Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Thunder storms have been rumbling round the hills since midday so not much hope of getting into my garden but this morning I did go to an auction viewing about 12 miles away and after some thought have just left an online bid on a G-plan nest of tables. They need a small amount of waxing or maybe French polish so hopefully other bidders will be put off! We had a good walk this morning through the woods and across fields to the river so George is resting when not running out into the garden to tell off whoever is making that rumbling noise!!

    The friend who helped on Saturday by towing me in my car home is a whizz with engines but even he is unable to do very much with modern computerized cars and I agree with him when he says it isn't necessarily an advancement to have a vehicle that makes decisions for you that you don't agree with!

    Anne ~ When I returned to the UK from Canada in my late 20's I was a stone and a half lighter than I am today and I remember my mother saying my face had changed so she hardly recognised me! I do know I'm now a stone lighter than when I was 50 and double that from a year after I retired so that should be good enough for me even if I still have a bit of a spare tyre!!

    Sandy ~ A new clutch doesn't sound like transmission to me so I do hope they don't charge you and have at least checked the transmission isn't faulty. Friendly and cordial is what your SIL should be towards you considering everything but that's all I'll say except that's good Babe is reconnected.

    Buzz ~ My laptop had Windows 7 when purchased and was upgraded by a techi person to Windows 8 a couple of years ago which seems to have confused it as it tells me a different story each time I need to check and certainly Windows 10 won't download so I let it go on its merry way for now!

    Patsy ~ Hopefully your lunch with friends went well and you all found ideas and memories to smile and laugh about. John would get on well with my friend Brian on the subject of the mechanics of new cars opposed to classics. It took him 5 minutes underneath mine before he could find something that wasn't plastic to tie the tow rope to as it seems no one does it that way anymore!!

    Lin ~ Busy, busy! Was that the final episode of Grantchester.... I've not followed the series and seem to be missing some very good dramas at the moment for some reason and not sure I will be able to catch up but if I do and can recommend to you I will.

    The storms are getting closer I think so I'll go and give the hens some corn for their evening treat then put the kettle on for a cuppa.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Holy moly! The coffee pot died! This is a major emergency. I am not sure most people understand how big of an emergency this is...gigantic! So my day includes a quick trip to Costco or Fred Myers for the brand of coffeemaker I have always used.

    Sunny and mild today. Great day but I didn't want to spend it shopping for appliances for the kitchen.

    Let me tell you a weird and spooky thing...we have a large flock of crows that have lived around here forever. They do raid other birds nests and peck at garbage cans etc. I walked out on the deck and I saw a crow who squawked loudly as it flew off and it left a large black feather behind. I picked up the feather and the end was warm. I took it to my dungeon and put it on my painting table. Hours later I was in the dungeon and as I picked up the feather it WAS STILL WARM. Now here is even more spooky...this morning that feather is still warm and a large black crow is on our deck! Is that over the top weird? Or what? I think so but then as John says, "who takes old bird droppings to their art and painting area?" Okay! I admit to certain crazy urge to collect odd natural things I find from time to time. Now you know why Poe wrote that poem about the raven. These birds are way more than just big black birds.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Two buses to the mall and two buses back, but I did get my watch battery replaced, bought some face foundation and eye shadow and got a free gift of a rather nice orange tote because the makeup isn't cheap. However, no pyjamas. The battery replacement cost $5 more than the last time.
    The Bean forgave me for taking off on her after a lunch of roast chicken to which I added veggies and home grown spuds cooked with home grown mint for me. I've got home made bread rising at the moment prior to baking, so all in all quite a productive day.

    The zucchini are all perky and seem happy to be out of their pot and in among the flowers! Jill enjoyed the hose spray so much this morning I'm seriously considering getting her a small kids paddling pool like Jackie bought for George! Might even cool my tootsies in it when no ones looking! Some of the apples have dropped and she loves to play fetch with them because they are easier on her small jaws than a ball.

    So, here I am relaxing with a cup of tea after quite a busy, hot day and The Bean is fast asleep.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    Just say on Facebook that it is Marie and Jerry's Anniversary!!

