Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    And lettuce roll-ups will NEVER take the place of a yummy pancake (maybe covered with fresh blueberries so it is healthy?) I keep fighting with myself over tasty, healthy, ...will it really make a difference once I'm gone? If one loves tasty foods, one must constantly fight the urges, and is that healthier, really, than sersne enjoyment? Ok, OK, I take it all back. I will have only 1/2 a cup of our seafood bisque at tonight's Birthday Dinner! Salmon instead of filet mignon, no cake! How delightful!
    JACKIE, the following is from a pet site: "Don’t use soap or shampoo. In the majority of cases, you should not use any type of detergent, soap, or shampoo when cleaning gunk from your dog’s eyes. This can cause irritation for your pet. Instead, you should stick to water and avoid cleansers altogether." "Trim the hair around your dog’s eyes. Keeping the hair around your dog’s eyes clipped can help prevent irritation and the proliferation of disease-causing bacteria and viruses. Have someone familiar with the dog hold her while you use blunt nosed scissors to trim the hair." Website link:
    Is today the day to wear my Mardi Gras necklace from New Orleans? I bought it years ago, and have never worn the amusing thing!
    After my last haircut, my haircutter told me never to use a brush on my hair, simply fingers and scrunching pulls!9w16qa36jipn.jpg. This is the result!
    I must learn to scrunch!
    <3 Buzz
    .......................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!.............................

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Great day in the morning! Sunshine! Coooooooold however. Katie’s outdoor water bowl has a thick ice covering. She loves to play with ice. Her inside water dish is often neglected.

    All these great meal plans, we are having our valentine dinner tonight. Angle hair pasta, chicken and mushrooms with hollandaise, green salad, white wine. John picks the wine since I haven’t a clue about wine. For dessert we are having chocolate covered strawberries (Costco, cheaper than Buzz’s elegant $3.00 apiece but probably not as delicious) my homemade valentine and a sip of Brandy later. That’s a pretty good valentine party for us. Katie will get a bit of chicken and some of her beloved liver snacks.

    One of my favorite movies is Julia and Julie, with Mariel Streep. Not sure John will consent to a movie without intrigue and car chases. The Olympic snowboard competition and skiing was breathtaking. How does a human body take flight and soar that fast and that high?

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,186 Member
    Read to move on to coloring. Yes Buzz, it is Mardi Gras today. Wear that necklace!!!

    Patsy, the celebration sounds wonderful. And I hope you are able to select the movie.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Went to the dentist for my cleaning, then to a great lunch with Bryanna and Laurie and then to the airport. I have to say, I am happy to have my life back again although I love my DIL. Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday so mass and ashes and then later bingo.
    Thursday my meeting and Friday a mammogram and early sitting since after waiting an hour yesterday at her doctor they told her she was delivering a baby so she had to reschedule until Friday. Busy, busy, busy.

    I hope to get back into my routine tomorrow so until then have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Happy valentines day dear sneakers. Love is the gasoline that keeps us running. Not just on Valentine’s Day, but our whole life long.

    John told me about going to Costco to get chocolate covered strawberries and a Guy was getting some to give to his sweetheart. He was going to propose on Valentine’s Day. The Costco staff were all helping him pick out the best ones and wishing him well. John even chimed in and gave him some advice. John’s advice..”.do this in the early part of the evening...don’t hide the ring in the strawberries. Too many possibilities of disaster. Diamond rings are hard to digest.”
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited February 2018
    ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️.... HAPPY VALENTINES DAY TO YOU ALL AND ALL THE DEAR ONES YOU LOVE.... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


    It's Jilly's second birthday and she, for sure, has brought much love into my life!

    Anne. Hugs all round.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    To my dear Sneaker friends. Enjoy the day.... let's all think happy thoughts!

    <3 Jackie
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Thinking happy thoughts JACKIE and wearing my new pink shirt in celebration of the day!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited February 2018
    Wet, miserable, cold, foggy.... you name it, it's going on outside but shopping was achieved early this morning, George and I took a stroll through our roads that currently run like a stream and I'm changed into warm fleece and dry jeans as I contemplate minted pea soup for lunch.

