Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Think I'll stick to my old baseboard heater for emergencies after all. Sorry girls to be a pain in the neck!!
    Anne the indecisive.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,133 Member
    Hello!!! Running impossibly late again. Mah Jongg is coming up soon. The rest of the week is stuffed to the gills!! I will say hello as time permits but will read everything with interest.

    Stay warm, dry and healthy please dear Sneakers.


    Lin, who doesn’t know if she is coming or going. Probably both. <3
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oops, was about to sit and write a long post when I remembered I have a yoga class to get to by 5pm!! It's cold outside so I have at least managed to light a fire before I go and hope the caretaker of the community hall we practice in has done the same there! Anne, go and look at fireplaces in the store at least, window shopping is free!!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,087 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Let the fun begin!! Prep day!! Needless to say I won't be going anywhere today. Liquid diet all day except I can have jello and Italian ice. Will be so happy when tomorrow is here and test is done. Wish me luck.

    Jackie, have fun at yoga and stay warm. I do hope you don't need a hip replacement but if you do I know you can handle it!!

    Anne, I do like the long fireplace and maybe I was wrong about putting a hole in the wall, maybe it was just against it. Sorry. If and when you go looking at them in person you will probably make a decision. Sitting in front of a fire with Jilly sounds so cozy!!!

    Lin, I think you are going and then coming. lol

    Marie, I hope you are able to check the Sneakers today, I know you are having trouble with your new computer logging on. I hope your birthday is wonderful.

    Have a great day my friends, will check in after my test tomorrow.

    One Day at a Time

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I also hope our MARIE stops by to say hello and accept our BIRTHDAY HUGS! We miss you, li'l Sis!
    JACKIE, I wish you good luck with the hip business; perhaps the injections will help for a long time!
    SANDY, empathy flows toward you on today's ordeal, but well worth it when all's clear! relax and watch favorite shows, just as long as your TV is near a BR!!!
    LIN, go/come/ love every bit of your busy life! I remember too well when you came and went on long drives for anything but pleasure! Now is your time!
    ANNE, oh my, I can see myself in your wavering! Try to not make decisions until you use JACKIE's advice and get thee to some stores.
    PATSY, what a delightful blend of past and present you manage to combine! I never really loved old (antique) appearances, and I think my taste sort of got hung up in the last mid-century! I love simple lines, little adornment, strong color, and Eames, Saarinen, Scandinavian, etc. design. Even in my work, I seldom used scrolls or added décor to my silver pieces; my feeling was they covered poor workmanship! So my flatware and hollowware designs were hammered smooth as could be which took so long the prices had to soar, defeating my need to make a living! I was not a good business person! Having 3 wonderfully crazy children diverted me from pure failure! I think I'm still hung up on detail such as when asked to print an agenda for one of our group meetings here, I spent hours making the presentation creative and attractive to new potential members, and spent hours when all the head of the group wanted was an agenda for the meeting! His printer was not working, so mine worked way overtime. I must get organized! (I think I'm "losing it"!)
    Must go pump my legs now, as they get too swollen.
    <3 Buzz

    .....................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!..............................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited November 2017
    I'm beginning to think we are kindred souls when it comes to personal decor BUZZ. I Love strong clean colours, much of my stuff is Scandinavian and I just have a few beloved ornaments. Toby jugs etc. If I could start again that's what I'd go for. At the moment it's a mish mash of inherited stuff and my own bought things.
    SANDY, here's wishing you the best of luck. Soon be over.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    I wonder about today...I woke up impossibly early and then sort of drifted off again sitting in my reading chair in the living room. It made me sort of creaky. But I am operational in my own slow creaky way.

    We have errands today, just running around doing things like getting prescriptions at Walgreens and post office etc. etc. nothing too exciting.

    My big thing now is trying to get Katie back to her potty training. She still tries to use the pee papers when she can at night. The evening walks outside don't do a thing but make her frisky and ready to play at midnight! Early evening walks might see her do her pee but that's all. I know this is really TMI but that is what my life is all about lately. Crazy Little details that make up our life. I am a miserable failure at dog training. She is the one doing the training.

    It is a good thing that I have a few creative projects waiting. Makes me feel good to be utterly taken over by a project. My brain cranks along...
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Happy birthday Marie.

    I started reading the posts asking about my new rescue dog and then it diappeared. I will tell a little about her.
    She's 2 yrs old. She's a chi weenie and weighs 8lbs. When we got her she was skin and bones. She is thin and a good weight now. Her name is Kandi. She is so cute but came with problems.

