Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Nope, you didn't miss my post because this is it! And I keep falling asaleep,! I'll be back tomorrow, much earlier so I can function
    :o --- <3 Buzz
    ......................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen....................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another beautiful day and we've already had our fun run across the moors, just George and me because my friend now takes Scruff to every local dog show going through the summer months. George and I prefer more sedate activities than jumping over hurdles!!

    Anne ~ No wonder the younger generation is so stressed if they can't go anywhere without a phone going off. We had the luxury of sitting on a train, subway, bus on the way to and from work with a book in our laps or a friendly chat to whoever sat next to us but now everyone has eyes fixed to a laptop or talks loudly on a phone! A friend of mine works part time in a petrol garage and refuses to serve people that have phones attached to their ear but instead makes them wait until they realise they need to hang up and talk to her politely.... it's a generation thing isn't it!! When we set off on our walk on the moor this morning a couple got out of their car and allowed a huge hound to rush over to George and bounce around him in a rather aggressive way totally ignoring their calls so George growled and snapped at its ankles. The couple then began to follow us but when we paused for me to bag up poo and the same thing happened they glared at me before taking an alternative route so I of course gave George a loud "good boy" for protecting us!! How bizarre for that woman to think someone lucky to be out of work but there's a compliment in there that she thinks you should be looking!!

    Sandy ~ Goodness me, an apology is not in my neighbour's vocabulary so no, just more mumbling which I prefer to the usual effing if you know what I mean!! :D I did hear the man with the chainsaw tell my nice neighbours he was cutting it all down to give a good view from that driveway and since there's more tidying activity in the past month than in 15 years I'm hoping they are planning to put the property on the market although I will miss some of the giggles I get at his explosive reactions to silly matters in spite of the expletives!! Great news about your rent but then I'm sure you are a model tenant! ;)

    Lin ~ You are right about the sense of community that shows itself after a major disaster and I am so impressed with how many have risked their lives to save others from the recent floods in your country. We had similar stories coming out of our terrorist attacks and that dreadful high rise fire in London which goes to show the majority of humanity is still kind and giving so maybe there's hope for us yet! Do we get to see photos of your finished crafts because it all sound fascinating to me?

    Hello to everyone else, it's now time for me to get on with outdoor tasks since our weather forecast isn't great after today.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Well it's 6:45 am here and it's a brrrrrrr morning. Wonder if there's frost on the zucchini outside because the forecaster said patchy frost! I'm sat in my dressing gown and Jill's leaning against me chewing her stick bone. I think it warms up a bit by Monday but meanwhile........!!!!!

    Happily not too many folk are as abrasive as JACKIEs "delightful" neighbour or my stressed out woman (in her early fifties I would think). I've seen her in the distance, I recognize her unleashed dog, but we are giving each other a wide berth. Maybe she's a real estate person with a deal to pull off. Who knows, but 7:30 am. I ask you! Good luck, Jackie, maybe your neighbour IS off to pastures new with another bigger, burlier neighbour of the male species to swear at! I think my dog walker thought I was lucky to be retired, not realizing YET that aches and pains and advanced years come with the territory!

    Yesterday, as always with my son, was a happy day. Jill got a huge treat given to her at the pet store where she's become quite a fixture.
    She met her pal the postman at the mailboxes. He always gets down to cuddle her. He's quite a dishy postman with reddish hair like Sidney in Grantchester. Lucky Jilly, lol. Yes, I know, I have one spoilt little dog! In fact the only downside yesterday was me worrying about my old friend Flo. I live too far away to visit and I don't know what to think. I can't phone before 1 pm because she sleeps all morning and remains in her nightie for the rest of the day unless she has to go out for groceries. She's 76 but seems to be in a decline, unaware how much time is passing. Fortunately her son and daughter live close by.

    Well, I must get on and eat my porridge. Jill's given up and she's fallen asleep still cuddled up. Hibernation? Oh no! Not yet!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Oh my if you want a good cry and if you can get it watch BBC top stories, "Houston floods -Uninsured and anxious, victims return home".

