Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    edited October 2017
    Happy Tuesday! :) Cold rainy day here and Robby has a field trip to a pumpkin farm with his school. I told Lisa I would come and watch Max so she doesn't have to take him. She can do her shopping when she gets home and I can get home early. Works for all of us.

    Getting three estimates on my car but no matter what it needs a new bumper so it won't be cheap. I hate driving it like it is but have no choice.

    Lin, evidently your dog thought your friend looked like a tree or he said something your dog didn't like. lol The problem is no one knows anything and I spent so much time on the phone my brain hurt. The girl from Medicare told me no penalties since I had part A and B but then I read the letter I got from Humana and she had to go look up answers but still had none. The girl from Humana told me to call Medicare so it was all a waste of time.

    Jackie, yes our health care is messed up and only getting worse it seems. Neither Humana nor Medicare could give me answers on how much or if I would get a penalty. I will just have to wait until they send me something in the mail. The video was very funny and I have to say the president is a very handsome man. I too, love the table it would fit right in with your other decor.

    Anne, I sleep that late everyday and sometimes even later. I don't go to bed until 1:00 AM but I have always been a night person. Enjoy the rest, there is nothing to get early for most days.

    Buzz, I use Blue Cross/Blue Shield for my supplement and never pay a dime out of pocket so I just stay with them even though I think I could get a less expensive supplement. I decided on Humana since they have Walmart in their pharmacies which is what I use for prescriptions.

    Patsy, you sound like you have lots of property, is it over an acre? My son was just complaining with the rain they are getting ants who are trying to get out of the rain. They are getting their house ready to sell to move to St. Louis Illinois to be near his wife's family.

    Have a good day, hope you stay dry.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Love the table JACKIE, would it be free shipping to Canada? No? I thought not. If you love it go for it, we only live once, I THINK! Yes, Jilly was as tardy as me this morning. I wonder why? I normally love early mornings, so peaceful and quiet and one feels no one else is on the planet. We blew the cobwebs away by going for a much longer walk than usual. I put 30 minutes on my home page but it was much longer in time. I really enjoyed it, but one had to be careful one didn't slide on ones rear end with all the soggy leaves. Great for sniffing dogs though!
    We haven't got your cool weather just yet LIN and SANDY, but it's on the way. About 50 deg today on our walk.

    I don't think the 100 million euros would be as scary as all the folks creeping out of the woodwork wanting to be your best friend JACKIE! Friend Roy in the U.K. got 5 out of 6 numbers right on whatever he buys and to his great disappointment only received £250. That was a year ago and he's still talking about it.
    I'm still feeling a bit tardy, but HAVE got Jilly's stew a-cooking.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good morning everyone! Looks like a sunny day here. Great! We are still .cleaning up after our big storm earlier. Leaf shreds everywhere. Not sure if it is worth a big effort since there are many more leaves to come down. We have about 5 acres with one acre of lawn, and various cleared areas for flower beds and car park and John's shop area. He stores fire wood near his shop. The rest of the acres are left to natural forest. What ever happens in there just happens! Great for mushroom hunting, animal watching...we have a barred owl nesting in our forest. It sounds so eerie when it gives out that long hoot and it silently soars overhead.

    Got a couple of my poems excepted for publishing in a poetry magazine. It was quite a thrill for me. Not sure what that is in me. The acceptance of my poems should not get me so excited but it does.

    I know Woody Allen has a bad reputation as a human being but I do love his films. One of his quotes is my personal mantra. "So much of life is just a matter of showing up." And my doctor always says, "you can be 70+ years old or you can be 70+ years young." I am feeling very philosophic today. I watched an old Woody Film that is a lot of fun, "You will meet a tall,dark stranger" his films are generally oddly philosophic in theme mixed with neurotic humor. It speaks to me...a total basket case!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    PATSY, a fascinating case--not basket! And LIN, bless her researching heart, came up with what I could not recall: the name of the virus that caused my dear Mike such pain, H.Pylori.
    I'm in a mad rush as I'm late for dinner date as usual!
    <3 Buzz
    ...................................Always Believe, etc...................................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited October 2017
    In answer to JACKIE"S question, yes, I woke up today feeling so much better! I think my left-over prime rib was perhaps too long in the refrigerator! I sometimes bring up dinner stuff for Sunday night, and just forget I've done so! Tonight's' salmon was delicious so I finished it! We heard a new (for us) singer tonight after dinner and he chose many Broadway songs to entertain us with, and his taste and presentation were wonderful! And interesting, as he explained meanings when necessary. I never knew what Bring in the Clowns was about! Seems when there is a disaster in a circus, the clowns are brought in to deflect attention away from bad news, and in the Sondheim's play, the waning actress's career is ending and she finally decides to accept the proposal from the very patient suitor, for whom she will give up her acting, and he says "Too late, I married 6 months ago, to a 17 year old!". Bring in the clowns was her dirge, and the actress was Glynis Johns, a wonderful actress with no more than a 7 note vocal range, and Sondheim rote the song specifically for her 2 hours!
    Now, wasn't that important news you could not live without? But our entertainer really had us going with his fine voice and gossipy tidbits, and I hope he returns! I hope to log off shortly so I can get to bed not too late and will see you all tomorrow!
    <3 Buzz
    ..............................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!.....................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Well, 1st I had to see the links JACKIE supplied and the dog was poorly trained but funny as heck to think about in his grand surroundings! As for the table, the inlay looks handsome! Bid!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Morning all, brief good morning.

