Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just finished partaking in a Sudoku Webinar (wow, am I dumb!!!) where the Toolbar in my Edge browser took up too much of the desktop so I had to end up printing the graph we were working on! And Microsoft is no help at all as they only planed for changing the size of the Taskbar, not including Toolbars. I hope Windows 10 is still in Beta format, because it needs plenty of fixing yet. I'm just sorry I haven't a touch screen. Maybe next year!
    JACKIE, go for the bright red! It will reflect your sunny nature beautifully! Forgive me for my dreadful influence on your eating habits. Did you enjoy yours as much as I enjoyed my mini bialy and cream cheese today?
    SANDY and ANNE, I always was amazed at how my poodles appeared to understand every word and even every emotion I spoke or felt! And how humanly they tried to comfort me when I needed it,...and protect me from what they deemed harm! Mike never knew my poodles, yet he adored every little one he met. He was afraid of getting too attached to own of our own so we never got one. What a loss!
    LIN, thank you so much for the lovely greeting. And again, I thank every one of you for your support! I think I rounded a rough corner as today I feel much more whole again!
    Our Denmark dinner last night contained the best duck breast ( fresh cherry sauced) I have ever been served: boneless, thick and juicy and like a file mignon of duck! Wow! And the herring was nothing like any I've had here, in a wonderful light cream sauce and no bones! I attend the Around the World dinners with the same 6 friends each month, and it's truly lovely! Next year I believe the culinary department is planning to make the special meals for the entire dining room instead of just subscribers.
    PATSY, another Christmas season, YES! Doesn't it feel as if we have just emerged from the last one? I really haven't given a thought to how I will handle it yet. Occasionally, I do miss the convenience of having my own car!
    Did I mention the 2 disastrous movies we saw last week? Don't waste your time on "Landline" (Rotten Tomatoes lost my respect with their decent review of this one!) and The story of a Latin Lover, through which I mercifully slept! Now, at 2:47PM, I shall go have my yogurt and blueberries, which I missed for breakfast due to that Webinar! My time management is SO BAD! Have a super weekend, y'all...
    <3 Buzz
    ...........................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!..............................
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Another sunny but slightly cool day! Absolutely bliss! I did my morning exercise on the back deck. Katie also. She ran endlessly up and down and all around. She is now ready for a little "toes up," as my grandmother used to say. Our son is doing his last sail of the season. It is a strange time for him and his crew. They sadly have a cleanup day and a dinner where they plan for next spring. Sounds great to me. He hates putting the boat up for winter.

    I bought this new rotary cutter and a large cutting mat and Wow! Once again I am pleased to announce that improvements are constantly being made. This makes sewing faster and more fun. I'll bet Lin already has one for her card craft. The cutter is a gingher and is a real gem!

    Buzz: I agree with you about Rotten Tomatoes. But honestly! Who or what reviewer would you trust? They all seem to be on the take. Why else would they recommend such absolute garbage?

    Each season has its beauty and everyone loves fall. I do too. But there is this thing I fight each year. That overriding sadness as the sunlight disappears. I got out my little happiness light to have near my reading chair. John says it is like sitting in the sun at noon on the desert. It helps me however. John really doesn't mind it.

    New Lee Child book coming out Nov. 7 and John is reading the reviews already. How can that be? John is now working with his vet friend on a possible book. Our vet also loves photography. He takes heart rending photos of his patients. He and John are looking through hundreds of photos. I think they just like to gab about photos. Book? We'll see! There are a lot creative vibes flowing around here lately.

    Spring forward- fall back!
    Patsy...falling back

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    An extra hour in bed before a battle with high winds and horizontal drizzle on a walk to the top of the moors has left me refreshed and invigorated. George is a muddy mess having chased stones into puddles but thankfully we didn't bump into his groomer today!! All that wild weather is now moving on as the sun appears so I must be short here since it will be dark by 5pm.

    Buzz ~ The bagel was wonderful with a herb cream cheese, so much so that the next time I find myself in a Lidl store I will stock up..... bagels and their soft prunes but that's another story!! The bagels are British if there could ever be such a thing, delicious lightly toasted and a continental cheese to die for! You can be our Rotten Tomatoes anytime as I'd take far more notice of your critique than most others!

    Anne and Lin ~ Forgot to mention yesterday that my 4, yes 4, Euro millions lottery tickets didn't offer me a sniff of a win on Friday! Speculate to accumulate is my current mantra so I'll persevere each Friday!

