Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,111 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Not really a happy morning as I went to my friend's funeral along with many other family and friends. I went to his wake after my meeting yesterday and even though it started at 3 (the time I got there) there was already a line out of the chapel. His children talked at the funeral and I doubt there was a dry eye in the church. My name was mentioned as a good friend, although there could be other Sandy's. I did not go to the cemetery or to the luncheon as I really don't know anyone other than the family. I went to Walmart grocery shopping and I am sitting again tonight for the boys.

    The 3 pounds I lost last week after my test came back. I am actually a pound over goal so not to bad all in all. The doctor wants me to eat more fiber so it will mess with my low carb way of eating but I am okay with that.

    Have a great rest of your day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,161 Member
    Good evening, still at Papercrafting but plan to leave for home in an hour or so. Long day!! Interesting to hear what others are saying about various products and companies.

    I am so so sad. I got an email stating that as of today, Door to Door Organics is closed. That came out of the blue. Now I have no source for ordering Fresh organic produce once again. Did not last long for me although they have been in business for a long time.

    Sandy, hope sitting with the boys is going well.

    Buzz, your community is so fortunate to have you available for making beautiful things for them.

    Patsy, so as I stated good-bye vegetable source. Waaaaaaaah!

    Anne, glad Jilly is better. I may stay home tomorrow and do some chores as I will be away most of Sunday. Any trips to Costco in your future?

    Well, best get off this WiFi and back to work.


    Lin from cold and wet Iowa
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited November 2017
    Question : why do today's toasters look as if they belong in a futuristic spaceship or perhaps in that wonderful Charlie Chaplin movie "Modern Times"? My lovely old stainless steel sleek one has given up just as I bought a pack of bagels and dreamed of toasting with cream cheese a la Buzz and a search online has found only one I could live with, a retro style at our click and collect store but it's out of stock! I'll have to battle with my combination oven to create my dream!!

    A cool day that required gloves and warm hat as we walked but it's actually George's favourite weather so he ran across the open spaces while Scruff sniffed and looked for sticks. As we returned to the car park the local farmer that grazes his cattle on the moors drove his Landrover on to the green and got out to call loudly to his animals and very quickly they came jogging and shouting from half a mile away to surround him as he offloaded feed to bulk up their diet. It was lovely to watch, especially the young calves that cavorted about, so excited to find some easy pickings. That's my day so far, how the hours fly by!

    Buzz ~ So disgusted am I that any leader but especially a world leader can condone the slaughter of wild animals purely for pleasure I'm actually speechless. As ever your gun lobby rules and the rest is as the man stated over 30 years ago.... he can do anything just because he can. Empathy and conscience are not in his DNA!!

    Lin ~ What a shame that just as you find an organic supply of veggies they go out of business. I had a similar problem about 12 years ago which is why when my neighbour suggested we take up a plot at the local allotments I jumped at the chance. Anne could persuade you yet to grow a few in a couple of containers!

    Anne ~ One of the reasons I didn't choose a local builder over one of these big double glazing companies was because of the sort of experience you had all those years ago. Nothing much has changed so I could see myself left with a large hole outside my back door for months once the foundations were dug and held to ransom while said builder disappeared to work elsewhere. It's cost me more but so far this company has been remarkably communicative, sorted the building regs and are keeping me constantly updated on progress in other areas. I even had a call from the surveyor yesterday asking my permission to slightly alter the design of window over the double doors to maintain their efficiency and safety. I'm still dreading the upheaval but feel since they do this sort of work all the time they will keep it to a minimum.

    Sandy ~ It's that time of year when we all need some warming food so I think a pound or two are bound to come and go. Surrounding myself with fruit isn't helping since I want comfort food, hence the bagel saga! Fibre will probably help you in all sorts of ways so go with your doctor's advice.

