Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited February 2018
    Just saw a beautiful movie (based slightly based on reality) called Victoria and Abdul.
    lovely film, and Judi Dench is just incredible again!
    JACKIE, I'm so glad that website proved helpful! Paw plunge sounds perfect! I can't believe it's 4 years already since George entered your life. I hope you get rid of that virus now!
    ANNE, amazing how quickly things arrive from across the puddle! It's a smal world after all!
    SANDY, those video calls are embarrassing on my Facetime, every wrinkle gets exaggerated, (I think!) and I don't want to have my kids see what I look like! When I see pictures of your area, I keep hoping you'll hop a plane to Florida! I agree, the "Golden Years" are not for the weak or weary! But mostly , I try to concentrate on "content".
    LIN, of course the dear man is unaware, but he nd his wife are following my suggestion about occupational therapy, and will also invest in a "bib" chain for him. Dignity disappears too soon!
    I think there's another interesting movie tonight, and I must decide between that and 60 Minutes! Tough!
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!.............................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,186 Member
    Good evening, just an inch of snow overnight but enough to make slippery roads this morning as I wound my way to church. After the service and cleaning up communion, and several meetings I headed out and lovely surprise—the sun was out and things were melting. So I did not have to slip home. Stopped for a newspaper, got home, cleaned out water and ice from the garage door AGAIN, then enjoyed lunch and all of the newspaper. Well, at least the sections that interest me.

    I have put together a few more Valentine card bases as I might give them, if I get them finished, to my Mah Jongg pals. But I am stopping for now, my hands are really beat up again so I plan to slather them in lotion and read this evening.

    Jackie, another day of bland food. Whatever works but I am awed by your ability to go out and walk with George when feeling so poorly. George has a terrific carer. May tomorrow be a better day.

    Anne, snow and now freezing rain. Oh my. We are one day short of a record for most consecutive days with snow. Luckily we will not surpass it as we are now hitting a few days with no forecast snow or rain. And warmer temperatures with melting and loads of slush. I am okay with that. Three more people at my church have fallen and each broke their arm. Again, all were young which made my old brittle bones groan! So please take care. Lots of care.

    Sandy, is your weather changing for the better? Did you visit Laurie this afternoon? I hope they have found some help for her headaches.

    Buzz, 60 Minutes won for me this evening. By the way, I was curious to know what weight card stock you use with your printer. I can load 80# in the paper tray and it will work but that is it, nothing heavier. I use 110# for my card bases but just cut it and use a bone folder to crease it. Then I add layers to it but my printer scoffs at me if I try to feed a sheet through it. If you decide on a new printer, I would appreciate knowing your selection. The duplex feature on my printer is starting to malfunction. Nothing lasts forever right?

    Patsy, hello. I hope you are having an enjoyable day.

    Well, time to grease my paws.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Lin, an FYI that the guy who installed my garage opener. He said use spam on the bottom of your garage door to protect it from freezing shut.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    There's a sun rise!!!!
    A lovely barking day at all the dogs going past our house from you all know who!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Sandydur wrote: »
    Lin, an FYI that the guy who installed my garage opener. He said use spam on the bottom of your garage door to protect it from freezing shut.

    That is spray Pam not spam! Lol

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited February 2018
    Too funny SANDY. I did wonder about all the raccoons licking the garage door. Thanks for the smile of the day, and hey, it's still sunny!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I preferred the idea of spam but hey, never mind!! LOL

    Got to eat.... back later.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Waiting for my DIL to text and/or call me to let me know what time she is being released from hospital. I am hoping it is this morning so I can take her to meet Max. My cleaning girl is coming this afternoon so I would like to be out of the house.

    I am glad you had a laugh and I bet you thought that garage door man was weird. I haven't tried it myself, mostly because I keep forgetting but luckily so far my door hasn't frozen shut.

    I hit down big icicles off my balcony yesterday and shoveled about a foot of snow off the balcony. Then went to the front and my neighbor helped me break up ice in front of my garage door. When I got in my lungs were hurting from breathing in the cold but at least I got it done.

    I have to eat and get ready just in case she is ready to go soon. Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Sandy! I wondered about that spam business. I had this vision of a row of canned meat under the garage door. I thought, “I wonder how that could work?” But then all manner of odd uses of things confound me. On YouTube they say to use cola to clean your toilet, baking soda to clean shower door, and my eye doctor said to use baby shampoo to wash my eyes to keep the little tear glands from stopping up. I can’t vouch for all the other stuff but a dab of baby shampoo on a very wet washcloth as you gently wash along the lashes cleared up my problem very quickly. However a row of canned meat under the garage door.....

    Very cold here. But it looks like a clear day.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,186 Member
    Hello, laundry finished, a batch of beans cooked, mushroom gravy made so a good start to the morning.

