Senior Golden Sneakers



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member

    Hello sneakers! Interesting weekend here. Our son arrived a bit later than he planned. He had an appointment to have new tires put on his car. As usual things took longer than promised. He was exhausted. The shirts and sweaters fit him perfectly. He looked great in them. Starting Tomorrow he has meetings with several new TV clients so he is set to look sharp!

    Oddly, I was also exhausted after he left on Sunday night. On my midnight trip to the bathroom, I fell. Big bruise on my shoulder and hip. I had to shout out to John to come help me get up. It was like in that old TV commercial, "Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!" I have a very badly bruised self confidence and wounded dignity. I am rather creaky today. Still very lucky, no bones are broken.

    Katie is always sad when Damon leaves. She considers him her important family member. His dogs are her pals even though they are old girls with no interest in her. She is a rambunctious teenager.

    Need to have coffee and a big dose of attitude adjustment. No whining, Patsy!
    Patsy the whiner!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I really MUST get to the shower and give myself a whopping shampoo, but there are a few comments I must make:
    SANDY, your Mom had Colon Cancer? TAKE THE COLONOSCOPY!!! I've had several, and while it's a bit of a bummer staying close to a bathroom and making no other plans during that period, there ar many things worse than drinking a huge amount of liquid and undergoing a procedure you will sleep through, and the relief you get when you hear the results is more than worht it! everyone should have a "base" colonoscopy so your "normal" is on record. Good luck, sweetheart, and don't think about it twice! Sorry about that fall; ouch!
    JACKIE, Yep, service today is awful, but it has become a fact of life. Your positive outlook on life is such a blessing, though, you seem able to weather anything with serenity!
    LIN, real bummer! Was there an agent or tourist guide with you? Anything outside the "ordinary" is almost impossible these days, so perhaps you have to buy separate parts of whatever you go to so you don't have to eat things that don't agree with you! Hope next one is better!
    ANNE, 81!? NEVER! But a wonderful year to you. And your lovely family!
    PATSY, falling is my greatest fear. I go nowhere, including bathrooms, without my walker. At the grand old age of 90, I think I'm the only one living here who has never fallen, which doesn't mean I never will, but I'm glad you ended up (SANDY, too) with merely bruises!
    <3 Buzz

    ..............................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!...........................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hey BUZZ, I'm 82! Only 8 years behind you!
    Glad you didn't break anything PATSY, VERY glad!
    Go for it SANDY, it appears everyone here drinks the liquid.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,168 Member
    edited October 2017
    Buzz, no it was local and I signed up online so there was no flexibility. If I go next year I will call in and talk to them! Congrats on staying upright. I sincerely wish I had not fallen and broken my teeth. Could have been worse I guess.

    Meanwhile I am very distracted, my friend’s biopsy came back positive for cancer. More tests on the horizon to see it it is contained in this lump or has spread. So unhappy. :'(

    I pray everyone is well.

    Hugs and a few more hugs.

    Lin :'(:'(
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Buzz: as always, you are an example of a woman who defies age. You look and act like a woman much younger. Age really is just a number.

    Jackie: I saw in the news that you had a pretty nasty storm heading your way. Glad you escaped the worst of it. We had a similar experience this weekend with the meals we had planned for our son. They were okay but not as good as the should have been for the price. More and more, we are experiencing bad and insufficient service. Sign of the times?

    Sandy: I had a colonoscopy and I was okay but I hated the before prep. I guess it must be done and you will do it with grace and positive attitude. I , on the other hand, yell and kick and make a fuss. I make everyone around me miserable. In other words I do it all wrong!

    Anne: as much as we may love our daughter in law or son in law, it is quite lovely to have our original little family together again. To you and the sneakers in general...age? Forget about it!!!! You are young where it counts. The gray matter is still firing on all cylinders.

    Lin: your experience seems to be the common for all vegan friends of mine. Dear one, I fear you must continue to plan and fix your own food. We live a world of unhealthy food that we push on everyone. We all pay for these unhealthy choices with health issues.