    Just want to congratulate PATSY on getting her poetry accepted by a publisher. Huge achievement! Totally thrilled for you Patsy.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The sun is out so I can't hang about but just to say I have bid on the table but it's a high lot number so I probably won't get news until late this afternoon. I'm also searching fabric websites for material to finally reupholster my dining chairs and found what looks like a bright red, almost orange with rubber plant type leaves and little monkeys climbing!! Scruff's mum tells me to be bold with the project but even so, I've ordered a sample before committing!!

    Buzz ~ Send in the clowns is a heart-rending song and I well remember Glynis Johns singing it on British tv when she appeared on the stage. Judi Dench also appeared in it a few years ago and always said that since she couldn't sing, it was the perfect song for her!!

    Patsy ~ Great news about your poems but then we already know what a talent you are! I saw that Woody Allen movie when it came out and loved the subtle irony that was woven into the story. An unusual part for Anthony Hopkins too but he looked as if he was enjoying himself!

    Anne ~ Apparently I have more chance of being struck by lightening than winning all those lottery millions so was glad to see the sun shining this morning!! Of course if I should win you can have the table and I will deliver in person!!

    Hello to everyone else but I must get on as a pedicure is booked for about an hour's time then I'm driving into town.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I zipped my fleecy lining into my jacket and I'm so glad I did. It was 38F and it's time to start looking for a larger jacket for the Bean I think. She's grown quite a bit since last winter, but still smaller than most cats. Very invigorating walk this morning! It didn't seem to bother Jilly, and I enjoyed our stroll through the leaves and viewing all the pumpkins, witches, bats, chrysanthemums and other such paraphernalia welcoming Halloween.

    Glynis John was a favourite of mine as well with her unusual voice. Didn't she figure as a mermaid in one film? Miranda?

    How DO you gals manage to accomplish so much in a day? I find I need more hours, or am I just slow? Whatever, I've decided to stroll through the rest of my life and enjoy the scenery, neither young nor old, contented with my lot and just............

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    edited October 2017
    Happy Wednesday! :) I am going to take my car for another estimate even though the other guy never got back to me. I am having second thoughts and might put it through my insurance even though my rates might go up. First I will see how much this guy tells me and then make a decision.

    Sitting for Max yesterday was easy since he took a 2 1/2 hour nap on me. Lisa said it was miserable with the rain and cold so they didn't have a great time. I am glad we went to another pumpkin farm on Saturday where it was warm and fun.

    Anne, I am with you as far as accomplishment in one day, I know I am slow but I spend too much time on my computer each morning. Besides as we get older the days go too fast.
    As far as weather, we are at 39 degrees this morning so it is cold. I had my fireplace on last night.

    Jackie, didn't Red Buttons also sing send in the Clowns? I did love that song. The fabric sounds interesting, post a picture when you get your sample please.

    Buzz, you not only have a wonderful place to live, but it has wonderful entertainment and lots of interesting information. Thanks for sharing.

    Patsy, your land sounds beautiful especially with the animals. I also enjoyed Woody Allen's movies and there were many. Congratulations on getting published, quite an accomplishment!

    Lin, must be busy this morning but I hope you are dressed warm.

    Really have to get myself moving faster today. Between my car and Bryanna's car I am feeling so stressed and need to get them both fixed so I can relax.

