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Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Posts: 9,428 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) After all my hard work yesterday I slept late today and time is getting away from me. I am sitting for kiddos later as my son has a 30 year class reunion from High School. I still want to get some groceries before I go so no time to chat.
    Bryanna came with friends and picked up the trundle bed yesterday so my house is back to normal. Love the picture Lin and it mad me laugh as well.

    Have a great day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello there! A cloudy dreary day here. Time for happy music and planning for thanksgiving. It is my destiny to be in charge of holidays. Why? Because I have become the one who will do it. That’s why.

    We had a lovely long visit with our daughter. She seems so weak and in poor health, it is alarming. But we laughed and reminisced and talked music, books and movies. It was a happy time. Then she got up to leave and almost blacked out. Walking is painful for her and she gets winded and it is difficult for her to breathe. Scary and painful to see. Katie does not like her. Katie stays well away from her, right next to John or me. It is odd really. Our daughter has always been an animal lover. But Katie is uncomfortable anywhere near our daughter. What is happening there? Extremely unusual.

    I loved the Florida reindeer. I agree with Anne. He does look quite well fed and strangely content. Hummmm...could mean Santa will be late this year!

    Sandy’s guest room is so nice and neat and uncluttered. The new bed will be inviting and restful for her guests. Our guest room is our son’s room. Full of stuff. Books, paintings, brick a brack and and doodads. Dust catchers. Plus clothes that our son keeps here in case he wants or needs a change. There is also have doggie beds for his dogs and their little doggie blankets. As I said, our guest room never looks neat and uncluttered.

    John is off to Walgreens and Home Depot. I am cleaning the kitchen and mopping the kitchen floor and tile entryways. Listening to Charlie Brown jazz CD. Katie is having one of her many naps.
  • Posts: 2,779 Member
    Thanks for a good laugh, LIN! Perfect timing for a reindeer as the cooler weather is here for a couple of days. It's 63 right now, not nearly cold enough to get rid of a single iguana. PATSY, dogs are amazing in what their noses pick up, so you'll have to guess what Katie's reason is! Could be as simple as the soap your DD uses, or something different.
    JACKIE, the very witnesses who impress me the most are the ones our dear Repugnicans choose to find the most unbelievable! SANDY, glad your vents are finally being cleaned; I've been begging for almost a year! ANNE, no exciting stories today? Well, then, I will finally catch up on my deprivation and go to SLEEP...Early!!!
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!...........................
  • Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited November 2019
    Well, BUZZ I did write a lovely long post yesterday but Ma Fitness Pal deleted it. My horror was horrified! Ha well another day dawns.
    Mike took off for the Dominican Republic wedding in anorak and ear muffs and actually managed to contact me in shorts and tee shirt on arrival. Then Mark and Mary Jo turned up with photos of Portugal. Next door, Maria's 23 guests showed up for a dinner she cooked. She is the most remarkable 68 year old. Not only a very nice lady, but she feeds everyone, hauls 5 grand kids to school and back and takes care of Tony who she even has to shave etc etc. I am in complete awe of her not having an A personality. I don't think you can order an A personality. One is stuck with what one is born with. She is forever asking ME if I need help, when I think she needs it!
    Well, everyone has been very busy, ordering greenhouses, beds, art supplies, mopping kitchen floors, I feel a nap coming on just thinking of all you busy bees! Of course I tell myself it's the onset of old age but in truth I've always been this way inclined. However, I feel like knitting again so there's hope in me yet.
    By the way Buzz, my delivery service is Gateway and they belong to the Longos grocery chain. A grocers I also like to use hands on although I can only get there by bus or car. The only drawback, their courteous delivery men dress from head to toe in black which seems to scare Jilly and she barks continuously as I pay at the door.
    Talking of shorty pants, you will all realize by now that although loveable and a joy she is also spoilt. After a three day food struggle she is now eating raw meat, mainly chicken, with great relish because she says she's a "real" dog. According to the internet this is okay because if she was running around in the wild, and not eaten by Santa eating alligators she would be eating the odd rabbit, mouse or whatever hapless creature that crossed her path. This suits me, not having to cook her chicken etc, being of the two legged laid back personality.
    Writing letters today, if nobody shows up, and actually the biggest shower upper is Mike tucked safely away on some distant beach.
    Cheers, Anne and the carnivore.
  • Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited November 2019
    A day of housework and phone calls for me. Yet more doggie towels washed and hung out to dry but it feels cold enough to freeze to the bone and they hadn't dried by 4pm so are now hanging in my dining room. I've vacuumed upstairs and down and am waiting for chicken to cook in the oven and veggies to finish steaming. Nothing else much going on, not enough to post about anyway so I'll head back to the kitchen ready to dish up.

