Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Yes!! Too many decisions. One thing about Blue Cross is that I believe their rating is based on attained age which means your premium goes up as you get older. I don’t know about Humana’s Part D coverage. My agent said I could save a lot by going with the newer high deductible plan design. I said no thanks without asking about the cost. :) I listen to what my friends say about their insurance plans and so far, Blue Cross has fared well. But like I said, one friend just takes the cheapest she can get each year and she never complains either. She is just happy paying the lowest cost possible.

    Happy Hallowe’en all. We had Beggar’s Night last night which is when the kids go around for their treats. In this metro area, the custom is that the kids have to tell a joke before receiving a treat. That just puzzled me when I moved here, I came from Trick or Treat Country.

    Patsy, so maybe you should get Katie an edible costume? Booooooo back to you.

    Anne, more hot tea?

    Buzz, I hope you are resting.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I give up. I decided to get to bed at a reasonable hour (NOW) instead of cleaning up for my cleaning lady. That's a first, but I just cannot keep awake! I think we had no trick or treaters, but I heard the ice cream at the party was yummy. Glad I stayed away! Good night, my lovelies! Sleep well...
    <3 BUZZ
    ..............................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!......................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    We've survived our second night in the "great outdoors" or so it felt when I staggered to the bathroom at 2am. Cosy under the duvet though.
    One more night then its THURSDAY!
    Happy "all saints day".
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Good to hear from you Anne. The great outdoors, I am not happy about that. I can imagine me, the hot house flower, trying to do what you are doing. I would be wearing a stocking cap, layers of clothes, heavy socks and gloves! Hot tea would be never ending. My family raised a wimp. Be safe and as warm as you can be.

    I am leaving soon, Tai Chi followed immediately by Pendoodle, and another trip to the post office and maybe, just maybe, a stop by the grocery store for one or two items since it is Discount day. I will be home sometime this afternoon.

    Meanwhile, I have several email accounts. Yesterday my old AOL account stopped working on my laptop. I can use it on my iPad but no matter how I try to access it on the laptop, it just spins its wheels. My account with a local service provider went down totally last night. This is the account where I receive a huge proportion of my regular email. I hope someone has reported it. I do not have time to stay on the line forever to deal with it at this point. My gmail is working but I receive little mail there. Has anyone installed the new iOS update? I haven’t but my iPad says it is available now.

    Well, time to scoot.

    Buzz, glad you decided to get some rest. I am proud of you.

    Sandy, I hope your car is finished today. Early today. Fingers crossed.

    Hi Jackie and Patsy.


    Lin (wearing her winter coat again today)
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited November 2017
    My busy afternoon yesterday finished me off so by the time I finally got home to eat supper and relax I knew if I closed my eyes I would be asleep! My car failed its test on 2 items, first a rear break fluid pipe leaking and secondly one headlamp on too low a beam which is interesting because last year it failed for being too high and someone at the garage adjusted if for me!! Never mind, the car is now booked in for a service on Monday when they can also sort out the small failures. Having stood on the same spot for 1.5 hours while George was trimmed then our mile and a half walk home from the garage plus yoga probably did me good but at the moment my legs tell a different story. When I returned from an early shop this morning the 2 hedge cutters were in my garden working hard to finish the job and tidy up.... it's all looking brighter now so I will go out there this afternoon and continue my own Autumn garden clear up. Patsy, one of the men was telling me he and his wife adopted a Labradoodle pup about 3 years ago and although they love him to bit he feels it was a mistake because the dog is so crazy all of the time!! I mentioned knowing someone (you!!) who had adopted one but although she appears to rule your lives you wouldn't be without her!

    I'm saddened by the news of yet another mindless attack on innocent tourists, this time in New York that leaves so many dead and absolutely nothing achieved by this pathetic individual.

    Anne ~ Low 40's is balmy by Canadian standards and I'm sure you're following the great British tradition of adding layers of clothing as the temperature falls towards nightfall. I don't want to jinx anything but this time tomorrow.......!!

