Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Just looked up Nostradamus predictions for 2018. Huhu they don't look good! Apparently the rich will suffer the most. Being a peasant maybe I'll be okay as he also predicted life span will increase to 200 years! Oh and we will communicate with animals - which I'm already doing with The Bean.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) I don't think our snow is expected until tonight so I am hoping to go to 5:00 Mass and stay in tomorrow. I will watch the Super Bowl by myself which is fine with me.

    Lin, i'm with you in not believing that prediction. We made it through the year 2000 and here it is 18 years later. Sorry your ear is bothering you and agree that winter should be over, it has been a rough one.

    Anne, you are one funny lady with a quirky mind, where do you think up this stuff? lol

    Jackie, glad you had a wonderful birthday with great friends. As far as the man who you let go ahead of you, patience is a virtue. Just because he lacked manners you were kind and that was all that matters.

    Buzz, I think your birthday is safe and you will still visit with your son. No sense in worrying about the future, we have no control over it or anyone.

    Patsy, I have to admit your bunny is strange but still fun. You are very talented in all you do.

    Have a great day and hopefully no snow in your area.

    One Day at a Time
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited February 2018
    Morning Ladies

    Thanks for your kind comments.

    Cold and snowy again. Ed is at a men’s conference today and I thought I go shopping. However the weather is so awful I’m just going to stay home and read my book. I’ve been reading an awful a lot lately having lots of fun trying out new authors and just plain having fun reading. I download books from the library and from other various places. That is the nice thing about the Internet now because you can download lots of books and try them out and read them all for free. I love it.

    Jackie I’m sorry that I missed your birthday. A belated happy happy happy birthday.

    Well I think my tea is ready I’m going to sit down and drink a cuppa tea and read my book. Hope everybody has a wonderful day.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Ah, ANNE, You have been sharing my weather caused aches from arthritis! So sorry, but relieved that I am not the only one who believes weather affects my joints and muscles and everything else on my frame! Yesterday I felt like a new person, while today is...well yichy! Just continue to keep us laughing and I forget the aches!
    Let me assure you neither my son nor I believe those prognostications, but just in case, I'll request a delay of 24 hours, lol! I seem to recall every several years, one group or another will gather its followers on a hill and patiently wait for The End! The stories don't seem to have a follow up, unless it turns into a vast tragedy!
    LIN, I hope your ears and sinuses heal completely so you can enjoy your interests again!
    SANDY, is your reaction to that pokey unmannerly man to whom JACKIE was so kind the advice from the 10 step program? It is certainly kindly, and yet I totally understand the Aldi reaction! I might have muttered "you're welcome" just loudly enough for him to. figure it out!
    I spent too long today clucking over the orange wonder's interpretation of his dud of an "exposure". Is there a way of shutting down tweets? Can we stand 3 more years of Banana Republic policies?
    JACKIE, what a lovely way to celebrate with all your beloved friends. I'd join you for your cuppa, but I just discovered despite eating lightly these past several days, all my cuppas have added close to 4 pounds I didn't need! Boo hoo!
    JERI, sounds like you are finally giving yourself some "Jeri time"!Good to hear you ar reading. I love downloading books; my problem is that's where they sit: in my Kindle or cloud! I never seem to read them! I have 2 Ken Follett series waiting for me, (I hope!)...I have also put off reading about how to improve my Sudoku! Instead I struggle daily!
    I'm stuffing up and drooping. An order with Amazon trying to get me into their Pantry
    (I already pay enough for Prime) wore me out. I finally called Amazon and pleaded with them to just send my couple of items and a nice fellow took pity on the old nut on the phone and completed my order without the extra $5.99 shipping charge! So goes my exciting life! Goodnight , dear friends,
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Lost my post.... more ramblings about a chilly walk, wandering cattle and predictions. Time to move on so won't repeat it all other than to ask Anne, do you remember Old Moores Almanac? It's still on the go so I looked up 2018 and it seems we are in for a wonderful year of just about every disaster imaginable, much like 2017 I'd say!!

    I wish everyone a peaceful Sunday whatever you get up to. I'm going to be watching England in an international rugby game played in sunny Rome so can drool at the weather and wish......

