Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    More terrible news of a mass shooting. This time a church in Texas. Please dear lord protect the people on this forum who go to church.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Partly cloudy, off and on showers. But we do have sun from time to time. I am okay with that. Katie has been in and out at least 1000 times. She needs a toweling off and she brings in at least one mud puddle on her paws. Hey! What are washing machines for, anyway.

    I am planning our thanksgiving along with working on a turkey puppet and a thanksgiving story for the kindergarten. You can say I am really into thanksgiving these days. I am using sculpty clay for the Turkey legs and feet. I need to get some feathers for the tail or else make them out of painted cardboard...or ???

    Anne: you and Jilly will love sitting by your own little electric fire, often these comforting little efforts make for peaceful and soothing evenings. What could be a better gift?

    Sandy: the salad crisper is great. I put a square of paper towel on top of my greens after washing and put them into my crisper before refrigerating. Wonderful crisp salad greens anytime!

    Gobble gobble,

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Indeed, feeling better. was up early and on my iPad calling DS on FaceTime and had a lovely chat. My dear DIL was disappointed when finally convinced her I would not be going up to NY for Christmas, but she promised they'll visit me next trip.
    PATSY, I loved Maudie, too; I may have mentioned my darling neighbor bought one of her paintings on a visit to Nova Scotia! We watched 2 parts of THE CROWN Friday evening, and I didn't nod off once!
    SANDY, I remember both of those items from years ago. I still have Tupperware ice trays! Don't know why I kept them!
    JACKIE, why was the type of farming frowned upon? I wonder if chickens becomw attached to their eggs.
    Ouch , I just dropped several lines and my computer is acting up again so I think I'm getting the
    message: ...
    <3 Buzz
    .......................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen......................
    ANNE and CHRIS, I didn't forget you! XOXOXO!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited November 2017
    Good morning sneakers. A pleasant day here especially since the freezing northerly wind that appeared yesterday, stopping any hedge cutting with my neighbour, has gone. My car was dropped off at the garage for a service and couple of small items of repair to pass its MOT and my friend with Scruff picked us up from the forecourt to head for our usual moors walk. We met lots of walkers on our route so there was plenty of social chit-chat between humans and dogs!

    Anne ~ The best thing you can do is go and look at fireplaces and make sure you ask them to switch on any you are interested in, especially if they have a fan to direct heat out because some can be noisy. I've a small electric stove in the fireplace of my dining room that looks realistic but most times I don't bother with the heater aspect because the look of the flames is warming enough. I do like the look of the Best Choice products fire on page 1 of Sandy's link but no good for me as it's too modern.

    Sandy ~ A salad crisper does keep leaves fresh and I always think it a good idea to take salads out of their bags anyway otherwise they quickly turn. The water bottle would be ideal on walks in hot weather so now I'll have to look out for one!!

    Lin ~ It seems farm animals are no different to many humans who struggle to get on with new neighbours! No hedge cutting done but chatting to my neighbour about the soon to be new arrivals she decided to contact the welfare trust and book herself 4 hens too so we can compare notes on how best to deal with any squabbles.

    Buzz ~ Good to see you feeling better again so perhaps that extra hour in bed did help! We Brits are soppy about animals so once we saw how hens were crammed into small cages together so they couldn't turn round, sit or lie, had 24 hours light and basically layed eggs daily because they were stressed, consumer power took over and supermarkets had to stock free range eggs which soon overtook the sale of those from such farms. Laws have come in to improve their conditions but only slightly. Veal was another item that disappeared off the shelves once we all knew how calves were raised in tiny boxes unable to turn but that's us.... plain soppy!!

    Having commented that I was going to buy some red monkey material I then came upon another that might do but there again could be too busy so have ordered a sample.

