Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    edited July 2017
    So I just watched Amelia Earhart on the history channel. I thought it was interesting but not sure I believe the whole theory. A lot of it was convincing but no definite proof. I have a hard time with conspiracy theories such as JFK. I did think it was worth watching and it indeed could be true, maybe I am just too cynical and need absolute proof. I don't think I would be a good juror in a murder trial. The opinions given are just mine and should not be taken as truth! :p
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi ho, and this has to be quick because I never did get to bed last night. I'd been invited to a 95th birthday dinner tonight and I hadn't made his card yet and since I knew quite a bit of his background, I wanted to include as much as possible in a picture history; architect, artist, writer, historian, hospice survivor, given 3 months to live 3.5 years ago, etc. Today, no more oxygen, danced at his party with the glowing new love of his life, ... a renewed vigor in his step, and it all just gives me goose bumps because he is a nice as can be! I love him like a sister. He and his new love used to join Mike and me in the nursing area patio for dinner...just the four of us, and I cherish the memories. Well, when I finish his card and envelope (fully designed) I realized today was also the birthday od a dear lady who would probably also be invited to the party, so I wanted to make a card for her as well, and before I knew it, sunrise was pouring in through my windows! I had breakfast and tried to nap, but I was simply not sleepy, so I called all my kids (Is almost 68 still a kid?) and Mike's kids to catch up on the latest, and the day passed too quickly. Although I'm not sleepy, I am determined to be less stupid tonight and get to bed!!!
    I read all your delightful posts , enjoyed JERI's mountain view and wishing you a lovely night!
    <3 Buzz

    .............Always believe something wonderful is about to happen................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Waiting in for Debbie Woof Woof, George's groomer.... short back and sides this time I think since we are threatened with another heatwave next week.

    Back later :)
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Quickie from me. It's going to be a hot, sticky day here as well.

    Mark is texting me from Portugal so I am able to follow them on google earth etc. I asked him if he could live in Lisbon and he said yes, not busy, busy like most world cities. Of course Portuguese is MJs native tongue. They visited beautiful botanical gardens yesterday because gardening is her main hobby. So I'm sort of having a mini imaginary holiday.

    Mike came over with a whopping bean salad he had constructed. It was delicious with roast chicken and of course Jilly was over the moon to see, play, and go for walks with her favourite person. Me too! Despite him interrupting wash day. I don't mind anyone interrupting wash day!
    He had to leave by 12:30 to go to work so guess what I did yesterday afternoon!

    I was really sorry to miss the Amelia Earhart program. So thank you SANDY for your conclusions. I'd be a rotten juror as well. I see both sides of everything, typlical Libra sitting on the fence. You know, whilst not really believing in astrology it's amazing how certain characteristics shine through in most of us. My sons, although not alike, share certain Virgo qualities.

    So here I am in my nightie, twittering nonsense again. SORRY.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Here I am, much earlier than usual since I got up very early for a Director's meeting at 9:30 and when I got into the elevator, discover it had been cancelled until August! :s So at least I have time for a few chores this morning! Here I am, reading what I have been skimming at 2 AM! SANDY, I think I'm with you on the Amelia Earhart theory. I recall when she was lost so vividly and she was a real heroine to so many of us. She flew long before "The Womens' Movement" freed many gals from the homebody image of what was expected! I hate to think she might have ended her life imprisoned!
    My eating habits ever since the kids were here has left me swollen from salt, and I'm sure last night's lovely part did not improve the situation! All puffy this morning, and since everything contained ingredients like crab-meat (in the salad), Scallops, shrimp, lobster (skewered and grilled) and delectable, salty, appetizers (including lamb chops). It's a losing battle if I keep socializing without self-control! I am trying to decide now about an overnight bus trip to the Naples, FL area as the dinner theater over there will be showing Chicago, which I always enjoy since I love the dancing and music! Although the trip is less than 2 hours, my RLS has been bothering my legs more lately, and I am concerned about it flaring up on the bus or at the theater! As I keep hearing, my age is not for sissies! I must get something into the mail before the USPS delivery comes, so I'll try to check in later.
    <3 Buzz

    .............Always believe something wonderful is about to happen................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Looks like the rain is gone at least for today so I am taking Joe for lunch since he missed me while my family was here. After laundry yesterday I went grocery shopping so I am all caught up on chores. Tomorrow I will see the boys, rain or shine. I do miss them.