    Patsy ~ How crazy are things becoming that Christmas stories can't have religious content especially when little kiddies rarely recognise ethnic differences until we adults drum it into them and the story would no doubt fascinate them whatever their upbringing. Surely the more they all know of each others beliefs the more chance there is of peace and understanding rather than division borne out of ignorance. Good for you though in telling them stories because I'm sure yours will hold a message somewhere!

    No time to spell check and anyway my English gets a lot of red underlined words via Microsoft so I don't look anymore.
    Enjoy your weekend everyone.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited November 2017
    Quickie from me, did anyone see the disgusting photo of one of Trumps grinning sons standing next to an elephant he had bravely shot dead and holding the poor beasts severed tail in his hand? Totally sickening. Words fail me. BBC news.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Anne and everyone...we are all sad and embarrassed and terrified about the monster in Washington. I too am very busy today. Our daughter came to visit yesterday. It appears she has COPD plus diagnosed heart failure. My worry and sadness over her condition cannot be described. It is like seeing that slow bullet heading her way. John and I stand helplessly by. We see her trying to live a sort of normal life but the mere effort of going to her doctor is almost too much. I guess some sort of hospice care is being considered. But this is is a very difficult time.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    ANNE, that tail is what left me so livid yesterday! I thought the world was super aware of the extinction of these magnificent animals. I knew greedy hunters managed to still get ivory tusks, but I never heard of those really brave souls who killed for TAILS!!!. How do we Americans explain our morals to a shocked world when they every rule in the books is broken by our leader and his overabundant progeny?
    Now I'm going to try to explain politically correct causes to those of you who never experienced being in the minority. Please accept it simply as an explanation of perhaps why some of the results have gotten so out of hand, but I do think few of you have had my experience as a child. I attended Boston Public Schools, at a time when they and almost everything in Boston was under control of a dominating church, including teachers, principals, districts, you name it. I think and hope it no longer exists, and Boston has changed immeasurably, that church has been "purified" and its clergy can no longer harm the students and others, but those were dark days. As a very young child, I was shamed into believing I was a lord-killer in class when Christmas and Easter came around. At 8 years of age, I didn't even understand what I was supposed to be punished for, and actually many years later was asked for forgiveness by the very teacher who singled me out for humiliation in front of all my classmates. PATSY, I loved listening to Christmas carols then as I do today, but no child should ever be made ashamed of being born differently than the "majority" of youngsters , so perhaps that is why political correctness came about when it was finally recognized we are all humans but may have different backgrounds , beliefs, or cultures of which we should not feel ashamed! As the only Jewish member of my freshman class in high school, the first day of our gym class, I was knocked out in the locker room, and as I was coming to, under a bench, there were hands going through the hair near my forehead, and I heard voices asking, "Are you sure? I don't feel any horns. Where would they be?" I had no idea what these young classmates were talking about, but later learned they had never met anyone of a faith other than their own! I suspect most of you here on this forum have not heard of things like this here in our free country, but it is why I think it is so important to keep the freedoms we have fought for, and to continue to respect the differences in those who are "different" from the mainstream. And I am so aware of the dangers of extremists on ALL sides, who would foist their beliefs on everyone else. I enjoy the music of all faiths, and the excitement of lights and displays, and that includes the African, Middle Eastern, European, and many other religious, ethnic and so forth. I also will continue to support "political correctness", despite it's flaws, and hope I haven't bored or offended any of you who mean so much to me!
    <3 Buzz
    ...............................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen.......................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited November 2017
    My Thoughts are with you PATSY. I can truly imagine how hard this is for you and John. God bless, Anne.

