Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Good evening.

    Good to hear from you Jeri. Everything you've been doing sounds like great fun. Will you be happy to be home once again? Maybe you will have itchy feet to get going again soon. Have you been traveling with the new camper and truck?

    Anne, I have been listening to a bit of the news about the storm and it is horrible news indeed. One of my few vacations was to St. Martin. Lovely lovely island. I imagine it is transformed now. I hope they will be able to recover quickly. So it was a night of unrest in the Sneaker doggie family. I wonder what she was dreaming about? I hope you both get rest tonight.

    Jackie, I have never heard of Doctor Foster. I looked it up of course but do not have access to it. I think Episodes of the first season are for sale on Amazon's streaming service. I doubt I will purchase though. The show does sound somewhat odd but lots of dramas can be a bit difficult at the start and then you end up loving them. I hope George is letting you rest this evening. It was a restless night.

    We had a new lady join in at the library today so much more time spent playing games and less time talking about anything personal. I missed the easy conversation we usually have.

    Trying to decide if I will go to Tai Chi in the morning or if I should made a trip to Walmart. I guess I will decide in the morning.

    I am going to take my very itchy, scratchy eyes and call it a day.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    edited September 2017
    Happy Thursday! :) Such a busy day! Went to my meeting, ran some errands and then to Babe's to put up new rod and vertical blinds! Lots of of drama and problems with Babe's son and his business! Babe continues to enable and where this all ends is in God's hands! Let's just say it is not good!

    I am going to my friends farm early in the morning to meet other friends and go to the Sandwich Fair! Not sure how long I will stay at fair but will spend the night at the farm! Saturday another fun day with the boys at a place just for kids with rides and fun things!

    My daughter keeps telling me they are in no danger but as her mother I still worry, just as I worry about Buzz! Stupid Irma!

    Too late to use my brain! Probably won't be back until Sunday when I have to pack for Wisconsin!

    Enjoy life, it is too short!

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    My post went into thin air after I clicked on Post Reply! Too tired to repeat. but I have 2 web sites in case I get socked with Irma... an yes, she is one whopper! Bigger than Harvey or anything ever recorded, and the width is around 400 miles. SANDY, I don't recall if Jacksonville is in or out of the loop! At some point north of me (we seem to be dead center!), it seems to go east offshore, but it will be getting Georgia and SC!
    OK,, we received 2 websites to send to friends and family:
    Acts is the name of the group owning 32 retirement communities. The name of my community is Edgewater Pointe Estates at Boca Pointe (what a mouthful!) If and when my electricity goes, one of those websites will be able to give you information! We had a Hurricane buffet tonight, and will start the breakfast, lunch and dinner hurricane program on Saturday.
    I am grateful to all of you as your wishes reach me, and I, too hope for the safety of everyone in Irma's path. I should be able to post tomorrow; after that, we shall see, but my lanterns, radios and batteries are all set and working and ready for whatever comes along. If the windows blow out (I'm on the 3rd floor facing south of a 5 floor building), there are plenty of safe havens in my buildings, all connected. At least 1 elevator in each building will be on generator. Every floor has a lovely lobby and each of the 4 residential buildings has a lobby plus our "club" building (NO, I did not move into a country club!) has a lovely safe large lobby and 3 dining rooms, all on super generators. So I really am more secure than if I were still in my private home. I just wish I had storm windows as 185 mile winds are nothing to sneeze at! I hope this one doesn't disappear (this post, that is!)
    <3 Buzz
    ..................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!...........

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A usual start to the day walking in the woods as it's a bit grey and drizzly. After my coffee this morning I will take a shopping list to a local store that sells just about anything you might want so is always horribly busy, hence the list so I can rush round, grab, pay and get out!! We were warned about the consequences of warming seas but these hurricanes are beyond belief and it's tragic so many Caribbean islands have been in Irma's path. Now an earthquake in Mexico and with so much going on in our environment let's hope leaders wanting to hurl rockets round will have more important things to deal with!

    Anne ~ Did you see this on the news about the earthquake in Mexico? I know it's so many miles from you but who knows about such phenomenon... perhaps your Northern Lights were more Southern!!
    Tabitha had tabby in her didn't she and I was warned when taking Brady on as my first ever true tabby that he would be a hunter and he's living up to the reputation!