    Anne, how wonderful that you can enjoy Mark and MJs adventures. Modern technology is good for some things. Mike's salad does indeed sound yummy, nice of him to share. Do you have on demand with your TV service? The Amelia program might be on there.

    Jackie, I am sure George will appreciate being cut short in the hot weather. Daisy hates hot weather and will hardly go outside to do her business.

    Buzz, what an amazing story about your friend. I do believe in miracles and he sounds like he has experienced one. I have a friend with a six month old granddaughter who is on a liver transplant list and I am hoping for a miracle for her.

    Lin, you must be running around someplace today.

    Enjoy your day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    edited July 2017
    Ha!! Home again. Yes, caught doing a couple of errands this morning. Senior discount day at Walgreens coupled with coupons and reward dollars. Yes, checkout was quite the ordeal. Probably more so for the person checking me out! And as usual the manager was needed to ring up the purchase so things were applied in the proper order. Yippee. Then I had a coupon for a free lotto ticket. Home for now.

    And yes, I have been shopping Amazon Prime day as I found deals on several things I purchase anyway so cheaper is better!

    Finally I am signed up for all three farmland leasing meetings that I like to attend each year. Three different groups with somewhat different viewpoints but all appreciated.

    This afternoon is a webinar on a farming topic, then coloring at the library and tonight is book club. A phone call from the reference desk gave me the happy news that I won something in the summer reading club. I wonder what little thing it will be? One of the librarians told me they do not have the funds for much of anything.

    There were storms overnight but now the sun is out and it is heating up again. It is July which can be sweltering season.

    Now as to yesterday, my friend did remember I was coming to pick her up and she was dressed, having her breakfast and had her insurance card in her purse. I helped her fill out the paperwork at the office, find the ladies room, found sunglasses for her to wear, and stopped at the store to buy something for her on the way home. So that worked out fine. Thanks for all the good wishes. I am so relieved.

    Then I went to her sister's house and did errands for her and visited a while before heading home. She of course is getting very anxious about her upcoming extensive surgery and worried that having to wait until the end of the month gives the cancer a lot of time to spread. TMI to share what she said but now I understand her very real concerns. It was good to see her. She stays home all the time unless she has a doctor's appointment and lives 24/7 in the only recliner she can tolerate. But the pain medication is not very helpful.

    Well, I am just full of happy news. I will stop now.

    Buzz, if you feel up to going on the trip, then do it! You know better than anyone if you have the stamina for the ride. It is a long time on the bus right? Hugs. I hope you find some lower sodium yummies in your meals.

    Anne, it is wonderful you are able to track your travelers. And especially lovely to have a visit with Mike. I am sure you enjoyed his visit as much as Jilly did.

    Sandy, enjoy lunch with Joe. Hope you are able to get some more pool time this week.

    Jackie, I hope George is all trimmed up and looking handsome.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I couldn't find the documentary on Amelia anywhere SANDY. At least we know what happened to Amy Johnson, the first female pilot to fly solo from England to Australia. She was born in my local city of Hull, Yorkshire in 1903 and died during WW11 when her plane came down in the River Thames in 1941 in adverse weather conditions. Her body was never recovered. Anyone interested in this famous female pioneer can find her on Wikipedia.

    I have great admiration for all the ladies before and during the Second World War. Nurse Edith Cavell shot by the Germans for helping allied servicemen escape etc, there's too many to mention here, but that generation seems to me to be particularly courageous.
    Leftover suffragettes? Or maybe their Mamas where and it rubbed off.

