Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited November 2019
    Congrats on your inspection pass JACKIE. I know when we had our extension built in Derbyshire the authorities were very strict. I only enjoyed a hall, an extended dining room and a third bedroom for 6 months before the ex was offered a job in Quebec, I loved our new quarters and Mark loved having his own bedroom after putting up with Mike for seven years. Here's Thelly who we brought to Canada busy supervising. Faded photo I'm afraid.
    It didn't help that the bricks didn't match and the builders had to start all over. The ex had a meltdown about this "minor" detail.

    And I've landed on a new page so not sure what else you gals have been up to, although thinking of SANDY reminded me of my mother's comment when Michael was born. She said "you want children Anne, you look after them". She never did help out! I'm an only child, mmm which makes one wonder..............
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,406 Member
    edited November 2019
    Happy Monday! 😃 I am sorry if I sound like am complaining about sitting, it is the early mornings that vent about. It really isn't that bad so please don't worry about me. When I have things to do they know not to ask me. I guess I feel sorry for Lisa who is with the kids everyday and try to give her a break. I know I am old and retired but I really think the kiddos keep me young. Her parents will return in December so I am sure she will be giving me a break and using them. My son and his wife are coming on Saturday so that will also be a fun time. I have a casino trip planned this month so i am not lacking me time. I love you all and appreciate your concern but even though I vent to you maybe you should just ignore me.😘

    Just saw Anne's post which reminded me about my own mom. I had four kids and after the last baby my first husband took me on a cruise. My father died in September and the cruise was in January. I asked her to come and sit with my kids but she refused so I had to hire a stranger. I vowed I would never refuse my children if they needed me. I guess I kept that vow.💕😘💕😘

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    And just a peep into my distant past SANDY I vowed I would never bring my children up the way I was brought up by my mother. Not by my wonderful dad, he was a lovely, lovely man.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,502 Member
    Good morning.

    Sandy, you were not complaining, at least I didn’t read it that way.

    Anne, you have spoken of your father before and he was an amazing man.

    Jackie, wahoo, approval on the way. So glad you took the photos. Very good!

    Patsy, good morning to you and Katie and John.

    Buzz, hugs, thinking of you and your DD.

    I am working on various things this morning but my head is stuffed up a bit. Sinuses I guess but my head is not feeling happy. Going to find some caffeine,that might help.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Disturbing news on our TV. Three large senior home chains under investigation.
    Nice! Anne.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh my gosh! Laundry is calling me! I seem to have made a lot of dirty clothes, towels and throw rugs and bed linens. I have a mountain of laundry but the washer and dryer are doing their good work.

    Just a word here about concern for each other. This little group have been communicating for quite some time. We have suffered with each other as we have been through loss and illness. So I feel each of us offer advice, support and something stronger than just friendship. Toward that end, Sandy I hope you know we all want you, beautiful friend, to have a happy and healthy life. Forgive me, if I sounded like a know-it-all. Just be careful, take as good a care of yourself as you do others.

    I am very concerned about our Katie. She threw up her dinner last night and she is very low energy and lethargic this morning. No breakfast, no water. Looking on the internet under pet MD, I almost went into a panic. So I am going to keep a close eye on her and decide tonight if we take her into see our vet. She does seem intent on eating really awful things. Sticks, bugs, grass, and slugs just to name a few that could cause an upset tummy.

    Anne: I understand how you must feel like you are floating around looking for that safe harbor, as we say here. Easy for me to say but I do feel you would be happy no matter where you and Jilly end up. I hope you will avoid one of the senior homes under investigation. I know you will need to be close to your sons. Actually I suspect they need to be near you, as well.

    Lin: I am not sure what it is but when we have to turn on the furnace, our sinuses start to drain, nose runs, and congestion is part of our life. We change furnace filters and use hepa. Furnace heated air is just icky.

    Buzz: thinking of you and your DD today. Hold tight, my friend. Maybe good news is possible.

