Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Thanks everyone. I don't think I have the flu, just an exhausting upper respiratory thing, so I'm mostly resting and keeping away from anyone! I'm so sorry for PATSY's daughter, developing cellulitis on top of the flu! I hope she recovers well from both. I don't know whether it's gout or arthritis accompanying mine but I just want to sleep through it. JACKIE, I gave my beloved Norwegian duvet to one of my kids when I moved to Florida. That was the lightest, thickest, softest down I ever saw anywhere. Wish I had ir now, but you might want to look at them in Oslo!
    Stay well, pups and all, and I'll check in tomorrow.
    <3 Buzz
    ................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!.................
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hi all a short post for we are headed to the store shortly. Walmart. I love tat one stop shopping. get in one of those electric chair and off I o. Jerry and I are doing fine. learning to live with our problems I just got to accept our life now and go on living the best we can. Well really we have no choice. Miss you all.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,135 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting day and then grocery shopping. I did not win at bingo again and it is getting discouraging. Maybe next time!!

    Marie, so happy to see you check in again. I am also going to Walmart later but no chair for me, not yet anyway. Your attitude is wonderful and I think that is all we can do is live the best we can. Love you, keep coming back.

    Buzz, upper respiratory can be dangerous so please keep having the nurse check on you.
    This flu is really something and every sign has to be looked after so you don't end up in the hospital. I know I shouldn't preach since I didn't get the shot, but I still worry about you.

    Patsy, congratulations on the new skylights, I know that must make you feel better. So happy the rain cooperated with your service guy. Good luck with Katie's grooming.

    Anne, glad to read you caught up on some sleep. How is our little Jilly today?

    Jackie, finally a walk without no rain, glad it waited until you got home. Another picture please of the garden room with the door open. Sounds wonderful. Do you need screens for flying bugs?

    Lin, must have a busy day today, but I am sure she will check in later.

    Time for me to get ready, have a good day.

    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    Good afternoon, trying to wrap up a few things as I am attending visitation this evening. Truth be told, I would prefer to skip this for many reasons, not the least of which is two or three of the family members have been ill this week and I feel as if I am walking into a great soup pot of germs and illness. Also I need to drive there during rush hour traffic and I have just been to so many of these. I am burned out.

    This morning though was a bucket of fun. Many of our regular ladies showed up and it was just one hilarious topic after another. Many of them related stories of their own “back in the day”, and we all come from different locations so what a variety of responses. They played cards and I messed with some coloring I’d brought along. Then I sat in the drive through line at Starbucks to use the last of my expiring today stars.

    I have been sorting through email and find I need to renew my Online card subscription right away, my AAA membership is running out (and I need to make sure I am getting my discount for having a Farm Bureau membership), reward points are expiring at Walgreens so need to make some appropriate purchases there. I have several things in mind! And on it goes.

    Sandy, sorry there were no Bingo wins!! Next time. Hope you found everything you wanted at the store today.

    Buzz, I hope you will be on the mend soon. And flu or upper respiratory infection, just pulling for you to feel better soon.

    Marie, hi, aha, a trip to Walmart. Lots to look at there. Glad you are coping. And really glad to see you. <3

    Patsy, excellent idea to stay out of as many social get togethers as possible. I hope you and John stay well and that everyone in your family will thrive. Katie is fortunate to have people who care for her so lovingly. I can by the way, believe how much cleaning you do. With two Huskies, I burned out several vacuum cleaners. Argh.

    Anne, I am glad Jilly is better now. She does have a delicate constitution and it must be exhausting to be on guard every moment. My giant male Husky had stomach and digestive problems. He was always getting sick and I could never curb his enthusiasm to swallow anything outdoors that he took a shine to. Poor dog, all that did him a lot of harm. I hope the most recent treats were perfect.

    Well, had best try to get a few things accomplished before I have to go out in the cold temperatures and colder wind!!

    Ah, winter. :/


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited February 2018
    It is freezing here, but groundhog Wiarton Willie says EARLY SPRING!!!!!!!!!!

    Anne and Jilly
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Hello All,

    Marie nice to see you back. I like one stop shopping too. When I was younger I loved going to a shopping center but now .... get it done, and get it done quick.

    Buzz hope you are feeling better. Sandy is right. Take care my dear.

    Sandy I loved the birthday party picture. So cute.