    Well must go and check the mail with my trusty hound dog. She's itching to go for walkies, but it's a little hot for me.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello everyone, we have lovely cool sunny weather today. A bit breezy but perfect day to fly a kite or walk on the beach in a jacket!

    John is at his dental implant specialist. Hope this event drawing to a close. He has had quite a time with this. Anything close to your head/brain is scary. I am trying to deal with houseplants that have become like family. I have many of the 20+ years now. A couple reach the ceiling. I gently whack a bit of them off and we start all over again. I have one that my mom gave me as a start. I have no idea what it is huge now. Mfp is acting odd again. Can't correct or see what I wrote until a whole sentence is written.
    Anyway about the Earhart program, I'll bet you can find it on YouTube. Click on the little magnifying glass in the upper corner. It seems everything -good and bad- ends up on there eventually.

    I know I really missed summer...back to school sales and fall sales are in my email! Where and when did summer happen?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    edited July 2017
    Good morning

    Already running late for today. Tai Chi this morning followed by stopping at the library for coloring, then a few errands on the way home. Discount day at the grocery store!! I promised to bring several things to folks who come to Wednesday coloring so a bit more organizing than usual.

    Book club was LONG last night. At first it seemed each person had a few comments to offer and then conversation just sort exploded with one person's observations and everyone got more involved after that. Interesting dynamic.

    Hot again today, potential for more rain so another day for the rain jacket.

    Anne, I hope your weather straightens up and you are able to go walkies.

    Patsy, I have visions of an indoor jungle overtaking your rooms! You have the right touch for cultivating indoor plants. I had a couple of plants that grew wonderfully but when I moved both suffered and ultimately I lost both of them. Change in light, change in water? Don't know but I know at that time I was quite unhappy, maybe they were too.

    I am participating in a plank challenge this month and we just moved up to 75 seconds. Now I am not sure I will make it through!! Argh. Ouch!

    Hugs from the weak woman.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited July 2017
    Apologies I didn't return yesterday but it's all Wimbledon here at the moment and although it's great to have a couple of Brits in the semi finals it does rather restrict my time for doing anything other than sit on my b/side and shout!! On Monday night I drove myself and a couple of friends to Plymouth city to see Sister Act at the main theatre there which was wonderfully entertaining and we came out feeling uplifted. George's groomer was very patient with him yesterday as he was in one of his strops and when she finally had to give up tidying around his face she commented that he was hardly a good advertisement for her work so I've promised to get the scissors out today and trim any fur that shouldn't be there! We had rain all day which was wonderful for the garden but I know that now the sun has returned the weeds will too!! This morning after our usual walk I set up a car video camera on my windscreen because after that man in his buggy drove at me a few months ago and damaged the car I've thought I must at least have evidence of all the bad driving that sometimes has my heart in my mouth. It seems to record a decent enough quality of picture but I've just laughed as I've viewed back my journey from the woods into town for pet food and then home on my laptop because it seems I do talk to myself a bit.... and George of course!

    Anne ~ Last year the BBC made a documentary about all the women who used to fly Spitfires from the factories they were made in to wherever they were needed during WWII which was incredibly dangerous work that was never recognised and of course as soon as the war was over they weren't wanted in the services anymore so were sent back to civilian life. There were incredible stories of their bravery but also funny ones about how they'd fly into an airbase to the shocked faces of the men when they pulled off their helmets to reveal themselves!

    Sandy ~ George is more lively already now his coat is off his back although he's sulking on our walks this week because my friend is looking after someone's Jack Russell for the week and he's jealous because he doesn't have Scruff's full attention!

    Lin ~ It might be that friend is more absent minded than anything serious which reminds me, no I haven't found that bunch of keys anywhere so am going to have to get a new set cut at great expense. Of course as soon as that's done I'll find the original in a silly place!! Her sister will hopefully survive her surgery and begin a journey to some quality of life.