    Anne ~ Your candle sounds gorgeous and will give off the warmest hint of wax scent, perfect for dark autumnal nights. You've reminded me to gather up the candles I made last year and use them rather than just look at them. Here's one of my favourites

    Lin ~ When I got home from our walk I had to spend 5 minutes putting the car clock back 1 hour because already it was annoying me so a brave move on your part if you do adjust yours beforehand. I wouldn't know where I was!!

    Sandy ~ Our clocks were changed to help farmers during wartime and just never went back. There has been talk over the past few years to leave them at summer time but the Scottish folk complained because they get very dark in the winter months so were worried about children walking to school not that many kids walk anywhere these days!

    Patsy ~ I'm lucky in that my property faces south west so as autumn arrives the sun moves in the right direction to give me more sun rather than less.... perfect planning by those Victorians who built it but even so shorter days can get me down if not careful. Your lamp is an ideal solution to lack of sunshine and if I was visiting I'd be hogging the limelight!!

    Must get on. Have a peaceful Sunday everyone.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited October 2017
    I'm sort of south west as well. Love the candle JACKIE. I won't show you mine because it ain't finished - my "tasteful?" arrangement. No leaves. It never stopped raining yesterday. Poured and poured, hence no beautiful crisp leaves! When we ventured out for short distances, poor Jilly got soaked like a black sponge.

    Mikes over today, and if it cheers up, lots of walks in Jilly's day.

    I didn't get a phone call at midnight from a happy son so presume my big dreams came to nought. No lottery win in other words!
    Anne. ☹️
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Just been for our walk. Now can anyone tell me why the houses on my side of the street are numbered:
    7. 11. 15. 19 and so forth.
    and on the opposite side:
    12, 16, 20, 24 and so forth.
    It's not as if there's room to build in between them, and why not start at number 2 opposite and number 1 on my side rather than 12 and 7. What happened to number 8?
    All very weird and I hadn't really noticed before after all these years of living here.
    Anne, the puzzled.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) After my video call with my kids I am going to get some groceries from Walmart and then wait for Bryanna to get home to pick me up from dropping my car at body shop. Lisa is coming with the boys to visit tomorrow since Robby keeps asking me to come to my house. I am going to make a whole chicken with potatoes and corn, along with a salad and of course dessert for the kiddos. I will be stuck in my house for three days but I will survive.

    Anne, I think it has something to do with the lot lines, because Babe is 613 and his next door neighbor is 619. Not sure how they figure out addresses but it can be confusing. There goes my dream of going to England, so Jackie will have to continue sharing pictures and videos of her beautiful country.

    Jackie, your doggie candle is very cute but won't you feel guilty when it starts melting?

    Patsy, what kind of book are the guys thinking?

    Buzz, it is great how you get to sample different countries cuisine. I am not a fan of duck but you made it sound delicious.

    Lin must be on church duty or was she going to the library? Hope it is a fun day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,168 Member
    Just a quick line. Church and more church!! Just home for a minute or two, then off to the Library for some kind of activity. I go for the company and to see something different. So far we haven’t done anything I would like to pursue further.

    See you later.


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Speaking of being puzzled...I thought we were to be changing our clocks this morning. I looked on the iPad and our internet clock and we haven't changed time at all. Did I gain an hour and notice? Even Katie kept right on schedule. My,stern that will need further investigation.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Daylight saving time 2017 in Illinois began at 2:00 AM on
    Sunday, March 12
    and ends at 2:00 AM on
    Sunday, November 5
    All times are in Central Time.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Okay...the end of daylight savings happens here first week in Nov. I just got ahead of myself, as usual I am confused and befuddled! Foggy and overcast day. I will light the fireplace this evening. Makes for a cozy evening. Will the big new storm impact any of you sneakers? We get rain so often I can't tell if we are having a storm or not. Just our usual liquid sunshine.

    John just checked out a new DVD called Baby Driver. I don't think it is for me. But it does have an interesting plot. I will stay upstairs and answer a few letters to folks who still write letters. Remember getting real mail? I love it, but it is a rare event.

    Anne: if they didn't alternate house numbers you would have to go the end of the road to find a house number for someone who lives right across the street. There is wisdom behind it but I am not sure what it is. The numbers have to to do with lots rather than actual houses here in our area.

