Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    More friends here coming down with nasty noses or throats so our dinner companions have pared down a bit.One of tonight's choices was a cornish hen, and something nudged me that it would be 1/2 a bird so I ordered breast of roast chicken instead. Well, when the food arrived I was so glad I did not order the little hens, as they looked like tiny babies, and I felt horrible thinking about their so short lives!
    I just love JACKIE's new addition; everything so beautifully planned! Can't wait to see the fabric you chose for your seating pieces! Also tremendously enjoyed the little lab and his anguished howls over the unreachable fish in that iPad!
    LIN, your sentence reminded me of the absolute strong energy I used to feel between various limbs in Ti Chih Chuah! Just thinking about it brings back the memory of tingling nerve ends! I agree that the smelly odor would be discouraging to potential buyers! Who needs mold?
    ANNE, how empathetic of you to encourage your new neighbor to visit! what goes around comes around!!!
    Rest, SANDY! Parties are both fun and tiring!
    Now to tackle my email! Aargh!
    <3 Buzz
    .....................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen.........................................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A relatively dry walk on the moors with Scruff and her mum this morning on ground that sinks underfoot which meant another shower for George when we got home. So far I've sorted out home insurance on the phone that ran out yesterday having had problems online with a payment, put a pile of George's muddy towels into a wash and been next door to feed their cats Lola and Badger as they're away for the weekend. The plan was to be outside rearranging the footpath that runs round the garden room because it has become a muddy mess and narrower than before but will wait an hour or so to see if the damp mist lifts. I'm very happy with the new extension but because of the weather it's taking a long time for the walls and floor to dry out completely which then makes it feel cold so I won't be sitting out there enjoying the view just yet! A cruise tour programme has arrived in the post so I think looking through it with a cup of coffee will be my next "job".

    Anne ~ Great that you've met your new neighbour and can I'm sure, impart pearls of wisdom if the poor lady is having family problems. Funny how some people can talk to relative strangers rather than those closer to them and she's obviously found a good listener in you.

    Buzz ~ Cornish hen is something I've never tried for the same reasons. My neighbour tried raising Quayle for their eggs and meat and I couldn't look at them because I felt so sorry for the little creatures and of course their eggs looked as if they belonged in a blackbird's nest! Avoid those bugs if you can! :*

    Lin ~ The pink flamingo was one of many little gifts from my neighbours as a thanks for looking after pets and hens. Over the years we ran out of ideas for something useful so moved on to the silliest or funniest we could find but that flamingo is a watering can so useful as well!! When visiting London last October I bought them a scene of the city in a glass ball that snowed when shaken.... never seen it on display so must ask if it ended in a charity shop!!

    Sandy ~ Can't wait to hear about the party.... great fun I bet!

    Sounds like the towel cycle has finished so I'll get them out to air then concentrate on tours in Norway!!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I don't know about imparting pearls of wisdom JACKIE! It was really a case of just listening because without divulging someone's problems, they are not problems I will ever encounter in this lifetime. Your flamingo watering can reminds me of a large glass pelican I received from M and M on one of their travels. It's rather beautiful EXCEPT for the wee fish you can see through its pouch and suspended mid air. Maybe one day it will be swallowed! but then of course I'd see it through the pelicans glass body! Shudder.

    I haven't eaten Cornish hen or quail either BUZZ. A programme on the radio said you can collect Flu just by being in the same air the sufferer is breathing.

    Michael went on a date on Friday. All I know is he likes the same age lady and she rolled up in a BMW which leaves me speculating will I be taken grocery shopping in a BMW one day. Dream on, Anne!

    Enjoy Sunday everyone. Communication day.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,140 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) I was awoken or is it awakened, by a call from our police department with a recorded message saying a boy was missing and to call them if we see the boy. About an hour later another recorded call saying the boy was found, thank God.
    The party was a success and Max was adorable for the whole party. He was so happy when we sang happy birthday to him. The theme was Where the Wild Things Are....a book for children.
    There were lots of little kids there so you can imagine it was very hectic. Max goes to bed at 5:00 and sleeps until 7:00 so I took him upstairs to rock him and he feel asleep in minutes.
    Lisa's mom and I helped clean up after everyone left so I got home around 7ish.
    I will be going to Mass this morning and probably to see Babe and Daisy before my video call with my kids.

    Anne, was Michael's first wife older than he? This is the second time you mentioned him dating a girl his age. lol We have a lady and guy from bingo whom I like a lot but can't believe she is 15 years older than him. That would mean I could date a man 60 years old, near the age of my oldest son who is 54. I just couldn't do it, I would be mothering him. lol

    Jackie, your garden room came out perfect! I love everything about it including the skylight roof and the shelves for your plants. What a perfect place to relax once it dries and gets warmer outside, although do you have a little heater you can put in there for chilly days?