    Buzz ~ A wonderful story about your friend and his survival which just goes to prove you can't believe every diagnosed life limitation. All that sea food sounds delicious and certainly difficult to decline.... I'd have the same dilemma!

    Patsy ~ What a great idea.... go fly a kite on your sunny beach! Of course houseplants are members of the family and my favourite is my Mother-in-laws Tongue that flops about in a way it shouldn't but has lived with me for nearly 40 years so has every right!

    That's it, 1pm and Wimbledon about to start on tv as I can hear John McEnroe giving his opinion in the other room so I must miss another few hours in the garden, make some lunch and settle down for the rest of the day..... thank goodness it's only once a year!!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    We haven't your distraction JACKIE, but maybe we have because up to now I've relied on the iPads BBC world news. However, scrolling around looking for Amy I've found a whole day BBC news channel. I swear it wasn't there before and Mike thinks it's a new addition. So I can see a bit of Wimbledon after all. Like you, I talk to Jill all the time which has made her have quite a huge understanding of what I'm on about. Quite frightening really. She got me out of bed last night and ran to the sideboard, looked up at me enquiringly, looked under it and back at me until I finally got down on hands and knees to peer under it as well and found a terrified looking spider gazing back. It was no mean feat getting back up again with sleep stiffened limbs and she licking me and me saying, "leave the little spider alone".

    We've just got back from a long walk before it gets too humid and hot. My feet were soaked from a heavy dew so you can imagine shorties fur was as wet as if we'd been out in pouring rain. She managed to yap at every dog in sight and when we got closer to each mild mannered dog and owner, hid behind me! She's definitely of the "her bark is worse than her bite" mentality. Maybe a bit like her owner?

    My friend Penny, lovely humorous Londoner and now sadly missed, erected barrage balloons during the war JACKIE. However this was changed in time to men because the balloons were hard for the "weaker" sex to control in high winds. I saw the documentary you mentioned and one thing that struck me was how feminine and pretty those young women were despite rationing and shortages. My cousin Valerie drove an ambulance. She married and her mother, mine, and auntie Alice cut up three old donated wedding dresses to make her one beautiful dress. I was a 7 year old bridesmaid in a white satin dress with real bronze chrysanthemums on my head. I hated dress and circlet being a tomboy, but on the photo I look quite cute for once.
    Well, promised myself a "hand wash" of certain clothing so I'll climb out of memory lane and plod over to the kitchen sink.
    Bye girls,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :) It is so dark outside it looks like nighttime. The storms woke me and will continue all day, not good weather for volleyball. My visit with the boys might be postponed as I hate driving in torrential rain.

    Anne, how did you go back to sleep with a spider under your bed? I hate bugs of any kind and I would never be able to sleep knowing it was there. lol

    Jackie, did you play tennis? I loved the game when I was younger until my knees wore out. I might have to try to hit a ball again to see if my new knees would tolerate the game.

    Lin, I think it is so wonderful that you are involved with so many things and always thinking of others. You are indeed a special person.

    Patsy, it is amazing that you have had those plants for so many years. Some people have green thumbs, others like me do not.

    There is a class action suit with my car a 2012 Ford Focus. There is a problem with the transmission so while my SIL was here and drove my car he told me I definitely had a problem
    I have an appointment with Ford on Monday to see if they will fix this problem for free or I will join the class action suit. I really wish I could trade it in for a SUV but I just can't afford a car payment.