    The worst is she has separation anxiety. Although it's getting a little better, just a little.

    We finally got her housebroken. She nips at you. Even the vet wouldn't check her out yet until she calms down. She wants to chew blankets but we catch and distract that.

  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Oops some how it posted itself.
    Kandi sleeps with us at night and we live it. All in all we have a way to go with her but she is ours now.
    All of you take care
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hello to Kandi. My Jilly Bean is a Pomeranian/chihuahua/Shiatsu mix, black with the Pomeranian ruff around her neck and weighs about the same as your Kandi CHRIS. She is 21 months old and extremely friendly, almost too friendly! I must admit I take Jilly with me everywhere it is possible.
    This means the entire neighbourhood seems to know her, shop assistants, mailmen, little kids etc.
    I felt I was too old to end up with a little playful dog, but guess what, now I've got her I would be devastated to lose her.
    I'm so glad you've adopted Kandi. She's very young so you will have a little dog who will adjust in time and become a companion for years.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    What a beautiful day we have with blue skies, sunshine and quite warm for November. Our walk was a long one taken up firstly with poor George having a problem at the rear end and crying when he tried to pass a poo so I had to try to help with the few tissues I had in my pocket!! The little man cheered up for the rest of our walk and has since been washed with warm water and fur in that area trimmed..... enough information I know! Scruff meanwhile practiced her tricks, the latest being pulling her mum's gloves off like an assistance dog. By the time we returned to the car park she seemed to have worked out what was needed, no doubt helped by the constant supply of treats every time she grabbed a finger. :D Cleaning out the hen house is my next task and this afternoon I will attend the funeral of the dear neighbour who passed away.

    Sandy ~ You know I'm thinking of you, although not with too much detail!! Just think, this time tomorrow it'll all be over. <3

    Chris ~ Kandi sounds delightful and I'm sure once she knows you always come back after leaving her at home for a while she will settle. George used to attack the door with his teeth in an effort to stop me going out but rarely does it now.

    Patsy ~ My dog walking friend and I worked out this morning that any training being done is Scruff and George training us. We give them treats when they do as we ask but more often than not they sit together on a large bolder as we walk past chatting and wait for us to turn to see them posing patiently in the distance and because they look so cute we walk all the way back to offer yet another treat. They certainly have us sussed!!

    Buzz ~ A good friend of mine is exactly the same when it comes to creating the simplest of notes or cards as she spends an absolute age fiddling, adding, removing, shifting script left, right, up and down but then she's the same when it comes to cooking! A creative mind can't be ignored or switched off when you want anything to be just so!! No injections for my hip yet, just painkillers that I rarely take because they make me feel nauseous but so long as I can keep walking George and bending ever so slowly when needed, I get on with it.

    As for the material for my chairs, I've left both samples laying on one overnight and have come to the conclusion as much as I love the floral fabric it is too busy and just a bit too twee for me!

    Describing them both to my friend this morning she immediately said she loved the sound of the monkeys and rubber plants but thinks the flowers will come to annoy me over time. That really is decision made so I will double check my measurements and order it this evening. Meanwhile my sharp garden saw has disappeared enroute somewhere in the couriers depot and this is the 2nd item in the past few weeks (remember my garden shears?) so I've suggested they send the replacement via a different courier!

    Hen house then lunch for me. Hi to Lin and all others I've missed.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hi JACKIE, I'd go for the monkeys if it was for myself. I think maybe the floral too busy, but the monkeys! Just think how your dinner guests will have something to look at and discuss as you ladle out the soup!
    Jilly's an assistance dog!!!??? Oh my I hadn't thought of that when she helpfully pulls my socks off every evening!!! She's far too short to reach my gloves at 12" but she's great at pulling socks off.
    By the way it was minus 1 this morning! Florence the Furnace is purring away. I wish I could give her a dog treat for being such a good girl.
    Thinking of SANDY.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,087 Member
    edited November 2017
    Happy Wednesday! :)
    Oh, what a night
    Late November back in '17
    What a very special time for me
    As I remember, what a night

    Test is done and that was the easy part. I was up and down all night hoping things would stop for the test which they did at about 5 AM. I am pretty sure that will be my last colonoscopy, the prep just was too much. I am very lucky I kept it all down but never expected it to go on for so long. He removed a polyp and said I have a couple of hemorrhoids which he left alone since they are not bothersome. They will biopsy the polyp and get back to me in a week. I am very happy that is over and although I complain an early detection can save your life. I am sure I will be napping today, I am drained and exhausted.