    Lin ~ Dr Foster is a programme with typical British black humour and irony although serious so probably best avoided. As unstable the Doctor appears you kind of want her to do the things she does!! Last night I set my recorder to record a 2nd series of Safe House although I missed the first but think each covers a different story. Of course that may not be available to you either.

    Sandy ~ I'm intrigued about a Sandwich Fair..... surely not just sandwiches available? Poor Babe; only he can make the necessary changes to his life but I hope he appreciates your loyalty and care.

    Buzz ~ I've made a note of the contacts should we not hear from you for a few days and thank you for thinking of posting them. Of course we will worry about you until we know you came safely through this and you have far more experience of hurricanes than me because I never have but do stay away from windows once it reaches Florida. The 3rd floor sounds ideal, high enough to avoid flooding but not directly under any roof that might get damaged. Tuck yourselves in the middle of those safe havens and know we are all thinking of you. <3

    Jeri ~ Lovely to hear from you and know you are still enjoying your travels. What a view especially with the stormy sea!

    I must get on, tidy the kitchen and tootle off with my shopping list. Everyone take care, enjoy your Friday.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Yes JACKIE, Tabitha Daisy was a full blown tabby cat and caught anything that moved, giant grasshoppers, chipmunks, grass snakes, but oddly rarely killed anything, just brought them in the house to show Mom. I suspected she thought the chipmunks were kittens being the same colouring,
    Her only rival was the cat we brought to Canada, the never to be forgotten Thelly who was white with black patches. A farmer offered to take him in when we emigrated because he caught rabbits but such was his personality (he used to trot to the shops with me and the then little boys, attacking all dogs that got in his way) we couldn't bear to leave him behind at the age of 9. He was the Rolls Royce cats kitten and had the shape of an aeroplane in black on his white chest.

    Oh BUZZ please stay safe! Like Jackie said keep well away from windows. I've never experienced a hurricane either. We usually get the aftermath of rain as it moves up and weakens. I shall be on tenterhooks all day tomorrow thinking of you! Point taken about "earthquake" lights in Mexico! JACKIE.

    What IS a sandwich fair SANDY?

    Welcome back to the mainland JERI! And LIN sincerely hope those scratchy eyes are on the mend. PATSY, hope the sciatica is receding, RAPIDLY..

    Grocery Friday, what's new! Except Mike is coming over this afternoon instead.

    Stay safe everyone, PLEASE!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Just to clear up where I am going; Sandwich is the name of the town. It is a County Fair with rides, exhibits and food. I am sure there will be cows, horses and other live stock since it is farm country. Sorry, made me laugh when you thought I was going to eat sandwiches. :D

    Have to jump in shower, will be back tomorrow.

    Have a wonderful day and stay safe.
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    OK, everything is filled with working batteries and ready to go, including my treasured fans! Florida without AC is unthinkable but last time we had a really bad hurricane it was October and not as hot! I promise to stay away from windows and I think I'll be really OK. So thank you everybody, I will heed your advice and love you for giving it!
    JERI, your phot is not simply N.S. as I remember it, but also a dramatic work of art! WOW!
    SANDY, have a great time in Sandwich, and I believe your daughter's saying what she is, has to do with her not wanting you to worry! She hears the same warning I hear, and I'm sure she takes similar precautions! Being your daughter, I'm certain she is a bright and caring woman! We'll both be fine and have fun at the Fair!
    My headphones arrived and they are beauties and when this is over, I'll try an installation so I can talk instead of type! Hugs to all...
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!.......................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Hello friends,

    Buzz, we will be standing by. Living in tornado country does not afford much if any preparation time. I always keep shelf-stable food, bottled water, batteries, flashlights, blankets, first aid kit and more in my basement hoping that I would have access to that in an emergency. I can never get extra medication though. We are told to have an extra refill available but my insurance company and doctor have never cooperated with that. I even have a sleeping bag down there. :) I would not know everything needed for hurricane prep and of course I wouldn't be able to install storm shutters if I had any. You sound well prepared my friend.

    Sandy, enjoy the fair. I too was somewhat puzzled initially not knowing the name of that county although an event to sample sandwiches does sound like a profitable idea. People go to the Saturday morning farmers market downtown to eat as much as to purchase vegetables.

    Jackie, nope, Safe House is not available either. Perhaps someday Acorn will get rights to broadcast one or both of them. That is usually a few years after they have aired on BBC. And I love it. List in hand, running as fast as possible through the mega store grabbing the needed items. Yes!! That is similar to my approach to Walmart! I couldn't face that today. Maybe next week. I really do need to get there.

