Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I don't know how I managed to get down to brunch today after going to bed almost 7 AM, when everyone else was rising! I got stuck on a CHAT with Samsung about my Galaxy Tablet not working properly and while we got it fixed, it took hours of figuring out how to use my fingers on buttons in ways that were not meant for human hands! And I printed ALL the instructions in case it ever happens again! And I kept losing the CHAT box every time they gave me a link to click on. However, brunch for me was multigrain pancakes, so I pushed myself!
    Poor George! I bet he forgives you JACKIE ... I agree totally with your "quote"... if there's a message here I'd say make every effort to talk to loved ones even if you feel you're bouncing off a brick wall.!!! Repeat over and over again. !
    LIN, any more news about that lady who is not answering? I hope she decided to go visiting and forgot to tell anyone!
    SANDY, we all knew how foolish BABE was at the time he gave into his fears regarding his son. In truth, although we smugly think we would have handled it differently, is there anyone among us who would let a threatening child drift out of our lives? He was really caught in a dreadful dilemma, and both you and he were victimized by an alcoholic bully of a son! You, SANDY, are a saint to have been willing to handle it as you chose to, without rancor or wishing vengeance, ---always the loving wife! Ta-Da b1fo36ixv9xt.png
    ANNE, the fine art of handwriting seems to have disappeared from the face of the earth, so I'm glad you are reviving it! And a Happy Yuletide to ye! I just remembered my dear Mother singing "Oh Tanenbaum" to me every Christmas. What brought that back?
    I'm glad there is no Chinese restaurant nearby, because I'm hankering for Chinese food!
    <3 Buzz
    ..........................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!......................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited November 2017
    Not much from me, we went shopping downtown in gently falling SNOW! An arctic wind was blowing up poor Jilly's chuff, but the huge lit Christmas tree looked pretty. I found a crew neck sweater for Marks Christmas/Yuletide gift. Very sharp. Otherwise, we scurried home and Jill's been fast asleep on the sofa ever since from the shock of SNOW! We both hope George is okay JACKIE.
    PS. Thanks LIN. I think I visited that restaurant a few years ago, probably under different management, but it WAS good.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning sneakers. Thank you all for your concern about George and today he is almost back to his old ways and full of bounce. I can feel a small lump on his eye socket close to his nose and he isn't happy if I touch it but I don't feel a trip to the vet is necessary. My feeling of guilt still hasn't left me so as I said to my dog walking friend this morning, no more games with stones! We think there's something in the air or the planets are moving too close because it's been a weekend of everyone suffering accidents including another friend we sometimes walk with whose little dog has tragically injured her back and may have to be put to sleep since they have no pet insurance. Then on our walk my friend slipped on a muddy bank and fell but luckily not on her bad hip. A passing walker managed with me to haul her up off the ground but we did then laugh when I told her how I fell asleep yesterday afternoon watching The Dog Whisperer and sipping a mug of tea. When I woke up the mug was tipped sideways and I quickly realised my warm tea was now cooling in my lap!!

    Anne ~ So that white blob was hanging over your area.... I thought so. Stay warm!

    Lin ~ That's good news about your friend who sounds a bit like me when it comes to communications. Friends and family know not to worry if I don't respond to a text message for 24 hours because it usually means my phone is either on charge or lost! The bath bombs sound intriguing especially if they ended up with bustles!!

    Buzz ~ You are so patient with your technical gizmos and I do admire your resolve to find a solution to problems. The multigrain pancakes must have seemed a wonderful reward!

    Time for some Monday housework and perhaps a bit of gardening later. My rescued hens are ready for collection on Sunday so I must make sure I have all they'll be needing in the way of special food and some netting to keep feisty Daisy the bantam at bay for a couple of days!
    A call to my GP to arrange a phone consultation was made this morning and the earliest I can chat to a doctor is next Friday afternoon! Good job it's not an emergency!!

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good morning sneakers! We are getting rain and wind but no snow....thank goodness. We have a leak in one of the skylights so we have a repair scheduled very soon. I fear it will be right in the middle of our thanksgiving. Isn't that always the case? Winter stresses everything, cars and houses and all creatures.

    We are abit behind on thanksgiving prep. But since our son will be come on thanksgiving day and will arrive late in the day exhausted and cranky, no doubt. We are planning Friday thanksgiving instead. Our daughter might drop by. It will depend on how she feels. The wet and cold weather makes her even worse.

    Katie isn't happy about the weather. She must play ball inside. Not nearly as much fun. She is a wimp about weather. No too cold...not to wet...not windy. Snow is okay for a short time.

    I will make the cranberry sauce today. It has to mellow in the frig at least 24 hours and 48 hours is much better. Why did we start this crazy thanksgiving feast anyway? It just makes lots of leftovers and then there is the pie. I see a 10 pound gain if not very careful. I will take a few special things over to our daughter's house in case she can't get the energy to cook or drop by.