    We’ve been hibernating as it has been cold and snowy. Brrrrrrr. We did go to Washington in January to visit my sister who seems to be doing pretty good. Fingers crossed. It’s always up and down with her, poor thing. She is coping better with her cancer tho and that is good. It helps in that she has joined a private group on Facebook for others with metastatic breast cancer. I think that has really helped.

    Ed and I are heading to Vegas in about a week. We’ve booked a timeshare. It should be fun.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,135 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,135 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Back to cold weather with snow expected over the weekend. I am sitting later so happy no snow today. The low carb and exercise bike are working and I am once again at goal and even a little under. Life is good.

    Jackie, I hope you have a wonderful birthday filled with love and happiness. I wish we could all get together to celebrate but we are with you in spirit.

    Jeri, great hearing from you and so glad your sister is doing well. I am jealous of your trip to Vegas, it sounds wonderful. I haven't been in years but always enjoyed my time there.

    Anne, and the news here: Groundhog Day 2018: Punxsutawney Phil sees shadow, six more weeks of winter. You are the lucky one.

    Lin, visitations are always sad and with family members being ill please be careful. At least you had fun with your other friends and got some laughs for the day.

    Buzz, hope you are feeling better today and having the nurse check on you.

    Patsy, I also take Preservison with lutein for my beginning stages of macular degeneration. My eye doctor swears by them and so do I.

    Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member

    All Best Wishes Dear Jackie.


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Jackie! Happy birthday! Just a little bring such a special point of view to this group. In truth, you are a gift to the sneakers every day. Photos, pets, views and news from your corner of the world. As you share your life, we feel an ever growing closer friendship. I know we all wish we were close enough to raise a glass of your beloved salted Carmel vodka in a birthday toast to you, my friend. HB Jackie...and many more.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Here is my bashful Easter bunny. Had great time working with powdered paper clay. I am sure Anne will be appalled by the rather crude technique but this “clay” doesn’t allow a refined texture. I named him Percy! Okay! On to house cleaning and other creative endeavors.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited February 2018
    Not a bit appalled PATSY!! Love your bunny! Anne
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited February 2018
    Reread PATSY'S post ; she says what's in all our hearts, dear dear JACKIE!
    <3 Buzz
    ..........................................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!..................................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    PATSY, who's face does your Bunny bear? I just love him (or her!) and it's expression!
    KERCHOO !!! Actually, I sneezed a little this morning, which unlocked my head, and I feel much better today! The arthritis pain seems to have evaporated; it had felt like gout all over my body for 2 days, and when I woke up this morning it was gone!!! Called the pharmacy and they delivered some horrible tasting lozenges for my sore throat, and they sort of paralyzed the throat and my lips, but I feel much better! I did have a flu shot but read that this year they gave the wrong strains!
    I really cannot complain!
    So nice to hear from MARIE, and know they are coping beautifully! we all send hugs and love!
    SANDY, you are a dear for warning me, and I will heed you well; and everyone else also!
    LIN, why must you go into a den of germs, anyway? Can't you put it off until all are well? Like Nancy used to admonish, "Just say no!"
    JERI, we always welcome you and happy to hear your dear sister is doing better, one way or another.
    I feel as you do about shopping so I mostly order online! Hate stores! Love YOU! Miss you, so come sooner. You all stay well!
    ANNE, you are another dear raconteur! You keep us glued to the post! What a terrific group you all are and aren't we lucky to know one another. STAY WELL. Love you all!
    <3 Buzz
    ............................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!......................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    LIN, dear one, I'm afraid I goofed. I do not recall having heard the term "visitation" and must have recommended the wrong thing. Forgive me, please, and would you please tell me what a visitation is? Thank you, love!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    Hello, good evening everyone. I hope Jackie had a wonderful day!

    Buzz, a visitation is going to the funeral home to pay respects to a family's loved ones. I mentioned a gentleman from church had passed away. The funeral is not in the metro area and I will not attend so I guess I thought it was more important to show up for the short time allotted for visitation. HOWEVER, as it turned out my sinuses started to ache and then my ear was throbbing so I ended up just collapsing and sleeping. Missed it. Sent a text to a friend to please apologize to the family for not attending. Oh well. Got loads of sleep and stayed in today. Laundry, putting up my artwork/color splotches (finally), sorting out supplies and putting away card making supplies for fall, Christmas, and winter. Valentine's Day is still out and now so are Spring and everyday cards (like Birthday etc.).