    It is cold but clear sunny day.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    My "auto-change watch" changed, then changed back to DST and I have a heck of a time figuring out the Japanese/English instructions (see P.5 sec E part 8 go to p7 see...blah blah blah!) Somehow after 2 hours of fiddling, I struck upon the right combination, the hands spun around and I think it is the right time! Tonight will tell me if the AM/PM and year are correct! That is, IF it receives the signal sent from Colorado, since Florida faces the wrong way!
    SANDY, vent all you need to, we'll listen, give admonishment, back off, and always love you!
    And we DO understand why you are so generous with yourself, and that's what makes you YOU!!! <3<3<3
    LIN and PATSY (and everyon else) thank you for your concern and best wishes for my DD and her biopsy tomorrow. We won't hear anything for a couple of weeks. Insane, yes? Oh, I just realized TODAY is the 4th (already?) so she must have had it and is in the hospital recovering! Wow, what a crazy memory error! I've been shuddering just imagining the procedure and then I muffed it!
    JACKIE, the Evanses were sorry to hear about Hebe. As far as the FLEEING FEARSOME ONE, you have enough problems with your on again off again leader! I wish we could forsee everything ending up well, but what IS the new normal? Best of luck, WORLD; we can't get off!
    <3 Buzz
    .....................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!!!................................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    By the way, the correct name for the cbd lotion I use is RECOVER-1500mg - 4oz Tub. I generally wait til it's offered at 30% off (still not inexpensive, but it works better than others for me!)
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited November 2019
    Good morning one and all. Sunshine and showers but I managed to dodge the rain on our morning walk. It's my coffee break moment before getting as many outdoor jobs done as I can squeeze in without getting wet. Meanwhile here's a picture taken at the start of our walk when I could have sworn I heard George and Betty humming Somewhere Over The Rainbow as they trotted along!

    Back later
    🤗 Jackie
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited November 2019
    Did they find that elusive pot of gold JACKIE. Hope so!

    November the fifth! Pray no frustrated "would be Guy Fawkes" gets an idea aconcerning parliament!

    Meanwhile back in the colony we are getting buckets of rain as well instead of snow. Which meant when I went down into the basement yesterday to do the laundry, some of the rain had bubbled up in the drain opening. We don't have a sump pump which I believe LIN has. Never needed one, but with climate change of more rain, less snow?

    No rain forecast today, but tomorrow's a different story.

    Hope BUZZ gets welcome good news today.

    & The same as Jackie, probably back later, unless I get immersed in scribbling or water!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,502 Member
    edited November 2019
    Hello, Election Day. This is the first year that school board elections will be held in conjunction with municipal elections. Also an ID must be shown as well. I can imagine much confusion as different ballots must be at each polling place to cover school board options as the boundaries for each type of ballot are not identical. Confusion!

    It is cold this morning in the 20’s and I am told, no precipitation is forecast for the day which means who knows.

    It will be a busy day. Voting, Senior discount day at Walgreens, the monthly discount day at the old health food store, Mah Jongg and book club. Did I forget anything? Hummmmm.

    My church puts on an annual turkey dinner and that takes places on Saturday. I have volunteered to help with anything needed tomorrow and Thursday. I cannot stand the smell of the turkey, and smell the tons of bread used for the dressing also make me nauseous. So I stay well away from the kitchen and that ramps up on Friday. Once upon a time I helped to make a jello salad thing but they have enough volunteers for that so we will see what they may ask me to do.

    Patsy, a trip to the vet sounds like a good idea. I would be concerned as well. Poor Katie. I have had several dogs who scarfed up anything horrible as fast as lightning and then there were digestive consequences. Bad habit. 😞

    Buzz, oh my, several weeks to wait? I am all for instant and accurate results. I watch too much television where such things are possible. Hugs.

    Jackie, beautiful morning indeed. Love that photo and no problem finding the doggies in that shot. 😀 Enjoy the rest of your day. Oh my, the grass is so incredibly green. ❤️

    Anne, no, no, water coming up the drain!?!?!?!?! Ick. Yes, I have a sum pump but then mine never goes through a season without multiple uses. I hope the rain stops and the water goes down. ❤️❤️

    Sandy, hello my friend. Hope you are feeling better and the Quils are in the past.

