Wishing everyone well.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    LIN, phew! You are SO busy and energetic! Meanwhile, we got up late. I've never got up this late! Sign of old age? It's 8:25? I get my first ever lottery ticket on Friday. Who knows Lin, we may have beginners luck, although if I don't get moving these darkening mornings, I'll miss the plane!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Not the best weather today so no excuses not to get more housework done. My hip x-ray due tomorrow has just been postponed over the phone due to a breakdown in the machinery and I was also going to take booking forms in to the dog sitter that will look after George and Scruff when we cruise Norway next year since he lives close to the hospital.... think I'll do that anyway as I understand he is getting very busy so we don't want to miss out.

    Patsy ~ Here's the latest news on French President Macron's adopted dog just to make you feel better about Daisy's occasional indiscretions!!

    Sandy ~ What a nightmare your healthcare seems to be. It's all about big insurance and drugs companies making money isn't it!! I do hope you managed to get something sorted. Oh dear, I'm not thinking that car damage is going to be cheap, it's such an odd rip in the metal so won't be easy to repair. Fingers crossed!!

    Buzz ~ The recipe for Bialys I found was similar to a bread roll with breadmaking flour and yeast but will check your out to see if any simpler. Are you feeling better after a night's sleep?

    Lin ~ Goodness, I'm sure lots of prayers must be sent heavenwards at your church to keep you safe and well since you do so much and get so involved. Aren't you supposed to get a break in November? Enjoy your organics mini box arriving today! My list of items from tomorrow's auction I might bid on has already got shorter because common sense is taking hold but I may well put a cheeky bid on the Georgian inlaid table just to see if I can be lucky. What do you think? Not the bowls on top!!

    Anne ~ An 8.30 start doesn't sound like you at all although if Jilly didn't wake up earlier either you must have both needed a lie in! I've checked this week's postcode lottery and nothing again, not even my £10 back so might just resort to the Euro millions lottery that sometimes hands out over 100 million pounds.... how scary would that be!!

    Moving back to my kitchen to continue cleaning cupboard doors. What an exciting life!


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,168 Member
    Stopping by for a moment. I am still laughing at the video Jackie. I definitely have had dogs that acted just that way. In fact one dog actually took a little break on the pant leg of a friend. One who co sidered himself an animal whisperer. Guess he didn’t see that coming!

    I love the table. The wood is just scrumptious looking. Toss a bid out, you never know.

    Anne, I will miss the plane as well. I have a bad habit of going back to bed for a while after initial,y getting up and plugging in the hair curling device. :D And actually the darn curler thing doesn’t do that much.

    Well, it is cold and very windy today. They advise dressing in layers. Will do. I may look for a pair of gloves. Ha

    I have already received four emails about this supply order for the church. I am really naive about what I agree to do.

    Time to finish the coffee and get going.