    Taking it easy otherwise. Thinking about whether or not to attend the papercrafting tomorrow. Haven't decided. If so, I will be gone all day. Should I flip a coin?

    Patsy, love the rabbit. Wahoo! Percy is a perfect name. How tall is he? Adore the shoes.

    Jeri, yippee! Glad to hear from you and oh my, a trip to Las Vegas. Have a wonderful time. I am glad your sister has found a private group on Facebook with people to keep in touch with who really understand the illness.

    Anne, our local groundhog pranced about in front of a local bar and stayed out indicating spring is on the way. I do not trust Groundhogs that drink!!

    Must move along now.

    Hugs Sneakers.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh dear, my wonderful son just posted this to Facebook: The Bible Says The World Is Going To End On June 24, 2018
    A conspiracy theorist has pointed to the bible along with his own personal calculations to determine that the end of this world is June 24, 2018.
    And he was supposed to visit me then on my birthday!!!

    ............................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!......................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited February 2018
    Good morning my lovely Sneakers and thank you so much for your good wishes and kind words. I do sometimes think I must bore you all with my ramblings about soggy walks and the habits of bees but being up hours before the rest of you so getting well into my day there just seems so much to say!! Take today for instance, an early trip to our local Aldi where I suggested the man behind me in the queue go ahead while I unloaded because he only had a few items. The response was a grunt before slowly putting his shopping into a bag and even more slowly sorting mucky coins that came out of a deep pocket..... "that's a pound, two, three, or yes I've lots of coppers so two, four six...." at which point I thought it better to lean against the counter and look elsewhere while still waiting for his thanks for letting him go ahead!! Never mind, a windy walk on those soggy moors and now home for the day. My birthday was so enjoyable with a coffee morning for friends who popped round after the morning walk then I was taken to lunch at a nursery garden centre that belongs to Prince Charles who happens to own most of Cornwall. The plants are expensive but did give us ideas on what to look for elsewhere and the organic kale soup tasted wonderful with a giant bacon sandwich. So what with that and all your wonderful good wishes I couldn't have asked for more.... thank you dear friends. Didn't weigh myself this morning Sandy so have a day and half to get back to where I was which was still overweight!!

    Patsy ~ I adore your Easter bunny Percy and hope you have a safe place for him to stand and observe the ever wonderful Katie. I can only reciprocate your kind words and know if we could all meet up there'd be lots of laughter, hugs and chit-chat!

    Buzz ~ No inclination as to why the world is going to end this time as opposed to all the other times that have come and gone without incident? LOL How dare they choose mid summer just when we're hopefully all enjoying warm breezes but more importantly your birthday!! You will have to ensure your celebrations are the best ever!!

    Lin ~ Your body was telling you something and I'm so glad you didn't go to the visitation. No one should feel aggrieved if people don't make it to such events as it's a very personal choice.

    Hello to Anne, Sandy, Marie and all other sneakers. George is wondering where his brunch is so I must move on.

    Hugs ~ Jackie
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hello everyone and to birthday morning after JACKIE, so glad your birthday was very enjoyable!

    So the world's going to end on the 24th June, BUZZ. Well all I can say is, after a sleepless night with every bone in the old body aching from the weather fluctuations, there will be an end to that as well! Lol. Every cloud has a silver lining and a cup of coffee and another look at PATSYS Percy the bunny had me smiling again! Oh and of course the mosquitos will disappear as well!

    Just had a thought which made me smile. Thousands of years from now when a new civilization of different beings arise, some creature on an archeologistic dig might stumble upon Percy and just like us today wondering what dinosaurs actually looked liked, will excitedly wonder if an ancient race, or us, had long ears and black dancing pumps!

    Time to move it Anne, a sleepless night has left you a little nutty!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    edited February 2018
    Good day.

    What a wonderful birthday Jackie. <3

    Anne, I hope you sneak a little nap today. Not nutty my friend. Inventive and entertaining!

    Buzz, I so do not believe that prediction. Perhaps something will happen to cause great harm because gosh, look at the crazy people in charge all over the globe. The Bible does not give a date for the end of times. Harrumph. People are always promoting something.

    I am going to the library for a while this morning. I need to return a couple of books and have several to pick up as well. I will sit and visit with the papercrafters for a while as I am toting along a bit of coloring but no cards or major projects. I would like to finish a couple of cards later today. We will see. Stupid ear is a bit on the blink again. When will winter be over? Argh.

    Bless all the dear Sneakers. Be well!