    To the lovebirds:
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited July 2017
    MARIE & JERRY <3
    <3 Buzz
    ...................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    <3 BARBIE <3 ; nice to know you're lurking! How are things working out with your newish non-poodle? And how are the physical problems doing? Are you completely healed? Best wishes to both of you dear people!
    SANDY, I'm holding my breath that perhaps you-know-who has turned over a new leaf. Is he in AA? Also relieved that Babe's problem was only a technical one! OK, so that's 3 problems at the same time (1. auto transmission 2. reaching Babe 3. Clutch replacement. Don't look for trouble. And when it's time to replace the car, for reliable, my old Camry could not be beat! It was an '007 and new was still good as new and the only money it ever needed was new tires and a new battery!
    Shoot, I fell asleep and it's now almost 1 AM ! I must improve my sleep hours! Love you all, but got started late. Took the bus trip today to Trader Joe's and had a blast! Love that place and I'm happy we get to go there twice a month. This was my first trip trip to TJ's since I gave up my car, and although I bought my usual cold cereal, it was more than a dollar less than my regular market! Bu one needs to use blinders when let loose in a TJ!

    <3 Buzz
    ...................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen................

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    edited July 2017
    Happy Wednesday! :) Ford has rented me a car as the work they are doing is extensive and it wasn't ready yesterday. I met friends for an early dinner and even though I went to get my
    I Pass and garage door opener from my car I forgot my night driving glasses which help with the glare of the lights. If my car is not done today I will get them this afternoon. I am also hoping my car will be like new when they are done and drives perfect.

    Buzz, no Phil is not in AA, I think he is just happy we aren't living together and knows Babe and I are still in love so can't do anything about that. Who knows what he says behind my back but I don't worry about those things, I have no control. I don't know when or if I will be replacing my car, I really don't want a car payment. I like the wine at Trader Joe's, it is cheap and good. lol

    Anne, two buses up and two buses back, you are a trooper. Reminds me of my mother who never drove and took buses everywhere. You do what you have to do, right?

    Patsy, I would feel the same way if my coffee pot broke before my morning coffee. I probably would have boiled coffee in a pot and strained it. lol And as far as the crow feather, it is spooky. At first I thought you were going to say the feather was a bird or something. Is your art studio like a dungeon? lol

    Jackie, in January I had a problem with stalling so Ford replaced my transmission control module under emissions warranty. Now they are putting in a new clutch assembly under warranty which they extended because of problems with the transmission. It all ties together somehow and as long as I don't have to pay ( I did verify that) I just want it done right.

    Lin, another busy day for you?

    Well Rob just texted that volleyball was cancelled tonight but they would like a date night instead. So I will still be going to see the boys tonight, Friday night and Saturday morning for Robby's 3 year old pictures and Max's six month old as well as family pictures with all including Bryanna.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Well, today hasn't been half as productive as yesterday, mainly because it's hot, and humid, and in the nineties. However, I did get the back lawn mowed, so that's something. The front I left alone because it doesn't grow as fast as the back.
    Is everybody else in the same boat feeling the heat today?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    edited July 2017
    Good afternoon friends.

    I no longer use a coffee pot but I would be in a snit if I broke my ceramic coffee pour over contraption! I handle it carefully but am afraid someday I will fumble and drop it. Meanwhile, I hope you found just the pot you wanted Patsy. This summer I am making cold-brewed coffee but that pot is glass. Hummmm, still at risk!

    I hope you and Jerry had a lovely anniversary Marie and that you heard from family and friends.

    Anne, what an adventure! It would be for me with a transfer needed and then, no new PJs!! I hope you and Jilly are having a good day.

    Buzz, Trader Joe's is MY favorite store!!! I go there at least twice a week. I love the fresh and frozen vegetables and fruits. Well and the raw nuts and seeds. And the dried fruit. And the beet chips. Haaaa. Well, lots of things.

    Sandy, I hope your car is all fixed up when you get it back. Most of our dealerships make us rent a vehicle if you cannot get your car back the same day. I remember the days when they would loan you a car!! Wow, I am ancient.