    I understand the guilt about dear little George but Katie is such a clumsy kid, she stumbles and makes wheelies as she dashes about the house. She must have many bumps and bruises I am not aware of. They are our joy and our misery. We are all hopelessly in love with our creatures.

    I am very thankful for each and everyone one of you here. You are all the best friends that I have never met.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I'm sort of glad thanksgiving is in October here in Canada. That means we have got over the preparation and feasting in good time before the next lot!
    Jilly doesn't seem to mind the cold so much as the wind. You have to remember her tail curls over her back so not much protection for her rear quarters when the north wind blows. If there's No wind, she loves snow and the burrowing of nose. Almost as good as wet leaf burrowing. The trouble is we don't match on this. I can't wait to get in and she could stay out forever.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,111 Member
    edited November 2017
    Happy Monday!! :) Started the laundry and soon have to jump in the shower before my cleaning girl gets here. I had a nice restful day yesterday and even rode the bike for an hour. It is supposed to get up to 50 today so if I have the energy I am going to try to put up my balcony decorations before it gets too cold. I won't turn them on until after Thanksgiving.

    Anne, I wish our Thanksgiving was in October, ours is too close to Christmas and makes things stressful. Of course it really won't be bad for me since I am going to Rob and Lisa's where I don't have to do any cooking. lol Daisy also loves the cold but she has a lot more fur than Jilly!!! No tail though.

    Patsy, I am also thankful for our friends here, they are great ladies!!!

    Jackie, I am glad to read George is feeling better, accidents happen don't feel guilty. I am surprised that you didn't piddle in your pants when the tea fell into your lap. Remember the old joke about putting someone's finger in a warm glass of water when they are sleeping to make them pee?? Sorry, I have a weird sense of humor!

    Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, nothing is so important that it can't wait until you get a good night's sleep. Depriving yourself of sleep is not good for your health. You better start listening young lady.

    Lin, I am so happy your friend is okay even if she is stubborn. Did you explain how worried you were and to please stay in touch with you?

    Sheets are done, time to put them in dryer and get the next load going. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,161 Member
    Good day. I am frittering away another day but oh well, it feels nice!

    Happy birthday Gayla!! I didn’t know if you might stop by. <3<3<3

    It is laundry day for me. I think my dryer may be malfunctioning but I am going to ignore it for now. The clothes got a little bit dry. :D

    I am going to stay home today and leave my errands for tomorrow. My tummy is a bit angry with me today. Plain baked potatoes will be on tap for today.

    Sandy, my friend does not take well to any sort of correcting. I have to let it pass. She has enough problems, I won’t add to them. I hope you get your decorations up while the weather is fairly nice. And congratulations on getting back on your bike.

    Buzz, I am amazed at how hard you work to keep all your electronics working properly. I just wear out and go to sleep no matter what else needs to be accomplished. I hope you are well today.

    Jackie, I am happy that George is doing better today. And good for you in helping your dog walking friend get out of her slide into the mud. Not long until you bring home your rescues. I hope all is ready. Exciting!

    Patsy, lots of prep for a holiday isn’t there. I hope you are able to see your daughter at some point over the long weekend. And I too am thankful for everyone here. It makes life brighter to have such kind and considerate friends.

    Anne, no snow here, fairly warm weather but wow, the wind is really blowing today!!!

    Hugs. <3<3

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I will now repeat last night's sleep, and improve upon it
    . Shampooed and blew my hair almost dry and although I planned to see the hairdresser tomorrow, I think it looks terrific and full and I'll put it off another week! I haven't seen her since 6/19!
    gdcmlw9txg0e.jpg What do you think? I don't have to do a thing except a quick bit of blowing with my dryer.
    sounds like everybody has things under control today, and I will come back tomorrow and hope you are all fine and dandy!
    <3 Buzz
    ..........................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!......................

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,161 Member
    Gorgeous hair Buzz!!!!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Holy cow, Buzz! You look movie-star georgous! Don't change a thing! We should all be so lucky.