    Have a good day,
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Back from my trip into town with my feet feeling as if I'm walking on air after a lovely pedicure and massage. George came with me so we managed a short stroll to the dog sitter only to find he must have taken today's dogs for a walk but that's fine, I posted our booking forms in his door. It seems not only did I get the inlaid table at the auction at a very good price, much less than my bid but also a Victorian pine towel rail for the spare bedroom at a give away price. Tomorrow on my way to my hairdresser I can collect both.
    Anne, I remember the mermaid but not her name and yes it was Glynis Johns and as far as I know she is still with us!
    It's been a beautiful day, warm and sunny but not for long as cold northerly winds coming our way at the weekend so I must make the most of this.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    More congratulations, this time to JACKIE on acquiring the table AND a towel rail. I'm so glad Glynis Johns is still with us. I remember her with her beautiful mermaid tail hanging over the bath tub.
    Sadly Fats Domino died today at 89. This makes me more determined than ever to sit back and enjoy the roses. Bring on the cream trifle and other decadent naughties.
    SANDY, I'm so sorry your beautiful car took such a bashing. There are times when I'm very content not to own a car!
    You know what, I think I will make a Victorian sponge cake for my teatime! Nice cold day for making a cream sponge cake,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Monkeys climbing rubber plants specially for Sandy on such a stressful day. Did I miss why Bryanna's car is also a problem for you?

    Anne ~ Enjoy baking and eating that Victoria sponge. ;)

    When I drove back from town two engineers were climbing poles looking at our phone and internet lines so of course just after I sent my previous post I became disconnected!! The engineers have gone home so I had to work through a Windows diagnostic page, unplug everything, then reconnect and wait..... a good time to bring my washing in off the rotary line and feed hens their evening corn!

    Time to cook supper but at least there's no need to light a fire this evening.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I've seen that fabric before, but where?
    Jilly appears to have eaten feathers of all things. She's been gagging and coughing up foam. But where from? I couldn't prise her teeth open to take a look if one was caught on her back throat and teeth, she might be small but she's very strong. I found one feather near where she was gagging. If this dog makes it past 2 years........! Miracle, she's always into something undesirable.
    Anne the worried momma.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello hello sneakers! We have high thin clouds but the occasional sun break. No rain but a tad chilly. I'll go for it. Yea!

    Jackie: I adore your fabric choice! It makes me smile and I love the bold colors and the adorable little monkeys! It would be a design I would easily choose. I think John would also think it delightful. He is conservative and very traditional in his choices. We make make quite a couple. I don't understand how your auction works. We have them but you have to be right there yelling out your bid or holding up a number paddle. I have gone to many a livestock auction with my grandfather. Also estate auctions for furniture and "do-dads."

    Sandy: I truly understand your stress over car repair and insurance. It is one of our big scams. We have to have insurance but when we use it they raise the rates or cancel the insurance, be prepared, if you let a young person drive your car and an accident happens (even if it isn't their fault) up the rates go... infuriating.

    Anne: I would love to adopt a looser life style when it comes to a few treats. But! I gain weight like crazy with a little bit of something wonderful. I like that Mae West quote, "Too much of a good thing is...wonderful!"
    My problem is I don't know how to indulge just a little bit. No discipline.

    Buzz: interesting story about the song, Send in the Clowns. I wrote lyrics for a couple of songs for our musician friend. It was the hardest thing I have ever done. Working with a rhythm, phrasing, and a demanding musician. For something I wanted to do with a friend, wow! Lots of work. Judy Collins singing that song! Heartbreakingly fabulous.

    Which of my neglected tasks to do first?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,168 Member
    Good afternoon

    Patsy, what wonderful news! I think you need a party!! Wahoo! Congratulations.

    And thank you for mentioning the Woody A. movie. I have not seen it so have out a request to hold the item at the local library.

    The Glynis Johns Movie was “Miranda.” I always loved her speaking voice. I will try to hunt down a place to view that movie as well.

    Jackie, congrats on your successful auction bids. Well done. And you have happy toes. What a scrumptious and happy day. I love color of the fabric but would admit that a bold pattern would likely not be my style in part because I don’t have an island or tropical vibe in my body. <3:D Obtaining a sample seems reasonable though as red is not always red!

    Anne, I am sorry Jilly is worrying you. Dogs are just notorious for gulping down most anything and then leave us to worry. I hope she feels better soon. Glad you got warm duds out for your walk.

    Sandy, I hate all the situations we are left to sort out. Some nights I have trouble sleeping when a particularly bothersome problem will not leave me alone. I hope you get your car fixed up soon.

    We are enjoying a warmer day with sunshine and much less wind. We are told to enjoy this day as it is all downhill the remainder of the week. Don’t we just love such good news?

    I did online banking and transfers this morning, then off to Tai Chi, on to the Library to color but that turned into a kind of nightmare but did spend some time with a couple of friends in their coffee area. Then off to get gas (on this last nice day) and then a stop at the grocery store for the discount day. Got home and had deliveries once again so got my non-perishables stashed away and am having lunch now.