    Anne, happy shopping afternoon. I stopped at a truly great sale at Michael's today on my way back from Tai Chi. Several brands of drawing/painting papers are half price. Micron pens also half price. Paper I need for several projects was marked down to just two dollars a package. Wahoo!!! Then I ignored the rest of the merchandise. :D of course I did not get to TJ's for cherry tomatoes. Oh well, first things first. :D oh and my eyes will likely not get any better until after frost when the pollen disappears and hopefully when the smoke stops wafting our way. It is sort of a year round thing, just worse when the pollen level is high.

    Our card making group is meeting tomorrow morning and I am putting together my kit of supplies for the meeting. The person leading the project sends a list of things to bring in addition to the normal stuff. But we have no idea what we will be making. That is a surprise when you arrive.

    Best wishes to everyone.



  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Hello fellow sneakers, sorry I've been off for a while. Got a few weeks of more tests biopsies excetera, so far things are looking good polyps in the stomach benign just have to deal with the chronic nausea and heartburn. The surgeon determine surgery would not help for the acid reflux that's burning my vocal cords just need to keep taking the medicines.
    Sandy, glad you didn't ignore babes birthday I'm sure he was happy to hear from you. It was great to hear that you have another year on your lease without any increase. You are very lucky to have the boys so close and be able to see them regularly please enjoy. I do miss my grandson, but we'll have to deal with things the way they are and hope that he will know that I do love him. I I also do not like the F-bomb, but it seems to be frequently used amongst those who do not know how to express themselves appropriately as Patsy so aptly said. My sister has already closed down the pool for the season so no more swimming even if we get an Indian summer. Hope you can enjoy your last few days at the pool before they closed it down

    Annie, sorry for the name change my voice does not want to pick up and write your name correctly oops! Love all your stories especially Jill stories, she seems like quite the character and I'm glad she's giving you a lot of love. My voice recognition does not like Jilly either yay it took it this time chuckle chuckle. Being a retired RN I too was interested in the story of the nurse who was arrested for doing her job. The officer should have gone through her the correct procedures to obtain the blood. Sorry to hear they didn't get your air conditioner out but hopefully it will be done next weekend.

    Yes,Lin , sings my voice recognition doesn't like your name either wants to go Lynn oh well. And yes we do enjoy pictures of your crafts you are so talented please post more. I agree I did not see any mistakes on your fashion coloring, they were lovely. I had an issue with my light coming on due to tire pressure for many months until they told me that it was with the change in temperatures so at season changes when the temperature is go from high and low so quickly that will cause the pressure lights to come on they say. And you are lucky because it costs us each time we have to have our engine light reset. Many times I have just left it and let it stay on cuz I know there's not an issue and eventually overtime it does go out. You've just got to love modern technology... Chuckle chuckle.. sorry to hear that the forest fire winds are blowing your way I know my nephew is having a lot of problems in Washington near Kent with falling ash from the fires.

    Jackie, are you hoping for new neighbor? Or would you rather live with the problem you know versus getting a problem you don't? Good job for George protecting you.

    Patsy, I agree it is very telling when someone uses the F-bomb and cannot express themselves appropriately. I am still contemplating whether I'm going to be able to modify my loan or if I'm going to have to move. I am truly not looking forward to purging through my accumulated Mass! I suppose it has to be done would be better sooner than later. I hope your test go well and that they find what they can do to help you with your sciatica and other pain. Living with pain is difficult situation.

    Buzz, my dear dear friend it sounds like you have things all planned out for the coming storm and I do hope that your windows hold up. It does sound as if the situation you are in is better than if you were in an individual home. You are surrounded by others and could get immediate help if needed. Obviously we all care for you and are concerned. Thank you for posting the sites where people can find out how you were doing. I am not very Tech literate but I'm sure Sandy in particular could figure out how to find out how you're doing and would let us all know. By the way I just use voice chat through my phone or Cortana through my computer to dictate here as I do not do well typing especially on the tiny keyboard on a phone or tablet.
    Jeri, glad to see you made it safe and sound back to Nova Scotia. It sounds is if you were a good help to your friend and I'm glad you were able to visit. Safe travels, and catch up with us when you when you have internet access.