    My friend who was on life support not so long ago just phoned to catch up. Sounds extremely well and I'll go and visit next week. Time now to get myself something light to eat then get on with Monday housework.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hi everybody!
    I don't think we are soppy. I think we use our brains and imagine and we can put ourselves in the same position as the poor commercial birds and animals. Can you imagine say aliens putting us in small cages to fatten up for consumption? As long as there are people in this world who campaign for animal rights and adopt about to be slaughtered hens or dogs and cats etc from the animal shelters there is hope for us humans.

    Get off your soapbox Annie and back to electric fires. There's a manufacturer in Cambridge, Ontario, and looking at their website I can see one or two possibilities. Michael once lived in Cambridge and it's about a one hour drive from my place. This sort of appeals because of multi usage. Any feedback?

    It's awfully hard to select something, just like fabric, with so many choices!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,133 Member
    So many I teresing topics but unfortunately it is time for the dreaded visit to the dentist. Need to finish my coffee and brush my teeth a bit before rushing off.

    Buzz, I am glad the extra rest was so beneficial. <3

    Jackie, I love that material. I cannot say why exactly but it just hit me as very lovely.

    Anne, quite a useful item indeed. Not my personal style but it is most important that you love the color of the finish and the design as you will be living with it. I got a small heater/fireplace that is more old fashioned but it is also portable. I can, if needed, move it from room to room.

    Time to glup and go.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    This one appeals but I think you need a fireplace!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Top O the morning, sneakers! We have sunshine and the laundry is humming along. But honestly, laundry is almost a daily affair here. Not sure why but we dirty more towels and John's work clothes than your average car machinist. It is also the joy of living in a wet climate with a dog.

    How lovely to be contemplating a new electric fireplace. When we do something like this, it takes us weeks to make a final decision. We are now looking at replacing the toilet in John's bathroom. Not very glamorous but a necessary household item. We are also looking at installing a small lift/elevator. Since we are planning on aging in place, as it is called. It is only one flight of stairs but I have fallen several fun as you might guess. Our son is insisting on us at least investigating the options.

    Another funny Katie story. I am always cold first thing in the morning. When I am siting in my chair drinking my mug of coffee, I am always wrapped in a throw trying to get warm. John happened on an electric heated throw at Costco. He bought it for me and I put it in use immediately. Katie sniffed at it constantly and this morning when I sat drinking my coffee, I had a big blonde dog snuggled up on my toes next to the new heated throw. I guess it is OUR throw now.

    A side note here about the fuss and fury going on in Hollywood. Damon, our son, has worked with a couple of the directors that are in trouble. He said he has had personal experience with these unpleasant, rude, toxic people. They are just mean because they have the power to be mean if they want to. That is why he lives in Portland instead of California. A sad thing, really. Films are the cultural literature of this age. We all love visual stories. We love books but films are universally enjoyed. And of course, animals!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,087 Member
    edited November 2017
    Happy Monday! :) Laundry is started, the furnace man has come and gone with no problems with my furnace. My cleaning girl will be here soon and I still have to call about my tires. I finished watching Stranger Things and I am lucky I didn't have nightmares.

    Anne, I love the fireplace with the cabinet, my niece has one similar. The other is also beautiful but my sister had one like that and they do have to cut into your wall. I am sure no matter which you choose you will love and Jackie has the right idea in seeing them in person to hear the sound of the motor. Good luck.

    Lin, hope all goes well at the dentist.

    Jackie, love, love, love the new material. Like Lin, not sure why but it really speaks to me. I will let you know how it goes with the salad crisper although I forgot to add the paper towel.
    I would send you this water bottle if I had your address, you would use it more than I will.

    Buzz, glad you got some rest. I think you probably made the right decision in not going to New York in the middle of winter. Wonderful offer, but better to stay warm and safe.

    Patsy, we are discussing our Thanksgiving plans as well. It will just be me and my son's family as my other children are all out of state. Rob may invite his father, my ex, but that is fine we get along fine, just can't live together. To make it easy I will probably just order a turkey dinner that they just have to warm for a couple of hours.