    Jackie, seeing the two pieces together I have once again changed my mind and prefer the monkeys. I am glad you were able to help George do his business, you really have to be an animal lover to do some of the things we do for our pets.

    Chris, Kandi sounds perfect and in time when she learns she can trust you to always return she will be fine. She will be so grateful for parents like you and I know she already loves sleeping with you.

    Patsy, good luck on the potty training, maybe you should pick up the pee pads so she knows she has to go outside. I am no expert, it took a while to train Daisy but now she is perfect.

    Buzz, thanks for the encouragement but I have realized now that I am older, I just don't think I can go through that again. Only if they let me take the pills like I have from the beginning.

    Lin, where are you running around today?

    Time to rest, tummy still rumbling. Ugg

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,133 Member
    Hello Sneakers - the week continues to be busy and I cannot keep up. Today I started the process of making a claim on price protection with my credit card and Amazon. I purchased something from Amazon and found it much cheaper within several weeks - again on Amazon. I was on the phone for a long time providing information this morning. All to have them say okay, we will send you the paperwork to complete, attach your documentation and send it to us for review. So lots more paperwork fairly quickly as they must receive everything within 30 days or they will rule against me. They have no time limit on the issue. So if I succeed, it could me months before It is finished. So, I have the form to fill out now and I think I have found what they may be looking for to send with it. Just need to do it!

    I met with several friends I hadn’t seen for a couple of weeks and we had a nice talk before everyone scattered for our own activities. I then met my friend and we toured the huge gift shop with the annual open house for a LONG time as we chattered about her son’s recent wedding, her cataract surgeries, dogs, and so much more. And yes, we looked at many things since this is the one time each year that everything in the store is 20% off.

    I did some cooking when I got home and finalized my order for tomorrow’s fruit and vegetable order. Time to get the mail but my gosh, it is already dark. Wow!

    Jackie, the actual fabrics samples looked different than the photos. The botanical print photo was lovely, the actual swatch not so much. So good choice. Oh, and I am so glad George has you trained. :D

    Chris, your new cutie sounds adorable even though there are a few bumps in the road. I hope someday you might be able to post a photo of Kandi. We would love to see a picture.

    Anne, I am so happy Florence is purring for you. It has been quite cold here overnight but today as it got to mid-day, it had warmed up a bit and was tolerable outdoors. Please do not attempt to feed Florence. A nice pat on the side if you are in the basement would be sufficient. Or maybe a little shout out to her as she runs to heat up your house? :D

    Sandy, I am glad your rest is over and I hope the test is negative on the removed polyp. Take care and feel better tomorrow.

    Buzz, I hope you continue to get as much rest as you can. I am trying to do that but I find the last several days, I am tired and go to bed but end up awake and just lying there with my mind racing about. Ack. Hate that.

    Patsy, I hope your day was a good day today. A friend was talking today about some type of hat or visor she heard of that has little lights that are in the right spectrum to fight SAD. I have never heard of that. I may need to do some research.

    Well, I need to get the mail. And I need to get together the things I need to help mark prices on items for our church bazaar. Two of us are going to work on that tomorrow evening and the big event is Saturday. There may not be enough green tea to keep me going on Saturday. Argh.

    I do hope to see several other friends tomorrow morning for a little while before coming home to put away my lovely fruits and vegetables.

    Be well my friends. Hugs.

  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Good evening had to tell you that Kandi now stands by the back door to do her business now and goes out by herself sometimes. Usually Mike takes her out and stays outside with her. So she is improving. She still has separation anxiety but praying she will adapt. She really is a cutie. I will have my daughter help me post a picture soon.

    I am still quilting a lot. I have been asked to do a t'shirt quilt for someone. My first one getting paid to do. Usually I donate them or give them to family. I have made a couple for veterans too.

    I am still trying to lose weight, this is a on going thing for me.
    Take care
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello everyone! I can't help it, I must add my thoughts to the delightful fabric discussion concerning Jackie's chairs. I love the wonderful jungle and monkey fabric. I love the elegant lines of the chair with that print of lush green leaves and hidden amoung the leaves are the darling little monkeys. It is a delightful chic. It is the kind of thing that I would choose.

    Our week will be wet and wild. Lots of wind and rain and cold. Katie will have every excuse to use the pee pads. My training will once again be for nought.

