Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Anne, So happy you have a functioning furnace. Yippee !! I hope you are getting some well deserved rest in a toasty house. <3

    Nice day today.

    Going to rest and recuperate now.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    You had me giggling at several posts tonight, but one of the inconveniences of aging is I can't always remember what made me laugh! And I really want to get to sleep before midnight.
    I can appreciate PATSY's remark about the cost of living in a place like mine. I felt the same way until I began to recognize a small failure in Mike's memory, and perhaps reactions, and knew it would not improve. I did thorough research, going back several times to each of 11 places, and then jumping at it when there was an unexpected reduction in the purchase cost just before Christmas (slow sales!) that made it possible to use the sale of our house to buy in here! One of the prime buying points was that by buying rather than renting (no longer renting to new residents), we got an excellent deduction in our income tax, making it not much more than owning our villa. Since food and bus and entertainment are all included in my maintenance, the cost was not as exorbitant as it might seem. However, thanks to Mr President's new plans for the "biggest tax cut ever", he will continue to pay no taxes, while mine will go way up since Congress is removing the deduction for medical expenses. Everyone here is quite concerned since there are few wealthy people here! By the way, PATSY, the men here who do not spend time at their poker games love to "run" the place! We have auto "mavens", who seem to trade in their sports cars much too often for people who seldom drive; some insist on continuing to improve the landscaping. Others inspect the utilities, machinery, Bocce courts, swimming pools, iguana nests, and kitchen as often as they need to feel "busy". By the way, what kind of Sports car does John have? I do miss driving one! JERI, how fabulous, taking charge of the contents of your computer! I keep planning to do what you ARE doing! You might find your photographs worth putting together in a book! They are certainly magnificent! SANDY, I agree you made the only possible choice to maintain your sanity! Bravo! ANNE, luxuriate in your new furnace! Or is it the tub? Well, enjoy both! JACKIE, I cannot believe your "bee season" is finishing; it seemed to have just started! Are the seasons rushing faster? LIN, where on earth do you find pink inkpads?
    MARIE, Are you out there? Please let us know how and what you are doing!
    <3<3 Buzz <3 (the emojis got stuck!)

    ..............................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!......................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Why isn't this on page 498?
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited November 2017
    Good morning, early morning! Jilly slept the sleep of the damned after such a busy day protecting me from furnaces and furnace fitters. That could be a tongue twister couldn't it! Fifty furnace fitters and a furnace fitter fits. I've got up too early, sorry! Anyway I also slept like the damned after a lovely bath and then watching the latest Daphne de Maurier "Rebecca" on TV in warmth. I'm very enthused about the new furnace so far. The old one rattled and rolled. It came on at 68 and then steadily climbed to reach 78 at which point I would throw my sweater off, and then it would stop with an almighty crash, and creep down to 68 at which point I'd put my sweater on again. This was particularly troublesome at night. It was like having hot flashes all over again. Bed sheets on, bed sheets off.
    This dear little thing maintains the same temperature ALL the time. It's like a lovely balmy day in the tropics. Not that I've ever spent a lovely balmy day in the tropics. No more crashes as she switches on and off and she softly purrs like a little kitty cat. I shall name her Florence.

    Your place sounds lovely BUZZ. The men being allowed to be the enigmas they are trying to "control" things. Take the control element away and of course they deteriorate. You have to let men "think" they control things to keep them happy. Golly, I sound like Norah Batty in The Last of the Summer Wine. The fitting furnace fitters left a tsunami of mess in the basement. My trusty vacuum sorted that out, but that's something else most men seem good at. Lol. All this is said in good humour because we DO need the pesky critters.

    Shopping day. I have to get a form signed by my bank manager stating I am still alive and therefore should still receive a very small pension from Britain. This happens yearly after the age of 80. I don't blame the British government for checking because of all the fraudsters out there or at least the fraudsters fraudulent children.
    I think I had better shut up and get my breakfast now in my nightie. No robe.......bliss.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    My gardening work yesterday went well as a few more shrubs were cut down from the giants they had become hiding behind those pesky brambles. One fuchsia had found light by shooting to around 12' so I felt quite bad cutting it off at the knees in the hopes it will once again become a shrub rather than tree. An elder had died back in the gloom so I must find another source for next summer's elder flower cordial and there are still a few feet of jungle to cut and shrubs to discover but it's certainly a matter of survival of the fittest in there!