    Happy Sunday ❤
  • Posts: 9,428 Member
    edited November 2019
    Happy Sunday! :) Babysitting went well, not too late. Went to Mass with Joe this morning and then out to eat, where I saw a older man trip on the curb and fall and hit his head. I screamed and said someone call 911 but two guys ran from their table to help him. His nose was bleeding but he and his wife just turned around and walked back to their car.
    Then at the same table the men came from more people came to join them and when the lady sat down she missed her chair and fell. Was quite an exciting morning.
    The rest of the day I will try and catch up on some of my recorded shows after catching up on my games on the computer.
    I am sitting again tomorrow and Tuesday but shorter hours I believe.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Posts: 11,523 Member
    Good afternoon. It rained all morning but now it is just grey and damp.

    My head and sinuses are not altogether happy with this weather. I am running my electric heater and although I have had my lunch, I am going to make hot tea now. I had planned on making soup this afternoon but am not motivated to start on that project now. Off to look for some sinus assistance.

    Sandy, what a horrible time this morning with people falling right and left. Yikes! Glad you are home and safe.

    Jackie, there is always some type of household chore awaiting isn’t there? Especially with fur friends in residence. So maybe no electric needed for your greenhouse. Here they are often constructed on a concrete pad and an electric line is put in at the same time. (Underground). Do I see rain gutters? Wow, the water could dump into rain barrels! Okay, I will stop now. Always happy to hear more and to see more photos. 😄

    Anne, I still cannot believe she cooked for such a crowd. Oh my! I would be tired for a week, at least. The dear little Bean is leading you about my friend. Good thing you do not mind. Happy letter writing to you. What to do now that the Durrell program has ended. So sad.

    Buzz, you finally went to bed relatively early last night? Or were you just off to something else mom

    Patsy, it is odd that Katie has a ‘thing’ about your daughter. Maybe it doesn’t trouble her. Who knows what goes on in the heads of our pets?

    Must run along. Need trash.


  • Posts: 2,779 Member
    Well, LIN, I started off to bed when I said I would and before logging off I remembered a card I want to make for a very dear delightful friend recovering from unexpected heart surgery since las April, and still not fully recovered. Next week the Evanses (JACKIE's new friends) and I will have a tiny birthday dinner with her, her first meal away from her room in months, so I dreamed up a perfect card and envelope and that takes me forever. So I got to bed around 3 AM! Must grab a bite now so I can see what 60 Minutes makes of last week! I used my TENS UNIT this morning on my shou;der and once I figure out all the 24 moves, I will love this massager! Not as complicated as I feared.
    I'm sending love n' hugs to you all and enjoyed reading all your posts today.
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!..........................
  • Posts: 1,677 Member
    Sunday mellow temps with a few showers. Okay for a low key day.

    Great visit with our son. We were making our thanksgiving plans. He decided he wants to try his hand at cooking a turkey for thanksgiving. He did this a couple of times with some friends when he was still working out of the California studio. I suspect he will do a great job but never want to do this again. Lot of work...big mess...thanksgiving tradition. Our daughter might come but she does not cook. She brings new music! We will play trivia pursuit or/and Pictionary after dinner, maybe football if we are too full to play games.

    John was feeling just a bit down this past week. His birthday caused him to realize most of his friends and colleagues have past away. Most of them smoked. It was part of the culture back then. Thank goodness we never did. Not sure why, because both of our parents smoked.