    Now what was I going to do? Oh yeah! Have a nice day.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,168 Member
    Hi ho, it’s off to Mah Jongg I go. Groceries from TJ’s are put away, the weather is sunny, the leaves are gorgeous and I have a cup of coffee.

    Wishing everyone contentment.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    edited October 2017
    Happy Tuesday!! :) I have a couple of errands to run before meeting Lisa and the boys for Max's 9 month pictures. Then I will go back to their house for their date night to watch the boys.

    Lin, have fun at Mah Jongg now that you have done your errands.

    Patsy, not sure about that grace and positive attitude but will get the job done even though I hate it. I would rather be safe than sorry since colon cancer is curable if caught early. I am sorry for your fall and know the feeling of being embarrassed.

    Anne, you are usually first, must be a nice day for walking.

    Buzz, yes I have had colonoscopies since I have been 50 so I know the routine just never had to drink the prep before. They claim the pills are bad for your kidneys so I will listen to reason.

    Jackie, I don't qualify for the smear test because of all the cancer in my family. I wish I did, that I could handle.

    I hope everyone has a great day, I am happy to be back to my everyday life.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Well we've finally got no wind, plenty of sunshine and a very good day for digging the last of the veggies, onions. I made a big veggie and chicken stew to share with Jilly Jean. She got mainly chicken with lots left over for later and I got mainly veggies which are now a memory and nothing left over! I don't put onions in this stew because they are bad for wee doggies. I Add them later in cooking to my portion. One thing about having a small dog is she is easy to cook for and the chicken I cook lasts about 2 days so it's no more expensive than the expensive brands of canned dog food.

    Glad you are going for the liquid prep SANDY. I think my attitude if I should ever need such a procedure will be to join PATSY in the yelling and kicking up a fuss department. No one around here has heard of a pill option.

    If anyone is interested, it's probably only interesting to me because of my working background, Bombardier has gone into partnership with once rival Airbus so it doesn't look as if thousands of workers in Canada and Ireland will lose their jobs after all.

    And on that optimistic note Jilly and I will trot off to the communal mailboxes and see how many bills have arrived!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Things are normal here...rainy, cloudy and windy! But all in all, a great cup of coffee and a cd of great bluesy jazz and there is of course, a great chat with the sneakers.

    I feel better today after a nice sleep. The fall left me with a few very colorful bruises and sore muscles. I had this idea of making the bruises into tattoos. That is very trendy these days. However they are in inaccessible parts of my body! Back of my arm, my hip and my backside. Speaking of tattoos...I am sort of amazed at the huge tattoos that the young people are getting. It doesn't look very pretty or artistic to me. I know I am old school, as they say. Almost every person under 50 these days are sporting some huge design all over there arms and legs. I fear that ink will cause problems later.

    National Geographic this month is all,about happiness. Interesting! So many of our friends suffer depression. Dreary dark weather is a problem for me at times. Not all times however. Living here on the coast, one does need to develop a plan to cope with all the rain. Katie the Great helps a lot. She is now chewing happily on a pair of my good socks. They now have ragged tops and holes in the toes. I'll wear them anyway.