    I am going through all my cds and finding a bunch to have on the turntable for day time listening. Cool jazz, but mellow. It will keep the spirits up during the dark rainy days this week. I need to wash more curtains before holidays. John's birthday is the 14th. The Lee Child book is out, must pick up a copy for John. Another birthday gift is a new toilet for his bathroom. His is one of the old style that is constantly breaking. Seriously! I know it sounds like a joke. It is part of our new rule. Gifts need to be something we actually need. (Sigh) We don't need any more stuff at this stage in our life. I have all the knick-knacks, what-nots, and do-dads that I can use. Do I sound like a curmudgeon yet? No? but we seem to have collected a mountain of stuff in our long marriage. We never seem to get rid of anything. It is multiplying in the dark closets!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Day started with a meeting during which we discussed how to get Congress to recognize removing the medical exemption from tax returns is punishing millions of seniors! Will they even care? Then breakfast around 11AM, accompanied by today's Sudoku. Fixed broken earrings for neighbor, somehow the afternoon disappeared, was very bad at dinner, ordering frankfurts and beans, but I needn't have worried, since the serving was so small, served in a fruit dish, there were possibly 3 bites of frankfurters in the thing. Attended a marvelous lecture and discussion group on current events afterwards, leaving almost all of those who attended scared for our future in many ways, no matter what our beliefs! Again, Confucius say we live in interesting times. I guess that's what we do when we don't have an adorable puppy keeping us busy!
    SANDY, congratulations on coming through your ordeal so bravely! I was so happy to hear I do not need one any more!
    JACKIE, seeing both swatches side by side, I am convinced you made the right choice! Besides, monkeys are a great conversation subject. Leftovers might even make a great Christmas long skirt! Regarding being George's aide, do you think his anal glands might be filled up? Do you know how to carefully squeeze to empty them? You are such a good "Mother"! As for that hip; I wish I could believe it will simply go away! If you need repair or replacement, don't wait too long, as the older we are the longer it takes to recover! Good luck, dear friend!
    PATSY, for sure having a new project grab hold of you is enervating! You have many talents to fill your life!
    LIN, you, too! I envy how well you make use of your time.
    Chris--/, lots of luck and love with little Kandi
    Oh my, almost 2!
    <3 Buzz

    .....................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!..............................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited November 2017
    Morning all, just a quick comment from me because today is busy.
    CHRIS, be careful letting Kandi out on her own. I daren't let my dog out by herself since a local had her chihuahua stolen out of her back yard and then, Jill is so small and we have a very large hawk sitting on the maple tree next door. It's bigger than Jill and could easily hurt her if it swooped down with claws extended.
    PATSY I still put a pee pad down for Jill near the back door overnight. I usually find she's been during my own nocturnal wandering. I don't want to go out into the back yard at 2 in the morning in my nightie, especially with snow forecast overnight! She's often mistaken for a cat on a leash with her cat ears and after all it's no worse than my Tabitha Daisy's kitty litter. Small indulgence for both our comforts AND we don't encounter the skunk who's out with the raccoons scavenging during the wee hours.
    Bye everybody,
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Me again, but I felt I should warn you all. Just had a phone call from a man with an East Indian accent telling me he is from the Visa Security Department. He had my name, but seeing I don't have Visa!!! Hasty Goodbye to man with East Indian accent. We were warned on tv last night about the tax scam. Apparently over $3 million paid to scammers, and not recoverable say police. Sorry to spoil your day!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,087 Member
    edited November 2017
    Happy Thursday! :) So happy to be back in the land of the living again!! I got a good night's sleep and feel great today!! I am glad I am able to go to my meeting today and run a couple of errands to be ready for my casino trip on Monday. We are going to Four Winds Casino in Michigan Monday-Wednesday, a trip we do twice a year. Did I tell you about my low tire pressure light? After my neighbor filled my tires a couple of weeks later the light came back on so I took it to where I bought my tires. It was a faulty tire valve and they fixed it for free.
    Some times you do get great service so I wrote a nice review on their website.

    Marie had posted on Facebook: Good made it thru the night. Of course we were all concerned. Alice, her daughter posted this yesterday.
    Alice Allison: Sorry I have not posted - of all times I have been sick for two days! Thankfully sister Kathy was able to help. After a visit to urgent care they think she has some upper intestinal bleeding. She is home and will have a CT scan for further evaluation. Needless to say it was not a happy birthday for her. Thank you all for caring.

    I know we all send our thoughts and prayers to Marie.

    Anne, never ever give out your social security or any vital information over the phone, text or email. There are so many scams out there it is scary. I don't open email from anyone I don't know and never from those asking for personal information.

    On that note I better get moving.

    One Day at a Time