    Oh, and "US cop who arrested nurse placed on leave". A video.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Saturday!! :) It is the beginning of the long holiday weekend of Labor Day. Last weekend for the pool so I am hoping to utilize it if the weather cooperates. Right now it is only 65 degrees but is supposed to warm up and tomorrow 82. I will be going to Mass and then to visit Babe and Daisy.

    I watched the Diana special last night about her last 7 days and it was very sad. Her boys did a lot of the narrating and they are special young men. She definitely was the "Princess of the People".

    Anne, I don't need a good cry, the videos and stories I have seen are heartbreaking. I did see the video with the nurse and found it unbelievable. I am a little like your friend as I stay up late and sleep late. Last night I couldn't sleep so at 1:30 I took an unison and slept until Babe called at 9:45. I also stay in my nightgown until around noon before showering unless I have somewhere to go. Call it the perks of being retired. (I spend too much time on my computer)

    Jackie, your neighbor talks the way Babe's son does, every other word starts with the "f" word.
    People today use that word like it is nothing, I absolutely hate it!!

    Buzz, glad to see you are getting more sleep.

    Lin, you seem to have a lot of problems with your vehicle, tell me it isn't a Ford!! I too, would like to see the finished projects, I think you should get a spot on Itsy and sell some of them.

    Have a good day, if in the states enjoy your holiday!!

    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited September 2017
    If you are in Canada as well.......labour day weekend and Monday off. I'm going to a big Toronto mall with Mary jo and Mark. Could be gone for hours knowing Mary jo. Wish "home alone" Jilly a sleepy afternoon as it will be the longest I've left her. Anyone else notice we are up to page 400. Wow, almost a short novel! Well done you long timers!
    Cheers, Anne.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hi everyone! Another very warm day here...steamy, actually. I had a very lovely visit with my Alaskan friend. She is a wild one! She has traveled everywhere and while she is married to a fish and game marine biologist, she is very independent. She sews like a pro! She takes on everything with an adventurous spirit. I absolutely love her like a sister.

    On the rudeness of others, it seems to be a modern condition. People are in a hurry, they are stressed, they feel uneasy about everything. They are intolerant and are incapable of empathy. As far as using bad language...I see it as a person without verbal skills. They have poor people skills and don't have the skill to express themselves adequately. Then it gets to be a verbal habit! The idea is usually to shock. There are times when it is so common, I don't even really hear it. Isn't that something? It is losing all of its shock value. Sign of the times, I Fear!

    I really can't watch the flood videos anymore. I still have lots of cousins in Texas and while we don't keep in touch, I still have huge affection for them all. I have no idea where they are or how they are. What can I Do? I have donated and am putting together some stuff for the church donation. They are sending a huge truckload of stuff to one of the rescue centers.

    We all need to stay strong, the storm season has just begun. Be safe sneakers.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    OK, finally caught up with all the posts from the last 2 days. I don't know why I'm so disorganized, but I haven't even installed that Speech to text program yet! Most of the kids called today and the conversations were pleasant and lengthy. I'm so pleased hearing from Mike's kids, too.
    Anyway, 1:41 PM and I still haven't gotten out of my nightie and I think I'd better shower before anyone knocks on my door. I haven't gotten to the point where they start yelling at me yet! So sorry about Jackir's and Anne's experiences, and pleased for Sandy landlady's keeping the rent down! Please forgive me, but I've no real news...except I think that carpal tunnel thing is really helping me! even the burning part. I'm holding my breath. And and Patsy, can't tell you how many times I've "scratched " off skin things, and bled all over the place! I must get going here, yuck!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen....................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    edited September 2017
    Hello friends.

    Started out this morning getting a lot accomplished but have worn down with loads left to get through. Guess that is what a three-day weekend is designed to address. Haaaa

    Laundry is finished, codes erased so the check engine light is off once again. This will be an on-going issue for as long as I own the car. Every time the car does an emissions test, the light comes back on. The dealership has no idea what to do as they had already gone through their checklist. If you remember the next step was too leave it with them as they removed the gas tank etc. That would be. Eye costky and there was no guarantee the issue would be fixed. As to the tires, I do not know what is going on. Road hazards? I do know the tires are old and I am going to shop for tires later this fall and may replace them. The tread is still fine at this point.