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Oh boy JACKIE! Indeed, Old Moores Almanac!!! They are predicting pretty much what old Nostradamus said. What's that expression "it's being so miserable that makes me happy"! LOL. Well all I can suggest is we enjoy life to the full, the pets, the kids etc. And rush into our basements if anything comes whizzing over from a land far, far, far, away. On a sober note I don't like the idea of Russia getting pally with China and Korea!

    On a happier note I think I told you all my two bras and a nightie arrived? Thrilled to bits again and Wonderbra is no more in this household! Anyway M&S asked me to do a survey on customer satisfaction. This I did and now I'm entered in their monthly draw. Don't expect to win a voucher, but who knows! I think the secret to successful online shopping is to follow measuring instructions very carefully and stick to style and colours one is comfortable with. I better get my wardrobe updated before Old Moores and Nosty's predictions have a chance of coming true! Pray to God they don't!

    A friend sent me a picture of a certain elderly golden boy. He is saying "I don't want to brag but I've just completed a jigsaw in one week and the box says two to three years".

    And on that note I'll away and wait for my weekly phone call from a certain elderly gingery gent. Maybe not though if there's a rugby match going on! Now if world leaders could only meet on a rugby field!!! Wouldn't that be entertaining!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    edited February 2018
    Good morning, lots of cold and a bit of snow. February is communion prep and clean up month for me once again. I haven’t actually found any people for the remaining months of the year so I forecast a year of much time in the communion prep area for me.

    Well of course I went to the library and once I got there and started chatting with others and looked over projects and talked about products etc. I stayed much longer than I had planned on. Ha. Who could see that coming. One lady showed me the handmade book she is working on. She took a class at our Art Center so this is really handmade. They selected leather and cut it. She has several signatures bound into the book and I was delighted with the various fold outs and clever uses of paper she showed me. The class was to finish the book but she wanted to take her time and not just put in the signatures the instructor showed them. Lovely!

    Sorry you lost your post Jackie. I hate when that happens. Being from the U.S. I only know the Old Farmer’s Almanac. My dad would purchase one each year to decide when to plant his vegetables. I have allowed others to go ahead of me in the store when they were carrying just a couple of things. I have learned to ignore them. More than once the person with nothing in hand wants cigarettes (which the clerk must retrieve) or something else that takes FOREVER and so, I say, this is why the Express land exists. Ha.

    Buzz, glad no one in your family believes those strange people. Many people do I am afraid.

    Time to move along.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Not so sure how happy it is with it snowing. Tomorrow is more snow and I am picking my DIL up from the airport and taking her downtown to a doctor's office and then possibly to the hospital. I hate driving in snow so I hope it all stops or at least they keep the roads plowed.
    Super Bowl is always on so late but I am in several pools so I hope I win something. I do like the commercials although I read this year there are no Clydesdales which is my favorite.

    Lin, another busy month of communion prep and clean up. I hope you find some volunteers, it isn't fair for one person to do all the work.

    Lin, I think your friend has the right to brag about his puzzle if he finished it in a week. Yes, it would be entertaining to watch our world leaders battle in out on some sport field whether it be rugby or American football.

    Jackie, I would rather not read about the gloom and doom but will to see what they predict.
    Sorry you lost your post it is so frustrating. Have fun watching your Rugby while I watch football.

    Buzz, yes, I have learned there is no reason to get upset with people who haven't a clue although I certainly am not perfect and lose my patience often. Is Amazon pantry where you sign up and they automatically send you staple items like paper towels and such? I think my daughter does that but I have no interest.

    Jeri, I also try to stay home and indoors when there is snow but there are exceptions when it is necessary and I hate going out in it. Today I am staying in while the snow flies.

    Have a great day everyone.
    One Day at a Time

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Lazy Sunday morning here. Continued soggy and fog. Very Oregon coastal weather. Not very picturesque, I fear to say. We will give the Super Bowl a try but if it is too one-sided, John will be off the couch and outta there.

    I was amazed that there was an Irish version of the farmers almanac. We always had fun with it when my grandfather brought one home from the feed store. Wow! Blast from the past!