    Anne ~ When I moved to the village 30 years ago pancake races did take place with the only obstacle being the risk of a wandering herd of milking cows appearing over the horizon as the farmer drove his Landrover slowly along hanging the outside of the door and calling for them to come off the moor. Unfortunately these days it's more likely to be a boy racer speeding through the village in his souped up car so the parish council had to stop community events for risk of someone getting killed!! The only sort of pancake to enjoy is with a sprinkle of sugar and the squirt of a real lemon but yesterday, even with a bowl full of my chooks eggs, I didn't make any!!

    Buzz ~ Lovely lady, lovely hair.... if only my mop of hair would take some scrunching too! Thanks for dog eye cleaning info which does make sense. At the moment I do only use a warm wet cloth and occasionally aloa vera dog eye wipes. It took me a long time before George trusted me anywhere near his eyes with scissors then one day at the vet about something completely different he suddenly picked up a sharp pointed pair and snipped right into the corner of his eyes but then of course, being a vet he was confident so I looked into getting the round ended sort. I even snip his gorgeous long lashes so they don't curl into his eyes but will certainly avoid shampoo near his face.

    Patsy ~ The question is, will you ever discover if the girl being proposed to said yes. Someone needs to find out!!

    Feels to me like a light the fire and watch a movie sort of afternoon. The other night I watched The Flowers of War based on the 1937 Nanjing massacre about a group of Chinese girls taking refuge in an American church and what happened when some ladies of the night also hid there. Apparently the incident is true and well before the end, knowing they weren't all going to escape I was watching with tears streaming down my cheeks and it stayed with me for a long time. Perhaps I should stick to Tom Cruise nonsense!!

    Minted pea soup calls so hello to everyone I missed and a big hug to Jilly Bean on her birthday.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I was going to take Bean out for a long, long walk but had to turn back because my drive is a skating rink right this minute. I hope it melts today because the poor little Bean was all excited at the prospect of a long, long walk!
    You know you have to be very confidant that someone will accept a marriage proposal if you pay out for an expensive ring! Can one get a refund if one is turned down?
    Confession time. Am I the only female in the world who doesn't like chocolate covered strawberries? Allergic to strawberries, don't care for the taste and I don't like dark chocolate. Can't drink champagne either because of migraines! A box of milk chocolate coated coffee creams would be much appreciated though!
    Carry on scrunching BUZZ. The style suits you.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,186 Member


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    edited February 2018
    Happy Wednesday, Happy Valentines Day and Happy Ash Wednesday!! :) Love all the graphics and greetings and love Buzz's hair. I am going to mass at noon to get my ashes and then coming home to finish my laundry before going to bingo. Today is a fast day so no meat and only small meals with nothing in between. Although I am over 59 I still do the fasting and no meat on Fridays for lent, that is the least I can do.

    Our lunch was wonderful and Laurie got to the airport with time to spare only to find our her plane was delayed an hour due to mechanical problems. She arrived home safe and sound.
    She won't know for several weeks whether the new preventive medicines that gave her will work or not. Right now she is still getting headaches which I really feel sorry for her.
    She is supposed to go back to the doctor in 4 to 6 weeks but she isn't sure if she will as of now.

    I am very frustrated because I am being denied access to American Airlines website from my desktop and I can't figure out why. My son will probably get on my computer remotely to figure it out. I am just trying to see my reservations to Florida in May .

    Must eat something before getting ready. I hope you all have a love filled day!

    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    It is a very showery day but warmer! We had a lovely valentine dinner and movie with lots of valentines. It is important to us. And I must say...I love strawberries, chocolate and wine! I wish I didn’t but there it is!

    I did have a little chat with our daughter. She still has the flu. Continued fever and chills and nausea. Many trips to the bathroom. This is a vicious virus. She has had this for almost 5 weeks. It has me crazy with worry about her. Her doctor said there is nothing to do but tough it out and go to ER if her symptoms get worse. She is a bad candidate for tamiflu.

