Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    With you all the way SANDY. It's like getting blood out of a stone when it comes to me and anybody who asks for personal info. I'm gone. Just wanted to warn everybody because now that everyone gets it with the tax scam, a new scam appears to be starting. Glad your ordeal is over and you are back to normal.
    Poor MARIE though, her family must be very worried.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited November 2017
    Hello sneakers. I'm later today because I finally got myself back to a weekly swim at our local pool which meant walking George round the village very early. Nothing changes..... first a young lad on his way to catch the school bus and always late running down a hill flat-footed towards us so the bang, bang, bang of his feet hitting the ground scared George and made him growl then just past him a lady jogger ran up behind us so he felt the need to protect me and snapped at her feet. In the past I've explained to both of them that they need to slow around my dog so as not to scare him so I don't feel bad about his behaviour, in fact it makes me smile! Late this afternoon I took him up on to the moors for a run but it was already getting dark so we didn't go far, just across to the stone Hurlers and back. I have to tell you all how much I value your opinions on the material for my chairs and it seems we have swayed one way and then the other together before all coming to the same conclusion.... the monkeys win and I can't wait to get started although terrified of the task ahead of me.

    Anne ~ In Britain apparently millions of pounds were lost last year to scammers pretending to be a bank asking for money transfers but I gather there are moves afoot to make the real banks pay back the lost money to customers even though it's not particularly their fault. Thankfully my phone shows on its screen the number of these calls from abroad as unavailable so I don't even pick up but these emails are a worry because they do look genuine so I suppose the answer is to question everything. Well done Florence for being such a good girl and I hope as Lin suggests you regularly talk nicely to her!

    Sandy ~ Great news that you are feeling so much better today but try not to dismiss the idea of ever having one again. Your offer of sending the green bottle to me was very sweet but I will only let you have my address if you message me yours then I can return something Cornish as a thank you!

    Lin ~ The floral fabric was certainly a disappointment when it arrived because as you say, it looks nothing like its photo. At least it made the decision easy!

    Patsy ~ It's true that as we get older and mostly have everything we need around us it's better not to receive gifts unless useful in some way and of course a loo is always going to be that! During my past year of clearing out and taking boxes of goodies to charity shops I have at times felt guilty about packing certain items off to be recycled but it does get to a point when shelves are creaking and dust beginning to accumulate behind the nick-nacks so something has to give! I do agree that my chairs with their Georgian style need something special and the conversations will be a giggle if nothing else!

    Buzz ~ During the past week I've read a lot about these so-called Paradise Papers and it's stating the bloomin' obvious to say the rich know how to avoid huge amounts of taxes and certainly have no conscience about the rest of us paying for public services, hospitals, education, security etc. etc..... while they stash their money into offshore accounts. Will you get anywhere raising your concerns about your medical exemptions? Hmmm, you know what I'm guessing!! While we're on the subject of anal glands (LOL!!) that's not an area I've delved into before and it might just be a step too far but I'll certainly keep an eye on the little man's bottom in case then pay a vet to do the job! A good friend recently had a hip replacement and is singing the praises of the hospital I would probably attend if it comes to it but at the moment our poor creaking NHS has me waiting at least 3 weeks before getting a result on my x-ray then an age to see my GP to follow up before ever getting near a consultant so I'm not holding my breath. Just so long as they don't want to operate in the summer months when my garden needs tending! ;)

    I do hope dear Marie's scan shows she isn't too unwell. <3

    Another day flown by and already time for me to think about cooking an evening meal so I'll wish everyone a pleasant rest of Thursday. Stay warm and safe.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Odd rain in the sunshine-party cloudy-torrential downpours kind of day. Not my favorite!

    I know what you mean about the scams going around. I am very cautious as well. We almost got caught on a scam concerning our dish network. We realized just in time that it was a scam. We told our dish network and they put out a warning plus made sure we were not compromised.

    Sandy: my dad loved to gamble. He always had good luck. He never pushed his luck, he would only gamble for a specific time and then quit, even if he was really winning. I am not good at it. Never win, so I don't gamble. Also the constant noise gets to me. People used to smoke in the casinos. Then I just could not be in there very long at all. I did love the shows however. Good luck and have a grand time.

    Listening to mellow jazz this AM. Took a vitamin D, turned on my happy light, dish washer is making lovely little washing sounds.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    And Florence is making lovely little purring sounds PATSY. This is because we are forecast rain mixed with snow and I think it's already started. Well the rain bit. I've just put the garbage out for tomorrow's pick up (and the raccoons supper if they get the chance) and it's definitely cooling down, AND it's getting dark as well at 4:30 instead of 5pm.
    Hello winter,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,133 Member
    Good evening.