    Hello to Diane, Marie, Jeri and all other Sneakers. Must get moving now.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,406 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) I survived another full day with the kiddos but have to admit they were pretty good. I am going back today so Lisa can go to her meeting which will be easy peasy.
    I am going to stop with the quils because I feel okay but now have a bump under my eye which I think is water retention from my sinus's. I have drops from my eye doctor from when I had that allergy reaction so am trying those. I really can't wait to feel normal again and finally get a flu shot to hope ward off any other problems. Growing old in not for sissies.

    Lin, I don't think we have any elections today, is that a local election? You are a good person with your volunteering but we already knew that. <3

    Anne, oh no, I certainly hope your basement doesn't get flooded. Would you rather have the snow than the rain?

    Jackie, what a another beautiful picture. The pups actually look like they are amazed at the rainbow and I bet they were singing.

    Buzz, I do hope your daughter gets good news and they can figure out what is causing all these symptoms. Were you able to talk to her yesterday to reassure her?

    Patsy, no worries, I know you all care about me and all of the advice is wonderful. That's what friends are for. (now that song will be stuck in your head all day) lol

    Have a good day, the sun is shining here.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited November 2019
    The sun is shining here, but we know winter will be with us soon because Harry's tree stumps have just arrived ready to be sawn into logs. Jilly is having a glorious bark as tree trunks roll down his drive. Do you think I will miss this yearly ritual if I move?

    I prefer the rain SANDY although the snow is prettier. Nothing like a good downpour to freshen the complexion! I still miss that damp little island over the pond and all the colourful umbrellas. I miss the changing weather patterns as well. One minute sunshine and a minute later along rolls a cloud to freshen things up. That's why it's such a green little island.

    I hope Harry doesn't spoil the weekend with his blasted electric saw just outside my side LR window but I bet he does. Oh well, better appreciate our woods man while I can! He does keep the Bean amused.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    My tea break this time after a very productive few hours. Lots of wood from the old chicken house has been sawn and chopped for kindling as well as some kiln dried logs that were huge until I managed to swing an axe over my head and split them. That was a trick I was taught by John in Canada! It might be a bit early but I'm starting to pot up tulip bulbs to give a splash of colour in the Spring while other potted geraniums and fuscias are going into my greenhouse in case the nights begin to get cold. The rain stayed away while I worked and at times felt quite warm so I thoroughly enjoyed the fresh air before having a little chat to Hebe in her special spot in the garden, then in to light the fire. So that was my afternoon.

    Anne, George says to tell you that Jilly and you, as well as all the other sneakers, are our pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! B) Not a single firework as yet but I do think the word is finally out about how dangerous they can be if handled the wrong way as well as terrifying for pets to have to hear. I do hope the heavy rain doesn't give you more problems in your basement because there is so little you can do without a pump. I well remember my blood pressure soaring when the path behind my cottage flooded and rain water ran under the door... a nightmare.

    Patsy, how is Katie today? Is the vet to be visited? Scary when they can't tell us what they might have eaten or perhaps if they've a stomach ache. George woke me around 5.30 this morning heaving up something and when I turned on the light and hung over the side of my bed was amazed to see 2 small jet black splodges on the carpet. I've no idea what it was and today all is normal again, poo'd, eat his lunch and now just had kibble for an evening snack so certainly no adverse affects. Tomorrow morning at 9 I have an appointment with the vet for Brady's booster shot and also to check George's back because after that cyst was removed there appears to be a sharp piece of a stitch sticking out and a tiny area that hasn't healed. I'm scared to pull at it myself in case it's attached!

    Lin, you volunteer for so much at your church I'm sure they will understand you can't cope with certain cooking smells. A busy day for sure but hopefully some restful time in there too.

    Sandy, your body seems to be telling you to rest up just a bit but if you can do so and look after the children at the same time then that's great.

    Buzz, it's difficult to know what's normal in politics today although what worries me is the crazy world we live in seems to be deemed just that! This post was interrupted about 3 hours ago by a friend calling me on Skype and her first question was who would I vote for in our up and coming election. My answer is I have no idea because I don't see a shining light anywhere on the horizon! I'm thinking of you and your DD but can do nothing more than send hugs. <3

    Fireworks in the sky a few miles away so silent, which is wonderful.... pretty too so I'm thinking all such events should be muted!