    Trying flavored coffee...chocolate!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Tattoos PATSY. I wonder what will happen when these young folk with today's taut skin become old and wrinkly! Now there's a depressing thought! The mind boggles envisioning this. Roses in their glory becoming droopy and faded like their owners. "I love Bill" or whoever, only readable when the skin is pulled taut. Not a pretty sight in the shower. Some brave souls outline their eyes black. Can you imagine having a granny with the goth look!!. Not to mention outlined lips with bright red filling! The senior citizen homes could be very interesting in 50 years time! Shades of Stephen King.
    Anne the unblemished, well at least tattoo free!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Funny funny ANNE! Seniors today seem to be very "with it"!
    PATSY, I have mixed in Hazelnut flavored coffee into my pot of dark Columbian and when I have coffee elsewhere, I really miss that flavor! By the way, I think what makes Florida so attractive for me is the Sunshine, which means very little depression!
    Massive download tonight of changes to windows 10. My friend an neighbor yelled help, so I went over to see if I could find his email,, which now contains only empty folders, all of his mail having disappeared! I finally found some mail in his Inbox, but all that remained were ads from Beall's department store! I ran a scan and there were only 2 malware found on Malwarebytes, and I suggested he get Dell or other experts to find his last 2 weeks of email! I hope it had nothing to do with all the new Windows updates!
    After dinner, we had the most wonderful "classical jazz" concert , discovering our beautiful Steinway concert grand had been moved (!!!) downstairs to our main lobby during the massive renovation of the 2nd floor auditorium and everything else! The five man band were all retired musicians of tremendous talent and taste! After an hour of all my favorite "swing" , etc. I requested Sweet Georgia Brown, which they played wit extra love and my mood from all the glum news today brightened considerably. Nothing like beautiful music to soothe the soul! I still wonder how the heck that huge piano was brought downstairs!
    Midnight in 5 minutes, and I must get more sleep than last night. SANDY, JACKIE, LIN and all our lurking friends, have a lovely night!
    <3 Buzz

    ..............................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!...........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Gloomy weather again but at least the wind died down after the storm although I gather another is on its way..... those warming oceans if anyone will listen!!! Yesterday after walking on the moors in glorious sunshine I returned home to find my hedges being cut back so having left them coffee and tea supplies in the kitchen I drove off to Plymouth for lunch with my friend who lives by the sea. We had a lovely catch up although we do talk regularly on the phone. Before driving home I walked George along the road, up steep steps to the top and across the Hoe where Francis Drake apparently played bowls while the Spanish Armada sailed into view but he insisted on finishing the game! Such a shame history lessons now barely go back beyond the horrors of 20th century wars.... I used to love these romantic stories told in classrooms which stay with me today! Last night our destination was a war memorial that currently has a display of a few of the ceramic poppies that adorned the Tower of London a couple of years ago.

    Having read all the posts and caught up I'm so sorry to learn so many have had falls so are sporting bruises and aches. Is there something in the air? It's only quite recently that people with tattoos have been accepted into jobs where they meet and greet the public otherwise they felt discriminated against and I have to say when not long ago I was dealing with a manager in a store who had a bright green splodge of a tattoo appearing out of his collar and up his neck I struggled to concentrate on the conversation as I tried to work out what it could possibly be..... a lizard perhaps or the green fields of Ireland; I never did decide! I did hear the news about Bombardier Anne and the obvious conclusion it was done deliberately to avoid the recent moves against them which just goes to show there are cleverer businessmen than the one instigating the attack on them!! Buzz I wouldn't be able to rest until I discovered how that beautiful piano was moved! Could it have been hoisted out of a window and back in further down or perhaps you have a large lift (elevator) hidden away somewhere? Itt's like one of Lin's mysteries!

    Oh, a hint of sunshine so I will get myself moving because I need to check if my bees require more sugar syrup and perhaps muck out the hens which reminds me, I have registered with the British Hen Welfare Trust that rescues birds from intensive farms so will hopefully soon have a few new faces in the chicken run!

    Midweek already..... where does the time go?

    PS. My neighbour just sent this photo of George enjoying Dartmoor with friends while I was away in London!!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited October 2017
    Cute JACKIE. I'm beginning to think that George, Jilly and Katie have more interesting social lives than myself.
    Dear old Francis Drake and his bowls, well he wasn't that old when he died, in his fifties, but old for his time. Did you ever see his famous drum? Can't quite remember the full poem about defending England, but the ending was something like:

    Just beat my drum in Devon,
    And I'll quit the port of heaven,
    And I'll fight for merrie England as I never fought before.

    We could need him! Preserve that drum!