    Now, once again the toilet seat is a problem. I think I need to get a new one. Difficult to describe how it attaches but not the way any of seat I have had ever ever attached. I think the metal screw has striped threads and it no longer can hold tight. I will purchase a new one soon. I have two other options in the house so I will be fine. But both are upstairs.

    With artists in the group I don't think I should be posting any cards. Having said that, yesterday was just a technique class, no cards were made. I am attempting to use Copic Sketch markers. These are alcohol markers rather than the water-based markers I had been sung (Tombow). You need to understand what stamping ink works with them and which ink will kill a marker. Which paper will work versus card stock that allows the markers to bleed. Regular photocopies from a printer with ink cartridges won't work whereas a copy (on a proper paper) from a toner cartridge will work. How to clean them, how to refill them, the numbering/lettering system, brush strokes (flick, flick, flick), techniques and shading and blending, fixing mistakes, etc. But you may already know this stuff so I have bored you. If it makes no sense maybe this will:

    I came home yesterday with these little fashion bits of coloring. Complete with novice errors.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    edited September 2017
    I tried to add to my post but it kept erroring so thought best to post rather than lose it. Then I tried to edit and got the same problem.

    Anyway, back to it.

    Anne, I hope when you return home all will be well. It is probably good if Jilly can learn that sometimes she may have to be alone for a little while. And I hope that your shopping trip went well and you found the things you needed (or that you want). I am glad that you decided to go along.

    Sandy, good day to be at the pool I hope. It is in the low 80s here. The sun has been out and then it clouds over but it is nice and warm. Warmer tomorrow I believe is the forecast.

    Buzz, I am glad you are hearing from your kids. That is a good way to spend your time and my golly, the chores and projects will wait. People first.

    Patsy, I am with you. I cannot do anything physically to help the people who have been through the horrible storm so occasional updates are fine. I never did hear about my friend's father. I hope to hear something at church tomorrow. Thank you for all your suggestions of different types of projects that might be very interesting. I think I have everything now for printing on gel plates, all I need is time to get around to it. I also have some paper clay and tools and metallic pastes. I do have lots of supplies to play with; perhaps enough for a lifetime! I do like to hear about things I haven't tried. You never know what you will really enjoy.

    Jackie, well you and George on your own with Scruff off at the dog shows. I guess we have to get to things while the weather is good. That is what I am doing now so I will be content to stay indoors this winter. I am not a fan of winter and my car is getting older. Do you have any problems getting your car around the local roads in the winter? I do have a bit of trouble with deep slush and of course ice. Maybe I should think about that when it comes to purchasing tires. Okay, enough discussion of cold weather! Did you harvest all the honey for this year? And how are the chicks?

    I need to try to get a bit more accomplished.

    I will hopefully have a few pictures to share at the end of September.

    Hugs and best wishes to everyone.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Just a quickie to say Jill survived for the 3 hours we were gone and was a good girl all around. I enjoyed the HUGE mall, but it was tiring. I picked up two pair of winter pants in the sales. Anyway, i can definitely leave Jill for longer amounts of time from now on.
    Anne the exhausted one,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Good morning, time to get going to church but I changed my pattern this morning and did an early run for cold brewed coffee to check on see if the tire indicator would come on again. It didn't and I have a nice expensive coffee to enjoy. :D

    Wishing everyone a healthy and happy day.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) I did not get to the pool yesterday, I thought it was too cool and cloudy. Today however it is going to be in the 80's so I will definitely go for the last weekend. Hard to believe summer is almost over, time just goes too fast.

    Lin, love your colorings, I do not see any errors just beautiful pictures. Glad your tires seem to be okay and you were able to check them getting that delicious coffee.

    Anne, always a score if you can find something on sale. I plan on going to our mall this week for some long sleeve tops, it could be chilly in Wisconsin. What a good girl Jilly is to be able to stay by herself. They say a dog can hold their potty for as many hours as they are in months, but I am not sure how true that is.