    More coffee and listening to Sunday Baroque on Pbs. Happy music for a foggy day.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,168 Member
    edited October 2017
    Good evening

    Jackie, I love the doggie candle and I am afraid I would find it too precious to burn. Is it just for decoration? I have all my non-essential clocks set back now. A couple of others will self-adjust as they sync up with the government clocks. Some batteries have been switched and I am pretty much set for next weekend. I wish they would just decide what they want us to do. My body says it is time to Fall back. I am sleeping later now. And my Lottery ticket was a dud. (Unhappy). Ha, glad George did not see the groomer.

    Anne, I pay no attention to the house numbering system. I just know evens are on one side and odds on the other and depending on my driving direction, they will be ascending or descending. I don’t look for additional logic. Sorry for all the rain and I hope you find some lovely leaves.

    Sandy, my housebound friend, enjoy your visit with the boys tomorrow. I hope your car will be 100% up to your standards when you get it back.

    Patsy, how’s the fireplace? I still do not have my pilot light started yet. I have a project to tackle not related to the house and I am avoiding it. I bought a very cheap winter jacket last year, I have worn it three times and today I found a button is missing—one that attachs the hood to the jacket. It is missing, there are NO spare buttons and I am miffed. The button next to the missing one was not buttoned as the button hole is too small for the button. My, they had no quality control on this piece of junk. But I need to try to fix it. Or it will need to be junked. Meanwhile, yes I do have a cutting mat and even a glass mat which is lovely for bits of cutting and for inking etc as it cleans up so easily. And as to the organic vegetable/fruit boxes, so far so good. I did write to the company as I had some spoiled tomatoes. They gave me a refund so I am okay with it. I will keep trying various products the next few weeks and see how things work out. I will say the items I received I would rate as premium.

    Buzz, hello my friend. You do live in a very interesting place with so many options for entertainment as well as so many dining options, I am amazed.

    Time to watch a movie and read some Christmas stories. I got a book from the library called “The Usual Santas”. A collection of Soho Crime Christmas Capers. I am enjoying it.

    More hugs and all best wishes.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    What a beautiful day. Quick breakfast I knew I would be in trouble with my iPad if I waited too late,finding FaceTime! And at precisely 9 AM, I clicked on the red phone and it rang and rang and I was about to give up when suddenly, there was my dear scruffy son blearily searching for me, and yes, JACKJE , Germany went back to regular time today, too. The kids want ne to fly up to DD in Somers, NY for Christmas. DDiL would not take ""No" for my answer, and I feel I'm not in good condition to fly anywhere. Yesterday we were trying to convince one of our friends whose kids were insisting she fly up for something, which filled her with dread, and she's 8 years younger than I! I really don't like telling my kids about every ache and pain, but now I'm feeling guilty about not traveling!. I looked for the ...........Oh, shoot, I must have fallen asleep as I just woke up with a page full of gibberish! I'd better come back tomorrow to finish!
    <3 Buzz
    ..........................Always believe etc................................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I understand even house numbers on one side of the street and uneven numbers on the other side of the street. That's normal everywhere but....
    Why START at number 12 on one side and START at number 7 on the other?
    And why is there a gap of four between houses?
    12 and then 16 and then 20 and so forth.
    It puzzles me.
    Was this once a street of Pygmy houses and the house in between (missing house no. 14) 12 and 16 become a garden? I shall cease wondering and when I've got the time or the inclination, call city hall, lol.
    Furnace renewed today, a day of workmen and dog excitement and probably stair cleaning.