    Buzz, be careful with the germs, do they recommend wearing a mask to protect yourself?

    Lin, today is a busy day for you but hopefully your sun is shining like mine.

    Time to eat and get ready, have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hi folks. Its me again. Say I have missed you all. Alice is due out today. I am waiting on Jerry to fix my Oatmeal. and to get my bath. I was planning on filling my meds bottles but do not no where Alice put them last week when she done them.

    What I have been up to this past week. On a new diet. Following Dr. Furhman eat to live dietI lost 2 1/2 lbs this week. and feel great. No meat just beans veggies. nuts no milk, cheese either, Thhat is a hard one.I can do this. Yay!

    Hope this fine you all well and so very happy.

    Kidos are growing like a weed. Grayson turn 3 , Great grandson RC turn 2 another great grandson. Kathy has got to go back to work after 8 months off with a work related accident.

    Jerry is doing fine with is new ailment or as good as exspective he is still ddriving just in our Neigberhood.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Wonderful to hear from you Marie and all is well down there in Texas.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,140 Member
    Hi Marie,
    So good to hear from you. <3 Your new diet sounds interesting, I hope you learn to like it.
    All these kids are growing too fast, time sure goes fast doesn't it?
    Sorry Jerry has a new ailment, I hope he isn't in any pain. Glad he just drives in the neighborhood, maybe it is time to let someone else do the driving.

    Love you, keep checking in with us.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,201 Member
    Hello Sneakers

    Happy to hear from you Marie but sorry Jerry has problems. I hope all is straightened out with your medication and your meals!! Lots of lovely children in your life. Sweet.

    Sandy, thank you for the photo. He is a total cutie!!! And you are such a help to his folks. That is a blessing for them.

    Anne, someone to listen is worth so much! Your neighbor is fortunate to have found you. Ah, your son had a date and it was a good one. Excellent. It is difficult to find a compatible person later on, it seems everyone has been battered around so much by life that fitting together with someone else can seem impossible. It maybe I am speaking for myself. A friend’s uncle found a lady friend fairly late in life some years after his wife died. And the lady had been married before and had been horribly abused. She seems to be fine and they are having the time of their lives now. Much travel and many exciting activities. I am always astounded when I hear what they are up to!

    Jackie, I love the story of the pink flamingo. I sort of have a soft spot for flamingos and have always wanted a little lawn ornament. A watering can would be more practical. Ha.

    Well, long church time today, we had the after church congregational meeting and then I cleaned up communion. Had to stop for gas on the way home too. After lunch I messed about with some more art supplies, stamped the insides of a few cards and got them addressed. I am going to get a haircut tomorrow morning, then I will get those cards mailed, make a trip to the library and maybe a trip out to Costco.

    I need to read for a while. The book club will be coming up soon and these books always take so long to read! So, I am signing off for now.


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oh Sandy! What a darling birthday boy! “Where the wild things are” is a favorite. I read that to my kindergarten kids earlier. They all knew it and loved the story. All of them had seen the movie. It is interesting that the kids really live it. It is really very philosophical. Allegorical but kids get it on some level.
    Working on a Easter decor do-dad. Photo later.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh my gracious; little Max is positively delightful with that sweet smiling face and happy expression!. Ya done good, SANDY love!
    ANNE, I, too had wondered about "The same age" reference! Beyond a certain age, years are just a number! I was going to say having things in common helps, but then,...opposites attract! And a BMW never hurt an evaluation, lol!
    JACKIE, you have the patience of a saint! Unless George is a rare dog, bathing one is a challenge, as a rule! Are you considering other cruises, also? I have decided against renewing my passport; I hope that's not a mistake, but I used to feel half the fun was the romance!
    MARIE, so happy to see my "li'l Sis" back here! I'm remembering so well when I first joined! We've gone through lots of things together, but the Golden Sneakers will always be MARIE's group! You and Jerry take good care of each other, dear!
    Hope all's well with PATSY!
    we were supposed to see a movie about Vincent Van Gogh today, but the disk was defective so we were shown something named American Made instead. With Tom Cruise. Slightly insane story of a recruit to the CIA's war on drugs, or was it the war on revolutionaries in Columbia, or was it Oliver North's vengeance, or was it...but who cares? I found myself rooting for the "bad guy", and it's supposed to be true!....."Barry Seal, a TWA pilot, is recruited by the CIA to provide reconnaissance on the burgeoning communist threat in Central America and soon finds himself in charge of one of the biggest covert CIA operations in the history of the United States. The operation spawns the birth of the Medellin cartel and…" , I did not expect to stay beyond the beginning, but I sat through the whole thing!
    Looks like I'll get to bed early tonight!
    <3 Buzz
    .....................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen.........................................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Walk, or more like slosh in the mud done, a coffee on the go as well as a new batch of George's food cooling in a saucepan. I continue to do my best to clear some of the piles of goodness knows what that built up when I cleared the old conservatory but am determined not to put it all back! Trips to a charity shop and the tip on the cards this week.

