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Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited November 2019
    Well I think ALL you gals are LOVELY! Your photos show you are beautiful whatever the weight. I wonder who decides what size we should all be? Some skinny rake of a male doctor I guess. I tried to maintain (hah!) my 21 year old weight for most of my life until a few months ago when I thought as we age food becomes one of our pleasures. Here's my daughter in law at 54 bemoaning middle age spread. She's gorgeous and we all love her just as she is and she's the only one bemoaning the fact she's now entering a new phase of beauty. She really is pretty.

    Yes, I do like my independence SANDY but all this came out of the blue. Michael works long hours and is out with his friends a lot so maybe Bean and I won't be under his feet too much and especially if I get the large bedroom as a bed sitter. A granny extension here was mentioned JACKIE but the garden isn't large enough for a big house, plus. The surveyors show up tomorrow so I'm not dreaming.

    Anyway, I've bored you all long enough and will shut up. I'll move in with Michael and he can shove me in the local old folks home if I become even more of a pest. If I take my easels, boards, paints, knitting, TV, books etc, that should keep me in my "bedsitter", but not Jilly Bean, the social dog, of course!

    Add on:
    Couldn't see previous page earlier, so....best get the pimple checked out BUZZ if only to put your mind at rest.
    PATSY, Ma Fitness drives me potty, and especially early morning.

    Anne, she of the probable expanding waist line. Don't be surprised if I join Sandy and Jackie again after Christmas!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Last word....honest. Mark and Mary Jo have asked if I'd like to live with them. I've declined because in-laws don't help marriages but love them even more for asking me. Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A horrible wet and cold day so the morning doggie walk is on hold. Instead I'm making a big pot of leek, potato and carrot soup with lots of added spices. In between the kitchen is getting a thorough wash down and the hot soapy water is warming my hands! A parcel is due to be delivered so have to hang around anyway but lots of chores to be done... next is lunch though.
    Back later 🤗
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,523 Member
    Good morning, we have a warm day on tap before another big switch to cold and wet. Perhaps an inch of rain starting nearly this evening. One nice day is worth a lot to me!

    Yesterday afternoon’s puzzle time was fun. We made a lot of progress on this quite difficult puzzle. It was fairly quiet and relaxing. Unfortunately as I tried to walk around the small room to get a different view of the puzzle, my feet got tangled in the strange legs of the chairs in that tiny room. I did a big stumble, did not fall but of course, hurt my ankle and leg once again. Oh my gosh, limping around today even after soaking the ankle well last evening. I am an easily bruised peach. Haaaaaaa.

    I need to hit the post office this morning, at some point a needed grocery store stop, gas for the car, book club this morning and meeting a gentleman this afternoon who is purchasing something from me for his wife. It is a house warming present for her. They are building a new home and will be moving soon. He said she has been following this item of mine on Facebook and wants it so much but apparently did not want to spend the $$. Well, good for him. She will be thrilled.

    Jackie, sorry you are having a horrible wet day. Ack. I know we have many coming at us as well. I hope you are able to line up a contractor in anticipation of your delivery. Zoning approval/planning board ok needed?

    Anne, well your boys have come through with offers for you and the Bean. That is lovely. It seems you are making a logical choice. Maybe at some point in the future the unit you had your eye on will become available. Things can appear out of nowhere.

    Buzz, I am sorry you are having so many physical issues. I am glad you will have the growth checked out. It was fortunate it was found. I pray it is nothing serious.

    Sandy, when do the kids go to see Santa? Or will they? We are getting many reminders of Santa appearances already and it is not Thanksgiving yet, but close.

    Patsy, your lift is being installed soon? It does sound like a good idea. Well, especially after being attacked by chair legs yesterday. I don’t like disruption in my house but I am easily upset.

    I guess I need to get moving.