    I hope it is dry where you are, it is wet here.
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hugs right back, weak LIN :D !!!
    I actually managed about 6 hours of sleep last night because I was in bed by around 11 due to not being able to stay awake toward the end of "Birthday Night Dinner" . I had taken my darn RLS pills just before sitting down so I wouldn't be kicking my legs around during the meal, and they put me off to sleep! Embarrassing! Now, early afternoon, and my eyes are telling me something like "Nap, nap, nap", and I really should feel rested today! Plus, as soon as I logged on...BOOM! Huge thunder clap and suddenly it's pouring!
    I did want to share a blurb I read in today's paper. It seems a blog writer, amateur historian in Japan wrote this yesterday: He saw the photo purportedly of Amelia Earhart and recognized seeing it before so did some research and found it in an article that appeared in a magazine 2 years prior to her starting her flight! Perhaps some one will follow that one up to verify or disprove it!
    Now I'm going to get into that wonderful recliner my kids gave me and perhaps get nap time! Think I read all your posts today, enjoying them and reliving your experiences and thoughts, and please forgive me for needing to nod off. Hugs to each of you...
    <3 Buzz
    ...................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen................
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Jackie – My grandson just turned 9 yrs. old the month they moved out.”Hope springs eternal” that he will have good memories of his time here with me and that he does encourage his dad to let him visit me.
    I do love getting 'lost' in my gardens. Currently I am trying to find shade perennials that have a variety of colors with full season re-blooming and that do not over take their space. When I bought this house they had all annuals in that area and I would like to not have to replant each year. Most things I have tried have not faired well in that area.

    Anne – Nice to hear your potatoes are doing well. I wonder if it is too late to plant a few? harm no foul! Penny-pinching is a survival technique for many of us seniors today unfortunately.
    Isn't it great to live vicariously through others? The internet is so great for that.! I so enjoy all the vacations of family and friends and am having a hard time thinking I may have to make the difficult decision to cut the Internet to save funds.

    Patsy – Gutters can be an area of home care that get forgotten ' til they cause a problem, glad you got them done and at a reasonable rate!

    Lin – It can be trying to deal with and help someone with memory issues, bless you for your diligence in helping your friend, you are a great and dedicated friend. You are a very busy and productive person, I envy your energy.

    Jeri – Sounds like you had a great time with your family both camping and your B-day BBQ.

    Buzz – Glad you had a nice lunch with Mike's family. It is always a a bonus to bring home 'leftovers' for another meal.
    You are like me with the sleep/wake pattern disturbances. It is difficult for some of us to maintain a regular sleep/wake cycle, but the experts say if you can not sleep get up and do something and do not fight sleep when it comes. You, my dear friend, seem to do that. It is easy to say 'you need to have a regular schedule' , but for some of us it does seem elusive! I am sure your friends enjoyed your cards, very thoughtful.
    Buzz, I marvel at all you do at your age; I am a lot younger but feel a lot older :)

    Sandy – Your hair style is very fitting for you. You are blessed with lovely hair. I have decided to forego haircuts and just pull it back in a pony flipped back thru itself thus saving on my expenses. Come winter I usually just put barrettes in the sides and let the curls take over...I quite fighting the frizzy curls! LOL!

    We have had rain showers especially overnights, but they are not soaking rains so I end up having to water the gardens frequently. Carrying gallon milk jugs of water to the community veggie beds does give me exercise. Some days I push
    the walker vs hand carrying the H2O. It is about 200+ ft. up a little incline from the car to the gardens.
    Yesterday was a good day I filled and carried 12”pots with loam/garden soil mix from a pile dumped outside my fence
    to a raised bed and 4 holes (dug earlier last week) and planted a few more plants. I transplanted a few flowers I was thinning out (Siberian Iris,Clematis,creeping phlox, etc.). Later I went to the community garden and hand carried 9 gallons of H2O up the incline, did some weeding and hand picked/killed cucumber beetles and squash bugs. Immediately after this I visited my sister, swam laps /exercised in her pool for approximately 75 minutes. I find it so much easier to exercise in the pool vs on dry land! Today is a 'down' day; yesterday took a lot out of me. I could not sleep, tossed for hours so I read a book then fell asleep about 6:30 this morning and woke about 12 noon.
    Well, guess I should go get something to eat and then do some dishes ( pans too large for dishwasher), sweep the kitchen and bathroom and maybe even wash those floors.
    It is 88*F here and quite muggy so I may not get the floors done, time will tell. I do not have any air conditioning and only 2 room fans. Maybe I will stand under the hose to cool off when I water my flowers later.
    Getting too lengthy again....sorry!