    Lin: the handmade books are indeed an art form. I’ve seen them with handmade paper and little treats of folded envelopes and tiny 3D surprises on each page. I was gasping every time I turned a page. Of course they demand calligraphy.

    Anne: new underwear is a great and wonderful feeling. Why? Who knows but I have graduated to Grannie panties years ago. A bit lace and embroidery here and there is my style these days.
    Yea Eagles?
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi eveybody, I was certain I'd be back in the dining room today, but after the 5th friend says to me, "You sound so nasal," now my jointsre predasal", I.ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ I asked the nurse for an extra day food service, and somehow as you can see my computer seems off the wal crazy with letters marching on their own, words disppearing or whatever. Not my day---or night!
    <3:s Buzz
    ...........................Always Believe................ well, almost!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Brrr, a cold start to the day, so icy in fact our morning walk was delayed for an hour until I felt the roads would be safe. George and I on our own again as Scruff's mum doesn't like driving when it's like this but it did mean my little man was able to run and run across the frosty grass without having Scruff bark in his ears! We covered a couple of miles and by the time we got back to my car the ice was beginning to melt so I've hung washing out on the line having stripped my bed and so far it doesn't look as if the sheets are frozen solid!

    Anne ~ M&S are certainly doing a grand job for you and fingers crossed for that voucher! Old Moore is a giggle really isn't he and I suppose when following a trend something is bound to come out as true although I'm hoping it's not the Icelandic volcano giving Norway problems, not until I've had my cruise anyway!! That quote of yours did make me laugh as I'd forgotten that one!

    Sandy ~ Best to take all predictions with a pinch of salt because if anyone really knew what was likely to happen in the next year they'd make a fortune on the markets!! Did your team win the Superbowl? Mine won the rugby!!

    Lin ~ We have a farmers' almanac too which follows the position of the moon for planting and digging. When we first took up the allotment my neighbour and I chatted to a man who followed it religiously on his plot and certainly didn't seem to have to water his seedlings during dry weather whereas we were there most evenings with watering cans! I think y our communion prep follows a pattern that so many groups hit these days. Everyone wants things done right but don't want to have to do it themselves. I hit the same problem when secretary of the allotment association and gather the man that took over is tearing his hair out.... not that he's got much LOL. So far I've refrained from an I told you so...!!

    Buzz ~ When I pulled up in the dog walking parking spot this morning a man was sat in the boot (trunk) of his car trying to pull his wellies off and the first thing he said was keep your distance I'm getting over the flu. There's a lot of it about I said while thinking "man flu" because he wouldn't be out dog walking in the icy weather if it was true flu!! I think you are wise to take care of yourself until you've shaken off that bug completely and your joints recover. Roll on warm sunshine to get all our limbs moving properly again!

    Patsy ~ Did I hear on our sports news the Superbowl had a surprise winner which might in turn mean John enjoyed it? Hmm, soggy and fog sounds just like my January so at the moment I'm greeting cold and dry with a smile. Not sure how long that will continue though!!

    Oops, lunchtime then hen house clear out before predicted snow tomorrow.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited February 2018
    It's absolutely freezing here. Jill and I are debating whether we want to go out or not. NOT is winning at the moment. It's colder than a penguins chuff. Now. There's a great word for anyone studying Yorkshire dialect, chuff....No?

    Alas, nobody "got" my Donald jigsaw joke. Maybe I didn't tell it properly? It was a cross the Atlantic joke I think.

    M&S asked if I'd be buying regularly on the internet site. Not if Darren keeps shovelling at this rate because I'll be bankrupt! There's something to be said for a rainy west coast! (Friend Janice misses BC.). He's out there at the moment in case I optimistically want to go out. He shovelled last evening as well prior to this lot.

    Definitely a day for doing all those neglected indoor jobs.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good morning folks! Still dark out but it is to be soggy again. No sun but it isn’t snowing so I am grateful for that. Katie is fast asleep so I can sit quietly for a bit before she gets up. Then the rumble-tumble begins!