    Marks family are considering going somewhere warm for Christmas BUZZ. Me, I'm staying home, warm and cozy hopefully with a decent furnace. Only if we win the lottery and rent a private jet shall I stir. The young don't understand. I remember my mother complaining each year when my cousin insisted on her going to their place for a few days. She was bored out of her mind with the cracker pulling etc and longed for her little flat, her books, the TV and a few chocs to eat in private. Me too, old Scrooge that I am.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,168 Member
    Anne, I have never lived anywhere that had a rational numbering system I guess so I really never thought about it. As a child we lived on a great long street, blocks long with no intersections and there were vacant lots so the house numbers were strange. After that I was out in the country and if you got a street and a house number you would think they drew them out of a hat. Now I am on a cul de sac and these numbers are more rational but really, I have never paid attention! Good for you to notice the numbering on your street. Let us know if you call someone to find out the reasoning involved.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I suspect city hall won't know either LIN. Maybe you could get more teepee's on the street when the Mississauga Indians lived here! I've lived here since 1980 and only just started wondering why? In between the indigenous people and us immigrants it was all strawberry fields for the rich of Toronto. Then, after World War One it was tiny homes for returning wounded soldiers. That's how my place started, before it was enlarged.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited October 2017
    A cold, brisk morning but that made for a wonderful walk across the moors with views to die for! Another friend joined us so 4 dogs and 3 humans strolled, caught up on news and discussed weekend tv including the latest David Attenborough Blue Planet series that I watched in high definition. Glorious photography but heartbreaking stories as ice caps melt and wildlife struggles for existence. I never imagined I could be in tears about a few walruses but seeing mothers struggling to find a piece of floating ice to rest themselves and their pups on but ending up having to float on their backs hugging their babies close to them was unbelievably sad. Not too long before it's all gone, melted away but then there's no such thing as global warming according to some!! Another series we had each watched was Gunpowder, all about Guy Fawkes and although I know the outcome I was so caught up in the story I found myself willing them to escape. Not for the fainthearted this one as extremely gory!!

    Lin ~ The doggy candles were made last year for Christmas presents and a couple were left over. The trouble is what else do you do with them other than light the taper? At some point he will have to go! Don't you have haberdashery departments in your stores where you could buy a couple of new buttons and get that jacket hood fixed? If not it might be worth an Amazon search just so long as you don't have to purchase a pack of 20!

    Anne ~ When our allotment sight was first set up and numbers allocated to plots you wouldn't believe how a group of men with measures and a laptop that showed them a satellite image could make such a mess of the numbers. If you can imagine No.1 starting in one corner then 2, 3 4 etc carrying on up the shorter side to the next corner when they then went back to the other side of No.1 and continued down the longer side 5, 6, 7, 8 but only halfway because they then ran back up the middle! The answer to your query is I think that no women were involved in the numbering!! I'm sorry I had to pick a number that didin't exist for your card that might have given it a slight chance of remaining in Canada!!

    Buzz ~ Could a member of your family fly to you then escort you to New York because perhaps with moral support and an extra pair of hands, Christmas could be feasible. On the other hand if going is just too much of a trauma then of course you have to decline. The stress of it all isn't worth it. Having suggested all that, I'm the worst one because after years of awful travel to and from London dealing with crowds, mad drivers and often icy roads I decided staying at home is the best option..... leave Christmas to children, and Sandy of course!! :D<3

    Patsy ~ Perhaps it was my clocks going back in the UK that had you adjusting yours but so long as you enjoyed a lie in yesterday morning you can have another next Sunday!!

    I'd better get on since I just paused for crackers, an apple and piece of Edam cheese for lunch after cleaning out the inside of my car. I still have to have a final sort out of the beehive before settling it down for the winter then get to a car wash. The cleaning and washing because my car gets its MOT tomorrow and I think it should look cared for at least!!

    No time to spellcheck so fingers crossed!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    jacean2017 wrote: »
    I suspect city hall won't know either LIN. Maybe you could get more teepee's on the street when the Mississauga Indians lived here! I've lived here since 1980 and only just started wondering why? In between the indigenous people and us immigrants it was all strawberry fields for the rich of Toronto. Then, after World War One it was tiny homes for returning wounded soldiers. That's how my place started, before it was enlarged.

    It's purely subjective reasons in some places, and for legitimate reason in others. Usually, street numbers will increase in a similar pattern: by 2s, 4s, 6s or by 10s, odd numbers on one side, evens on the other. If a property is larger than the others, they may put an extra skip in, to account for a future sub-divide without having to relabel the whole street.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Thanks SANDY. We are all squeezed into the same size lots. As the small places are torn down, the mansions get less garden which is maybe the trend with busy working couples these days. It's all a sweet mystery of life.

    I kept away from David Attenboroughs latest JACKIE. I just can't bear to watch what is happening. I watched a programme on the gentle sloths and it had me in tears. They move slowly of course and men climb the trees to snatch the babies clinging on to their mothers to sell. The babies usually die because humans find it difficult to care for a little clinging baby that needs constant feeding. The mothers aren't killed unlike the apes, but are left bereft. Fortunately, a few enlightened souls are caring for these little orphans from illegal markets and the unscrupulous men are put in jail if caught.

