Senior Golden Sneakers



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Jeri: dear friend, I understand about anxiety episodes. Meds really never works for me. I even think my husband has episodes occasionally. His seem to be disguised as a political rant. Mine are a racing heart, sweaty palms and feeling like I am about to fall off a cliff. Exercise helps me and doing something totally absorbing and generally unpleasant like cleaning the oven. But your right! Nasty stuff!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I hope everyone had a pleasant holiday, as mine was aside from missing being with my family and not having Mike for the 2nd Thanksgiving. But accepting what must be at this stage of my life helps to keep away anxiety attacks. I think in my earlier years, I felt responsible for everything that me and to everyone else! As I began to accept that life happens, and we really have little or no control so learn to roll with the times , I think my anxiety attacks started to disappear! I'm adding to that by learning to say "no, dear, I'd love to do that but I simply cannot!" .. Next I have to learn not to feel guilty! JERI and PATSY, you do a great deal to make others happy and to ease their problems, and you might give some thought to what is causing those anxiety attacks. Do YOU feel everyone elses ' happiness, comfort, or good fortune depends on YOU? I might be wrong, but I think it's probably something we learned growing up from Mothers who learned from their methers that that's our job! It's a very different world today, and everyone can learn to become capable if we don't micromanage for them. I see wonderful friends here destroying themselves trying to "fix" things for people (mostly their adult kids) who live far away, and probably can figure out their own problems fairly well without "interference"!
    JACKIE, I'm even getting less concerned about having everything nice and tidy in case someone drops by! One day, I'll not even feel embarrassed!
    SANDY, LIN, ANNE, MARIE, my eyes are getting blurry from the screen, and you all know I truly care about each and every one of you, but I must log off. I should have a bite if something I guess but who really wants food now?
    <3 Buzz
    ..........................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!......................
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Patsy and Buzz - very good advice. And Buzz what you say makes a lot of sense. I think I am a lot like you. And that is a good thing.

    Patsy, some good exercise would help for sure.

    This is such a good group of ladies for whom I am very thankful.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Well said BUZZ. We have little control of anything when it all boils down and in that sense it's rather comforting. I find if one has faith in a higher being and something is starting to overwhelm one it helps to say "Dear Lord, I can't cope with this anymore, I have to pass it on to you". The problem continues of course but somehow the burden is lifted a little.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    edited November 2017
    Good morning

    Are you all out shopping? Or shopping online? I am content to be home today. I was driving home last evening and am thankful that I missed the deer that jumped out in front of me and I am especially glad I did not have any need or desire to go to Walmart. The parking lot was completely packed and so many people were trying to turn in to that plaza that they backed up onto the road that goes past the store. Wow! Cannot be any bargain that would be worth that to me.

    No arguments yesterday but alot of sadness with the loss of loved ones in the last year, another gentleman whose father is not expected to live, which is why they came back to the area to visit. The son of our hostess announced at the end of the day that his heart function is down to 40% and worsening. I am not sure his mother had heard this news. And finally the drama of one of the little boys getting ill and sort of warping out with uncontrollable crying and multiple episodes of, excuse me, trying to toss his cookies so to speak.

    As to anxiety, I try to give it up to the Lord but I must say I repeatedly snatch it back. I know many ladies of my age who have resorted to daily anti-anxiety medication and they tell me it helps. I prefer to just muddle through but that is my approach to almost everything. So I am wishing everyone happy and healthy days. My dad had a few episodes of racing heart, discomfort and feeling like he would die. Those I guess were panic attacks rather than general anxiety. I hope there is no way I inherited that.

    I need to get some bills sorted through today and I also want to read a book that needs to go back to the Library. Exciting life yes? And I may wash some towels. I had a little mishap while trying to make coffee yesterday and I have a few more items in my laundry basket.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    Happy Friday! :) It was a great Thanksgiving and the food was delicious. Robby woke up crabby from his nap and wanted to cancel Thanksgiving but in the end he had a good time.
    We had a video call with all of my children which was chaotic but made me very happy. I hope all that celebrated had a wonderful time and realized how much we have to be thankful.

    Lin, I'm with you, I won't go near a store today, those people are crazy!!! I am sitting for the boys tonight so will just stay in this afternoon to get some rest. Sorry the little guy got sick, I am sure it put a damper on the day. You have had your share of losing friends, sorry to hear of another one.