    Time now to Skype my brother in Spain so hello to anyone I missed.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Foggy day today and a bit cold. Looking very autumn-like outside. Fallen Leaves everywhere, including on my carpet. Between Katie and John it feels like I need to rake the living room rather than vacuum. Those two never scrape their feet before coming in from outside.

    John has to take our Honda in because it has been recalled. It is those defective airbags. I would just as well disable them but, of course, it would be against the rules. We had a friend who was in a tiny fender-bender accident and one of the airbags deployed in her face and chest. She has one eardrum punctured and she lost hearing in that ear. It also hit her so hard in the chest, she had a small heart attack. Her insurance ALMOST paid for most of the medical bills and half of the car repair. All for having the safety measure of airbags. As you can clearly see, I am worried about these devices.

    Katie is almost back to normal. She also poo’d, ate her breakfast, ran outside at least 20 times (as usual) played a quick ball game and is now napping. She is still a bit low energy for her. I called our vet and he thinks she probably had a stomach ache but I am to watch closely for bloat and vomiting. Good grief! Bloating can be a very serious problem!

    Putting up all of the fun Halloween decor, I will buy a big pot of yellow or orange mums to set on the hearth ledge for the thanksgiving season. Always cheery in my opinion.

    I guess I am ready to rake the carpets. Katie is napping and John is at the car dealership.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I've already lost 2 posts and my typing seems so awful today , I will have to try to get back....just answered a call fro DD's partner. A CTscan was necessary to make certain no hemorraging but she seems to be OK, Oh wow!
    This is what I was trying topost before that call:
    AH, JACKIE Love, You have made my day. My DD made a mistake about Tuesday's date, so she is in the hosptal at this moment getting that skull biopsy. Below is a part of the email she sent this morning
    "When I can, I will post on net in usual place. Danger zone diminishes hours and days after surgery. Always chance of stroke of hemorrhage. Not something I want to live with and Janet and Cindy are instructed on this. 1/100 odds are great for lottery ticket, but not for those. There will not be a pathology report for 2 weeks or longer."
    You get a glimpse of her despair, I think. I will try to send the rainbow to her! For good luck!
    LIN, you seldom forget a thing, but I am turned on by the exact things that make YOU nauseous! Love the odor of a Turkey roasting with all the fixings! I miss that so much!
    ......................Sorry but will be late for dinner again. so see you either tonight or tomorrow!
    <3 Buzz
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Dearest Buzz, I know these are scary times for you and daughter. I think I hear her anger and feelings of being cheated out of the length of life she deserves. It is confusing for her and everyone who knows and loves her. How can they give odds on a surgery when they don’t have a definitive diagnosis? The danger of hemorrhage and complications after all surgeries is scary and makes one think twice about the procedure. Surely there will be some real counciling and laying all facts on the table. She will need an advocate present to take notes and hear the prognosis. Wishing you and your DD the best news possible.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I second PATSY's post BUZZ. A Very thoughtful post Patsy. Thinking of you Buzz and your daughter and also hoping you receive the best news possible. God bless.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,502 Member
    And I will also join in, Buzz— I do not have any words to add other than we are here. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,406 Member
    Buzz, as always you are in our hearts and prayers. Patsy's post is perfect and just know we all love you. <3<3<3
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Bless you all, and thank you for such loving support. Today has been unbelievable, with phone calls about a dear neighbor having a stroke and being in hospice today, another dying today after reaching 100 years yesterday, and a call from our beloved former chaplains' wife telling me about a call she received on her birthday yesterday from her Dr's office concerning advanced breast cancer!!! SHe was a nurse but had not been to a doctor in 10 years! Thank heaven my daughter's call was to say she was on the way home, where she will rest for several days! I was going to eat dinner alone tonight but now I think I must be with friends!
    PATSY, your post is incredibly helpful and observant. By the way, DD always records visits to doctors and finds she never hears them properly the first time!
    This posts has disappeared and reappeared 2 times, so I'd better click it before it is gone forever! And JACKIE, thank you for the photo!
    <3 Buzz
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Oh boy BUZZ. Incredibly sad time for you. Please take care of yourself!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,502 Member
    Goodness Buzz, sounds like a bit of overload. Sending hugs and wishes for rest and replenishment. A lot is going on. ❤️❤️