    I am constantly laughing at the ridiculous Thanksgiving feast I put myself through. I cook, serve and clean up for hours. Most of the food becomes leftovers. We only enjoy leftovers rather briefly...maybe the next day or so. Then it is a real struggle to get anyone to eat them. I am going to start freezing right after thanksgiving dinner!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Freezing is great idea. Cut up or ground up turkey makes yummy shepherd's pie, the carcass and meat makes fabulous stock for delicious soup. Even lunch sandwiches are good. Save the gravy and mashed potatoes served along with left over cranberries, my mouth is watering!
    Even turkey a-la-king made low cal style! I'm coming over for left-overs!
    Thanks for the compliments! My hair, at least, doesn't look like 90, does it? My Mom had gorgeous hair, but I've lived beyond her 84 years. Imeant to get to bed and I don't know what happened; maybe I fell asleep at my desk! I'm going now. Goodnight!
    <3 Buzz
    ..........................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!......................
  • gemfrire
    gemfrire Posts: 110 Member
    I know I don't pop in much but wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to you all. I am thankful that this group of wonderful ladies has given my mom Marie their friendship and love. You are a blessing!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited November 2017
    It's supposed to be a pleasant day weather wise today so I put washing on before we set off for our walk but halfway round the top moor a mist descended so we all got wet and now my washing (mostly smalls) is hanging by a heater in the dining room! Scruff's mum arrived for the walk with little Bee-bee who is sister to our friend's dog that has a bad back. The vet has put her on strong painkillers and they will wait a couple of days before X-raying in the hopes she improves but there is also a fear she could have a tumour mass so we are all a bit on edge.

    Wow Buzz, gorgeous lady, whether it's your mother's genes or not you look stunning!

    Patsy ~ Include a serving of bubble and squeak and I will certainly join in the leftovers party!

    Sandy ~ Cold tea in my lap was probably as bad as a pee and it was surprising how far a half full mug went! I've been threatened with a Tommee Tippee mug for a Christmas present!! Do you have those in the States?

    Lin ~ It's always a good idea to take an occasional day off to chill especially since we are retired ladies of leisure! On my way home from our morning walk I stopped off at the local farm supply store to buy special chicken mash food and some extra feeders as well as red mite powder to treat my new arrivals since they usually carry them on their legs and we don't want an infestation so I think all bases are covered!

    Anne ~ George's tail has a similar curl to Jilly's but when he finds a cold northerly blowing round his rear he seems able to tuck it between his legs!! No doubt something the breed learned over years in those Tibetan mountains!

    I must get on with some jobs before we get more rain and wind.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited November 2017
    Gorgeous hair BUZZ. I'm inspired to carry on growing mine especially as winter arrives! I love to see older ladies with longer hair and if they can manage a French pleat, so elegant.

    A Tippy mug sounds a great idea JACKIE as Christmas arrives and also homemade cordial with rum! Yes we have them over here but no idea what they are called!

    Bubble and squeak PATSY! LOVE bubble and squeak, I'm joining the rush to your house for leftovers!

    Up late, so must get me a-moving.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,161 Member
    gemfrire wrote: »
    I know I don't pop in much but wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to you all. I am thankful that this group of wonderful ladies has given my mom Marie their friendship and love. You are a blessing!

    Thank you Alice. Please give all hugs and love to Marie <3<3<3

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Ditto, anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,111 Member
    edited November 2017
    Happy Tuesday!! :) Dismal day here and with talking to Babe who is so depressed it is affecting me. Today is Lisa's birthday so I am going to take a ride to their house to pick up some bread from a fundraiser from Robby's school. I will stop and buy her some flowers as we celebrated Saturday and I already gave her a gift. Also have to go to Walmart so I should get myself out of this mood by keeping busy.

    Alice, thank you for the kind words and I ditto Lin and Anne. We love your mom and miss her here but know that you are taking good care of her. Happy Thanksgiving.

    Buzz, I agree, your hair is gorgeous! I wish I had some body and texture to my hair so I could wear mine like that. I have poker straight hair and very fine so it is useless.

    Jackie, a Tommee Tippee mug sounds like the coffee mugs from Starbucks or a child's sippy cup. I do hope your friend's dog has success with the pain pills and it is nothing serious.

    Patsy, I am with John, I am not a fan of leftovers although I made myself a rump roast and have been eating it the last couple of days. I am not a doggie bag person when it comes to restaurants because I always end up throwing it out.

    Lin, I think it is good to stay in once in a while and regroup. You do so much you need to take care of yourself as well.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Okay! So now begins the big cooking spree. First...the special carnberry relish. I could live on that if I had to. Orange, apple, cranberries, brandy and of curse SUGAR! Could it get any unhealthier? Then the dressing...I will not go into the disaster of that. I will try for a conservative approach for the rest of the meal.
    Wish me luck.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Gosh I did not know I missed so many days So sorry all of my friends I have been much of a writer.
    I have been on an antibody for on for an bladder infection. Took my 10 th pill today I All thru for this round.
    Jerry is just about the same. Working his butte to keep me going. Bless his heart

    Lin thanks so much for all the love cards They means so much to me

    Buzz you are so incredible and beautiful.

    I will make this short for it been a long day.

    one more thing Thanks Sandy for being such a =""]lovely Lady

    my girl friend who lost her home doing Harvey Got pneumonias died while in the hospital Her husband Walt my nephew is so lost without her

    See you all later I Promise


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,161 Member
    Wonderful to hear from you Marie.

    I am sorry you have needed an antibiotic but glad you are getting better. Sorry for your loss. What a tough year for so many people.