    Well, sneakers, I have been busy with my Gardens both the one here at home flower end veggies as well as the community garden in the town. Plenty of Sun gold tomatoes, I have put up half dozen pints of homemade tomato sauce, and made a batch of tomato relish. I also have given neighbors and the food pantry several quarts of the sun gold tomatoes. The other Tomatoes seem to have gotten a blight that we cannot seem to get rid of. I've got two zucchini right now waiting to be shredded to make zucchini bread. I am either sauteing or roasting small zucchini and yellow summer squash daily and enjoying the Bounty while I can. I have had very few cucumbers and it had to buy a couple of the store. I just harvested the end of my broccoli this week and pulled the plant. I have also pulled all but two of my cabbage. They did not do well they are small and have had many whitefly problems. I plan to shred Blanche and freeze some for the winter. Carrot seem to be doing well and we'll pull them as I need them as they keep better when left in the ground. Coleslaw seems to be in my near future. My nephew is here the other day and helped himself to a popsicle out of my freezer and did not get it closed tight I again had problems with things melting. I have a girlfriend coming Monday and we will be going through the freezer and throwing a lot of stuff out as I'm not sure as to whether it thought or not would rather be safe than sorry... What a waste of good food! The freezer is out in the attached garage but I did not notice until a day or two later. Well, now that I finally got all the gastric appointments out of the way the next ones will be for the skin lesions when I see the dermatologist for consult, hopefully things will go as well there as they did for the gastro's. They did reschedule a couple of my appointments for the gastro when I went in because my vital signs were too low and they did not want to take the chance of anesthesia to do the biopsies at that time. I did get them done finally just yesterday Thursday and all appeared well, thank goodness and thank the Lord.

    Hope you all weather through the storms and the forest fires along with personal storms.

    Till next time your fellow sneaker
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Dear sneakers, I apologize for the run on sentences and words that were not picked up correctly in my previous post. I am using a voice recognition off my phone and it obviously is not getting all my words correctly, hope that the idea and thoughts were there in that you can understand what I was saying. The grammar sounds off when the recognition turned my words into the wrong tense, was into is regarding my nephew being here, turned will do into we will do Etc. So please pardon the typos and errors thanks again.Mae
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Early buffet breakfast today and I must use those compression boots this morning as my legs are so swollen. No dawdling today as Irma is expected later today and right now, supposedly on the west coast, but hurricanes seldom follow the expected path.
    On top of Irma (and someone reminded me Jose is on the way!) I had dealings with Equifax in the past 4 months and probably was among the millions whose information was stolen, including Social Security, banking, everything! My goodness, the world ha become complicated! I'd better get up (I AM up!) ad get going!
    <3 Buzz
    ...........Always TRY to believe something wonderful is going to happen!..............
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited September 2017
    George and I are waiting for the mobile dog groomer to arrive so of course he's already grumbling! Our walk in the woods was mucky after heavy rain last night so I gave him a good brush through to get bits of leaves and twigs off his tummy and leg fur so the trimming won't be too difficult.

    Sandy ~ What a laugh!! A Sandwich Fair just seemed so appropriate to try a variety of fillings but never mind, your post made me giggle for an age after reading it! :D:D

    Mae ~ So good to hear from you again especially all the gardening news. As for my neighbours possibly moving away I tend to think anyone new couldn't be worse but I get your point, it's sometimes better the devil you know.

    Buzz ~ I'm keeping my eyes on the news hoping that Irma will change direction but do know you are in a good place and as safe as you can be. Does low pressure in the air affect your legs? It certainly has my joints aching when it drifts over our islands.

    George barking rather hysterically which could mean the groomer is parking up so will wish everyone else a good day..... Anne, Lin, Jeri, Marie, Patsy. (Bound to have forgotten someone - sorry!)

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Good morning. Yes I'm glued to the news channel as well and I gather Irma is predicted to veer to the west coast of Florida. The same as JACKIE I feel you will be safe BUZZ within your community, but nevertheless do everything you can to protect yourself!!

    MAE, I believe you had a late start seeding your vegetables, but it sounds as if your garden has done amazingly well. I've just carrots and onions left now. The early mornings are getting pretty chilly here, only 5C this 6 am. That's about 41F I think. I hope the AC is out this week because with virtually an open window it was pretty nippy getting out of the shower. I'm Just warming up with a cuppa.
    Do you pronounce my name Annie or Anne as in Ann? I quite like Annie and often use it when referring to myself so no problem there, but a lot of folk think Anne with the original old fashioned E at the end is pronounced Annie. Just curious. I remember trying to type from a voice recorded machine difficult. I'm a touch typist like JACKIE so much preferred shorthand. However I think the microphone idea just wonderful, and don't worry about the machine making machine mistakes, we all understand. Just keep in touch!