    Let those who will
    Their acres till,
    Or learn to shove
    An inky quill,
    For me a life bravado.
    I'm off to El Dorado.
    Oh boy, you've got me going again. SHUT UP Annsie.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    My goodness, almost empty today! I've been playing with my new cellphone, and I hope I know what I'm doing concerning not using my WiFi as it appears to access it automatically, yet it's not showing up on the internet. Comcast shows it as one of my devices, yet says there is no activity, so I'd better get to understand "usage" better than I do!
    JACKIE, I will definitely try to find out about the piano, as it is huge and our elevators ar not!
    ANNE, what a memory.!
    I must go work at my hair, which I was ready to cut yesterday, except it suddenly looked full and splendid after shampooing so I cancelled. Probably today will be a bust. Anyway, din-din is shortly and I'm not ready because I was busy practicing texting and my fingers are too fat! To be continued.....
    <3 Buzz
    ..............................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!...........................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    edited October 2017
    Happy Wednesday! :) Busy day again, went for a dental cleaning, then to buy a gift certificate to give to my friend tonight as they invited me to celebrate her birthday with them. I also had a no chip manicure and now it is almost time to change for dinner.

    Buzz, my hair always looks the best the day I have a hair appointment. lol What kind of phone did you end up buying and usually it is better to use wifi than data.

    Anne, you do indeed remember all the old songs or/and poems. If you were as cute as Jilly you would also have a social life. (just kidding)

    Jackie, love both of your pictures, the poppies are beautiful and your friends showing George the no swimming sign is funny.

    Anne and Patsy hope you are enjoying your days.

    Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,168 Member
    edited October 2017
    Hello, another lovely fall day here. Did the usual Tai Chi, then getting together to color (only one of my friends there but that was okay), home to watch a webinar, made soup and started sorting through bills. Not paid, just sorted. The volunteer group for our fire department sent out a notice asking us to attend a pancake breakfast. Unfortunately the letter was dated in late September and the pancake breakfast is long over. Great job post office.

    Yes, an interesting day here on the Sneakers. Great photos and interesting poetry. All gratefully accepted. Thank you.

    I should get back to my paper sorting. :D I don’t think I will ever be paperless.

    Buzz, my phone usually hooks up to WiFi in my house automatically but I had to give the phone my password the first time so it could access the network. I have an old phone and not a great phone plan but if I am NOT on WiFi I see 3G in the corner of the display. I assume most people would see 4G. You can turn off WiFi connectivity if you want to on most phones. I usually struggle to keep my phone attached to my network. It slips off and then I have to reboot it to get reconnected. Pain!

    I hope you will get everything figured out to your satisfaction.

    Best wishes everyone.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just checking on my way to bed. Busy figuring out what I have or do not have on my new Samsung Galaxy J7 Perx, for which I requested no data. Calls are unlimited, and 500 texts a month for $20, but I don't have to start paying until February since there was still $89 left on my old account once I got the new phone. Virgin Mobile rolled over minutes 12 years ago when I first joined them during Hurricane Wilma, and I'm thinking I may use this one more frequently. I have a modem in my apartment for my house phone and the internet. Of course I have a crazy password so it's locked to anyone else. However, I don't know that it can be used outside my apartment, and there is a guest WiFi available in the rest of the buildings to which I just checked off availability on my phone. If anyone thinks I know what I'm doing, I haven't the vaguest idea! SANDY, I did not sign up for Data, especially since I don't know what that means! So there is WiFi available, but I have no idea if I get charged for using my own for this extra phone! Eventually I suppose I'll learn, just as I did the computer...hit and miss! By the way, My friend asked me to help find his email, and since I've never failed to figure out his problems (they think I'm a genius!) I went next door, logged on, clicked on his, and- - -NOTHING in any of the folders; but NOTHING anywhere. His email completely disappeared! I Googled the problem and holy crow! It is happening to tons of other computers, as well! I didn't want to mess with restore since we did a scan with Malwarebytes and only 2 bits of malware showed up, and it could be either the downloads from Microsoft, or he's been hacked...or it's way over my head! I even tried Windows new Mail program to see if they moved it over without announcing it, but that, too, was empty! Drat!
    JACKIE, I didn't know George can read, lol! Love it!
    LIN, it never occurred to me that cell phones needed WiFi! I'll look in the corner when I turn it on. It also has cameras but since I don't have email on it, I don't see the point!
    I'm off..............oh, I was told the piano legs were removed and professional movers positioned it on one of the larger elevators. The Steinway and the organ are both absolute gems, and amazing for a small auditorium. I do hope they include a new audio system in the massive renovations!
    <3 Buzz

