Senior Golden Sneakers



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Interesting topic, at least for me. Being raised on a ranch, we had mainly Hereford cattle. But we always had a hobby cow or two of the Texas Longhorn variety. Rangy and very poor meat potential. It looks like they were relatives of your Scottish cattle. Only the Longhorns were leggy and tended to be very cranky and mean-tempered. We also had several of those immense bulls for breeding purposes. They were like walking mountains. So huge and unruffled at anything.

    YouTube is full of stuff about the Earhart theories. To my mind, we still haven't a clue. There are interesting possibilities but we can't seem to really find definitive answers.

    I think Being frugal is a mind set about waste. There are times I find myself being just crazy about waste. It can turn into a waste of time as well. We have been strapped for cash and we have had times when we are flush with cash. Oddly, our lifestyle didn't really change all that much. Of course, some by necessity.

    Have a great day, dear sneakers.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    jacean2017 wrote: »

    My dad raised Scottish Highland cattle for a while. They are hardy!! We had a steer each year to be raised for meat--usually Black Angus or Hereford. Anne, what is the exact breed(s) of the cattle in the photos??

    I had a nice time with my friend. So many changes and activities!! Interesting to hear so many new stories and to see photos of the jewelry pieces she's been working on.

    Yippee, my box of veggies has arrived. Bye!!!


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just logging on to let you know I'm alive and going crazy from the work being done in the apartment above me. Sounds like they are drilling all day long inside my ear!
    SANDY, can't believe it's been 5 long years already! Such a shame the granddaughter got caught up in their mulishness! You were always so good to them all! Thank you for that link; perhaps someday we'll know, though I think she went down at the time.
    MAE, nice post, and yes, I just have to go with the flow, too!
    Love those pictures of the fierce cattle, ANNE. Did you take them yourself :# ?
    LIN, you and I are forever running late!
    Aaaaggghhhhhh! The noise is deafening!
    <3 Buzz
    ..................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen................ (I hope)!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    LIN, they are just highland cattle as far as I know and apparently the Longhorn is an offshoot. They are now found all over the world but they originated in the Scottish highlands. The breed is most common in the USA and Scotland and it was first mentioned in the 6th century. Bred for meat. My father in law had a dairy farm with very docile cows NOT of the shaggy variety.
    I gather that Hereford cattle are descended from Roman Britain cattle. Honestly isn't history fascinating? And it's fascinating that Lin, Patsy and I have a link from cattle of family past generations, like I said, small world!
    No BUZZ I didn't take the photos! In my straw cowboy hat I might add!! I pinched it off the internet so you would know what I was twittering on about.
    From Amelia Earhart to fierce looking cattle all in one day! What will tomorrow bring!
    Anne, yippee hi ho.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited July 2017
    All that chat about cattle reminded me of the little video I put together yesterday to test my new car camera. You'll see why when George and I arrive at our walking destination!
    The large pub on the left driving back out of the village of Minions is where I usually go with friends for meals. They cook a mean cod and chips!! Also Buzz, you can see all the overgrown trees that my neighbour should be cutting back along the side of the track at the end of the video!

    Being careful with money is something I've had to be all my life so it's become a habit and saving items for other uses is a favourite thing of mine! Anything from yogurt pots as freezer containers to old sheets to be cut up for a variety of tasks, I don't throw anything away until I'm sure it can't be recycled. Amazing that a whole documentary could have been developed about the fate of Amelia Earhart from one photograph but then so many conspiracy theories seem to have little real evidence to back them up.

    Sandy ~ Tennis was a favourite sport for me at school although I used to drive our teacher mad by swapping the racket into the other hand rather than bother with a backhand and I remember one school report that stated I'd be a good player if I wasn't so lazy! Field hockey was another sport I enjoyed but being tall I was put into a defensive position and another school report said I was "too dangerous for team sports" because I used to swing my stick high to keep opposing forwards at bay! Those bumble bees that were run over had every right to sting.... I'd be pretty cross if I'd been one of them!! Generally though, pottering about collecting nectar they'll retreat rather than be aggressive..... honestly!! ;)

    Mae ~ Do let me know if you come upon successful shade loving perennials because since getting help from the gardening lady who seems to love to clear complete patches rather than allow the cottage plants to flop about I need to fill a few gaps!! Nine isn't so young that your grandson won't remember or care about you and who knows, he may well be asking already why he's not seeing you. It's so sad when children are almost used as weapons but as you say, hope springs and all that! Anne's potatoes didn't take long to grow whereas my weather being a bit changeable means a longer wait so I'm imagining you could get a good crop before the end of summer. Phew, that's a lot of water carrying although you seem to have organised a way of doing it without too much strain.