    Stay healthy and happy Sneakers!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited July 2017
    MAE, you mentioned penny pinching among seniors. Guess what I am doing on a wet, thundery day. I'm cutting two old hand towels into squares and hemming the edges (to prevent annoying fraying) to make floor cloths, counter wipe cloths, face cloths, paint cloths, dusters etc. It saves on paper towels or store bought cloths and they are easily washable for reuse. I was about to buy dusters after Jilly running off with them and teeth holes! Saves a few dollars! In the past when I did my paintings I used a ton of paper towels for wiping brushes etc. It Works!

    Another thing, if you like wearing a scarf to pretty up your pony tail, rather than rectangles look for pretty cotton or linen squares that can double up as table napkins.

    Birthday treats? I'd love bird seed but no one takes me seriously. Garden seeds wouldn't come amiss either!

    I find we buy an awful lot of stuff that we can actually do without. Special gardening tools with gimmicks etc when all we really need is a gardening fork, a spade, a trowel, a hoe, a rake, clippers and maybe a wheel barrow. Well that's all I need plus a pruner.

    You would laugh if you could see my sun hat for gardening, and only gardening! Mikes firm had a promotion sale and much to his unease all employees, office or otherwise, had to wear a straw cowboy hat with the firms logo on the front. I begged it off him, removed the logo, and now, in my jeans I'm your regular cowgirl with a thick British accent. Saved me buying a fancy sun hat! and Mike was going to chuck it out!

    Any more tips? Yes, I do save soap scraps!

    Frugal Anne.
    PS. If you enjoy art, old yogurt containers and lids etc are great for squeezing paint onto, and colour mixing. Just throw into recycle when done, saves a ton of money and effort washing special porcelain dishes from the art store!
    Almost forgot, cousin in law Roy sent me a dozen cotton handkerchiefs for Christmas. Goodbye Kleenex for hay fever etc, maybe not heavy duty, but then I rarely catch colds living the frugal life! Lol.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Excellent ideas Anne!!!! We were talking about how to keep Internet and TV service yesterday while coloring. Apparently the issue of frugality is on many minds these days.

    Sorry to just fly by but I am again behind schedule. Looking forward to seeing my friend today. Yippee!

    Hope to get back later today.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) The rain stopped in time for the kids to play volleyball so I got to see the boys!! Robby was excited to see me as I was him and Max just beams from ear to ear when you look at him. They grow so fast, it is hard to believe Robby will be three on the 28. I might go back after my meeting as Lisa has a doctor's appointment with Max and it would be easier if I watched Robby. It would give me some one on one time with him since that is hard to do with Max. Tomorrow they have a meeting so I might go back again but will see what Lisa says later.

    Anne, I bet you look cute in your cowboy hat and jeans. Do they have cowboys in England? lol

    Lin, enjoy your friend and your day.

    Mae, if I had the patience to let my hair grow into a pony tail I would. I actually hate my hair because it is so fine and straight. lol Just a FYI, I haven't seen my step sons daughter who is now 11 since I have been separated for five years. Her parents don't let me see her which breaks my heart. I have a chest with gifts and cards that I buy her for every holiday and hope one day when she is older she will reach out to me. Otherwise I told my granddaughter to give her the chest when she is 18. Only time will tell.

    Buzz, here is what I found about Amelia Earhart:

    Time to go, have a good day!
    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited July 2017
    Actually SANDY we do have cowboys in England only they are called "drovers". They once drove the cattle from Scotland to London and I suspect the American cowboy evolved from them. Settlers and pioneers. Small world, eh. However I don't think we had John Wayne to save the day!
    Thanks for the Amelia link. Interesting.
    These are the cattle they drove up to a 100 years ago.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member