    Wow, it is COLD! Just got home from church. We have our area set up and prices marked on the things that had been dropped off. More expected tomorrow and likely more on Saturday morning before the sale starts.

    Not much to say this evening. It will be busy times for the next few days.

    Sandy, another trip coming up soon. I hope you have a good time. I have not been to a casino more than a handful of times. I am more of a lottery ticket person. I didn’t enjoy the smells and the sounds. I did go one time to see the horse racing and one time to have breakfast with friends. But overall, giving someone a dollar or two in exchange for a little piece of paper is easier. :)

    I agree with everyone, the scams are horrendous. I do not answer my phone, for the most part, unless I am fairly sure I know who it is but some of the clever crooks have ways to make your caller ID think you are getting a local call when it is actually from somewhere else entirely. Not fair!!!!

    While clearing out is an admirable goal I am heavy into acquisition mode when it comes to any and all arty supplies, warm clothing and all needed replacements for electronic items. I just had the DVD player that is built into my old TV go sort of unreliable. This TV is so old it doesn’t have an HDMI port for goodness sakes. Anyway, I got a DVD player and hooked it up. I got one that will play DVDs from any region, not just those for the U.S. market. Watch out world, I will be watching more episodes of The Last of the Summer Wine now!! Hello Amazon.UK!

    Looking forward to a photo of Chris’s new pup!!

    Tired out. Taking my book and heading for my bedroom. Take care everyone. I hope Marie is feeling better (and Alice too).


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    It's almost scary to answer phones or email these days! I have to put my name in the subject line when I send an email to someone who knows me but does not know me as delraybuzz! Otherwise, they wisely delete me before opening!
    Glad SANDY has recovered, and sorry to hear about MARIE!
    I have been busy making posters and agendas etc for a meeting we'll be having concerning the possible loss of our medical exemption. For many seniors in nursing homes etc, that woud be a disaster, losing their one deduction ! Anyway, I'm falling way behind and need sleep desperately, so I'm off to bed so I can get an early start tomorrow.
    <3 Buzz

    .....................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!..............................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited November 2017
    Good morning!
    Just a comment about back ache. In the summer with shirts and tees tucked into pants I always wear a belt. In the winter and wearing thicker knitteds on the outside of jeans - tunic style - I've tried discarding the belt for less bulkiness. I immediately get back ache, but once I have the support of a belt again, the pain disappears. I suspect it's today's clinging stretch materials and them working downwards without a belt anchor because I don't have a problem with my older out-of-style pants. Just a comment, but if it helps someone.....great.
    It snowed overnight. 'Nuff said!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,087 Member
    Happy Friday! :) When I got on the scale today I was down 2.3 pounds, must be because of my prep for test. lol I am sure it will go back up as I love to eat!!! We might get some snow today so I hope to get out on my balcony to cover my furniture. I also want to go for a manicure (wish I had someone that could come to my house like Jackie does). No sitting today as Lisa's uncle is in from out of town and they are going to go visit him.

    Anne, weird observation with the belt, I might have to try that. I know as a kid I could never stand anything tight around my waist, it gave me a tummy ache. Sorry about the white stuff!!

    Buzz, you do love making things with your computer which is what keeps your mind sharp!!

    Lin, I do love the casinos but the one we are going to in Michigan smoking is allowed and at times it gets to me. Most people are considerate and they do have non smoking tables. It is just fun to be with friends and to get away from the real world for a little while.

    Patsy, your dad was a smart man to know when to quit.

    Jackie, I will be happy to send my address to you but in all honesty I think the shipping of the water bottle would be more than the bottle is worth. Sorry.

    Have a great day everyone!!
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A pleasant day and lovely walk this morning. Since then I've spent time attacking the brambles and even managed a small fire in an incinerator to clear away some of the cuttings. Already dark so I'm going to light a fire, indoors this time and think about what I might eat. Gained 2 lbs in the past week in spite of lots of exercise so there's no guessing what goes on with my weight!!