    Buzz ~ Afternoon napping was something I used to tease a friend about who is just a couple of years older than me but I now find if I sit about after lunch I'm likely to doze off so try not to..... no doubt one day I'll have to!

    I hate to admit that I'd now be lost without the internet what with looking things up, shopping and most importantly chatting to my friends on MFP. I can live without facebook and other social media but am sure I'd feel cut off from the world for the rest.

    Past my lunchtime with gardening still to get started and tennis to watch so I'd better make myself a sandwich then get on. Enjoy your Friday everyone.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    edited July 2017
    Running late again. Need I even mention it since it is now habitual??

    I love the video Jackie. Oh my goodness, such different driving from what I do each day and also different than my old days on the farm. Too narrow, too many loose animals, oh my, I would lose my mind. But oh so beautiful. Ahhhh.

    Put me on the side of tennis! In school I played basketball as I was tall and that was the only team sport I think. But later after I was married I went tennis crazy and I drug along hubby into the obsession. We would work all day long as fast as possible in order to grab our rackets and zip down to the very nice tennis courts at the high school. We would play for hours every evening when work and weather permitted. Sometimes we would play doubles. Only problem was it was three guys and me. Guess who they picked on! I played league tennis in a little town nearby with some other ladies for a couple of seasons. The wind was so strong out there it was quite a challenge. And then for two years we scraped up money to join an indoor tennis club some thirty miles away. Those people were serious players! I still had fun but couldn't play much as the additional hourly court fees ran up fast. Then life changed and my knees were pretty torn up so tennis faded away.

    I still love to watch though well except for the grunting. I have to turn the volume down.

    Time to zip along for the two day paper crafting/scrapbooking event.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Happy birthday Connie!!!! B)

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Thanks for the drive down memory lane JACKIE! I remember those lanes/roads very well up in my part of my old world. We would try to avoid milking time as the cows leisurely took their time crossing the road, and then of course the sheep! I live in a whole different world today! I'll join the ranks of past field hockey schoolgirls! Our half of the school building was the girls part, the other half spotty leering teenage boys peering at us through the fence. One thing for sure, however old I get I don't want to be 13 or 14 again!

    A 9 year old won't forget you MAE. My only living grandma died when I was 6 and I still remember her! You will see him again soon. Guess what, I've dug out of the coat cupboard a London Fog raincoat which must be over 30 years old. It's a beige trench coat with a zip in fleecy lining and in brand new condition. I stopped wearing it the few times because it is midi length, and now ankle length as I've shrunk, and was a devil for walking in snow and rain. Dirtied the bottom. Well Jill and I are just off to walk to the newly opened dressmaker next to Marie's hairdressing salon. The dressmaker is one of Marie's numerous Portuguese relations. (Not my Mary Jo who is an accountant)) I will need about 15 inches lopped off to make it a today coat and practical fashion. All our talk of not chucking anything out that can be recycled like JACKIES sheets made me dig this coat out. It was expensive in its day for when I was a working gal. Another tip! Our parents used to cut thinning double sheets down the middle, the edges to be joined together to make a new middle and the old thinning edges hemmed. New single sheet. Haven't had to do that.....yet!

    Well, must take the hound dog and dodge the rain again.

    Super posts, really enjoyed them! Did you wear shorts or cute little tennis dresses Lin. Bet you looked a "smasher" (good looking) either way.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Meeting my brother and his daughter for lunch and would like to get my car washed before we meet so I don't have a lot of time. Had a great time with Robby yesterday and Max had a great doctor check up weighing in at almost 22 pounds. He is in the 90 something percent range for his height and weight so he is a big boy. I might be going back later today for their meetings but it depends on when I get back from lunch. My brother lives about a half hour away on the toll roads.

    Anne, I love trench coats and with a zip fleece lining it is perfect. It will be worth the cost to get it to the length you want. I wore tennis dresses when I was younger but then we switched to shorts later in life. I just did make some cleaning rags from an old towel, so much better than paper towels.

    Lin, you were lucky your husband played tennis with you, mine was too busy doing what I don't know. I also joined an indoor tennis court which was nice in bad weather but the dude ranch we went to had outdoor courts I was never very good at singles since I am not a good runner, but I wasn't bad in doubles as long as the ball came to me. lol

    Jackie, love your video and I agree with Lin, it would scare me with the animals just walking anywhere. The streets are very narrow and of course you ride on the opposite side of the road then we do in the USA. I have to say I love the song that was playing in the ride to the walking place but I love Ed Sheeran. I wish you would have recorded all the way to your cottage so we could have seen it on video. Thanks for sharing.

    Buzz, I too, have the people below me doing some remodeling and the noise gets to me as well. It is hard to believe it has been five years since we separated but life goes on.