    Today we walked in a strange murk that wasn't quite mist or fog but it does appear to be lifting now. After my coffee and visit on this site I am going shopping at one of those stores that sells practically everything you might need. Its prices used to be very competitive but under new management I have to be more vigilant and selective. A wall light bulb died last week and in doing so shot the glass bulb out of the metal fixture so I have to somehow ease it out with pliers and at the same time check the make so I don't buy them again. Probably what I call a CCC item....... cheap Chinese cr**!! There's a lot of it about these days!

    Anne ~ It must feel like pure luxury to have yourself wrapped in warmth again although if it were me I might just miss the occasional clank and clonk of the old girl. Florence is a perfect name for the new purring kitten (my mother's middle name to boot!) and sounds like she will look after you this winter.

    Buzz ~ A late cousin who lived in a similar complex to yours in Australia used to write amusing letters about the men's group he belonged to that spent hours together discussing what needed to be checked and who should do the checking. I still miss his letters but have held on to the amazing poems he posted on to me as I was privileged to be the first to read them and pull them out of their drawer every now and then to enjoy the varying emotions they evoke. My beekeeping year does seem to have rushed by but I must admit I was pleased to be closing down the hatches on their hive until Christmas when I'll check to see if they need a supply of food. Perhaps a quiet winter will calm their feisty ways, or not!!

    Patsy ~ Last year I had to give in and buy myself one of those kneeling pads with side supports to hold on to when easing myself towards the ground or pushing myself up although it's fine until I need to lean forward further than a couple of feet then look out!! Seattle to Cornwall would be quite a culture shock although I think once anyone adjusts to the slow way of life here it is a dreamy place to live.

    Sandy ~ Hopefully by now you have your car back. We do rely on them don't we although I do at least have a sparse bus service in emergencies to get me into town but that's about as far as they go without making it a long, long journey.

    Lin ~ Are you rested and raring to go again? A busy time of year for you and your card making I imagine. Me? I just cheated and purchased a few boxes from the Hen Welfare organisation I'm going to adopt a few battery farm girls from looking for their freedom. Which reminds me I must measure my chicken run so they can tell me when I phone today how many I should take on.

    Time to move on. Lovely to hear from Jeri even if the subject of ice and snow has been brought up!! From what I've seen of your weight loss progress you've been doing the right thing with a steady loss which is brilliant!

    Have a good Friday everyone.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I shan't miss the old furnace at all JACKIE. It was very loud and lurked below my master bedroom so that every winter I had to migrate to a much smaller quieter bedroom and leave my dressing table etc behind until the spring. The master bedroom is at the back of the house so it is also much quieter now that Thor clanging on his anvil has gone to wherever old furnaces go. Long live Florence!

    You are really having a voyage of discovery with all the old/new plants emerging. I need a kneeling pad with sides! We have a super store fairly close by, about 10 miles away, which sells lovely gardening stuff mostly from the UK or Germany. Must persuade Mike to take me one day.
    Just waiting for the said Mike to arrive.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    edited November 2017
    Good morning, I am up and need to run a couple of errands. I cannot use my driveway right now. When I was away yesterday, the guys came back and did the patching of the driveway caulk and now I cannot drive a car over the seams. I wish they would have notified me that they would be doing the work. Oh well. Anyway, I am waiting until it warms up a little bit before getting into the cold vehicle to let it warm up. I am accustomed to a warmer vehicle that’s been in the garage.

    Well, lots of flying paper and ink yesterday. Did not get everything finished so when I got home I went back to work so now all the cards are in the same state of assembly, not finished but much closer. I am now organizing for a day of Papercrafting at the library tomorrow. I have several things in mind, well, I usually do but never get to everything. I am thinking of making a small set of notecards for a friend’s birthday which I see is sneaking up on me.

    No reinker in stock for my dry inkpad. They would order one for me but that would require I make a long gas-drinking trip to pick it up. Not worth it, paying shipping is worth the cost in this instance. Oh, and they had no idea when they would receive the item. They have received tons of merchandise for the holiday season. The store was packed yesterday for their open house.