    Hugs all round. Best wishes.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited November 2019
    It looks pretty gloomy here as well although it has warmed up a bit with the snow almost gone.
    The naughty Bean finally ate her cooked chicken last evening after refusing food all day in the hope of raw.
    Just been downstairs and things are slowly drying out! I think Mark is ripping the carpet up once it's lighter with no sogginess.
    And The said Mark has just text to ask me to tell him when the surveyors show up and he'll drive over.
    Meanwhile, Michael is still sitting on a beach with no idea of what's going on up here.
    His ex girlfriend and now, just a friend phoned yesterday to see if I was alright and I filled her in. Wow did I get a lecture. Do not move in with Michael, why can't I live upstairs and just ignore the lagoon below.....what! With mildew! Why don't I just go in an old folks home, why can't I live with Mark. Quite an eye opening one sided conversation. Didn't mean to mention future moves to you gals but I have my suspicions about her motives. Intriguing. She is forever dumping her year old dog on him which I suspect she regrets getting and I guess that will be more difficult if Jilly is in residence!
    Well must away, see LINS about to leap in!
    Surveyors and Mark are here! Jilly barking her head off,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It's getting dark early because the sky is leaden grey and still no parcel. Well, one did arrive but not the item I was expecting so poor dogs still hanging around indoors. Forty minutes before the time window closes so he'd better get a move on. Got a lecture from the previous delivery man about overhanging trees scratching the side of his truck and what was I going to do about it. Ha! I told him to speak to my loud neighbour next door since the problem comes from his land..... good luck with that I thought!!

    Back later!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Marks just gone to buy us all coffee on a chilly damp day. I made muffins. The. Surveyors could be here most of the day with Harry obviously wondering what's going on. Things are getting exciting. After lunch we are ripping the downstairs carpet up for big collection on Friday.
    Won't Mike be surprised when he gets back, and Jillys had a glorious yapping, tail wagging week so far. AND Mark raked my leaves as well. We have a lot of trees and leaves. It's all go here!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    And I've just received a delivery update... moved on to 5.15pm so there goes any walk because with no pavements (sidewalks) round the block it's not safe when everyone is rushing home from work in the dark. I do feel for Amazon delivery drivers who are always given more parcels than is possible in their time slots.
    Meanwhile with kitchen cupboards cleared out and washed then a few items added to the pile going to the tip so all constructive. Now looking at oak staircases before hunting for a carpenter to remove the old one and fit it. What am I doing to my quiet life? 😯

    No planning permission required for the conservatory Lin as it seems anything goes these days. You've reminded me I have a puzzle still sealed in its box so will clear a table and start!

    Oh Anne, that lady isn't exactly subtle is she!! Sounds like she might want her claws back into Mike but at least you now know, if you hadn't guessed before. 😉

    Soup is bubbling gently in the slow cooker and smells delicious and because it's turned even colder my fire is glowing and I'm about to make another cuppa.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,428 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Lot's of exciting news from you ladies today. I have nothing to add that is exciting in my life except I am going to visit friend with bad leg before bingo tonight. Tomorrow is Lisa's birthday but I gave her a card with check yesterday. I see according to my bank that she has already deposited it. lol

    Anne, this will be a new and exciting adventure for you. I love that your boys are so concerned for you and for your safety. I think it will be wonderful for you to be with your single son especially since he is gone so much. If worse comes to worse and you can't live together for some reason I am positive they would help you find some place that you can enjoy with Jilly. Change is hard but in this case I think it is necessary. <3<3<3

    Lin, I am so sorry you hurt your ankle again, I wish this time you would see a doctor to make sure no bones are chipped and/or fractured. By the way I am now wearing compression socks and my foot feels so much better. Better than wearing that big shoe. lol

    Jackie, I hope your package arrived as there is nothing worse than waiting for a delivery.
    Maybe the delivery man did complain to your neighbor and he will finally do something about those trees. Ok, opened a new page only to see you posted your package is delayed, sorry.

    Buzz, I have psoriasis on my head which flairs up at different times. I know it sounds gross but it is not contagious and I have an ointment which I use to help stop the itchiness. Have you been scratching your head or did that sore just appear. It could also be from stress but hope you are seeing a doctor to be sure it is nothing serious.

    Patsy, I think men hate change more than women, they get content in their surroundings and can't visualize any changes. I have to admit when I separated I was scared to death, I had never lived completely alone other than with my divorce and four kids. Now I love it but like Anne who knows what the future will bring. Thus my closing one day at a time.