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    P.S Sandy ~ Forgot to mention, don't worry about the bottle, it was only because you made a comment about sending it to me. Tupperware is easily available in stores here if I'm desperate!!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited November 2017
    Jilly and I are cuddled up on the sofa after a 2nd FREEZING walk, this time to the mailbox. We've got a sprinkling of snow frosting the fallen golden leaves and it would be quite pretty if it wasn't so darn cold. Tomorrow we climb to 36F and I can't wait! I put a load of garden refuse out collected after last weeks relatively balmy temperatures but huddled over the space heater in the evening. The furnace arrived just in time and sometimes we get lucky. I can't see me putting out any more garden stuff until next April! Just checked and it's 26F outside or -3C so it's warmed up quite a lot, but the wind makes it feel much colder.
    Grocery shop day tomorrow in the "heat". Must buy the birds some bird seed.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    It seems way too early for winter yet "Hello!" Old Mr. Ice and Cold. Our wet winter has also come to visit again.

    In order to get into the mood of the season, I have been putting a list together of movies to watch. My criteria would be something Christmas or thanksgiving in theme. We usually watch movies while we exercise. It is something to help me look forward to that time instead of dread. Since our children are, of course, grown and gone, we have no little grandchildren, the holidays need extra effort. We are such a small family and somewhat scattered, I am amazed at the difference in my childhood and now. I grew up around tons of family. I was related to at least half the town.

    One of my favorite movies is "Love Actually." Next is "Hugo." Polar Express, The grinch that stood Christmas, a Charlie Brown Christmas, on and on it goes. I will keep hunting for happy little holiday tales to exercise by. I know! I am in need of therapy, I have a bad case of arrested development.

    Anne: i don't think a belt would help me but it does make sense really. The sciatic nerve runs from the inside of the hip area to the toes. Support in the waist area could help if you have arthritis or calcium deposits in some area that pinches that nerve. I have been fussing with this forever!

    Sandy: what a way to lose weight...hard way to lose a couple of pounds. But it is over and you are now back to your regular life. Yea!

    Buzz: I think that really creative people always find an outlet. It is a drive that can't be stopped. Now here you are making posters etc. still at it...creative juices are flowing still.

    Must clean bathroom and make soup, another load of laundry and then into the dungeon.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Is my face red! Today was the meeting for which I was making agendas and posters and alerts etc,.....and I forgot today is Friday and I never went to the meeting!!! :s I was concentrating on a poster instead! HOWEVER, JACKIE, our Senate heard us and is now attempting to put back the medical exemption. How about that! The elections Tuesday has them very worried about their jobs! Now dashing to dinner, but feeling both stupid and victorious!
    <3 Buzz

    .....................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!..............................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,133 Member
    Hello friends, it is getting dark already and I will be heading out soon. Back late tonight and will be gone all day and evening tomorrow.

    Well, people are flawed aren’t they? We seem to have a little power struggle in connection with the bazaar and bake sale. We are all situated and today an email arrives from the church secretary and she is not happy with the arrangements. She wants everything back in the usual location toute de suite. She says we cannot mess up that area (the one we appropriated this year) since we have church services on Sunday and a funeral on Monday. Well, first of all, the area will be messed up anyway as people are seated in the pews to wait for their seating to be announced and they drop stuff, eat while they wait and generally raise heck. Second, everyone getting a takeout meal trudges through the area as well adding to the general mess as they drop things. Soooooo, honestly the woman does not think we will clean everything out of the area after the sale on Saturday evening? That is ludicrous.

    Power struggle 2017: Turkey dinner style. The lady who is supposedly heading our effort, snapped back saying it is set up, it will be taken down after the sale and she will bring additional items this evening and will be driven there by her husband as she is in extreme pain from an injection in her knee. In other words back off, we are not going to change anything and I am hardly able to be there at all. I swear if she’s pushed more, she will walk out.

    Ain’t life grand?

    Looking for a set of armor. Argh! I need divine intervention.


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    I am going to need to redo my hair cut...why do I pay $25.00 for a hair cut that I have to Redo? This is just crazy. I have to say my hands and feet could really do with Jackie's traveling manicurist. My hands look like I claw my way up mountains. Rough and wrinkled and red. Not very elegant! They look like the hands of rock and mountain climbers. Very beat up and raw. Paint is hard on hands.

    We are going to lunch again on Monday with our musician friend and his wife. This has become a huge anxiety producing event. But it is good for our friend and his wife. They need accepting friends that have a long memory from when he was himself. God bless them both.