    Anne, congrats on the new purring furnace friend Florence. Perhaps the best furnace ever? I remember when my new furnace and air conditioner were installed. It was heavenly. At the time it was the air conditioning that was much appreciated.

    Jackie, great progress on your gardening task list. Your voyage of discovery. I hope you finish it soon. I have little to tend to outdoors so I sit on my tush when I work. It works. Oh, that and bending over all the time. Although my back is less than thrilled when I do too much trimming. And I am glad the bees are bedded in for now.

    Buzz, your post showed up in the proper place. And thanks for the explanation regarding your community. We have nothing that would compare with it in this locality. Wonderful decision on your part.

    Sandy, any update on your car?

    Jeri, you are a busy and productive lady. Hope to see you (and any photos you’d like to share) any day!

    Well, I should get going.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    edited November 2017
    Happy Friday! :) Hooray! I have my car and life is back to normal. I am going for a haircut at noon and sitting later. They did a nice job on my car and gave me a discount for paying cash.

    Lin, have you tried Amazon for your ink refill? If you find one and you are not a prime member let me know and I will order it for you and have it sent to your house.

    Anne, so happy you have heat and have a nice quiet furnace. My furnace is of course in my unit in the utility room so it is quite loud. I am used to it now and since I prefer a little noise while sleeping (I also use a fan) it does drown out the outside noises.

    Jackie, good job on the garden, it is always rewarding to get those jobs done. I hate when a bulb breaks in the lamp, are you able to shut the electric off before using pliers?

    Buzz, I agree, your living arrangements are perfect. I think we have some similar but I have never heard anyone compliment their living arrangements as much as you do, so yours sounds special.

    Patsy, I saw Daisy yesterday and she is just as crazy as Katie. She wore me out within 5 minutes playing tug of war. She always win!!!

    Have a good Friday!!
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited November 2017
    Four lottery tickets bought online and I see the winnings tonight are £25 million..... that will do!! At the store I bought all the light bulbs I need (don't worry Sandy, there is a wall switch as well as one on the lamp so I should be safe!), some doggy treats, a new purse/wallet with a pattern of dogs on it just like George and winter curtains for the bedroom that have a thermal lining. Our temperatures are set to fall in the next day or so. After a thorough check in the fabrics department I decided that although my red monkey material is about 4 times more expensive than their offerings, nothing really jumped out at me so monkeys it is!!
    I phoned the Hen Welfare Trust to make a booking for 3 of their rescue hens and will get the name of the farm and directions closer to the pick up date which is November 26. All a bit clandestine but that might be because they don't want Animal Rights turning up to cause trouble. Don't know, I didn't ask but told the girl on the phone it all sounded exciting and she giggled!!
    My plans for cutting the lawns when I got home, hopefully for the last time this year, went astray once I put the kettle on but I think after rain tonight we will have a couple of dry days so I'll get the job done then.

    Time to cook my evening meal.
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Well, we got snow in Idaho last night. I'm not ready to freeze this year. I don't like the cold weather but hubby doesn't want to move or go to warmer climate in the winter. BRR

    Read all your posts, you ladies are really busy.

    We have a rescue dog for the last 3 weeks. Boy she has problems but she's cute. Worst thing is she has severe anxiety when we leave. If she can she will get out and run away. She is almost housebroken, some days she's 100% other days 85% so not bad. She is 2 yrs old. She doesn't like the create or driving in the car. Hopefully we can train her.

    Take care
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Good morning everybody. It's 2 deg here and a very dark and gloomy morning. Don't forget to change your clocks tonight, and I'll have to grapple with the new digital thermostat! There's a disaster about to happen. Maybe I'll wait until Mark drops in.

    Maybe he won't this weekend though because grandson Derek moves into the downtown apartment. Derek has spurned all offers of his deceased grandparents furniture, and who can blame him, because although very well made it is in the heavy Portuguese old style. My grandson hovers between the art and the business world, so I expect he will be buying modern tubular and leather stuff. I suspect his work is very much like PATSYs son.

    Florence is purring happily in the basement, but because I was stuck with just the board heater during the earlier three days, Michael wants me to go and look at fireplaces and electric fires tomorrow. He says they are very realistic and there's a specialty shop in Toronto. Mmm we will see. I must say a fire at Christmas or during a snowstorm sounds very appealing.