    I've just been told that in a suburb outside of Toronto, in an Islamic parade, police are investigating chants of "death to the Jews". I think it's time these "lovely" folk where sent back to their lovely homeland if it's correct. Maybe send a certain somebody along as well to sort them all out. 2 dear leaders would be even better!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited November 2017
    PS, woke up feeling physically great, swelling down, able to bend knees, WEATHER lovely!!!
    I really do believe my OA is very much weather related.
    JACKIE, very wise choice you made concerning your contractors. Much good luck!
    LIN, so sorry your organic farm is no longer available, but knowing you, you'll find something comparable, if not even better!
    SANDY, I'm sorry about your friend, and I'm certain there is NO other SANDY mentioned knowing what a giving considerate loving person you are (even to some who don't deserve it!).
    So happy that you get well earned pleasure from helping your kids by sitting with their kids!
    PATSY, those kids are lucky to have you! Your mind is an open welcoming gate!
    ANNE, bless you for sharing! The couples group has been disbanded, and I never even said one word! But many others, married and single, spoke up and the couple introducing it said they never thought it through but meant no harm. C'est finis!

    <3 Buzz
    ...........................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!......................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited November 2017
    YEAH, BUZZ. Sanity prevailed! re: couple clubs. Anne

    And then a very sad tale of what you suffered as a little child. Shame on the people, all people who would humiliate any child. We had Jewish neighbours when I was a child about the same time as yourself. They owned a shop at the top of our street. A clothing store and haberdashery my mother went to for sewing wants. Thank the lord I don't recall anyone treating them any different at school or anywhere. The only thing I remember was that Catholic children were excused "Religious Instruction" along with the neighbours child. Something we all envied them for! I got the cane once for forgetting my bible.

    Christmas, ah yes, but before Christmas was foisted on the "savage" people of the British isles, it was Yuletide. The missionaries, priests etc couldn't bear the thought that the people where having such a good time and refused to give up Yuletide which was their celebration during the darkest days of winter. The burning of the Yule log to encourage the sun to return. A feast to prepare for the hardship of January and February, and so these "enlightened" priests invented Christmas to put an end to pagan Yuletide and to celebrate Christ's birthday instead although the lad was actually born in March because of the position of the star at that time. I propose whatever background we have we ALL celebrate Yuletide to cheer us up. After all, the world seems to be in a very dark place right now! Let there be light!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    PATSY and JOHN, a thousand hugs and hopes for you and your daughter, and miracles DO occur with advances in medicine, so we all send our highest hopes.
    Hospice is no longer only for terminal patients, we learned, and they were wonderfully supportive when Mike was ill; in many ways. Just be certain they explained about the policy of no prescriptions considered curative. Otherwise they cover and support so many areas. How old is your daughter, if you don't mind me asking? She sounds too young for heart failure, and I hope she has had several opinions. And it's so important for the 2 of you to be sure you have the support you need, as well. I'm sure you know how much we all care and wish we could be helpful in some way...any way you might need or want.
    <3<3<3:'( Buzz
    ...............................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen.......................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    ANNE, gulp, I hate to think these hate-mongers can intimidate the rest of us into becoming like them, as it would mean they have won! We had several Muslim friends who were just as unhappy about these extremists as we were, and were concerned that they would gain more adherents if they forced the rest of society to become hate-filled as well! It's a terribly frightening fine line, but I hope we can all remember the importance of "Love Thy Neighbor" and try to convince these extremists in other ways that we are not looking to harm any group.
    It doesn't mean we must cheer terrorists, but learn what it is that the young folks are being so attracted to that they join these fearful groups. Then figure out how to make democracy a better way for them to lean. I have the feeling right now we are not setting a great example, just when we need a really fine and strong leader. Got to think positive, which I think I let drop!
    <3<3 Buzz
    ...............................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen.......................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    We keep crossing posts BUZZ. I'm with you all the way in everything you say. Some of my workmates and friends were Muslim, Yashmin and Goli to name the girls. Like all faiths the majority are decent good people, it's the few bad in all groups who give all of us such a bad name. You say it all much better than I can. Thanks for the original post, it must have been hard to write,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,111 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) The birthday dinner we had planned for today was changed to lunch at Olive Garden. We celebrated both Lisa and Rob's birthdays early per their request. The boys and Bryanna were with us so we had some quality family time.


    I can now go to mass at 5:00 today and have tomorrow a stay at home day.

    Buzz, your story broke my heart, I am so sorry you had to go through such treatment.