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    It's snowing here. Nuff said for now, Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Sorry I was AWOL yesterday but the day flew and before I knew it I was heading for bed! Sue my gardener has visited for the last time before she moves back to her home county and she kindly brought a rambling rose cutting to climb my new fencing. We plan to keep in touch and I've said she is welcome to stay if she revisits Cornwall. And the 5 dogs (?) was the immediate response..... whoa, in my tiny cottage? I'll have to think on that is what I thought but didn't voice!!
    Our weather is turning colder so hasn't got much above 6c this morning and George, Betty and I got wet as well as hailed upon at the start of our walk but it ended in pleasant sunshine. When we returned to the car I placed the dog leads on its roof while I rubbed them down with a towel then settled them on their seats and drove off. Once home I went to put their leads on but oh no, I'd left them on the car roof so turned the car round and returned to the car park only to find someone had picked them up and gone off with them. I'm cross with myself but also the person who took them because I had got back within 10 minutes and would have thought the best thing to have done with them would be to place them on a picnic table that sits in the corner of the car park. Luckily I do have spares.
    George is back on antibiotics after our visit to the vet yesterday because he unfortunately has a slight infection at the site of the incision to remove his cyst a while back. The vet was thorough but I can still feel something sharp protruding from the scar so will keep an eye on him. Brady came along too for his annual booster and as ever made himself at home clambering on shelves, knocking books off, practically sitting on the vet's head and then, when put on the scales to be weighed, decided he was quite happy there and settled down to wash himself. I felt the poor little boy thought it was his time to be taken away since both Hebe and Boris are no longer with us because when we got home he kept wrapping himself around Betty as well as my legs. What a relief he thought!!

    What a time you're having Buzz with so much upsetting news but I'm so glad you have your good friends and companions close by to support you. Pleased too that we can offer our love and hugs from afar. <3

    Anne yesterday's BBC weather forecaster had a huge white blob over his shoulder that appeared to be south of the lakes and I thought more likely Lin and Sandy would report snow today but it seems to have drifted in your direction. Your neighbour must have received an early warning and got his logs piled against your fence just in time!

    Yesterday I spotted a rat run along the side of my Fort Knox chicken run and in through a tiny hole in one corner so my plan is to fill their route with cement and hope that puts them off because it would appear Brady's presence isn't enough. The sun is still out so I'll do that now before the afternoon disappears.

    Happy Thursday everyone.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Still snowing here. I've cruelly warned Mark and Mary Jo who are sitting in the sixties before their return tomorrow. Yes Harry does have the luck of the Irish despite being of German/French origin. He worked hard yesterday and now both sides of his front door are sky high in logs. This means he only needs to open the front door a crack to grab a log. Can't say I blame him for his ingenuity though.
    However, my view down the street is blocked until the piles diminish.kmu7a1qmc2s1.jpg
    Sad about the leashes. Hopefully some other dog walker knows they are yours and will return them to you after safe keeping? Hope so JACKIE.
    Jill has given up today on nattering for her early morning walk! She's now asleep on the sofa.
    Peace and quiet as long as I lay off the vacuum.
    Hugs to all,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,406 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting day, no win at bingo and still have a swollen bump under my eye. I am hoping the Mucinex D will work, this is my second day. I feel fine except for the bump which is I think is caused by my sinus's, so my vanity is upset. lol
    Will do some grocery shopping after my meeting since my son and dil will be here Saturday through Wednesday. I sit all day tomorrow but should have time Saturday to clean the house.

    Anne, we got a slight coating of snow but it is all gone with the sun shining. It is cold though and I am already tired of winter. I can't wait to plan a vacation to Florida but I don't think that will be until February or March.