    Gone 2pm already so must get on with my plans in the garden.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    P.S Sandy ~ That's a fascinating article about Halloween and certainly facts I never knew so thank you. It's considered more of a Pagan rite here in the UK so as I walked home from the garage yesterday I felt some of the decorated houses looked almost sinister but from now on I'll smile upon all who celebrate it, not that I suppose many understand its origins!!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    We used to celebrate Halloween with carved faces in hollowed turnips holding candles and carried with a handle of string. We also had a bucket filled with water and apples floating in it, "bobbing for apples" the game was called because you knelt down, put your hands behind your back and tried to capture an apple with your teeth. The highlight was homemade toffee apples. This was "up north" where I think Halloween was more popular in northern England and Scotland. Of course the evening was spent in the firelight with ones dad telling ghost stories and frightening you to death when it came time to go to bed. Especially as we hadn't electricity until after the war. Our house was lit with gas. Shadows on the stairs, woooo ooooo. No dressing up of course. Simpler times.
    Anne, who hasn't got GAS today, but does have the electric board heater. It was 1 degree last night. 34F.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Howdy and hello! Rainy but not too cold really. Katie has had a busy morning chasing squirrels and barking at invisible threats both foreign and domestic! I however am wrapped around a cozy mug of coffee trying to get my own personal motor running. I need to prepare for story time at the school tomorrow. It is just a brief 30 minute event but it feels like a huge thing for me. I love the little kids. So eager and full of the dickens. Just like my Damon used to be. Damon would have been climbing all over every one trying to see the pictures, not minding the teacher etc. I guess that is why a nutty breed of dog like Katie seems to fit, doesn't if?

    I went to Home Depot with John yesterday and came home with an amaryllis bulb, bright red, of course. I also picked up a lovely new pot to use to relocate a couple of house plants that have gotten way too big for their current pot. It is now time to put away the ceramic jack o lantern and a few other Halloween decor items.

    I think I have discovered the real fountain of youth. If we just keep doing as Jackie, Lin, Sandy, Buzz, and Anne...doing creative and interesting things, we will never notice or care about a few wrinkles or aches and pains. We will be too busy And have little time for such things as AGING! John would add growling is also important as we age. It lets out bad vibes from the inside.

    Grrrrrrrr and giggle giggle,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :) I am hoping my car is ready this afternoon so I can go to bingo. I feel guilty about missing mass but have no way to get there and I am going to choose bingo over mass tonight. I am a bad person. I doubt I will be going to bingo next week as that is the day my colonoscopy is scheduled and I am not looking forward to the prep on Tuesday.

    I had my bell ring twice for trick or treaters so I am glad I bought a small bag of candy. The boys went with their mom and cousins although it was very cold.

    Have some bills to pay and better get myself ready in case they call to pick up my car.

    Have a great day!!
    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oooooooh! Those little boys are so adorable! I couldn't keep myself from constantly hugging the little sweethearts. They would be trying to get away from me to catch their breath. Young Spider-Man even has the hand movement to send out his web! Isn't this a great age? Lucky you Sandy. You are not a bad person, as you mentioned. You are an adoring grandmother.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh dear SANDY, I hope you were saying that with tongue in cheek! If there is any one on this earth more devoted to trying to be perfect (forget it; doesn't exist!) it is you! That's perhaps why you were blessed with these menacingly adorable grandchildren! What a punishment for mean old you! I hope you win, while you're being so bad, kiddo!
    Everyone else, I sort pulled my place together before Liz showed up, and since she more brilliant at technology than at cleaning, I made the bed before she came so she'd have time to show me how to use my new smartphone! I learned a lot and got a nice ringtone with her help! Now I'll go have lunch before going down for dinner....Oh my!
    <3<3<3 Buzz
    ..............................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!......................
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oh yes! When I went to Home Depot I got another. AGLAONEMAS. I have no idea how to pronounce that but is a pretty variegated hearty houseplant with sort of red stems. I need easy to care for plants. Now to my repotting. The amaryllis is happy in her dirt and new pot.
    Bloom to your heart's content!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning everyone. A beautiful Autumnal one here so I'm heading for my garden to continue the battle of the brambles. I could be winning but only if I persevere!

    Peace and love <3<3
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    P.S Patsy ~ A google search of that wonderfully named plant showed me a glorious mix of red, pink, white and green leaves, something I'd happily live with too. Enjoy!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    edited November 2017
    Good morning from chilly and foggy Iowa. I am packing up to drive to a nearby town for a studio card session and as a plus, an open house/sale at a papercrafting store. I need to try to find a reinker for one of my ink pads, a soft pink color that I like and apparently use too often. :) I can order it online but the shipping cost is twice the cost of the item.

    I like houseplants but stick to the hard to kill varieties and I don’t have many-just enough to have something green and alive near me. Oh, and hopefully they are producing a bit of oxygen for me.

    Patsy, I think your thumb is greener than mine! I only have one blooming plant, an African violet that resists my efforts to kill it and it dutifully reblooms for me. I will need to look up the plant you mentioned when I get home this evening.

    Jackie, good luck with making progress on the gardening. The main thing in this locality these days is raking leaves, pulling up dead annuals, and thinking about next year. But in this neighborhood most lots are postage stamp size.

    Anne, furnace day. I hope all goes well with the installation and that Jilly does not get overly excited by the workmen.

    Sandy, were you able to get your car? And I adore those little boys. So cute, always.