    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Ah, CONNIE, we do miss you here at Sneakers, but wishing you

    Awoke to blessed silence, got the legs pumped and enjoyed breakfast of poached eggs on toast while glancing through the morning paper...all before 8:30! Felt so much better today
    that I kept an appointment with my ophthalmologist for a thorough exam and to have plugs put in my tear ducts to help with dry eyes. Everything was perfect. Enjoyed my dinner companions and promised to give the some cut up Haden mangoes this weekend. They are manna from heaven! Don't know how I got here so late tonight, since I managed a few naps at the doctor's office!
    JACKIE, what a brilliant idea, photographing your neighborhood ride (I ducked when I saw the car coming on the wrong side of the street :o !!.....Isn't it amazing that after thousands of years of civilization there is still so much uncultivasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss oh, dear, is that a hint I didn't plan? Hugs to all, SANDY, ANNE LIN, MAE! Gettin' on to bed!
    <3 Buzz
    ..................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Although traffic was horrendous it was wonderful seeing my brother and his daughter. He is soon to be 84 and looks so frail and can't see very well because of his macular but his memory is sharp and he tells me things from my childhood that I never knew. I told my niece that we have to do this once a month weather permitting because you never know when it is the last time you see someone. I did not go watch the boys because Lisa and Rob told me to take a break since I was there two days in a row which was good because I got home later than I thought I would due to the traffic.
    Today is a pool day and time to myself.

    Buzz, you make me laugh but I hope you got some sleep. Your post says 2AM so I hope that was an error. Plugs in your tear ducts sounds painful, did it hurt?

    I wish everyone a wonderful day!!
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Good day! Putting along at the scrapbooking/paper crafting again today.

    Buzz, productive day! Glad things went so well. Enjoy the weekend. <3

    Sandy, glad that you were able to visit your family. It is great to get those visits in! Sorry the traffic was slow. I hate that.

    Well, back to having fun!!


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Girls, be very carefully when digging in your garden. You never know what you might find!
    This 1759 cannonball/incendiary was just dug up in Quebec from the Battle of Abraham Heights and was chucked at the French by the British. It didn't explode, and is still capable of exploding today. Fancy having your house blown up today by a 1759 cannonball! Now there's a tale to tell the grand kids!
    Anne, gingerly digging in hers, because we don't live too far from the fort in Toronto and quite a few cannonballs where slung at each other by the Brits and the Americans. I've yet to find a flint arrow head like I did in the UK but I have found a fossil etched into a rock from when this area was sea.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Wish I could figure out where today went, but here it is, evening, and I didn't go down to dinner, feeling quite lazy and having made no plans. Made a BLT and realized it didn't taste like they used to! Perhaps I'll get to bed before 2 tonight, lol!
    SANDY, the plugs go in painlessly, absolutely no feeling! But the keep the tears up in my eyes, where theoretically they help dry eyes! Happy to know you are spending time with beloved family, and I wish your dear brother a long life! I know he must feel so good to be with you!
    LIN, I can't keep up with all your projects! I'l start calling you LIN BEE!
    ANNE, cannon balls after all these years? WOW! Did you see the news about the Pennsylvania sink hole that swallowed 3 homes today? I thought only Florida was sinking!
    I didn't look at email yesterday so today I'll have to delete almost 200! Too much! Anyway, I'm logging off after wishing everybody a lovely weekend!
    The question yesterday, when sleep cut me off (and tickled SANDY's funnybone) was isn't it amazing how much open land there still is after thousands of years of civilization...!
    <3 Buzz
    .................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    ...................................................HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR PATSY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    For Patsy!!


    Enjoy the day.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hey JACKIE, talking of cannon balls do you remember that poem, humorous but cruel, about the guy who came back from the battle of Waterloo badly injured but still wanting to woo his sweetheart? All I can remember is "a cannon ball took off his legs, so he laid down his arms" and although he had "one foot in the grave" he still wanted to marry her. Golly, older and wiser, it's not so funny anymore!

    Yes I did see the sink holes BUZZ. Horrendous, fancy watching your home and possessions disappearing! Mother Nature is often cruel enough without man adding to the mix with craters of his own making!

    Well, Michael says he will honour us with his presence today. Wrong time of year but I've all the ingredients to make a hearty stew! That's if he makes it, he lives opposite a race track and all the employees were on strike and picketing yesterday and there was a traffic jam when he tried to drive past after work. Long story, but I don't blame the employees for striking! The Bean will be disappointed if he doesn't make it, so I cannot mention his name because she gets very excited when I do and sits by the back door for hours hopefully.
    Hope everyone has a smashing Sunday, especially birthday girl PATSY,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member


    Have a wonderful day!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Wimbledon mens' final about to begin so back later. :p
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited July 2017
    I'm watching as well JACKIE!
    And Federer wins for the 8th time!