    Buzz, I am glad that brace seems to be working, it at least takes the strain of your wrist. How nice that yours and Mike's children call you, I am sure that makes you very happy.

    Patsy, my son just emailed me for a video call and said he is in another heat wave. Your friend sounds like an amazing person, she has had some great adventures.

    Jackie, hoping you are enjoying some wonderful weather, thus you are late in posting.

    Enjoy your day and hope your weather is cooperating.

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I just spent 15 minutes describing the very lavish party I did not get invited to tonight (red sequin tablecloths and all!), when my computer went crazy and sent me back to previous pages and of course all was lost! I must believe you would have been bored by the over the top descriptions, so I shall not grieve over the loss! Actually, the lady who will be wearing the sumptuous ball gown is getting her speech back, along with her memory, is celebrating her 75th birthday after about 5 years of her 2nd marriage, during which she suffered a massive stroke and heart attack 4 years ago! She plans to go back to teaching jazz dance to our residents! Her new apartment is all red with black accents! I don't mind not being invited because we have never really met!
    Well, I tried installing the Speech to text program twice, and after re-reading all the reviews, I will send it back to Amazon, where I bought it, thank goodness, since the manufacturer makes you consent to taking no steps against the product if it doesn't work! Amazon will refund my payment! It seems if one has Windows 10, the only way the program works is if it was installed 1st in an earlier Windows browser that then downloads Windows 10! Even the microphone and headset don't respond, and I tried to update all the audio drivers, but they are fine! Enough from me. everyone have a superb un-Labor Day!
    <3 Buzz

    ......................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen....................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Cruising by for a second, time to watch Endeavor!! I read "The Lost Order" by Steve Berry this afternoon. I ignored all responsibilities after returning home from church today. Feels good.


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Greetings! It is very unpleasantly hot here. It took forever to cool off tonight. There is however, a beautiful full moon. John is downstairs doing his exercises and I am getting ready to jump gratefully into a slightly warm shower.i think the correct word for that is tepid.

    I have been seriously dealing with too much stuff in my dungeon. I found stuff I no longer need, want, remember or have room for anymore. Out! Out! To the dump or goodwill.

    In discussion about leaving dogs unattended for a period of time...disaster! Katie would investigate, and chew up almost any and everything. She is a darling but not to be trusted. She can play ball until your arm falls off. She can find any lost item, no matter how small, espicially if it is dangerous or poisonous. There fore we are constantly on the alert. As the vet says, "that's part of their special charm"

    Happy Labor Day. Hope it is nice weather and spent with friends and family.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited September 2017
    No other description for our weather today but murky, no doubt because after torrential rain yesterday the ground is soaked but with still warm temperatures the air is damp and yes, murky! George and I had such a lazy day once home and dried off we did nothing more than sit around so today I decided we both needed a long, long walk and leaving Scruff, her mum and 2 extra dogs she's looking after to walk the woods we set off across the moors.... one minute steamy sunshine the next lost in low cloud, not literally as we know our way around now but certainly no views to enjoy! Since I don't wear a thingy on my wrist I can't be sure but we probably managed about 3 miles and once I've finished posting and sending a couple of emails it will be all housework for me. Also I'm beginning to sort the fruit out of the freezer and have apples and blackberries lined up for jam making and damson plums for damson liqueur made with vodka. Then there's the sloes and oh dear yes, more patty pans for ratatouille... the list seems endless!

    Lin ~ Stunning fashion colouring and gosh, weren't they the days when ladies dressed to kill!! When it comes to bad weather here with snow and/or ice I don't travel too far because we don't get the roads treated or snow ploughs until every other road in Cornwall is cleared even though we pay the same community taxes and after years living in Canada I can see that the majority of locals don't have any idea how to cope with a slippery surface so I avoid them! To my mind tyres are the most important items on a car from a safety aspect so do make sure yours are ok. We have air pumps at our petrol stations so we can check regularly and pump up to the correct weight if necessary rather than the bother of a tyre business. It annoys me that we have to pay for air but that's life today! I'm not sure there will be a right time to take the last of the honey off my beehive but it will have to be soon because I'll need to feed them their winter stores and settle them down for the winter. I've decided to purchase my own honey extractor rather than borrow each year from the local apiary so am trawling ebay for a bargain.