    Buzz, very clever way to get some help with your smart phone. Excellent! <3

    Take care everyone. Hugs.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited November 2017
    And I'm sat upstairs contemplating the rain as two young guys wrestle the old furnace out. Jilly is quite hoarse with barking, but happily alls quiet at the moment apart from banging, thuds and the sound of tearing metal. Not much peace, but plenty of love if the new one is installed successfully,
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    Good Morning All

    Caught up with all the posts - 92 of them. LOL.

    Snowing here today. Winter has arrived in Calgary. Darn it. Cold and snowy for the next week.

    Wouldn’t you know we have a buffet dinner tonight way up in the NE part of the city. It’s a dinner out on by the PBC Society (the autoimmune liver disease I have). My doctor is the Guest speaker so I really want to go. Darn weather.

    I have been busy organising my computer for the last three weeks. What a huge job. Between my photos and my genealogy my computer is stuffed to the gills. It’s also so easy to get bogged down looking at things that this job is going to take forever. I really wanna get it done though because I need a new computer and I don’t want to move all the crap over to a new one. So this is going to be my winter project.

    Still slogging away trying to lose weight doing it very slowly and that works the best for me. I managed to lose the weight I put on during our month vacation to the Maritimes But before I know it Christmas will be here in there and some pounds will creep back on again. Probably what I’m really trying to do is just maintain the weight I am at. And, the only way I’m going to do that is to lose a little extra in November so that I can put on a little extra in December. Haha

    Hope everybody has a terrific day and I’ll try to check in sooner next time.


    Jeri in Calgary
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good morning all, yes we have rain...eternally we have rain. It is very common for Retired people here to "fly away" for the winter months to some warm sunny clime. John is not a traveler! Katie loves to travel but is not very disciplined, I fear. I, on the other hand, would find it very exciting. However I am pretty good at finding engaging activities here in rainy wet Oregon.

    Anne: it is always upsetting to have one's peaceful life totally upset by a big event like a new furnace. But it is like having a painfully decayed tooth! It must come out and it must be dealt with. We have a long list in that same catagory. But our resources would not stretch to accommodate a facility like Buzz lives in. Also John would go quietly mad!

    Lin: your card and paper craft has been such a creative joy for you and by all the lucky recipients of your designs. I think you have found your special medium. Craft on!

    Jackie: the rains drive me toward indoor gardening. My Knees will not allow the kind of gardening I would really like to do. I was looking at a TV program called international house hunters. It was about an American couple relocating to the Cornwall area in England. They were looking at houses sort of like what I imagine yours is like. So charming but a different culture than the Seattle area they are moving from. I loved the vicarious visit.

    Sandy: car repairs are maddening! John is always taking his beloved sports car in for something or another. He is constantly fussing with automobiles. I don't understand why this is because the sports car never leaves the garage. Is that one of those famous guy things?

    Buzz: I've said it before...computers are true instruments of evil and are put here to drive us completely mad! Now add smart phones to that list. I would rather have two tin cans and a piece of string like when I was 7 years old. Remember those days?

    It smells like wet dog in our house???
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Happy Thursday!! :) No meeting today as I still do not have my car. My friend insisted I take an uber to pick her up so we could go to bingo. I did not win so it was an expensive bingo outing. Her husband drove me home so I saved money. I really hope my car is done this afternoon as I have a hair cut scheduled for noon tomorrow and I am sitting for boys.

    I did ask Babe if I could borrow his car last night but he was hesitant and I said you are nervous your son would find out and he agreed. Ugg!! Some things never change. Of course once we were in the uber he called and said I really should have let you take my car but it was too late. Still happy with my decision of living alone.

    Jeri, good to hear from you and I hope the roads are clear enough for you to get to hear your doctor speak. I just cannot believe we are so close to Christmas, it seems like we just got over putting things away.

    Patsy, three out of four in my building have a dog and when it rains our hallway smells like wet dog. lol I even bought an air freshener to keep in the hall but now it is empty so I need to get a new one.

    Anne, good luck with the new furnace , I hope there are no complications. My guy comes to check mine on Monday, thanks to my landlady.

    Lin, have fun on your adventures today and I hope you find what you are looking for.

    Buzz, I am glad your cleaning girl was able to help you with your phone.

    Jackie, good luck in the garden today.

    Enjoy your day!
    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    It's in! The new furnace. It took 6 hours to install. Jilly is hoarse from yapping. The young gas furnace fitter set my thermostat to be the same as my old thermostat. I'm boiling hot which tells me the old thermostat wasn't very good. Mark popped in and he's lowered it a bit for me.
    I shall have a long hot bath this evening in a nice warm bathroom. Now - provided nothing goes wrong: LET IT SNOW!