    Sandy, I must say I was quite confused as I didn’t want to attract raccoons! My handyman used silicon spray along the seal of my garage door which helped a bit but ice is still forming so I am trying to be proactive as ice forms along both inside and outside edges of the door. Don’t know why it started doing that this year, neither does the handyman. Another mystery in life. I hope you are off picking up Laurie now. Take care.

    Patsy, one of my friends swears the Coca Cola toilet cleaning is the best! Ha, not Pepsi, not generic, she only uses Coke. I have never tried it. I do use vinegar and baking soda for many things. I had not heard of the baby shampoo trick. I hope I remember it should the need arise.

    Anne, Jilly is just saying hello to all the dogs that pass by. Haaaaa.

    Jackie, I hope you are able to eat today. I mean something more substantial and nutritious than the last few days. Hello to George.

    Buzz, hi!

    Back to work for me. Industrious Monday? :D:D


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Spent forever on the phone and internet today and bought me a new RED laptop finally. The pink one I was set to buy did not have an antiglare screen, which I need. Then somehow I got onto the Wacoal website and ended up trying some new, and I hope more comfortable, bras and pants! We'll see; all are returnable!
    Lin, I use 110 lb card stock and love it. I replaced my real old printer with a brand new same model printer which I could no longer get at Canon because they no longer make it. However, I found a brand new one at Amazon and Canon gave me the same warranty as if I bought it from them! I think they sdded (online) a newer driver -free. The big thing is it is a rear feeder, which is necessary for heavy stock! Mine is a Canon Pixma MX310 ---rear feed! Now please explain to me what a bone feeder is. I use the handle of my magnifying glass to flatten the crease, and think there must be a better way!
    All of you with the icicles, snaow, shovels, cold
    I used to love that, but cannot imagine living in it nIce skating and tobogganing were so essential to my winters! Aagh!
    Almost dinnertime and I have not had even breakfast so I'm off and eating!
    <3 Buzz
    .......................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!.............................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,186 Member
    Buzz, thank you for the printer information. If my HP gives up I will look into this. I need AirPrint and really could use two printers both an ink jet and a laser printer. Yes, I use a Teflon Bone folder and have a scoring board. I don’t remember where I got the one I have but Amazon of course has many. The Teflon doesn’t damage the paper. You know those shiny crease marks?

    That is a link to the type of thing I am using.

    Congratulations in the new RED laptop!!! When will it be delivered? Oh and happy new undies as well. Haaaaaa.



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Just a quickie. Our hospitals are reporting more fractures than usual this year because of ice, snow then ice again. Mainly the younger set. I think us oldies stay indoors as much as possible being retired. Anyway, take care!!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Our erratic weather continues so no walking on the moors this morning, instead another stroll round the village until at one point with our noses facing towards the hills we were hit by stinging, horizontal hail. George has been barking for the past hour so I have to assume he can hear something I can't but goodness, it's becoming annoying. Perhaps I'll pop out after a light lunch to buy some bags of hay to lay in the chicken run which has become a slippery quagmire so not pleasant for the chooks. Patsy's baby shampoo suggestion has rung a bell for perhaps good use cleaning George's eyes that seem to constantly produce gunk in the corners. Anne, I think common sense has a lot to do with us old fogies avoiding ice and snow too. Not much of it about in the younger generations!! Lin I'm sure if George wasn't so busy barking at nothing he'd return your greetings!

    As George continues to bark plan A is a definite so I'll wish Sandy, Buzz, and Marie and Jeri good tidings if checking in and get on with my day.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    It's Shrove Tuesday and Pancake Day before we tighten our belts for Lent. There's a recipe on BBC for English pancakes. Does your village participate in pancake races JACKIE? This involves running with others down the Main Street tossing your pancake as you go and hoping you catch it back in the frying pan before it splatters on the Tarmac and you are disqualified.
    Jilly won't stop barking either! Maybe it's something to do with the start of the year of the dog. Whatever.......aaagh!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,186 Member
    Year of the Dog starts on Friday!! Perhaps the canines have started celebrating early?

    Mardi Gras celebrated here with as many excesses as possible.

    I am playing Mah Jongg this motning and going to coloring in the afternoon. A friend is having surgery today and I will call her husband this afternoon to see how she is doing. She is allergic to almost everything and is considered high risk for any type of surgery.

    Need to get going.

    Hugs. Be as safe as possible. Hi barking Jilly and George. B)

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I'm thinking a savoury pancake for shrove Tuesday. Just to keep off the sugar. I haven't a recipe so this should be fun! Fried onions, tomatoes, herbs, anyone with brilliant ideas!
    Anne. The very amateur cook!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,186 Member
    Haaaa, how about savory flat bread with veggies on top. AKA pizza!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    LOL. Hm, not quite the same as a soft roll up pancake! Think crepes. But there again, an ordered pizza would be easier! Thanks LIN. Anne.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    You are right LIN. It's like eating a soft crusted pizza!
    Mama Mia from Yorkshire!