    Yesterday's Mah Jongg was fun. We were still missing one of our regular players but the other lady brought a friend who was happy to sit in and play. She is very nice and interesting as well. The afternoon at the library was also a good time and then I got home and started to try to play a bit in the online design space I am using right now to learn an electric cutting machine. The one I have used is a manual machine. Extremely easy to use, decide on a die to use, the material to cut and make the right "sandwich" of plates and crank it through. The design space is a challenge for me. I only have free access for a short time so want to use it as much as I can to decide if I want a subscription. I do not know if it is worth it yet. I use the Sizzix manual machine A LOT and love it but a design space offers many other possibilities. Or I could combine the two options and cut intricate designs through the design space and add words through the manual cutter and do stamping on the inside of the card.

    Today, Tai Chi/Qigong, some coloring at the library, talking with some ladies about when to schedule another get together for making mats for the homeless, a stop at the grocery store for discount day. And a conversation with the person doing the ordering as several products I like have been dropped as they are not selling enough. She made a note of them but I doubt they will bring them back. Then I listened/watched a webinar that outlined Trump's proposed income tax reforms as well as those supposedly under consideration by the Republican Congress. Very interesting.

    My stomach is not happy so I will make some nice bland quinoa I think. Maybe my stomach just is upset at the tax reform proposals I heard!!!

    Well, tomorrow is the first of the landowner seminars. Hope to learn what is going on out there. Pretty much they want to sell management services while the landowners want to get a feel for what should be charged for rent. So it is a dance. Haaaaaaa.

    Hotter than heck out there. So happy to be home for the day.

    A little hug (as it is too hot for a big hug)

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Where does time go? I have been so busy doing this and doing that and I haven't had time to check MFP at all. Yesterday was a horrible day for me because I went to the dentist for a cleaning and it was determined that I have an abscess tooth and need to have a root canal probably. So off to a specialist immediately and now I have an appointment for tomorrow for a root canal. I hope it's just a root canal but if the tooth is cracked too badly then it would end up having to be pulled and I sure don't want that to happen. I'm sure I've told you ladies how scared I am going to the dentist so I'm still terrified and I know I'll get through it but just the same...,,,,,.

    The nasty thing is that it's not covered under insurance because I had some work done earlier this year that used up my quota. Oh well, that's what savings accounts are for.

    Thank you Buzz for the very nice words you said about going to my friend's funeral. She was such a good friend and I'm going to miss her.

    Looks like lots of car troubles for people. That is always nasty.

    We are over at my daughter Melanie's place right now. Mel and Sean and all their kids have gone out to visit my sister Val in Washington state. They are having a wonderful time and Val is really enjoying their visit. She had good news today Cancerwise. She just had an MRI and a CT scan and things look pretty good. A little shadow on her lung but that may be nothing. She'll have that checked out again next week.

    So Ed is outside working in Melanie's yard and I've been inside tidying up a bit.

    Hope everyone is having a great day.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello sneakers,
    Today has been warm but pleasant. Very PNW weather for summer. It is very calming to have the weather follow normal patterns. Unusual weather is disturbing, even if it is nice unusual can feel ominous. "Calm before the storm" for example.

    I have a friend that is in full on cancer protocol. I fear that this isn't working. She is so brave and so positive, yet realistic. Isn't it too bad that so far, we have not come up with a cure or even a good control strategy for this curse? What we have is either cut it out, poison it, or burn it through radiation. I am grateful for what we have and for the times it helps. Anyway, she is such a delight, we need her here on this planet.

    I have been reading about how so many people are using coconut oil for skin moisturizer. I might try it. I don't think I want to eat it because of the cholesterol but maybe as a sort of lotion. Anyone here use it?

    My new bedspread is here. Wow! Now I need to wash curtains and maybe paint the bedroom. A nice looking bedspread in a dowdy looking room is just...wrong! Right now the color is faded and a dirty nasty pale green. This does not work!

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Busy doing nothing yesterday other than visiting my housebound neighbour who has yet again returned from a stay in hospital, a quick lunch followed by a Skype catch up chat with a dear friend that took us through to 6.30 in the evening as we grappled with the problem of her son's wobbly marriage and we only stopped then because Brady had rediscovered the art of gaining my attention by dragging claws down the wallpaper behind the door!! A smoked salad evening meal then yet another chat, this time to another friend to plan our morning swim tomorrow then her stories of a young pony she rescued from gypsies that will now be trained to pull a small carriage that she's yet to purchase. I was left thinking don't we all live such diverse lives! Home from our morning walk my next door neighbour just sent a text asking if I could pop into her place because she had an awful feeling she hadn't turned off the iron she was using before driving off to a business meeting but all was well so once I've enjoyed my coffee I shall drive back to the auction house because I won the G plan nest of tables for £8 less than my bid! I'm hoping to take some honey off the beehive when I get home before the next round of storms.