    Anne ~ My BMW story is when I lived in the Beaches area of Toronto I drove off to work one morning to discover the main road that ran towards the freeway was slow with extra traffic. A very good looking man driving a BMW was waiting to come out of a side road so I cheerily waved him out and as he did he looked back at me smiling and raising an eyebrow until BANG, he drove into the car ahead of him. I managed to drive round the accident and carry on to work but thought if I hadn't already been in a relationship I'd have stopped to see if I could help!! ;) That pelican sounds like it could be Murano glass from Venice but I think it best you don't overthink what's going on inside!! LOL

    Lin ~ My experiences have been similar to yours with meeting men of a certain age that have so much baggage I soon decide I prefer my independence! That flamingo is one of my favourite silly gifts but do also have a woolly mushroom, cow bottle opener and felt bees hanging on a cord amongst many more!

    Marie ~ So good to see you amongst us and obviously doing well with your healthy eating. Sounds like you and Jerry are doing a grand job of looking after each other which is what it's all about.

    Sandy ~ Max has the most amazing knowing eyes if you know what I mean.... taking it all in with a gorgeous smile. I do have a little heater that I can place in the garden room later but at the moment I've been advised by the plasterer to let it dry out naturally otherwise cracks might appear!

    Buzz ~ The tour booklet I've looked through shows the trips we could take once we've docked at Norway's ports. We hope to decide a few before we go because we can buy cheaper online than on board but the rest of the time we'll play it by ear since we both enjoy just mooching about. My passport runs out some time next year so our planned Christmas trip to Lake Garda might be my last abroad.... not sure yet as I rarely plan too far ahead. Tom Cruise does seem to get involved in insane movies doesn't he. Last week I started to watch one called Knight and Day in which he ran about with automatic guns in each hand shooting the baddies by the hundreds and leaping off buildings as only he can but the one good thing about it, no two actually, was the leading lady turned out to be as tough as him and the humour was hilarious so I did see it through to the end!

    Quelle surprise, more rain on the way so I'd better check the hens are alright and stocked up with food and water then press on with housework.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    SNOW - 'nuff said, back to hibernation.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne ~ I meant to mention that I noticed a HUGE white blob over your part of the world on yesterday afternoon's weather forecast, as ever behind the forecaster's shoulder!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,201 Member
    edited January 2018
    Off in a few minutes for my haircut and then errands. We are getting snow flurries this morning. I do not think there will be much but it is much colder. It is about 15 degrees F now. Gloves at the ready.

    Jackie, I may find something with a flamingo on it just for a bit of whimsy. As if my house needs more of that! Haaa, way to get that nice looking man in trouble. That must have been some glances you were exchanging.

    Anne, hibernate. Argh. Some day it will be warmer and you can get back to potatoes, vegetables and such.

    Hugs all.


    P. S. I am sort of off anything involving Tom Cruise.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,140 Member
    edited January 2018
    Happy Monday! :) My cleaning girl was supposed to come at 10 but she texted me and asked if she could come tomorrow instead. Fine with me, I have no plans. Laundry is started, caught up with bills and the rest of the day is mine. Wednesday I am taking Joe for lunch, I haven't seen him since before the new year. I also hope to call the wives of Babe's brothers to see how their husbands are doing. I am not a phone person and really don't like to stay on the phone long so I hope it is a short conversation.

    Lin, we also have some flurries and colder weather, I am so ready for Spring. Good luck with the haircut, you will look great.

    Anne, soon, very soon the weather is going to break. No complaints about it being too hot this summer. lol

    Jackie, you must have really caught the eye of that BMW driver to cause him to crash. I bet he wasn't too happy he tried to flirt after damaging his car. Yes, I know what you mean about Max's eyes, they are piercing. He seems to talk with his eyes but still not saying more than a handful of words. Also close to walking but seems afraid. All in good time.

    Buzz, do they have a movie every night? It seems like you get to see the latest movies before they come out in DVD.

    Patsy, I must admit I had no idea what the "Where are the Wild Things" was until Lisa explained it was a book. She in fact had the book as part of her decorations so I will have to read it to Robby when I put him to bed next time. If he will let me read that one, he likes super hero books and PJ Masks.