    Yes the game was exciting. The underdogs won! Er...Eagles, I mean. It was sad to see the Patriot’s quarterback so dejected sitting on the bench. Just to let you in on the drama of this game...the Eagles have never won a Super Bowl. The Patriots have won 5 times. I was thrilled the young Eagles quarterback was able to pull it off.

    The week begins with laundry, clean up, cooking dog food. Lots to do and I am sure I will run out of steam before everything gets done. The work will continue but that is okay. I like trying to set things in order. I always aspire to a clean orderly house. I am my own worse enemy. I mess things up as I go about.

    We have the Fisher Poet Gathering at the end of the month. It is quite an event. I am not sure I have the strength to go to another. It is a happy gathering of poetry, drinking, singing, debauchery and merriment. It is sort of a very earthy gang of people that write awful but fun poetry. Some out of town friends will be there but interest is fading for this kind of event. I have become a party-pooper.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Trying to get my laundry done before going to the airport. Still not sure if I will be on the road when the snow starts but will just take it slow when it does. The game was good I was happy the Eagles won but not happy I did not win on any of my 5 pools.

    Patsy, the commercials this year were not as good as in the past but I did like the one for the Voice. I think I missed some as people on Face Book were talking about them. I too, was glad the Eagles won especially since the Patriots have won 5 times.

    Anne, I reread your paragraph about the jigsaw puzzle man, at first I thought he was a friend but realized today someone was playing match maker with the braggart man. And how was his picture?

    Jackie, you amaze me when you hang your clothes out in the winter, mine would freeze for sure with our temperature being 2 degrees this morning.

    Buzz, sounds like a good idea to stay in and get well, you don't want to get others sick or it could become a vicious circle.

    Lin, are you exhausted from communion Sunday and cleanup?

    I better get moving so I am not late in picking up my DIL.

    Have a great day,
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    edited February 2018
    Good day, got home just a little while ago. It is very cold with snow expected so decided to go for shelf stable stock up at TRADER JOE’S. Yes, it is open again. So I bundled up and drove out there and got many things I wanted but not all. They are missing a freezer unit (apparently the replacement arrived damaged and had to be reordered) and things have been moved about so it took longer to shop as more hunting was involved. Ha, I even told them they had mis-priced the organic bananas. He laughed and got it changed then said maybe you should work here, you know our prices better than we do. Anyway, I checked out and the lady said it has been a madhouse since they reopened. People restocking since they had been closed and then big buying due to Super Bowl. They hope to catch up on restocking soon.

    So I am home, groceries put away and a bit of snow is coming down already. Apparently we may get four inches or more with commuting problems expected this evening. Yippee. I am happy to be retired.

    Anne, I got the joke. Loved it! I saw it on Facebook last evening so it is making the rounds. :) And I laughed again. Take care today with all your projects.

    Patsy, same best wishes to you. Apparently this is a day for tackling household tasks. I hadn’t thought that far ahead. I wanted to run one more errand but maybe I should just stay home.

    Buzz, I am sorry you are still not back to 100%. :( I hope today is better. A lady showed up at church yesterday and I know she has been unwell for a while but my Lord, the coughing was horrendous. She must feel terrible. Poor dear.

    Well, I did not watch football. I know, you are not surprised. I watched “Mao’s Last Dancer” and I enjoyed it and then a couple of episodes of The Yorkshire Vet. Oh, and I finished reading a mystery that I returned to the library. The author is Con Lehane. I found he has another series, hummm, will have to look into that.

    Well friends, it is freezing in my house, so will turn on the gas fireplace. I will complain later when I get my utility bill.


  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Morning all,

    Cool, snowy and slippery. We’ve been hibernating and this morning decided to go out for breakfast and shopping. Had breakfast and came home instead. The roads are awful.

    Lin - sounds like a busy day for you. I looked for the author at the library (ebook) but couldn’t find him. I am always looking for new authors.

    Buzz - computer problems and not feeling 100%. Rats. I’ll send you a big hug.

    Patsy - sounds like you will be busy too. Monday is generally a day of inspiration for me too. Hope it lasts. Lol

    Anne - nasty here too. Our neighbors did our driveway and sidewalk. Those plates of Christmas goodies I do every year do pay off for sure.