    Jeri, good to hear from you and with all those grandchildren I can imagine a lot of stress. I am lucky and seldom get an anxiety attack which in most times is just stress. Babe on the other hand gets them so he is on Valium. He is on a low doze but still I can tell when he has taken one as he is a little out of it. They say breathing into a paper bag helps calm an anxiety attack. Are you seeing a doctor?

    Buzz, of course if we all followed your advice and realized we have no control over anything especially other people, our lives would be easier. Taking care of ourselves should be first and letting others take care of themselves to learn from their mistakes is a big part of my program. I am a work in progress with a bad defect of enabling and not saying no when I should. Thanks for the reminder.

    Patsy, I hope your Thanksgiving was great and that your daughter was able to enjoy her day.

    Jackie, busy days for you but good luck with the new chicks today.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Ready for a nap after roast chicken lunch.
    Jilly Bean
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY, I suspect we all learn a great deal from you! And I totally agree about staying away from stores and add roads and anything public today! Am finally getting to my compression boots and hope I don't fall asleep before dinner!
    ANNE, how do you ever get anything done? I'd be hugging that doll baby all day long!
    <3 Buzz
    ............................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!.........................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited November 2017
    I don't get much done BUZZ. Thankfully she's been asleep for 2 hours after big lunch, play tug the sock and a long walk. Peace at last! I'm watching TV. Note the glassy, sleepy eyes.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    edited November 2017
    Good day!

    Look at the photo of that darling Jilly. She did not look all that sleepy to me. :D

    Well, I did get a load of laundry out of the way yesterday, some cooking of odds and ends, and some unexpected things. I received my shipment of prepared no added salt/sugar/oil meals yesterday. Huge box with a styrofoam cooler inside, air packs, dry ice, etc. The dry ice seemed expended so I took the bundles down to the freezer to remove them from the bubble wrap. Oh my! Cold! I think I actually burned a number of my finger tips when I handled the food packages. I thought I only had dry ice to worry about. Surprise! Then crushing and sorting everything for the trash and recycling. Yipes. Big project. I cannot see this working out long term. Too much involved, too big an order required, too difficult to dispose of the packing materials AND I received a refund check for a number of items they could not supply and several packets have a use by date that has already passed.

    Moving on to sorting the bills and banking. Well, another surprise in my auto insurance bill. They indicated they used a Lexis/Nexis report in connection with the rating action. They gave me the case number and other information so I could receive a copy of the report. Very surprised although I know they can use consumer credit information in these decisions. Anyway, that stopped all bill paying as I switched to requesting my file.

    So that was sort of how things went. I found a leak in my water filter in the basement. It went on the list of things to take care of someday. First priority is Monday, tire pressure, renewing my Costco membership and a trip to the credit union.

    After coffee, back to the bill stack followed by a trip to pick up my prescription and some library books are due today and I cannot renew them so they have to go back.

    Now that I have bored you to tears—What is everyone up to today?


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Well I'm not up to much LIN. We dodged the rain drops and went for our usual walk, stop, sniff and yap at other better behaved dogs dodging the raindrops. Very mild out so a pleasant walk after yesterday's high wind and dustbin lids everywhere. Everybody seems to have found their flying missiles. Alls calm.

    Jill slept for 5 hours after the photo was taken. Michael wore her out with long walks before, during and after our grocery pickup and lunch. Of course this made for a rather restless night for us both, me on my bathroom wanderings and she yapping at passing raccoons presumably.

    So.....I'm not up to much. Quiet afternoon probably writing cards after a quick cleanup of dog hairs this morning. You wouldn't believe how this small mortal sheds! And it shows up being black on light coloured furnishings. Oh well if that's my greatest problem in life I haven't got much to whine about.

    So having bored everybody to tears, what is everyone else up to today?
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) I am a little under the weather today, I think I have an UTI and/or I am catching a cold. I did not get a flu shot and I hope I don't regret that. They boys have colds so I might have picked up a germ from them. I think today I will just stay in my robe and sleep on and off all day. I rarely get sick so it really gets me down when I do. If I do feel good enough to go to Mass I might stop by for a flu shot at Walgreen's although I really got sick from one a couple of years ago. The strain of flu this year is supposed to be really bad so I just can't decide. Do you all have your flu shots?

    So having bored everyone to teats, what is everyone else up to today?

    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I've never had a flu shot. Haven't had flu either since 1957 when we all got Asian Flu at my wedding reception from a guest.
    Having said that and thus tempting this space.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Thanks for the photo MARIE. Your little MISSY is so sweet. Does she have chihuahua in her as well just like my Jilly? She looks happily at home now.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Oh Marie!!! Such a little cutie. . <3<3

    Thanks for the photo.