    Have a great day and enjoy your week.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Snowing here. Janice just phoned. She couldn't find any pretty nighties here in Canada. I said, "have you tried Marks and Spencer's online". Well she ordered two nighties on Friday and they've just arrived. She's over the moon with them.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited January 2018
    Anne ~ You should be claiming commission from M&S! Their brushed cotton nighties are so cosy to wear I wonder if that's what she ordered. Cold here tonight and a bright moon, heading for Super moon Wednesday.

    Lin ~ Nothing wrong with a bit more whimsy although I've already filled a box ready for the charity shop. That of course leaves room for new!! Good luck with the flamingo hunt and look forward to a photo when you find one you like.

    Sandy ~ It seems Max has an old soul which is wonderful because he'll grow up to be the most caring of young men.

    I'm going to make myself a stir fry to use up some veggies that need to be eaten. A few king prawns in the mix too. The fire is lit and George is settling in front of it to warm his toes!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited January 2018
    Well, all the talk of snow has me shivering, but I plan to try to get to bed shortly as I've been sleepy all day!
    SANDY, we get movies Sundays (2), Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays (series). Occasionally, we see ballet or opera on a Saturday. Since Karie gets them from Netflix, I guess they are fairly current. However the one we were supposed to see Saturday was scratched, which was why we saw American Made; so she went out and bought the one we did not see and WOW! It was called Loving Vincent, and was produced by Polish company, using 100 artists to draw the animations which told a story of Vincent Van Gogh, using his techniques in painting, toward the end of his life.
    The art was fabulous! I could not figure out why a Polish production was in English, with the spoken word being in a UK accent! Some folks left in the middle, but most of us stayed on in marvel at the talent. The story? Do we all know Poor Vincent was extremely prolific as a painter, producing over 800 paintings in just a few years, though he sold only one painting in his lifetime!!
    I just woke up here sitting in front of my computer and think I will obey the siren's call! Otherwise I'm sleepy all day! everyone, please forgive me?
    <3 Buzz
    .........................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen......................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    What a difference sunshine makes! It was frosty first thing so my friend said she didn't fancy driving to the moors in case it was icy so off George and I went in my car (it wasn't icy!) and trekked across the moors for over an hour. At the top of a hill we stopped to sit on a large rock to enjoy the scenery and watch the few dog walkers moving in the distance.... glorious but of course 3 hours on the clouds have rolled up and we're promised more rain. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted!!
    My housework continues with bin bags being filled for the tip and one or two items already listed for the local charity shop that supports George's rescue centre. This afternoon I hope to catch up on Skype with a friend I haven't spoken to in a while who apparently had a nasty fall on ice early in the month and has only just returned to work. Nothing broken but definitely shaken up.

    Buzz ~ Poor Vincent certainly had a tortured soul which probably wasn't helped when no one appreciated his art. At least Don McLean understood him with is beautiful song Vincent,

    And now I understand what you tried to say to me
    How you suffered for your sanity
    How you tried to set them free.
    They would not listen
    They did not know how

    Quite a few films are made under a European hat these days so there's a mix of artistry and accents and of course we now have a few million Poles living and working in the UK and I'm sure once this protracted Brexit deal is finally sorted we won't be building a wall or throwing out hardworking folk who contribute to our society!!

    On that note I will make a sandwich to have with a cup of soup then press on.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,201 Member
    Good day, off to Mah Jongg shortly. I purchased some little bags of precut Apple slices and plan to take some to celebrate (a day late) the birthday of one of our players. Maybe folks will take them home to consume later. Hard to keep your hands clean enough to handle food.

    Let’s see, a gentleman passed on yesterday. He was a member of my church and I knew him for years. At some point he got a bee in his bonnet and stopped attending although he gave a ride to and from church each week to an older lady who did not drive. I am a friend of his wife, probably a better friend with one of their daughters and her family. I know all the children. No word on arrangements but the family is originally from a small town a couple of hours from here and that is where I am guessing he will be buried. I am waiting, will likely send flowers and cards. His wife has Parkinsons and is too exhausted right now to make decisions.

    Well, that was more than you needed to hear!!

    I have been slogging through the book club selection. And no, I haven’t made it through yet. I will though by gosh!

    Buzz, I purchased that movie to stream but haven’t watched it yet. That may be a reward for finishing the book club book. My library did not purchase the DVD so after watching the trailer, I decided to purchase it with a discount I had. Wahoo!!

    Jackie, I am glad you got a bit of good weather. Enjoying a part of the day is an aim of mine each day. Fund happiness and enjoyment where you can. Good for you on getting things sorted out, I have been looking at things, but nothing has been sorted out yet. I neeed to get ready for taxes so lots of paperwork ahead. It will be nicer to drag th8ngs away this spring and summer. Right? I know, remind me later. Haaaa.

    Well, I had best move. I have not sorted our all the email mess I received overnight. Amazing how it accumulates.