    Sandy - I see you too have an agenda today. We are a busy group for sure.

    It is nice and sunny out now but too cold for anything to melt. The weather forecast isn’t the best for the next week either. I am definitely looking forward to our trip to Vegas on the weekend.

    I’m heading upstairs to grab a load of laundry and do a little work. I have been babying my foot as it is been sore and I haven’t been able to get in my 10,000 steps every day and I am really feeling bad about that. But I really want to have no troubles when I’m walking on our vacation so I’m biting the bullet and trying not to aggravate my foot. I must’ve overdone it at some point -I tend to do things like that.

    Well I hope everybody has a really great day and I’ll check back tomorrow.



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Quick hello since I'm still trying to find time for breakfast! It's almost 2 PM! Nothing hurts today, and I'm happy for that, though this bout has left me unusually tired, so I take forever to think through what I want to do! ALso decided getting rid of unused clothing will give me hangars and space for the size I wear now! I may put it off another couple of days while I recover!
    ANNE, I got the joke only too well! Everyone else's 10 minute puzzles take me forever! The ones being put together in our lobby are many thousands of pieces, and when finished are not only gorgeous, but they get framed and sold for special projects here! I'll stick with Jacquie Lawson puzlle add-ons!
    I plan to go down for dinner tonight. A bus is going to the University luxury theater to view "The Post", but I don't want to be with crowds yet, so I'll wait till it's shown here. We all lived through it, so I'm not as eager as my kids were to see it. Will we have the strength and courage to repeat it if the press is destroyed?
    PATSY, I know what you mean about the gathering; reactions mute over the years! I think over the things I enjoyed years backand cannot believe I am the same person! By the way, I didn't cheer for my team! Boston's Patriots! To me it was always just a rough game with so many people getting mangled! ANd I froze sitting at the stadium!
    Jeri, I caught your warm hug and will share it with frozen Jackie so her fingers might thaw;
    My mind is drifting, stomach growling , eyelids closing
    SANDY and LIN, I could never forget eirherof you, so throwing kisses and white light your way. Yep, Amazon Pantry traps one into long term orders, not for me!
    <3 Buzz
    .............................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen................................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    edited February 2018
    Good evening - loads of snow, horrendous accidents and I am happy to have stayed home. Haven’t been out to the mailbox, my driveway is full of snow and I cannot pull my trash can out for tomorrow’s collection day.

    Most evening activities were cancelled. Wonder if I will get to Mah Jongg in the morning?

    How many weeks until spring? :D:D

    See you tomorrow.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Zoowieee! Ugly weather folks! Be careful, stay safe, keep warm, feeling grumpy and sooooo ready for spring. It is soooooofar away unfortunately.

    We did enjoy the game and had fun looking at the ads on YouTube to decide on our favorite. I did love the babies and all the diversity ads. It was quite nice to see that, to my way of thinking. Going to try to hit the pillow a bit early tonight. Not easy because John is a true night owl. His regular bedtime it 1:30 am. He has no idea how to get into bed quietly. Got to love the night owl.

    Working on a watercolor valentine for John. He always buys such sweet ones for me and flowers of course. I got him a new watch for Christmas. It is a really nice one. His old one was losing time. The funny thing is that he is wearing them both now and checking the time differences. I tease him constantly about that. So I am working on a valentine with a heart and a watch squeezed around the middle. I think he will get a chuckle about that.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It's snowing so the morning walk was a slow amble round the village as George had his usual stop, sniff, sniff, stop..... The temperature is below freezing at the moment and not expected to rise much so apart from checking the hens' water isn't frozen I won't be going out until another possible short walk late afternoon. The jigsaw puzzle joke made me smile Anne and I gather it's been doing the rounds in the UK! Has anyone come across novels written by Helen Dunmore? A friend is reading one called The Lie on kindle so I can't borrow a paperback but wonder if it's worth an investment.
    My head is thumping for some reason and joints complaining so I'll wish you all a good Tuesday and see if a half hour with feet up and eyes closed will clear it.