    Katie is dragging around her baby blanket. When we bought her they gave us a blanket that her mom and the other puppies slept with. She is now almost 2 years old but her blanket is still one of her favorite things. She also has a special stuffed animal that she really loves. She never tries to chew holes in it and remove stuffing as with so many her other toys.

    I guess each breed of dog comes with their own set of challenges. Katie has clear eyes and ears but she has that UTI issue. She must be enticed to drink water. Why????

    I keep looking for those daffodils. So far only the one unidentified yellow object out in a vacant pasture. I think I will pack up a beach tailgate picnic on the next sunny day. Katie loves the beach but is terrified of the waves and surf. Thank goodness. John loves all of it and will get too far into the surf. Sneaker waves are lethal around here. Water is dangerously cold and we have Rip tides.

    Be safe ladies and be careful on that ice. One slip can change your life forever. I have seen that sad occurrence. But I know we are a bunch of smart people who rarely tempt fate with a careless act.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    i was bye So hello and have a sweer day
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited February 2018
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) I had a $17 win at bingo last night, better than nothing. It was a foggy ride home which wasn't fun but made it safe and sound. Today is my meeting but nothing else after that. Tomorrow is my mammogram and then early sitting for the boys.

    My heart is broken like all of yours, with the latest shooting in Florida. I cannot understand why anyone needs an assault rifle especially at the age of 19. The poor families of all involved, remember when schools were a safe place to be???

    Have a great day or at least try.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited February 2018
    Finally the sun has come out so although it's still a bit chilly we all feel brighter. For the first time in what feels like weeks we walked to the top of the moors with Scruff and her mum where we could see lakes and rivers of water that never existed before. We know we'll have to be alert to sink holes once it starts to dry out because below our feet as we walk are mile upon mile of old mine shafts held up by nothing more than a few rotten timbers! A washing load is just in from the garden, the wormery has been turned and one of my 2 hydrangeas pruned. It's a start! Always lovely to see Marie popping in to say hello. :)
    Good girl Anne, keep away from the ice! :o
    George has a new Scruffs brand bed for an anniversary present because his original donut bed has become too small so he ends up stretching out with his head on the floor. I might post a photo later just to bore you all. LOL
    It's already near to 5pm in my neck of the woods so I'll get my fire lit, put the kettle on and decide on a meal.... probably a veggie stir fry.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,186 Member
    edited February 2018
    Good afternoon, so far, an early morning trip to Trader Joe’s for a few groceries and to find something to take to the snack-type food potluck for Chinese New Year tomorrow. They gave me a little bouquet of fresh flowers, just because. They weren’t going bad or anything, just a nice guy.

    Then off to the post office to mail a get well card to my friend who had surgery on Tuesday. With all of her allergies and sensitivities I was very concerned for her. According to her husband, she did well and a text I received yesterday afternoon indicated she would likely go home by yesterday evening.

    Finally to the library to chat for a few hours. Lots of discussion regarding schools, guns, parental authority, societal norms and more. I took my coloring so I was productive during the chat.

    Sandy, not a huge bingo win but a win nine-the-less. Better than I would do no doubt. Yes, I remember when schools were safe, and we could play outside and ride our bikes all over the neighborhood by ourselves, and church was safe and the worst road rage was someone making a rude gesture when someone did an idiotic move on the road. My library is having an in-service day and they were scheduled to do Active Shooter training but they were unable to get it scheduled for this in-service day due to a change in the speaker’s schedule. Oh my, yes, that safe feeling I had as a child is no more. If it was always an illusion it is one that I miss.

    Jackie, my gosh, I would likely never walk over ground that might cave into old mining tunnels. Ack!! That scares the bejeebers out of me. Looking forward to seeing George's new bed. You have a wormery? Tell me more. Where do you keep them?

    Buzz, lovely sparkly Valentine image. Brilliant.

    Best wishes to everyone.