    Have a good day and let's all hope and pray that 2020 will be much better for all of us.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Wow! Big happenings going on with the sneakers. Looks like we are to have a sunny but cold day. Of course we are still planning stuff for the holidays. One of my big failings is my tendency to overdo everything. I love the idea of a very interesting dinner with just family and funny games after. Also music throughout the whole event. Am also hoping to find my pilgrim apron I made and put away somewhere.(?). Our daughter is putting together CDs for us and our son as well. A lot of old fave music, some rock and roll from the past.

    The stairlift will go in after Christmas because it is on the installers schedule. We stand ready whenever they fit us in. If it is Christmas Eve....so be it! I doubt that it will be that crazy but as we told the company, we are committed to the project.

    I had my flu shot at John’s insistence. I now have a stuffy nose and feel like I have a cold. I do have the ability to make myself sick. John says I have strange powers......

    Lin: I suspect we are all delicate little peaches. That is alright, we get things done even if we go at our own speed.

    Anne : how about that? In one eventful laundry Monday, you were forced into some important decisions about your living situation. Maybe you can box up a lot of the things you love and store them for a while. I did that and from time to time I dredge them out and either reintroduce them to my life or get rid of them. Mikes ex sounds scary and possessive of Mike, by the way. Does she sound controlling and sort of mean? Just wondering......

    Jackie: your experience with delivery sounds like ours. Frustrating and disappointing at times. Then there are times when they surprise us with extraordinary service. It is a roll of the dice......

    Buzz: thinking of you, dear friend. I am hoping you can find relief from your pain and rest to ease the exhaustion. When I am tired everything looks dark and awful. I also feel bad in general. You have gone through a lot recently. Rest isn’t easy to achieve when stressed.

    Hello to all sneakers. Get ready to roast the bird.🦃🦃🍁🍁

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I'd like to roast the "bird" next door PATSY! We have iron pegs on our property lines used for fairness in erecting fences. Well it appears the peg between us and Maria's is standing upright but the one between us and he who shall not be named was bent over so only the top bit showed . This had a domino effect down the street because he who shall not be named did the same thing on his other side, thus gaining inches of real estate. I'm not sure if this will affect everyone else's fences down the road but when ours comes down Derek will have a couple of inches more growing space than me!

    I kept my cool when told new old folks homes are being built all over the place PATSY and I kept my cool when told it would be okay for me to live above a sewage waterlogged basement. I even kept my cool when told I would be stupid to go and live with Michael, but it does make me privately resolve to make a success of it if I end up with the lad. I figure I can live here until the beginning of March when the sap starts rising in the maple trees. After that best out because each time the roots grow in the pipes it will cost Mark $500 to clear.

    Fortunately, if I go with Mike he is very sparse in furnishings, pictures etc and I've a huge Bateman. And if I'm lucky enough to get my own place, well this place ain't exactly buckingham palace so I can keep most of any treasures.

    It was the Chinese who said the year of the pig would be lousy for most of us and the new year, rat, starts in February. The wisdom of the east? Well I come from the east coast of England and you can't get much further east than that! So only 3 months to go hopefully for a change in all our fortunes!

    And here's Mark, back to rip carpets up.
    Anne, the happy wanderer.

  • sbgrandma49
    sbgrandma49 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    After not being here since 2016 I am back to chat. This is Shirley from Canada.

  • sbgrandma49
    sbgrandma49 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, Sandy, Phoebe, Marie, Lin and Diane.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Hi Shirley, I was only thinking of you the other day. Are you still sailing? Anne.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I wakened in the middle of my night to discover I had Amazon online awaiting my checkout! And wow! Welcome back, SHIRLEY,! So good to see you again and hope all's well...
    I'm back to sleep, but sending hugs to everyone and hoping all your plans go smoothly.
    <3 Buzz
    .........................Always Believe Somethng Wonderful Is About To Happen!..............................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Day 3 of torrential rain, the sort that feels like little hammers beating your head! Walked in the woods thinking we might get shelter but no, in fact dear George became bedraggled in no time so all home to dry off and await that bloomin' parcel delivery. Yesterday evening I tracked it as it travelled into Cornwall from Plymouth but then, just before my deadline it did a u-turn and headed back into the city. We'll see what happens today....... :/

    Keep hunting Patsy, that apron can't be too far away! :D

    Lots to get on with but will return later once I've accomplished a few chores.