    Had a strange sleepless night. It will mean an early bedtime and soup for supper.
  • Posts: 2,670 Member
    After a glorious red sunrise, it's now gloomy out there. Just the day to wash bedding, towels etc.
    After a good talking to Jilly she's back on cooked chicken and rice. Quite right LIN I can't have a 12 inch high dog rule the roost, lol. Actually, I worry a bit about bacteria even if she does seem to have a cast iron gut. So back to just the odd pawful of raw before cooking as a treat.
    Off to work we go after an uneventful Sunday which suits me,
    Anne and the less carnivore and more domesticated pup.
  • Posts: 9,428 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Sitting this afternoon so Lisa can go to the dentist, tomorrow so she can go to her meeting. Our weather is warming up a little with a chance of 57 on Thursday.
    Nothing exciting to report here but I am glad Anne is going back to cooking chicken for Jilly rather than worry about the risk of salmonella or bacterial infections.
    Today was the day we were supposed to leave for our casino trip but due to the leg injury of our friend we have postponed possibly to March. That is fine with me since this trip was so close to Christmas.

    Have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time

  • Posts: 11,523 Member
    Good morning. Sorry for my typos in yesterday’s post. More than average....😄😄

    Sun, then clouds, rain expected on and off today. Meanwhile, I have made a trip to the post office, dropped some books off at the library, worked on some cards and now need to brush my teeth for a trip to the dentist. Argh.

    This afternoon I have an appointment with my health insurance agent. Need to switch prescription drug plans. My current plan’s premium is doubling next year along with a higher deductible. He found a different plan with a premium about the same as this year and I can go my current pharmacy. Just need to fill out and sign some paperwork. Glad he checks out the new plans every year. I didn’t think there was an option where a I could keep my current pharmacy.

    Sandy, with all you do it is probably good that the trip is postponed but I am sorry it was due to your friend’s leg. 😞

    Anne, good for you. I too am glad the Bean is not on all raw. So concerned about bacteria and stuff with raw chicken.

    Hello Patsy, Buzz and Jackie.


  • Posts: 5,072 Member
    It's gone 5pm so cold and dark but beautiful sunshine and blue skies daytime so after a lovely walk on the moors I had so many plans outdoors starting with mucking out the hens. Job done I then shampooed the downstairs carpet yet again because Betty had a couple of accidents but then, busy weeding out a very old terracotta pot to put tulip bulbs in, I had a message from Sue the gardener asking if I could go to hers to pick up more items she wanted me to have! I did go and found her in a worried state trying to clean and vacuum since all the furniture was now in a removal truck on its way to Herefordshire and solicitors had completed on the sale so she needed to get out. I stayed to vacuum for her then carry outside everything else that was supposed to fit into her vehicle except it didn't all fit so my car was loaded up too! It's been placed in the back of my garage until I have time to find a home for it or take to a jumble sale but Sue and her dogs are finally on their way to a new adventure! Friends phoned for a chat when I got home then the greenhouse people so my order is placed and should be delivered mid January but by then it was dark so the fire is lit and I'm on my 2nd cup of tea.... there goes another day!

    Time to cook an evening meal and think about what I'm eating because I jumped on the scales this morning and was horrified to see another 2 lbs gained over the weekend. No more Stollen cake or mince tarts! :o

    That's me for now. Happy Monday. <3

  • Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited November 2019
    Not so happy here. Started my big wash and the basement flooded. Mark came over with his "snake" and managed to remove what appears to be a paper towel! I would never ever put a paper towel down the toilet, so could it have been the furnace man because the downstairs bathroom is next to the furnace. Hate to blame him but I can't think how else a paper towel would be flushed down the toilet!
    Anyway, poor Mark has been on his hands and knees for over two hours dragging his snake in and out of the floor outlet pipe.
    If he can't completely clear, next phone call a plumber.
    Honestly will our little group ever have a week without something unfolding.
    Old age is not dull!
  • Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning everyone. Looks like it’s going to be another wet Monday.

    I am slow coming alive today. I I am almost sleep walking. I guess I am in need of a mug of good strong coffee. The stair climber should happen before Christmas. Not sure how I feel about this but John is sure we need it if we are to continue our plan to age here in place. He is right, of course. Anything to help avoid falling. Our strength exercises are vital, I know. Boring! But I listen to music or books on tape. It is hard to count reps and listen to books on tape at the same time. Impossible!

    Looking forward to a fun thanksgiving. I used to have a brown pilgrim apron I would wear at the dinner. I need to find that little holiday fashion statement. It is kind of fun to wear holiday fashion.

    Anne: isn’t it crazy how we seem to take such pleasure in trying to please our fur family? I do go to extraordinary lengths for our pets. Katie eats special food that is chicken breast and brown rice with a few carrots and peas etc. it is people food but she is a furry family person, after all. John is just as bad as I am regarding our pets.