    Patsy, Buzz spoke for all of us, if there is anything we can do to help please let us know.

    I am still tired from all the running around I did this week so I will post tomorrow after a good night's sleep.

    Hugs for everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY, your gorgeous family takes after their gorgeous Mom/Nana!!! And Bryanna is beyond belief; what a beauty she has become, although she was lovely when we met her, too! The boys are precious, as are their parents, and I'm so glad you had a great celebration and quality time together!
    Rest well, you deserve it!
    I finished my posters and invitations for our group that watches out for how the legislature deals with Florida bills concerning Continuing Care Retirement Communities. (CCRCs are worth looking into when you all reach a certain point!). We have discovered some of the new residents who love to splash their "wealth" will not join the group that fights for them because of the dues ($15 a year) for which they receive a lovely free luncheon and people taking care of their interests! Oh well, whoever said life is fair? Life is what we make of it, good and bad!
    Love you gals!
    <3 Buzz
    ...............................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen.......................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,161 Member
    edited November 2017
    Hello dear friends. I have been trying to find out how one of my friends is doing. She has not been answering her phone this week and did not call me back when I left a message the other day. This afternoon the phone just rings and rings and rings and there is no answering feature activated.

    I checked with one lady who usually hears from her. She hasn’t. I just sent a text to the lady’s grand daughter although I doubt she has spoken to her all week either. She is busy with work, children, hubby, and some problems with their lease that need to be addressed quickly. If not they could lose their apartment. Anyway, I am uneasy.

    Patsy, I am heart-broken about your daughter’s health and wish there was something I could do to ease your heartache and worry. Sending a long distance hug and all best wishes that the medical profession will step up and find ways to help her.

    Buzz, I do get in moods from time to time and I see such evil in many people that it breaks my heart. What horrendous treatment you suffered. Ridiculous to think that bullying is a new thing isn’t it? I was ‘teased’ for my size and my name and one kid seemed to hate me so much he made me eat dirt. I know, relatively mild treatment overall but what horrible anger and malice he showed to many.

    Anne, I was brought up in a Protestant household and I cherished all the Bible stories and programs and Christmas carols. That is all I knew but even now some people seem to have malice against me for holding my own beliefs and traditions. I am not sure why. It is a twisted world.

    Sandy, what a beautiful photo. Lovely people having a very good time.

    Jackie, has your new table been placed in its final spot in your house? Or won’t that happen until after the construction? I do hope all goes smoothly. And disruption is minimal.

    If there is anything I can do for anyone here, please let me know. You are kind and caring people. I am very fortunate to know you.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Yesterday was sort of a sad day on our little group wasn't it. Well apart from BUZZs good news and SANDYs photo of her handsome family.

    Today we may get flurries this afternoon and in keeping with the season, Mikes promised to take me over to Roots to see if I can find Mark a sweater for his Christmas stocking. I bought my cards on Friday AND the Christmas crackers for the dinner table. Christmas ain't Christmas without Yuletide? crackers to pull. Should keep Jilly Bean amused because bangs don't frighten her. I have to handwrite a letter in 6 of the overseas cards because my old friends don't possess iPads or computers. Quite a daunting task because they mostly live in the same spot, so I have to individualize, a communal letter just won't cut it. That's the advantage of snow, something to do when ones stuck in. Every cloud has a silver lining ( snow! ). However, Mike making merry last night at his firms Christmas dinner means he may not show. I found a message on my mail saying he was home but "stuffed".

    So today is communication day in more ways than the usual phone calls.

    Hope everyone has a good day with the hope of good news.
    God bless us, every one,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,111 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Finally a day where I can stay in all day although there is something in the back of my head that is telling me I need something from the store but I just can't remember. Tough getting old isn't it??? I have a roast that I am going to make myself this afternoon along with asparagus and a salad. I need to get back on track and start riding my bike again now that winter is approaching.