    Happy Thursday.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,523 Member
    Hello Shirley!! Wonderful to see you. ❤️❤️


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Gloomy sort of day here but fairly warm at 40F. Marks over at his weekly therapist today, so with carpets all rolled up for the garbage tomorrow maybe today will be uneventful and peaceful.
    When Jilly and I went for our walk yesterday Maria rushed out to ask me to say thank you to Mark because he'd raked her leaves as well as mine. She was just telling me how depressed she was when Tony charged out of the house telling her to get that "fierce" dog off his drive. Fierce! Little Jilly? The only damage Jilly is capable of is to herself by wagging her tail too much, lol. We continued on our way leaving poor Maria to calm her other half down and I guess she didn't have to explain why she's depressed. I don't think a therapy dog would work for Tony!! I believe they are used in homes here for dementia patients.
    And that's it after a traumatic three days! Jilly Bean snoozing on the sofa and me sipping coffee and making out my grocery list for delivery tomorrow.
    Hope today is peaceful for all you girls,
    Anne and The Bean.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,428 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) I am not going to my meeting today because last night at bingo my throat starting hurting and it was hard to talk. I am going to go to immediate care this afternoon just to be sure I don't have strep throat. The good news is I had a big win at bingo with sharing the big pot with another person. I also won another small game so my total was $260. Just in time for Christmas. :D

    Anne, it is gloomy here as well with rain expected all day. Really wish I could stay in but I don't want anyone else to get sick so better to be safe than sorry. Poor Maria, it must be so hard for her, is she up in age??

    Jackie, I hate rain, but I guess it is better than snow. I hope your package arrives today. Don't work too hard. lol

    Shirley, great to hear from you and hope all is well. Your grandson has to be about Robby's age, 5 correct? Where does that time go??

    Funny, now that I made the doctor's appointment I am feeling better but will still go to be sure. Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • sbgrandma49
    sbgrandma49 Posts: 6 Member
    It's been hard to figure out this new format here in MFP. I am just here to chat, I hope they don't kick me out for not caloring counting.
    I am on a new plan FODMAP, for IBS sufferers of which I am. So now I am just journaling on my own to see what foods bother me.
    Hi Anne, no we are boatless now. We sold our boat this year, but we are still members of our club for another year and my hubby is still on the Board. We also have a cottage in Northern Ontario so we will be using that more.

    SANDY - Isaac just started school this year( junior kindergarten) and he is still 4 until April and then he turns 5. He can write his name with Upper case and Lower case letters already. We will babysit him Dec. 7th and we are looking forward to it.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Ooooooooooooh! It is cold! We had a hard frost last night and our back deck (Katie’s deck and yard area) is still frosty. The deck is very slick when frosty. I will avoid going out until the sun melts that frost. It is a clear day so it will warm up soon.

    I am looking forward to thanksgiving. It is much less stressful than Christmas. Not sure why because we do most giftgiving in the form of checks and gift cards. There is so much to be grateful for, I need to make a big long list just to remind myself.

    Watched the hearings rather than the debates. Now I think I should have watched the debates...I might have had a clear understanding of the process. This political scene here is enough to drive me right over the edge.

    The stair lift is such an intrusion into the stair usage i really wish there would be another option. We cannot move to a one story house. John would be very unhappy. But if we can adjust to the apparatus in the stair well, all will be just fine. John is very fit and hasn’t any problem getting up and down the stairs. We are both able to manage the stairs right now but I do have multiple joint issues. Don’t we all from time to time?

    I may have to make another holiday apron. The pattern is cute and I love to wear it during the holidays. My pilgrim apron has gone into permanent hiding. I must have given it away to someone and have forgotten. Oh well.....

    Love you all dear friends. A special hello to Shirley.

    Sandy, I am hoping this scratchy throat was just dryness from a too warm bingo game. Congratulations on your win.

    Lin, well you have become quite an inspiration with your selling of unneeded items. Oh that I could follow your good example.

    Anne, you also are a wonderful inspiration. Getting out so early with sweet little Jilly. Katie has to run in and out the doggie door in the morning until one of us consents to a game of ball. Usually me in the mornings and John in the afternoon. We do not accompany her on her morning “rounds.” Baaaaaaad Patsy and John!