    Lin: insurance is nessary but the paper work etc can be enough to drive one straight to the emergency room, where you will need insurance! My head is spinning........

    Sandy: this is a magic time to be a grandmother. Christmas and Thanksgiving with little children around is the BEST!

    Jackie: there is a neighbor with a greenhouse and he sets up a lighted Christmas tree in his greenhouse every year.he also hangs out a special wreath for the birds. Great neighbor even if we rarely see him. We are all busy but we still feel somewhat neighborly.

    I am slowly coming up to speed. Need to start the chores and begin the week. Have a lovely week dear sneakers. “I ‘ll be watching you🎶🎶🎶🎶”
  • Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited November 2019
    Plumber on the way. This is more than a paper towel! Anne
    PS. Katie eats the same as Jilly, PATSY. Just cooked up a batch.
  • Posts: 2,670 Member
    It's NOT a paper towel. It's tree roots growing in the pipes! I hope it's not the oak tree! But Tony will be happy if he can chop it down. Not me! Plumber is from Yorkshire and recognized my accent! He's trying to figure out if it's the pear tree, the Apple tree or the oak tree. So sad. I love trees!
  • Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh no! Plumbing problems are the worst ever? Wishing you a quick fix and no loss of trees. You are experiencing some of the same issues we have faced. Old comfortable house but things need a bit of TLC. Our deck fell apart and now we are looking at the redo on our stairs. Houses are like older people. They need a bit of upkeep.
  • Posts: 2,779 Member
    Lately I cannot sit still due to augmentation of Restless Leg Syndrome, meaning starts earlier in the day, medication no longer working properly, and hitting other limbs as well! And walking is increasingly difficult, so getting to a Dr's appointment Friday will not be easy! This is NOT how I planned to age gracefully! Used the TENS on my shoulder again this morning and have to read instructions more carefully! But it's not as painful as before so it may be working! I'll have a light salad up here tonight as tomorrow is a fancy Italian homemade Pasta party and I've lost 2 pounds and would like to balance meals better than I do! Taste buds are not what they were so my tendency is to eat more!!! Complain, complain, complain, that's all I seem to do lately! Ignore me please, and I'm going to eat now before I am hingry! Sardines on a garden salad maybe? I know fish is the healthier choice so I'll eat more. Very sleepy...........
    <3 Buzz
  • Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited November 2019
    My fate is sealed friends, with no effort on my part!
    Along came the plumber with his "sonic?" equipment and a huge snake which he proceeded to feed into the ancient hundred year old pipes and $446 later announced that although the town had replaced the antique stuff on their property some time back they hadn't replaced the water pipes leading to the houses on private property. The oak tree is the culprit but shouldn't have to come down because trees can't wriggle their roots into modern pipes.
    Unfortunately we have a huge concrete drive which would have to come up and it would cost THOUSANDS to replace it and the pipes. The house just ain't worth it. Better to sell to a developer or have my grandson tear it down.
    I thought I'd be taken out of this house in a box, but it looks as if I will be boxing my stuff up instead!

    I'm going to post this now and then continue because Ma fitness has a habit of eliminating stuff at this point!
  • Posts: 2,670 Member
    Yeah, saved. Meanwhile poor Michael is sitting on a beach or rushing to the bathroom on some Caribbean island and blissfully unaware that his dear old Mom with dog tucked under one arm and suitcase under the other could descend on him before spring when the oak tree wakes up and proceeds to lap up water inside the water pipes again.
    I have had rather an eventful life and it appears it will continue. What happened to the stories I read as a kid with granny sitting in her rocking chair crocheting in the corner?
    At least I know I can start disposing of ornaments, pictures, and the flotsam and jetsam collected over 84 years without some other poor soul chucking it out.
    So how was your Monday dear friends?
    Today I shall start writing the overseas Christmas cards for the last time here, whilst looking out at the Apple tree and melting snow. Oh AND the oak tree.
    Okay, no more snivelling.
    Anybody want any turn of the previous century ceramic hot water bottles kept from my childhood? Lol.
    All for now.
    Have a peaceful Tuesday,
    Hugs from Anne and the unhappy no more raw chicken domesticated Jilly Bean.

  • Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited November 2019
    My goodness Anne, it seems fate has decreed you must move on to pastures new however much you might want to stay where you are but I'm convinced these things really do happen for a reason. Of course we never get to know what the outcome would have been if events hadn't thrown a curve ball and sent us in a different direction but from your recent message to Buzz about trusting in God when it came to her daughter's journey, I'm sure you will feel confident something is guiding you. <3 Your loving boys will look after you, of that I'm sure.

    A cold, bleak day with a blustery wind thrown in the mix so not too long a walk on the moors this morning! Sue had given me a box full of apples, far too many for me to cook or freeze so I stopped off at friends with half the contents. They were delighted, especially Richard who can now look forward to apple crumble this week! My scales told me this morning I lost 1.25 lbs overnight, thank goodness, but still I'm into overweight territory so when I dropped into a local store for my chooks' mixed corn I didn't buy their cakes. It did show me how I had slipped into a habit of picking up too many treats so must think a lot more about what I purchase. I did buy a gorgeous pork pie and jar of special pickled onions for my lunch..... hmmm, slow progress!! :/

    George is still loving his lamb, rice and chicken meals with carrots thrown in but Betty is going to remain on her dietary kibble for now even if the few grams she lost over 4 months seem to be creeping back. At least her awful smelly gas rips are a rare event..... I'll say no more!!

    Buzz, we're often being reminded that the Meditteranean diet is the healthiest option so sardines with salad sounds perfect. It's all the other culinary delights you find yourself surrounded by that are too tempting to ignore but I've said before, I'd be in the same boat!!

    My cottage is over 150 years old Patsy but I find my problems come from parts that were "modernised" in the 60's and 70's. Builders certainly knew what they were doing when my home was built even if nothing is particularly square, but then I think that adds charm! I have finally taken note of friends and family comments about a lack of bannister on my 1970's open staircase as they are convinced I'm going to take a tumble one day. I just have to prepare myself for the noise, dust and general upheaval but that's putting me off at the moment which is probably something you and John will have to cope with too when you get your stairlift installed.

    Lin, with our latest election looming we hear a lot about your healthcare systems as some think American drugs companies have their eye on our NHS but one day we might just have to start to pay a lot more individually for prescriptions. At the moment seniors receive them free as do people with lifetime conditions. It seems your insurance agent is doing a great job for you so hang on to him, don't let him go!!

    Another day sitting Sandy but I know you enjoy it. :)

    Well, that's the morning gone so time for my pork pie and a couple of pickled onions! Stay safe and warm everyone.

  • Posts: 2,670 Member
    That's exactly how I see it JACKIE. I've totally loved my time here but after thirty and a half years I'm getting ready for a brand new adventure and aren't I lucky that I might get to see what emerges from the wreckage because the time for this old timber frame is over. A new house should be called Phoenix. Anne. 🙃♥️
  • Posts: 11,523 Member
    edited November 2019
    Good morning.

    Anne, when you started talking about tree roots I had a vision that a new water line would need to be dug in. Something I am dreading here if the water shut off in the sidewalk fails. Very expensive but at least I do not have a driveway involved, just the sidewalk. Lovely how so many things remain to the heavily taxed property owner rather than the city. I am sorry but it certainly seems to be the deciding factor. What a day you had! I think you need a day to recover from this. Hello to the delightful Jilly. 🙋🏼‍♀️

    Jackie, I am trying to go the store less often. At least that gives me fewer tempting days. Haaaa. I told my agent yesterday that he cannot consider retirement because he is a gem! We talked over totally switching from the Medicare, Medicare supplement, prescription drug coverage to what is a Medicare Advantage plan. In essence Medicare pays these companies a capitated fee for each enrollee and then they wash their hands of us. It is up to the company to manage everything after that. I said I would think about it and maybe by the next open enrollment period will decide if I want to make such a major change. Meanwhile, I will bug my friends with questions! I remain excited for you with your greenhouse ordered. Wahoo! Lovely.

    Today is Mah Jongg morning and we may also play a bit of Cribbage. Wooooo! Then off to the library this afternoon for continuing chatting and working on that puzzle we started months ago. We have such limited time with it once a month.

    I had a wonderful check up with the dentist yesterday. But this morning my marvelous toothbrush is dying. I have read up on it and it won’t hold a charge meaning a new one must be purchased. Oh my! Well, nothing is meant to last right?

    Good morning Sandy, Patsy and Buzz. Must get moving. Didn’t put my trash out last evening.