    Guy Fawkes, ah poor old Guy and his fellow conspirers. There's a very old pub in Hull in a street named The Land of Green Ginger (from the spice trade) where they first hatched the plot it is said. The pub is all winding staircases and little rooms. I had fish and chips there with Roy nine years ago. Very tasty. Once I knew the story I found it difficult burning a stuffed cloth Guy Fawkes effigy on bonfire night. Not so as a kid. The excitement and the charcoal roasted spuds we ate while the grown ups sipped cider and kept an eye out for naughty little children lighting fireworks behind them.
    My ex and my friends husband once lit a rocket inside our dustbin. It went off with an almighty bang and cracked our bedroom window! Boys will be boys however old!

    Please do remember,
    The fifth of November,
    Gunpowder, treason and plot.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Monday!! :) My car is at body shop and hoping they can get it done in two days instead of three since Wednesday is a holy day and I would like to go to mass at noon. I would also like to go to bingo but as I always say, one day at a time. Laundry is started and dinner will be started later this afternoon. I did not sleep well so I do hope I can get a nap in before Lisa and the boys come. I am not a good napper so might have to just plow through being tired.
    By the way Lisa found my sunglasses in her stroller even though she said she had looked before and they mysteriously popped up.

    Anne, I googled and found that answer, makes sense if property were to be divided later. And with the way they tear down old houses to make room for much bigger houses I guess they knew what they were doing. My daughter and her family along with her in laws are going on a cruise for Christmas. I declined for three reasons, it is Max's first Christmas, I hate flying in the winter because of delays and I can't afford to go with the expense of Christmas presents.

    Jackie, I have seen some specials on global warming and it certainly does break your heart to see the critters struggling. I do love Christmas but mainly because of the kids. After my first divorce Christmas lost some of the meaning as I used to have both sides of the family for Christmas Eve and after the divorce I got Christmas Eve and their dad got Christmas. It was never the same for holidays.

    Lin, your house sounds interesting, is it a big house? You talk about basement stairs and upstairs so it must be a fairly big house. Am I being too nosy? Sorry.

    Buzz, Jackie's suggestion of an escort sound like a great idea. You can have wheel chair at the airport to get to the boarding gate which would help. But then again winter in New York can be brutal. Very nice of them to want you with them for Christmas but maybe it would be easier to come to Florida.

    Patsy, hope all is well with you. My son and his wife bought a lot in Edwardsville, Illinois and are having a house built. They will be leaving Oregon to come to flat Illinois with no mountains and with hot and freezing weather. What is wrong with them? LOL Truthfully, it is closer to my house, a 5 hour drive so I hope to see them more often.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    It is a sort of sunny day here. High thin clouds off and on sunny. Very PNW kind of weather. John got a huge kick out of our discussion about house numbers. I was telling him about it. We have almost always choose rural living no matter where we lived. House number when you live out in country is pointless and even funny. Addresses out here come with detailed instructions and discriptions in mile and landmarks.

    Speaking of our infrastructure, I had a very good friend whose husband worked for an oil company. She said when they were stationed in the Middle East, it was so hard for foreigners because they had no phone book or organized addresses. This was of course, many years ago. Business cards were essential. They had not only phone numbers on them but directions on a little map on the back of the card. She was a tall beautiful Swedish blonde and she was briefly kidnaped and held for ransom. She was also very smart and brave.

    The holidays are such a strange collection of emotion and stress for some. I love the holidays. We don't have any young children in the family but i still love them. Holidays are espically stressful for John. He says they always were, not sure why but they are. I love having all the music, decor, parties, food, family and friends. John keeps trying to keep things organized. I love a total jumble and happy chaos. We all work it out and try not to stress John too much. We are such a small family it isn't too much of a big to-do around here. We go for elegant and amazing. Big leftovers are just too much for us to deal with. We are all in kitchen at once preparing a special thing. I love to use all my special China and crystal. That's our holidays plus card playing and visiting.

    Anne and Jackie: Who is Guy Fawkes? I guess I missed school they day they taught about him.

    Sandy: your sunglasses...that is my life! Things just hide and crop up mysteriously in odd places. Who put things in these odd places? Fairies and elves would be my suspicion.

    Lin: cards and crafting always gets a bit more frantic and interesting as the holidays get closer. I'll bet your card designing area is covered in glittler and shine. Fun and a constant delight.