    Babe called and is so depressed over the problems with his son, I try to be a good listener and encourage him to take it one day at a time, but it is hard. He finally admits that he made the wrong decision and should have thrown his son out of his house and defended me but it is too late now. I do worry about him though, with all his health issues and never leaving the house I think his son is going to give him a heart attack. I told him he should talk to a counselor or something but he won't. All I can do is be here for him and let him vent.

    It is so hard to believe Christmas is so close but I am trying to stay ahead and have purchased the gifts for the little kids. Now all I have to do is try to save enough for the cash gifts I give the older grand kids and my children and their spouses. After Thanksgiving I will put up my Christmas decorations, hopefully with Bryanna's help.

    Enjoy your day and prayers and hugs to those who need them.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited November 2017
    Gosh, Anne is right about the sad memories posted yesterday that if nothing else go to prove there were bullies in every walk of life and nothing much has changed. Today has been a quiet one after our walk this morning, just George and me, when the poor lad ended up being hit in one eye by a stone I was throwing into a big puddle so you can imagine how dreadful I felt. Luckily I still had some painkiller drops left over from the time he fell off a style.... another accident! He's rested most of the day and is now opening the eye and looking less distressed so hopefully a visit to a vet won't be necessary. I'll check in the morning. Also I've received a letter from my GP practice advising I phone them for an appointment so I imagine that's a result from my X-ray since it states it's nothing urgent so don't worry!!

    Anne ~ I did notice a big white blob behind the weather forecaster's right shoulder and although I didn't have time to work out exactly where the lakes were on the map guessed it was near you. It seems Florence was installed just in time.

    Patsy ~ I'm so very sorry to read about your daughter's health issues and do hope you and John are allowed an opportunity to offer her support. Families are rarely without discord of some sort so it won't be easy but I know you'll be there any time you can.

    Sandy ~ I'm guessing Babe knew from day one he was making a mistake when he failed to support you against his son, just didn't know how to deal with the situation but I'm glad he's told you now. Of course it's too late but take comfort from the fact he finally gets it! Another beautiful family photo which shows you surrounded by love!

    Lin ~ Oh dear, another friend for you to be worrying about. I do hope you have managed to make contact today and discover she is alright. Sometimes I feel I'm surrounded by furniture that's been picked up at auctions all needing a permanent place in my home but once the extension is built I'll be able to have a final sort out.

    Can I just say, with 5 weeks still to go before Christmas I refuse to be dragged kicking and screaming in that direction!! :o Of course with snow falling around some of you I do understand that you are beginning to feel a bit festive but here we are experiencing warmer days than some we "enjoyed" in the summer months so not a piece of tinsel or Stollen cake to be seen in my home!!

    A tv documentary this evening showed men from a Yorkshire regiment in WWII sending filmed messages back from India and Burma to loved ones. My father spent the last couple of years of war training them but never really talked about it because they were advised not to and even today that makes me sad that he had to carry the burden of what he experienced. Too late now of course so if there's a message here I'd say make every effort to talk to loved ones even if you feel you're bouncing off a brick wall.

    That's me for the evening. I'll check that George is still snoozing by the fire. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and weekend.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,161 Member

    Anne, check out this article. I saw a bit of a story about this restaurant as I was flying out of the house. Best in the world!!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,161 Member
    Hello everyone, I am home. What a day. Yes, I found my friend. Once again she had no reliable phone service and it was out when I was trying to call her. She doesn’t seem to care if she keeps in touch with people or if she has a functioning phone.

    Sorry to hear about dear George’s eye. I hope all will be well tomorrow morning.

    Sandy, Babe has been going through periods of depression ever since I have been here I believe. It is nice for him to acknowledge he made a mistake but it cannot be undone. I hope you are enjoying your day at home and that you enjoy your home cooked meal.

    Anne, I hope the letter writing is going well.

    I plan to read this evening and see if there is anything on PBS to watch.

    Making bath bombs was an interesting project today. They turned out quite horribly with ever expanding girth. I don’t think her recipe was very reliable.