    JACKIE, clandestine rescued chickens! Wish I was on this mission with you! Will they be young and still laying eggs? Oh and will your resident chicks accept them?

    Chris, what is your rescue dogs name? Welcome from George, Daisy, Missy, Katie and Jilly. My son bought Jilly a crate when she was a teeny pup, and she hated it so I never used it and it's been residing in the garage ever since. I tend to work on the premise that whatever my dad did I would do the same. He loved dogs and of course crates didn't exist in his day. I think what really worries me though is if there was a house fire or I had an accident shopping and I couldn't get back to the house, like the old chap who got blown off his bike with wind and got carted off to hospital with a broken hip.

    Jill loves the car, and is very nosy peering out the window. I'm sure your little one will be the same with time.

    I wonder what today will bring?
    Happy day to all my Sneaker friends,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Good morning friends. It is foggy, chilly and there is a bit of intermittent drizzle. I am packed and ready to head to a day of indoor joy—paper, ink and associated messes.

    Chris, congrats on the new doggie. Yes, we want to know what your darling is called. And I think it takes a while to settle in. I had a rescue Husky once upon a time. She was quite old at the time and had been abused but she liked my other dog and was okay with me. She never cared much for men however, especially if they walked right up to her.

    Anne, glad Florence is humming right along and if you do not change the time on the new digital thermometer for a week or so it will be okay, I forget to do that for a couple of weeks when it was new. Oh, I hope you do go to look at electric fireplaces. They are lovely.

    Jackie, I can no longer see the posts from the prior page and I do not wish to lose the bit I have written. It does sound like our abused women’s shelters in reference to the hens. Addresses are not given out etc. I can understand it quite well when it comes to people. Abusers are looking to find their victims once again to do them bodily harm but what horrible folks would want to cause problems for a place looking to find homes for hens? What a world.

    Sandy, glad you are back on the road. Wahoo! And thank you for your offer. I am a Prime member on Amazon. They have the item but it is a much higher price. I have a discount coupon on shipping from my usual vendor so when I have something else to order it will be fine. Meanwhile I have loads of other ink colors, including other pinks so no worries. I just cannot continue with that particular color. Very sweet of you my friend.

    Well, I need to roll everything out to my vehicle. I still cannot use my driveway. Apparently in cold weather the time needed for this stuff to cure must be longer than in the nice warm weather.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) I am going to a Tupperware bingo tonight to help the Vets. Our friend from our usual bingo is having a benefit so we are going to support her. Would prefer cash to Tupperware but it is for a good cause. I will go to confession (yes I still go) because of missing mass Wednesday and then go to 5:00 mass at a Church near the event since it starts at 6:00. I hope I remember to turn my clocks back when I get home.

    Lin, you are very welcome, that's what friends are for. (that song will be in your head all day)
    Have fun today and try to keep warm.

    Anne, it sounds like you got your new furnace just in time. Just wait for Mark to change the time or you could be freezing during the day and sweating at night. lol If you lived closer I have a freestanding electric fireplace that I am not using since I have a gas fireplace. It works great and keeps the room warm. I gave it to Rob and Lisa but they aren't using it and stored it in their storage room so I should take it back.

    Chris, congratulations on the rescue, what kind is she? Give her time and patience, do you know her background?

    Jackie, so good of you to also rescue chickens, I hope all works out.

    Buzz, what is the country of choice this week?

    Patsy and Marie: Hi

    Have a great Saturday!!
    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Foggy, boggy day here! But that is late fall and Winter here on the Oregon coast.

    I have been having fun repotting and tending to my very neglected house plants. I have some huge plants that have been with me for years and years. I have a Christmas cactus that is huge and was a start from one of my mother's plants. Even I could not kill the sweet old thing. It has moved clear across this continent in the back of a moving van plus living in a household of neglectful plant owners! My kind of plant!

    I love our fireplace and Katie just plops down in front of it and relishes the light and heat. Me too! I really hate to turn on our furnace. It dries out the air and there is something about this furnace and the noice level....but I am grateful for it when we need the whole house to be warm.

    We are watching a fascinating film called "Maudie" and it is a Canadian/Irish film. It is so unusual and so well done. Make it a must see if you get a chance. Why can't Hollywood make a decent film like this anymore? I am not a fan of the films based on comic book heros. Do I sound like a curmudgeon? Maybe!