    Jackie, did your package ever show up? Here the delivery can be a very upsetting event where packages are just tossed on the front step. Weather and thieves can be a problem. The tv news has shown thieves following delivery trucks around town snatching packages left behind.

    Buzz, wondering how you are feeling. Did the TENS apparatus help you? We think of you constantly, wishing you the best, dear friend.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited November 2019
    Hi Shirley I don't calorie count either, just log the same breakfast food every day and then move on to the Sneakers, Sorry to read the boats gone. I always tried to see if I could recognize you when I went downtown Oakville.
    Maria is 68 SANDY and I think Tony is the same age. The future looks bleak for her at the moment and I think she might miss me even with a big age gap. Sad situation. Congrats on the Bingo win. Now did you get the sore throat because you squealed with joy when you won? It's rainy here as well. I'm sat with the lights on it's so dark. Jilly Bean is nattering to go out, I don't want to go out, but then must put the garbage out for tomorrow.
    Came off and PATSY bounced in front of me. It's an odd thought that although miles and miles apart we posted at the same time. So you see Patsy you are pretty nimble after all. Is your thanksgiving this weekend?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,523 Member
    Good afternoon friends. It was former library ladies morning, another trip to the post office and a drop off of a book that was due. It is cold, windy and overcast here today. I was nearly blown into another lane at one point. I decided to skip the afternoon book club and came home to concoct some vegetable soup in the Instant Pot. It is finished now and quite yummy.

    Shirley, I didn’t know you had sold your boat. That is a big change! Wow. It is so nice to have you back with us. I look forward to hearing from you often. 👍🏻😉👍🏻

    Sandy, oh gosh, some really great news on your Bingo wins and not so good news with the sore throat. Yeouch. I hope that clears up quickly. I had CBS morning news on both yesterday and today before leaving home. One of the hosts, Gayle King (did I spelling that properly?) had a sore throat yesterday and seemed to be on the brink of losing her voice. She was absent today because it did get worse and she was unable to talk this morning. So I guess definitely some throat problems circulating. Darn.

    Patsy, hummm, yes, that is kind of a problem, not really needing the lift all the time right now but it will be in place should it be needed. Back a long time ago when my mom had one, you pushed the seat up so you could use the stairs and there was a lock mechanism so the seat wouldn’t flop back down accidentally. It worked well enough to use the stairs. My dad and I didn’t use it, my mom used it all the time.

    Jackie, I have been wondering if your package finally arrived. We get an estimate and often now it will say, will be delivered by 9pm. That really is just too late to retrieve the delivery when it has been left in the parcel lockers half a block away. Too many deliveries for our postal service to keep up.

    Anne, keep your doors locked. That madwoman cannot be trusted. Does she just cause harm to animals?

    Buzz, we are worried about you? Stop by and let us know how you are feeling.

    Hugs dear friends.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Just watched an Interesting programme about scam phone calls and how to deal with them. It seems we mustn't believe anything, even the phone number the call is supposed to be coming from. The over 65's are the most targeted because we fall for the lies so are we naive or too trusting? I don't often pick up if I don't recognise the number but more are using a local area code so I'll hang up in future without saying anything.

    Yes, my package arrived mid afternoon in spite of no new tracking Information but I did receive an apologetic email from Amazon last night. A knock on the door and there stood a rather gorgeous young man of Asian decent with warm brown eyes and lovely smile so I couldn't be cross! It's a new quilted cover for the spare bed which will brighten up the room... George will be happy as he sleeps in there most nights! 😁

    Lin, I worked out that the Amazon drivers log in a 9pm late delivery when they in fact head home at 6pm. I've never had a delivery after 6 when the tracking page suggests I will but that way they don't get pressure for stopping when they do because the boss won't know!

    A good win Sandy and great timing! I do hope your sore throat is nothing nasty. Maybe a couple of days of rest would be best.

    Has anyone got a Ninja Foodi? It seems to be capable of cooking anything so all other pans could be thrown out. Perhaps that's too good to be true. 😏

    No news from Buzz about the dark spot on her head. Hope that's a good sign.