  • Posts: 2,670 Member
    JACKIE, did you read the young lady on yesterday's BBC? She had struggled with weight since the age of five and finally she accepts the way she is. I thought her beautiful, and I also quit the pound a week club and chucked out my rusty scales a few weeks back. I'm much happier eating what takes my fancy these days, and I really don't feel all that different being in the dark weight wise. Maybe a slight tightening of the waistband.
    I'm still a bit wary about moving in with my eldest. Love him to pieces but his place is small and I might end up strangling him, or he, me. Quite a Conundrum but obviously I can't stay here. Mildew is not good for old ladies and pups!
    It's no good asking what you gals think because you too could be faced with the same problem one day. I know BUZZs views of course
  • Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne, unfortunately I appear to have lost my self control button these days so once I start buying what for me is fattening food I find it difficult to stop. When I joined MFP I was so overweight I huffed and puffed round my garden so adopting a dog was initially about getting myself walking. Of course dear George is far more to me now, in fact everything but I'm sure without our walks across the moors I'd rapidly expand!! So long as you're comfortable in your own skin enjoy!
    Perhaps M and MJ could build a replacement house with granny annex attached... A bit of future planning for themselves when they need to downsize as well as maintaining your independence for now. 😉

    Lin, I have ended up with several toothbrush chargers when all I've needed is a new brush because I can't buy one without the other. We're still a wasteful society aren't we.🙄
    I've got about 2 months to arrange for a solid base to be laid for my new conservatory so the hunt is on for a builder with time on his hands.... rare as hens teeth! You mentioned a water butt and this company does sell them boxed in cedar wood but as nice as they look they cost a small fortune so at the moment I'm going down the plastic route.

    Time to steam some veggies and consider what to enjoy with them.
  • Posts: 1,677 Member
    Partly cloudy day here. Last night we had a huge rain. It felt like there was no space between the rain drops. Just a torrent of water gushing from the sky. Our little creek is full but not over flowing.

    I do understand about the big changes that disturb and upset the natural flow of our life. I am generally okay with change but a bit wistful. John is darned cranky about change and fights it until he can’t avoid it. Then he is hung ho about the change. I live with a wonderful (but strange) man. Take note Anne! You really might love living with Mike. He might be lonely and actually enjoy your company. I know people work out ways to give each other space and privacy. Like that old TV show Friends or Golden Girls. You are creative...you and your boys will come up with an interesting possibility.🏡or🏢

    Today I will try to start my holiday house clean. The oven is a disaster. I need to clean out the refrigerator. I need to dump some antique food in there.

    The music today will be Judy Collins. 🎶🎶 Antique music to clean out antique food. Sounds like a good match.
    Scrub-a-dub -dub!

  • Posts: 2,779 Member
    Had my monthly haircut and go a bit of a shock. Grace snapped a couple of shots of what I was assuming was a pimple on the back of my head and insisted I see a dermatologist ASAP! I hate having to go out to Dr's offices since I gave up driving! This is what she saw:
    It seems mostly black and she is concerned! Actually, this proves my hair still has quite a bit of its original black; surprise!
    ANNE, YES, it's time. No one can make the decision based on other's feelings, as your kids are probably nothing like mine!
    Speaking of healthy diets, tonight is a special pasta "pop-up" party! I need that! Well, I want to get to the clinic, just in case my nurse would say this looks benign!
    Hugs and a happy evening to all...
    <3 Buzz
  • Posts: 9,428 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Back from sitting this morning, happy for a short day. Lisa went to volunteer at Robby's school for something and then took Ewok on her roller-blade run.
    I offered to go back for her meeting but she said no sense is driving all the way back and I was happy.

    Anne, my daughter always offers for me to move in with her in Florida but I am no where near ready. Some day I am sure it will happen but like you I like living alone and doing my own thing. As far as eating what we want, it seems if I even look at sweets and fast food I automatically gain weight. I do cheat a lot and especially for the holidays.

    I think I might need a nap so will be back in the morning.

    One Day at a Time
  • Posts: 1,677 Member
    Buzz: so glad you are having someone check out your area of concern on your head. It probably is inflamed follicle but it is better to have it checked out.

    I am not sure what is going on with MFP. I reread my posts and the after I hit reply, big edits and changes take place. There is no way some of my words could be considered offensive. It is strange and curious none the less.


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