    We are reading thanksgiving stories at school these days. I didn't say anything but the kindergarten teacher seems to favor art projects for the kids that discourage free expression. Color in the lines and follow the instructions! The kids are a delight and love the stories. I need to get or make more puppets. I use hand puppets while we read stories. A turkey puppet? Hmmmmmm..... possible.....with a fan of feathers and funny turkey legs and feet. I am writing a thanksgiving story to read right before thanksgiving. Hope to come up with a turkey puppet by then.

    Summer was too short and too hot at times. I feel like I missed it. I don't think we had dinner out on the deck often and I didn't stop and smell the roses often enough. I will try to enjoy each season more. Now for the joys of autumn leaves and cool wet weather.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hiya'll, sorry , but I'm feeling queasy and tired and will change my clocks and get some much- needed sleep! Have a lovely weekend, everyone.
    <3 Buzz
    ..............................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!......................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited November 2017
    Since Scruff and her mum have a busy weekend at dog shows me and George took ourselves off on a different trail across the moors this morning avoiding wide open spaces just in case a heavy hail storm swept across and we found ourselves with no shelter. As it turned out apart from a short smattering of rain towards the end of our walk the rest was glorious and while George sniffed and chased the wind I stopped occasionally to take in the views and feel the sun on my face. Plans today are to join up with my neighbour to attack more hedges needing to be cut back because they run across the end of both our gardens and are beginning to block our views across the lower village. Guy Fawkes got his come-uppance in last night's final episode of Gunpowder.... no surprises there!!

    Buzz ~ Do make the most of that extra hour and get some proper rest. So sorry you're feeling unwell again but sometimes over tiredness can have that effect.... hopefully that's all that's making you feel queasy. <3

    Lin ~ I fear I didn't make the hen collection arrangements clear, probably because I understand how it happens but why would you? When an egg farm that practices intensive farming agrees to hand over hens to those of us interested in adopting, the Hen Welfare Trust that seeks to save as many as possible from slaughter arranges for us to go to the farm on the day the chooks are being shipped out. The farm then puts aside however many the Trust has managed to find homes for but because their way of farming is now considered controversial here in the UK they don't advertise what they do in case they get demonstrators at their gate! Sorry if that's a bit of a long explanation!!

    Anne ~ The hens are slaughtered at 18 months because they are worn out from living in the unnatural environment so egg production slows. Once they experience natural daylight and night time rest they start to lay again. No doubt my chooks will be territorial, especially little feisty Daisy but I will set up a net barrier for a couple of days so they can see each other but not fight. Also I read somewhere if you put some sort of scent on all of them they accept each other because they all smell the same so I'll have to get a scent bottle ready!! My nephew used a wooden crate as a coffee table for a couple of years when he first moved into his apartment and I gather rusty items being taken out of demolished factories are now all the rage in homes so I'm betting your Derek will have some great ideas for his new home. There's nothing like a flickering flame, real or just clever lighting, to warm your soul so I think it's a grand idea if you can afford it but if one of your boys is going to buy it for you then it's a definite!!

    Sandy ~ You do make me giggle.... of course cash is more useful sometimes than tupperware but goodness me, I still have a couple of pieces that I bought at a tupperware party 45 years ago so it does have its uses! Knowing how well you do at bingo I'm expecting to read in your next post that you came home with a stash of plastic containers!! :D

    Patsy ~ A turkey hand puppet sounds a brilliant idea and hopefully the little creature will avoid a roasting dish in your story!! There are few movies I'm prepared to watch these days what with the special effects bombing, fighting or disasters so give me a gentle thought provoking story every time.

    Chris ~ If there is one thing I learned when I adopted George with all of his issues similar to your little puppy, it was patience, consistency and more patience!! These poor dogs are generally terrified for one reason or another but oodles of TLC will I'm sure soon see great improvements. Well done you for taking it on; before you know it you will receive as much love as you will be giving.

    The sun is out so I'm heading for the garden. Happy and peaceful Sunday to everyone.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I had no problems getting up as normal despite the clock change, ie no sleeping in. However, it is so gloomy and rainy with promised thunderstorms later that one couldn't really tell what time of day it was - November!