    Chris, how is the new puppy doing??

    Jeri, with your big family and the holidays approaching I bet you are already busy.

    Have a good day!!
    One Day at a Time

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Busy here with trying to get people moving on contacting their congresspersons about allowing deductions that benefit mostly the very wealthy. Nothing new about that, is there? ANNE, I really love that sleek fireplace with multi-use functions. Let us know what you decide?
    JACKIE, I recommend you go with everyone else's pick on the fabric since mine is the stronger red of the original monkey design. The second one I found much too busy but my taste is usually the opposite of "good taste"! My feeling regarding the newer fabric is the overall appearance is white with many colors over all. As I recall the first one, it was a strong focus on red, so follow how you plan to design the rest of the room! I'm likely wrong!
    PATSY, how darling of you to share your warm throw with the "baby"! How funny that she wants warmth! My poodles were always hunting for the cool of the tile floors!
    SANDY, thank you for agreeing winter is not a great time to visit NY! Sandals and snow do not go together! I love your way of truly "blending" your families! It makes life so much more pleasant!
    LIN, I was disappointed to hear that Amazon's prime costs are higher for you than elsewhere, but I guess once we become comfortable dealing with a place, we must not take their pricing for granted. I will be more careful now!
    I must get after all the pesky business nuisances that have a way of piling up on me. Not huge, but annoying so I put them off until I can no longer ignore them. So this is my week of behaving responsibly.
    <3 Buzz
    .......................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen......................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited November 2017
    It's JACKIES choice of course, but secretly I'm with you BUZZ in voting for the red and the monkey design. However, please don't go by my tastes Jackie! My house is a mishmash of the old and the new! When it all boils down it's what we ourselves are comfortable and happy to live with.
    Now. Electric fireplace and surround. I liked the wood unit (it comes in white as well) because the photo shows the tv on the top and you can stick all the bits and pieces connected to the tv and internet on the shelves. I probably will change my mind if I see it for real. Mike wants me to do that rather than order online. I did like the second heater but I don't think my landlord would approve me cutting a chunk out of the wall, lol. SANDY, especially as ever practical Mark wonders why I want a heater in the first place, now "Florence" is still purring away in the basement.
    Here's that wood unit in white
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Viva la difference! It is indeed wonderful how people have such different tastes and it is what makes the world an interesting and diverse place. I am a total mix of devotion to ornamentation yet I love contemporary art. I love old things and treasure old things that used to belong to family. I would choose something that would look like it came from the 19th century. Something with graceful curves. It would be difficult to dust and clean. And I would love it.

    In fact the little elevator/lift thing I am looking at also comes in a French wrought iron look. That really caught my eye. Like I said...impractical and yet I love it. We have just begun our research.

    Anne and Jackie, isn't it fun to imagine how these things will look and how they will fit in our lives? I think you both have really great taste and have created wonderful comfortable homes.

    I do need to get more done and get off of this iPad! There are chores to be attended to...
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,133 Member
    Posting a little bit early. Marie, I hope you stop by on the 7th.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,087 Member
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Dear li'l sis, May you have a wonderful special day and know we are all wishing you a very
    <3<3<3<3<3 Buzz
    .......................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen......................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Wishing you the best birthday ever.

    <3 Lots of hugs ~ Jackie
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Torrential rain fell on us just as we headed for the car and our morning walk so I'm now home and sipping a coffee before taking a shower because I have an appointment at the local hospital for an x-ray on my pelvis this morning.... creaky hips that may or may not need to be replaced and I'm hoping not!

    Back later.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited November 2017
    May the coming year be filled with health and happiness.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited November 2017
    Mmm, after all that I think I fancy one of those long low modern units fixed to the wall with flames all along it.

    Sincerely hope you DON'T need a hip replacement JACKIE. The best of positive thoughts winging your way!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Marie! Happy birthday, my friend. We think of you often and miss you. Wishing you a peaceful lovely day with friends and family.