    Anne ~ That's sad about your friend Flo and sounds like a touch of depression if she's not inclined to wash and dress all day. My father got like that in the last few years of his life which was upsetting because he was always such a smart man when younger and my neighbour was telling me at the weekend how a friend in her 80's they visited is not only letting herself go but also her little dog so they made an appointment with a dog groomer and will phone to remind her on the day. When it comes to shopping centres I can barely walk for 15 minutes without feeling exhausted and yet outdoors go on forever. Perhaps something to do with the recycled air. I remember the Eaton centre being built when I lived in Toronto and all those underground walkways that I'd rush to get through as quickly as possible since my only phobia is claustrophobia. By now there must be many more of both int he city. It's always a worry leaving dogs at home alone for too long. I do my best to keep it down to a couple of hours or leave him with my friend but it doesn't always work out then I feel very guilty although he does at least have the cats for company!! Just the one time early in our relationship George did a poo in the middle of my bed when left for a couple of hours but after a serious chat with him and I think his surprise that he wasn't hit as he no doubt would have been by the previous owner, he's never done it again.

    Sandy ~ Our summer officially ended August 31st but then we have all sorts of official and unofficially events that don't mean much so we take it all with a pinch of salt! It's always fun buying clothes for a holiday isn't it and no doubt when my Norwegian cruise is booked for early next year I'll be out purchasing thick woollies!! This year does seem to by flying but then we all fill our days with so many interesting pastimes I'm not too surprised.

    Buzz ~ Well, that lady with her red sequins sounds like someone worth getting to know because I'm imagining a fascinating life spent in dark jazz clubs or holding decadent all night parties.... something to do with the red and black!! She's probably not like that at all but fun finding out!! I'm sure my Windows 8 laptop has a speech to text alternative programme so I will now investigate and get back to you.

    The postman just delivered a box that should contain a special double sieve for use with the extracted honey so I must also get another ebay search going for the rest of the kit I need.

    Happy holidays to you all. Is it another turkey eating event or do you have to wait for Thanksgiving for that?


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Buzz ~ When I clicked on my search engine and typed in speech recognition the programme appeared and was ready to set up with a sentence for me to read aloud. It seems you can verbally stop it recognising your speech too although I didn't delve too far. Forgive me if you already tried this and discovered it isn't in your system.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Saturday, the last time we saw the sun!!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hello, we've just got back from a lovely autumny walk. We had a long chat with Joyce and Reilly. I've got the family over at various times, Mike for lunch - chicken pot pie. Mark later with family, hopefully to take the A/C out now the humidity and high heat seems to have departed.

    I was really pleased that Jilly was okay with the 3 hours left alone. I won't make a habit of it of course, but I needed to know she can handle 3 hours in case I need the dentist etc. The bus ride to the dentist takes up one hour there and back alone. No damage at all, no mess. I think she probably slept because there was a dent in her bed which wasn't there when I left. Everyone around me works during the week so I can't leave her with anybody.

    Mark and Mary Jo are talking of spending Christmas lunch/dinner at a winery hotel in the Niagara region. The whole of us except Jill of course. Then once we are home she would join us at their house for the evening card playing etc. I'd like her to get used to 3 hours, because as MJ said one can't become a complete hermit. It's difficult because as all you dog lovers know they are our family and I really love the little girl and she's my loyal little daily companion.

    The shopping mall was a refurbished Sherway. HUGE. I walked the whole time, not a sit down anywhere! AND we only saw half of it. My local mall is teeny compared to it. Every brand store under the sun. It was teeming with folk from every background possible. Fascinating. I hope I get asked to go again before the old legs conk out!

    Well, I better get down to pie making etc.
    Enjoy labour day everybody and think of the poor kids trudging back to school tomorrow, summer cottages and paddles in the lake now in summer 2017 past.