    Jackie, I agree with Anne, maybe someone knows they are your leashes and will return them when they see you again. I know you will miss Sue, but visiting with 5 dogs might be a bit too much. lol

    Buzz, when it rains it pours, here's hoping for some sunshine in your life and I don't mean the weather. Hugs and kisses.

    Lin, what is on the agenda today?

    By the way today is Marie's birthday so when I post on Facebook I will include all the sneakers.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,502 Member
    Good day, second day on call for church duties. But I am not calling in, they said they would contact me if they needed anything. Haaaaaa, I bet they forgot.

    It was library ladies morning and just got home from that. I will leave in a few minutes to renew my Costco membership (and browse) and must stop by Hobby Lobby to return an item and purchase a different one.

    Sandy, I did post a happy birthday message on Facebook early this morning for Marie. But I was not considerate enough to include everyone on that wish. Sorry your eye is still swollen. Or below your eye. Sounds like it could be a sinus issue. Good idea to get some groceries today.

    Jackie, oh my, well, a visit with a friend is lovely but not with multiple dogs. Maybe she will make new friends and will find a dog sitter there. Good for you finding the rat entrance to the chickens’ habitat. I am sure you made short order of that! So sorry you lost your leashes, I guess I doubt they will be returned to you but maybe. Meanwhile, off to purchase new ones? Or do you have extras?

    Anne, your neighbor has made it handy for himself. What a stack!! A cold winter on the way.

    Patsy, I hope you are feeling fine and that Katie is all better as well. Are you finished with outside projects now at your house?

    Buzz, I pray you are having a better day. ❤️❤️

    Must run along now.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Thursday...where did the week go? It is cold but sunny. I think we are to have a sunny weekend as well. But still quite cold. The fall colors are stunning. There is something about the light and air in autumn that makes me want to bake corn muffins and make a great spicy chili. That is on my to do list today.

    Yesterday we did a few errands and I am always curious about the odd occurrence I see happening here. In front of the post office there was an old van full of youngish folks with backpacks etc. they piled out of the old van and one or two set up a begging operation in front of the post office. Others went off down the street. Are there professional beggars? They seem healthy enough and each have backpacks and bedrolls. It was unnerving to see, but not sure why I felt so uneasy. Katie, of course, started a barking and growling response. She is very territorial about the car. Getting gas is an exercise in patience and endurance. Anyway, no drama or trauma just rather curious?

    Jackie: we lose a lot of leashes! Katie often tries to eat her leads made of fabric straps. We have metal chain leashes. They are very expensive and heavy to carry around in my pocket if not needed. Katie often goes with us to do errands. One of us is usually in the car while either John or I complete the errand at hand. Katie sits in the back seat, barking and sniffing the air through a partially open window. It is a traveling circus with Katie as the ring leader.

    Have a great day everyone. Keep the sun shining, the planet turning and good vibes coming.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Morning Sneakers. We were talking flu shots the other day and I said I'd never had one. Won't be getting one this year either especially after reading 10 people are in hospital here after being injected with insulin by mistake. Doesn't help after the tv news last night stated 430 odd people in this country last year had sponges, scissors left inside them after being sewn up. What!! Are standards going down or are we more informed these days? One poor chap with extreme pain had scissors left in his stomach for 15 years! Meanwhile most pipes have to be replaced because they are leaching lead! Lead causes brain damage I believe especially in the young and I personally wonder if that's why there's an increase in dementia,
    Sorry girls, but better to be informed than not and we can only hope it's all "fake news".

    Jilly goes with us on most shopping trips because she loves car riding and is extremely nosy. She's a little monkey in most things, but thank goodness very discerning when it comes to food. Wouldn't dream of eating twigs etc. I believe there are toxic slugs in Australia which have caused death in some dogs! Are our slugs toxic, hope not!

    This appears to be a morbid post but actually we are on top of the world. Mark and Mary Jo are somewhere above the Atlantic. They texted me just before takeoff. Michael is 40 miles away having his teeth cleaned and The Bean and I are waiting for grocery delivery. Alls well in our very small world.