    Well we've gone onto a new page so I daren't go back to see what everyone wrote! I'm sure you all want to know that Jilly is indisposed for the next few days! That means confined to the garden unless with big strong Michael. I don't want any large dogs pushing me over on our morning walks, especially as some male dog owners don't leash little Fido or whatever their hound of the Baskervilles is named. Otherwise no problems, she remains her mischievous little self at 19 months.

    Hope today is peaceful for ALL of us,
    Anne (or Annie if you prefer)
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Home from the card making and a slight detour to pick up cheery tomatoes. The store was empty!! Apparently everyone is watching the big big football game which is the University of Iowa versus Iowa State University. I toured every aisle in Natural Grocers taking note of the pricing on various products I purchase at other stores.

    Time to put things away and change my clothes. Oh gosh, I forgot I was going to do a load of laundry. So I will post a picture or two of the surprise cards today. I can see if I had known what we were making I would have brought along some things not on the list. Also sitting down at the end of the table puts me behind as stamps and punches etc are all started at one end of the table. They seem to have assigned seats. :D:D Maybe the new kid is supposed to scramble a bit.

    More later I hope.



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Oh and the ladies ooo'd and ahhhhh'd over this but I have no need for a baby girl card I don't think unless one lady who is expecting has a girl later this fall. She's not telling.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Greetings all! Today the weather is mild and a cool breeze is helping everyone feel energetic. It is to rain today and that will assist with the fire suppression with the wild fires. They are so scary and of course, unnessary. These fires were started by delinquent teenagers throwing fireworks into a steep wooded revine. Heartbreaking damage!

    I am in rehabilitation mode. I am trying everything to avoid surgery on my knee /hip/ back issue. Nothing like fear and anxiety to get one motivated. That translates to exercise and weight-bearing stretches. Why are they so boring? I always wonder about those folks who get so self satisfied and sanctimonious about their exercise program. I am most likely doing it wrong, not enough, the wrong kind etc. but I am moving those body parts with regular vigor. MEH!

    I have also been obsessed with the storm news. We have friends who live on one of the Keys. You know, on a good day, life is challenging living on an island. I am only slightly less concerned for Buzz. We have also considered relocating to Washington state. The desirable locations there are on islands with ferry service. Not sure I am up for that regimentation. Be on time or you wait until next time. You know I would be late.

    Okay! Anne/Annie/ will always be that cute red-haired, funny girl with the adorable little black dog. I see you sort of like PePe long stockings. Not sure how to spell that, even if it was a children's favorite.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Back for a few minutes.

    Mae, so much news from you. I am sorry for your continued medical problems but continue to be amazed by everything you accomplish and all the gardening you do while living with nausea and pain. And busy cooking and canning! Well done. Sorry for the pests that affected some of your crops but it seems there is usually some pest each year trying to take either the harvest or the plant itself.

    And I should have said, yes, if I went to the dealership to have the check engine light reset it would cost a lot of money. I purchased a diagnostic tool myself. I did some research and found one that would work with my car model and model year so I crawl around in the car, hook it up, and then run the diagnostic and erase the codes. Then the check engine light goes off. I usually leave it on for a few days before I get things together to reset it. I hate trying to wedge myself in the little space to hook up the little device. I cannot really see under there we'll even with a flashlight so I just try to match up the pins but that can take a while. Best wishes for your next tests.

    Anne, Jilly can just cool her jets for a while. Will either of your boys be over tomorrow? Or will you be spending the day keeping in touch with friends and family overseas? Air co dictionary being removed soon?

    Patsy, I am glad you are working on rehabilitating your back/hip/sciatic nerve. I trust you will find the right combination of exercises and stretches for maximum benefit.

    Listening to the news to try to keep up is becoming an obsession again---the fires are just terrible and it bothers me so that they cannot get them put out quickly. I know it is not possible but I worry about the wildlife, people's homes and businesses and more. So so sad.