    ..............................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!...........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Midday already and I can see a yellow tinge to the sky similar to our hurricane day. Another storm on its way but mild and just a bit strange for our October weather! On the way home from a walk in the woods I left George snoozing in the car (windows wide open!!) at the allotment while I collected up our 5 pumpkins and at least 30 sweetcorn cobs to split with my neighbour. With my pumpkin I'm going to make a mild curry if I can find a decent recipe and the sweetcorn will be blanched and frozen. Lots of housework to be done today too!

    Anne ~ George has a better social life than me too!! Many years ago I went to Buckland Abbey where a wonderful monk called Father Adam bred special honey bees that were calm and productive so there was always plenty of honey, wax candles and mead to be purchased!! I do my best to follow his philosophy on beekeeping.... never easy when a queen is bad tempered but I try!! Anyway, I knew Drake's dying wish was that his drum be taken to the abbey so he could return from Heaven to collect it if England was ever threatened in the future but blow me, they have a replica in its place so he'll be very cross if he has to come back only to discover the original is locked in a fridge in order to preserve it in another part of the UK!!

    Buzz ~ Mystery solved!! Still quite an achievement to have moved such a beautiful piano so carefully. While away in London with my friend she tried to explain several aspects of her iphone to me but like you I find it goes either over my head or in one ear, out the other because I don't understand how, when traveling on a coach or walking round a city centre, she can get a signal because I thought one had to know a password for wifi. Perhaps it isn't wifi but satellite since whoever "THEY" are, they know exactly where a phone user is at any given time but I fear one day I'm going to have to find out but then I was always far behind the majority when it came to modern technology. The nineteenth century would have suited me so I'm hoping experiments in time travel will come to fruition before I pop my clogs and I can at least visit Victorian times for a short while and if for no other reason get away from what seems constant phone calls from 'unavailable' numbers pestering me about a government grant that I might be entitled to.... yeah right!!

    My hair does the same.... fights with me for weeks before an appointment then on the day everyone says how nice it's looking and the cycle begins again!!

    Oh dear, George is in one of his bark at the wind moods which means he's going to be doing so for most of the day. I'll make myself some lunch and see if a bit of activity on my part calms him down. Hello to Sandy, Lin, Patsy and anyone else I missed.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,168 Member
    On Facebook today. Helford Village, Cornwall. So beautiful. Oh my. <3

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited October 2017
    Oh dear JACKIE, there will be some frantic defrosting of Francis's drum if England's green and pleasant land gets attacked!
    I'm with you in wanting to live in a past era. Victorian times appeal except for the corsets. I don't think I could stand corsets if suddenly transported. Mrs Gaskells "Cranford " always appealed. Lovely village, gossipy ladies sipping newly imported tea, and regency dress with not a corset in sight I believe. Think Jane Austen. The bonnets would be handy as well to solve visiting today's fiendish hairdressers. A few fetching curls around the face, the rest stuffed in the beribboned bonnet and Bobs your uncle as we used to say.
    Have a lovely day friends,
    Anne, wondering whether to get my hair cropped again. It doesn't look bad right now, but out in the wind, mmm.
    P.S. Watched Farages speech at the EU on YouTube and enjoyed it! He looked like the Cheshire Cat at the end. Had to smile when he said none of the - what?? - gathered assembly? - had real jobs.
    Thanks for the photo LIN posted at the same time as I wrote. Worth fighting to preserve don't you think!