    I need to keep moving! Tomorrow after my usual things I am meeting a friend in the afternoon and am debating what to do. I have a Halloween card for her but her birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks. I do not have a card or gift ready. And I don’t believe I will have time to get anything ready by tomorrow. I gave her an Amazon gift card last Christmas and it took her months to decide to use it and I had to help her as she hadn’t used a gift code before. That was not a hit. So, I will just mull it over I guess.

    Oh, and my mantle clock that I have been fussing over? That I just had fixed? And then called about as there was an adjustment problem? Our of the blue, the glass on the front is cracked!! I didn’t even touch it to wind it or anything. I am perplexed.

    Enjoy the day. Do whatever suits your fancy.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Why does today's forum make me feel as though I am sitting with you all having a homey chat? It's amazing, but I just felt we were all together! I could feel SANDY's reaction to the car annoyance, and once more being victimized by something done by others! Hah, humbug! And ANNE worrying again about the Bean's shenanigans! Foam? Yich! JACKIE, I LOVE that print and it's fun pattern. Great colors and just such a zippy mood maker! Of course, the surroundings are not exactly what my furnishing would look like, so the pattern might lose some punch without all that gray and white offsetting it I'm trying to visualize it surrounded by various shades of wood furniture. Mine is all teak and I'm not certain it would have that luscious tropical look in the setting in your photo. And my palm trees are all outdoors.....I guess we all loved Glynis Johns, her voice and talents! As far as Judy Dench's remark, Sondheim said he wrote it for someone with limited singing ability! Yet I can't sing even that! I'm wondering what to think about my new clock that resets itself every night by the signal coming in from the official atomic tower signal in Colorado. LIN's cracked mantle clock (my sympathies, dear LIN) reminded me that the first night, the signal came in loud and clear. Last night (night #2) I saw it truly struggle several times when the signal arrived, there was kind of a dance to the bitter end, but it never really was able to just accept the signal and felt embarrassed and slept through most of the night and morning with an empty slot where the tower should have been! So is it just a weak signal due to weather, or a bad clock, or just a silly one night failure? Anyway, some things are too unimportant to fret over, I think! (But will it work right tonight?) Obviously, I have nothing urgent to impart tonight, but simply needed to let you all know how special you are! PATSY, congratulations, and you and John appear to be a perfect fit!
    <3 Buzz

    ..............................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!.....................
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Off to bed but I had to say.....Buzz, we are all sitting right here together with coffee/tea cups at our elbow and sharing news of the day. Remember that book...the ya-ya sisterhood? This is the "sneaker tea party."
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Good morning fellow tea drinkers, I promise I will not mention "she who will not be mentioned" today. Just to say I'm recovering from a potential heart attack and she who will not be mentioned appears to be recovering from presumably gagging and swallowing feathers. If nothing "appears" the vets on Friday!

    The tea party appeals! Do you remember the ladies on "Last of the summer wine" drinking their tea and putting the world to rights, or actually the men in it to rights and explaining to young Glenda (?) on how to keep them under control?

    My day will be phone calls to old friends too far away to visit anymore, all of us without cars these days. Particularly my long time friend Flo. Her SIL phoned me long distance because she and Flo's brother are so worried about her. Flo has the tumour behind her eye. I spoke to her last weekend and she isn't getting up until four pm and lives in her nightie. She has a son and a daughter living quite close but it's difficult to know exactly what's going on as she's very clever at convincing us she's okay but when we compare notes it's obvious she's not. I wish we lived closer. It would take four buses for me to just get to her area, all morning at least and then I have to get back home again. Mikes off work for a week in December and I hope he will take me, meanwhile telephone calls with a gal we all feel is hiding things from us.

    Well, I didn't get to make and more importantly eat, the Victorian sponge. I spent the time cleaning the rug! This was maybe, after all, a good thing with this being a fitness site and no sponge cakes allowed in sight.
    I wonder what today will bring, hopefully just cups of coffee and tea for our little tea/coffee drinking circle.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Quite a week. Late last night the carbon detector started peeping or rather screeching. Message said it had outlived its life and throw out. I couldn't get the back off. Couldn't stand the noise! Finally, shoved it in the garage where we heard it screeching when we went for our walk this morning. Darren came over and managed to get the back off and get the battery out. What a week, dogs barfing, detectors screeching, and I've just poured Drano down the bathroom sluggish drain. Well that's three things! Fingers crossed. She who shall not be named still in the land of the living. She brightened up when Darren came over but has yet to go to the bathroom!
    Michael said I wouldn't have died from carbon monoxide poisoning if it could be heard on the street. Little ray of sunshine our Michael!