    JACKIE If I buy a fireplace with built in fire - no ashes to sweep up as in the past - I'll be treating me and Jilly to an early Christmas gift from us. I know analytical Mark would say, "what do you want a fireplace for now you've got a reliable(?) new furnace", and Mike is always broke having an ex wife to support. He thinks its a good idea. If I get one I've promised it to him when I depart this mortal coil. However it's such a horrid day outside he may decide not to drive over between weather and crowded roads. Thanks for the explanation about the saved chickens. If you get eggs it's a win win situation for all of you. Any name ideas? I can imagine Derek's new home will have all sorts of innovative ideas, plus unwashed dishes and clothes lying about! MJ is quite the stickler for a magazine home so he will experience freedom until he's fed up of wading through discarded jeans.

    SANDY I'm still using the Tupperware I brought over from England 44 years ago. It's definitely going to outlast me! If you win loads there's your adult Christmas gift giving sorted out which means you'll have cash in hand. Again win win. Is Bryanna into Tupperware for a gift? Probably not like our Derek!

    PATSY have fun with a happy turkey puppet! I'm all for happy turkeys and chickens!

    BUZZ, hope you are feeling better after a good sleep, and JERI, sincerely hope you are not digging your way out of a snow bank.
    LIN, on your way to church and then much fun with your crafts. Enjoy a lovely creative day with friends and then your art. If Mike doesn't show, that's what I'll be doing.
    CHRIS with your new little? family member. Jackie is right, these little pets give us so much joy.
    Happy day everyone and watch those fireworks tonight JACKIE,
    ❤️❤️Anne and Jilly Bean.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Good morning. I should be hustling about but here I am sitting with a cup of coffee. It is overcast but not as chilly as yesterday or maybe I am starting to get used to it? :D

    Buzz, I hope you are feeling better this morning. <3

    Jackie, thanks for the explanation. Aha, this makes much more sense now. Sorry to be so dense. Poor little things. I hope you can get everyone settled in without bloodshed. Back on the farm, we normally had problems mixing in any new animals. Pigs were brutal to each other. Even bringing in a new horse could be problematic. I hope you get the hedges trimmed back so you have a lovely view once again.

    Anne, I am all for any type of cozy additions to make winter more enjoyable. I really have no idea how expensive a fireplace would be. A trip to Costco maybe? Or another store that sells many types of items? Happy hunting.

    Sandy, well, we are all wondering what you won? I just tossed some Tupperware from 1973. I still have a number of specialty items my mom had purchased, cake carriers, pie carriers and things like that. They do seem to last a very long time.

    Patsy, I encouraged my library to purchase the DVD of Maudie but they did not out it on their acquisition list. I have had it in my cart at Amazon since way back when the pre-order came online. Still have done nothing about it. I should check other libraries and if no one has it, maybe I can rent it on Amazon. I have several books on Maud Lewis. Thanks for mentioning it, it is back on the top of my list.

    Well, I have lingered too long, my coffee is getting tepid. Haaaaa

    Be well. Hugs.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) I won two games of bingo, here are my winnings.
    A water bottle and a salad crisper.
    Will the salad crisper work with prepared lettuce in a bag?
    We had fun and we were happy to support our friend.
    Will be going to Church today as my friend wanted to meet early to play some slot machines and of course I lost my money. I played a long time though so it was worth it, sort of.
    I hope to binge watch Stranger Things today, it is such a weird show on Netflix but I love it.
    Also need to stop at Walmart and get my prep stuff for my test Wednesday, ugg.
    My neighbor filled my tires for me a couple of weeks ago and now the low pressure tire light is on and I am frustrated. I am hoping to take my car to where I bought my tires in May and see if they know what the problem is. Always something isn't there?
    By the way Anne I bought my freestanding fireplace from Amazon for under a $100 and they delivered it for free. Of course that was a few years ago.;field-keywords=free+standing+fireplace
    I would think Sams Club or Costco would also have them if you have them in Canada.

    Time to get ready for church, have a good one.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Thanks for the link SANDY. Interesting. We didn't go today because it's absolutely awful here, pouring with rain and dark etc. First Mike wants me to visit a store that his friend bought from. He was very impressed with the huge variety and price range. We will have a look in there first, but the link could be very useful and gives me lots of ideas.