    Many hugs for you and Missy.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Sandy, sorry you are feeling unwell. Take care. Once upon a time I did get flu shots. Working in a huge office building with uncertain air quality it seemed like a good idea. I stopped a few years ago. I was always sick after getting the shot although the doctor said that was impossible.

    I hope you are better tomorrow. I have my fingers crossed myself with the child coming down ill on Thanksgiving Day.


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Whew! Thanksgiving was fun and we enjoyed it all. Now the cleanup begins. Our son and his two doggies just left to go back to Portland. Having the three dogs here at once were like having three kindergartens running around. They were fun to watch. John and our son, Damon, watched a new sci-fi movie just out on DVD. I opted out and did dishes after the thanksgiving dinner. We could not get excited in the football games, I did love the thanksgiving parade and the dog show afterward.

    It is always sort of depressing when Damon leaves to go back to Portland. All the chaos and activity is wonderful but tiring. Now for Christmas decor etc.

    Our daughter is feeling better. The breathing of oxygen is very beneficial and helps alleviate that gasping for air. She and her family are coping. I wish I was able to cope as well as they are.

    Katie loves Damon so much, she is constantly jumping up on him. She really snagged his new sweater. I had to spend an hour or so pulling the snags back with a crochet hook. I feel so sorry for her, Katie also loves having Damon's dogs here. She is down in the dumps now. Looking sadly at the door.

    Holiday time for me is wonderful. This year will be minimal shopping. I don't bake much any more. So it will be much more relaxed. I hope we can do a small bit of entertaining.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Managed to spend about 15 minutes with Mike' kids and our beautiful grandkids on FaceTime today! What a miracle! Had a pleasant dinner and came upstairs to try to figure out how to make my new downloaded greeting card program compatible with my Win 10! It refuses to print envelopes properly and leaves off 1/2 the page :'( ! I guess I fell asleep while trying to work on it and just woke up!
    Our Christmas decorations are up in all our lobbies, put up by residents, and all looks very festive. MARIE, your Missy looks adorable and just perfect for you! PATSY, the news about your daughter sounds very encouraging! Oxygen seems like a miracle!
    I'm having a difficult time keeping my eyes open, so I'd better get to sleep!
    <3 Buzz
    ............................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!.........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited November 2017
    Hello sneakers. Sorry I went AWOL for a couple of days but I didn't find the time to switch on my laptop due to Friday being fraught with visitors and phone calls, one call from my GP practice to tell me what I already knew, my hips have severe wear and tear but getting the doctor I spoke to to understand if I could get a decent nights sleep I will carry on without replacements was hard work so some sort of medication is being left for me to collect tomorrow and from what he was saying it could be sleeping tablets. If they are I will throw them in the bin!! Our weather has been Wintery which makes morning walks interesting and between hail storms yesterday afternoon I cleaned out the hen house and also shopped for more supplies and feeders so that I can separate the new arrivals from the old girls for 24 hours. I'll be collecting them in a couple of hours!! :):)

    Sandy ~ The last time I had flu was in 1992 but at that time I was mixing with crowds far more than I do now. My employers offered a free jab then which I used to take up so was surprised I developed flu until I was told it's for a specific strain that drug companies try to second guess but they don't always pick the correct one! They certainly used to make me feel rough for a couple of days but I think they are now synthetic so shouldn't but then the annual vaccinations my pets have are too and one of my cats really suffers for 24 hours afterwards. After all that I don't bother so think it's down to personal choice and we take our chances!! Hopefully you are feeling better today and were perhaps only tired and a bit run down after all the recent activities.

    Marie ~ What a gorgeous girl little Missy is and a perfect size for you. She certainly looks settled now even with that sad little face but then if you saw George's on a regular basis you would think him miserable!!

    Patsy ~ It's good to read that your daughter is getting relief from her oxygen and I hope that does alleviate some of your concerns. Katie is a naughty girl let's be honest but so long as you all love her the way she is why worry!! One of my visitors on Friday had to endure George barking at her for nearly an hour although I tried every trick to distract him. I do find his behaviour at such times embarrassing and dread the day the workmen arrive to pull down my old conservatory and build the new garden room!

    Hello and a happy Sunday to Anne, Lin, Buzz, Jeri and anyone I missed but I must now make sure everything is ready for the new arrivals.... I will let you know how that trip goes once home and settled.