    All of the recent sex abuse accusations is rather sickening. I hate to look at the news or TV in general. Our movies or nothing. I am hiding from the world these days.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited November 2017
    Hi PATSY, I for one am going to grow my hair again. The recent icy blast makes me realize I need a bit of "fur" around the neck area!
    Sex abuse allegations? What's new? It's been going on since life began only hidden under wraps until today. It happens in all walks of life. Worst scenario: Women simply have to understand that they never ever go for the first time to a little known mans place unless accompanied by a friend. Forget equality, all males are bigger and stronger than the majority of females and they have power. This is why eastern men cocoon their ladies from head to foot in stifling garments. They know the nature of some of their brothers. In our western world, we have to be one step ahead and act sensibly because for every decent man there's a wolf in sheeps clothing lurking in the bushes. The elderly aren't safe either. Recently, very recently a lady of 88 here was attacked in her own home.
    The good news, women are finding their voices. In my working day we gritted our teeth and ignored the lurid comments and touching etc. We daren't go to Personnel for fear of no wage increases if certain managers were complained about. Boys will be boys attitude. She must have encouraged it attitude. Don't hide from the news, it's there to help us make a better world hopefully for women and yes, an awful lot of men as well.

    Shopping day today.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited November 2017
    After an awful lot of rain last night our roads are swimming so when I went to the local supermarket at 8 am I took it steady. One thing about that time of morning on a Saturday.... not too many out and about! Scruff's mum decided they would walk locally because of the wind and rain but brave me, I took George to the moors, albeit the lower car park to walk to the Neolithic Hurlers that he loves so much. I'm sure the ancient ghosts whisper sweet nothings in his fluffy ears as he runs happily round the stone rings! As I climbed the steps from the car park to the open moor we were hit by gale force winds and driving rain so George looked like one of those cartoon characters with his fur flailing wildly behind him. Needless to say we were soaked by the time we returned to the car but I did feel a sense of achievement and as Anne will remember when she lived in similar surroundings, my complexion has definitely been softened by the clean, fresh rain!

    Buzz ~ Election time is always a good opportunity to get politicians listening for once so I do hope you achieve what you're after. Never mind if you missed that meeting so long as everyone else turned up because they read your posters!

    Patsy ~ Think yourself lucky you don't have the word BREXIT being uttered a million times a day by presenters, observers and so called experts. Now that really is something to be avoided!! The rest as Anne comments is as old as the hills but as ever it's a minority that give men a bad name!

    Lin ~ Oh dear, it sounds as if the dear lady secretary has forgotten what her church should be about, certainly not concern for a few cake crumbs.... perhaps you have a church mouse that can clean up overnight!! The situation would make a grand comedy sketch so I would stand back and observe.... see the funny side! (Armour would be good too!! :| )

    George has been barking at what appears to be nothing for the past half hour so I had better go and check what could be troubling him. It remains miserable outside but hooray, it's the time of year for our international rugby matches so I'll be entertained for most of the afternoon.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited November 2017
    Had to smile at JACKIEs comment LIN. Do you think Jesus made a few crumbs when he divided the fishes among the multitude! Lol.
    Go for the armour! I think we called similar situations in the U.K. "Bun fights". Right? JACKIE.

    It's perishingly cold out! Just back from walk. I didn't recognize my neighbour she was so bundled up walking Reilly!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,087 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) I have a feeling my scale was wrong yesterday as today it was almost 3 pounds more. I did indulge in an ice cream cup with some whipped cream but 3 pounds? Oh well the way my weight fluctuates I am not going to worry about it. I did get my nails done and will go to church today so tomorrow will be a free day except for packing my small bag.
    I am looking forward to our little trip, boredom is sneaking in even though I love being home.

    I did get my patio furniture covered for the winter so when it snows I am ready. We are supposed to get some warmer days and when we do I think I will put my balcony Christmas decorations up but not turn them on until after Thanksgiving. I am hoping Bryanna will help with the decorations this year, we will see.

    I agree with you Anne, men have been abusing women for years and yes women have done the same. The old guys at bingo still live in the past and most are chauvinist who see nothing wrong in their actions. The young men of today are much better behaved and hopefully the young women are much more educated and stay aware. It does break my heart to hear about some of my favorite stars who abused their stardom. Like Jackie said it is a minority but sad.

    Jackie, I saw on the internet that Queen Elizabeth is stepping down from some of her duties. Since they are in their 90's, I think it is time to relax. Whenever I see Diana's boys it melts my heart, such handsome men.


    Have a great day!!
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne ~ Yes, a bun fight which does seem appropriate or of course, handbags at dawn!!

    Sandy ~ We can't blame the Queen for saying enough is enough at her age and Charles can't wait to step in so everyone's a winner! As you know I'm not a royalist but do admire everything Diana did to influence her boys to be human and caring in spite of their rigid royal environment.

    Time for me to cook my dinner. I always seem to be eating so no wonder my weight fluctuates! :/