    Well, I am tired. Too much excitement for me today. Leaving early tomorrow and will try to swing by the Antiques Jamboree on my way to church. They are doing a breakfast tomorrow morning before Sunday school but I am not interested in going that early. I am still helping with communion and am down to serve for then,onto of September as well.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited September 2017
    George and I walked a good 3 miles this morning across the moors and with lots of large puddles on the track we followed he had a great time splashing about. Scruff the wonder dog is at another doggy show so my friend didn't want her getting dirty beforehand!! Tomorrow I'm taking a friend out for lunch whose ex husband passed away a few weeks ago following years of alcohol abuse and in spite of divorcing him after some difficult times she was still very fond of him. His family aren't pleasant towards her so she can't face the funeral but I suggested we go to a local pub for lunch because before his drinking problems we had some great times there and can remember them over a glass of mineral water! Tuesday we restart yoga classes after a summer break and also I have to take Brady for his booster vaccinations then Wednesday I've my annual mammogram check. Thursday it's pedicure time but Friday nothing on..... at the moment!!

    Lin ~ The cards as ever are beautiful and I would suggest you hold on to the pretty pink one because it is timeless and unique.... someone will have a baby girl one day!

    Anne ~ A break from your morning walks and I don't blame you. It's surprising how many male dogs sniff around Scruff even though she's been spayed so why put yourself in the way of any amorous advances?

    It's lunchtime for me now and then, since it's now raining, I will do some housework and maybe watch a movie. Thinking of Buzz although I know our dear friend will be fine.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hello from us having a chilly but sunny early morning. The heating came on just in time for breakfast, but it's heating up a little outside now.

    Just checked the all day news station and Irma seems to be veering west, which is a great relief to all of us thinking of our BUZZ❤️. However. So sorry for the poor folks who get the full brunt of it.

    I agree JACKIE, keep Jilly home safe and sound! I think Michael will take her out though if and when he rolls up. He can withstand unleashed mastiffs hurling themselves at him! Me, I'd be flat on my back! The cycle lasts about 9 - 10 days judging from the last two. This is day 3. Apart from lack of her beloved walkies she's just being our Jilly as usual. Poor scruff having to keep clean and missing her walk across the moors with George, who is also missing out not seeing his pal.

    Oh yes LIN, do keep your very pretty baby card. There will be a baby girl appearing in your future at some point. Yes, I'm expecting phone calls today as always, long may it last. We are all getting long in the tooth! IF we HAVE teeth still, lol.

    There ain't much red left in my hair PATSY since I left the damp rust producing North Sea shore! It's mousy brown with the odd grey bits. Lovely! It helps me blend into the background though. Keep up the rehabilitation! I hope you can avoid surgery! All the folks I know around here who have had replacement bits are pushing walkers (Zimmers in England Jackie?).

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) I didn't make it on here to post yesterday, it was a busy day. The Sandwich Fair was great but tiring. I loved the horse show with the buggies, they were amazing. We then went back and played cards until 10:00 PM and I spent the night because the country roads are just too dark. I got home in time to shower and meet Lisa and the boys at a local amusement park designed just for little kids. Parents are free since they are too big to ride the rides. lol Bryanna's boyfriend surprised me when he tapped me on the shoulder. He was there for his cousins 2nd birthday party. When I texted Bryanna about meeting his mother she came to join us after she got done with work which was great since Robby adores her. Lisa and the boys joined me for Mass at 5:00 but Robby was a mischievous 3 year old all day so I was exhausted when I got home. Today I am washing clothes and packing for my trip tomorrow.
    I am also going to go and take Daisy for a little walk since Babe is going to his granddaughter's double header soft ball game. Whew! I am tired already. :)
    My daughter keeps telling me everything is fine in Jacksonville but I still can't help but worry. I do hope Buzz is also safe and out of danger.

    Mae, it is great hearing from you and sorry you had to endure more tests. You are a brave woman and handle your health issue with such grace.

    Lin, absolutely love your cards and yes especially the baby girl card. If I ever need a baby girl card I will buy one from you because it is so unique.

    Patsy, avoiding surgery is always good, I do hope your rehabilitation works.

    Jackie, someone else on Facebook asked my friend if he had sandwiches at the Sandwich Fair.
    Makes sense if you never heard of Sandwich. Sorry about your friend's husband, alcoholism is such a terrible disease. I think celebrating his life over lunch is a wonderful idea.

    Anne, do you put little panties on Jilly during her cycle? She is so tiny I doubt she makes a mess. TMI?

    This might be my last post for ten days so everyone take care of yourself, stay healthy, stay happy and know I will try to read the posts if they still have wifi in their clubhouse. We keep busy while there so we will see.

    One Day at a Time