    Patsy ~ It took me 2 years of hating my bedroom colour scheme to finally pick up a paintbrush but am so pleased I did finally so if you have the inclination to obtain a paint colour chart do it!
    Coconut oil was something I was looking at the other day during a trip to a discount store. This was organic and a reasonable price but the label only mentioned ways of cooking with it so can't help on the moisterising aspect. When I was a teenager a friend of my brother used to use olive oil on his skin and this was in the 60's when men weren't inclined to worry about cosmetic aids. He certainly obtained a good suntan in the summer months but I'm not sure that it was good to cook his skin!!
    I'd love to think that somewhere growing on our planet is a gentle plant that could solve our cancer problems if only drugs companies would think outside the box more. I too have a brave friend struggling through a 12 week course of chemo that has her feeling ghastly and recently laid up for a month but I fear she thinks she has no other option so soldiers on with humour and as much feisty optimism as she can muster.

    I did catch up with most posts before going to bed last night but must now get myself going rather than spend another day on my backside!!

    Gosh, another Thursday.... Have a good one Sneakers!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited July 2017
    Just so you know PATSY....


    Maybe return that feather!!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited July 2017
    We have a lot of crows around here. I will not be picking up any feathers!
    We do live such diverse lives don't we! I'm amazed at all we seniors accomplish! I was supposedly sitting and relaxing in the garden with Mike the other day, and was furtively pulling the odd weed. He said, honestly Mam, you can't help yourself can you. Reminded me of yet another ditty, I know, I'm full of them!

    Gardens are not made,
    By saying oh how beautiful,
    And sitting in the shade - Rudyard Kipling

    Well Mark (with kidney stones) and family are just taking off from Lisbon for home. Mary Jo will be galloping into HER garden tomorrow!
    And here's one for all who love their gardens.
    PS I've tried coconut oil but too greasy for me, some people put a little on brittle dry hair.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Thanks Anne, I'm just back from the auction house with G plan nest of tables and was looking for any excuse to avoid cutting the lawns before the rain comes in but that little Rudyard Kipling ditty has got me extending the power line and heading outside!!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    While everyone was productive today I attended that meeting and when I got home my veggies had arrived so I put those away. Ended up on the phone for quite a while with a nervous and anxious friend. I am not sure I helped a bit but her grand daughter and children arrived so she hung up. I hope they did better.

    Given I had not heard anything encouraging all day, I jumped into art material therapy. I did a couple of pieces and put them out in the heat to dry. Didn't take long to bake them dry.

    Tomorrow is Walmart errand day. I plan to go in the morning before it is insanely hot.

    Things are not working well on my iPad so will try to post and then shut it down.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    Good Thursday Evening! :) I don't know where the day went but now I am tired. Will be back tomorrow after a good night's sleep!

    Sweet Dreams!
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I'm exhausted from struggling with my doctor's staff regarding a repeat lab test ( I want it to be a fasting test) for my appointment with him Monday. Finally received a call from the technician saying he'd be here this afternoon. I insisted he make it 8 AM tomorrow and he agreed, so that's set, I hope.
    My support group was cut short this afternoon for a celebration of the life of one of our funniest, kindest, brightest and bravest men who actually died about a month ago. He had endured 2 brain surgeries for his Parkinson's Disease, but finally succumbed to esophageal CA. The video playing in the background during today's memorial showed him to have been always a very handsome man, who had written several books, had lived all over the world, amusing everyone who knew him. I loved his sonorous singing voice, among other virtues. He also had 3 wives and 4 kids. Funny how we all reacted similarly upon learning he died at 81..... He was too young! I recall when 81 was considered too old! Perspectives change!
    Regarding coconut oil: use only on the outside , it is much to high in very saturated fat to eat! The second message I recall is for the urgency to update all Apple equipment immediately. I tried, but mine said it was up-to-date!
    Eyes refuse to remain open, so goodnight, all my dear friends...
    <3 Buzz

    ...................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Gone swimming!! :):)