    Hmm, just let Betty into the garden and the rain is still torrential which could mean floods overnight. Time for bed anyway so nite nite. 😘
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I thought I stopped in last night once I woke up at my desk! I was in the middle of an Amazon order and it must have bored me because I fell asleep before completing the check-out! Well, no, I haven't seen a dermatologist yet but made up my mind that just in case this IS a melanoma, I want to be able to have a dermatologist or oncologist I have faith in, so today I had a delightful and helpful insurance agent over, she spent over 2 hours explaining leaving my HMO for Medicare plus a supplement, wanted to talk to my kids (!) and I explained I really understood everything she discussed and starting January 1, I will be on regular Medicare plus supplement with no copays or deductibles at a price that did not shock me! The eventual peace of mind (in case I lose mine) will be well worth it as my eventual final move will not break the insurance rules here at ACTS. They don't work well with HMO's. I have an appointment Monday for that thing on my head, and I'm not going to dwell on it!
    JACKIE, we have delivery snatches nearby as well, but all my stuff is either delivered to the front desk or brought up to my door. I order too much!
    I love when wandering friends come "home" to us! There is a time for everything and boats can become a burden after years of enjoyment! Same for stairways. I remember my Long Island home where I could burn up calories on 4 separate stairways for an hour in poor weather! Now, walking exhausts me and stairs are out of the question! And I refuse to feel too proud to use my motorized wheelchair.
    I do follow your posts carefully, loving them all, worrying about sore throats and nasty neighbors, but my fingers have become so numb/burning/tingly, typing can be painful often, so I attempt to keep my posts shorter. But I always delighted when good things happen to each of you!
    PATSY, I'm totally confused watching debates AND investigations. I only recognize unethical behavior and there's too much around us! SANDY, bad throat, good Bingo! ANNE, March will bring good luck! LIN, your memory and concern are, as usual , phenominal. SHIRLEY, welcome home!
    <3 Buzz XOXOXOXOXO
    .........................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!...........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another Friday already! I managed to dodge the rain so George and Betty got their favourite walk on the moors but heavy showers arriving so I'm going to finish some painting in the kitchen then move my DIY skills to another room!

    Yes Buzz, Amazon is too easy! Last night I ordered a new Crockpot because I noticed when I made veggie soup in my old one the other day it was sticking on the bottom so I assume the element is overheating.

    The coffee is brewed so I'll get my paint brushes out and sip as I go. ☕

    Happy Friday 🤗😍
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,523 Member
    edited November 2019
    Good morning

    Buzz, thank you so much for updating us. I am incredibly sorry that it is so difficult. Changing to a regular supplement plan does give you more freedom on choice of providers without loads of copays. Good move. Many hugs. And I was wondering if you could dictate your messages via iPad or iPhone? I will admit I do not do that myself but I have considered it.

    Jackie, ah, non ending rain. You have so many DIY skills. I am certain you will be fully occupied. 😉 A new crockpot. Great but will you give up the old one? That is my problem with something that is failing, I get a replacement but do not replace until the old item is totally done in. Oh the plus side, I usually have a handy dandy replacement at hand.

    Sandy, how are you. Gayle King is able to speak once again. I hope you are doing better. Hugs to you as well.

    Patsy, Anne and Shirley, best wishes to you my friends.

    Off to Trader Joe’s. 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    George's bed cover! 🐶
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,523 Member
    Wow, lucky George! Lovely.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    JACKIE. Are you sure you want a rain soaked George sleeping on such a pretty cover?, lol. Yes, I guess you do, he being a much loved George.
    We've got slight snow flurries here which makes for muddy pawed Jillys. Fortunately her legs are too short to jump on my bed and patchwork quilt without the old bum heave ho from me.

    The groceries arrived and Dorio is fading into the mists of time. Pleased as usual and on the delivery bill was printed "packed and chosen by Jill". I get "Jill" quite a lot, and whoever she is she finds me lovely fresh fruit and veg.

    And that's about it from me! Things will liven up next week conversation wise because Mike flies home tomorrow and he phone chats daily. That's if he hasn't got the famous bathroom trots for which I gather this island paradise is famous for! Well judging by the adverts for meds for Canadian tourists on our TV!

    Anne, about to clean the lovely, large, Brussels sprouts, mmm mm.